#rashid i love you please come back
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fascinationstreetmp3 · 30 days ago
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4th-make-quail · 6 months ago
IWTV Fic Recs - Old Man Daniel Focused
I've been meaning to put together a list somewhere for this, and since I just sent a bunch to someone, here it is finally! it's a mix of Armand/Daniel, Daniel/Louis, Armand/Daniel/Louis in various configurations - please enjoy!
if you read and enjoy these fics, please make sure to leave a comment for the authors on ao3!
Conflict of Interest, by hereticas - T, 2000 words
Louis comes by Daniel's room the morning after they recover their memories of San Francisco.
Very very cute kissing post s02e05 fic!
Daniel/Louis, Daniel/Louis/Armand, Armand/Daniel, Armand/Louis (combo of all)
it seemed the thing to do (what made me think I could start clean slated?), by fastcarmp3 - E, 3900 words, WIP
Louis asked Daniel if he wanted to… now. It wasn’t an empty offer.
Danlou with Armand watching which is SMOKING HOT
Terza Rima, by nothing_but_paisley - E, 1700 words
Daniel finally gets what he came to Dubai for, but the aftermath brings even more questions.
INCREDIBLY hot threesome with stellar character voices, bit of Armand Voyeurism (THE GOOD SHITE), bit of Daniel being a slut for being bitten
That's It, Mr. Molloy, by anonymous - E, 4900 words
Daniel finds himself distracted, during the interview. Rashid comes to help, and invites Louis along, too. He snaps his gaze away, clearing his throat. “So, are we, uh…talking about that? Or…” “Talking?” Rashid cocks his head, amused. “Is that what you would like to do, Mr. Molloy? Talk?” As he speaks, he steps forward, walking Daniel backwards until his knees hit the edge of the bed. Daniel looks back, startled, as though he hadn’t realized he was moving, at all. “Won’t you sit down, Mr. Molloy?” Rashid asks, gesturing.
that old man gets PROPERLY FUCKED!! bit of a Rashid!Armand situation, bit of massage, very very hot
Push it away but it all comes back again, by butchybats - E, 5400 words
“'Let me get this straight. You left me for dead,' Daniel addresses Louis, who very pointedly does not make eye contact with him. This time Daniel turns slightly to face Armand. 'And you saved my life in the most erotic way possible?'” Or: All Daniel wants is to resume the interview like normal after finding out about the supposed "love of Louis' life". Louis and Armand have better plans.
Threesome sex VERY HOT (includes a bit of flashback to 70s era) with a really fucking excellent Daniel Voice!
were the flowers orange?, by andrealyn - T, 6700 words
Years ago, Daniel cut out the love of his life to save himself from choking on tiger eye, daylily, bird of paradise. Now, in Dubai, suddenly the disease returns even though the only thing that's changed is Rashid became Armand. And yet, the flowers tell him something -- whoever he cut out is fighting like hell to be remembered.
Absolutely DEVASTATING hanahaki fic, this shit is really fucking good!!!
the fog eating the night, by tei - E, 3700 words
If Louis had wanted him alive, he'd have escorted him out himself. But he hadn't. He'd left Daniel standing there stunned, and walked out like none of this had mattered to him at all. Whether he meant to or not, Louis had given Daniel to Armand.
Very tasty post s02e08 turning fic! Really damn good Daniel Voice.
At Close of Day, by nothing_but_paisley - E, 1700 words
On a frigid Christmas night, Daniel and Armand celebrate being alone together as they explore their budding relationship.
Really hot with human!Daniel! A top Armand who absolutely ADORES him, it's very fucking cute
Only a Name, by nothing_but_paisley - E, 1500 words
In Dubai, Daniel is visited in dreams by an opinionated young man--but there's something terribly familiar about him.
More Rashid!Armand fic, very very fucking hot
strange mutations, by leavethebes - E, 11000 words
Armand’s done it to him once before—gored him through the stomach, gutted him like a fish, snipped his gills off, and drained him right down to the fluttering valves of his heart. Left Daniel little more than a shriveled husk of a person, and somehow Daniel is back here anyway, on his knees in front of Armand and begging for the oblivion that was promised.
