#rehab property
fixandflippers · 1 year
Fix And Flippers
Fix and Flippers are always looking for investors for trust deed investments.They work with individuals, corporations, pension plans, or IRAs. They are experts at matching private investor funds with low risk, high yield, secured by a hard asset and solid loan opportunities. They have solid systems in place that allow investors to earn between 8%-13% per annum, compared to the low-interest rates currently being offered by banks. Fix and Flippers has developed a relationship with many such brokers, mortgage companies, and lenders worthy of a referral.These lenders and mortgage companies have many years in the business and have vetted for their reputations as closers and being a preferred lender among the industries elite. Their referral sources are loyal and provide steady repeat business that affords them an overflow of business.
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deaventures · 15 days
Discover the Difference with Our Latest Living Space Design
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Experience the perfect blend of elegance and functionality with our latest living space design. We specialize in crafting custom environments that reflect your unique style and enhance your daily life. Our dedicated team manages every step of the construction process to deliver a space that's not only beautiful but also a perfect fit for your needs. 
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thebuyeragency · 2 months
Fix and Flip with Advance Draw
Fix and Flip with Advance Draw Fix and Flip is a rehab purchase loan, that is based on the approvement of a investment property based on the appraisal value after repairs are complete. 620+ mid credit score 1/3 of the rehab value paid up to $30k within 5 days of closing and no inspection required. We can lend up to 90% of total cost (purchase price + rehab)  We can close on average in 5-7 days…
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redrockcapital · 4 months
How Do Non Recourse Real Estate Lenders Work?
Real estate investment is the safest bet because it gives assured returns. If you ever get an opportunity to invest in a property, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity. Non recourse real estate lenders are here to help and they can provide real help as and when required. The real estate market has many players and lenders are one of the key players.
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Property management service providers, including our property management services in Owings Mills, Maryland, can offer expert advice for real estate property rehabbing. They often have extensive knowledge of local market trends and can provide insights into effective property rehabilitation techniques.
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dixiedingo · 9 months
Drunk me asking the questions sober me could not fathom
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Conventional Rehab Loan Calculator, Guidelines, Requirements, Limits, Down Payment
With a Conventional Rehab Loan, a homeowner can use a single mortgage to pay for both the purchase of a home and the cost of renovations or repairs. Because it enables borrowers to buy a property that may require significant repairs or improvements and transform it into a livable and desirable home, this loan is also referred to as a "fixer-upper" loan.
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Conventional Rehab Loan is not supported by the government and is instead provided by private lenders.
The following is a list of the upcoming events:
Most lenders demand an LTV of 80% or less.
The LTV is calculated as the loan amount divided by the appraised worth of the property.
The borrower may use the loan to refinance an existing mortgage and borrow additional funds for home improvements, or to buy a property in need of repairs or renovations. The loan amount is determined by the property's after-repair value (ARV), which is its estimated worth following any renovations or repairs.
For homeowners looking to buy a home that requires major repairs or upgrades, Conventional Rehab Loan can be a good choice. In contrast to conventional mortgages, however, borrowers should be ready for a more involved application procedure as well as possibly higher interest rates and fees.
Conventional Rehab Loan Definition
A Conventional Rehab Loan is a kind of mortgage that offers funding for both the purchase price and the expenses of house renovation. Based on the expected value of the house following renovations, the loan amount is determined. Homebuyers who want to acquire a property that needs work and make significant renovations or repairs frequently use this type of loan. The borrower usually has up to 12 months to finish the renovations. The money is disbursed in stages as the work advances. Conventional rehab loans are provided by private lenders and backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.
Conventional Rehab Loan Calculator
You can calculate your monthly mortgage payments for a home renovation job using a Conventional Rehab Loan Calculator.
Here is a straightforward tool you can use:
Establish the overall loan amount required for the renovation project, taking into account both the cost of the property's purchase and the renovations. 
Enter the calculator with the loan amount, interest rate, and duration. 
A projected monthly mortgage payment for the repair loan will then be produced by the calculator.
Here's an illustration:
Amount borrowed: $200 000
4% interest rate 30
year loan period $954.83 per month is the mortgage payment
Remember that this is only an estimate and that your actual monthly payments may differ based on your credit score, down payment, and the location of the property. To get a more precise estimate of your monthly payments, it is always a good idea to talk with a mortgage expert.
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chartergroupusa · 2 years
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Are you in the market for rehab properties? Look no further than Charter Group USA. Charter’s team works with a variety of clients, including asset management firms, real estate brokerages, property management companies, private investors, non-profit organizations, and financial institutions across the nation to identify and acquire REO (Real Estate Owned) properties. To learn more visit their website: https://chartergroupusa.com/residential/real-estate-owned-properties/ .
