leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Snaketooth, Flowerstem, and Whorlpelt become warriors.
Frondpaw is apprenticed to Wasptail.
Talonstar dies. Rubblestar chooses Dewtail to be ShadowClan’s deputy.
Berryheart dies.
Shadowkit, Pouncekit, and Lightkit are born to Grassheart.
Spirekit, Sunkit, and Hollowkit are born to Mistcloud.
Flaxkit and Hopkit are born to Dewtail and Whitethroat.
Cinnamonpaw, Blazepaw, and Antpaw join the Clan. They are apprenticed to Dewtail, Pinenose, and Needletail.
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snalz-artt · 1 year
made another warriors oc animatic!!! this one is about my most specialest oc minnowcreek and how bad everything goes for her <3
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alternative-snake · 1 year
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woo yeah shout out to maggotwish!!!! my fucking clangen leader got kidnapped so he lost all of his lives at once but hey!!! maggotwish got a promotion!!
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penlopon · 6 months
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some clangen designs I did for my sister!! Her leader and medcat duo Rubblestar and Tinyrose
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h4zardousch3micals · 5 months
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My favourite chonky cat
- Rubblestar's name is a play on how they "hit hard enough to turn anything into a pile of rubble".
- Rubblestar is related to Frostpaw and Softpaw (not quite sure how yet, probably an auncle or cousin or something)
- Despite some nasty rumours being spread by cats from other clans, she is not descended from kittypets in any meaningful way
- Rubblestar was the best prey-catcher in all the clans until Foxcatcher came along. He isn't salty about it though - having more skilled cats is great!
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boobananana · 1 year
Introducing Zinniaclan : Year 1
Introducing Zinniaclan
Meadowfur finally realizes how long she and the others had been walking when she sees the rising sun and the setting moon. The ache in her bones finally settle when she feels her legs quiver from exhaustion. Meadowfur stares at the abandoned camp of an ancient clan that Starclan had sent her dreams of and she begins to feel the sting of tears behind her eyes. Her legs collapse and flatten the grass beneath her. She hears Ganderkit cry as Rimecloud rushes to her aide, but she is too drained to apologize and keep up a strong facade for her father and sister.
Muddydawn is desperately trying to get Meaduwfur's attention to no avail as her eyes are still fixed on their prophesied home. Her questions regarding the molly's physical and mental health are unheard, and eventually Muddydawn moves on to Gillfeather.
Gillfeather is collapsed on the ground beside Meadowfur, sobbing in relief and hope he never thought he'd grasp again. He can't feel his legs and he didn't even know if he felt his mind anymore but he felt comfort in the damp grass and the arriving breeze and Muddydawn's gentle voice. He felt alive again, strangely.
Cloverpaw and Creekpaw are exhausted and week, leaning against Riftspeck, who is keeping a stoic face as she doesn't want to the others see her tears. She tries to keep them behind her eyes, but resorts to closing them when she realizes she isn't winning the battle against her pain.
Icepaw is eagerly following his mentor, Rubblebeetle, who has begun to trot down the hill towards their salvatio. Despite his growing aches and equally as pained joints, he kept his paws moving. Even if he was growing closer to Starclan and his sight was deteriorating, he was determined to make sure they would settle into their new home. It would be his last duty as a warrior of Zinniaclan, if not his last duty as leader.
Bushsnow lets out a sigh of relief, she would probably be crying and collapsing to the ground as well if she was even capable of feeling physical exhaustion. She was worried the entire clan would perish as she was unable to send eligible visions. Although, Meadowfur was somehow capable of catching them? Why? Even now, as Bushsnow looks down on what remains of Zinniaclan, she can't understand why Meadowfur could receive the dreams and not Muddydawn. Muddydawn was known for her exceptional connection with Starclan, and yet Bushsnow couldn't get through to her. The Starclan molly exhaled heavily before shaking her head to rid herself of those thoughts, for now at least. She should just worry about helping Zinniaclan, especially now that Rubblestar- Rubblebeetle, has stepped down as leader. The question of Meadowfur's abilities would have to be pondered later, Bushsnow still had a job to do.
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autumnclanupdates · 2 years
A New Moon
The first moon didn't bring much luck, all of the other clans were too busy to gather, but this moon... much has happened.
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Milkdapple... might have stolen kits. We're not sure.
