#sad rad dad
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altr618157 · 16 days ago
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"Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?" _________
he's LITERALLY drowning in his sorrows hahaha hehehe ooohhhoohohohoohoooOOO probably stinks though I can't imagine getting alcohol poured on you is comfortable (and the trauma probably isn't comfortable either actually)
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stellastra-scribbles · 6 months ago
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July 12, 2024 - some Felandros doodles, finally with his red hair. His clothes are still being reworked.
I joke that I gave him his youthful red hair back just so I could give him stress hairs lol
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its-elvie-innit · 2 years ago
Every now and then I find the wilburs Dad parody and have to listen again. Brings me so much joy
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eemoo1o · 2 years ago
They should invent a way to send anon hate to your dad
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louderfade · 1 year ago
Goebel Park in Covington, Kentucky is best known for its iconic German-style Carroll Chimes Clock Tower, completed in 1979, which displays a charming mechanical puppet show of the Pied Piper on the hour, April through December. The clock tower also boasts a working carillon, which plays every hour as well.
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idksomethinggay · 2 months ago
Stephanie is not Bruce’s kid.
Sure he became one of her legal guardians, but that was just so she wouldn’t end up in foster care if her mother was in rehab or something.
She has a room at the manor but Bruce never felt like a parent. He was a trusted adult she could turn to, like an uncle or a teacher.
She felt apart of the family by not a member. Like a friend who comes over they can just walk in uninvited and rad the fridge. The same way Barbra was a member of the family.
When Bruce was lost in time, and everyone thought he was dead, Steph felt lost. Sure he wasn’t her dad, but he was a rock she could relie on. A home base she could come back to. That why it meant so much when Dick asked her to move to the penthouse with him, Damian and Alfred.
For the first time she really felt apart of the family. Hell it was the first time she felt apart of ANY family.
Dick became someone to go to when she was scared or sad. He would ruffle her hair. He would ask about school and actually listen. He even taught her how to shave. On patrol he would tell her how well she was doing. When she messed up, he told her everything is going to be okay. He would teach her how to be better, without punishing her for her mistakes.
Alfred taught her how to cook (well cook something other than waffles). He taught her how to budget and grocery shop. Each week they try new recipes. Her current favourite is green curry.
Damian became her partner in crime. Whenever they patrolled together they would play games, or “training exercises” as Damian insisted they were. They played tag across the roof tops of Gotham . They saw how many stickers you could put on Dick’s back before he noticed. At home they would see how many of Alfred’s cookies they could steal.
They would insult each other. Short and blond jokes seemed to be their favourite to exchange. Jason came on patrol with them once and made the mistake of joining in. Weeks later and Jason is still finding glitter in his apartment. Dick could not be prouder of their make shift bomb. Jason texted the batfam group chat warning everyone not to mess with them when they are together.
Damian helps Steph with her art and Steph helps Damian figure out social cues.
Even after Bruce came back their bond never went away. Sure they would spend a few nights a week at the manor, but most days were spent at the penthouse.
Stephanie is not Bruce’ kid, but she is his granddaughter. And for that, Steph is glad.
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sugarbombs-n-stuff · 7 months ago
Companion's Comfort Foods
(I didn't include Ada and Codsworth cause they don't eat)
Cait: Cait's comfort food is cottage pie (which is shepards pie with beef instead of lamb). It was on the food rotation at the combat zone before the raiders took over and it brings back good memories of her first few years of freedom. Cottage pie and a beer is a good supper for her.
Curie: A bowl of sugarbombs. It was the first meal she had after she got turned into a synth so she's grown really fond of it. She likes cereal in general so if you sit her down with some and a puzzle, she'll be so happy, though she does like eating while talking to a friend.
Danse: When he was in the BOS it probably would have been coffee seeing as the food really wasn't great. It was pretty much flavorless chicken and mashed tatoes and the thought of it made his stomach churn. A cup of coffee however was guaranteed, and it was good every time. After BB no questions asked his comfort food is beef(brahmin) stew. Sturges makes some flavorful, mouthwatering, downright sinful tasting food and you'll always see Danse first in line whenever it's the stew in particular that's being made. He also likes to dip some cornbread in it, and it isn't uncommon that you'll see him patting his stomach after eating like some midwestern dad.
