#robust design
ontonix · 2 years
On Robustness
Topological robustness, due to the fact that it addresses the Process Map of a given system, is a global measure of robustness. Let us now look into more detail into the issue of robustness from a one and two-dimensional perspective. In other words, we will investigate the case of only two variables. This will help to appreciate better the concepts described above. First of all, let’s focus on…
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canisalbus · 5 months
idk why but with the hatchet ask i immediately thought of young machete visiting his family in the countryside and coming across his cousin that looks at him like this and machete doesn't know what to do with himself lol (excuse the quick and very rough sketch dsjfsjd)
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i imagine hatchet is crossed with some livestock guardian breed, that's where he gets the darker brows from, but he has the same ears as machete
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knotty-et-al · 2 months
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Kagome weave with dandelion stems - interplay of the fragile and the robust
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So, yesterday I plucked some dandelion stems and wanted to tinker something with it. My first attempts with these fresh dandelion stems included different kinds of braids: The material is too fragile to handle such heavy twists. Hence I decided to try the kagome pattern, as the curving/bending/twisting of the kagome pattern is very light and does cause few stress on the material. Additionally, as I wove I realized again the advantage of this pattern: While it is also simple and elegant in its simplicity, it has practical aspects as well, as it gets its stability from the whole it forms. Each stem alone is not responsible for the stability of the woven piece.
But as network of entangled members supporting each other, the kagome weave stands out with its rather robust kind, despite being built up by rather fragile members.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 months
my first thought was horse and mudskipper (fish). why? .......idk djjdx
second was horse and rabbit (double the prey drive, double the fear, terrible to try and keep as a pet. probably)
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a rabbit horse might be one of the more cursed things ive drawn. just think of that leg strength, can you imagine trying to RIDE one of these things?
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arc-hus · 1 year
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Ngamwongwan House, Bangkok - Junsekino Architect
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milkweedman · 10 months
Bought a pair of pants at goodwill earlier but all the ones I've been to have had their changing rooms closed the whole pandemic so couldn't try them on... did pull out my measuring tape that's on my keys and they were pretty much my size, but I have discovered that while they would fit well if they had a normal waistband, they actually have a stretchy waistband (like, strip of elastic sewn the whole way around) and thus are so big that they're falling off me, because their own weight kind of pulls them down so that the cuffs drag on the ground. Unclear if they're intended to be high waisted and just too big or for someone bigger in all dimensions than I am, but not the point.
I've been trying to figure out how to fix this, bc they're very comfy. I kinda wish I could just take out the elastic and do a drawstring but there's 2 buttons and a zipper that would definitely complicate things. Could also wear a belt, if I had one and if they weren't the worst sensory experience since not wearing socks.
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recurring-polynya · 10 months
I'm having a very Weird Tumblr Experience today: back in 2020, I made a moderately successful post that got a couple hundred notes. Someone reblogged it today, so it showed up in my notifs, but the weird thing is that if I go look at it, it's not credited to me.
Like, here's the post on my blog:
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but if I look at any of the reblogs, it's attributed to some other person??
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At first I thought it might have something to do with someone in the chain of reblogs having blocked me or something. I used to have reblog graphs turned on when they were part of Tumblr Labs, but at some point, I stopped seeing them. However, this post is old enough that I still have it, for some reason???
Look at this weird-ass thing:
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Could that loop in the center be what's got it messed up? Also, I definitely do not get the full list of reblogs when I open up the notes.
Anyway, it's not like I care, I'm just utterly mystified and amazed by Tumblr's ability to fuck up a post. Anyone else ever had this happen before? Or have any idea what causes this?
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antirepurp · 27 days
my funny webbed site is taking shape and looking nice and im rapidly approaching the question of what the Fuck should i actually put on here
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time4machine-de · 1 year
Die Dazzling Steamliner - Die perfekte Mischung aus Nostalgie und Hightech
Willkommen in der wunderbaren Welt der Dazzling Steamliner! Dies ist ein faszinierendes mechanisches Modell von Time4Machine.de (Time for Machine Deutschland), das mit seinem einzigartigen Design und seiner herausragenden Qualität beeindruckt. In diesem Beitrag werden wir uns näher mit diesem Produkt beschäftigen und warum es zu einem Must-Have-Objekt für Enthusiasten von Modellbau und Dampfmaschinen geworden ist.
