#referred to as such regardless
selfcontainedunivcrse · 6 months
my mob-kid -> player headcanons are wholly built off of Oneshot's taming schtick. Which is also why the first Vwoop is denoted as ProtoVwoop and also why this blog is named selfcontaineduniverse because I'm always thinking about oneshot. It's a good video game
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mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
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#too soon NASA... too soon 😅🎄
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roberrtphilip · 7 months
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Beauty and the Beast (1991) // Enchanted (2007)
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crabsnpersimmons · 27 days
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have been feeling under the weather lately, so i daydreamed a silly nurse moon to take care of me
also couldn't decide which i liked better so i leave the choice to you, brave patient. which nurse will you choose?
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lucyvaleheart · 5 months
Mutual aid post
...things have been goin not so great lately
I've been putting this off but my bank account went negative a little bit ago, and it's taken me about a week to get around to it.... But I made a gofundme to just kinda..... Try and catch some breathing room, yknow..?
Please do not feel obligated to donate, and don't feel bad for scrolling past, either. Trust me, I get it; and while I do desperately and immensely appreciate anyone who donates or shares this, I wouldn't dream of trying to guilt anyone into anything. Thank you for even reading all this, genuinely; and whatever I do get, I am so, so grateful for each and every one of you. 💖
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jucyfruit · 2 months
“doesn’t this photo of lily collins look like yassified julien baker?”
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dizzybevvie · 1 month
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You're the sunflower/I think your love would be too much
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immortaltale · 1 month
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ah yes
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moliathh · 1 year
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the scorpion and the frog
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mattibee · 2 years
I think those centipedes with 200-400 legs should be huge and like live in the sky for aesthetic purposes
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theophagie · 6 months
Lots of love for the Combined Keyblade's paopu keychain and angel/dark motif, but it's also very 👀 that: it has a crown on top, as well as a Mickey symbol above the handles; the glass and the lines (?) give it as well as the singular keyblades a very... heart station-y vibe, Door™ included
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I'd wonder if it'd be too much of a stretch to assume that both the crown and the Mickey symbol come from the Kingdom Key or something, but it probably is considering that half of this hypothesis requires the necklace theory to be true, and who knows... It would be fun though, because in a way by itself the K.K. already is a channel from Riku to Sora (and its case is interesting as well because why would Riku's original keyblade have crown-shaped teeth if the necklace wasn't originally his as well or something like this......)
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offbeateurobeatmiku · 2 years
Y'know one detail I love about Kobeni's design is how the knife she uses isn't even a combat knife, it's just a cooking knife. Specifically, it looks like a santoku which is a relatively common type of Japanese chef's knife (reference images below for both mang and anime tho it's defo more obviously a santoku based on the blade shape in the anime).
It's a neat detail cuz it kinda shows she might be so broke she cant even afford a dedicated knife for devil hunting (or can only afford a cheap kitchen knife for it) or that if public safety is buying her equipment they clearly haven't spent much on it (hinting that as a relatively new recruit they might see her as somewhat disposable).
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basilpaste · 4 months
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i will inflict this stupid doodle on others actually. its bad! enjoy.
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nychthemeron-rants · 2 months
Butch Chilchuck AU Pt2
(Pt. 1)
As I mentioned in my previous post, the only real difference in this AU is that Chilchuck is a butch woman who uses he/him pronouns instead of a man.
No one in the main party knew he was a woman because he couldn’t be bothered to correct their assumptions about his gender when he’s busy trying to be treated as an adult.
He revealed that he was a woman after the bicorn when Marcille accuses him of keeping more secrets. “Its not a secret but I guess I should clarify that I'm a woman since I don't think any of you have caught on yet.” type thing. Cue everyone's shock, especially Marcille.
Since there's been at least one woman in the party who's been uncomfortable with Chilchuck bathing with other women (because they think he’s a man), and he's doesn't give enough of a shit to argue, he’s been bathing with the men instead (because again, he simply doesn’t give a shit)
Senshi thought he was trans (though I'm not sure he knows about trans people as like an actual identity, he just saw him bathing with the men and being treated as male and ran with it. Thats Chil's business after all.)
