#better luck next time!
bulgariansumo · 2 months
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I tried my hand at making a sprite in the style of the game for my farmer Jonell, but even the small version is a little too big, which led to me having to improvise for the eyes. For what it's worth, I think it's pretty close!
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fulltacs · 3 months
Fuck it… I’m here to call bullshit. Namely re: @/dmnkid ‘s claims of service.
I’m here to debunk some stuff since she makes it too easy. Sorry for length. Absolutely no pressure to post this of course as I respect all you’ve done already and get if you’d want to distance yourself from it.
Let’s start with her alleged MOS shall we? As of 2015 in America, women are able to try out for all combat roles without restriction. Dmnkid has said she’s been in for a decade or so, originally enlisting at 17 and that when she first entered, this was not the case.
She claims to:
A) be a member of the 75th rangers regiment, a highly competitive light infantry/special forces orientated MOS in which the first females only successfully graduated in 2015. The nature of ranger school makes it unlikely that you’d be able to enter straight off civie street and would have to have experience in an adjacent position (eg. MP officer, or like, the only female captain in the rangers, an infantry officer. Two positions that take a year or two at least to achieve)
B) have deployed on at least one combat operation to a hot zone. The US army rangers have not deployed with a woman since 2018/2019. That individual graduated ranger school soon after the roles came open to women.
She also suggested that her first stint in the army was one that required her to learn a second language which is most likely a HUMINT/cryptological linguist MOS (at least those are the names we give that role in my country) and that kind of service would be very unlikely to qualify her for the ranger school due to the combat heavy nature of its teachings.
Already a lot of things don’t line up. But little details I’d like to pick at, namely the use of lingo that seemed forced at best and cringeworthy and fake ass details.
If you call your fellow soldiers, sorry ‘soliders’, comrades unironically, you’d be laughed off base. Throwing in little bits of slang like ‘chair force’ randomly don’t qualify you especially when it’s pretty obvious you don’t understand the appropriate context to use them.
No, you wouldn’t be living purely off rations on an operation. The army hires chefs, it’s a full job on its own that people go to training for. If you ever actually serve you’d know that and would’ve eaten their food pretty frequently. If you’re special operations aligned, it’s unlikely you’d be free to share rations with the locals anyway (who probably rightfully are suspicious af of you) as your employment and presence in country is supposed to not attract attention. Sorry to burst your little white (?) saviour bubble.
2/5 not the worst Tom Clancy rip off I’ve ever read but still pretty shit.
Thing is, these guys keep mentioning that their concerns lay with how barracks bunny fics discredit or disrespect women that have or are serving. That’s fair, they’re allowed to feel that way as long as they don’t actively police anyone but their argument immediately falls short the second they create these fake personas and do stupid shit under them. Truth is, your enemy is rape culture, not people writing fanfic that is so disconnected from reality you could ignore.
These guys are single handedly doing a disservice to the women in the army, USMC etc by continually lying and doing weird things in the name of their fake service. You’re allowed to have gripes about how vets are treated and misinformation about the military but you’re doing nothing by sending anon hate to yourselves and should someone be dumb enough to target a genuine individual over the entire fucked up complex, you’ve created a boy who cried wolf scenario. Nice work.
@/dmnkid best of luck on your planned ‘military hiatus’. The proper word is exercise or operation btw <3
(Sorry this got long, love from the anon that wrote yesterday about her using genuine servicewoman’s suffering for her little Mary sue backstory lol)
-there’s maybe 100 female rangers that graduated from ranger school and who’s to say if they’re all active lmao. crazy odds! we have actual celebrities amongst us! first, one of soooo few marine gunners. what’s the next blog gonna be, one of SEVEN active female green berets?
-amongst the lingo criticisms, overuse of “civilian”. now you just sound like a fucking psychopathic Chr*s Kyl3 type. and I know the usage of that word was one of my gripes with the codslut blog, but she just can’t seem to figure out how to apply it correctly… 🤔
-“military hiatus” is something a South Korean boy band takes when they’re up for mandatory service. American forces use different verbiage, nice catch!
-and oh my god yes THE ENEMY IS RAPE CULTURE!!!
