#rwby jaune x terra
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years ago
I Want Another Baby
At the Cotta-Arc family home
Jaune: *Relaxing on the couch*
Terra: *She sits next to him with two cups of tea* Here, this will help you relax more.
Jaune: *Takes a cup* Thanks.
He brings the cup to his lips and takes a sip.
Jaune: Delicious.
Terra: So how's your big adventure going?
Jaune: I'm still alive, that's something.
Terra: *She slaps her on his shoulder* Don't joke like that.
Jaune: *Chuckles* I'm sorry.
Terra: You know, Adrian gets really excited when you visit us.
Jaune: I know.
Terra: Sometimes I think deep inside he knows that you are his dad.
Jaune: Do you and my sister plan to tell him one day?
Terra: Yes,... but when he is an adult.
Jaune: I see...
Terra: There is also something else that your sister and I have planned.
Jaune: What are you two planning?
Terra: Well... How can I say this... Um... We are planning to have another… baby
Jaune: *Surprise* Oh! I see
Terra: And well, we want your help.
Jaune: You mean...
Terra: *She takes his hand* Jaune… *Looks into his eyes with soft eyes* ...I want another baby.
Jaune: *Gulp*
Moments later
Terra: It's so big!~💕!
Jaune: *Moves his hips vigorously*
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Terra: So good!… Aah~💕! …I love your cock~
Jaune: I forgot how good your pussy feels, Aah~ I can't stop moving my hips.
Terra: Yes~💕! Give me more of your dick! Fuck me even more!!
Jaune: FUck!~
Jaune then changes his hip movement and starts fucking her hard and deep.
Terra: Oooh FuuucK~💕! My pussy can't take this anymore! I'm so close!
Jaune: Terra, I'm going to cum!
Terra: Do it! Aah!~ Fill me up with your seed!
Jaune: I'm cumming! I'm cumming!!!
He slams his hips into her, filling her with his cum to the brim.
Terra: Ooooh~💕! Fuck!
After the great climax they had, the couple takes a break.
Terra: *Huff* *Huff* My heart is pounding so hard.
Jaune: *Sighs* *Smiles* Mine too
Terra: *Smug* Are you ready for round two?
Jaune: Absolutely~
Terra: *giggles* Good answer~
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arc-misadventures · 1 month ago
Jaune being his normal kind, helpful lovable self causes women like Illia, Terra, and others to fall for him
Coco: And, welcome everyone to the first meeting of the, LAJA. Lesbians Against Jaune Arc. My name is, Coco Adel, club chairwoman, and founder.
Coco: Now, since this is out first meeting we will each introduce ourselves, and tell everyone why you decided to become a member of the, LAJA. I'll go first...
Coco: I am a loud, and proud lesbian, I saw some guys, and I thought they were attractive, from as aesthetic perspective not anything romantic, or sexual. But, one day, I was trying on an outfit with my BunBun...
Ilia: Hold up! Your 'BunBun?'
Coco: Oh yeah, that's a nickname for my teammate, Velvet. She's a rabbit faunas.
Ilia: Ohh!
Terra: I like that.
Coco: Velvet isn't that good at fashion, but Jaune was there, he saw my outfit, and said no. Gave me some other clothes, and told me top try it on... and son of a bitch that was the greatest outfit I've ever worn!
Coco: After that, the two of us would go out, and do some fashion shows with each other, and some other people who needed a new wardrobe. It is fun, really fun hanging out with him. So, one day when we're having fun this random woman came up, and ask if, Jaune was single. And, Jaune was single... but, I said he wasn't... that I was his girlfriend...
Coco: I'm a hardcore lesbian! I never thought of dating a guy in my entire life! But, to keep some random floozie from, Jaune I said I was his girlfriend... I don't want to lose my fashion friend, my best male friend. And, I'm sad that I'm not... And, I really... I really want to be his girlfriend... So... yeah...
Terra: You fell because of his fashion sense? Makes sense, Jaune has superb taste in woman's fashion.
Coco: He did, I was looking at a wedding dress one day, and who is at the alter, Jaune freaking Arc...
Yang: Oh you got it bad!
Coco: Okay... You're turn.
