Please Read The Muse List
86 posts
Hi, feel free to call me Dense. I'm a writer by trade, I suppose. This is an 18+ prompt and ask blog. Please forgive me if my writing isn't the best yet. All characters on my blog are 18 or older. Please make sure to read my rules and look at my muses. That can all be found here: Prompt Status: Open
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
densesindealer · 11 days ago
So, for the second part of my previous post, I'll be tackling the second aforementioned game or technically game series. Kingdom Hearts.
Now, if you just want to know which characters from Kingdom Hearts or Disney I'm specifically hoping for asks for, I'll put it here as I did in my last post. This way, you don't need to read through my entire post if you don't wish to.
So I'm truly hoping for asks involving Sora and Aqua, first and foremost. The other women from the KH series I would really like to see are Larxene, Olette, Xion, Namine, Yuffie, Tifa, Mulan, Elsa, Alice, Megara, and I know she isn't in the games but Violet Parr.
Other Disney women wouldn't be ones I'm opposed to, but those are my biggest wants. Especially Aqua and Sora, because I love the idea of them as a couple.
Finally, onto gushing about the game series. So is the overall plot convulted? Fuck yeah it is, and honestly it has it's lows. The gameplay of Re:Chain of Memories, or literally everything but world design (except Frozen, fuck the Frozen world) in Kingdom Hearts 3.
Birth by Sleep is my personal favourite, a solid number 5 in my favourite games ever behind FFX at 4, Shadow of War at number 3, Monster Hunter World at number 2 and Danganrona Trigger Happy Havoc at number 1. This isn't about those other games though.
We'll start with KH1, a fun game that has its jankiness from being an older game, but it also carries all of the charm. Despite the lingering jankiness it carries, the gameplay is addicting, the story isn't that hard to follow, and exploring and interacting with Disney and Final Fantasy characters is amazing. It's an iconic experience that's hard to talk negatively about. Sora is a compelling protagonist you want to root for, who can be childish (because he is so young) but also manages to be wise and responsible beyond his age.
His dedication to saving Kairi, stopping Ansem, and redeeming/saving/stopping Riku is also comendable. Kairi is a non character for a good portion of the game, more so a goal than a character, and Riku is a compelling rival and antagonist for the game. Donald and Goofy have great chemistry with Sora and were a perfect pick to be the other two main team members for Sora. Though I sometimes wish we had an original character, a disney mainstay, and a final fantasy character as the trio.
Then you move on, and have Chain of Memories, it's story is important and it isn't bad, without it we wouldn't have an explanation for the organization, some of the best original characters like Larxene and Namine, but god fuck the gameplay. Yes it's a side game, and an attempt at a new style but it fucking sucked. I always forgive it because I adore the story and characters of the game, but truthfully, it is exceedingly bad and the story carries that game on it's back.
KH2 is next, the best the game ever was, regardless if it wasn't my personal favourite from the series. The worlds are excellent, the soundtrack is amazing, the characters are all so well done, the boss fights, and secret boss fights are phenomenal, and the story is so so damn good. The new magic is a welcome addition, the forms are such a nice change and god-damn the enemy selection and reaction commands are so perfectly designed.
Opening with Roxas was a great move for both a tutorial and for the story, Hayner, Pence and Olette truly make you love their presence despite such a short opening stay, and when you switch back to Sora you're ready for the experience. To make it even better, Mulan is in the game, the best disney movie, and I will die on that hill. There is a good amount of side content. Difficulty in critical mode can feel overwhelming, but the moment it clicks, you feel so damn good.
The disney characters get their proper love, and the final fantasy characters get to shine like the should. Though I'll be damned if Radiant Garden didn't make me wish Yuffie or Tifa were permanent party members. So many disney ips get love, and it feels like the perfect blend of Disney and Final Fantasy.
Then you have 365/2 Days, a game I care very little about other than the fact Axel and Xion are amazing, and their friendship with Roxas is great. The story it has isn't the greatest, but it's not going to ever be the weakest in the series because two other games are literally sitting their fighting over that.
Moving on because 365/2 Days is so middle of the pack, we have Birth By Sleep. God damn, my favourite in the series. I love the command melding system, for a spin-off its so damn good, I love Aqua so fucking much, Shot-locks feel great, the worlds are unique for each character and the bosses still hold up as amazing. Terra and Ventus are definitely weaker than Aqua, but they are both good in their own right, and it's story is actually really compelling even if I don't particularly like the ending with Terranort. The reason that Roxas appears as he does is great, being that he isn't Sora's nobody but instead Ventus'. If I would have one complaint other than Terranort, its that fighting Vanitas as often as you do really makes him feel like a pushover, until you get to his final fight in crit and he kicks your teeth in.
Then you have Dream Drop Distance, and it adds in a new batch of crossover characters, but gods above that game is still trash to me. I don't care enough about the new people, nor does the gameplay hold my attention at all. Then you get to the story, gods, the story hurts my soul. Riku being worthy of being a keyblade master despite the fact he damn near destroyed every possible world is ridiculous, and the idea that Sora starts to fall to darkness and therefore fails is absurd. It then introduces a deus ex machina for Kindom Hearts 3, and all of it feels like a slap in the face of Sora and his progression. He's been growing game after game, as not only a keyblade wielder but as a person growing out of his childhood and into a young man with just a hint of childishness, a more mature and wise mindset, yet a playfulness and optimistism unrivaled by anyone around him. This game throws most of if it away and I loathe it for that.
It's only topped by fucking Kingdom Hearts 3, what a god damn travesty and disappointment. This game backwalks all of Sora's growth and makes him a naive idiot, who acts like an idiotic child. It relies on a deus ex machina, illogical revival of the organization members, including multiple versions of Xehanort and multiple people who already betrayed him. Riku, the one 'worthy' of being a Keyblade master fails at his only goal until Sora steps in an does it instead, and Sora is still mocked and treated like he's weaker or a failure.
Did you like having Final Fantasy characters in this Disney x Final Fantasy crossover game? Well, they're gone now, so sucks to be you if you did. Did you like the fluid and fun gameplay of KH2? Well, it's gone now and replaced by mind-numbingly simple combat with disgustingly overpowered magic that trivializes every fight. Did you like the way Sora, Donald, and Goofy (exclusively in that order) interacted with disney world and characters and had an impact on their stories? Too bad, now you can sit here and watch the exact plot of Frozen play out without Sora doing shit, including Let it Go in all of its trashy glory.
It's such a downgrade from the previous games and an incredible disappointment for the series. It's meant to be the great end to the saga, but instead, it just set up the next storyline instead, while trashing its characters in the process and expecting you to applaud it for finally existing.
Despite the flaws at the end of the current games (I will not bring up Melody of Memory, I haven't played and will not play it) I still love the vast Majority of the series and that's because of the characters for the most part.
Donald and Goofy are, as you'd expect, funny, and the way the pair play off of Sora is welcome and a great way to add levity and somehow, sincerity to the games. They feel like they were never meant for anything else, and that's amazing.
Riku sometimes sucks and sometimes is great. He's hit or miss depending on the game, and honestly, he makes such an interesting case of a character that could be loved or despised, and I would perfectly understand either side. He clearly cares about his friends, but you know, he did also nearly destroy them all. He does make very good transformation bait, wink wink.
Kairi is a nothing character which is wild because her NOBODY is a far better character than her in every conceivable way. She's a plot device in the first game, but they never really gave her much depth, she's just bland in every game and they always seem to forget about her but people still kept rooting for her to end up with Sora. Not me, I know Sora deserves better, and has more chemistry with so many other characters.
Xion is awesome and adorable in equal measure, but unfortunately, she really doesn't get much to show for her great personality because the games liked to forget about her or leave her in the background outside of 365/2 Days. However, she is cute, kind, and eager to learn about and explore the world.
Roxas is probably my least favourite of the protagonists, solely because I find him ungodly bland. He's not awful as a character, just never appealed to me. I always found his supporting casts outshining him in all of his appearances, so he just never felt like a character I could care about.
Axel is fucking hilarious, and that's a point in his favour. Plus, his fight is dope as hell, his design is neat, and his voice is great. His desire to save Roxas and Xion is so pure, and he genuinely is a character that is so easy to empathize with. You get why he's fighting so hard, and you want to help him get them back.
Ventus is kind of the same, but I adore his relationship with Terra and Aqua, and he is more like Sora than Roxas was. He's just an outgoing teen ready to explore and desperately trying to keep his friend from abandoning him or giving up on himself. That's enough for him to work, but he's just not on the level of others.
Terra is bleh, I like him less than Aqua or Ventus, but more than Roxas or Kairi. He's just so middle of the road I couldn't care too much about him, so I'll just leave it as he's fine as he is.
Aqua is fucking amazing. She's a motherly or sisterly figure to Terra and Ventus, a completely kind-hearted soul, who is also completely prepared to throw the fuck down with anyone to defend the innocent. She's also hot, and honestly, I will never lose my love for the concept of her and Sora as a pair. Their personalities perfectly fit together and the fact he is the one to save not only her, but help her save Terra, and to save Ventus is such a thing that would make her fall for him.
Fuck Mickey. Fuck the mascot of Disney, Oswald was better, and Mickey sucks both in and out of Kingdom Hearts. That is all that the mouse deserves from me.
Namine, the nobody of Kairi. Another great character, one who somehow manages to be the better character than the one she was derived from. She cares so much for others and their plights and desperately wants to help despite what and where she is. A guiding figure and yet another character I could see being in love with Sora. She deserves so much more screen time.
Finally, for the heroes, we have Sora. What a great fucking protagonist (except in KH3, I can't emphasize enough, fuck KH3). Extreme depth, childishness he begins to outgrow. His failures weigh on him, but he doesn't give up. He's willing to do anything for his friends, sacrificing himself in a heartbeat (heh) for Kairi, for Riku, and for everyone else. He's a genuinely nice person who wants the best for everyone and hopes to do the best for them. He deserves all the love because of what he does, who he is, and how much he grows. He saved the worlds multiple times, and he earned all of his achievements.
I would go into the villains, but that's a long long list of characters and truthfully, most of them are very one not. Marluxia, Xigbar, Luxord, and Larxene are stand outs in that department, and Xehanort overstays his welcome when he has 1000 different forms. He's not an awful villain (when he's not in Dream Drop Distance or Kingdom Hearts 3), but he's also not that amazing either.
