#ruby x jaune
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reashot · 1 day ago
The Two Sides of Ruby Rose
When Jaune returns home:
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When Ruby realized she is alone with Jaune:
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arc-misadventures · 25 days ago
The Stepson Protag
Blake: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: What's up, Blake?
Blake: Can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure, what is it?
Blake: You're a stepson, with a stepmom, and an older stepsister, and a younger stepsister?
Jaune: I just call them my mom, and my sisters, but yeah.
Blake: Okay... So... That's your stepmom?
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Jaune: Uhh, Yeah, Summer Rose is my stepmom.
Blake: And, that's your... Older stepsister?
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Jaune: By about a month... But, yeah, Yang's my older sister.
Blake: Okay... And, she's your younger stepsister?
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Jaune: Yes, Ruby is my younger sister…?
Blake: Wow...
Jaune: Uhhh...? Am I... Am I missing something here, Blake?
Blake: Dude! You're living the dream!
Jaune: What dream?
Blake: You're a young teenage boy living with a smoking hot stepmom, and a hot babe of an older sister, and a cute little sister! You living the dream of any hentai protagonist!
Jaune: What the hell are you talking about?!
Blake: I'm talking about...?!
Jaune: I fucking know what you're talking about! I'm just shocked you're saying that!
Blake: But, your mom is...
Jaune: My mother is...!
Summer: Oh gods yes~!
Jaune: Ahh, Mom!
Summer: I told you... Ohh~! I told you, Jaune, call me, Summer~! MmmmHH~!
Jaune: But, Summer, I'm your son, we shouldn't be doing this! So warm!
Summer: Oh, Jaune~! You're the man of the house~! You're doing your duties to the... Ahhh fuck~! The lady of the house~! Mmmm~!
Jaune: Okay... but, at the rate we're going at it... You'll end up...
Summer: That's the idea~! Come on, Jaune~! Ensure... Ohhhh~! Ensure that the Arc-Rose bloodline endures~!
Jaune: O-Okay, Summer... Here I...?! ERGH?!
Summer: OHHHHH~! So warm~!
Jaune: Is a kind, and good woman, who cares deeply for her children! Me, and my stepsisters!
Blake: Oh... But, what about, Ruby?
Jaune: My little sister, Ruby is...!
Ruby: Mmmm~! B-Big bro~!
Jaune: What is it?
Ruby: It's... It's so... so big~!
Jaune: Does it hurt?
Ruby: No... It just feels so good~! Mmmm~!
Jaune: Alright then, I'm going to start moving now.
Ruby: Oh? Oh! Ohhh~! Oh gods~! It's so deep~!
Jaune: Gods, you're so tight, Ruby!
Ruby: OH~! This is just how I always imagined it would happen~!
Jaune: Ahh! Imagine what?
Ruby: How big bro would pop my cherry~!
Jaune: I took your what?
Jaune: Is a kind, sweet caring individual! She may be a crazy little gun nut! But, she's the best little sister I could ask for!
Blake: And, what about, Yang?
Jaune: And, Yang is...!
Jaune: Hey, Yang is the washing machine free, I need to...?
Yang: GRRRR! Ahh?! Come on?!
Jaune: Uhh, Yang?
Yang: Oh, Jaune! Thank gods you're here!
Jaune: Yang, are you.... Are you stuck... In the washing machine...?
Yang: ...
Yang: Yes...
Jaune: How?
Yang: I wasn't sure if I got all of the laundry out, so I leant in to see... and my tits got me wedged in here...
Jaune: Your stupid tits got you stuck in there?
Yang: Hey! My big phat titties are a work of art! There isn't anything stupid about my bouncing melons~!
Jaune: Oh... okay... What did you have to lean inside to look, couldn't you have just spun the ring by hand, and see if anything fell down?
Yang: That would have been the smart thing to do!
Jaune: Oh gods...
Yang: Come on, get me out of here, Jaune!
Jaune: Okay... Give me a...?!
Yang: Wait!
Jaune: What is it?
Yang: I have to say it!
Jaune: Say what?
Yang: Help me stepbro! I'm stuck~!
Jaune: ...
Yang: Sorry, I had to.
Jaune: Haa... I'm going to regret this... I'm going to regret not doing this more, but nonetheless, I'm going to regret this...