Ilia: Okay... Hello everyone, my name is Ilia Amitola, I am a chameleon faunas, I can changed the colour of my skin. So, I was a former member of the, White Fang, I was a lesbian since I was in the, White Fang, and I hated humans on top of that. Then this stupid blond human just shows up, he flashes me that pearly smile of his. And, my body just changed to pink!
Coco: Like it did just now?
Ilia: Yes?! I just looked at him, and I thought how much I wanted to sleep with this guy! A guy, a human guy at that! It's just a crush, there's nothing more about it! So, I decided to learn things about him, I'd learn that one thing to make him the worst person I could possibly imagine!
Ilia: And, what I learned is that he is one of the nicest, sweetest guys I've ever met! He doesn't hate the faunas! He supports the, White Fang! To a point! He doesn't like the more radical side...
Yang: No one does.
Ilia: But, all I learned how a sweet caring a person he is! Then I saw him watch over some faunas kid one day, and the next thing I know, I'm thinking about having kids with him! This it total bullshit!
Coco: She's still blushing.
Emerald: It is a nice shade of pink.
Terra: Well... speaking of babies... My name is, Terra Cotta Arc...
Coco: Arc? Are you related to, Jaune?
Terra: In a way, I am married to a woman called, Saphron Cotta Arc. She is, Jaune's older sister, making, Jaune my brother-in-law. And, for a while I thought I was asexual, I was never interested in anyone. But, then I met my wife, and well eventually I married her. And, I'm happily married! But, then I met, Jaune, and if I met him before I met my wife, we probably would be married with three kids by now. Right now we only have the one though.
Coco: T-The one...?
Terra: I wanted a kid, so I asked, Jaune to... donate so I could have one. And, this is my son, Adrian~!
Yang: Oh gods he is so adorable~!
Ilia: Noooo... Don't do this to me, I've been trying to get rid of the baby craze!
Terra: And, well... I want another... maybe two... N-Next...!
Yang: Okay... glad I'm not the only one... Ahem! Hi! My name is, Yang Xiao Long, and I'm not really a lesbian, I always thought I was more of a bisexual. I always thought, woman, and men were attractive. And, when I came here to, Beacon the lesbian drive kicked into overdrive! I mean come on! There are so many hot woman here!
Coco: It's a buffet here!
Yang: And, my teammate is, Blake Belladonna! How many people didn't get a aroused , and want to smash that phat ass!
Ilia: Preach sister!
Yang: But then, Jaune Arc came around, and started acting like a big brother figure to my little sister! He looked after her, he comforted her when she was sad, he made her cookies! That was my job! But, all of a sudden big bro came in and stole my job! And, that's were all hell let loose!
Yang: So, I confronted him one day to leave her alone, to stop being her 'big brother,' that it was my job to do those things, because I am her big sister. But, he told me not to worry, since I was her big sister, and i would always be her big sister. So, he told me not to worry 'little sister.' He calmed me, 'little sister' rubbed the top of my head, and left. And, I swear to gods... I came when he patted my head!
Coco: Seriously?!
Terra: I'd buy that.
Yang: I don't like people touching my hair, but he just patted once, and he sent me so over the edge that, that's what happened?! I want, no need him to do it again!
Yang: I want my big brother to hold me in his arms, to comfort me when I'm sad, to run his fingers through my hair to calm me. And, above all I want him to spank my ass as he calls me his bitch, while I scream big bro as he takes me from behind! I used to imagine doing that to, Blake, and her phat ass! Now, I want, Jaune to be doing that to me!
Coco: (Whistles~!) You got it bad girl.
Terra: Really bad... Now tell us how you want him to do this, I need to know.
Yang: You're turn, Emerald.
Emerald: Okay... My name is Emerald Sustari. I am a lesbian, least I was... honestly I think I'm not that much of a lesbian, I was interested in my team leader. Her name is, Cinder Fall. She took me in, when no one else would, so I kinda fell for her from an emotional stand point. But, Cinder never saw me from that angle... she's more focused on how she can use me for her own gains. This often made me cry, that she didn't care about me... Then one day, Jaune found me when I was crying, and we just started talking. He became a shoulder I could cry on, someone I could go to for support, or just someone I could be around when I needed something.
Emerald: Then... then his mother came by, and he introduced me to her... And, I understood why, Jaune was such a nice, and caring person. And, I asked, Jaune's mom. Juniper if she would adopt me, so I could finally have the mother figure I always wanted.