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densesindealer · 11 days ago
There are, at this exact moment, two games that I want to gush about. Well, I suppose it's technically one game and most of the games in a series. This is going to be split into two posts, one for each, so I don't put it all into one massive post.
Since I've been struggling to not only find the time but also the motivation to write, I figured I would talk about them on my blog and kindly beg for asks for either to see if that sparks my desire to write.
So the first game is Final Fantasy X, my personal favourite of the Final Fantasy series. Everything about the game is something I love for the most part, other than one big underlying subplot.
I will point out here that the asks I'm begging for her are mostly for Tidus x Lulu or Tidus x Rikku, in case you don't want to read the rest of my post of gushing about the game.
If you've never played it, I will be spoiling the point I dislike of the game because it's been out for ages. The wedding subplot between Yuna and Seymour is absolutely baffling.
It's the one part of the game I've never been able to say is good (though the cutscenes and outfits for it do absolutely kill in the design department). It makes Yuna feel naive and stupid, and while it does lead to some good fights, as a whole, the plot point is nonsensical. Other than what is, realistically, a minor issue? The game is absolutely amazing.
The sphere grid system for gaining stat points and setting up your characters is amazing and allows so much freedom in expert mode or the intended roles in standard. You have the freedom to make any character the damage tank, massive damage dealer, healer or mage, or whatever else you desire. I think that's excellent and means you never really need to worry about taking out the characters you adore in favour of a stronger member.
The turn based combat is also excellent, and switching out party members with the ease you can is absolutely perfect for the game. The way it's set up makes it certain that you won't worry about entering a fight with the wrong playstyle for a fight because you can swap the moment a party member can be used.
That's just the gameplay, and the story outside of my earlier issue is excellent. It feels like a well realized plot with good twists. Though I suppose that you can unfortunately predict them because it's Final Fantasy, and it does follow the classic mold of the series. The basis for sin and the religious throughlines do make sense and feel genuine, enough that the world feels like it's filled with the emotions of real people.
Then you move onto the characters, and damn are the party members, and a good chunk of the side characters amazing. The only one I don't really care for is Seymour, and I think that's mostly because of the marriage plotline.
Luzzu and Gatta are amazing and the consequences to what Tidus tells them can be equally heartfelt. O'aka is a goofy little side merchant who has so much charm. Dona and Barthello are bitchy and rude, but grow on you and as people very noticably during the story. All of those are just a few examples of the great side characters you can interact with.
The main cast is also amazing. While I care for Kimahri and Yuna the least, they still aren't bad by any stretch. Yuna is definitely my least favourite personality wise, as she's designed to be the character who holds everything in for the sake of not worrying anybody. Unfortunately, that's just not a character trope that I like because very rarely do I feel that it's done in a way that doesn't also make that character feel like an idiot.
Unfortunately, since she plays the biggest or second biggest role in the story, and she is directly tied into my least favourite aspect of the story, she suffers from that writing. The naivete and idiocy of her plan stand out and make her feel the part of the fool rather than anything else. She does so much better when that plot point isn't there, and I do really enjoy her outside of it. It's just that every other member of the cast feels so much better because of that storyline. Also, I have never found her to be that compelling of the romantic interest when Rikku and especially Lulu are right there.
Kimahri is definitely above Yuna but he's also in that same boat of not bad nor good just there. He is, unfortunately, the stoic and quiet archetype, but when he does start to speak more, he's noble and also adorable. His story with the other ronso is a great little detail for his characterization that makes him feel complete, but he just gets thoroughly overshadowed by the rest of the party. His design definitely stands out, but he takes so long to get to speaking and doing so much that he has less of an impact than the other cast members, even if his impact is still a positive one.
Following up, we have Auron, a good character, to be certain, but another that I find isn't going to be as beloved to me as the other four party members. He's been through the pilgrimage before and knows more than he reveals. Instead, he revels in leading the others to discover the truth themselves. Normally, this trope would be infuriating, but it works well with Auron because of the personalities around him and the situation they are in.
The truth being revealed at the right time and being found out by the correct person makes the reactions smaller scale and risks no harm to the group. He does an excellent job in being a guiding figure and a badass at the same time, but what I find to be his weakness is that when you have Auron join you, his story is for the most part complete. He's had his journey and growth, but they supplement that with discovering more about his past and why he's doing what he's doing instead, and it works well. I just prefer to see characters grow and learn over learning the why of their actions later.
Next up, I would place Wakka, a lovable idiot but one with depth and a hatred for the Al Bhed. The most religious of the group by far, which truthfully also helps him justify his hate for the Al Bhed. When he learns his religion is wrong, that his beliefs are wrong, it shakes him. He grows substantially, even if he's still an idiot, and he is willing to learn from his mistakes. Wakka can and will move past his hate, and it's phenomenal to witness. He is definitely the comic relief member of the cast, but he's one with incredible depth that can't be ignored. The backstory between him, Lulu, and Chappu is always interesting.
In third place of the main seven would be Rikku, the Al Bhed member of the party, and the thief archetype. She is the party member most doubtful about their journey and whether it's even correct. She directly conflicts with the world's preconceived notions about what is right given their religion and in terms of the party, with Wakka. Her personality is adorable, and she has a sense of young naievte about her that is genuinely endearing. Yet she has a sense of wisdom that a good amount of the other party members lack. Her interactions with Tidus are always wholesome, and they clearly care and care deeply about everyone in the party.
Rikku is willing to do everything in her power to save not only Spira but her friends, especially from the sacrifice she knows summoners must make. She actively goes against it and is willing to stand her ground against everyone about it. If it wasn't for Lulu being there, I would genuinely buy a romance between her and Tidus.
Speaking of which, Tidus would probably be my second favourite of the game. It's always surprising to see people dislike him because Tidus is so damn good. He isn't naive or an idiot. Instead, he's unsure of everything because he's stepped foot in a world so very different from his own. He knows nothing of Spira or Sin. He doesn't know of their religion, of the Al Bhed, not even of summoners and what they do. Instead, he goes off what he can observe and be told and draws his own conclusions from that.
He is willing to cross any and every line to protect others, stepping over tradition and over the teachings of Yevon to protect not only his friends but complete strangers. When he learns of what is required of summoners, and the weight on their shoulders and those of their guardians, it hurts him immensely. Yet despite every hardship he doesn't falter.
He stands his ground and seeks any possible way to change that fate. He wants those he cares for to not only be safe but also happy. He has moments of immense ego that he learns to let go of, yet without him, the fall of sin could not happen. Though I will never see why he fell in love with Yuna when the best girl was right there.
Finally, we have the best character in the game, and my favourite from the Final Fantasy series, Lulu. I would say she is only truly rivaled by Yuffie Kisaragi, but I find Lulu better regardless. Her appearance and physical design is perfection, but the winner is her story and her personality. She is oft the voice of explanation, telling Tidus of Spira and it's quirks. Most lore revelations come from her, and while it starts as insulting, as though Tidus should know this and is a fool for not understanding, that tune quickly changes.
Once Lulu accepts that Tidus truly doesn't know anything about the world he's been thrust in, her explanations are far kinder. She has great emotional depth and plays off of Tidus perfectly in every scene they share, be it the pair alone or with the entire party. She steals each and every scene she is in because her depth is immense. Her backstory of a lost love is played thoroughly, and it doesn't relegate her to a generic stereotype of the one who had their heart hardened by loss.
Instead, she wears her heart openly and speaks plainly, but her tone is one where it can easily be believed that she is. In reality she has the most open emotion of the cast outside of Tidus, be it about her loss, the weight of their journey, her humour, all of her emotions are always a treat. The scenes that are based upon party member affection that have her and Tidus interacting alone are the best in the game, and rest assured the moment you have the dialogue option to flirt with her I hammer that button to select it.
So now, with all of that being said, I will once more beg for asks, especially for Tidus x Lulu, because I adore the thought of the pair. Tidus x Rikku and Tidus x Yuna are also welcome, hell if you're feeling it I would literally welcome Tidus x Yuffie. I would even be happy to receive asks with the true classic of Makoto being my male muse if it included Lulu or Rikku.
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densesindealer · 12 days ago
Yeah, it's the MHA one. Okay, I'm going to send it over again. Let me know if it doesn't go through again.
I did get your ask this time! I honestly think tumblr is just a mess for stuff getting through to my inbox properly. Thankfully, I do have it this time.
0 notes
densesindealer · 12 days ago
Wait...did you not get my request again?
Im sorry, but what request do you mean? I'm assuming it's the same one I was asked about for MHA? If so, I did not receive it, my apologies for that.
0 notes
densesindealer · 15 days ago
I'm Begging For Asks
This is the page of the things I’m currently in the mood to write, if I’m not begging for asks of things I want to write here’s where you can see what I’m in the mood for. 
Each series will be in bold, I would accept any characters from that series in asks or prompts. The characters listed below each series are the characters from it I would like to see the most, but they aren't required for asks or prompts from the series itself.
Any muse labeled with (Gender Transformation) are characters I will only accept in a genderbent ask, or in asks involving the character having their gender transformed as a part of the story.
If none of the male muses are calling to you, crossover asks are allowed if you want to put someone with Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa, which seems to be a common thread for my blog. Like Makoto Naegi x Rosa from Pokemon. This can also include crossovers like Jaune Arc from RWBY x Mirko from MHA.
Also to note is that as of now, with how much of them are in my inbox, I'm not accepting asks involving Danganronpa characters, with the sole exception of crossover asks involving Makoto as the male muse.
The last note to make here is that I will temporarily be accepting asks and prompts involving anonymous characters, or original characters provided they aren't self inserts. I will also accept asks and prompts of monsters like slimes, and other beasts. This means asks involving a character such a an original villain with mind control powers for My Hero Academia would be accepted, or a gang of thugs or villains for DC or Marvel comics would as well. Along with stories involving hilichurls or slimes from Genshin Impact, or something like the grimm from RWBY.
This is a temporary test to see how I feel about it, I make no promises that it will remain that way. It's dependent on how I feel when writing these stories.