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deadmotelsusa · 6 months
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Pocono Palace has been sold. The property will close and change hands on May 2nd, 2024.
I’ve spent so much time exploring and researching the dead resorts in this area and in the midst of all those visits, Pocono Palace has been my saving grace. It’s one of the few places I feel is still so authentically old-school-honeymoon-era-Poconos and still has its champagne glass tubs, round beds and heart shaped pools. It has also been one of the places we have continuously stayed at while doing Pocono research for this account.
So seeing it join the long list of dead Pocono hotels breaks my heart. I’d like to think the new owners will continue to run it exactly as it is but I’ve heard that it will be turned into a rehab center or wellness facility. Time will tell.
Enjoy some vintage photos + a few unedited snapshots from our last visit. 💘
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doberbutts · 9 months
Curious about something you mentioned in your post last week, you said that in your opinion all drugs should be legal and I’m curious about how that would be a positive at all? Like I get weed bc it’s pretty harmless but when I think of drugs I think of cocaine and heroin, which have destroyed so many lives. If it was widely available wouldn’t that end up hurting more people than helping? That’s just my opinion but I’m curious on the other side
I do think all drugs should be legal. This is said knowing that addiction runs in my family and that the only reason my older sister is my *sister* is due to drug use and addiction. Otherwise she'd be my cousin.
Making drugs illegal does not stop people from getting high. It does not stop drug related crime. And it certainly does not stop drugs from tearing families apart.
Addiction is a symptom of a larger problem. Solve the problem and the addict problem goes away. Solve the addict problem and drugs stop ruining lives and destroying families and creating massive amounts of drug related violence. Places that have roled out decriminalization strategies effectively have seen an overall reduction in crime rates across the board, a reduction in recreational drug use, and a reduction in bloodborne illness like HIV. Creating safe needle exchanges as well as safe places to get high with medical staff onhand has also created a locale where very few people die from overdose.
Most people hear "decriminalize all drugs" and think I mean a free-for-all. I don't. I think the drug market should be regulated. I don't think you should be able to get ketamine or heroin over the counter at a walmart like you can get asprin. But I think it's time to stop putting people in jail for getting high.
My aunt tore her life and her family and her health apart for years while she was addicted to heroin. My sister, her daughter, needed to be removed from her care due to the amazingly bad choices she made as a mother due to her addiction and her prioritizing drugs over the health and safety of her daughter. My aunt has had multiple heart attacks from the damage the constant drug use did to her body.
My aunt is more than a decade sober and do you know why? It's not because she got a wakeup call when her daughter was taken away, because at the time she willingly and freely signed her over to my parents because that got her "out of [her] hair". It's not because she had a heart attack, because she went right back to it the moment she was out of the hospital. It's not even because she spent time in rehab and prison, because the moment she was out she was using again.
No, my aunt got sober because her life changed. She was put on a better pain management plan. She got out of her shitty marriage to her shitty husband. She completed some education to make her more hireable so she didn't have to rely on less than safe means of paying her bills. She reconnected with my sister and reforged their relationship once she was 18. She bought her own house. She found love with someone who didn't give a shit about her past and brought out the best in her.
My aunt was a deeply unhappy person. Heroin made life more tolerable for her. Until she couldn't tolerate life without it. Until she'd do anything, anything, to get her next high.
A lot of addicts are addicts because they are self-medicating for something else and their drug of choice has chemical properties that makes their brains crave it more. If you fix the "deeply unhappy" part, you create a healthier environment for that addict to take control over their life again. Without it, they are far more likely to continue to relapse.
Knowing this, why would I then want to add the threat of prison and jailtime- life-ruining things themselves- to an addict's list of concerns?
Look up rat park sometime. In the rat paradise, drugged water was freely offered, and occasional a rat here or there would take a hit or two, but rarely enough to even get high and almost never habitually. Addiction literally didn't exist even though the rats were taking addictive substances. But the rats in cages, seperated from each other, with no enrichment, crammed into small spaces and stressed to hell? Those rats took hit after hit after hit until they overdosed and died. The addict rats were deeply unhappy. The drugs were their only escape. The paradise rats had to be lured in with sweetened drugs to even consider and even then they rejected them. The caged rats did not need sweetner, even though the drugs made the water bitter.
If we can see such a stark difference in rats having their needs met vs rats experiencing isolation and stress, what would happen if we showed human addicts the same consideration?
I think a lot better results than continuing to jail deeply unhappy and desperate people for doing the only thing they can think of to cope.