Yang: What did she say?
Emerald: She said no.
Terra: What?! But, Juniper is such a lovely woman, why did she say no?
Emerald: Because she knows how much I love, Jaune, and that if I married him she would still become my mom. So, I get the best of both worlds. A mom, and the man I love...
Terra: Oh...
Yang: Now that's a good deal right there...
Coco: Alright... now that everyone has been introduced, we shall now begin the first meeting with the, LAJA. Does anyone have an items they wish to bring to the table.
Ilia: Yeah, I have one... We're calling ourselves the, Lesbians Against, Jaune Arc. But, how are we against, Jaune? I mean... we all want to sleep with the guy... that doesn't sound so 'against' now does it?
Coco: Uhh... cause I thought everyone would be upset, Jaune turned us straight. So, we would be against him, because of that.
Ilia: That makes sense, but in reality... we want to fuck him...
Yang: Yeah, we all want to sleep with the guy to one degree, or the other.
Terra: So how are we against the guy?
Coco: It sounded nice...?
Emerald: I vote we rename ourselves to the, Lesbians Attracted to, Jaune Arc! Where are new mandate is to help each other sleep with, Jaune to some degree. All those in favour say aye.
Ilia: Aye!
Yang: Hell to the aye!
Terra: Aye~!
Coco: Aye!
Coco: Okay, in that case I welcome you to the first meeting of the, LAJA. Lesbians Attracted to, Jaune Arc. First order of business: Who gets to fuck, Jaune first.
Yang: I move, Terra goes last, she's already slept with him, and had his child.
Terra: What?!
Ilia: I agree.
Emerald: Agree.
Coco: The ayes have it; Terra only gets to sleep with, Jaune after the rest of us do.
Terra: ...
Terra: Okay, that's fair...
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superiorsturgeon · 4 months ago
Neo: *posing as Saphron Arc to sneak closer to RWBYJNRO* 😄
Jaune: IMPOSTER!! *bashes Neo in the face with his shield*
Neo: *flips away, angrily signing* How did you know?! 🤬
Jaune: You implied that you and Terra wanted me to join in a threesome to make a second child!
Jaune: *levels his sword* Saphron would never share! 😠
Saphron: *looks up from making out with her wife* The very idea! 😡
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brokentrafficknight · 9 days ago
Can Jessica Cruz pass adrian test
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With flying colors!
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willsonlmt · 9 months ago
Pyrrha in Saphrons kitchen helping clean up dinner. Jaune and her are visiting Argus to meet Pyrrhas parents and to meet in Jaunes's words, "the safest option of family to meet.".
Pyrrha is drying dishes that Saphron is handing her. All while jaune is in another room.
Saphron: Well you have been an absolute delight to meet and you're so kind to helped with the dishes.
Pyrrha: Well, you were kind enough to invite me over, and you made an amazing dinner.
Saphron: Hopefully, we will see much more of you. Especially since you like my brother.
Pyrrha: Oh gods how do you know that?
Saphron: Please, I'm his sister. I know when someone is crushing on my baby brother it's pretty obvious.
Terra walking into the kitchen.
Terra: What are you talking about? I told you that she has feelings for him. You and your brother can't catch hints to save your life's.
Saphron: That's not true. I definitely would have figured this out.
Terra: Saph, we were on our third date when you figured out I liked you.
Saphron: I didn't want to assume anything!
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jboy44 · 3 months ago
Jaune leading his team to this house " thanks for spending the holidays with me guys
Amala the tall model amilia the shortblonde bunny the scarred up general amy arc. All hug jaune " OUR BABY BOY IS HOME"
Nora " that explains the sibling count
Ren nods " yes
Adrian crawling in " 😃😃 dada da da da da " now reaching for him
Jaune picks him up " I missed you too son" walks off with him.
Pyrrha " 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Wtf
Ren "he has a baby mama
Saphron " I an his big sister and asked him to breed my wife
Terra " I am the one he spend ten hours non stop breeding. Would your like to talk about his foot long that put a baby in me? I have a power point
Pyrrha bowing "....... yes please tell me all about his foot long cock
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novankenn · 3 months ago
What If...