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Kinoko Komori
Nejire Hadou
Bubble Girl
Mt. Lady
La Brava
Eraserhead (Gender Transformation)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Lavender Brown
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Lily Luna Potter
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Rose Weasley
Sirius Black (Gender Transformation)
Cedric Diggory (Gender Transformation)
AI: The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Mizuki Okiura
Shizure Kuranashi/Boss
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright
Ryunosuke Naruhado
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Mia Fey
Gina Lestrade
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Dio (Gender Transformation)
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Thalia Grace
Shaggy Rogers
Daphne Blake
Fred Jones (Gender Transformation)
Jaune Arc
Blake Belladonna
Velvet Scarlatina
Winter Schnee
Coco Adel
Ilia Amitola
Cardin Winchester (Gender Transformation)
Lie Ren (Gender Transformation)
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
DC Comics/Arrowverse/Teen Titans
Richard Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Miss Martian
Black Canary
Nyssa al Ghul
Marvel Comics/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leo Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Lady Sif
Kitty Pride
Susan Storm
Gwen Stacy
Black Cat
White Tiger
Black Widow
Genshin Impact
Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Persona 4/5
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu
Yukiko Amagi
Sae Niijima
Hifumi Togo
Morgana (Gender Transformation)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Gender Transformation)
Takuto Maruki (Gender Transformation)
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge
Cornelia li Britannia
Cecile Croomy
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Cecilia Alcott
Super Crown/Super Mario Bros
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddy's (All Animatronics Are Female)
Michael Afton
Circus Baby
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
The Puppet
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Violet Parr
Tifa Lockhart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Professor Sada
Magma Admin Courtney
Hana Song/D.VA
Ana Amari/Ana
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Mia Winters
Bela Dimitrescu
Dragon Ball
Android 18
Sam Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Faith Lehane
Cordelia Chase
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Candy Chiu
Lies Of P
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Tales Of Arise
Misc Characters
Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Modeus (Helltaker)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Marceline The Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Serana (Skyrim)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
Ranni The Witch (Elden Ring)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
2B (Nier Automata)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Kink Interests
Mind Break
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Brain Draining
Gender Transformation
Cock Worship
Instant Loss
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densesindealer · 1 month ago
Hey, I requested for a MHA IQ Loss involving either Aizawa or Present Mic a while back. Did it go through?
Unfortunately no that ask doesn't appear to be in my inbox. Feel free to resend it.
0 notes
densesindealer · 1 month ago
Please note, I did say I wasn't accepting more Danganronpa asks unless they are crossovers in which Makoto is the male muse, with a female muse from a different series all together. I'm still getting Danganronpa asks, which I genuinely have almost no motivation to write.
I'm Begging For Asks
This is the page of the things I’m currently in the mood to write, if I’m not begging for asks of things I want to write here’s where you can see what I’m in the mood for. 
Each series will be in bold, I would accept any characters from that series in asks or prompts. The characters listed below each series are the characters from it I would like to see the most, but they aren't required for asks or prompts from the series itself.
Any muse labeled with (Gender Transformation) are characters I will only accept in a genderbent ask, or in asks involving the character having their gender transformed as a part of the story.
If none of the male muses are calling to you, crossover asks are allowed if you want to put someone with Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa, which seems to be a common thread for my blog. Like Makoto Naegi x Rosa from Pokemon. This can also include crossovers like Jaune Arc from RWBY x Mirko from MHA.
Also to note is that as of now, with how much of them are in my inbox, I'm not accepting asks involving Danganronpa characters, with the sole exception of crossover asks involving Makoto as the male muse.
The last note to make here is that I will temporarily be accepting asks and prompts involving anonymous characters, or original characters provided they aren't self inserts. I will also accept asks and prompts of monsters like slimes, and other beasts. This means asks involving a character such a an original villain with mind control powers for My Hero Academia would be accepted, or a gang of thugs or villains for DC or Marvel comics would as well. Along with stories involving hilichurls or slimes from Genshin Impact, or something like the grimm from RWBY.
This is a temporary test to see how I feel about it, I make no promises that it will remain that way. It's dependent on how I feel when writing these stories.
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Kinoko Komori
Nejire Hadou
Bubble Girl
Mt. Lady
La Brava
Eraserhead (Gender Transformation)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Lavender Brown
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Lily Luna Potter
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Rose Weasley
Sirius Black (Gender Transformation)
Cedric Diggory (Gender Transformation)
AI: The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Mizuki Okiura
Shizure Kuranashi/Boss
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright
Ryunosuke Naruhado
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Mia Fey
Gina Lestrade
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Dio (Gender Transformation)
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Thalia Grace
Shaggy Rogers
Daphne Blake
Fred Jones (Gender Transformation)
Jaune Arc
Blake Belladonna
Velvet Scarlatina
Winter Schnee
Coco Adel
Ilia Amitola
Cardin Winchester (Gender Transformation)
Lie Ren (Gender Transformation)
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
DC Comics/Arrowverse/Teen Titans
Richard Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Miss Martian
Black Canary
Nyssa al Ghul
Marvel Comics/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leo Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Lady Sif
Kitty Pride
Susan Storm
Gwen Stacy
Black Cat
White Tiger
Black Widow
Genshin Impact
Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Persona 4/5
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu
Yukiko Amagi
Sae Niijima
Hifumi Togo
Morgana (Gender Transformation)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Gender Transformation)
Takuto Maruki (Gender Transformation)
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge
Cornelia li Britannia
Cecile Croomy
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Cecilia Alcott
Super Crown/Super Mario Bros
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddy's (All Animatronics Are Female)
Michael Afton
Circus Baby
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
The Puppet
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Violet Parr
Tifa Lockhart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Professor Sada
Magma Admin Courtney
Hana Song/D.VA
Ana Amari/Ana
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Mia Winters
Bela Dimitrescu
Dragon Ball
Android 18
Sam Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Faith Lehane
Cordelia Chase
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Candy Chiu
Lies Of P
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Tales Of Arise
Misc Characters
Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Modeus (Helltaker)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Marceline The Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Serana (Skyrim)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
Ranni The Witch (Elden Ring)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
2B (Nier Automata)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Kink Interests
Mind Break
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Brain Draining
Gender Transformation
Cock Worship
Instant Loss
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densesindealer · 1 month ago
I'm Begging For Asks
This is the page of the things I’m currently in the mood to write, if I’m not begging for asks of things I want to write here’s where you can see what I’m in the mood for. 
Each series will be in bold, I would accept any characters from that series in asks or prompts. The characters listed below each series are the characters from it I would like to see the most, but they aren't required for asks or prompts from the series itself.
Any muse labeled with (Gender Transformation) are characters I will only accept in a genderbent ask, or in asks involving the character having their gender transformed as a part of the story.
If none of the male muses are calling to you, crossover asks are allowed if you want to put someone with Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa, which seems to be a common thread for my blog. Like Makoto Naegi x Rosa from Pokemon. This can also include crossovers like Jaune Arc from RWBY x Mirko from MHA.
Also to note is that as of now, with how much of them are in my inbox, I'm not accepting asks involving Danganronpa characters, with the sole exception of crossover asks involving Makoto as the male muse.
The last note to make here is that I will temporarily be accepting asks and prompts involving anonymous characters, or original characters provided they aren't self inserts. I will also accept asks and prompts of monsters like slimes, and other beasts. This means asks involving a character such a an original villain with mind control powers for My Hero Academia would be accepted, or a gang of thugs or villains for DC or Marvel comics would as well. Along with stories involving hilichurls or slimes from Genshin Impact, or something like the grimm from RWBY.
This is a temporary test to see how I feel about it, I make no promises that it will remain that way. It's dependent on how I feel when writing these stories.
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Kinoko Komori
Nejire Hadou
Bubble Girl
Mt. Lady
La Brava
Eraserhead (Gender Transformation)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Lavender Brown
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Lily Luna Potter
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Rose Weasley
Sirius Black (Gender Transformation)
Cedric Diggory (Gender Transformation)
AI: The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Mizuki Okiura
Shizure Kuranashi/Boss
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright
Ryunosuke Naruhado
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Mia Fey
Gina Lestrade
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Dio (Gender Transformation)
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Thalia Grace
Shaggy Rogers
Daphne Blake
Fred Jones (Gender Transformation)
Jaune Arc
Blake Belladonna
Velvet Scarlatina
Winter Schnee
Coco Adel
Ilia Amitola
Cardin Winchester (Gender Transformation)
Lie Ren (Gender Transformation)
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
DC Comics/Arrowverse/Teen Titans
Richard Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Miss Martian
Black Canary
Nyssa al Ghul
Marvel Comics/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leo Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Lady Sif
Kitty Pride
Susan Storm
Gwen Stacy
Black Cat
White Tiger
Black Widow
Genshin Impact
Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Persona 4/5
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu
Yukiko Amagi
Sae Niijima
Hifumi Togo
Morgana (Gender Transformation)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Gender Transformation)
Takuto Maruki (Gender Transformation)
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge
Cornelia li Britannia
Cecile Croomy
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Cecilia Alcott
Super Crown/Super Mario Bros
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddy's (All Animatronics Are Female)
Michael Afton
Circus Baby
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
The Puppet
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Violet Parr
Tifa Lockhart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Professor Sada
Magma Admin Courtney
Hana Song/D.VA
Ana Amari/Ana
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Mia Winters
Bela Dimitrescu
Dragon Ball
Android 18
Sam Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Faith Lehane
Cordelia Chase
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Candy Chiu
Lies Of P
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Tales Of Arise
Misc Characters
Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Modeus (Helltaker)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Marceline The Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Serana (Skyrim)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
Ranni The Witch (Elden Ring)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
2B (Nier Automata)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Kink Interests
Mind Break
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Brain Draining
Gender Transformation
Cock Worship
Instant Loss
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
Wooo, once more, I'm another year older than I was last time November 1st rolled around. Hopefully, my birthday gift this year isn't getting strep throat.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
I Got Roped Into Tier Lists
So I saw everyone doing tier lists for their muses, and I figured I'd also hop on the trend for my blog. You can blame Poke for encouraging me to do it. I ended up making two tier lists for Danganronpa, one for the muses always on my blog, which is basically just Makoto and every female member of the cast.
That is this list here.
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And then my second tier list is of the men in the cast, who aren't on my muse list as men. This tier list is for these characters (Minus Makoto for his supremacy), to be written for asks that include gender-bending or gender transformation.
That tier is list is here.
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Hopefully these help anyone who wants to send me an ask know which characters I'm more likely to write for quickly, and which are more likely to get longer responses.