Deacon: Roasted mutton on fry bread with hot peppers. Deacon was raised on Lake Mead by his mom and grandparents. His grandma was Navajo, so they always had something with fry bread and meat, normally bighorner meat. The mutton became his favorite though. It's a wave of nostalgia every time he takes a bite. He doesn't really have it anymore, partly because of he can't really get it in the commonwealth and partly because even if he makes it, it's never as good as his family makes. A big stupid smile is on his face whenever he manages to get his hands on some. He hasn’t seen his family in years but when he takes a bite, he considers going back for just a minute.
Dogmeat: Dogmeat will eat anything, and he doesn't really have a comfort food. His favorite food though his dried brahmin ears,
Strong: Pre War Strong and Super mutant Strong actually agree in this area, his comfort food is still ribs. Pre-war, he liked dry rub ribs that make your mouth water and stomach grumble when you look at them, he was damn good at making them to cause he learned from his grandad so anytime he made them he thought about him. Now he likes raw brahmin ribs. He isn't picky anymore and doesn't care as long as he eats but if he really concentrates, he can still hear a deep laugh like rolling thunder and smell a hint of spice when he takes a bite.
Preston: Rabbit Stew. Growing up with his auntie on far harbor he ate pretty much everything, mans was a human garbage disposal. However, he had broken his leg when he was 10 and his auntie made him rabbit stew. They sat in the bed and laughed and joked for hours as she told him stories. His big brother even joined them and joked around too. Now every time he makes it, that memory is at the front of his mind, it causes a smile to sit on his face for the rest of the day afterwords.
Piper: Her dad used to make cabbage rolls with corn and rad stag. She still makes it for Nat but when she starts cooking it, she swears she can hear her dad talking her through how to make it for the first time. She doesn't let herself get sad at the memory when she's cooking, she embraces it. She keeps promising to teach nat how to make it but she's kind of swamped with work at the moment, but they have it every week they can afford it.
MacCready: Like danse he also likes stew however his comfort food his mushroom stew. He remembers eating it in Little Lamplight and when he takes a bite suddenly, he's Mayor MacCready sitting with his pals and getting irritated at Princess again. He also thinks of him chatting with lucy, both as kids and adults and gets a comforting sadness for a little afterword but comforting none the less.
Hancock: Him and his brother used to make fruit jam growing up and would sell it in Diamond City market. He still makes the jams now with the help of Daisy and sells them in her store. His mind wanders and he wonders that if things were different between McDonough and him, if they would still make them together. His brother's favorite was the dandy boy apple one so that's his comfort food. Dandy Boy Apple Jam.
Nick Valentine: Coffee. Nick doesn't eat much and human nick really only ate out of necessity. Ellie makes him a cup every morning and they talk before they get to work. Good memories are enjoyed over coffee and that's good enough for Nick.
X6-88: When he was in the institute he liked the coconut nutrition pouches but he wouldn't classify it as a comfort food because he was a machine that didn't need comfort in his or the institutes eyes. Now that he runs around with sole survivor though, his comfort food is braised deathclaw with rice. It's extremely filling, and he thinks of that first night he was assigned to Sole and they made them this. It was one of the first times he seriously considered being something close to human.
Longfellow: Roasted Fog Crawler with black beans and a side of scotch. He cooks well and he actually really enjoys it. Whenever he cooks, he gets peace and peace is comfort. Not to mention the whiskey settles his soul for a bit.
Gage: Spicy Curry. He learned to make this dish originally from his mom and for a while after becoming a raider he didn't touch it again cause of the memories. Eventually though, one night when he wasn't thinking about it, he started taking out the ingredients to make it. Muscle memory is a bitch but he's not going to waste food and when he took that first bite, he heard his mom singing in his brain and telling him to wash up after. It's rare when he does eat it but when he does you might be able to hear him humming as he makes it.