Pyrrha was also under the sway of Salem Cinder and Pyrrha love each other (Pompeii) Jaune and Emerald are married (Topaz) Jaune and Emerald have a child (Jasmine Esmeralda Arc) Jaune and Emerald are on the run from Salem & Ozpin
Scene : The Arc Household
==> @cheeseeater2 - What if Jasmine met Adrian, Saffron, and Terra?
==> @cheeseeater2 - So Jasmine has met her aunties. So I assume she has met her grandma and grandpa.
"Adri!" Jasmine cried out running to her cousin and get scooped up into a big hug. "Missed you!"
"Missed you too, squirt." Adrian laughed.
Following the pre-teen boy into the Arc house hold was his mothers, Saphron and Terra Cotta-Arc. Emerald and Jaune ushered them in with smiles and laughs... which all ended when Jasmine just had to tell everyone the BIG NEWS!.
"Auntie Terra and Saph, guess what?"
Jaune and Emerald froze. Part of the reason of inviting Terra and Saphron over was to inform them of the pregancy... but it seems that idea was just torpedoed.
"And what is this big news, little lady?" Saphron asked with a huge smile on her face as she crouched down to be eye level with her adorable niece.
"Mommy is going to be super fat!" Jasmine happily informed her aunt.
"Now, Jas that's not a nic..." Saphron stopped in mid sentence, her head turning towards Jaune and Emerald who had embarrassed looks on their face. In the background Terra could be heard giggling. "Why is mommy getting super fat?"
"The babies!" Jasmine happily cheered.
"Babies. I... see..."
"And it's sisters!" Jasmine added.
"Is it now?" Terra chimed in a huge shit eating grin on her face, as she wiggled her eyebrows at Jaune and Emerald.
"We don't know that, sweetie." Jaune corrected.
"How... long." Saphron asked giving her brother a look.
"Seven weeks." Emerald interjected. "I'm only seven weeks."
"It's going to be sisters!" Jasmine forcefully informed everyone. "Cause that's what I want!"
"Adrian why don't you take Jas and go play for a bit?" Terra asked, giving her son a look that made the question an obvious suggestion.
Fifteen minutes later after Jaune and Emerald "Officially" broke the news, that Jasmine had announced. Terra and Emerald moved to the kitchen to make coffee, while Saphron and Jaune sat facing each other across the coffee table.
"Are you going to tell Mom and Dad?" Saphron asked, her hands clasped between her knees.
"I... I don't know. I still..."
"Do they even know about Emerald and Jasmine?" Saphron asked, "I did pass on the message about you being alive and safe, like you asked... but Jaune... you need to speak to them."
"I know. I know, it's just... hard."
"I know Jaune. I felt the same way about introducing them to Terra, but I still did it."
"That's not the same. I ran away, then get accused of helping with the tragedy, and until about five years ago, Em and I were constantly on the run..." Jaune stammered out, "Then there was..."
"You have a little one of your own, and apparently two more on the way, you must understand why mom and dada did what they did, or at least can sympathize with their choice."
"I get it. I was weak..."
"You weren't weak Jaune. You were premature, and sick, very sick for years until you turned twelve, and even then it was only when you turned fifteen that you could walk around the whole yard without needing to rest." Saphron corrected. "But that's neither here nor there. This is about Jas, Em and the twins."
"You think I should tell them? Introduce mom and dad to their daughter-in-law and granddaughter?"
"I do, and it's not for you, or even them."
"I don't..."
"It's for Jas, and her arriving siblings." Saphron cut Jaune off. "That angel deserves the chance to get to know her grandparents, and you could use the help."
"Jaune you told me and Terra about all the shit, that's been chasing you. Don't you think have some more people you can rely on would be a benefit?"
"I get it. I do." Jaune replied. "But there's still that baggage, between me and them."
"Mom and Dad went through hell trying find you after you ran. Did you know that?"
"Mom was calling everyone, and I mean everyone to find you, while Dad was physically searching for you." Saphron informed her brother. "He was out by himself looking for you. Walking the road between Ansel and Vale, looking for you."
"I... why?"
"They love you Jaune. We all do, and it fucking hurt to hear you took off, and then only to find about you being safe during Vytal." Saphron's hardened. "That fucking hurt, all of us."
"I... I'm sorry. I didn't..."
"No you didn't, but that doesn't matter anymore. You're safe, you've been forgiven."
