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#cupid.exe#long post#warrior cats#warriors wiki#mistcloud#squirrelflight#squirrelstar#nightheart#crookedstar#sunbeam#firestar#tigerheart#bluestar#mistystar#breezepelt#crowfeather#tree wc#frostdawn#cinderheart#leafpool#lionblaze#jayfeather#hollyleaf#curlfeather#bristlefrost#ivypool#<- theres no dovewing when i checked :(#alderheart
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Got a donation on my ko-fi that got us to reach TWO behind the scenes stretch goals!! thank u thank u!!
These are all the characters' 'base' colours! For each blue/pink/purple scene I'd put the corresponding blue/pink/purple colour (seen at the bottom of the first image) at 100% Soft Light over them (with a clipping mask) to tint them appropriately C:
I made sooo many character designs for this amv haha; usually different/side characters don't show up as much in my amvs that I honestly just make them up on the spot lol. But this time a lot of side characters appeared multiple times so I actually designed them out beforehand (and I started to have fun drawin lil guys hehe)
Oh yea forgor: the lil note beside Darktail's eye; I originally wanted the lake to be blue to match the symbolic colour of Needle's like despair n stuff, But through the course of making the amv I realized I wanted the lake she drowns in to be purple because she's doing it for Violetpaw!! So in the amv the water ended up being blue for just a moment when Dark pushes her underwater, then back to its purple :')
And the second BTS is the sketches for the thumbnail! I started in my sketchbook to brainstorm n then moved it over to digital (that digital sketch needle has like one paw raised but then i was like. That looks weird lol)
commission info || ko-fi (tip jar; for every $8 in donations I share a BTS!)
#warrior cats#wc#warriors#needletail#violetshine#darktail#alderheart#avos#a vision of shadows#ko-fi#bts#die young needletail amv#Uh oh time to tag all those characters:#Rain#Onestar#Smoke#(sort of for those two?? they're just sketches I made them just to figure out how Darktail might look with those two as parents)#nettle#flame#raven#mistcloud#beenose#sleekwhisker#berryheart#yarrowleaf#juniperclaw#zelda#loki#twigbranch#test
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Mistcloud! She is Kinkfur's kit, sister to Sparrowtail and Dewkit. The three are kits while Ivypaw is taken prisoner by Shadowclan in Night Whispers, and they ask the Thunderclan Apprentice questions before being intimidated with a Hiss. Mistkit is the most shy of the three, and hangs around her mother most. She gets sick with whitecough and Flametail treats her. They are never listed in the Allegiances of Omen of the Stars as apprentices, and we don't know who her mentor is. She becomes a warrior in the Vision of Shadows Arc, with the name Mistcloud. She is seen mourning her mother Kinkfur when the elder passes from the Yellowcough outbreak, and is among the desperate clanmates that resent Crowfrost for releasing twigpaw for no ransom. She dissapears the next book and is later revealed to be among those who lost their lives to Darktail and the Kin. She barely has a personality, but she does have a handful of speaking lines both as a kit and a warrior.
#Mistcloud#Warrior#Shadowclan#Warriors#Warriorcats#Warrior cats#warrior cat#warrior cat designs#warriorcat designs#warriorcats designs#warrior cats designs#warriors designs
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Quick sketch of my newest crackship, half clan couple Mistcloud x Cloudmist <3
#warrior cats#my art#mistcloud#cloudmist#their ship name is mistcloudcloudmist#if someone can come up with something better I am in your debt
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"Mistcloud is a spiky-furred, pale gray she-cat."
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My 10% Left AU
I saw the idea of a 10% left after the Dark Forest Battle AU and LOVED the idea, so I decided to run with it! Thank you to @10leftau for putting the Allegiances list up, and for coming up with the idea!