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koolades-world · 1 year ago
Can you do Obey Me headcanons of a Christian MC? MC isn't a toxic one though, they're actually super nice and supportive of everyone and such. They're also generally really trusting and try and see the best in people. They're more or less just extremely concerned and slightly uncomfortable with the entire being kidnapped and brought to hell thing(and also being forced to attend school again)
They also got really excited when they learned angels were gonna be attending RAD too, so there's that lol
Like when they saw Simeon and Luke for the first time they mentally went "THIS IS A MOMENT IN HISTORY!!!! TAKE A PICTURE!!!"
haha hi!!
when I first saw this I was really looking forward to doing it! been thinking about it a lot
one of my best friends is actually a christian who plays obey me, and she was the one to introduce me to the game. I think she would find this funny, so I'll def be thinking of her while I write this haha (if you're reading this, which you very much might be, heyyyy happy late bday girl)
Christian Mc
once you realize who he is, you're freaked out, both in a good and bad way
like, this is the lucifer! you ask to take a picture lol (and he's not amused)
you're a little sad and relieved when he pawns you off to mammon, since you're awed by his presence but also terrified since you knew the part he played in the bible by heart
once you get to know him, the both of you chuckle about human depictions of him and you finally get that picture! be sure to make him sign it and then frame it
learns quickly just how many copies of the bible you own once he spends enough time in your room including but not limited to the version on your phone, the mini version in your RAD bag, and the one you keep on your side table
once you get to the stage of basically living together, he learns that you read the bible and say a prayer nightly
at first, he was nervous having to be the one to guide you but he learnt you were probably more scared of him, and you were actually just so sweet
he jokingly picks up all of the jesus merch he finds so now you have an entire shelf
the most normal out of the brothers besides the fact that he spends all his time in his room, but that kind of reminds you of a brother you only see like once a day
it's almost scary and a little jarring walking into his room, but after that, you guys get along so well
he admits that he thought the exchange program was weird, and it was all history after that
unlikely besties: a devout christan human and their gamer social outcast demon
highkey fuming about the fact that humans don't know that he and lucifer are different (he for sure smashed up an entire room of the house)
after he calms down from this though, although it takes a while for the two of you to get to know each other, he takes joy in making fun of the slanderous things said about lucifer
you both like to read but the only thing you reread and read nightly is the bible so
luckily he doesn't care about that since it wasn't his dad anyways (don't remind him that it's technically his grandpa's book)
the first time you showed him biblical version of him, he was disgusted and refused to speak to you for the next two and half days
after that he feels a little bad since he knows you didn't mean it like that and since you basically tip toe around him
after that he comes on a little strong, but after a while you get along pretty well despite being so different
he’ll reminisce while you listen carefully and hold onto every work he says since he was a real angel and that’s so cool
while you were initially terrified of him, you quickly learnt how much like he actually was
at the core, you were both just a kind person (or demon) who wanted to help others and uplift them
always there for you to lend a listening ear and to help out out if others are giving you problems
the first in the devildom to make you feel truest welcome and let you know that you could call it home
at first he thinks it’s a joke and kinda pokes fun at it
once he realizes you’re being serious, he feels a little bad but also still thinks is very funny how you hide your face behind a bible when you’re scare
has had holy water thrown at him, and has found a bible under his pillow before (gosh who could’ve done that…)
used to jump out at your from around corners in his demon form and it sent your running every time so you can prepared with a rosary blessed by the pope to shove in his face if he dare to try again
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bearlythere · 11 months ago
will not shut up about how bluey's 30 min episode gave us so much more lore and references to the real world
the writes really made so much literal and euphemistic use of the word "sign" in this episode
in chronological order! and spoilers below!!
do let me know if I missed anything out!
FRISKY AND RAD'S WEDDING!!!! in the iconic heeler house!!
bandit's bully bucky dunstan being the real estate agent selling his house
English sheepdog buying the bluey house (emigration - would be nicer if they got english voice actors to voice them though)
the bluey house was actually for sale on an Australian real estate website! and as per the time of writing this post, it's been "withdrawn from sale" - the bluey digital marketing team AMAZES ME.