Yang: Regret wha…?!
Yang: Ohhhhh~!
Jaune: Did you just…?
Yang: J-J-Jaune...?
Jaune: Y-Yeah...?
Yang: Harder~!
Jaune: Is a horrible jokester who often get's on my nerves. Seriously, I'm sick to death with all the stepbro jokes...
Jaune: However, they are my family! And, while they may not be my family by blood, but they are my family nonetheless, and I love them! And, just because they're my stepsisters, and my stepmom does not mean I am living out every horn hentai protags wet dream!
Blake: Uh hu...
Jaune: ...
Blake: ...
Jaune: Yang told you about the washing...
Blake: Yang told me about the washing machine insistent, yes.
Jaune: Gods dammit, Yang...
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leorobotsworld · 4 months ago
Ruby: *opens door* Hey Weiss, have you-
*She sees a sleeping Jaune hugging a fully awake Weiss*
Ruby: Trapped?
Weiss: Yes
Ruby: Need help?
Weiss: ..no
Ruby: Can I join?
Weiss: *blushing with her arms open* ..yes
Ruby: *dives into Weiss's arms* Yay
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rachetmath · 1 month ago
Nora's Plan B
Hey Nora.
Nora: Sup Em, whicha want?
Emerald: Say if Ren doesn’t work out would you date Jaune?
Nora: Yes.
Emerald: What?
Ruby: What?
Weiss: What?
Nora: What? Is that a big deal?
Emerald: Explain.
Nora: I mean I call Jaune a fearless leader for a reason.
Weiss: But Cardin-
Nora: Let’s break it down. Jaune let Cardin get away with what he did was because of his transcripts however that’s also because Jaune was used to situations like because no one has ever helped him with that. Think about it, how many friends Jaune had before Beacon?
Ruby: Hm.
Nora: Plus the moment Cardin threatened Pyrrha his attitude took a whole 180. Shoot after the Ursa he was ready to fight Cardin again.
Ruby and Weiss: Yeah, she’s not wrong.
Nora: Next, Cinder would have to watch Jaune’s progression in order to set up a good team for us to fight. Didn’t she?
Emerald: Yeah.
Nora: And Jaune stood up for Pyrrha when everybody was laying pressure on her. That’s something.
RWE: True.
Ruby: But Nora sometimes Jaune-
Nora: Hold on, yeah, Jaune has his hissy fits but then again, don’t we all grieve differently. Plus Ruby, Qrow waited until we were attacked by Salem’s forces to explain everything. Instead, he could have just told us from the start. He was doing unnecessary things. So yeah Jaune has every right to be mad. I say Qrow should have counted his blessings that Jaune was willing to help him at all if you weren’t around. Or Jaune kills him by his own hands.
Ruby: Oh.
Weiss: But then he- Oscar-
Nora: With Oscar, Jaune admitted he overreacted with him. But, again, understandble. We grieve at our own pace. And I mean seriously Ozpin hadyears to stop Salem and he hasn’t done it. Ozpin might as well be just as bad as Salem.  Also if you have not noticed back in Argus the moment he pushed Oscar to the wall none of us were ready. Remember how  Yang looked?
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Nora: That was fear. I will say that takes points away for being attractive but it also shows he has a breaking point. Which for most people needs to be avoided cause someone could end up dead. But again Jaune proves he has control of his emotions by letting Oscar go.
Yang: Yeah she’s not wrong. 
Ruby: Yang how-
Yang: Stay on topic. Look I’m cool with Ren and you know I- I understood why he was upset but the moment he realized his tone with Jaune-
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Yang: He knew. He knew he f**** up but then Jaune’s response- Oh my god.
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Yang: He maintained his composure. His behavior proves he learned from Argus with Oscar. He still was willing to talk with him.
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Yang: If that’s not maturity then I don’t know what is. Just saying. 
Ruby: But Jaune in the Ever After was-
Yang: Okay let’s compare. Ren was upset about Atlas and Mantle. Instead of being upset about it and following orders, what else has he done to fix anything? Nothing. And when he finally expressed himself it was after Oscar got kidnapped. And we were stranded in the middle of miles in snow with no food or transportation. Meanwhile, leaving those thousands of people to die.
Me: But didn’t you start it?