((TW: Mentions of death/dead bodies, brief mention of self-imposed starvation/ED, orphaned child))
The Survivors:
TC: Bumblestripe, Poppyfrost, Mousefur, Purdy
SHC: Mistkit
WC: Crowfeather, Owlwhisker, Gorsetail
RC: Reedwhisker, Mintfur, Icewing, Robinwing, Graymist
The Story:
The 12 (hang on) survivors meet on the Gathering Island. Reedwhisker, being the only surviving deputy, assumes the role of leader, naming Crowfeather his Deputy. Poppyfrost takes on the role of medicine cat, she spent a lot of time with Jayfeather in the medicine den after he saved her life as an apprentice so she picked up a few things, and she also wants to honor her friend. She treats the others' injuries as best she can, and they bed down for the night.
The next day, while helping to clear ShadowClan camp with Bumbletripe and Icewing, Poppyfrost hears loud mewing, and follows it to where a little gray lump of fur. Mistkit, daughter of Kinkfur. Her eyes aren’t even open yet, but she’s now the sole survivor of ShadowClan. Poppyfrost is immediately reminded of her precious kits, Cherrypaw and Molepaw, who were too young to be thrown into the war with The Dark Forest. Not that it would have mattered in the end, the lawless cats they fought against didn’t care who they killed. She and the group bring Mistkit back, and Icewing takes care of her while they try to figure out what to do about nursing her. Poppyfrost suggests the Horseplace cats, remembering what Berrynose told her about the cats he and his mother and siblings lived with, and while the others are apprehensive, Reedwhisker states that it’s their best bet. Gorsetail accompanies Poppyfrost there, and while Floss is sympathetic to the kit, she explains that she has no milk to offer but mentions Coco, another loner who recently kitted and may have milk to share. Smoky takes the two Clan cats to where Coco lives, and they meet the marbled brown tabby she-cat with three kits. She agrees to take in Mistkit, and returns to the Gathering Island with Gorsetail and Poppyfrost. On the way back, Gorsetail mentions that Kinkfur must’ve fought like LionClan to protect her kits, remembering the time that her own kits went missing, and how she would have torn down the forest with her bare claws to get them back. She and Poppyfrost bond over their lost kits, and vow to do whatever they can to keep this little one safe.
With Mistkit in the makeshift nursery with Coco and her kits (Maizie, Willow, and Stormy) and reconstruction and rebuilding efforts underway, Reedwhisker decides now is the time to receive his Nine Lives. He and Poppyfrost go to the Moonpool, and drink from it. While Reedwhisker becomes Reedstar, Jayfeather appears to Poppyfrost alongside Cinderpelt, Yellowfang, Runningnose, Mothwing, and several other medicine cats, and explains to her that while StarClan is a bit of a mess right now, they will do everything they can to teach her everything they know. They welcome her as a proper medicine cat, and allow her to reunite with her sisters, brother, and kits for a moment before returning to the waking world. She and Reedstar return to the Island with StarClan’s blessing, and though the celebration is small, it’s still something. After deliberation, the group agrees to permanently settle on the Island (at least for now while they work on burying the dead and cleaning the former Clan Camps). Mousefur decides to spearhead building more permanent structures, and Poppyfrost realizes that she hasn’t seen her eat since before the Great Battle. She tries to dismiss it, maybe she ate while she was out, but decides to keep an eye on her.
In the days to come, the Clan cats work on rebuilding what they can. Once Mistkit and the other kits are weaned, Coco offers to help, and has even started to grow close to Robinwing in the process. Poppyfrost has started gathering herbs based on what she learns with Jayfeather in her dreams, and has put together a medicine den. Crowfeather establishes patrols each day for hunting, burials, herb gathering, and den building, and everyone pitches in. As Poppyfrost works, she notices Mousefur has started to eat again. Eventually, the she-cat confides in her that she’d has a crushing amount of survivor’s guilt, being an elder that survived when so many young, more “useful” cats are dead, and that rebuilding dens and gathering herbs makes her feel useful. Poppyfrost tries to explain to her that she doesn’t need to force herself to be useful in order to justify her survival, and that her being here keeps ThunderClan’s spirit and memory alive, but has a feeling it falls on deaf ears. She and Gorsetail start to become good friends, and the she-cat comes to talk to her often. About 3 moons pass, and the group has grown closer. Coco formally joins the Clan, takes the name Flowerpetal, and her kits are Stormykit, Willowkit, and Maizekit. Reedstar suggests they hold a Gathering, where they can remember the fallen and hold a vigil for all the cats they lost. They do so, and Reedstar suggests creating a memorial. Robinwing offers to spearhead it, and together the cats create a large pile of stones, one for each cat who passed. They vow to keep the memory of each of their fallen Clanmates alive, and to teach every kit ever born in the clan the story of the Memorial.
