#mischief managed
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kingstarkingslay · 3 months ago
Imagine if the Marauders started a Podcast
The episodes would be amazing:
"Why You Should Never Trust a Slytherin"
"How to Handle a Moody Marauder"
"The Remus Lupin Fan Club"
"A Sirius Talk About... Feelings"
"Marauder’s Map: The Places We Shouldn’t Have Been"
"The Secret Life of Animagi"
"How to Make a Big Deal Out of the Smallest Thing (Thanks, Sirius)"
"A History of Bad Decisions: The Marauders Edition"
"The One Where We Almost Got Caught (Again)"
"Potter’s Perfect Hair: A 12-Step Guide"
"The Marauder’s Guide to Losing Everything (Except Our Pride)"
"How to Get Detention with Style"
"Potions: Poisoning Our Teachers Since 1974"
"James Potter’s Quidditch Rants: A Legacy of Yelling"
"How We Got Away With It (Spoiler: We Didn’t)"
"Remus Lupin: The Marauder Who Actually Studied"
"Moonwater: A Platonic Love Story with Zero Emotional Skills"
"The Slytherin Conspiracy: Why Snape is Definitely Not Our Friend"
"Siriusly, Remus? I’m Right Here!"
"James Potter: Loveable Idiot or Just an Idiot?"
"Wolfstar: The Original ‘Will They, Won’t They’"
"Jegulus: The Enemies-to-Lovers Story You Never Knew You Needed"
"The Marauder’s Guide to Love: Romantic Advice from the Worst Experts"
"How to Suffer in Silence (Remus and Regulus Edition)"
"Marauder Pranks: The Ones We Didn’t Mean to Pull"
"The One Time Regulus Black Smiled and Everyone Panicked"
"How to Survive a Full Moon (With Minimal Blood Loss)"
"The Moonwater Chronicles: How to Have a Completely Inappropriate Conversation"
These are just to name a few, I can come up with more if you’d like ✨
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ddanthedumbass · 1 year ago
Regulus: if you do that again, I'll throw you out the fucking window you-
Regulus: what the fuck are you doing?
James: checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it.
Regulus: you little bitch
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immortalsoul · 1 year ago
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raeshellys · 5 months ago
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Will you look at that? Not perfect, but I'm getting a grasp in this rendering thing c: I'm genuinly happy with this
And also, two fanarts in a row of the same fandom?? O.O That's concerninly unlike me lol
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ultravioletbrit · 4 months ago
“numb” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 532 words
Part 5/5 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
“Speak.” Sirius is standing in front of Regulus with his arms crossed.
“I’m not a dog, Sirius.” Regulus says, rubbing his ear that’s gone numb after Sirius used it to drag him across the room.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, please regale us with your ever heroic tale.” Sirius says overdramatically.
“Not much to say.” Regulus shrugs. “I left home, transferred schools and I start here next week.” Sirius just stares at Regulus for a moment.
“That’s it? You left? Just like that?” Sirius asks after a minute.
“Well, I left a note.” Regulus says casually.
“And you thought the best way to tell me this was to accost my best mate?”   
“That part was an accident.” Regulus tells him.
“Happy, right? Happy accident?” James speaks up.
“James, twenty minutes ago you thought he was a crazy person.” Sirius points out.
“I still kind of do. But he’s gorgeous and what’s life without a little risk?” James winks at Regulus.
“You need to sort out your priorities.” Sirius shakes his head at James.
“Plus, he’s related to you, he can’t be that insane.” James continues.  
“That is very flawed reasoning.” Regulus tells James. “Besides, you chose to be friends with him, I should be the one judging your sanity.”
“Don’t worry James, I chose to be your friend too. You’re just as sane as I am.” Sirius pats James on the shoulder.
“That’s a scary thought.” James and Regulus say at the same time and turn to look at each other. James smiles at Regulus and Regulus bites to inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling back. This only makes James’ smile grow wider.  