"So it's my turn, I take it?"
"It is, and if you can't do it fully, at least let Jas meet her grandparents. Let mom and dad know they have another grandchild." Saphron reached over and laid one of her hands on Jaune's. "Dad and Mom will love her, and if you thought Dad was bad walking the trail between Vale and Ansel to try and find you is bad... imagine what he'd do if he knew Jas was in trouble?"
"I get it, and you're right it would be a relief to have some others willing to help, but I don't think I can..."
"Then don't." Saphron cut him off.
"Jaune you mom and dad can work out your shit, or not. I'm only bringing this up for Jas and Em's sake. Mom and Dad should know about them, at least give them that." Saphron gave Jaune a soft smile. "Em and Jas deserve it as well. Don't you think?"
"Yeah, will you be staying for a bit?" Jaune asked shooting his sister a half smile. "Probably could use the back-up."
"We can, be."
"Thanks sis."
"No prob, bro... now..." Saphron's eyes glinted mischeviously.
"Details! Dish!"
"Ah, no."
"Don't be holding out on me Jaune."
"Not happening."
"I'll tell you about me and Terra, in return."
"Ah, no."
In the kitchen Emerald and Terra chatted while sitting around the table, coffee cups cradled in their hands. Terra's face was in a full on blush as Emerald regaled the older woman... more intimate details of how the twins came to be.
"OMG!" Terra panted. "If I wasn't into girls, I would so..."
"Jump my husband's bones?"
"Yeah, sorry, but I would."
"Apology accepted."
"But still... wow. I mean wow." Terra fanned herself. "Wait... you said something about all over the house... even the kitchen?"
"Yes, in fact... if I remember correctly, it was right about where you're sitting."
"You said that already." Emerald giggled.
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lordoftime01 · 22 days ago
Dude, I was literally talking about a lesbophobic post you reblogged.
Lesbians don't sleep with men nor do they want to.
Double that for Jaune Arc.
Oh you must be talking about Jaune x Terra posts!
What's funny is that you specifically had to go looking for stuff like that.
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Lets say jaune is Adrian's donor jessica cruz reacts to adrian pointing to her and going " mama 😇😊😄😇"
"No, Adrian." Terra giggled. "I'm Mama. That's Miss Jessie."
"Mama." The tot pointed at her. Then pointed to his other mother. "Mama." Then pointed to Jessica. "Mama." Then his finger singled out Jaune. "Papa."
"I'm really sorry about this, Jessica."
"It's fine." Jessica replied with a giggle. "I think it's very sweet he considers me part of the family."
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lord-of-rain · 2 years ago
Ruby vs. Mama Arc pt. 1
#You have one new message#
"Hey mom..."
Jaune's voice filtered through the speaker, his face came into focus on the screen.
"So uh good news... We won, I didn't think I'd make it this far but I guess I'll be coming home after al-"
Jaune was cut off when someone tugged his arm from off-screen.
"Come on, Vomit Boy~ let's get to bed~"
The camera jerked to the side revealing a girl in a corset tugging on his arm, smiling suggestively. The camera snapped back to a blushing Jaune.
"Haha okay, Rubes! Uh, I might bring a girl home too, love you, bye!"
Tears rolled down Mrs. Arc's face as her son awkwardly ended the message, she tried with every scrap of willpower not to break down sobbing.
"Iris, what's wrong?"
Her husband asked rubbing her shoulders.
"Our baby boy."
He voice was faint
"He's been seduced by some... some... Hussy!"
Iris cried out as she imagined what weird kinky stuff that goth floozy was doing to her sweet little prince.
"There's only one thing I can do."
Mama Arc said menacingly.
"Please don't threaten her with the Billhook."
Papa Arc pleaded, suddenly his wife turned on her heel.
"That's a great idea, honey! I'll get my old Billhook to scare off that Bimbo!"
Iris strode out of the room her heels barely touching the ground, her husband looked over to Saphron and her son who looked up at his mother.
"Mama, what's a bimbo?"
Saphron nearly spat out her coffee.
"Ack! Uhh, It doesn't mean anything, but you're gonna see Uncle Jaune soon!"
Saphron obfuscated.
Adrian gasped in excitement, Terra breathed some things never changed and she did not envy Jaune's girlfriend.
