Okay, so i have an ADHD hack, and usually these don't work for me, but this one did.
So, i saw this on TikTok. If you have multiple chores, and don't know where to start, just write them all down, and then number them.
Then roll a dice, and whatever chore that number is, do it. (And if you don't have a dice, there are thousands of apps for that.)
It makes the chores approachable.
You don't see the mountain of all chores anymore, it's just one thing. Also you don't have to think about the next thing, because you don't know what it is.
And then it's done, and you can move to the next thing the dice tells you
I just did this to clean up my room.
I put bed, couch, nightstand, desk, chair, floor etc. And hell it worked. My room is actually clean now...
Like, try this, i swear, this is amazing!
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Good advice.
observations from urgent care
- People who exercise a lot get knee injuries from overdoing it
- People who only exercise occasionally get knee injuries from being unprepared for the exertion
- People who don’t exercise get knee injuries from being out of shape
- Maybe knees just suck
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True. It's not that we can really escape the fallibility of our minds by choosing nihilism, existential despair is still a perception... But again, I mostly just sympathize with this viewpoint pavlovically. It's just more often correlated with self-awareness and the aknowlagment of how little knowledge we have, which, statistically, make for the people who are the people less likely to... Insert every single bad thing people ever did because they thought they had the moral high ground.
I actually have so much more respect for people who can't bring themselves to believe anything than I do for people who get so deeply entrenched in ideologies that they might take years or even their whole lives to ever come to reevaluate their values. Even though they, on average, tend to bring less effective results.
Like, evolution does what is affective, not what is objectively correct, since, like, the "objective" meaning of the world is that our perception cannot accurately model anything and therefore nothing we know is ever true and we just gotta commit to the bit and try to reduce that annoying bug of nature called "human suffering" by as much as possible, because our sense of pain is what our entire idea of "bad" is based on, but also it doesn't "objectively" matter because nothing ever does. But thinking in terms this abstract all the time is just... Kinda ineffective, and there is a sense of numb bliss in it that can be dangerously addictive if our collective understanding of morality has screwed you over in one way or another. And my respect for the people who get addicted to nihilism over people who get addicted to ideology is probably purely pavlovian, but like... One of them IS more closely correlated with intellectualism than the other, and misguided ideology tends to involve... Much more DIRECT denial of harm than simply going "I don't know".
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I actually have so much more respect for people who can't bring themselves to believe anything than I do for people who get so deeply entrenched in ideologies that they might take years or even their whole lives to ever come to reevaluate their values. Even though they, on average, tend to bring less effective results.
Like, evolution does what is affective, not what is objectively correct, since, like, the "objective" meaning of the world is that our perception cannot accurately model anything and therefore nothing we know is ever true and we just gotta commit to the bit and try to reduce that annoying bug of nature called "human suffering" by as much as possible, because our sense of pain is what our entire idea of "bad" is based on, but also it doesn't "objectively" matter because nothing ever does. But thinking in terms this abstract all the time is just... Kinda ineffective, and there is a sense of numb bliss in it that can be dangerously addictive if our collective understanding of morality has screwed you over in one way or another. And my respect for the people who get addicted to nihilism over people who get addicted to ideology is probably purely pavlovian, but like... One of them IS more closely correlated with intellectualism than the other, and misguided ideology tends to involve... Much more DIRECT denial of harm than simply going "I don't know".
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Imagine thinking you're self aware, then singing the last two verses of against the kitchen floor to yourself for ten minutes before realizing that might mean something bad about how you're feeling.
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As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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biggest mindfuck is the fact that it can be so so difficult to tell the difference between when it's time for "do it bored/scared/stupid but by jove just do it" and when it's time for "if it sucks hit the bricks"
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Ok but like. I know that everyone love making jokes about how "the first step for passing as a trans person is being skinny and white", but in reality... Both of these can actually kinda be disadvantages when it comes to that?