Yang: Doesn’t matter.
Me: Yes it-
Yang: Shut up. And in the Ever After Ruby…. …. We were there for a day and we made Little homeless. Robbed the knights. Almost died playing a game of chess with a spoiled brat. Fought our inner demons. And destroyed a city market with people in it to save ourselves from Neo. In one day mind you we did all of that.
Ruby: Holy-
Yang: Now with Jaune he wasn’t dismissing our problem but we were contemplating at the wrong time. 
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Yang: Mainly because a storm came.
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Yang: He then brought us to his home.
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Yang: And let's recall he was waiting for us. Something he didn’t have to do. At all.  And what did we do? Judge the man for taking care of a bunch of children who want to die.
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Yang: Then we brought Neo to him.
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Yang: And Ruby -
Ruby: No further comments.
Yang: And Ratchet.
Me: *sigh* Okay. Fine. If you have seen my list of Jaune ships or seen any of my post on Ren and Nora., my outlook on them is not good. But after thinking about the reason I hate Nora, I steadily realized, ‘man, what I am saying, she’s better than Sakura.” She doesn’t physically or mentally abuse Jaune like Sakura does to Naruto. And unlike the other besides Pyrrha she’s consistent with Jaune. So I'll admit I was petty with her in volume seven and eight. I can see Nora’s Arc happening.
Nora: Thank you. Anyways Emerald I would date Jaune as my plan B. Especially if Ren and I don’t recover from Atlas.
Emerald: Well damn. Too bad you got competition.
Nora: *laugh*
RWE: *shocked*
Nora: Let them come. But remember, team JNPR. And team JNRO. And team RNJR.
Weiss: What is that- oh my god.
Nora: That’s right. I’m number two. I’m the second. I’m always beside Jaune. Not Pyrrha. Not Ren. Me. He’s the leader. But the queen of the motherf***ing castle. Bye ladies. *leaves*
Yang: Damn.
Weiss: Oh no, I better act fast.
Ruby: I need Ren to clean up his mess quickly.
Emerald: She most definitely
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brunossan · 25 days ago
A Nom Sequel
Wolf!Ruby: Hey Jaune.
Wolf!Jaune: No.
Wolf!Ruby: I didnt even said it yet!
Wolf!Jaune: But i know what you are gonna do. The moment i ask What, you are gonna Nom my face again. Im not falling into that.
Wolf!Ruby: Well... then you dont wanna know that New thing i learned.
Wolf!Jaune: New thing? *Turning around to look at her*
Wolf!Ruby: A thing Nora teached me... Its called... Glomp.
Wolf!Jaune: What's Glomp?
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Wolf!Jaune: You Tricked me!
Wolf!Ruby: Nom.
Wolf!Jaune: Betrayed once more!
Wolf!Ruby: Nom.
Wolf!Jaune: Now you are trying to swallow my face and its cuddling up with me.
Wolf!Ruby: Nom.
Wolf!Jaune: ... I can accept that.
Wolf!Ruby: Nom.
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lord-of-rain · 2 months ago
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Nora: Look at him go...
Ruby: Nice ass~
Weiss: Ruby! Don't ogle him like- oh gods, you're right.
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meadowindreams · 18 days ago
why Jaune can’t play certain games
Yang: Ah I’m so bored
Jaune: hey guys do you want to play a game to pass the time
Blake: sure what kind?
Jaune: Monopoly
Ruby: sure
Blake: great
Jaune: What?
Blake: Jaune we need to tell you something
Jaune: What?
Yang: To out it lightly-
Wiess: You are banned from playing monopoly
Jaune:What why?
Ruby: But sis….
Yang: Sorry Rubes
Jaune: Okay why?
Wiess: Because when you and Ruby play you take things too far…..
Ruby: Oh come on we aren’t that competitive
Blake: It’s not that….
Wiess: You just make things weird….
Blake: yea....
Ruby: Like when?
Yang: How about last time when we played 3 days ago?
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Yang who is crying over that memory: you corrupted my innocent little sister
Ruby: we were just jokkiing
Yang, sobbed louder
Ruby: we just like to get into our roles
Wiess: blake was the only one who enjoyed it
Blake: Yeah it was hot
From then on, they could only play STRICT board games and card game EXCEPT STRIP POKER
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madmanwonder · 2 months ago
When Ruby answers the door like this... does Jaune tell her about what is being shown off? Or is he too embarrassed to tell her that her breasts and bra are showing?