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avalon-of-babylon · 1 year
I fucking love genuinely out of touch rich guy Bruce Wayne. Like realistically, yeah, he knows the value of a dollar and how far it gets you but just off the people around him it would be fucking hilarious.
Dick who's lived his entire life in the circus asks for some lunch money.
Rich guy™️ Bruce hands him a thousand because he doesn't have anything smaller.
Reporter Clark Kent casually venting about his 2 mortgages.
Rich guy™️ Bruce tries to relate by talking about how hard it is to juggle his 27 private properties across the world hidden in various shell companies full of millions of dollars worth of batman gear.
Meanwhile Oliver Queen who just has the 1 house, shoves everything into a gym bag and flies his own ass places is sitting there like what the fuck.
Jason certified street kid and son of a drug addict currently splitting rent 5 ways "Yeah it's been hard to keep the lights on with Roy in rehab"
Rich guy™️ Bruce "why don't you dip into your trust fund?"
Jason certified problem child perpetually on the edge of getting disowned. "My what now?"
Commissioner Gordon, father of two, fully aware his daughter is batgirl, spends half his paycheck on his son's indefinite psychiatric treatment, cant afford to leave the rent controlled apartment he's had half his damn life, with a literal nightmare job in the worst city in the world, paranoid because of the stupid amount of corruption around him constantly, and is always on the edge of a mental breakdown.
Rich guy™️ Bruce "You need a vacation. There's this amazing place in the Bahamas you should try-"
Commissioner Gordon, whose idea of a vacation is faking his death for a week in a sting operation, already sobbing.
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lexirosewrites · 2 months
Happy Slick Sunday to all those who celebrate!
I've been trying to think about how I would write a modern day au and this idea has been floating a round for a while now.
So basically I'm thinking of Omega Steve who, feeling a little abandoned and aimless after his friends and the kids to off to college, agrees to marry his parents chosen Alpha. He wants kids! And a partner! And since he never got out of Hawkins he thinks that this is the best way to do it since no one else in town is interested in washed up Omega Steve anymore.
So they get married and bonded in the same night and things go alright for a little while. Alex (the Alpha) is fine if a little boring and mostly let's Steve do his own thing. Steve brings up the topic of kids, the one thing he really married Alex for, and he's wishy washy about it. Always with an excuse about timing and work and preparedness and eventually it becomes a Thing. Steve isn't going to let it go and Alex isn't giving him what he wants so they start fighting. And then Alex starts coming home later. And then he starts getting angry and pushy until he finally comes home and they have a blow out and he pushes Steve into the wall, at which point both Steve and his Omega are finally in agreement that it is no longer safe here with his mate.
Omega or not Steve isn't going to get pushed around by his Alpha, so after Alex goes to bed, Steve packs a small bag and loads up his car. He's pissed and scared and has no plan but knows if Alex wakes up and tracks him down he's going to be in a world of hurt so on his last pass through the house he picks up his old baseball bat from the hall storage closet and a handful of nails from the junk drawer. As quietly as he can Steve smashes the headlights on Alex's car and shoves nails in all four tires and then he's running to his car and driving.
He drives until his tank is near empty and then he fills up and drives again for almost 24 hours and on a stretch of road in the middle of nowhere he realizes his front tire has slowly been loosing air for miles. He gets out to check it out and, of course, there's a nail lodged in there.
The road is empty and he's going to have to drag everything out from his trunk to get to the spare and the idea is so exhausting after not sleeping for almost two days on top of the distress his Omega is feeling about their abandoned bond and he just starts crying right there on the side of the road.
Then up comes Alpha Eddie Munson, operator of the rehab ranch two miles East if where Steve's car broke down, on horseback of all things. He was just checking the perimeter of the property and happened to spot the broken down car, not uncommon in these parts and it's always been the facilities protocol to help travelers in a pinch. He calls out, startling the man hunched over by his car, and is met with the most stunningly beautiful man he's ever seen. Hopping off his horse he gets closer and smalls the acrid sent of Omega in distress, causing all his instincts to go haywire.
Without meaning to he let's out a couple little cuffs and crowns as he approaches the sniffling Omega and Steve, who would usually be incensed at this strange Alpha's familiarity chirps back, his Omega desperately needing the care.
Eddie takes him back to the ranch, insisting he rest since it's obvious Steve hasn't slept in a while, and they'll come back tomorrow morning when the light is better to fix the car.