I wonder which city bandit got a new job in - don't know if they'll explore that in future seasons
bluey's friend the brown dog (I'm sorry I don't know his name) having 2 mums!
winton talking about his divorced parents and the terriers' saying their mom likes winton's dad!!!
jack and his army interest! him and rusty playing army!!
the sitting in a tree, kissing thing that kids do
Jeremy the gnome
bobo being the car's name
frisky's licence plate being fr15k
the first time kids sit in the front seat of the car
police officers pulling people on the road over LMAO
rad's profile picture being him goofing around with his 2 brothers
how realistic it is trying not to lose someone you're following on the road
the butterfly from slide!! 🦋 it has a name! flappy!
everyone being afraid of the butterfly except bingo because we know she loves insects!
chilli reminiscing how she and frisky used to go to the lookout to "think" when we all knew she meant drink LOL
frisky's 3rd friend appears!
the canon in d rendition as bgm
the busker being the priest??
also they got mort and maynard to come attend the wedding too!!
frisky's father is a typical surfer dude lmao
we see trixie standing amongst the girls during the bouquet toss. and then we see stripe come in to intercept the toss. does this mean that stripe and trixie are not married yet and have just been cohabitating? stripe grabs the bouquet and celebrates, but we see trixie face palm... what does this mean??
love the photo montage and the huge family photo, how it shows that you can't get everybody to be ready for the photo
GRANDPA BOB WENT TO INDIA TO FIND HIMSELF 😭 man needed spiritual rediscovery
the busker is the music dj too!!
uh oh... stripe and trixie are fighting... perhaps it was about the bouquet toss? and we see socks playing with the cake toppers - possibly mimicking her parents actions
awww Radley quit his job so that frisky could stay in a city she loved ❤️
they brought back the music from dance mode!
chattermax randomly appearing 😭
bingo getting stuck in the railing again
bingo being sad because she has to move and lila won't be able to follow. which is also the moment I realised they won't be moving in the end, because of the montage at the end of daddy drop-off episode where bingo and lila grow up together and be friends "forever and ever and ever"!
the 2 English sheepdogs pushing their fluff away from their eyes to see haha
seeing the iconic bluey house empty, with spots where furniture used to be somehow makes me feel a little empty and nostalgic
the montage of them saying goodbye to their old neighbours, bandit having one last chat with pat, the girls and chilli saying goodbye to judo and her mum
Judo still has short hair!
chilli reminiscing the kitchen because bluey took her first steps there
you can tell how much chilli didn't want to move as she was the first one out of the car running over to hug him when she realised bandit didn't want to sell the house anymore. and the shoulder shakes shows that she was fully sobbing too
iconic kiwi rug! loved the simplicity of the last scene, where even if there's nothing around you, as long as you're together with the people you love, eating the simplest meal, enjoying the moment, that's family.
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mickmundane · 1 month ago
Do the Damn Dishes
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Inspired by this. masterpiece
Comic featuring my Jack of All Trades, Wolfie
@gordonfreemanreal's Charger, Alwyne
and @queensqueercourt's Intern, Simcha
having a friendly exchange about getting the dishes done on time when it's their turn :)
The Intern and the Jack of All Trades are both in the #TF2OCContest by the way!! Make sure you vote for them when round 3 rolls in >:]
Transcript under the cut:
Panel 1:
Alwyne sits at a piano, playing and singing along with Simcha, who stands beside it. The song is about doing the dishes.
"Yo my name is rad
Dishes stinky bad (Disgusting)
Blue soap, dawn, save the duck
Hands cracked (Cracked)
Your roomie wack (Gottem)
Hungry? Get a snack
You're just mad
Cause you're bad
Nicky, ricky, dicky, dad"
Panel 2:
Wolfie stands with his arms crossed, somewhat annoyed but fighting back a smirk.
While this is a great show of teamwork, I think your energy would be better spent simply gettin' the damn dishes done.
It's been a week.
Just do it."
Panel 3:
Alwyne returns a shit-eating grin to Wolfie.
"C'mon! Look at it this way - we're on strike. You wouldn't wanna be a scab, would ya, Cap?"
Panel 4:
Wolfie's face locks into a firm frown, then he leans forward, face contorting into a chimplike expression with his eyes wide and teeth bare in a grin. He's on his last nerve and will not play the labor rights game (because he will win).
"Get it done."