Asks involving the characters in the first three tiers (That includes the Makoto tier), would be greatly appreciated and always welcome.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
Neo Word: Pacification Project Chapter Four
Dense and @thelewdpokemanik finally back with the fourth chapter of our story, sorry it took so long, you can blame Akane. Our story can still be found up on AO3 here. We hope to be finally returning to form with this chapter out of the way.
Akane stomped her way around the first island, frustrated, and, though she’d be damned to admit it, sore.
She’d lost to Coach Nekomaru and he’d insisted that she let Mikan fuss over her for like, forever when she wasn’t even that injured. She took a beating sure, but it was her pride that was bruised the most, not her body.
To make matters worse, after expending all of that energy fighting Nekomaru, she was hungry. She would love to get Teruteru to whip something up for her, but the chef was too busy preparing for the night’s party to cater to her demands. Sure, she could just go grab something in the kitchen if she really got desperate, but damn if the little man didn’t make good food.
Thinking about the massive meal the chef was going to prepare made her mouth water. Maybe she could wait out her appetite, and then cash in on it later that night with all of that food. 
The gymnast paused, crossing her arms under her bust to think about what the best choice would be. If she followed her gut and waited it out, she wouldn’t be able to get another fight in with Nekomaru. 
Then again, he hadn’t given her more than one fight a day since getting here anyway. 
Hell, she’d damn near begged him for a second fight yesterday and he’d immediately turned her down. When she pressed the matter he threatened to turn ‘it’ away from her for the foreseeable future.
And she’d be damned if she passed up on one of the man’s massages. He was almost as good at that as he was at fighting.
As she stood there deep in her internal debate, the looming presence of the coach snuck up on her. His loud booming voice shook her from her state of pondering.
“Akane!” Loud as he ever was, she immediately felt a surge of hope that he was back to give her another fight.
But the moment she saw the look in his eyes, her hopes died as she realized he had a much different plan for the two of them.
Akane groaned, only just keeping herself from sneezing from the amount of dust she was inhaling in the dirty storage room. “Why the hell are we doing this?”
“No complaining!” Coach Nekomaru called back, his arms folding an ironing table and leaning it against a wall. “We’re here to help our fellow students, and you need to learn some discipline, not to mention team spirit! If nothing else, you should contribute to the party you’ll be enjoying!”
Akane rolled her eyes. God, Coach could be so annoying when he got going on that kind of stuff. As long as she won it was fine, right?
Though she hadn’t been winning lately… She hadn’t even managed to get any food from the kitchen before Teruteru chased her out with a wooden spoon in hand, surprisingly territorial for such a little fella.
Maybe she should ask him for a fight sometime…
Akane clicked her tongue. Whatever. Cleaning was something to do, at least. Though this room really was a mess.
It was full to the brim with random shit, like the aforementioned ironing board, and three irons. Who the hell needed three irons? It also had a bunch of sheets, and cardboard boxes covering the whole back wall, not to mention everything else she couldn’t see in the dark room…
Akane sighed. Well, better get started. Coach Nekomaru could be annoying, but she didn’t want him to threaten to cut her off from ‘it’ again, not even jokingly.
And so, Nekomaru and Akane worked, moving the crap that filled the room around, and taking out the garbage they collected every so often as they slowly emptied the room of cardboard boxes.
It was alright work. Akane could at least feel her muscles work as she walked around and lifted shit, so it wasn’t a complete waste of time. Just most of one.
At least, until Akane realized that the box she’d just lifted was a fuck-ton heavier than all the others, making her blink, almost dropping it to the ground as she did.
“Shit-” But thankfully, she corrected her grip in time to not crush her feet or anything. God, how weak was she getting without fighting? Almost losing to a box…
“Akane! What’s up?” Coach called calmly, no doubt hearing her cursing.
“Nothin’. Just this box…” She said, hefting it out of the room and into the well-lit hallway, only to blink when Coach Nekomaru’s hand landed heavily on her shoulder.
“Wait. Let me see that.” He asked, and Akane shrugged, dropping the box to the floor.
Hm. Actually, this wasn’t a brown cardboard box. This was a proper, like, packaging box, with the name of the product on it and everything.
‘NXT Level Training Dummy’
On it, a plastic man was depicted, standing in some sort of stance maybe, with metal support holding some of the limbs in place.
“Oh ho! I was right!” Coach Nekomaru said, making Akane blink.
“About what?”
“This thing’s worth its weight in gold!” He proclaimed, slapping a big hand on top of the box.
Huh. Must be pretty pricey considering how heavy it was.
“It’s a ‘NXT Level Training Dummy’! This thing’s top-of-the-line when it comes to helping fighters train! A high-end dummy that fights back!”
Akane blinked. “Huh?”
“Yeah! You turn this baby on, and it’ll fight back against you! Of course, it still isn’t as good as a real flesh and blood partner, but I’ve used it in the past, and it's a damn good substitute!” Coach Nekomaru declared, and Akane lost all interest.
“If it's not as good as a real fight, then what’s the point?” She asked, shaking her head and heading back into the storage room.
“Wait, Akane.” Coach said, making her groan.
“What? Let’s get this done already so we can get to the food!”
Coach Nekomaru laughed loudly. “Finding some motivation now? Good! But what I was about to say is that you should take the dummy with you to your cottage.”
Akane blinked. “What? Why?”
“To train with of course!”
“You just said it wasn’t as good as the real thing!”
“And I also said it was the next best thing!”
“Why would I want to fight a dummy when I could fight you instead!”
Coach Nekomaru frowned. “That’s not like you at all, Akane. Refusing a fight?”
Akane frowned in turn. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means- What’s better? No fight, or a fight with a dummy?”
Akane opened her mouth, only to close it again. She hated wanting to fight, but not having anyone to do so. But wasn’t a fake fight worse than no fight at all?
Akane wasn’t sure.
Coach Nekomaru nodded. “Why don’t you try it out? Take it back to your cabin, and you can test it out. See what you think?”
Akane looked down at the dummy illustrated on the box. It was still in its fighting stance, though… 
For some reason, Akane almost felt like it was taunting her. Like she was afraid she would lose to the dummy like she lost to Coach Nekomaru every day.
She grit her teeth, and crossed her arms. “Fine! I’ll beat up the stupid dummy!”
Coach laughed, slapping her on the back. “Good! Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy training with it more than you do me!”
Yeah right. Like that was ever going to happen.
They tucked the box to the side, away from the trash, and resumed their cleaning, though the dummy never fully left Akane’s mind.
The more she thought about it, the more she felt compelled to try it out. She wanted to at least answer Coach Nekomaru’s question, if only so she could stop thinking about it, and get back to fantasizing about tonight’s food, and her next fight.
An exaggerated sigh passed her lips, bored of the seemingly endless cleaning. Her hands were better when she used them for fighting, though sadly, it appeared as if her next one would be against a dummy rather than Coach Nekomaru…
Thankfully, the party’s food had been just as good as Akane had hoped for, if not even better somehow.
Teruteru really deserved to be known as the Ultimate Cook for a reason.
Sadly, her own bottomless stomach had managed to outlast his day’s worth of meal, especially when Byakuya had been matching her bite for bite, somehow still keeping his guard high all night long, even as he ate his fill.
Coach Nekomaru had also refilled his energy, but he still had refused her demand for another fight in the same day, instead pushing the dummy back into her hands and urging her to take it back to her cabin with her to try out.
Akane sighed. Stupid Coach. Stupid dummy.
She let the box crash down onto her cabin floor, and honestly, she was ready to just call it a day. But not really.
She was still wired up, and fiending for a fight. She couldn’t sleep like this!
But Coach Nekomaru would definitely give her shit if she went out in the middle of the night for a fight…
Akane stared down at the box at her feet, and sighed.
Fuck it.
She ripped off the cellophane tape keeping it closed, and began tearing the box open, revealing the dummy within.
It was exactly as shown on the box, just folded a bunch to actually fit inside, though…
Akane hummed curiously for a moment, before pulling it out.
It seemed, hm. Not, actually the same?
Akane began unfolding it, letting it stand up on its own in the same stance shown on the box, but…
Something was different.
She couldn’t really see what with her eyes, but her gut was telling her something was fishy. She was normally one for trusting what her gut told her. Though as she studied the dummy, trying her best to match it up to the picture on the box, it appeared normal. Yet her gut still pooled with something, almost akin to anticipation. 
Oh, it definitely had the potential to be more fun than when she’d first been introduced to the idea.
It stood as tall as her, mostly made of a soft-looking skin-colored silicon, though strategically placed metallic parts helped it stand firmer, not to mention hit harder, no doubt. Those parts were white. On the silicon chest covering, Akane could see squiggly lines here and there, that vaguely gave her the impression of musculature, though they lacked most of the firmness she associated with it.
On the dummy’s face were some generic features Akane barely noticed, instead poking a finger into the dummy’s chest.
It was soft, and easily pressed in under her nail. Akane hummed for a moment.
Somehow, she got the impression the material would at least be satisfying to hit, close enough to a person that she could at least pretend it was one. That might be good enough, for now at least.
Still, she wasn’t going to hit an unmoving dummy. So, she quickly plugged it in, before returning to her position in front of it.
Hm. Now that he was plugged in, she watched it whir to life, whatever passed as it’s stand-ins for muscles coming to life, the joints of its limbs helping it stand to attention. And the eyes in the head of the dummy seemed slightly shiny. Was it watching her somehow?
Akane clicked her tongue, before shaking her head. Whatever.
As long as she could fight it, she didn’t give a crap about how it worked.
The dummy was still immobile, but Akane was done waiting. She lunged forward with a smile, her fist shooting into the dummy’s side, just under its ‘ribs’-
Only to miss completely and only hit the air as the dummy’s upper half spun on its axis, easily moving out of the way of Akane’s punch.
Her eyes barely had the time to widen before her instincts screamed at her, and only by throwing herself back desperately did she manage to only be clipped by the metal-covered elbow of the dummy as it swung at her head.
She spun on her heel, trying to keep her balance after her mad attempt to dodge, and only managed to do so by grabbing hold of the wall behind her.
She blinked, bewildered, a hand coming up to her lightly stinging chin, feeling the way faint sparks of pain danced under her fingers.
Dummy had some bite then, huh?