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A loner joined, O'Leary, and he seems to be fitting in just fine. Aloekit has survived as well, and loves having five new denmates to play with. Hoppaw has become Hopstorm, and we expect to see Peatpaw gaining his warrior name soon enough.
And onto the new you've been waiting for: the other clans. We finally found a meeting point where we could share news and warnings with those not in our clan.
Spikestar chose to name his clan Webclan, his deputy Charfoot and his medicine cat Flipskip.
Fernstar named her clan Mossclan, choosing her deputy and medicine cat to be Crowpelt and Dappleblaze respectfully.
Rubblestar, Fernstar's twin, called his clan Sparkclan, and decided that Cloudeye and Strikespeckle should be his deputy and medicine cat.
Hopefully none of them get the idea that just because we're half populated with kits means that we're defenseless, because we aren't.
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Rubblestar - he/him - Floodclan Leader (Floodbearer)
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courtjester · 5 years
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This took
WAY TOO FUCKING LONG But it was worth it
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transhoverfish · 3 years
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[Subnautica Week Day 6: Crossover]
i have warrior cats brainrot and these stupid books will never leave me alone, so yes i HAD to draw my warrior cat au that only existed in my dream about b4 sleeping folder before. ive never put more meaning into warrior cat names before ever
-paul (named rubblestar.. get it.. rubble... star... like his crashed ship is rubble...) is leader, and appointed bart (barksong) as his deputy. bart gets appointed fairly young, as his apprenticeship starts early and ends early, and he doesn't train one of his own before moving up again to deputy
-bart secretly would prefer to be a medicine cat, always having an interest in plants and not having much heart for fighting or hunting
-marguerit (daisysplash, because daisy is a canon prefix and apparently marguerit means daisy in danish and i could NOT pass that up) is a rogue or loner or idk just a traveler, not entirely decided, who honestly is the much better choice for deputy, but isn't entirely trusted by paul and he much prefers to have his bloodline be remembered with a legacy
-this au is mostly just a bunch of random thoughts thrown together with no real plot. sunbeam and aurora are other clans, avery being the leader of one and hollister the leader of another (fleetstar bc of more puns). hollister's deputy is keen (podfall... my puns got a bit dark admittedly SKSNRK), and i haven't actually come up w a name for avery yet, but i want a sunbeam pun in there somewhere... sunstar is already a canon cat tho and beamstar sounds. wait beamstar sounds kinda sick i might role with beamstar.
-overall mostly just a bundle of ideas and not a whole au yet. but its fun to think about and make little updates to every now and then!!
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
so part 2 of my fanclans lore! more plot details
sludgestar’s group was instantly the largest, as feral cats found it easier to live under his looser set of rules compared to the others. however, he found that it was difficult to live in the harsh leafbare in the jungle. so he and duststar made an agreement: his clan could live in her factory during leafbare if her clan could hunt in a portion of their territory
as the two leaders spent more time together, they quickly fell in love with one another. truly, they had been living together for moons as kittypets, so their feelings didn’t come from nowhere. but now as clan cats, they felt the pressure to not express their feelings, as they were afraid their clans would lose respect for them. but when duststar realized she was pregnant, they realized they had to do something. so when she gave birth in leafbare, sludgestar snuck the 5 kits to a queen in his group. he never revealed he was their father as to not draw suspicion
the 5 kits consisted of trashkit (a blue tortoiseshell and white molly), grimekit (a brown tortoiseshell molly), pigeonkit (a blue, black, and white chimera tom), bonekit (a dark brown pointed tom), and tickkit (a ginger brown tabby tom)
orchidstar suspects the relationship between the two leaders and warns them that she will ruin them if they continue
skipping time to when the kits are all grown up. they earn the names trashbreath, grimesplotch, pigeonslip, tickbite, and bonemask. trashbreath is notably a very ambitious and brash cat. on a patrol, she notices rubbleclan cats hunting outside of the shared territory and rushes into a fight. during which, duststar refuses to fight her. trashbreath eventually chases duststar onto the road, where she is kit by a monster and killed. trashbreath rejoices, unknowing that she killed her mother, and sludgestar tries to hide his horror
