#i like to think most of the canon character dynamics are still there! bart n marg become friends that make fun of paul
transhoverfish · 3 years
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[Subnautica Week Day 6: Crossover]
i have warrior cats brainrot and these stupid books will never leave me alone, so yes i HAD to draw my warrior cat au that only existed in my dream about b4 sleeping folder before. ive never put more meaning into warrior cat names before ever
-paul (named rubblestar.. get it.. rubble... star... like his crashed ship is rubble...) is leader, and appointed bart (barksong) as his deputy. bart gets appointed fairly young, as his apprenticeship starts early and ends early, and he doesn't train one of his own before moving up again to deputy
-bart secretly would prefer to be a medicine cat, always having an interest in plants and not having much heart for fighting or hunting
-marguerit (daisysplash, because daisy is a canon prefix and apparently marguerit means daisy in danish and i could NOT pass that up) is a rogue or loner or idk just a traveler, not entirely decided, who honestly is the much better choice for deputy, but isn't entirely trusted by paul and he much prefers to have his bloodline be remembered with a legacy
-this au is mostly just a bunch of random thoughts thrown together with no real plot. sunbeam and aurora are other clans, avery being the leader of one and hollister the leader of another (fleetstar bc of more puns). hollister's deputy is keen (podfall... my puns got a bit dark admittedly SKSNRK), and i haven't actually come up w a name for avery yet, but i want a sunbeam pun in there somewhere... sunstar is already a canon cat tho and beamstar sounds. wait beamstar sounds kinda sick i might role with beamstar.
-overall mostly just a bundle of ideas and not a whole au yet. but its fun to think about and make little updates to every now and then!!
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