Mistkit and her foster siblings become apprentices about 4 moons after the Gathering, becoming Mistpaw, Stormypaw, Maizepaw, and Willowpaw. Flowerpetal moves into the Warrior’s Den, and formally becomes mates with Robinwing, while Icewing and Mintfur (who were mates before the Great Battle) announce that they are having a litter of kits, which excites the new Clan. When discussing who should mentor them, Reedstar, Crowfeather, and Poppyfrost realize that with cats of all clans here there’s really no one fighting and hunting style, so they decide that the kits will be sort of communal apprentices, with a different warrior taking each of them every day. The apprentices even come to Poppyfrost to learn the basics of healing.
Mistpaw and her siblings become warriors 6 moons later. Reedstar names Mistpaw Mistshadow, to honor the Clan that she was born in and carries the legacy of, while her siblings are named Stormysky, Maizeseed, and Willowbranch. Icewing gives birth to 4 healthy kits: two toms named Riverkit and Thunderkit, and two she-cats names Shadowkit and Windkit, one for each of the clans. Flowerpetal is also in the nursery, expecting Robinwing’s kits. As Reedstar stands there, he realizes their new clan has no name. He decides to call it DawnClan, for the fact they are the dawn of a new era.
Reedstar- black tom
Crowfeather- dark gray tom
Medicine Cat:
Poppyfrost- tortoiseshell she-cat
Bumblestripe- very pale gray tom with black stripes
Owlwhisker- light brown tabby tom
Gorsetail- very pale gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes
Mintfur- light gray tabby tom
Robinwing- tortoiseshell-and-white tom
Graymist- pale gray tabby she-cat
Mistshadow- spiky-furred, pale gray she-cat
Willowbranch- light gray she-cat with sky blue eyes
Stormysky- mottled gray she-cat with bright green eyes
Maizeseed- Lilac tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Queens and kits:
Flowerpetal- Brown marbled tabby she-cat with green eyes, currently nursing Robinwing's kits
Wingkit- White Tom with black patches and green eyes
Morningkit- Tortiseshell she-cat with heterochromia, one blue eye and one green eye
Shellkit- Black tabby he-cat with amber eyes
Icewing- white she-cat with blue eyes, currently nursing Mintfur's kits
Riverkit- Gray and white tom with blue eyes
Thunderkit- Cream colored tom with green eyes
Windkit- smoky brown she-cat with amber eyes
Shadowkit- black she-cat with sea green/teal eyes
Mousefur- small dusky brown she-cat
Purdy- plump tabby former loner with a gray muzzle
((Descriptions of Canon Cats taken from The Last Hope Allegiances, Mistshadow’s (Mistcloud) description taken from The Apprentice’s Quest Allegiances)
#10% left au#warrior cats#omen of the stars#oots#reedwhisker#reedstar#poppyfrost#crowfeather#bumblestripe#Owlwhisker#gorsetail#mintfur#robinwing#graymist#mistcloud#mistshadow#mousefur#purdy#purdy wc#warriors
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#mistcloud#shadowclan#the kin#ghost residence#starclan#she's Kinkfur's kid so her fur is supposed to look crazier but I couldn't get it how i wanted it#she's.....interesting? i like her and dawnpelt trying to leave the kin and Darktail killing them#it made him way scarier imo
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Leader: Rubblestar (40 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with white patches. Deputy: Dewtail (16 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly. (Apprentice - Cinnamonpaw) Seer: Smokestorm (32 seasons). Short-furred seal point tom. Puddleshine (7 seasons). Sleek and short-furred black tom with pale green eyes and scars hidden under his thick pelt.