Like, skinny white male and female bodies are the bodies that society knows how to categorize best. They're the ones that the collective gaze is focused on. They're the ones we're shown in anatomy textbooks. So if you generally don't fit the criteria for a body that people know how to categorize in other ways, people will be more likely to assume your gender based on how you dress, talk, move, etc.
Like, I don't mean it as a "being skinny and white makes life harder for you actually" kinda thing. Objectively speaking, it clearly does the opposite. But I also think that, again, objectively speaking, trying to claim this is how that power dynamic behaves in this specific context, just ignores other factors at play.
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Honestly? I think that's the reason I always hated the idea that if a man expresses his romantic interest in a woman in an extremely creepy way, that must mean he just wants her to touch his dick.
You don't have to shove harmful romantic expressions into a sexual box in order to explain how they could cause harm, and the fact that you feel a need to is reductive to our understanding of human interactions. Stop it.
here's a thing i haven't seen people talk about for whatever reason. romance can be a form of abuse. romance can be traumatizing. romance can be upsetting to experience. having romance forced upon you is a form of harassment. having someone repeatedly express romantic interest in you despite you rejecting them is awful and uncomfortable and violating.
something doesn't have to be sexual in nature or intent in order to be a form of harassment. romantic harassment is a real thing. the only reason nobody talks about that is because everyone is just too attached to the idea of romance as an inherent positive to realize that it can and has been used to hurt people.
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If you want to fight off the existential dread of capitalism, I highly recommend donating to your local food bank if you can afford to. I'm on SSI so I don't have a whole lot to give, so to maximize my impact and get the most good out of what little I can give I donate $5 to the food bank every month because the food bank can feed at LEAST 20 people with $5. They can buy food in bulk. As in, crates of food for a single dollar. Monetary donations go so much farther than your old cans of tomatoes or whatever.
And like! I can't change that I'm disabled and poor. I can't change the economic and political system I live under. But I can feed 20 people every month. So I do. Does it make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Maybe not. But it made a difference to those 20 people. That's a lot of people! That's a whole crowd!
And it's selfish because I do this specifically to make myself feel better. But those 20 people probably wouldn't call me selfish. His Holiness the Dalai Lama often says (paraphrasing) the way to be happy is to be kind and compassionate towards others, so if you want to be selfish be wisely selfish and help others. And he's not wrong! It helps! I feel better AND 20 people get an extra meal. Win win.
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I made a thing
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Edit: ... Okay wow only this second I noticed that everyone on the right side of the frame became double murderers (and in one case more than double) by the end of it.
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I just saw someone arguing that you shouldn't use pictures of characters that were played by abusers if you want to make a half-jokey Tumblr post waxing poetically about what gender means to you.
... I'm tired, okay?
Like, even take away the fact that the majority of men in Hollywood are probably abusive, I AM TIRED. We live in a society, and I mean that in the most literal sense. We exist around other people, and around media, and you have to either lock yourself in an echo chamber or subject yourself to a pretty miserable existence if you're genuinely planning to treat this as a moral transgression every time someone tries to express anything but condemnation towards anything that bad people were ever involved in.
I'm tired. And also, if you think that way, don't talk to me. Stay away from me. I'm doing bad enough without you in my life.
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Fight club is just wintergirls for toxic masculinity, change my mind.
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I found a new, surprisingly therapeutic technique: wherever I find myself doing something that gives me the kind of cold rush you really shouldn't get used to, I ask myself, "what would Gary King do?" Then do the opposite.
Seriously, that works. He would drink to stop the thoughts and shame, he would cut himself, he would talk shit about himself in public just to feel like he got to the criticism before everyone else who obviously sees it, he would dig deeper and deeper into things that make him feel utterly doomed, he would try and push off everyone who cares and give up every time it looks like he might succeed, and that ended up landing him at the end of the world with no friends with nothing left to do other than to ride the wave forever, and I cried when I saw that, so why in the world would I do the same? It's... Actually amazing.
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