Laios just thought half-foots had internal “equipment” until it was needed. Wanted to ask about it but even he has the social grace to not question co-workers about that.
Shuro fully suspected Chilchuck was a woman but was too awkward to say anything
Namari knew almost immediately and has been the only one in the party to fully understand whats up with Chilchuck because she was respectful and understanding. (Plus they're drinking buddies)
Falin thought he was a man but also didn't really give a shit when he tried bathing with the other women. It was the marriage seeker who threw a fit before Marcille.
Post reveal, Marcille is just pissed he didn't say anything so she didn't have to go through this adventure up until Izutsumi joined the party feeling like the only woman.
Laios asks if he needs to change anything about how he treats him in the same vein as asking if he should call him Sir when he revealed his age
Senshi is just trying to process how wrong he was about literally all of his assumptions about Chil, as he is a middle aged woman and not a little boy. Feels embarrassed about his misunderstandings, no judgement towards Chil.
Marcille has questions post reveal. She gives me the vibe of a sheltered cis woman who has never questioned what makes her a woman, so when she’s presented with a woman who is more comfortable with mostly masculine presentation, uses “male” pronouns, and has even voluntarily removed his breasts as a woman, she is confused. She initially struggles to understand how a woman can be so against femininity and still be a woman. Chil, while reluctant to answer questions about his personal life, explains that he isn’t against femininity but simply feels more comfortable presenting more masculinely. And that he simply can’t be fucking asked to correct people when they guess wrong. He also ends up helping Marcille understand that gender isn’t expression and connect to her womanhood in a new way that isn’t necessarily linked to her femininity.
Laios does ask why he had facial/ body hair as a tall man and dwarf. Chil gets annoyed about him basically asking about his medical history but answers that he has PCOS and is also menopausal.
This causes Senshi to get annoyed that he didn’t mention this earlier as those conditions can lead to different nutritional needs (I.E. PCOS diet to manage symptoms or extra calcium and vitamins after menopause.)
Senshi and Laios start getting weird around Chil, no longer worrying about him being a kid, and are instead trying to be respectful of the fact he’s a woman (such as being less touchy, trying to give him privacy when changing as if they hadn’t bathed together before, etc.) Chil gets annoyed because while he appreciates the lack of touchiness and the added privacy, he’s pissed that they’re acting different after discovering he’s a woman and overthinking how they interact with him. They also start fucking up his pronouns because they’re ingrained in “women = she/her” mindset and feel like they need to “correct” themselves.
Izutsumi doesn't care and fails to see how Chilchuck being a woman instead of a man changes anything. Chil really really appreciates this.
Chil has to sit them down and explain that LITERALLY NOTHING has changed. They get better after this. (Senshi decides to go ahead with making sure he adjusts Chil’s meals to his needs.)
Post canon, Chil and his family goes to a dinner at the castle, and he shows up in a dress because A.) he wanted to match his wife and B.) kinda wanted to fuck with his friends. He succeeded as everyone was very taken aback by the sight of Chilchuck in a dress and “actually dressed as a woman for once” (a comment that annoys Chil because he is always dressed like a woman because he is always a woman who is dressed.)
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neechees · 4 months
Tbf 'mankind' is actually from an older version of English where 'man' just meant "human" (the word for woman was 'wif' & the word for man was 'were' which still survives in 'werewolf', or man-wolf) and 'kind' comes from 'kin' or cynn meaning "family".
The English language is still very man centered bc of the patriarchy but this particular bit predates the gender neutral assigning of men centered terms
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jesteri0tt · 3 months
cw eyestrain
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song referenced is Yababaina by SatapanP, but i wanna preference this by saying that im someone who separates the art from the artist, since theres been recent evidence stating they might be a l0licon :/
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