“What’s going on here?” Sirius asks, looking back and forth between them. James and Regulus continue to stare at each other for several moments before James clears his throat.
“Sirius… could you… err…” James says and nods his head towards the other room.
“What?” Sirius asks.
“Just…” James nods more firmly.
“What?” Sirius puts his hands on his hips.
“Sirius, just for like two minutes, could you go. in. there.” James nods his head on each of the last words.
“Nice one, James.” Regulus says sarcastically. “Very smooth.”
Sirius glares at James but eventually relents and stomps into James’ bedroom.
“Fine! I’ll be in your bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there.” Sirius slams James’ bedroom door and proceeds to make as much noise as possible.
James and Regulus look at each other and roll their eyes at Sirius’ dramatics.
“So…” James starts. “About giving me your number…” He smiles and takes out his phone.
“You never quit, do you?” Regulus asks.
“Oh, c’mon. I face death.” James nods once again towards Sirius. “In the hope that you will please give me your number.”
“He would never kill you. Only maim, or seriously injure.” Regulus smirks. Then he glares at James for a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but I have a feeling it’s not good.” Regulus finally lets himself smile at James.
“Oh, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” James smirks at Regulus.  
Regulus rolls his eyes, but nevertheless, he reaches over and takes James’ phone to add his number.  
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kevindavidson · 1 year ago
James was the last Marauder born.
And the first Marauder Dead.
Regulus was the last Black to be born.
And the first Black Dead.
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steveahoi · 8 months ago
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Here is one of my prompts for the @marauderswithpalestineproject fandom initiative!🍉
This is prompt number 97 for @lunarlivs , who kindly donated and asked for "Wolfstar reading together"! This was such a lovely prompt.
Thank you and everyone else who donated, and a big thank you to the organization team!
Sirius is listening intently while Remus is reading him the story of a magic tree, a tree that only is visible on nights with a full moon, on nights when everything else is cowering down in fear of the howling creatures. This tree doesn't flinch in fear, it's branches aren't shaking, it's leaves aren't falling. It's stretching its branches towards the monsters with their big teeth and sharp claws, and it's singing them a lullaby with its leaves until the monsters fall asleep at their roots, their pain a bit soothed by the presence of something not scared of them.
In Sirius imagination the tree begins to grow behind Remus, it's magic begins to glow and he can imagine Padfoot and Moony playing beneath it before falling asleep, happy and free, and protected.
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hxc66 · 7 months ago
Conversations with my not girlfriend that remind me of marauders characters part. 86
11 year old Harry: remember that kid you guys used to bully
Sirius: what? We never bullied anyone?
Harry: yes you told me in year 5 you used to be mean to this kid along with everyone else
Sirius: I would never bully someone…
Sirius: OH! Snivillus! Yeah we all bullied him because he was annoying and we didn’t like him and he always had greasy hair
Sirius: look he deserved it he was racist!
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astronomyth-art · 4 months ago
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To the Dark Lord,
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.
Mischief managed day 28: Regulus
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alltoounwellll · 1 year ago
when your card declines at therapy so they bring out a wolf, a dog, a deer, and a rat and a random piece of old-looking paper.
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ddanthedumbass · 10 months ago
Regulus: I'm fine.
James: you don't look fine.
Regulus: then stop looking.
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immortalsoul · 1 year ago
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bellaxullen · 1 year ago
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“No—listen, I didn’t mean—” “—to call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?
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raeshellys · 3 months ago
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Boy and girl lock eyes cross the room...
I had such a big project with these two, but I need to be realistic. So here they are! Lil Lily and Lil James because I think it would have been really cute!
And also because even if october is far away, I still have unhealed scars
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the-colourful-witch · 2 years ago
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Remus Lupin as an academic mess :)
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canualwaysbmine · 5 months ago
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Cute little collage of some gorgeous fanart I found on Pinterest to fuel my currant marauders obsession.
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