Post s2 but before Armand turns Daniel, really fun Armand interfering in Daniel's life post-Dubai and another excellent Daniel Voice!
Devouring, by verimeru - Mature, comic
An 11-page IWTV (2022) fancomic about the vampire Armand facing his worst nightmare.
Daddy, by GreyGiantess & verimeru - Mature, comic
“What's with the face?” Daniel asked. Armand’s eyes widened slightly, which was probably meant to make him look innocent, but it only made The Face worse. “This is just my regular face, Daniel.” “Yeah, right. You’re up to something.” In which VERIMURU and GRAYGIANTESS team up to give you the Armandaniel age difference COMIC you didn't know you needed! Very loosely related to Baby.
VERY cute age difference comic with human Daniel! Appreciated him still having his parkinson's, and their relationship and dynamic is SO cute
whip in my valise, by firstaudrina - E, 3100 words
“I thought you weren’t coming back,” Armand said. “Yeah,” Daniel said, the word an aggravated pull. “Well.” Old Man Daniel goes to Night Island.
Very very good, VERY VERY HOT, excellent level of fucked up with some delicious voyeurism also
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months ago
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IWTV Musings - LDPDL & Nosferatu 2024
We all know & love AMC!IWTV's canon that the Unholy Family saw Nosferatu in 1922, and busted a gut rotflol over Hollywood's vampire.
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But if Louis saw Nosferatu 2024, in the wake of Lestat in NOLA, and esp. Armand in Paris/SanFran/Dubai & Claudia's death, I reckon he'd be triggered on several levels. Ofc, one doesn't need to see Nos24 thru Louis' eyes/POV to recognize all the themes about the predatory nature of vampiric seduction, let alone the devastating ways vampires affect/abuse/take advantage/wreak havoc on human vulnerabilities like religious mania depression, mental illness, and suicidal ideation. But let's go for it!
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The Closeted (Isolation, Repression, & Mental Illness)
In IWTV, Louis was a closeted gay man who had to grow up always hiding who he really was, for fear of punishment by his uber-Catholic family as well as society at large. Homosexuality was not only considered a mental illness, subject to extreme forms "treatment" including solitary confinement in a sanatorium (mental asylum--the same place his mentally ill brother Paul had already been sent that made him "worse than before"); but also a crime punishable by incarceration or even death.
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I've long said that "Rashid"/Armand's treatment of Louis esp. in Dubai was more like a nurse than a servant--the kind of nurse that hates their job (being "stuck on suicide watch") & whose bedside manner effing SUCKS, having no patience for the mentally ill & no capacity to properly take care of them; just making things worse.
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In Nosferatu, Ellen was always "touched" as a child, having the 2nd sight that allowed her to always know ahead of time what her Xmas gifts were, and know the date her mom would die. Her mean father thought she was a freak and had her closeted away & isolated from society, the family embarrassment. Even after she got married, Thomas' BFF Friedrich barely tolerated Ellen, and when her seizures started he had her tied & doped & corseted up--all the worst ways of caring for her that likely did more harm than good. Ellen even called him out on it, knowing Friedrich tied her up cuz he hated having to deal with her in the first place "I tire of discussing her; can we please talk about something else; the entire household centers around her fairy whims!," and got sick of her being in his house anymore.
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Book & Hearth's video analysis of Ellen's mental illness in Nosferatu says this:
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So, Louis/Ellen are both people stigmatized by Victorian society for things that were never their fault (homosexuality, mental illness, etc), either socially closeted/isolated (Louis) or spatially closeted/isolated (Ellen).
(Lestat kept whining in 1x3 & 2x7 about how the worst thing a vampire can feel is loneliness--as if that's not awful for humans to feel, too. 🙄 Esp. since vamps are immortal, they've got all the time in the world for someone to eventually show up & fall in love with them; unlike humans, who grow old & decrepit & die in no time flat.)
We see the extreme lengths Louis & Ellen would go to, to alleviate their loneliness & desperation for companionship, and their desire to feel seen & close to someone--even if that someone was the Devil himself: a vampire.