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“I…I tried to tell her but my brain didn’t work at the moment….” Jaune replied with a blush as he tried and failed not to look at Ruby chest.
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superiorsturgeon · 5 months ago
Gilded Rose: Ruby’s Birthday Gift
_WBY_N_R: Happy Birthday, Ruby!
Ruby: Aw…! Thanks everyone! 😃
Nora: Wait, where are Jaune and Pyrrha go?
Ruby: Since today’s my birthday AND Halloween, they let me pick their costumes as a gift! They should be here in a minute!
Pyrrha: *from behind the door* …um…Ruby…?
Jaune: …we’re here, and we wore the costumes, but…
Ruby: Then come on in! I want to see my birthday present! 🤩
Pyrrha: *dressed as Malenia, Blade of Miquella*
Jaune: *dressed as Goblin Slayer*
Ruby: My favorite armored badasses from my favorite video game and anime! 😁
Yang: *rolls her eyes* You could’ve made your boyfriend and girlfriend dress as anything, and you went with video games and anime. That’s my nerdy little sister! 🙄
Ruby: *sitting on her bed* Okay, let’s see your OTHER costumes!
Pyrrha/Jaune: *awkwardly step into view, wearing skimpy red/black goth outfits replete with torn fishnets, corsets, and dyed hair*
Goth Pyrrha/Goth Jaune: H-happy birthday, Ruby! We love you…! 😣
Ruby: 🥳
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anretoga · 5 months ago
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What if the heroes took the roles of their enemies ?
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dragonking10 · 6 months ago
Ruby walks in the dorm room limping and her team notices
Yang: Hey sis, are you okay?
Ruby: Oh I'm fine, I pulled a muscle while working out with Jaune.
Weiss: Doing what, squats?
Ruby: No, by pounding m- I mean yeah doing squats *laughs nervously*
Blake caught what she meant
Blake: Maybe you pulled a muscle helping Jaune train with his 'sword'?
Ruby suddenly materializes next to Blake and pat her back
Ruby laughs: Ha ha ha, oh Blake that was a good joke!
Ruby leans to Blake and whispers low to only the cat faunus could hear
Ruby whispers: If you tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE! I'll have Zwei chew and piss all over your precious book collection.
Blake's eyes widen in fear
Blake whispers: You wouldn't dare!
Ruby's silver eyes activated a bit with a dark aura around her
Ruby whispers: Try me bitch!
Ruby suddenly went back to where she was standing
Ruby: Anyway I'm gonna go help Jaune keep up with his studys, bye!
Ruby turns and slowly limp out of the room
Yang turns to Blake: So what did she say to you?
Blake kept her mouth shut fearing for her life.
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reashot · 2 days ago
Remember Your Lesson Young Wolf...
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Ruby: *Looking at some sweet & tender Arkos moment from afar*
Look at those two... Being such a perfect couple. 🥺
The worst part is they actually do make the perfect couple. They're both tall, pretty and kind. 🫠
Unlike me... 😔
Oh, Jaune why didn't I have the courage to ask you out when I did. 😢
If only my mom taught me more about boys alongside my huntsman training. 😮‍💨
... Although she did tell me about how she and dad got together. 🤔
Summer: You want to know how I got Tai to marry me?
Well at first I comforted Tai after Raven left him.
Then I got him drunk.
And proceed to rap.... I mean give him the love he deserve without his consent.
And nine months later I had you.
He thought that he took advantage of me.
B-but it was the other way around. My little Rose... Tis' actually I that did it.
And I gotten away with it!
Because I am a woman.
*evil laughter*
Let this be a lesson to you Ruby, that It's not a crime when a woman does it.
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~flashback end~
Ruby: 😳
And now I remember why I repressed that memory... 😶
But do I really want to defile Jaune the same way my mother did to my father? 😤
*sees Jaune again*
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Ruby: *sigh*
Well... All is fair in love and war after all. 😏
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
Your Semblance Is What?
Weiss: H-Hold on?
Weiss: You can do what with your semblance?
