#i solemnly swear that i am up to no good
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pottermagiczz ¡ 5 months ago
Peter, sad: I'm always the last one to know everything
James: That's not true, Wormtail
Peter: Yes, it is! I was the last to know about Moony being a werewolf, I was the last to know about you dating Lily, I was the last to know about you being Head Boy, I was the last to know about you breaking your bed with your antlers, I was the last to know about Padfoot's crush on Moony, I wa—
Remus, cutting Peter off: WAIT, WHAT!!??
Peter: Oh, second to last
Peter, happily: I suppose you were right, Prongs
Sirius: You silly f*cking rat!
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kingstarkingslay ¡ 8 months ago
Regulus: "James, I have a theory about the Animagus transformation."
James *worried*: "Go on."
Regulus: "Sirius is clearly a dog, but Remus Lupin? I suspect he's secretly mastered the art of transforming into a mischief-making Niffler."
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raeshellys ¡ 4 months ago
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Will you look at that? Not perfect, but I'm getting a grasp in this rendering thing c: I'm genuinly happy with this
And also, two fanarts in a row of the same fandom?? O.O That's concerninly unlike me lol
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cruel-seduction ¡ 9 months ago
*Sirius looking at remus with puppy eyes*
SIRIUS - Can I bother you for a second?
REMUS - *finally looking at him* If I say no, would you stop?
SIRIUS - No. But I swear it will take a second
REMUS - *eyeroll* sure, It will!!
(p.s - Sirius continued to vent for 2 hours)
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hxc66 ¡ 7 months ago
Conversations with my not girlfriend that remind me of marauders characters part. 86
11 year old Harry: remember that kid you guys used to bully
Sirius: what? We never bullied anyone?
Harry: yes you told me in year 5 you used to be mean to this kid along with everyone else
Sirius: I would never bully someone…
Sirius: OH! Snivillus! Yeah we all bullied him because he was annoying and we didn’t like him and he always had greasy hair
Sirius: look he deserved it he was racist!
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dorasoracle ¡ 3 months ago
second part of band au ?? and igs ;
the valkyries igs
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and the marauders ones
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another free time , enjoyy
first part ( reg , dora , ev , barty , dorcas and skittles ones )
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oliveoilisedible ¡ 4 months ago
Does anyone actually know how they got introduced to the marauders? Like, we all read Harry Potter, but where tf did the marauders come from ??? Did JKR’s normal counterpart that isn’t a black mold inhaling bigot use some Marauders-beam 20000 on me from outer space????
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siriusblack-the-third ¡ 6 months ago
The Marauders: Pranks!
(in no particular order)
31st October, 1971 (First Year): the idiots somehow managed to get Peeves on their side and messed with the feast. Additives to the food had the entire castle running towards the bathrooms. The pipes were clogged for weeks afterwards. They served detention for the entirety of the duration.
31st January, 1973 (Second Year): Sirius tricked the gargoyle that protected the headmaster's study, got into his library and took several rare tomes. Dumbledore only realised when Sirius marched into his office two weeks later and dropped 14 books onto his table, announcing, "I'll be borrowing your books frequently, thank you." Just for the sheer talent of getting through his protective spells, Dumbledore allowed him to do so. However, detention of two weeks was handed out for breaking and entering.
23rd September, 1976 (Sixth Year): everyone woke up to see that the 26ft bronze dragon statue atop the fountain in the courtyard vanished in the middle of the night. No-one has seen it since. Nobody knows where it is. However, every time James or Sirius pass by the fountain, a small smirk curves over their lips. On another (completely unrelated, of course) note, James has an exquisite new pen, made of bronze and covered in a beautiful, intricate dragon motif.
13 December, 1974 (Fourth Year): the entire castle just. Floated up into the air without a warning. Exactly 77 feet off the ground for 77 minutes. It took all four of them three months to hand carve runes into the perimeter of the castle, and before that it took all of August for Sirius to come up with the right rune sequence that would stick a timer to the magic. They didn't serve detention, only because the rune sequence was such a stroke of genius— fourth year students barely knew how to use single runes in magic, let alone sequences long enough to cover a perimeter.