Warriors Stonewing (14 seasons). Short-furred black tom. Pinenose (13 seasons). Short-furred black molly. (Apprentice - Blazepaw) Wasptail (10 seasons). Short-furred brown patched tabby molly with green eyes. (Apprentice - Frondpaw) Needletail (9 seasons). Sleek, short-furred black cat. (Apprentice - Antpaw) Sleekwhisker (8 seasons). Sleek, long-furred brown patched mackerel tabby molly with green eyes. Juniperclaw (8 seasons). Sleek, skinny, and lithe short-furred black tom with green eyes and a thin tail. Lioneye (7 seasons). Short-furred black molly with orange eyes. Slatefur (7 seasons). Sleek, short-furred blue tom. Snaketooth (5 seasons). Short-furred brown patched mackerel tabby molly. Flowerstem (5 seasons). Small short-furred calico molly. Whorlpelt (5 seasons). Long-furred brown mackerel tabby tom.
Apprentices Frondpaw (3 seasons). Long-furred calico mackerel tabby molly. (Mentor - Wasptail) Cinnamonpaw (3 seasons). Brown mackerel tabby molly with white paws and glossy, short fur. (Mentor - Dewtail) Blazepaw (3 seasons). Short-furred red tom with white patches and orange eyes. (Mentor - Pinenose) Antpaw (3 seasons). Small, well-muscled short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom. (Mentor - Needletail)
Nursery Grassheart (16 seasons). Short-furred black molly with a white patch on her chest. (Kits - Shadowkit, Pouncekit, 1 season) Mistcloud (16 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with white patches. (Kits - Sunkit, Hollowkit, 1 season) Whitethroat (54 seasons). Short-furred black tom with a white chest and paws. (Kits - Flaxkit, 1 season)
Elders Turtlespark (40 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom.
#warrior cats#warrior cats au#warrior cats fanfic#shadowclan#r2-y12-allegiances#rubblestar#dewtail#smokestorm#puddleshine#stonewing#pinenose#wasptail#needletail#sleekwhisker#juniperclaw#lioneye#slatefur#snaketooth#flowerstem#whorlpelt#frondpaw#cinnamonpaw#blazepaw#antpaw#grassheart#shadowkit#pouncekit#mistcloud#sunkit#hollowkit
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daylight moon ~ In Awe
#choose your own adventure#personal interpretations#dream meanings#words have meanings#beyond belief#power of belief#self belief#no limits#limitless#make a choice#self empowerment#original words#sky photography#clouds#half moon#short quotes#spilled thoughts#inspiring quotes#mistcloud#life quote tumblr#life quotes#life lessons#life quote motivation#life quote of the day#life quotations
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#flutter chirps#polls#warrior cats#mintpaw#minty#misha#mist#mist where sunlight shimmers#mistcloud#mistfeather#mistkit#mistlekit
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non natm or Roosevelt posting but warrior cats au time
so a bit ago I came up with this warrior cats au where all the dead kits (only kits + brokenstar’s kit-warriors) survive by some divine intervention (as Wolfheart, Runningstorm and Smallstar requested that all kits must live).
Dewkit (Dewspike) is Kinkfur’s kit who I couldn’t find much about. Considering this was an opportunity to make the fluffiest spikiest design possible, I took it.
alt fur color version
#warrior cats#kinkfur#mistcloud#sparrowtail#dewkit#dewspike#au#warrior cats au#kit au#art#my art#tedposting#ok rough rider post soon prolly
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Here's the latest Premiere Schedule from May 1st to May 5th! Hope you're excited!
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