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c-jay-s-text-posts-only · 3 months ago
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Ren: hmmm it says a virgin can enter
Yang: aw its your lucky say jaune
Jaune: i'm not a virgin.
Yang: WAIT!? WHAT!?
Ruby:...wait. that means. *opens it* AW CRUD!
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
Friends AU: Still want to know how the other specialists react to pictures of Jaune's nephew, and whether or not Winter is now planning on calling Saphron for Jaune's baby pictures
Sorry, I would have answered these sooner, just couldn't make it work. Until now!
I Regret That Now
Marrow: Oh gods... it's in my tail?!
Jaune: I thought, Grimm didn't have guts!?
Vine: They don't.
Harriet: Then why the hell am I covered in Grimm guts?!
Winter: Because, you destroyed, Vilbiofactor's creep sack, after you threw a gernade down it's throat, and it exploded. It's filled with biowaste that the, Grimm produces. It fires these as a bioweapon, granted when it get's vomited it is there where it is actually dangerous, so you should be happy you didn't get covered in that.
Harriet: Oooo, listen to misses fancy pants rich Mcgee over here! Fuck you!
Winter: E-Excuse me?!
Jaune: Please forgive her; She's just upset that we're covered in, Grimm guts, and you're not.
Winter: Very well, I'll let it slide...
Jaune: Now then, everyone hit the showers!
Jaune: Bleh... I swear I got some of that in my mouth... tasted like black licorice.
Marrow: Oww... my tail hurts from all the scrubbing... can you top off my aura, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah sure.
Marrow: Ahh, hahaha! That's the stuff.
Jaune: Oi! What did I say about weird noises when I top off your aura?!
Marrow: Nothing sexual?
Jaune: No! Don't say anything at all!
Marrow: Sorry...
Jaune: Haa whatever... I gotta grab my spare officers uniform now... I need to send all of my stuff to the cleaners. As well as my armour at that! That blasted, Grimm gunk has caked itself onto my armour!
Clover: Hey, relax, Jaune it won't take that long to get rid of it.
Jaune: Oh, stuff it, Lucky Charms!
Clover: What did I do?
Vine: I think he's angry that you didn't get covered in, Grimm guts, even though you were in the blast zone.
Jaune: Very much so.
Clover: Hey?!
Harriet: Ahh~! That's better... you guys doing better?
Jaune: No, only if I can shove, Clover into a mud pit!
Clover: Hey?!
Elm: Good luck with tha...? Hey, Jaune, what are those photos in your locker?
Jaune: These? Oh. they're just photos of my family.
Winter: You put family photos in your locker?
Jaune: Yeah, is there a problem with that?
Vine: Of course it's fine, it's just... There is ten people in that photo alone.
Jaune: Oh yeah, that's my mom, and dad, and my seven sisters.
Elm: Seven sisters?!
Jaune: Yeah, my sisters, and I like to think my parents were really trying for a boy. But, we all know that they just have high libidos... very high libidos... and, loud...
Clover: Ouch.
Harriet: Uhh... Jaune, who's that pair with the kid?
Jaune: Hmm? Oh, that's a photo of my sister, Saphron, and her wife, Terra, and my nephew, Adrian.
Harriet: Nephew...?
Winter: You're... you're an uncle, Jaune...?
Jaune: Yeah.
Harriet: Oh he look adorable!
Winter: He'll be a heartbreaker when he grows up!
Jaune: Uhh, yeah...?
Marrow: You two interested in babies?
Winter: Well...
Harriet: I wouldn't put it like that.
Vine: What, Marrow meant is, are you interested in starting a family one day?
Elm: Oh, you made it sound like you meant something else entirely, Marrow.
Marrow: My bad, I've just seen a lot of woman act weird around babies. Baby fever, and all of that stuff. But, my question still stands, are you two interested in retiring from the, Specialists, and starting a faily?
Winter: Well... I admit... I am interested in having a family some day. With a loving husband, and a few kids running around. But, only with someone special~!
Jaune: Uhh...?
Elm: What about you, Harriet?
Harriet: Oh, I'm in the same boat as, Winter. I hope to have a family one day too, with... with a special someone~!
Clover: Uh oh...
Vine: What about you, Elm?
Elm: Only if they're okay with adoption.
Jaune: Are you okay explaining that?