12th May, 1977 (Sixth Year): any time someone touched a goblet, said goblet would turn into purple butterflies. Very pretty, but very frustrating when all you wanted was a drink after a hot day. It turned out that they had mixed a transfigurative potion into the dishwashing water, and McGonagall made James write a paper about his invention. Technically, he earned his Potions mastery before he got his N.E.W.T. results.
4th February, 1976 (Fifth Year): a vicious storm cloud hung over Hogwarts starting from the 4th all the way till the full moon, making it rain sleet and hail non-stop, 24 hours a day. Everything came to a standstill, including Quidditch (James had to be persuaded for this one). Under the pretense of a month-long detention, McGonagall and Flitwick sat Sirius and James down and had them explain the thought process that went into the spellwork— weather magic not only required obscene amounts of raw power, but the steps as well were notoriously difficult to execute.
21st December, 1977 (Seventh Year): at exactly 23 minutes after eleven at night, the entire castle got wrapped up in huge, terrifying thorny branches. They crawled through the hallways, spilled through windows, blocked the doors and crept over the suits of armour. Huge roses— about two feet in diameter— bloomed all over the castle, dark haunting pink in colour. Waking up in the morning was quite a shock for people when they found out the vines had grown literally everywhere and taken over the dorm rooms. The inspiration was Disney's animated Sleeping Beauty, and Flitwick and Babbling both gave the Marauders twenty-five points each for the creativity. They did serve four months of detention, though.
do NOT tag w*lfst*r or j*gul*s i mean it i will block you
I do not want anyone calling Sirius or James stupid
If you wanna argue with any of these, argue with the wall. These are headcanons, not reality. Chill.
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noralia20 ¡ 5 months ago
I can just picture it.
After her last breath spent and for the first time she closed both her eyes to rest. She was met with a brighter light than she ever knew. She looked around, it was a small field of light. Like a dreamed she had done over and over again and never got tired of it.
She felt her dress flow like a stream of water and she felt like herself again. Afar from the hurt and the darkness. She felt like that young sorcerer she was years ago.
“Joining the fun, Minnie ?”
That voice. She turned around and was sent years back. Where the problems didn’t exist and the sun was a pleasant kiss on the skin. There, in the middle of the ray of light, she recognized four boys. So different, yet so alike.
She recognized the familiar long onyx hair cascading down one’s shoulder, swaying freely in the wind.
She recognized the unruly curls and dimples, mixed with her reflection in his glasses.
She recognized the tall frame of a scarred boy wearing a gaze that could make you melt like chocolate in the sun.
And she recognize the shy looking frame, crumpled under the past mistakes that stayed in his skin and that the sun tried to wash away.
She recognized those boys from far too long ago. And she most of all she recognized their mischievous smiles.
“You almost had us waiting, you know ?” The glasses finally let her see his eyes. Full of mischief, like always. Those eyes she tried not to see in his son’s.
She blinked the tears away and tried to put on that strict look but failed. She couldn’t do it as she used to. She couldn’t be their professor after learning one after another that she would outlive them.
“Why must it always be you four ?”
They shared a bark of laugh, all four. She had taken for granted those laughs and oh how much she missed them.
“We know you missed us.” She couldn’t even deny it.
“Now come on Minnie. It’s time.” The tallest extended his hand. She took it, it was warmer than the sun.
“We have some things to show you. You missed a lot.”
And ahead of them, a castle, a familiar one. One that they learned to call : home. Do you know the name of it ? Neither do I. But it was a name engraved in their soul and bones.
They started to walk up the hill as the orange sky bathed them in a peaceful glow.
“Even here, you four are always up to no good.” She shook her head and they all sent her a knowing smile.
And suddenly, her world felt less empty.
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lulublack90 ¡ 10 months ago
Prompt 23 - Resist
@jegulus-microfic April 23, Word count 648
As requested by @phoenixtears13 there may even be a part 3
First part
James stood by the quidditch stands, absolutely stunned. Sirius’s little brother had just tackled him and slammed him against these very stands. And what had he done? He’d reacted and swung them around, crushing him against them instead.
Regulus had caught him just wrong, right in the massive bruise hidden by his jumper. He’d growled at the boy. But as soon as Regulus had gone limp in his hands, he’d panicked and tried to find help. Regulus had asked him so quietly and sadly to let him go that he’d just dropped him and prayed the boy could hold himself up. 