rubblespark, now rubblestar, declares that the alliance is over. during the next leafbare, sludgestar gets super sick. the healer of duststar’s group sneaks out to help grimesplotch find herbs. when she helps heal her father, he decides that his group does need a healer and makes grimesplotch the first one. trashbreath is also made the first deputy bc nepotism
later on, the healer of bodhi’s group, alfie slips down a manhole and blacks out. he shares a strange dream where he sees duststar, transformed into a deity-like being. turns out starclan used the tiny bit of power left over the jungle to make an afterlife for the cats there. ill explain them more in detail in another group but rubblestar receives his nine lives and the sewer system there is called the “mooncavern”, as the open manhole above it is the size of the moon when it crosses overhead
skipping forward again, sludgestar goes to rubblestar’s camp to talk to him and notices they are under attack by loose dogs. sludgestar goes up onto to a fire escape where one is cornering rubblestar, thistlefrost, and the healer’s apprentice bumblepaw. sludgestar tackles the dog off the fire escape ledge and yeah. he doesn’t survive the fall. though, he is reunited with duststar in death
that’s the main founding plot so to tie up loose ends. orchidstar takes no mate and ends up dying when a coyote comes into their territory. bodhi lives a long life but ultimately dies of liver failure
the clans are named after their first leader with nine lives, trashclan (trashstar), oakclan (oakstar), rubbleclan (rubblestar), and bellclan (belle)
some random facts are that they think the subway train is giant snake called “the traveling serpent” and there are cats living in the subway lines. i also came up with clan specific insults lmao. mouse-willed is a oakclan insult for a cowardly cat. soft-bellied is a trashclan insult for a squeamish or easily frightened cat. dirty-pawed is a bellclan insult for a unmannered or filthy cat. and dusty-brained is a rubbleclan insult for a dumb cat. also “possum-faced” is a general insult for an ugly cat, but in trashclan they use it as more or less a joking compliment
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Rubblestar dies. Dewstar chooses Wasptail to be ShadowClan’s new deputy.
Grassheart and Whorlpelt die.
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snalz-artt · 1 year
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Needed some quick little thumbnails for the clan folders on my toyhouse!! So have the leaders and deputies ^^
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hinterland-clans · 3 years
You posting the leader list, even if it’s just names, makes me want so much to know about them, ah! TELL ME THEIR STORIES!!!!! (if you want to, of course)
I don’t have stories for many of them yet, but i wish i did! I will give an overview of what i have tho 👀
- Sorrelstar was the founder of GlenClan! He was a former ThunderClan deputy in the Lake territories. he was sweet and kind, and watches over his Clan’s prosperity from StarClan.
- Dewstar was killed by their deputy Barkfang, because Barkfang wanted to become leader.
- Redstar was chosen by StarClan to be the next leader after healers Briskwater and Sandytail poisoned Barkfang with tampered traveling herbs on his way to the Starpool. He was albino, and would usually either come out at night or stay in the shade during the day so that his skin and eyes wouldn’t burn.
- Ashstar is the cat who accidentally started a war with RiftClan over rights to the Great River. Not long after becoming leader, the Clans were hit by a terrible winter that caused a long famine (think ThunderClan Great Hunger style). He refused to let RiftClan cats fish in the river so that his Clan would stay alive. Near the end of his life, he made Hickoryleap his deputy to try to stop the fighting.
- Hickorystar was only the leader for about a year because he had an immune disorder and his lives were spent trying to keep him alive after getting frequently sick. He made young Sandstripe his deputy in the hopes she would put things right with RiftClan. and she did. 
- Sandstar is the current leader of GlenClan! She’s cool!
- Aspenstar, a former ShadowClan warrior, was the founder of PineClan. She was the first of the original leaders to die, being the eldest, and having lost lives trying to keep her position when her nephew Crowmask led a coup against her (more info on him here!). 
-  Bumblestar was a former kittypet and a super sweet guy and I’m just putting this here because I love his name and his leader mark is bee stripes on his tail. precious :D.
-  Vinestar is the father of Shimmertail and Ruepetal, and a bad bitch to boot. He and his mate Sunbelly were an absolute power couple, and when she died during a border skirmish with GlenClan, he vowed to wipe them out entirely. His deputy Blackreed, as well as many others, stood against him in a rebellion. He attacked Blackreed, and they killed each other in the ensuing fight.
- Rosestar was chosen by StarClan after the deaths of Vinestar and Blackreed to be the current PineClan leader. She often feels like her mate and deputy Hollyfrost should have been chosen instead, but despite these feelings, she is a good, kind leader.