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"Come to me" - Loustat & Orllen
Both IWTV & Nosferatu use Come to Me. It's a motif as old as Dracula itself, so it's par for the course, really.
"Come to me, Arthur. Leave these others and come to me. My arms are hungry for you. Come, and we can rest together. Come, my husband, come!" --Lucy Westenra, Dracula
But both shows play around with it in interesting ways.
In IWTV, Lestat repeatedly chants C2M/Viens a moi to lure Louis to him. In 1x1 Louis actually runs away, fleeing to the church & prayed to God to help/kill him; only for the Devil/Lestat to show up & "give you death" by making him a vampire. But in 1x6, Lestat uses the song "Come to Me" to "get a rise out of" Louis, who swims the Mississippi to take his estranged husband back. But during the Trial, Lestat lied on Lou and accused him of saying C2M to "accost" Les instead--the human seducing the vampire. Meanwhile, Lou still has Les's master recording of C2M in 2022, which he plays for Daniel in Dubai--again proving that Les was lying on Lou & weaponized C2M against him.
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Nosferatu24 plays the human-calling/seducing-the-vampire straight, where Ellen literally summoned Orlock. Lonely, she'd prayed to God for a companion, "a spirit of comfort," but accidentally roused the Nosferatu from his sleep as she kept repeating "Come to me."
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Ellen accidentally called Orlock, and Lestat hunted Louis down--but both characters are still guilt-ridden by their open-armed acceptance of their vampire lovers, once they eventually realize that the person they thought would be their comfort/safety had only taken advantage of their loneliness, desperation & ignorance about their situation and the type of creature these vamps really were.
Louis' relationship with Armand doesn't 1:1 fit, since they never use C2M per se, but Armand DOES approach Louis similarly to Les, as the charismatic vampire who stalked Lou before finally confronting him, luring him & Claudia into the Theatre to recruit/convert them to his crazy AF coven/cult; and then using a series of lies, manipulations & brainwashes to take advantage of Louis' trauma post-Banishment to keep Lou as his (un)willing companion for 77yrs after killing his daughters.
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The Death of 2 Daughters
Orlock's murder of Friedrich's 2 daughters is a chilling scene. The Nosferatu puts a spell on Friedrich while he's sleeping, his hand casting a spectral shadow over Friedrich's face to keep him pinned in his bed and trapped in his nightmares. Meanwhile, his 2 daughters & wife are screaming for him to help them, but Friedrich can't move or wake up, impotently clutching the gun in his hand as his wife & kids are slaughtered bu Orlock, just down the hall from him.
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Orlock has both the little girls in his clutches, and throws them down like sacks of potatoes once he's done draining them, as their mother Anna helplessly watches, screaming, before he kills her, too.
This is painfully similar to how Armand instructed the coven to fog the minds of Claudia, Madz & Louis whenever they tried defending themselves, on top of their ankles being slashed so they couldn't move, escape, or fight back--esp. not once Lou was dragged away kicking & screaming to be buried alive, ensuring that he'd be helpless to do anything to save his 2 daughters from being murdered. The last thing he ever heard Claudia say was her screaming his name.
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(Since this is 2024, Louis wouldn't yet be privy to the details Lestat reveals in S3 (2026). But if Lestat's also watching Nos24, he knows even more about Claudia's final moments than Lou does--that feeling of helplessness is only amplified by the fact that she's HIS literal Blood Child--he'd've felt her die the same way Louis felt Madz die. Drained after using his Mind Gift to save Louis with Banishment, Lestat's too weak to save Claudia as she burns. The last thing Claudia ever saw was her father just standing there, uselessly watching Armand & the coven burn her to death.)
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Sexual Inhibitions, Awakenings, Stigmas, Salvation
Louis is often mocked/derided in the fandom as a d**kmatized Pick Me who only thinks with his loins to stay with toxic AF Lestat's "considerable considerables;" after years of closeted sexual repression.