Abschnitt 1: Das Design der Dazzling Steamliner
Die Dazzling Steamliner von @time4machine-de ist ein wahrer Blickfang mit ihrem unglaublich detaillierten Design. Jede einzelne Komponente wurde sorgfältig gefertigt, um die nostalgische Anziehungskraft und den Charme einer klassischen Dampfmaschine einzufangen. Das glänzende Metallgehäuse und die feinen Details verleihen diesem Modell eine luxuriöse Optik. Egal ob auf einem Regal, Schreibtisch oder in der Vitrine, die Dazzling Steamliner wird mit Sicherheit alle Blicke auf sich ziehen.
Abschnitt 2: Die Hightech-Funktionen Trotz ihres Retro-Designs ist die Dazzling Steamliner https://time4machine.de/products/dazzling-steamliner mit hochmodernen Funktionen ausgestattet. Mithilfe einer cleveren Mechanik kann diese Dampfmaschine tatsächlich in Bewegung gesetzt werden. Das Modell verfügt über einen internen Dampfgenerator, der realistischen Dampf erzeugt. Sie können also tatsächlich sehen, wie der Dampf aus dem Schornstein aufsteigt und das nostalgische Flair verstärkt. Die Steamliner wird sogar mit einer Fernbedienung geliefert, mit der Sie die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung steuern können. Dieses Hightech-Feature macht das Modell zu einer wunderbaren Mischung aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft.
Abschnitt 3: Qualität und Langlebigkeit Qualität und Langlebigkeit sind bei der Dazzling Steamliner von größter Bedeutung. Sie wird aus robusten Materialien hergestellt, die dafür sorgen, dass dieses Modell jahrelang Freude bereiten wird. Die präzise Verarbeitung gewährleistet eine einwandfreie Funktionalität, während das hochwertige Metallgehäuse die Langlebigkeit des Produkts gewährleistet. Obwohl dieses Modell wie eine antike Dampfmaschine aussieht, werden Sie erstaunt sein, wie zuverlässig und widerstandsfähig sie tatsächlich ist.
Abschnitt 4: Ideal als Geschenk Die Dazzling Steamliner ist nicht nur ein fantastisches Sammlerobjekt, sondern auch ein ideales Geschenk für Modellbau-Enthusiasten, Technikliebhaber oder Personen, die sich für die Geschichte der Dampfmaschinen begeistern. Mit diesem Modell können Sie Ihren Lieben eine Freude machen und ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, eine Reise in die Vergangenheit zu unternehmen.
Fazit: Die Dazzling Steamliner ist ein Meisterwerk des Modellbaus und der Ingenieurskunst. Mit ihrem detaillierten Retro-Design, den Hightech-Funktionen und der Qualität steht sie sinnbildlich für die perfekte Kombination aus Nostalgie und modernster Technologie. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, dieses bemerkenswerte Modell in Ihre Sammlung aufzunehmen oder es als einzigartiges Geschenk weiterzugeben. Bestellen Sie die Dazzling Steamliner noch heute und erleben Sie den Zauber vergangener Zeiten in Ihrer eigenen Hand.
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juriyuna · 1 year
juri 🤝 kanagi 🤝 gunhild: girls with animal doppels that have male dimorphic traits
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
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Motherfuckers really got their parting shot on the last day of Pride.
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artist-mallow · 10 months
On one hand I understand why dungeons in 14 are linear but on the other hand I missed when dungeons in MMOs were treated more as places of danger and not something you have to do so regularly as part of the design so they have to be short and linear. Idk after getting my teeth into HW and thinking back to my earlier days of WoW, it makes me kinda miss that.
On the other hand though, the longer something is out (trials, df, yadda yadda) the more I feel like people expect you to know the ins and outs of everything so the less I have to memorize in order to not be “dead weight” the better, so call it a wash. But at the cost of what makes the genre fun? Idk…
Still love HW though and I can see why people hype it up. HW good…
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deliciousmicroplastics · 11 months
Double feature movie night w sis and brother in law!!! Barbie and then TMNT and they were both sooooo fun
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vuroro · 1 year
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Since the furnishing design contest results are in, I'm excited to post my entry! Didn't win, but I'm relieved a different framed insect collection made the cut so I can still get some more bugs on my wall. :)
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arc-hus · 2 years
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Life Reusing Posidonia Houses, Formentera, Spain - IBAVI Architects
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sol-flo · 2 years
ok got a reply from this design position :)
theyre asking for my portfolio :(
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