- Shardstar, formerly Shard of White Stone, was the founder of RiftClan. He and his band of Tribe cats were sent by the Stoneteller to help the Clans after she was given an omen by the Tribe of Endless Hunting. While on the journey with them, he began to feel at home with Clan customs. But in order to keep his Clan alive, he and his other Tribemates taught the Clan cats and loners who had joined them how to survive on the mountainside, dividing them up into specialties. 
- Quietstar was the leader during a famine that killed off a good portion of RiftClan. When she was denied aide by the other Clans, she went on a rampage, conquering swathes of territory from each Clan. When she was confronted during a gathering, she started a huge fight, resulting in the death of her mate. When she saw this, she took a life from the GlenClan leader Stagstar, and was promptly struck by lightning, which burned away all of her lives at once. She stayed in the Dark Forest for a long time, taking care of Twilightpaw, until they both got out during a whole Thing™ and joined StarClan.
- Rubblestar was missing one of her back legs since birth, and she was cool.
- Screestar is the current RiftClan leader! When he was an apprentice, he was caught in a rockslide with his mentor, Burrpelt. Burrpelt died, and when Screestar was dragged from the rubble by PineClan cats, his front paw and part of his brain was permanenty damaged. his paw is pretty much unusable, and he suffers from tremors and memory loss. But he learned to live with his disability, and eventually became a proud and noble leader!
thanks for sending this in!
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unwantedgifts · 5 years
RushClan, the ancient clan strict on their rules and their following of StarClan, led by Rubblestar and an ever-changing cycle of deputies, has finally opened.
Similar to WillowClan, RushClan is opening with 7 adoptable cats- 3 warriors who are closer to Rubblestar than any other cats, and 4 kits- and will allow you to otherwise submit new OCs and choose whether or not you’d like said OCs to be available for having pre-established mates, kits, or the deputy position.
You may apply for RushClan and the Gifted Rogue Family at the same time. Apply here!
A large family of rogues is coming to join The Gifted in the coming moons to help the new clan grow! This group is made up of 10 adoptable cats, which are all related to each other in some way or another.
You may apply for the Gifted Rogue Family and RushClan at the same time. Apply here!
Due to various personal issues, some members have had to drop out and leave this roleplay, leaving 5 adoptable cats- 3 WillowClan cats and 2 Gifted cats- behind as NPCs. We’re giving these characters back out as second characters for current members, or chances for newbies who are referred to us by a friend or two currently in the roleplay to join!
As the application period for the NPCs is shorter, being accepted with an NPC will drastically reduce your chances of being accepted into RushClan or the Gifted Rogue Family. Apply here!
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wc-sweetwhisker · 5 years
the deities of starclan
its thundering and raining a lot outside so if i lose power writing this i swear--
legend has it that the current four clans of the glade are descendants of the five lost clans. the names of these clans are lost to time, but cats believed to be descendants of them are called certain things based on their likeness to these ancient clans:
a cat of the sky, cat of the storm, cat of the dark, cat of the air, and cat of the water
the time between these ancient clans and the clans of the glade are unknown to the average cat; medicine cats and sometimes leaders alone know the truth
there are four deities who act as “leaders” of starclan:
Starlight, Sunlight, Moonlight, and Skylight
starlight, of course, is seen as the main leader of starclan, with sunlight and moonlight said to be starlight’s kits
skylight is often left out when mentioning the deities, and most cats dismiss its existence
these cats are said to give the stars, sun, and moon, (and supposedly the sky), their shine and luster, thus the -light suffix, with the sun and moon being the eye of sunlight and moonlight, the sky at day and night is skylight’s pelt, and the stars are the spots of starlight
starlight is believed by all cats who believe in starclan, often called “the mother of the stars”, as the stars are not only spots on her pelt, but each one is a member of starclan
the living cats have no such stories of the mythical clans of the great cats: tigerclan, leopardclan, and lionclan
most cats dont believe in the great cats, but those that are named after them are often destined to greatness
of course, the founders of the clans are held in high regard
seedstar was known for her resourcefulness and generosity
rubblestar was an ambitious yet warm tom who loved family
vinestar was sneaky and intimidating to all who met him
and blazestar was the most cunning molly of them all
there is a common myth that the founders are either descendants of the ancient clans, or in some rare cases, descendants of starclan’s deities
cats often share stories of the bravery of the founders and leaders of starclan, and is quite popular among the clans
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