"Do you remember the best you ever had? So imagine that flowing inside your veins again. Now multiply it by miles, to the rings of Saturn and back...." "He had a way about him, those first years, Lestat. Preternaturally charming, occasionally thoughtful. He was my murderer, my mentor, my lover, and my maker--all of those things at once. He had taken what he called un petit coup, the Little Drink. Not enough to kill me, but just enough to keep him fit. It takes an enormous amount of restraint for us, the Little Drink. For a human, experiencing it for the first time, it was…unsettling. And not for the physical toll on my body, which was significant, but for the feelings of intimacy it awoke within me."
Lestat's seduction of Louis was a sexual revelation/awakening, but it also spooked TF outta Louis. He fled Lestat's house in a gay panic, "vowing never to return." I also discussed how Lestat's C2M in 1x1 was dubcon/noncon, and mirrored Lestat in Paul's head, making both him AND Louis feel unclean.
She sank on her knees on the floor in an agony of abasement. Pulling her beautiful hair over her face, as the leper of old his mantle, she wailed out. “Unclean! Unclean! Even the Almighty shuns my polluted flesh! I must bear this mark of shame upon my forehead until the Judgement Day.” -- Mina Harker, Dracula
(Lou was bored to dangit death with Armand in SanFran (the gay mecca where he'd been enjoying his 2nd wind/try at a gay sexual awakening), mocking Armand for having been forced into ascetic celibacy by the Children of Satan, who made him forget he had a working peen (Lou was obvs mad that Armand wasn't using said peen with Lou--the Bed Death Truthers were right all along, LOL).)
Meanwhile, Ellen was outright called a "sinner" by her father when he found her lying naked after a (Orlock-induced) fit/orgasm.
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Orlock stayed with Ellen for years, an incubus visiting her in her dreams & having sex with her (the best she'd ever had, as she later throws in Thomas' face, "you could never please me like he could"); but also throwing her into fits/seizures--"at first it was sweet...and then it turned to torture!"
In the end, LDPDL & Ellen use their sexual prowess to distract their vampire husbands long enough for their Murder Plots to be accomplished--a la Mina Harker in Dracula.
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Louis is literally instructed by Claudia to seduce Lestat, keeping him distracted with sex while Claudia plans how to poison & kill him. Louis is afraid to fall back into the "well with no bottom" and "lose myself in him," and Claudia promises to be his salvation--pulling him out in time to strike the killing blow to Lestat.
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Ellen is another femme fatale who welcomes Orlock into their marriage bed, where she forcefully holds him close as he notices the sun rising; keeping him distracted with sex long enough for the sunlight to cook him to death as she hemorrhages under him. Her suicide is her salvation/martyrdom, as she frees herself (and the whole town) from Orlock's clutches.
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(Again, Armand doesn't have as neat of a 1:1 fit, since Louis doesn't distract him with sex to defeat him. But Louis still plays up his seemingly helpless submission to get Armand to allow the interview to continue, as if Daniel isn't threat, and as if Louis doesn't suspect Armand of foul play--at least not until the end of 2x5 ofc. But Armand constantly wrests control back, and by the end of the interview in 2x8 he ALMOST wins. Louis doesn't defeat Armand or save himself at all here--DANIEL defeats Armand & saves Louis instead, showing the leagues of difference between the threat Armand posed vs Lestat. )
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 days ago
hello, I response to the ask and your answer in regards to Armand's behavior with the 2nd interview may I contribute my thoughts:
We know Armand has...issues with control. He wasn't in control of his mortal life, his life with Marius, his life as the leader of the Children of Darkness. They were all forced upon him, they were his religion. And until Lestat (and Gabrielle) they were the framework around which his life was built. After the dissolution of the Children of Darkness coven he is given the first true choice of how to live his life and he chooses to go back to old patterns. Leading the coven is familiar, rules bring a level of safety, he won't have to be alone.
Despite the facade of submission with Louis, he still imposes this same framework, rules and control. He messes with his memories and emotions, they don't talk about certain topics, the archives are kept within only his reach.