Jaune: Shapeshifter. I can change my form to however I wish it to be. Well, almost, I can look like other humans, animals, and even, Grimm, but I can’t change the colours of my eyes. They’ll always be blue.
Weiss: Can you become anything else, like an inanimate object?
Jaune: Yep! I can change into a locker, and you could hide in me.
Weiss: Whoa…! C-Can you change into any… fictional things? Like a weird gun?
Jaune: Depends… I can change into something that looks like one, but I have to know how it works. Like turning myself into a weapon, say a pistol is easy, but to actual fire like a gun, I need to learn how a real gun works. Otherwise, I have to imagine it until I figure out how it best works.
Jaune: My sister asked me to change into a slime from her favourite videogame, it took me months to figure out how to do anything in that body…
Weiss: So… You could change yourself right now to look like a bull faunas?
Jaune: Easily!
Jaune: See? What do you think?
Weiss: Whoa…
Jaune: Personally I prefer wolf ears…
Weiss: Awww~!
Jaune: They don’t get in the way bullhorns do, plus I can hear with them!
Weiss: That’s convenient.
Jaune: I can also become a woman too!
Weiss: Wait, what?
Jeanne: See~?
Weiss: Oh gods…?!
Jeanne: I found out I could do this one day after my sisters made me wear a dress again, they got upset they couldn’t dress me up in drag after I did this.
Weiss: So big. So bouncy.
Jaune: But, I prefer this form in all honesty. Less of a hassle.
Weiss: So uhh… J-Jaune… Since you can change your shape…
Jaune: That’s a shapeshifter for ya.
Weiss: Could we… could you change into… into… (Whisper whisper)
Jaune: Yeah, I can. Why?
Weiss: Because I want you to… (Whisper whisper)
Jaune: What?! You want to do what?!
Weiss: Please! It’s always been a dream of mine!
Jaune: Weiss… this is…
Weiss: I’ll let you choose what we do next time!
Jaune: …
Weiss: Please~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Haa…
Jaune: Fine…
Weiss: Wonderful! Just do this, this once for me, and we’ll never have to do it again.
Jaune: Oh I doubt that.
Jaune: Okay… Are you… comfortable, Weiss?
Weiss: Yes absolutely! Let’s begin~!
Jaune: Haa… You know… I expected a lot of things from you, Weiss. That you’re into this! I did not expect that…
Weiss: W-What’s wrong with me being an elf girl?
Jaune: Well, there’s nothing wrong with…
Weiss: That’s been tangled up in a slimes tentacles~!
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Jaune: There’s plenty of wrong with…?!
Weiss: Where the tentacles strip her naked, then violate her body leaving her a panting moaning mess cover in it’s… Grrk?!
Jaune: Okay… Let’s just get this over with…
Weiss: (Moans~!)
Jaune: Oh gods… I hope no one else hears about this…
Ruby: Weiss?! You’ve been captured my a tentacle monster?! Don’t worry, I’ll save you!
Jaune: Ruby?! This isn’t what it looks like!
Jaune: …
Jaune: It’s exactly what it looks like… But, I can?!
Ruby: Whoops~? I dropped my weapon, and I’m a defenceless maiden at the mercy of these vile… girthy tentacles~! Whatever will I do~?
Jaune: Haa…
Jaune: No one will hear of this.
Ruby: No one, but you, Daddy~!
Jaune: Gods I hope this doesn’t become a thing…
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leorobotsworld · 21 days ago
Jaune: *asleep on the couch*
Blake: *makes sure no one is around*
Blake: *cuddles up next to him*
Blake: Let's see if what Ruby said is true
*a few hours later*
Blake: *slowly waking up* Hmm..
Jaune: *fully awake* Did you sleep well?
Blake: *jolts up* Jaune, this isn't what it looks like, i swear
Jaune: Blake, it's alright. You were tired and needed a nap. I understand.
Blake: *embarrassed* Oh, ok. I-I'll see you later
Jaune: Oh and Blake..
Blake: ..yes?
Jaune: I didn't know you could purr
Blake: *internally* OH GODS, KILL ME NOW!!!
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logar3 · 2 months ago
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It's been a hot minute since I posted a picture of a Jaune ship, so I did some Lancaster! This ship is honestly one of my favorites, so I'm surprised it took me this long to do it!