Akane smiled as she dashed toward the dummy once more, this time ready for it to dodge- only for her fist to slam into a metal bar as its forearm came up to block, making Akane blink in surprise again. The dummy had completely absorbed the hit, not even moving backward under her full-force punch.
So stunned was she, that she didn’t even notice the counterattack until a fist was buried in her stomach, launching her backward several steps as she coughed painfully, a hand rubbing at her sore abs, not to mention the way her knuckles stung from punching the metallic frame of the dummy.
Damn. Coach Nekomaru wasn’t just talking the thing up apparently. It really could fight.
But Akane wasn’t about to lose to some stupid dummy.
At least, that’s what she had told herself several minutes ago, when she had charged at it with a roar of challenge. Only to be countered with each attack leaving her on the losing end.
Now, bruised and battered, panting as she stared at the still untouched dummy, that confidence felt more like a small, heavy ball in her stomach that left her uneasy.
And that wasn’t even mentioning the yawn pulling at her lungs in the late hour of the night.
Fucking fuck. Shit. Goddammit.
Akane growled at the dummy, who pridefully refused to answer, leaving her to nurse her bruises as she went into the shower to clean up.
Her frustration didn’t leave her as she showered, nor as she dried, nor as she returned to bed, naked, glaring at the still-standing dummy.
She’d take her revenge tomorrow, and then she’d show Coach Nekomaru what his stupid dummy was worth.
With that thought in mind, Akane fell into an uneasy sleep, eager to stop thinking about the dummy.
Sadly for the gymnast, that wish would remain unanswered as the dummy haunted her dreams that night, somehow dancing around her as she tried to hit it, only to fail miserably at every opportunity.
On the other hand, the dummy’s blows always managed to find her, no matter how quickly she tried to dodge. The artificial flesh dug into skin, though the pain was barely noticeable compared to the shame she felt losing to it again and again.
Every blow felt like a mark of failure, a proof of her weakness as a dummy beat her with such ease.
And when she woke up the next morning, having slept so uneasily all night, to the sight of the still-standing dummy, looming over her, she jumped out of bed with a fire in her belly, not even stopping to dress herself.
The Morning Announcement hadn’t rang yet, which meant she had time before breakfast.
She would beat this dummy into a plastic pulp, and go celebrate her victory with a nice meal~
With an eager grin, Akane charged the dummy once more, her fist raised.
The dummy dodged her first blow, but Akane was ready for it this time. 
She swung a wide kick toward the dummy’s turned upper half- only for her jaw to drop when the dummy folded in half at the waist, letting her kick sail over it harmlessly, and leaving Akane completely off-balance.
She was almost completely turned back and away from the dummy when she managed to stop her kick, and when she heard the dummy’s articulations force it back upright, she barely managed to grit her teeth before the dummy’s own kick slammed into her side, sending her to the ground with a cry of pain.
“Fuck!” Akane cursed, slamming her fist on the floor of the cabin. She tried to stand up again, but her side protested, forcing her to keep her torso curled inward, like a cowed animal.
She curled her hands into fists once more, feeling her nails digging into her palms.
“You- piece of shit!” She yelled, before charging again, ignoring the way pain lanced through her middle as she did, but this exchange was just as one-sided as the last.
And the next one even more so.
As was the next one.
The fifth time Akane fell to the ground, she curled up in a ball around the pain she felt in her stomach from the dummy’s front kick.
But this time, when she tried to stand up again, she simply couldn’t, her body refusing to obey her as it lit up in pain.
She panted, turning her head the slightest amount to glare at the dummy who was still standing tall over her, only for them to widen as the dummy took a step forward toward her.
She tried to stand again, only to fail once more, scrabbling on the floor like a wild animal, only to gasp as the dummy’s arms wrapped around her middle and lifted her up.
Akane tried to fight it off, but she couldn’t actually get enough momentum going to hit the dummy, nor could her fingers break its titanium grip.
That didn’t mean she didn’t try, of course. Only that she was completely ineffective.
She was completely helpless in its arms.
With a kick, the dummy opened the door of her cabin, and with the same ceremony it would show to putting out the trash, the dummy threw Akane outside her room, letting her roll on the paved road for a moment, her naked skin getting scratches on top of her bruises, and it was all she could do to stare at the dummy as it closed the door behind her, leaving her outside, naked.
It kicked her out of her room! Naked!
Fuck! If Byakuya saw her like this, he would lecture her for like, an hour!
Akane forced herself back to her feet, slowly and painfully. She still couldn’t really force her back up straight, but that didn’t stop her from walking to her door and throwing it open-
The dummy’s fist crashed into her chest, sending her back down to the ground, her heavy limbs not even trying to block the hit.
She fell on her butt, which meant she at least had a cushion to mitigate some of the pain, though clearly not all of it as she rubbed her stinging chest.
Fuck, She couldn’t fight her way back in right now…
Which meant being naked wasn’t her fault!
Akane felt relief at having an excuse to give Byakuya, only to freeze as another thought crossed her mind.
“Shit! I can’t let Coach Nekomaru know the dummy kicked me out of my room!” She scrambled back up to her feet, her eyes shooting to the other side of the divide, where his cabin was.
Coach would be out any moment now, and if he saw her naked like this, she couldn’t possibly explain that a dummy beat her and threw her out of her room! He would definitely refuse to fight her if she couldn’t even fight a dummy!
She needed to find clothes, and fast!
She spun on her heel, and began scanning the other cabins.
Chiaki, Ibuki, Mikan, Peko, Hiyoko and Mahiru’s clothes wouldn’t fit her.
Sonia was the right height, but she only had those long dresses, and Akane refused to wear one.
Which left her with- Nagito!
Akane rushed to the other side of the cabins to the only girl’s cabin on that side, and knocked furiously against the door.
“Nagito! Open up!” Akane called through the door, only taking a moment to make sure no one else was out and about.
She manages to hear something falling, or maybe someone cursing? An indistinct sound through the wooden door, moments before it was pulled open roughly, revealing an irritated Nagito behind it. The white-haired girl glared at the gymnast, only to blink as she actually took her appearance in.
“Akane?” She asked, confused. “You’re naked.”
Akane shrugged. “You’re not exactly dressed yourself.”
Indeed, Nagito’s t-shirt was askew, a milky white shoulder naked, and the thin fabric did nothing at all to hide the nipples poking through the fabric. As for her bottoms, Nagito was only wearing a pair of green panties. All in all, she was barely more dressed than Akane, but still-
“I’m in my cabin. I can dress how I want. What’s your excuse?”
Akane grimaced. “The dummy kicked me out of my cabin before I could get dressed. Can I borrow some of your clothes?”
Nagito’s confused expression swiftly morphed into anger. “No! You can’t have the clothes that Master gave me!”
She tried to slam the door in Akane’s face, but the gymnast forced it to stay open, leaning halfway through the doorway.
“C’mon~ Don’t be so stingy, Nagito!”
“No! You don’t deserve Master’s gifts!” Nagito protested, but even tired as she was, Akane could feel the way she was slowly but surely overpowering Nagito, And Nagito herself could feel it too, judging by the way her disgusted face was slowly but surely giving way to panic.
Akane smirked as she took a step past the doorway, though her nose twisted as she was instantly assaulted by the thick smell of a bitch in heat. 
“Damn, did you really spend all day yesterday flicking the bean?” Akane asked, scrunching up her nose.
Nagito grit her teeth. “Fuck off! I’ve got better things to do than dealing with you! Just leave already!” She said, pushing against the door with all her weight, though she could only slow Akane.
“Stop being so selfish! I need clothes!”
“Selfish!? Get your own clothes! Master’s gifts aren’t for the likes of you!” Nagito declared, making Akane scoff.
“He ain’t even here, if your Master even exists at all. He won’t care.” Akane said uncaringly, only to almost stumble as Nagito began redoubling her efforts.
“Master’s real, you stupid whore! And!” Nagito yelled, pushing again, and this time Akane did stumble as Nagito threw herself against her door.
“I won’t let you touch his gifts!” Nagito cried, and with one final shove, Akane was sent falling back down on her ass, blinking up at the triumphant Nagito stupidly.
The girl smirked down at the gymnast, a hand rubbing at the heart print on her shirt almost subconsciously, and Akane grit her teeth at the contented look in the lucky student’s eyes.
First the dummy, and now Nagito- Nothing was going Akane’s way today…
“Shit!” Akane cursed, before standing back up shakily, just in time to watch Nagito stare at her through a crack in the now almost shut door.
“If you’re so desperate for clothes, why don’t you go see Monokuma or Monomi? They probably expected a dumbass like you to manage to lose yours.” Nagito said, before closing the door with a final click, leaving Akane just as naked, and feeling twice as weak.
Thankfully, Akane had managed to make her way into the old building next to the hotel before anyone else woke up.
Nagito never spoke with anyone else if she could help it, but if someone else saw her without her clothes, they might tell Coach Nekomaru.
And she couldn’t have that. No, Akane just needed a change of clothes, and then she could go eat breakfast, regain her energy, and go beat up that dummy once and for all.
And Nagito had at least given her another option to check out.
“Hey! Monokuma!” Akane said, waving her arms in front of a camera. “Come on out! I wanna talk!”
Akane didn’t have to wait long before Monokuma jumped out of the shadows, landing in front of Akane with a small puff of air as his squishy body hit the floor.
“Puhuhuhuhu~ It does warm my teacher's heart to have my students rely on me so eagerly.” The bear’s high-pitched voice said, before pointing a nubby hand at Akane’s bare tits. “But! Don’t you have any shame, showing your lewd body to your innocent teacher!”
Akane blinked. “What are you talking about?”
“What am I talking about!?” Monokuma repeated, pointing even more intently. “I’m talking about you, you exhibitionist! Look at yourself!”
Akane did.
“Look at those fat, groppable tits! That round, spankable ass! You’ve got so much meat on you you can’t take a step without bouncing like jello!”
Akane felt herself blushing. “I-I’m not fat!” She protested, and Monokuma’s eye twitched.
“I’m talking about your chest, chocolate tits! Don’t you have any shame? Or are you just a natural-born slut? You’re parading yourself in front of all those cameras without a care! Are you hoping someone is watching you through them!? Hoping some guy’s gonna take a liking to your lewd body and become your-” Monokuma froze for a moment in the middle of his monologue, making Akane blink, confused.