Panel 5:
Alwyne raises his hands up defensively, eyes big and wet in fear and sadness. Like a weird lost dog. Simcha grips his shoulders, whispering frantically to him:
"Alwyne we need to go"
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silmarillaure · 9 months ago
Finweans ranked by Aura
Feanor - So powerful he sucked the life force out of his mother, invented a ton of cool shit, had more children with his wife than any of the other Eldar, died in battle while his body combusted into flames because he was just that hot, & the King of the Valar who he hated cried over him.
Earendil - Cool as hell, has a wife who's cool as hell. Predestined to be a hero even though he comes from a basic vanilla bloodline (besides his great grandpa Fingolfin). Even though most of his ancestors were nobodies or flops, most of his descendants that came after him were cool as hell.
Maedhros - Might have been higher than his father & cousin if he didn't khs, Lowkey an Aura loss moment but he makes up for a lot with his gorgeous red hair, height, surviving Morgoth's torture, & sorta fulfilling his dad's dumb oath.
Fingolfin - The only good thing his bland vanilla mother did was give birth to him. He was a total badass I've got to admit even as a Feanorian stan. Him crossing the helcaraxë & his death were top Aura moments.
Elrond/Elros - They're twins so they can share a spot too. Both badass as hell.
Fingon - Called "the Valient", braids gold into his hair, saved his sexy redheaded cousin, & became King of the Noldor. Everything about him screams Aura.
Galadriel - Despite the fact she's a Feanor anti (Booooo!!!), she admittedly has a ton of Aura. She's smarter than possibly everyone else here given she survived when the rest of her generation either got themselves killed or spends all their time being a sad beach cryptid.
Gil-Galad - Cool as hell, managed to make an alliance Maedhros could only dream of.
Maglor - Has a couple Aura loss moments but in the end he LIVED which is an Aura gain. Also gets Aura points for having the best voice in Arda.
Celebrimbor - Pretty rad dude, love how he's more like Feanor than his father Curufinwe Jr is, unfortunately he died.
Finrod - His death is cool as fuck. Looses points for cockblocking his little brother & dying for that basic joe Beren though.
Caranthir - Goth Icon. Love how despite his raging anger issues he's also an awesome guy you'd want to be friends with.
Finwe - A massive flop in a ton of ways but definitely still has Aura. Looses Aura points for failing Feanor & choosing to marry an unsexy Vanya when he could've waited for his sexy talented silver haired Noldo wife to come back to life. Only good thing about him besides his awesome hair is that he's Feanor & Fingolfin's father.
Aredhel - Cool as hell but has terrible taste in men. Her whole white aesthetic & her wild personality gain her Aura points though.
Turgon - The only cool thing about him is that he built Gondolin which wins him some Aura points. Looses Aura points for getting played by his nephew & dying pathetically though.
Idril - She's cool I guess, the only thing of note that she did was give birth to the chad Earendil. Tuor is such a basic guy though, he's not the worst but she could do better.
Aegnor - Cool hair. Pulled a baddie. Fumbled the baddie.
Angrod - Not the most stand out Finwean but he seems to be a mama's boy & he didn't do anything wrong so I'll put him above the family flops.
Finduilas - She's a sweetie but she looses Aura points for falling out of love with a great guy like Gwindor & falling in love with Turin the walking L.
Celegorm - Stupid as hell for trying to use a powerful half-Angel as a political weapon against her father. Looses more Aura points for getting abandoned by his dog & dying at the hands of said half-Angel's 30 y/o mortal son while he's over 1000 y/o. Gains some Aura points for being able to talk to animals, his hair, & his hot bastard energy.
Curufin - Feanor with 99% less Aura. His only achievement is having Celebrimbor yet he still couldn't even succeed at being Feanor 2.0 and having 7 kids to continue the family line. Had the chance to kill Eol but didn't which led to his favorite cousin dying (that's a huge L).
Finarfin - Takes after his mother in the sense he's vanilla af. The tiny percent of Aura he has is from his Noldo side obviously and he used that to pull a baddie like Earwen. All his kids get their Aura from their mother's side.
Orodreth - I like the guy, but he's definitely a dumbass with no Aura. He inherited a kingdom but isn't particularly good at anything. His only accomplishment is possibly fathering Gil-Galad.