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rachetmath · 9 months ago
Retracing Steps
Nora: Jaune?
Jaune: *researching*
Nora: Jaune?! Jaune?!!
Jaune: What?
Nora: Jaune I get you and Lewis were friends but he’s gone.
Jaune: I know.
Ren: So what are we looking for? His grave?
Jaune: No. That’s not what I’m looking for.
Emerald: Then what is it?
Jaune: His first draft.
Nora: You mean his book?
Jaune: Yeah. Lewis censored a lot of information. More importantly, his story was based on his diary. I don’t know what happened to him but he still lived in Vacuo or moved. He had to have taken it with him.
Nora: But what’s so important is that you need his book.
Jaune: *silent*
Nora: No. Jaune you’re not thinking– Are you-
Jaune: Slow down. Yes, I’m looking for a way to return to the Ever After. But not for me. For Salem.
Ren: What?
Jaune: When I was in the Ever After, I thought Ascension just meant death. Which it is. However, it’s also about rebirth. Making changes in one’s self. 
Emerald: And? What does this have to do with Salem? 
Jaune: Think about what Ruby told us. Salem failed to learn the value of life and death. In The Ever After you still die but-
Emerald: Salem’s immortal Jaune.
Jaune: Listen. After you die or are taken by the tree as Ruby described, you are sent to the forger. The forger has the power to create, reforge, and repair you.
Nora: Jaune we fail to see your point.
???: I get it.
Ren: Ruby? When did you and your team-
Ruby: Sorry. I was looking for Jaune a while ago. They were just helping me look. I wanted to talk but that can wait. Jaune, if what I’m guessing is correct then if you find this portal back to The Ever After, you can send Salem there.
Jaune: Yes. However once I find it and see if it works, I need Raven there before sending Salem. 
Yang: Why my mom?
Jaune: Her semblance allows her to travel anywhere as long as she has been there before. 
Ruby: And unlike the staff, it ignores time and space. That means Raven can easily leave the Ever After without having to go through the door again.
Emerald: Okay. Stop! You keep talking about the Ever After but what about Salem?! What does any of this have to do with beating Salem?!
Ruby: *smile* It’s possible but only a theory. If we send Salem to the Ever After, allowing the tree to take her-
Weiss: Then she ascends. 
Blake: Allowing the forger to reset her.
Yang: Leaving her-
Jaune: That’s right.  She can be imprisoned or she can return but maybe as… a mortal.
NER: !!!!
Nora: Meaning…
Ren: She can finally be killed.
Ruby: Exactly. 
Nora: Yes! Fearless Leader strikes again. *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Nora, calm down. Besides like Ruby said it’s theoretical. And even so, she could come back maybe stronger than before.
Weiss: Maybe. But still-
Yang: It’s better than nothing.
Jaune: *continues his research*
Ruby: Hey, can you all leave for a minute? I want to talk to Jaune alone. 
NER and WBY: *leave*
Jaune: *sigh*
Ruby: I’m… I’m… I’m sorry.
Jaune: For what?
Ruby: For what happened on the bridge? 
Jaune: *stops what he’s doing for a second*
Ruby: I… I figured out what happened. Put two and two together. And… I’m sorry.
Jaune: *continues working* Just promise this. Don’t be like them.
Ruby: Like who?
Jaune: Pyrrha. Penny. And Alyx.
Ruby: I don't -
Jaune: Pyrrha thought she could do it. Though it was slim she still went in with no way out. She could have lived to fight by our side if she hadn't been egotistic. Penny could have lived if she had been a little more selfish. Willingly to put her life first before others. What made her death even sadder was… she died a puppet on the strings. Alyx died because of ignorance. She thought irrationally. Jump to conclusions. Not taking the time to think things through. All those things probably are what ultimately led her to her death. She was truly a naive girl.
Ruby: *silent*
Jaune: Look Ruby, your silver eyes are not the only things that make you special. And just because you get praise for it doesn't mean you should let them define you. You are not alone. So please, count on me to help. Or at least your team. Don't die over pride. 
Ruby: *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Hm. Hey, what's- …oh.
Ruby: *in tears* 
Jaune: *sighs and smiles* Alright, I’ll take a break, for you at least.
Ruby: Thank you.
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