“My what?”
“Nothing!” The bear declared, stomping his soft feet against the ground in anger. “I just- Argh! You- If you want clothes just go to the supermarket, you stupid bimbo! I’m sure you’ll find whatever you’ll need to seduce yourself a hunk of a man- I mean- gawdammit!”
And with that final, frustrated cry, Monokuma vanished, leaving Akane to stare where he had stood moments, scratching her head.
Was Monokuma alright? He seemed strange, in a way she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
Well, not like Akane cared about his well-being, though the supermarket was a good idea.
Without wasting a moment thinking about Monokuma’s strange behavior, she dashed out of the old hotel, and rushed to the supermarket to find herself something to wear.
That dummy was as good as dead!
God, the supermarket was a nightmare to try and find anything in. Just a bunch of useless junk, hell the snacks they had weren’t even that good! It was a struggle to find anything even feasible to use as clothing when the place was stocked up with crap like night-vision goggles, lines of junk food that was way worse than Teruteru could make and surfboards. Who would ever need that many surfboards?
With an aggravated groan as she moved more and more of the crap the store was selling she finally had some luck. Not that it was much. Tucked in the furthest corner from the entrance, hidden behind a terribly placed cut-out of Monokuma, was at least one shelf with clothes. Not that there was much there. 
Only a few articles of clothing were available, and once Akane discarded what she physically couldn’t wear, she was left with only three.
A deep scarlet bustier that was partially see-through, lace work covering its middle in intricate designs, thin enough that she was worried she might tear just taking it in her hands. The actual cups at least were actually opaque, so Coach Nekomaru wouldn’t say anything. Probably. Hopefully.
To go with the top was a pair of skin-tight black leather pants. that Akane already dreaded trying to wear. She hated pants this tight, they didn’t let her move like she wanted. They got in the way of her strongest kicks, it made fighting a pain in the ass. And these pants especially were strange. Akane was pretty sure she hadn’t ever seen anyone wear something like this that wasn’t a hooker. The back of it looked torn, but the fabric was too smooth for it to actually be so. Meaning that, the way the fabric split down the middle and went halfway down her ass if she wore them, the two sides only just held together by string that left a lot of free space in between each strand to make sure not to block the view of her ass cleavage- all of that was intentional.
Thankfully, closing out the ensemble was a lacy pair of underwear, the same shade as the bustier. They were delicate and frilly, and looked uncomfortable, and honestly, they might not even be thick enough to actually hide her ass if she wore those pants. 
A ragged growl left her lips before she could register it. She was angry, rightfully so. First, that stupid dummy managed to beat her, and then it kicked her out of her room before she even had the opportunity to get dressed or beat it. Now here she was, stuck with this shit, clothes that even looking at made her feel too womanly.
She didn’t want to be stuck wearing this crap, it was made for someone who actually wanted to look like a woman, she didn’t care about that. No, she wanted people to know she could fight, she wasn’t some fragile princess, she was a fighter and a damn good one, and these clothes didn’t show that. They would make her look like a hooker, or some girl trying to use her appearance to gain some dude’s attention at the very least.
It was everything she never wanted to be all wrapped into one and they were the only clothes around.
Maybe she could make it back to her dorm as she was, fight the dummy, kick it’s ass and wear her old clothes before anybody woke up. That had potential, better than wearing these and appearing weak for even a second. Yeah, that’s what she was going to-
The blaring to life of the speakers caused immediate panic to set within her, she knew what that meant. 
Sure enough Monokuma’s high-pitched voice came through, as the monitors showed the black and white bear. It was morning time, and with that, the guarantee everyone was either awake or about to be. 
Her hope for making it back to her room and beating that stupid dummy was immediately dashed. No chance she could make it back to her room faster than anybody would see her in the buff, and if one person did, Coach Nekomaru and Byakuya were sure to hear about it. Of all the things she needed, hearing a lecture from either of them was pretty low down the list. It always made her feel like a weak child.
She really didn’t have a choice, it was either face the lecture or bear with the clothing she had in her reach to avoid it. She’d only really need it until she got back to her dorm- By the time she was there and beat that stupid robotic monstrosity, she could change back into her old outfit and not have to worry anymore.
Akane grimaced, but still put on the clothing. The underwear felt like a size too small, and like it might tear in two if she so much as ran with them on, forget kicking. Not that the pants would allow her to- just bending at the knees was a struggle, though they weren’t as uncomfortable as she first feared. Still completely impractical and a nightmare to fight in for sure, but they didn’t feel like they would chaff as badly as she first thought.
Still annoying though.
And the bustier was actually pretty comfortable? The cloth was soft against her skin, much softer than anything else she’d ever worn- not that she cared about that of course. She cared about the way it hugged her middle too tightly, and pulled when she twisted her shoulders. At least it was the right size, hugging her tits tightly and holding them in place. It wouldn’t last in a fight of course, but it would last for the walk back to her dorm room.
Akane hummed for a moment after getting dressed. She’d never had clothes that hugged her skin so closely. They were impossible to ignore, as opposed to the loose, practical clothes she was used to that only just fluttered against her skin. These almost felt as if they were glued to her frame, and it honestly didn’t feel as bad as she initially feared.
Tight? Of course. Impractical? Absolutely. Girly? More than Akane would prefer, without a doubt.
Just wearing this crap made her feel weak, but it was better than facing a lecture from Byakuya or making a fool of herself in front of Nekomaru. Hopefully, she could just make it back to her cabin, show that stupid dummy its place, and get back into something more comfortable. Something that didn’t make her look like a whore.
Luck was mostly on her side heading back to her dorm, while others were leaving their cabins nobody really paid any attention to her. Nekomaru had to have left his room already or had remained asleep because she never saw him. However, her luck couldn’t last forever.
“Holy crap, Akane?” The high-pitched voice of Hiyoko stopped her in her tracks.
“What?” She tried her best to sound casual despite her appearance being anything other than normal.
For a moment, Hiyoko only stared at the gymnast, her mouth working soundlessly for a beat, before a smirk stretched her lips.
“Hehe…did you finally realize you had more boobs than brains?” She said, a small hand coming up to cover her giggling mouth.
Akane frowned. “The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, you’re finally dressed like the cheap whore you were always destined to be!” Akane growled, taking a step toward the blonde, whose smirk only grew wider when she saw the way Akane’s pants strained slightly under her too-large footstep.
“Oh I know, I know. You finally realized there’s no way a weakling like you will ever actually manage to beat Nekomaru, so you’ve decided to try and seduce him! Gonna let him bonk you on the head and drag you back into his cabin caveman-style? Must’ve strained your pea-brain to come up with a scheme that complicated.”
Akane flinched despite herself, before shaking her head angrily. “I’m not weak!” She said, but Hiyoko had smelled blood in the water, and she wasn’t about to let go when she only just found a chink in Akane’s armor.
“Puh-lease~” Hiyoko said, her face taking on a moue of pity. “Nekomaru’s a tower of muscle. Anyone with eyes can see that if he wanted to, he would fold you in half in a second. Only reason there’s even a fight at all is because of how easy Nekomaru takes it on you, though I wouldn’t expect a stupid, brainless bimbo like you to have ever realized it.”
Akane could feel cold sweat dripping down her back, her muscles locking up involuntarily. “Y-You’re lying.”
But was she? Coach Nekomaru said so himself yesterday, right? That he was going soft on her? But, like, he wasn’t going that soft.
Hiyoko shook her head ‘sadly’ “Poor Akane… So stupid she can’t even realize what is so obvious to everyone else on this island. Listen up, I’m gonna give you some free advice.” Hiyoko said, taking rapid steps toward Akane.
Akane watched the blonde approach, perplexed- before crying out when her small hand lashed out and slapped one of her boobs. 
“This stupidly lewd body of yours is obviously made for one thing only, and it’s not fighting.”
“Ow! You little-” Akane’s hand reached forward to try and grab the blonde, but her top caught in the movement, not letting her actually extend her reach properly and allowing Hiyoko to easily dance out of her grasp.
“So slooow~ Almost as slow as your brain, slowpoke.” Hiyoko said, giggling. “No amount of training will ever make up for your weakness, bimbo. How about instead of wasting your time fighting, you actually try and work on where your true talent lies? Who knows, maybe Nekomaru will actually help you become the Ultimate Whore~”
Akane could only grit her teeth as she watched a cackling Hiyoko scamper away, just knowing that there was no way she could catch up to the lithe dancer with these stupid clothes on.
Watching the girl go, her own irritation at its peak, she finally managed to make it back to her own cabin. Hiyoko’s words lingered in her mind as she prepared to open her door.
She wasn’t weak, she knew she wasn’t. Yet the fact she had to dress like this and how she ended up in this position at the dummy’s hands made her feel like maybe she was overestimating herself.
Was Hiyoko right? Was Nekomaru taking it easy on her because he knew she couldn’t handle it? Hell, was the even dummy too much for her?
Akane shook the questions and doubts from her mind. She was better than that shit. She was a fighter, strong as hell and she’d show them. She’d show Hiyoko she was wrong, Nekomaru that he didn’t need to take it easy on her-
And most of all, she’d show that stupid dummy that it had nothing on her.
A fire relit in her belly and she was ready, cracking her knuckles before throwing open her door, burying those doubts Hiyoko had helped form. This dummy wasn’t going to stand a chance.
Yet opening her door, where she expected the monstrosity of a machine to immediately attack, was nothing. It didn’t strike, it didn’t send out a flurry of kicks or chops, absolutely nothing.
Instead the dummy stood tall in the center of her room, facing her as she stepped forward. Almost like it was eyeing her as prey, and though she’d never admit it, the sight made her skin crawl. Despite this being her cabin, Akane couldn’t help but feel as if she had wandered into a dangerous animal's territory. It cut an imposing figure, seemingly looming over her despite the fact it had no height advantage over her.
Its head moved slightly, like it had eyes raking over her form, almost like it was appraising her outfit. Whether to judge her for her ability to fight in it, or for if she looked good in it, she wasn’t entirely sure. 
Whatever it was doing, Akane wasn’t planning to let this opening go to waste. She needed to strike first and needed to lay into it hard, and even with her currently limited mobility, she couldn’t let it rear up for any offense of its own. 