Maeglin - Orodreth might have no Aura but this guy has negative Aura. His childhood sucked but he's such a walking L that's he's somehow more of a loser than both Celegorm & Eol combined.
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altr618157 · 25 days ago
Chase's Eyes
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One thing I LOVE about Chase is just specifically his eyes. They're so expressive as he/Jack ages.
When Chase first appears, he's young, bright eyed, doesn't even know what an ALTR is..
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And ignoring CHASE and Dark Silence for the sake of keeping this quick, look at him in Anomaly Found. It's amazing to see the way Jack brought this character to life through little mannerisms. Hell, even the colors he chooses to use grow dimmer as Chase's character goes on!
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Chase literally becomes greyer as his life marches forwards. He's wearing a hat with BRIGHT RED on it and it still feels dim. I could genuinely rant for hours about how much I love the effort being put into the egos. I'm so curious to see how the other egos appear on camera (assuming they do again) This might be a corn plate but LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE PLEASEE
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badkarma1998 · 6 days ago
Hey kid.
Yeah you.
You wanna read a long winded conspiracy theory for 2008 classic open world first person RPG Fallout 3?
Ok so I know it's been literally 17 years, and we all know that Bethesda has questionable writing, but I was thinking about a revalation I had recently at 7pm in a Dell Taco drive thru.
So I was replaying the main questline, and as anyone who's played Fallout 3 50 times over knows, it goes as so:
you leave Vault 101, you go find your dad, and then he dies like 1 quest later when the Enclave shows up to steal Project Purity. And as we all know, you watch your dad die (along with everyone else whos standing in the death chamber with him) from a massive release of radioactive gas from behind a thin pane of glass. You watch it happen, it's infuriating sad and sucks and you run away devastated to go continue the game's second wild goosechase.
And as we all know, when you do find the GECK in vault 87 and the Enclave ambushes you, who shows up?
Fuckass Colonel Autumn.
Who, if you'll remember, was standing right next to your dad in the radioactive death chamber when it filled with radiation and death. Who very clearly falls over dead right in front of you, but then somehow shows up fully alive to abduct you a few quests later.
Which is, ya know, bullshit?
This man has like 5 voicelines, and gets to cheat death while I get to have secondhand daddy issues, but sure, ok Todd.
So of course, I start thinking of possible explanations, cuz it's been a few years and I remembered he kidnaps you and all that, but I was thinking "surely he was standing outside the chamber when James starts the project purity meltdown", only to confirm that, no. You clearly watch him die.
And again, it's totally unfair that your dad dies but this two second bad guy gets to live? To antagonize you for a lil bit until you beat his ass like an hour later???
I digress
So I'm thinking ok, how does one survive radiation that intense?
It'd be obvious if he was a ghoul or a mutant, so that's out. And the only other thing I could come up with would be if he were a robot.
And then, because it's a fresh playthrough, I remember the android questline in Rivet City I've been ignoring. A quest that I basically wrote off as a teen because it was before Fallout 4 came out, and I didn’tcare about what a Commonwealth was until Dr Li left for it. But synths are very much an established thing in 3. Sure, the events take place about a decade before 4, so the tech is a little less advanced. But Harkness is living a full unsuspecting life as a man convincingly enough that Zimmerman can't find him. The synth technology is proven to be at a state where theyre indistinguishable (enough) from people. Sure, the institute is way north and it's a biiit of a strech to think there's two androids that made it down to DC, let alone that one of them is inexplicably in the hands of the Enclave leading it in a position of power. But like, it's not impossible right?
So I go to reddit, cuz I wanna know what the real answer is before I get too lost in my little theory.
And I just
I know Fallout 3 gets a bad rep. And like, in many ways it deserves it.
This is one of those times it deserves it.
Because Todd Howard's underpaid typewriter monkeys would really have my ass believe that this middle aged man storms a research facilitly the second it becomes operational after 20 years. Then, with no idea the lead researcher is a self destructive idealist, this man preemptively last min doses himself with an experimental never before heard of strain of rad-x he happened to bring with him, and that actually makes him immune to the lethal rush of condensed radiation that he had no way of knowing was about to kill him.