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sneasedtomeetyou · 2 years
Why would you listen to the scammer?
Wanted to see what happened... and sure, it was an expensive food to toss out, but it wasn't so exorbitant as some of the other demands it had for people. I mean you should see the types of things it would request! I figured if someone would be able to figure out what's going on by following the scammer's weird orders it was easiest to have it be me. It's not like it asked for any personal information on my part, anyhow. All I had to lose was some of my money and my time, and... well I sure did lose both those things.
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wolfasketch · 1 year
Your chimera tmnt oc Is shit and your son looks like an otter
I don't have a Chimera OC for any fandom...I do have a canon x OC fan kid who looks like a green and brown otter though!
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seafooms · 2 years
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vuroro · 1 year
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Since the furnishing design contest results are in, I'm excited to post my entry! Didn't win, but I'm relieved a different framed insect collection made the cut so I can still get some more bugs on my wall. :)
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cloudbattrolls · 2 years
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@raitrolling take this goofy doodle in honor of these ridiculous assholes
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FNAF Pit bonnie considers himself a great dad!
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chuzhezemnyi · 7 months
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sportsallover · 8 months
Sometimes I’ll be watching a match, and one player will break, and then be in a position to double break, and I’ll be like is this really necessary?
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niftysaurus · 1 month
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yueebby · 8 months
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keep dreaming! – gojo satoru
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synopsis. down bad? … it’s gojo satoru!
contents. fluff, lovesick!gojo, he basically has a wet dream of you, you wear tinted lip balm, your first kiss w him (??), suguru plays devil’s advocate
notes. remember spring days!au but can be read alone. anyways, enjoy!! I am writing this while sick (yikes). also of course this wouldn’t be canon compliant if i had not included satoru and suguru’s dynamic! I tried my best to apply their interactions during the basketball match + while theyre leaving jujutsu tech as much as i can.
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“satoru…” you murmur, looking up at him shyly. the two of you find yourselves alone in the classroom. a greedy smile plays on his lips, and you struggle to formulate words as your eyes travel from his cerulean ones to his lips. satoru can barely contain his excitement, the anticipation radiates from him like an electric charge.
“say it, [name]. tell me what you want.” he whispers back at you seductively, his eyes are spellbound onto yours. you whine before grabbing the collar of his uniform and pulling him onto you. your lips are soft, so soft. you were made for him, he’s sure, as your lips mold together. as a matter of fact, your lips are so soft that they feel eerily like his pillow–
"get up! we’re late to our mission!" suguru hits the top of satoru’s head with the spare pillow on his bed. the white haired boy immediately activates his innate technique to block his best friend’s attacks.
it was going to be a long day.
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“it’s unlike you to wake up so late.” suguru’s hands pause over the shoji door of the classroom. his concern for gojo was more important than the imminent lecture they were going to receive from yaga for their tardiness. “plus you totally sucked today.”
their mission had taken an unexpected turn for the worse when the pair had found themselves stuck in an incomplete domain. the narrow escape was only possible as a result of suguru’s quick thinking with rainbow dragon.
the bandaid on satoru’s cheek is a silent testament to the mission gone wrong.
“i’ve just been tired.” satoru mumbles quietly, heat rising to his cheeks as the memory of the dream flashes in his mind. he was too deep in thought to counter his friend’s insult.
something was definitely wrong. suguru raises his eyebrows, “and it has nothing to do with the fact that i caught you making out with your pillow?”
“i– what?” the heat has spread from his cheeks to all over his face. he hopes his sunglasses cover the blush that was blossoming on his face. suguru lets out a breath of relief. satoru’s blush meant that the matter at hand was only trivial…
“don’t tell me you were dreaming of [name],” his best friend smiles knowingly. satoru groans. suguru definitely knew, he was just playing with him at this point.
their conversation is cut short when the doors slide open by themselves to reveal a certain brown haired girl with a distasteful look on her face.
“satoru is having wet dreams of [name]?” shoko remarks quietly, making sure her comment is only heard by the two males. “i would act surprised, but it’s not like you’re above it.”
“just who do you think i am?” satoru looks down at his friend.  