With a cry, Akane charged, doing her level best to ignore the way her tight clothing immediately began fighting her movements. She tried to send a high kick at the dummy’s head- only for her pants to categorically refuse to allow that, leaving her off balance as her foot flew toward the dummy’s middle, where it was easily- caught.
Akane was forcefully kept upright by the dummy’s grip on her leg as it was held between its torso and arm. She jerked it, trying to free herself, but the grip was solid like steel, not letting her move an inch, at least, not of her own volition.
The dummy’s grip shifted, lifting her leg higher, making Akane’s eyes widen as she felt her pants strain against the motion, her one leg still on the ground tilting- until, with a push, her leg was released, making her almost spin in a pirouette as she tried, but failed, to remain standing. She ended up landing on her hands and knees facing the door, and though she was uninjured, she felt her face heat up at the way her opponent was so casually manhandling her.
With a growl, she stood up again and turned around, only to blink as the dummy’s ‘eyes’ rose up to meet hers.
Was it- Was it just staring at her ass?
Wait- no- it didn’t hit her! When it caught her and she was at its mercy- It just, pushed her over- so it could stare at her ass?
Akane stared at the dummy with wide eyes, trying to make sense of these events, only to blink again as she realized that the dummy’s ‘eyes’ hadn’t actually met hers. No, they had stopped early.
Akane opened her mouth to say something, only to immediately shut it again, her mouth stretching out into a savage grin.
Her muscles tensed, and using the dummy’s distraction against it, she launched another surprise attack, her fist flying toward the side of the dummy’s head in a vicious right hook.
The dummy seemed to jump, almost in surprise, though it quickly managed to rebalance itself and dodge her strike, though clearly without the ease Akane had come to expect from it.
In fact, if she had been but a tiny bit faster, she might’ve managed to touch it!
Had it really just been distracted by her body?
Akane had no time to consider that since the dummy’s counterattack soon struck her, and though she braced herself for the hit-
She wasn’t ready for the open-palm strike on her ass as the dummy moved around her, making her cry out.
Akane froze for a moment, her eyes wide and bulging as she tried to understand what had just happened, which only left her open for the dummy’s second strike on her other cheek, making her jump with a growl.
Akane spun on her heel, turning to face the dummy once more, ignoring the way her face was burning in humiliation, not to mention the heat radiating from her ass.
“Y-You fucker!” She screamed out in rage at the dummy, the machine that had the audacity to treat her like that.
The anger she felt was all the motivation she needed to launch herself back at the plastic predator, ignoring the way her clothing constricted as she lunged forward. Hands outstretched to attempt any kind of a punch or even a grapple if need be. Only for the dummy to twist and allow her to sail past cleanly, not wasting a moment to send a strike once again aimed at her ass.
The sound of the spank echoed in her cottage, followed by the softest of groans that Akane involuntarily let out. She grit her teeth to attempt to curb the sound- it was a natural response to the spank, nothing more. Yet it didn’t quell the rage she felt at once more being treated like a joke by a training dummy. She was better than that, no matter what anybody said.
A growl replaced the groan and she spun around to face the dummy once again. She couldn’t let these attacks stand, it was treating her like a joke like a toy. She clamped down her mind against the unbidden thoughts, and readied herself to attempt another strike, carefully tracking the dummy for another attack aimed towards her ass. Akane launched an intentionally slower-paced punch, hoping to catch it off guard when it went for the inevitable swing that it seemed to be favoring.
Sure enough, she witnessed his arm extend after a relatively simple dodge of her attack, spinning on her heel to turn her backside from its reach, shock filled her as a slap didn’t land where she expected it. Instead of its plastic hand falling on her backside, it collided against her chest, causing a whorish moan to escape her lips at the contact. As much as she wished to ignore it, some deep recess of her mind made sure that was what she remembered first.
How could she not have noticed it? Why did it feel so good? She knew an attack was coming, she saw it move and she should have been able to block it, hell she should have known where it was aiming too. So why hadn’t she been able to do anything? Why did it feel so good? The thought crept back into Akane’s mind and she ruthlessly stamped it back down. 
She was wrong before, it wasn’t treating her like a joke. It was treating her like a woman, like a toy. Her earlier worries came back to her along with Hiyoko’s words. It was treating her like a slut, like Hiyoko had called her, like how her clothes made her feel. A primal growl escaped her once more, she was better than that, Hiyoko was wrong about her right? This dummy was going to learn that the hard way, and no matter how it felt, she was going to beat this machine until it couldn’t function.
Centering her mind, readying herself, Akane took off in a flurry of blows, matched beat for beat by the dummy. Every punch she threw drew one back, every kick was dodged, and the slaps and spanks kept coming. She ignored every feeling, the flutter in her chest when it grazed any part of her body, the way her voice came out without her intent every time she was struck. She was better than that, and she could ignore that feeling in order to destroy this fucking dummy.
Her clothes strained with every movement, and her mind raced to keep up even as her body slowed down. She knew the clothing inhibited her movement, but the last time she’d attempted this without anything on, she ended up locked out of her room. There was no time to adjust her outfit, to attempt to change into something more suitable, and she barely cared. All she needed to do was maintain her focus, prove that she wasn’t just some weak slut girl who didn’t know how to fight.
Ignoring the light shaking in her body, chalking it up to just being a bit out of breath, she brought herself back to center. Then the thought struck her, that she was always the one pressing the attack, and every time the dummy countered with ease. That must have been what she was doing wrong, she was allowing the damn thing the opportunity to strike back. If she let it make the first move, she could perform a counter of her own. It would be easier to tell where it was aiming and to avoid the strike, even though a traitorous part of her mind wasn’t sure getting hit was such a bad thing.
So she put forth her new plan, staring down the machine, preparing herself for it to attack. Her eyes focused on its hands, ready to take hold of an arm and to throw it when it inevitably-
“Ahhn~” The most whorish sound she had produced spilled from her lips when the dummy struck her.
She was so focused on her own plan and tracking the aim, but she forgot just how fast the damn thing could move, hell she hadn’t even really seen it strike. Yet somehow it had a hand latched to her breast, and her body felt a heat that made her legs quake. She needed to strike, it was distracted now, and even if its grip seemingly refused to loosen, it was providing her with the perfect opportunity to perform the toss of her dreams.
Yet her hands refused to move, hell her entire body did as the dummy’s hand shamelessly groped her abundant chest. Another wanton moan left her lips as the hand grazed her hardened nipple. When did they get like that? From the movement she noticed her entire body somehow felt even weaker. 
With a great amount of effort, when it shouldn’t have been nearly as hard to move, she managed to finally raise her arm. She was prepared to strike, finally a moment to capitalize that she could take. Yet her hand clenched around the robotic wrist, and pressed the dummy’s hand further into her chest. Instead of sending the monstrosity flying away from her, she brought it closer, and she let out a soft mewl.
Why did…why had she done that?
She was supposed to be fighting right? So why was she…acting…acting like a-
The word Hiyoko had called her earlier rang through her head, and something deep in her core vibrated just thinking of it. She was supposed to be fighting, hell not just fighting, but winning. Akane was supposed to be beating this dummy and proving she had what it took to take down Nekomaru. It was all to prove she could fight, that she wasn’t some weak girl who needed someone to take it easy on her.
Yet, she was acting just like a whore.
Exactly how Hiyoko had described her.
Exactly how her clothes made her feel.
Exactly what she was supposed to be.
Her mind was hazy as she tried to fight the thoughts that formed. This was all because of that stupid machine. This stupid dummy, it was taking advantage of her, making her feel weak and Hiyoko hadn’t helped. She just needed to fight back, she could do that right? Fighting is what she was made for, and just because the dummy was making her feel good doesn’t mean the loss wasn’t stinging more.
The signs of her arousal leaking down her thighs were only a coincidence.
She could do this, her mind focused once more, her grip tightened on the robot's wrist as she yanked its hand from her chest. Akane only stuttered for a brief moment, a momentary feeling of loss as the lack of contact. Taking a deep breath, she launched her other hand towards the dummy and-
It was an oddly soft sound for the collision, but that didn’t matter, because she had finally managed to land a solid blow. There was finally definitive proof that she knew what she was doing, that she was built for this.
Better yet, the dummy seemed to be reeling from her attack, it wasn’t moving, just staring down at her. Almost like it was processing what happened, and realizing she was finally learning. She looked the dummy over, ready to assess the damage she had managed to do, when she noticed exactly where her hand had landed.
Her hand was placed directly on the dummy’s crotch.
Exactly where it was supposed to be.
Hah! That’s why it must have been stunned, her hand was…oh god her hand was on its crotch!
She pulled her hand back with a quick tug, like she had been burned. Her cheeks felt warm and she realized what she had done. How had she even done that? She was aiming for its chest, that was way lower…so how had she…
What was happening to her? She couldn’t manage to keep her thoughts organized and everything was confusing. Her head was foggy and her body felt weaker than ever, and she was the one who had landed a hit this time, even if it wasn’t in the right place.
Her eyes lowered to the floor, and strangely the dummy didn’t strike despite the window of opportunity she was providing. Akane didn’t mind, it gave her time to try and organize her mind.
What little she could through whatever haze was consuming it.
Why was everything going so wrong?
She couldn’t manage to beat it when she first tried. There hadn’t been so much as a scratch on the damn thing when it tossed her out of her own damn room that morning. When she had managed to return more clothed? Well even then she couldn’t do a damn thing to it, even then it managed to best her at every turn.
Why was it managing to beat her so easily?
Hell, it was even toying with her!
It was…it lunged at her lewdly, it took advantage of her restrictive clothing to strike her in places that were the most sensitive. It made her feel ineffective, it made her feel weak. 
It made her feel soft.
It made her feel good.
Finally the thought came to her, and this time she didn’t fight it. The dummy had made her feel good, every time it beat her, it could have done so much worse. It could have punched, kicked, even thrown her. Yet it hadn’t, instead, it made her feel so good she couldn’t even control her own voice.
The wet feeling on her thighs proved that to be the case, even if she hadn’t wanted to admit the truth before.
Every loss she took, every failure, felt good, better than anything.
It was better than food, better than fighting Nekomaru.
It was better than winning.
It felt good to lose.
It felt so good to lose.
As the thought repeated itself in a loop on her mind, a question began to form. One she didn’t think she’d need to ask, yet it was there all the same.
Did she even want to win?
That’s…what she was good at right?