Now. Idk about yall. But I think its much more believable that say, a rouge institute scientist steals a synth, then runs away to join the Enclave down south. and maybe the actual living man that was Colonel Autumn sees an opportunity for immortality of sorts, and does everyone's favorite scifi trope, and uploads a copy of his brain into the convincingly human robot body. And either the original Autumn dies in project purity, or he was dead before, but the synth Autumn has no idea he's a synth and is just acting like he never died.
Its a stretch, sure. It's got some holes in it, of course.
But the alternative is the only known dosage ever of extra strength rad-x pm
Now, imagine that one reaction of the guy in the drive thru talking to the fast food worker, and hes got the sunglasses taped to his head and the worker looks horrified. Except the fast food worker was inside assembling my wife's carne asada fries while I ranted to my steering wheel.
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chosen-hero-inari · 5 months ago
Whumptober Day 20: Shoulder To Lean On
When your sky falls
Ena’s hands are shaking as she takes the letter from the Shibuya art contest up to her room. It’s just like last year, but this time, she’s way better. She’s been practicing more, getting tips from her dad, doing art in all sorts of contexts, actually going to class?
This year will be different! Actually different!
So, trembling, Ena takes out the letter and scans the words at the top of the carefully printed letter.
Thank you for entering the Shibuya Art Contest.
We received many excellent entries, and upon careful examination, we're sorry to inform you that you did not place at this time.
Ena collapses onto her bed. All that practice, and still? She’s still not good enough? A whole year later and she still didn’t place? She’ll… really never be good enough, will she?
There’s a soft knock on her door. God, it’s Dad again, probably. He knew she was entering, said he hoped she won something, but it’s the same as last year all over again.
Akito’s voice comes through the door. “Ena? I’m gonna come in. Don’t throw anything.”
Ena doesn’t even have the strength to yell at him when he barges in, and he doesn’t say anything either, just sits down next to her on the bed.
Akito grabs the letter out of her hand. “So, didn’t win anything?”
“You don’t sound surprised.”
“Well, we figured if you won you’d already be downstairs bragging about it. Dad wanted to give you a pep talk, but Mom talked him out of it.”
“I don’t think he knows how pep talks work,” Ena says, but her heart isn’t in it. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey, you remember that Tono guy?”
Ena rolls her eyes. “Yes, I remember that you happened to bump into the half-brother we never knew about.”
“I never told you how we met though.”
“Something something singing, something something?”
Akito flicks her on the forehead. “Nah, actually he kicked our asses in a battle. He was so far ahead of us at that point, I couldn’t take it. I went into training mode, nonstop, like I used to do with soccer.”
“Running laps and stuff?”
“That, doing a lot of solo practice, doing more solo shows, not getting enough sleep, making everyone who knew me deeply concerned for my health, almost collapsed a couple of times, you know how it is.”
“Right,” Ena says. “But your friends told you to stop being an idiot?”
“They did, but before I admitted they were right, I rematched Tono, and you know what happened?” Akito laughs. “He kicked my ass again. He called it a tie but no matter how much I practiced he still wiped the floor with me, and everyone knew it.”
“So, is that your point?” Ena asks. “That we both suck and practicing doesn’t help?”
“What I’m trying to say is I got past it because I had my team to help me. And at the end of the day, we surpassed RAD WEEKEND, and that never would have happened if I gave up after that second battle.”
Ena closes her eyes and leans on his shoulder. “How’d you get past it? Seeing the wall and instead of thinking about how tall it is, start thinking about how to get over it?”
“Support from my friends, knowing I couldn’t spend forever wallowing,” Akito says, “seeing my big sister get back into art after losing an art contest.”
“Hey, we live in the same house and you pretty much work here, it’s hard not to remember what goes on in your life.”
Ena manages a weak laugh. “Yeah, ok. I guess you’re right. I mean if you can do it, I certainly can.”
“Think if I still look sad enough Dad will buy us takeout for dinner?”
“Only way to find out is to go downstairs and talk to him.”
“Yeah, yeah ok.” And Ena gets up, and starts moving forward.
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iamthecomet · 2 years ago
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Home. Blessed and lucky as fuck. Totally not sitting on my couch sobbing about it. Not at all.
