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splinterclan · 7 months ago
question for Whorlstar!!! You seem to be getting awfully close with Moorsnow… so what are your thoughts on her daughter? Do you get along well with Dropletpaw?
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Another late answer ahah but Whorlstar likes Droplet! She sees how hard Droplet works and appreciates her - but more as a fellow clan member and warrior than a daughter figure. She's not the motherly sort (and actually hasn't really ever been close to anyone before Moor) and wouldn't step into that role, but she cares about her clanmates and wants them all to be healthy and well.
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t4twnyclaw · 4 months ago
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AU cast for that 'Changing Skies' ARC
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eggfeather · 11 months ago
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anormalf1sh · 2 months ago
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No, but like wdym flies are easier to catch than frogs?
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artaintfartwarriors · 10 months ago
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shallowbreeze · 8 months ago
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Whorlpelt is a gray-and-white tom
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roostertuftart · 2 years ago
Map part
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months ago
Snaketooth, Flowerstem, and Whorlpelt become warriors.
Frondpaw is apprenticed to Wasptail.
Talonstar dies. Rubblestar chooses Dewtail to be ShadowClan’s deputy.
Berryheart dies.
Shadowkit, Pouncekit, and Lightkit are born to Grassheart.
Spirekit, Sunkit, and Hollowkit are born to Mistcloud.
Flaxkit and Hopkit are born to Dewtail and Whitethroat.
Cinnamonpaw, Blazepaw, and Antpaw join the Clan. They are apprenticed to Dewtail, Pinenose, and Needletail.
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stus-warrior-designs · 10 months ago
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flutterclouds · 9 months ago
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bonebabbles · 2 months ago
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It's a shame that moments like these are vastly outnumbered and washed away by calls to forgive and sympathize with cats who did shit like that.
It wasn't "being scared" of Splashstar that made the four cats mentioned here act like that. What's described is not the begrudgingly compliant behavior of someone just "doing what they had to do." They were revelling in their cruelty, would have drowned Whorlpelt if it wasn't for Frostpaw.
Icewing is right that they should aim for RiverClan to be better than the Clan it used to be. But it will never BE that Clan unless they can acknowledge that these cats DO have responsibility for their actions, and that those actions were NOT acceptable.
RiverClan has been struggling for a long time. Long before Curlfeather's plans. It's been struggling since the day everyone stood by and watched Tigerstar order the execution of Stonefur-- some cheering, others silent.
But the Erins will never acknowledge that, will they?
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everybody-loves-purdy · 4 months ago
I loved seeing how family interacted with each other in Star, like Whorlpelt and Stonewing, Cloverfoot and Berryheart, Berryheart's family at her burial and more importantly who didn't seem to be there (Cloverfoot, Gullswoop and Scorchfur
Also poor Havenpelt. She really said "my daughter knows right from wrong!" and then her daughter gets exiled a few chapters later. I just know her and Sneezecloud are praying their second litter turn out to be perfectly normal and reasonable cats lol.
It was so nice to see family and friends actually acknowledge each other in this book lol. I really like Yarrowleaf silently joining Berryheart’s burial, they were friends and ultimately Berryheart died because she refused to kill her. Berryheart sacrificed herself for Yarrowleaf almost as much as she sacrificed herself for Sunbeam.
I feel so bad for Havenpelt, I really want to see her again in changing skies and how all this affected her.
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t4twnyclaw · 18 days ago
THE WARRIOR CAT TEAM HAVE a legit list of background nobodies that could easily be paired up and have kids, and with the newest arc 'legalizing' half-clan relationships it's now easier than ever to diversify but no- lets keep adding cats to firestars family tree and pairing up cousins.
wafflepelt,stormcloud,cherryfall,molewhisker,mousewhisker, hollytuft (do something with her) bumblestripe, finleap + twigbranch, leafshade or honeyfur, stonewing + grasswhisker, whorlpelt, flowerstem, snaketooth, gullswoop, spireclaw an fringewhisker, violetshine + tree, turtlecrawl (i just like her name), nectarsong + dewspring, leaftail, hootwhisker, any of breezepelt's kids, gorseclaw, nightsky, minnowtail, shimmerpelt, owlnose, brackenpelt and random kittypets or rouges. this is a whole list of cats who can have kids instead of the current cats
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blazingmicah-wc · 4 months ago
spoilers for changing skies chapter preview: here
how did they go from almost sending leafpool to hell to letting her join the cool ghost gang??
tallstar being described as handsome?? did jake write this
isnt tawnypelt an elder??? why is she leading a hunting patrol
aren't you tired of being nice. don't you just want to go apeshit, tawnypelt?
i like whorlpelt
tawnypelt believe me the old characters being dead is a good thing. in fact they should die faster
jesus christ oakfur is so old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great grandma tawny...
leafstar girl....... im so sorry :[[[
ok moonkit is the cutest
fuck bayshine and thriftear please do not make her a med cat >>:[[[[
i never thought i'd say it but based jayfeather >>>
moonpaw rly summing up the autistic kid experience
once again fuck bay fuck thrift
adhd womb twin
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bonefall · 2 years ago
talking about snakes classified as worms had me wondering why i'd never seen a warrior cat named after one of my fave local reptiles (it's called "orvet" in french and is a type of legless lizard) but the english name is "slowworm" so. actually have there been cats named worm....
Yes. Snaketooth's Clanmew name is going to be Slowworm-Chewingtooth as a reference to her wit, I'm bizarrely fond of her and her litter.
Her name refers to her cunning nature. A slowworm drops its tail if grabbed incorrectly, so you have to grab them higher up on the body. Snaketooth is an intelligent, diplomatic sort of cat, and often trades with cats of other Clans.
In fact, through a butterfly effect, she is actually somewhat responsible for the conspiracy of ASC. She connected Berryheart with the RiverClan rebels, through being Sneezecloud's favorite ShadowClan connection.
I also like to think she has a habit of wiggling her jaw when she thinks, as if she's chewing.
Her sister has an Honor Title, Flowerscar, for getting her face bitten by the Impostor during ShadowClan's attack, and Whorlpelt is just a pretty boy who I think is neat.
But in another situation it's an insult; Shrewclaw called Tallstar this as a kid. It was a REALLY mean and morbid joke about how Sandgorse was proud of his son's long tail that could help them pull him out from a cave-in... and Shrew was saying, "They'll pull and your tail will snap off LOL"
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unauthorized-author · 4 months ago
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I've never liked tawnypelt, so this is a huge stfu moment for me, but it isn't because I don't like her, it's because this "young cats" this is SO RECYCLED. I don't mind recycling if it isn't blatant, or if it's just better than last time! "Tawnypelt, you should know by now what young cats are like." It feels like it's meant to be Whorlpelt being dismissive, when in reality, Whorlpelt is RIGHT. Tawnypelt has seen it all and she still finds time to complain about young cats. "There's not a single wa-" WHY ARE YOU SO CONCERNED ABOUT AGE??? Cats are always going to be younger than you, Tawny. Cats are going to die. Time is going to move. That's how generations work.
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You do, Tawny. You really, really do. I get part of Tawnypelt's character is her independence, stubbornness, and pride, but this isn't stubbornness. This is annoying. It feels like she's stuck. Aren't her joints aching? For fuck's sake, BRAMBLECLAW retired. Her littermate is old, his wife is old, Tawnypelt is old. "I have man-" No. Please. I beg. Let's move on.
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