She was good at winning?
Somehow the concept seemed just as foreign as the question of whether or not she wanted to win. Was that why she hadn’t noticed how good it felt to lose? Was she too good at winning that a loss never occurred?
She lost to Nekomaru every time they fought. Yet that didn’t feel the same.
So why was this so different? Why did it feel so good?
Her eyes rose to find the dummy, to study it as though it held the answers she sought, and everything finally connected. It was like she was looking at it in a whole new light.
She took in every detail of the dummy she hadn’t cared to look at before. Her eyes roamed its form and raked in every ounce of perfection that she could. It’s muscles were definitely not extremely defined, but they clearly hid a power that she herself lacked. It wasn’t even tall, hell it was shorter than her, yet it was imposing and made her feel small.
Her eyes continued to roam, and she landed on its face, which after all this time she had largely ignored. It had soft eyes, ones devoid of malice, with a soft hazel colouring to them. A small smile graced its face, one that felt both encouraging and demanding, though she didn’t quite know what it seemed to want anymore. Finally the light brown hair caught her attention, it was somehow both spiky and soft, even with the antenna, a…ah…ahoge maybe, on top of it. 
It was designed to look like perfection, at least that was the first thought that managed to fight its way through the haze in her mind. 
That was why it felt so good to lose with the dummy and never with Nekomaru.
This…he was perfection in a way Nekomaru wasn’t.
Not the dummy, not truly, but the man they had modeled it after. 
Her realization was sudden, abrupt, yet it wasn’t short of wonder. It was the final moment of understanding with everything that had happened. She was an idiot for not understanding earlier.
Did she even want to win?
Why would she?
She wasn’t good at winning against him.
That was what made it fun, the way he put her in her place. He turned her to putty with ease, and made her soak her gorgeous clothes by doing so.
This was what she was good at.
This is what she was made for.
Hiyoko was right.
Akane was a whore, a bimbo, brainless and stupid, because she didn’t understand until now.
She had spent so much time trying to win against him when that wasn’t what she was meant to do.
Akane was made to lose to him.
She was made to submit to him.
She was made to submit to her master, like a good whore should.
The thought made a familiar feeling climb its way back up. The lust was unyielding and her arousal was reignited. Accepting her place was a pleasure that didn’t compare to the feeling of the dummy’s hand on her body. 
But that didn’t mean she was adverse to it~
Akane was panting as she stared at the effigy of her Master, an unhinged smile on her face.
“Please, show me my place, Master~” She begged, before lunging at the dummy.
But there was no fighting this time. Her legs were weak and unsteady, her cunt was drooling, and her arms were made to embrace her Master.
And that’s exactly what she did, throwing herself at him, her arms around the dummy’s neck and hanging off it, staring up into the replica of her Master’s visage as the dummy’s hand fell on her ass one more time, eagerly taking what he wanted from her body.
Heavenly pain shot through Akane’s spine and exploded like fireworks in her brain as she moaned, again and again as the dummy spanked her harshly, its strong hands easily sending quakes through her fat ass.
If this is what a replica of her master was capable of, she couldn’t wait to see what He would do to her~
The thought ignited her arousal, and when the dummy’s hand gripped her ass, mauling it like it was branding it for her Master-
Her vision swam, and for just a moment, she saw not the dummy, but her Master, standing above her and rewarding her for her lewd body-
And she came.
Pleasure and pain intermingled intoxicatingly in Akane’s brain, turning every thought not related to her Master into a slurry as her weak body failed her.
Her battered body fell to the ground bonelessly, her pleasure-drunk brain intermingling truth and illusion.
And she smiled up at her Master as she passed out, happier than she had ever been.
When Akane next woke up, it was to sunlight piercing through her window and jabbing at her eyes.
She slowly raised herself, groaning as her bruised body aching from sleeping on the floor, at her Master’s feet-
‘Master <3’
The thought was like adrenaline to Akane, who looked back up to the dummy-
Who looked like an ordinary dummy.
Akane felt her heart deflate as she saw that it was no longer her Master’s effigy- Or rather, maybe her Master had been the one to inhabit it?
Just the thought of it made Akane’s pussy moisten.
She grinned as she forced herself to her feet, her smile only widening as she felt the bruises her Master had left on her yesterday make themselves known.
She waddled to the mirror in the bathroom, and shimmied out of her pants, staring at her own ass, at the purple bruise her Master had lovingly given her~
Akane’s hand traced the brand, a whimper climbing out of her throat as her nail glided over the sensitive skin, but the pain couldn’t do anything to wipe the smile off her face. No, if anything, it only fueled it.
Akane giggled stupidly to herself, her free hand diving into the front of her pants.
She couldn’t wait to see her Master again <3
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
MHA Story!
So I somehow ended up finally starting an idea for an MHA story that has been living in my head for a while. So I have no officially written the first chapter and posted it on AO3, I'd post it here as well, but quite honestly, it's easier to just post a link to the story.
Summary: Growing up quirkless was basically a death sentence, at the very least it wasn't going to lead to a pretty life. That was what was expected when he was diagnosed as Quirkless at four years old. Thirteen years later was when everything changed, when All Might told him those fateful words, that he could be a hero.
However the true start of his journey was a year later, when an eighteen year old Izuku Midoriya awakened his true quirk, the one he didn't think he had. That was when life truly changed, or perhaps when it truly began, with untold power at his fingertips, and the desire to be less selfless and more selfish growing the more he used it. It started as a mere accident, but things rarely stayed accidental in the world of quirks.
He would change, things would be different, and when the world is in your grasp? Well, it's hard not to take the plunge.
If you're curious what it's about, it's a story focused on Midoriya and him having a quirk of his own. One that is far more lewd than usual, and one that is quite frankly, disgustingly overpowered, which is the point. It's a story focused on Mind Control, Gender Transformation, Harems, and of course, Lewds. If that interests you please check it out, though right now the first chapter is just set up, and the second chapter will be much the same.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
MHA Story!
So I somehow ended up finally starting an idea for an MHA story that has been living in my head for a while. So I have no officially written the first chapter and posted it on AO3, I'd post it here as well, but quite honestly, it's easier to just post a link to the story.
Summary: Growing up quirkless was basically a death sentence, at the very least it wasn't going to lead to a pretty life. That was what was expected when he was diagnosed as Quirkless at four years old. Thirteen years later was when everything changed, when All Might told him those fateful words, that he could be a hero.
However the true start of his journey was a year later, when an eighteen year old Izuku Midoriya awakened his true quirk, the one he didn't think he had. That was when life truly changed, or perhaps when it truly began, with untold power at his fingertips, and the desire to be less selfless and more selfish growing the more he used it. It started as a mere accident, but things rarely stayed accidental in the world of quirks.
He would change, things would be different, and when the world is in your grasp? Well, it's hard not to take the plunge.
If you're curious what it's about, it's a story focused on Midoriya and him having a quirk of his own. One that is far more lewd than usual, and one that is quite frankly, disgustingly overpowered, which is the point. It's a story focused on Mind Control, Gender Transformation, Harems, and of course, Lewds. If that interests you please check it out, though right now the first chapter is just set up, and the second chapter will be much the same.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
Oh, i actually wanted to ask another thing: You have a story with akane as your main focus? 'cause if it is that way, damn. Tough work :/
No, the main focus is the entire cast of the second game at the moment. Each character has an individual chapter. Hers was just a roadblock. If I was tackling a story focused solely around Akane, I would probably manage better because I would feel more comfortable tweaking parts of her character for the sake of the story.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
I mean... maybe you aren't that creative then, cause people had done cool stuff with her.
First off, that comes across as rude for no reason. Don't know if that was your intent, but I'd highly recommend not just saying something that sounds insulting.
Secondly, just because someone else had some good ideas for her doesn't mean every other writer will. That's the opposite of how creativity tends to work.
Finally, Akane can be used for stories just fine. It's this story in particular or stories in which she isn't changed at the start that give me issues. I'm more than happy to write ideas for Akane that are formed on the basis of "What if her life was just slightly harder?" or "What if she did x, or acted like y?" Those ideas are fun to do, but they aren't viable for this story at all.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
About akane...doesnt that give you a lot of freedom to create? There was some writer who said that, or something similar...
There is not any relationship between Owari and her siblings? Make one! Maybe she is afraid of failure because shes the oldest and thinks that she has to act unstoppable (showing that shes not dumb at all), maybe life hardened her and thats her trying to protect her family, maybe you can try and make the siblings more relevant in your story...
While there is not a lot of lore with her, that gives you the liberty of making one and making her a more complex character :D
I'm with you on the ability to make a character complex, but that isn't so much her potential. Akane herself has nothing going for her, and doing that would be "what if Akane was different?" It's actually fun to write characters like that sometimes, but it's not the character having potential as much as it is a personal storyline or idea having it.
I think that's because, from at least my point of view, what's being described comes across like this. It's less of "How would these things affect Akane?" and more, "How would the story change if Akane acted differently?"
That doesn't mean that's bad by any stretch, but it's just not what I'm aiming for in this situation. The story is about the characters acting as themselves and how they would be changed or transformed from that point. Not even via deep consequences or anything (Well, except Makoto, his entire storyline is how his actions and their results affect him).
Instead, it's about who they are fully, naturally, and how their genuine traits could be flipped in full.
I don't know if any of what I said makes sense, I just woke up. Hopefully, I got my point across, tho.
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densesindealer · 5 months ago
She does care about her siblings, maybe you can use that?
See I thought about that at first, because that is something the game tells you repeatedly. Yet in the story and even in her free time events, her siblings aren't really ever important. They are the catalyst for why she fights to be strong at least in part but not really. They just kind of exist and that's it. Instead, they provide nothing and she remains an oblivious idiot, who focuses on food and fighting because she is terrified of being weak. Her siblings genuinely contribute nothing to her story, because they only provide and are mentioned at the bare minimum level to pretend she has depth.
Regardless of how I feel about her backstory, it also wouldn't work with the story nor the plan for her character. It's genuinely just that she is so ungodly bland that it's hard to think of a way to write her character because she doesn't have anything to work off of. Writing someone who cares about their sibling is better off in the hands of Makoto, Fuyuhiko, Rantaro, or even Asahina who have better established relationships with their siblings, or where it's central to parts of their characterization as a whole like Rantaro and Fuyuhiko.
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