Love to @kkaisarion, @endopyre, @sodo-emeritus, and @chaoticratking who I got to meet and trade/gift/hug you are all fucking incredible humans and I love you.
And also to all the people who I met and traded/chatted/hung out/rocked with whose names I never got. Especially the "family" I made in line yesterday (partner and I got designated mom and dad, of course) and the people I rocked out with on the barrier who made sure we were all hydrated and were in general just rad as FUCK.
And most of all. Love to fucking Ghost. For making this possible. For creating this community and fostering it and loving all of us. For giving us all a space and bringing us together. I am so fucking sad that my concert weekend is over, but it's one I'm never, ever going to forget.
I love every single one of you. ♡
If you have Ghost. You have everything.
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swagcoolcat · 9 months ago
So starting this post off by saying I’m an AuDHD Michael truther and an autistic Jeremy truther and this post is about those headcanons.
In my eyes, Jeremy is unaware that he’s autistic. Jeremy’s dad, while I do believe he tries his best, wouldn’t- in my eyes- think to look into Jeremy’s behaviors. Perhaps Jeremy’s dad is also autistic so he wouldn’t even realize Jeremy’s behaviors are different from the norm. Or perhaps if he’s not, he just thinks it’s a kid/teenager thing that Jeremy may eventually grow out of. Or perhaps he thinks that’s just how Jeremy is (which like- it IS but I mean he doesn’t think there’s any reason for it).
Jeremy’s mom I also don’t think would try to get him a diagnosis. Based on what little we do know about her, it seems pretty unlikely.
Michael, however, I think is aware that he’s autistic at least, and perhaps of his ADHD as well. Even if Michael isn’t diagnosed, I think he’s looked into it enough that he knows, but I also think his moms would be open to diagnosis for him to get him the support he would need.
With these two ideas together, I think it adds to their differing arcs in the musical.
Jeremy knows he’s weird. Jeremy knows he’s a loser. Jeremy knows he doesn’t fit in. But he doesn’t know why. It’s not as if he hasn’t tried, but he doesn’t understand what his problem is, so he doesn’t know how to fix it. Then the SQUIP comes in, and while it doesn’t explicitly state Jeremy is autistic in the show, I think it knows, and it also knows that for Jeremy to “be more chill” he needs to come across as “normal” or non-autistic. It doesn’t explain to Jeremy what it’s doing in that regard. It just does it.
Contrast that with Michael. Michael has his issues with being a social outcast, but he’s gotten to the point where he’s somewhat accepted it. Michael knows he’s weird, he knows he’s a loser, and he knows he doesn’t fit in, just like Jeremy, but the difference is he also knows why. He understands that his differences are a part of who he is, and it’s not worth it to sacrifice that just to fit in.
I think about it in lines such as “Michael thinks that weird is rad, but feeling weird just makes me sad” - Michael embraces his differences because they’re HIM, but Jeremy doesn’t understand his differences and wants to change them so he can finally fit in.
Or “[You] don’t care about being popular.” “Of course I care! I just know it’s never gonna happen.” “So you resent me because I didn’t give up like you did?” “I don’t resent you. I’m jealous you try.” “Well I’m jealous you don’t.” - Jeremy wishes it was as easy for him to embrace being different as it seems to be for Michael, but how hard must it be to embrace your differences when you don’t understand them? On the other side though, Michael, while having accepted his own social status as a loser, does wish it was as easy for him as it seems to be for Jeremy to move up in the social hierarchy.
Then I think about how Jeremy sees Christine (who I also HC as AuDHD but only aware of the ADHD which she got diagnosed with as a kid) being SQUIPed, and he sees her differences being suppressed, and he immediately sacrifices his own wellbeing to save her. He knows she’s not herself. He fell in love with the Christine that’s weird and different, not the neurotypical Christine that’s being placed in front of him. I imagine seeing what the SQUIP does to her would play a big part in him learning to accept himself post musical.
I also think this experience would help him eventually learn of his own autism. Perhaps he’d seek a diagnosis, or perhaps he’d stick with his self-diagnosis.
I don’t know I love interpreting characters as autistic and seeing the ways it can affect them in canon.
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