Harriet: Why are you asking if she's, 'okay' saying she wants to adopt?
Elm: Because, Jaune has a highly analytical mind, and from that one word he figured out that I'm infertile.
Jaune: Damn, I was hopping my guess was wrong...
Harriet: Wait, what?!
Vine: Is that true, Elm?
Elm: Yeah. I was basically born infertile, nothing major, that's just how it is sometimes.
Jaune: I'm sorry to hear that, Elm. I hope I didn't make you upset asking you that.
Elm: It's alright. Like I said, maybe I'll adopt some kid someday. But, at the very least, I can be the cool aunt when you two have kids!
Winter: Well, I'd hold my breath if I was you, I don't know when that will happen. Hopefully, soon though~!
Jaune: Uh oh...
Harriet: Same, but who knows... maybe I'll get 'lucky' some day~!
Clover: Oh shit...
Harriet: Well, I've got to get going, I've got some paperwork I need to catch up on. I'll see you guys later.
Marrow: Yeah, I've got some paperwork to catch up on too.
Winter: Good luck you two. I need to go to the training grounds to check up on some equipment. If you have time to spare, can you help me with them, Elm?
Elm: Sure, lead the way, Winter.
Vine: Well, I'm going to go rest, I am tired from that mission. I'll see you later everyone.
Winter: Goodbye.
Elm: See ya!
Vine: Good luck.
Harriet: Have fun.
Marrow: See you tomorrow!
And, with that; Everyone soon left, leaving the leader, and the rookie of the, Specialists all alone.
Jaune: ...
Clover: ...
Clover: Whelp... we're boned.
Jaune: Pretty much...
Clover: What should we do now?
Jaune: Hmmm...
Jaune: Squeaky Cog?
Clover: Oh gods yes! I really need a drink after hearing what, Harriet hinted at.
Jaune: Same. The way, Winter looked at me... (Shudder!)
Clover: I'm so glad you told me to buy those condoms... Otherwise...
Jaune: Otherwise, I'd be holding you at gun point threatening to fill you full of lead if you didn't marry her. That's if, Winter, or gods forbid, Elm didn't get to you first...
Clover: ...
Clover: N-N-Noted...
Jaune: Good. Now come on, drinks are on me. And, we're going to need it...
Clover: Yeah... We're going to need it...
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superiorsturgeon · 6 months ago
Mama Arc: …I don’t want my only son dating a celebrity girl who will hurt him for “destiny” or “fame!” 😡
Pyrrha: Well, I don’t want my only boyfriend son-ing a jerk-mom! 😡
Jaune: *watching Pyrrha and Mama Arc fight* This tension between my mom and my girlfriend is killing me…! 😥
Jaune: Mom, what would it take for you to accept Pyrrha into the family?! 😫
Mama Arc: *without thinking* I don’t know, maybe giving birth to my next grandchild!
Pyrrha: 😳
Jaune: WHAT?! 🤯
Arc Sisters: 🫢
Papa Arc: 🤦‍♂️
Mama Arc: …I stand by my incredibly inappropriate statement! 😖
Terra: *bouncing Adrian on her lap* That’s how I got in! 😁
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brokentrafficknight · 10 months ago
After marrying Terra, Saphron teases Jaune on how he would probably be attracted to dark skinned girls just like she is.
A few years later, Jaune brings his girlfriend to meet her and Saphron tells him that she was joking about him being attracted to dark skinned girls and didn't expect him to date a girl like Emerald.
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Just gonna add in the song in my head for Jaune shooting the girls from RWBY down
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linkman447 · 11 days ago
Glynda: what is all the ruckus
Yang: p-money is all depressed because jaune’s went all lady’s man while she was “away”
Glynda: o-oh I-i see
Glynda: ok I admit it I too slept with Mr.arc
Everyone: gasp
Glynda: yes I admit it and quite honestly it was one of the greatest nights of my life
Pyrrha: 😭😭😭
Velvet: are we talking about sleeping with jaune
Yang: you seem less meek
Velvet: well saving the world and getting railed by a hot blond and your partner will do that to ya
Coco: hell yeah even I got to admit that night with my bun bun and blondy was awesome
Pyrrha: that’s it this has to stop
Nora: and then there’s his sister in law
Pyrrha: HIS WHAT
Ren: well technically that was before you… well died
Ruby: oh so that’s where Adrian came from
Nora: yep
Willow: you know jaune last night was wonderful we should do this again
Jaune: yeah sure willow I really enjoyed it… what’s wrong
Everyone just saluted him
Nora: anyone know who else slept with fearless leader?