Of course Steve never ends up leaving. Instead, once Eddie learned about why Steve is on the run, he offers Steve sanctuary and work on the ranch for however long he wants it. Eddie runs the rehap facility with Wayne and his mate Benny, but he can always use extra hands taking care of the animals and fields. Steve starts to feel a sense of identity and peace taking car of the animals and feels himself falling in love with the Alpha that brought him here and is always so kind and patient when teaching Steve a new skill. They spend their nights on the porch of the main house talking and watching the stars.
Of course there's the matter of his mating bite still at hand. As Steve gets closer and closer to Eddie he begins to notice his mating glad looking infected. Hot and red and swollen and he begins to feel light headed on the job. When Eddie asks permission to court Steve just two months after his arrival it feels too good to be true, but of course he accepts.
Unfortunately, his condition rapidly worsens until he is forced to confess exactly what's going on to a very concerned Eddie. Steve's body is rejecting his bond, a process that is extremely rare and painful. Wayne has seen this once before, and regrets to tell them that once the rejection reaches its peak it will feel like the worst detox imaginable and will likely last several days. Luckily, Steve couldn't be in a better place to ride it out.
Eddie takes care of Steve throughout his detox. Helpless as Steve writhes and vomits and cries for the Alpha his body is rejecting just to get some relief. All he can do is whisper sweet things in his Omega's ear, make sure he eats and drinks, and help him change out of his sweetly clothes.
Steve, of course, makes it through his detox and after a few days of rest feels lighter than he has in years. Eddie ramps up his courting efforts immediately, instincts on high after so many days of Steve being unwell. He sents Steve obsessively and brings him whatever small babbles he can afford on his meager salary and plays his acoustic for Steve every night on the porch.
After four months of courting, just long enough for Steve's gland to heal completely and his hormones to return to a neutral state, they bond under the start sky.
After that they're insatiable. Messing round in the hayloft, against the side of the barn, behind the old silo no one uses anymore. Eddie is always whispering in Steve's ear about breading him and giving him all the pups his Omega can handle with gets Steve keaning and begging in no time. Not even two months after their bonding Steve realizes he's pupped, and he couldn't be happier.
agahsgdve i think divorce/bond-breaking in omegaverse is so cool! what’s a more fun way to symbolize the end of a relationship than a whole process where your body entirely rejects your mating?🥰
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redrockcapital · 4 months
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Red Rock Capital Red Rock Capital’s founder and President Joshua Manier has been involved in multiple facets of real estate investing for the past 20+ years. Red Rock Capital and its affiliated companies provide: marketing, loan processing, underwriting, loan servicing, and active fund management for private mortgage funds. He also serves as an Adjunct Instructor at Kaplan Professional Schools lecturing on Federal Mortgage Laws, Real Estate, and Finance and authored the curriculum for their continuing education program on real estate investing within self-directed IRA’s.
Visit us: https://www.fundwithredrock.com/
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onyxonline · 5 months
If it isn't too much of a hassle, what are the properties of the red smoke/how do the purification methods work? (Doesn't have to be too sciencey or anything like that but I've always been curious)
The red smoke is a reference to the on in game, making people sleep, hallucinate, etc, actual poppy flower seeds are used as opiates, so i used it as the main inspiration. The prototype essentially uses painkiller gas that also have brainwashing properties in it.
there's no "purifying" addiction, the best one can do to battle it is going to rehab and begin a cleaning process, it takes time, relapses are common, but it is not impossible to become clean from the cult's red smoke.
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lexoliving · 2 years
Property project management company Orlando
Lexo Living is a leading provider of Property project management company Orlando, Florida. The company specializes in personal property disposition and property inspection services, offering its clients a comprehensive and efficient approach to managing their properties. With a team of experienced and highly-skilled professionals, Lexo Living ensures that every property is managed with care, attention to detail, and a focus on client satisfaction. From inspections and appraisals to the disposal and sale of personal property, Lexo Living provides a full range of services to meet the unique needs of its clients. With its commitment to quality and customer service, Lexo Living is the go-to company for those seeking top-notch property management solutions in Orlando, Florida. Email:- [email protected]
Mobile:- 3055239803
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physalian · 5 months
When a Villain’s “Villainy” Dismisses Their Valid Argument For Change (Or, Marvel)
Marvel stories aren’t the only ones that pull the whole “this villain has a very valid and justified stance on something socially acceptable but actually terrible and- oh, nvm, they’re a murderer, thus they’re totally bad,” schtick, but they’re the loudest voices.
Pop Culture Detective did this deep dive into how the “Avengers” really are “Avengers” (as opposed to “Prevengers,” like Tony points out) because they don’t have any initiatives or social stances that promote change, they just stop villains from making change. Most damning example of this character is Killmonger.