James hadn’t been prepared when Regulus shoved him, but he stepped back when he realised what he wanted and watched as the strange boy literally ran away from him. 
The main problem James was having, though, was the whiff of night air and dark wood mixed with something lighter, maybe floral, that had lingered after Regulus had disappeared. He couldn’t quite place it. 
He’d smelt that particular collection of scents before, but he couldn’t remember where. He puzzled over it as he made his way up to Gryffindor Tower and the awaiting party. 
“We did it, mate!” Sirius boomed as he hung off James’s neck, a half-drunk bottle of firewhisky sloshing about in his hand. “Ha, did you see Reggie’s face? He was not happy!” Sirius barked a laugh, and James felt his body stiffen at the name. He couldn’t tell Sirius what had happened after the game. He’d do something reckless. Luckily, Remus came over and peeled Sirius off James’s neck to take him to get some water and food. 
James tried to join in with the celebrations, but he had that niggling thought in the back of his mind, and it wasn’t until he saw someones forgotten potions textbook stuffed down the side of the cushion of the chair he was sitting in did the dots connect.     
A wave of pure panic hit him. He must have looked a right sight as the horror of what those scents meant took over his mind. 
He had to get out of there. So he rushed up to their dorm room and locked himself in the bathroom. He started hyperventilating. He’d smelled that combination in potions class when Slughorn had shown them the mother-of-pearl shimmering potion of Amortentia. 
But how could it smell like Regulus Black? Regulus Black, Sirius’s little brother! Regulus Black, heir to the Black family! Regulus Black Death Eater in training! 
He slumped to the floor, head in his hands. How could this have happened? But nothing had happened, had it? 
James took a deep, steadying breath, raised himself off the floor and went back to join the party. 
For the rest of the night, he kept telling himself it was nothing. Sure, it was a strange combination of scents, but there must be someone else out there that smelled the same, right? 
By the time he went to bed, he couldn’t get Regulus out of his mind. He had to see him. He was sure it was all a misunderstanding. Unable to resist, he pulled out the Marauders Map and whispered to it while tapping his wand against the parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” He watched the inky lines spread over the parchment and reveal the enchanted map of Hogwarts. 
He scanned it, trying to find the little marker that read Regulus Black. He wasn’t in the dungeons or out at the quidditch pitch or anywhere on the lower floors. Surely, at this time of night and after the team’s loss, he should be in bed. He was about to give up when his eyes flickered past a long name at the top of the Astronomy Tower. ‘Regulus Black’, written in Sirius’s elegant script. 
James barely thought about it and, grabbing his invisibility cloak, hurried towards the name. 
Next part
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pottermagiczz ¡ 9 months ago
Sirius: Sirius. Sirius Black
James: Are you?
Sirius: Am I what?
James: Sirius
Sirius: Yes, I'm serious
James: You're seriously Sirius?
Sirius: I'm serious, I'm Sirius
James: Seriously? Well, Sirius, I'm James Potter
Sirius: I, Sirius, am seriously pleased to meet you in all seriousness
James: Oh, Sirius, I'm seri-
Remus, crying from the corner of Peter: CAN YOU NOT
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loonyloopylupin96 ¡ 4 months ago
I solemnly swear that I will not stay up reading fanfiction tonight
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ruthplaysthesims ¡ 6 months ago
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If you thought Mrs. Ito was going to be a problem, then you have YET to meet my version of the Landgraabs...
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Nasty Nancy has entered the chat!
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raeshellys ¡ 3 months ago
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Boy and girl lock eyes cross the room...
I had such a big project with these two, but I need to be realistic. So here they are! Lil Lily and Lil James because I think it would have been really cute!
And also because even if october is far away, I still have unhealed scars
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winifredtheracoon ¡ 5 months ago
Im kinda afraid to get into the marauders fandom. One of my closest friend loves it so much and i would really match their interests. They are really into the fandom and they make it look so beautiful to have somebody to talk with about something so unique and interesting.
Chat should i put effort and join the fandom?
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miss-meichu ¡ 20 days ago
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I'm absolutely sobbing rn. What the fuck
Fic is by ARKODIANS on Ao3. This is the 2nd installment in their ongoing series.
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