Being the Last one
Pyrrah: Why did sleep with you and not with me yet?
Ruby: come on Pyrrha, it’s not like that, he was just sad and I was there
Pyrrha: You’re right, I mean it’s not like Jaune slept with anyone else when i were dead, right?
Ruby: well…
Pyrrha: DAMN IT, that’s it who else slept with Jaune arc?
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densesindealer · 23 days ago
I'm Begging For Asks
This is the page of the things I’m currently in the mood to write, if I’m not begging for asks of things I want to write here’s where you can see what I’m in the mood for. 
Each series will be in bold, I would accept any characters from that series in asks or prompts. The characters listed below each series are the characters from it I would like to see the most, but they aren't required for asks or prompts from the series itself.
Any muse labeled with (Gender Transformation) are characters I will only accept in a genderbent ask, or in asks involving the character having their gender transformed as a part of the story.
If none of the male muses are calling to you, crossover asks are allowed if you want to put someone with Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa, which seems to be a common thread for my blog. Like Makoto Naegi x Rosa from Pokemon. This can also include crossovers like Jaune Arc from RWBY x Mirko from MHA.
Also to note is that as of now, with how much of them are in my inbox, I'm not accepting asks involving Danganronpa characters, with the sole exception of crossover asks involving Makoto as the male muse.
The last note to make here is that I will temporarily be accepting asks and prompts involving anonymous characters, or original characters provided they aren't self inserts. I will also accept asks and prompts of monsters like slimes, and other beasts. This means asks involving a character such a an original villain with mind control powers for My Hero Academia would be accepted, or a gang of thugs or villains for DC or Marvel comics would as well. Along with stories involving hilichurls or slimes from Genshin Impact, or something like the grimm from RWBY.
This is a temporary test to see how I feel about it, I make no promises that it will remain that way. It's dependent on how I feel when writing these stories.
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Kinoko Komori
Nejire Hadou
Bubble Girl
Mt. Lady
La Brava
Eraserhead (Gender Transformation)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Lavender Brown
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Lily Luna Potter
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Rose Weasley
Sirius Black (Gender Transformation)
Cedric Diggory (Gender Transformation)
AI: The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Mizuki Okiura
Shizure Kuranashi/Boss
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright
Ryunosuke Naruhado
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Mia Fey
Gina Lestrade
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Dio (Gender Transformation)
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Thalia Grace
Shaggy Rogers
Daphne Blake
Fred Jones (Gender Transformation)
Jaune Arc
Blake Belladonna
Velvet Scarlatina
Winter Schnee
Coco Adel
Ilia Amitola
Cardin Winchester (Gender Transformation)
Lie Ren (Gender Transformation)
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
DC Comics/Arrowverse/Teen Titans
Richard Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Miss Martian
Black Canary
Nyssa al Ghul
Marvel Comics/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leo Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Lady Sif
Kitty Pride
Susan Storm
Gwen Stacy
Black Cat
White Tiger
Black Widow
Genshin Impact
Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Persona 4/5
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu
Yukiko Amagi
Sae Niijima
Hifumi Togo
Morgana (Gender Transformation)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Gender Transformation)
Takuto Maruki (Gender Transformation)
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge
Cornelia li Britannia
Cecile Croomy
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Cecilia Alcott
Super Crown/Super Mario Bros
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddy's (All Animatronics Are Female)
Michael Afton
Circus Baby
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
The Puppet
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Violet Parr
Tifa Lockhart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Professor Sada
Magma Admin Courtney
Hana Song/D.VA
Ana Amari/Ana
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Mia Winters
Bela Dimitrescu
Dragon Ball
Android 18
Sam Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Faith Lehane
Cordelia Chase
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Candy Chiu
Lies Of P
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Tales Of Arise
Misc Characters
Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Modeus (Helltaker)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Marceline The Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Serana (Skyrim)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
Ranni The Witch (Elden Ring)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
2B (Nier Automata)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Kink Interests
Mind Break
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Brain Draining
Gender Transformation
Cock Worship
Instant Loss
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