“a real pervert.” shoko simply replied before quickly making her way back to the desk next to yours. 
satoru’s eyes follow her and make their way onto you. like a fly making its way into a honey trap, he can’t seem to look anywhere else. too busy burning the image of you absorbed in your textbook, he absorbs every little detail from the way your soft lips slightly part to mouth the words of the book to the way your leg bounces underneath the table. were you using a new lip balm? there was a subtle shade difference from your usual choice. gojo makes a mental note to ask you for the exact brand for… personal reasons.
in his trance, satoru fails to notice yaga’s scolding. he had also failed to notice how suguru had already made his way into a desk.
“satoru since you seem so eager to continue standing, i assume you volunteer to solve this equation.” yaga angrily taps the blackboard with a worn out price of chalk. 
satoru stiffens up, not because of yaga’s wrath, but because your attention has shifted from the textbook to him. you blink up at him, the image dangerously similar to his dream. satoru gulps, eyes quickly flitting to the equation messily written on the board. 
at least math equations don’t make him feel like his heart is beating out of his chest.
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it didn’t take a genius to notice how quiet satoru has been today. as if he were in his own world, you notice.
“i fear that i may have been giving satoru too much attention lately,” you mutter to your two other friends, mind running laps trying to recall all of the intimate moments you have spent with the white haired fiend— all of which could be characterized as highly inappropriate. 
“you always do,” suguru lazily rests his chin on the palm of his hand on the desk across from you. after yaga’s lecture, the seats had been rearranged appropriately so that the four of you could enjoy lunch together. “lay some of your love on us too.” he gestures his chopsticks to himself and shoko who were sitting side by side.
one could argue that the subtle smirk playing on suguru’s lips were a lot more dangerous than satoru’s. you’re afraid that suguru has started a game that will only end with your downfall.
the silver tongued boy seemed to catch satoru’s attention with his comment.
“ha– mad that you don’t pull? get your own girl,” satoru speaks up for the first time, glaring at his best friend through half lidded eyes from above his dark glasses. the half eaten melonpan in his hand was long forgotten.
“last i checked, [name] wasn’t your girl,” suguru places his chopsticks back down on his bento box. 
you could’ve sworn you saw an irk mark appear on the side of gojo’s face. 
shoko, who had been watching the scene unfold, sips on her juicebox silently. your eyes anxiously flit between the two boys.
“if you’re still mad about that mission, step outside. it’s not like i’m the one savin’ our asses every time.” satoru grits his teeth. 
the loud sound of suguru’s chair screeching on the wooden floor reverberates in the mostly empty room, “you and your uncouth mouth,” he accuses satoru.
shoko flees the scene. smart girl. 
you were about to follow her, but suguru holds out a hand for you to stop,
“i’m just about done anyway. please, don’t cut your meal early on my account,” he looks down at you and your full bento box. the black haired boy leaves no room for discussion when he turns his back to leave the classroom. 
when the shoji doors are slammed shut by suguru, your head whips to satoru who resumes eating his strawberry melonpan. 
“what was that? you’ve been acting strange, satoru– what happened on that mission?”
“don’ worry ‘bout it,” you barely make out the words coming out of his mouth that is full as he munches on the pink bread. 
you scoff, “you can’t just expect me to ignore the argument you just had with suguru. and that ugly bandaid on your face?” you point at the skin-colored bandage haphazardly placed on his face. upon further inspection, you also notice the growing eyebags on his face. it was truly peculiar to see any blemish on satoru’s perfect face.
he pouts, “are you calling me ugly?” satoru doesn't take pleasure in upsetting you, but the gradual way you leaned closer to him sparked an unexpected thrill within him.
“no, i’m worried about you. you’re being weird, satoru.” he was far from ugly.
as your back faces the window, the outside light casts an otherworldly glow around you.
“well, aren’t you an angel?” he tilts his head as he leans back in his seat, completely enamored.
“you never stop, do you? you’ve been completely out of it all day!” your scrutinizing gaze zeroes in on gojo who was mindlessly nodding with a dazed out smile on his face. “and judging by the way you’re all bandaged up, suguru was probably right! i mean you totally got roughed up. the great gojo satoru, wounded.” 
satoru blushes at your angry face. he’d say something indecent, but he fears that it would only scare you away. if only you knew that the reason he was all messed up was because of you.