Excellent deep dive, go watch it. I won’t regurgitate it here. Instead, I’ll talk about how these villains are also attempts at having depth and nuance and are very hit-and-miss about it.
So. Villains with nuance: How to write a character with something to say, while showing that their way of going about it is wrong, while also still agreeing that they were right.
This isn’t actually that hard, y’all. Marvel doesn’t do it because they don’t want to piss off the rich people or be “woke”.
So say I have my antagonist named…. Wilson.
Wilson’s goal: prison reform/dismantling the for-profit punitive “justice” system that works to keep people in the system instead of helpful rehab.
Wilson’s motivation: that his dad got incarcerated for possession of drugs, and through a series of Very Bad and Corrupt Legal Practices, Wilson’s dad spent 45 years in prison and died there.
Wilson’s plan: peacefully protest, then when that doesn't work and he's exhausted all other legal avenues, systematically blackmail every cop, justice, and prison employee that he deems corrupt, racist, etc, on the grounds of either “just following orders” or “that’s how it was” isn’t good enough in effort to get them fired/ruin their lives. Doesn’t matter how involved in his dad’s incarceration these people are, Wilson wants to make a statement, and he’s going to make it as loud as possible.
Enter the hero: Sarah.
She’s the seasoned detective trying to catch him because crime is crime and he’s done a lot of it.
Marvel’s hypothetical version of this story: Wilson joins and organizes several peaceful protests and marches and nonviolent gatherings, gathering a vocal following that’s concerning to local, then national, government officials when he gains more power than they’re comfortable with. Around halfway through the story, Wilson breaks and starts randomly murdering these same people just so the audience doesn’t start to root for him.
Marvel’s solution: Wilson ends up in prison, or dead from a high and ambiguous fall, due to his own actions because murder is bad and he’s done a lot of it. Prison reform, what?
Or: Wilson ends up in prison because he still committed violence against a lot of innocent people and the punishments he enacted didn’t fit their crimes. The populace remains horrified by his actions, mourn the corrupt government people, and claim this is exactly why the prison system is the way it is. Sarah, however, understands that Wilson was right, and works for the rest of her career on enacting prison reform.
You know, Zootopia did this pretty well, for a kids’ movie, by having Judy publicly admit that what they’re doing is wrong and try to change it, while also simultaneously botching it entirely.
Ironically, Marvel does have a property that tries its damndest to do the “villain actually has a point, he’s just going about proving it the wrong way” and that’s X-Men. Their best efforts aren’t the ‘ha ha CGI explosion of cool mutant powers’ but the social commentary these characters were meant to reflect.
You can write a villain with a point. But if you’re going to go far enough to make a polarizing statement in your work, knowing it will piss people off, commit to that message and don’t abandon it the second you’ve made them “irredeemable”.
That, and, like Zootopia, it gives your hero so much more nuance when they can admit their staunch, heroic worldview is flawed and needs growth, or complete dismantling, and that hard life lessons can come from anywhere, not just their heroes—particularly when they themselves are an archetypical “hero”. (also killing this complicated villain instead of giving them the chance to see the proper enactment of the change they want to see in the world is a huge missed opportunity).
Not limited to superhero stories, either, or hot button issues like prison reform. Do it in fantasy with fantasy bigotry. It doesn’t have to be a huge global plot either. “Critical voice is painted as the villain and resorts to unsavory-to-illegal activity to stay alive and/or promote their cause” also fits plenty of war stories big and small.
Heck, go even smaller, with lower stakes, and you could write about a high school bully victim who goes too far in trying to get justice/catharsis when the law doesn’t do enough about it. Write about a dysfunctional family. This trope is so flexible it’s disappointing how rarely it’s done well.
Whatever the case:
Make a problem in the world of your story that the society/powers that be of that story doesn’t actually think is a problem, or isn’t doing enough to solve
Make solving this problem the villain’s goal
Make the villain’s plan to solving this problem deeply flawed and the wrong way to do it
Make the hero (and the narrative) recognize that their intentions are in the right place, the actions aren’t, but the villain’s plight was heard, and the hero, presumably with the social and political power to enact real change, resolves to make that change.
The villain loses, but they also still win.
I am sick and tired of throwing the whole character out and trying to eat your cake and have it, too, pretending to have a deep and nuanced narrative that ends up saying nothing more than “crime is always wrong no matter the circumstances if the governing bodies aren’t paying you to commit those crimes.”
I’m not a huge fan of Black Panther (I think by that point my Marvel fatigue on all these new characters was starting to creep in), but they really did Killmonger dirty, didn’t they?
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