“it's partially your fault, y'know.” cerulean eyes blink at you sheepishly before being replaced by a newfound mischievous look.
he doesn’t miss the way your anger shifts into confusion.
"excuse me?"
satoru continues, “if it weren't for you appearing in my dream i wouldn't have been distracted by that incomplete domain.” he points to the bandage cut just below his right eye.
“dreaming of me now, gojo?" you raise an eyebrow. the uncomfortable heat that was starting to rise onto your face at the new revelation that gojo dreams about you is ignored.
satoru looks away, "can you really blame a guy?"
you huff, ignoring his comment, “i think yaga has a first aid kit somewhere in the closet.” you make your way to check out the forgotten door in the back of the classroom. 
the cool sterility of medical supplies contrasts with the charged atmosphere left behind in the classroom.
when you do come back with the kit, your heart races, praying he won't notice the hitch in your breath as your fingers delicately tend to the nearly healed scratch beneath his cheek. satoru's ability to evoke strange emotions within you is undeniable.
silence envelops the classroom, broken only by satoru's deep breaths. you're so close that you can almost feel the warm gusts of air from his breath on your face.
"your body healed remarkably fast. i'm not surprised," you softly observe, your focus on the task at hand. satoru smiles, his eyes fixed on your concentrated features.
"yeah? well, i have an excellent nurse," he remarks, tapping the freshly placed bandaid on his cheek. "though it seems she missed one of my injuries."
you furrow your eyebrows. satoru points to his expectant lips, a playful pout on his face.
"no," you plainly state.
"aw, c'mon. kiss it better? i almost died today," he pleads, his eyes silently begging. you shake your head, unaware that it was your fault he nearly lost his head during the mission.
"you really want a kiss?" you repeat, catching on to his persistent request.
he nods fervently, his excitement palpable. was that even a question
you think he was pretty insane– requesting kisses from a fellow peer.
“satoru..” you murmur, leaning closer to him. his eyes were twinkling with excitement. the two of you were all alone, left with nothing but each other. this scene was all too familiar. 
the sides of his lips quirk up into a smirk while he watches your eyes travel all around his face. satoru has been fantasizing about this moment since the moment he laid eyes on you.
“[name],” he says, his voice softer than ever, a privilege reserved for those closest to him—especially you.
just a few more inches and your lips will meet… just a few…
satoru blinks in shock while you giggle at his confusion. he attempts to ask what just happened, but his mouth is sealed. his hand rises to find a bandaid now on his lips.
“you’re cuter when you shut up.”
 you seal your words with a soft kiss placed on his bandaged mouth.
gojo satoru explodes, his voice muffled by an adhesive barrier.
“m.rrry.. m.. mph..mph!”
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all conflicts were resolved by evening when you had strategically set up a mario kart tournament.
right after you (indirectly) kissed gojo, you fled the scene, leaving a flustered satoru all hot and bothered. you ended up screaming into your pillow.. the same pillow that satoru was laying on not too long ago.
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mercuriallworld · 2 years
i can't even tweetsearch matty beniers cause so much of it is all the other fandoms being bitter that he's winning the calder
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
saimatsu week day 3 not on day 3: reunion
they do be sobbing
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m-1-8 · 11 months
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“Welcome home, Simon” “Seems we have a new addition to the family” ”Saved ye a seat, Lt.”
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hellsitegenetics · 8 months
hi! so i just discovered this and this is honestly so cool i love science so much like omg. im personally a big fan of birds, im hoping to go into ornithology. have you ever had a result be of a bird before? also what is your favorite bird mine is either a pileated woodpecker, bluejay, or african grey parrot :) (youre also welcome to analyze this ask if youd like but you dont gotta :))
String identified: ! t c t a t t c cc c g. a a g a , g t g t tg. a a a t a ? a at at t a at c, a, aca g at :) ( a c t aa t a t t gtta :))
Closest match: Scomber scombrus genome assembly, chromosome: 16 Common name: Atlantic mackerel
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