The first interview he had no control over. I guess it could be argued he could have stopped it or influenced it but regardless, Louis ranted and raved and talked at length about Lestat and Claudia and all the things Armand desired to leave behind. The result is a wild argument and Louis' attempted suicide, after which Armand is cruel to both him and Daniel, he literally controls Daniel for days and exerts control over Louis via "caring" for him and the call to Lestat.
So from my perspective, when Louis wants to do the interview again, Armand agrees but only because this time he can control things. He can toy with Daniel, he can encourage Louis' cruelty to guide the narrative, he can mix up photographs to shake Louis' confidence and direct his anger, create a fight he can anticipate and contain. He doesn't anticipate Louis and Daniel being able to gain back their memories but he's there this time, he can claim he was asked to erase them.
If he had any indication that the truth about the trial would've come out I don't believe he would've let Daniel within 100 miles of Louis.
His framework was once again destroyed right before his eyes, and this time it was the one he built himself. So he scrambles to try and hold it together, he lies, he bargains, and it doesn't work.
All of this is just opinion, based upon what the show (and 1st two books I've read) have told me about his character, so please feel free to explain anything you think I'm getting wrong or if you disagree! I love trying to dissect the gremlin so I welcome your thoughts!
Thanks for sharing your insights, I always find them interesting and carefully thought out!
You're not wrong!
My earlier posts were specifically about a noted discrepancy I felt on rewatch. Like, Armand in Rashid disguise behaved vastly different than the Armand without it, which might seem logical at first glance.
But the comments he made in s1 do not quite work for me in s2, like the "chronicling a suicide" comment, for example. As soon as Armand reveals himself that "suicide" is never talked about again. Louis' "the vampire is bored" which hints at that as well never taken up again. Why?
If Armand had wanted to keep it all under control he could have just edited Louis' mind again and suppress the wish for the second interview, which I agree he likely only allowed to see Daniel again. But Louis also acts with a confidence in s1 that is totally amiss in season 2 (and I know, I have been pointing out how he dreaded Armand revealing himself there, still), and even with him thinking Armand would adhere to his wishes in s1... that then contradicts the necessity of a lifeline.
Why would Louis need the "lifeline" of Daniel, if he thought he had everything under control, you know? Why would he need to pretend that he would want to commit suicide to Armand? And why would Armand buy that... only in Rashid's disguise?
These are just thoughts after another rewatch.
I know how these pieces are supposed to fit together. I know what they meant to do narratively, and within the show's arc.
It's just that rewatching after s2... made some choices in s1 seem not as ... smooth in retrospect.
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rapha-reads · 7 months ago
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 6 [Like Angels Put In Hell By God] - part 2/2
- [Louis] "It was an awkward time, but I loved Claudia with all my heart, and I loved Lestat with a wounded one." - better a broken heart than no heart at all, as my Doctor would say.
- Hey, looook, estranged Father and estranged Daughter finally agreeing on something! All for the sake of Daddy, yeah, but still.
- Okay, but if Antoinette is dead, that means no Antoine during Prince Lestat… Unless Lestat is lying again. Which would make things Awkward if they do adapt Prince Lestat and follow that plotline.
- Love Louis playing mediator between his husband and his daughter. Honestly seeing myself trying to mediate between my violently divorced parents and my siblings who have each chosen their side. Fun times all around.
- Love that they sleep in the same coffin, though. Healing!!
- Aaaaw, a Nicki mention! Love Claudia's proxy jealousy, all for the game and the hatred.
[Lestat] "Nicki passed on after he and I parted ways. Took me a century to try again." - you know what, I am now firmly in support of the timeline change. Love the fact that it took a century for Lestat to love again, instead of a decade like in the book. That's my kind of star-crossed doomed romance jam.
- Ah, yep, there it is, not very dead Antoinette. Good job, Lestat. That's definitely not going to come back and bite you in the neck. "There's no place for me other than New Orleans." - 'Stat, chéri, explain to me how you think this is all going to work out in your mind.
- [Louis] "What difference would it make?" - resignation is not a good look on you, Lou baby.
- [Louis] "The numbness remained, hardened somehow into a dissociative shell, a vessel of acceptance, tortured rationalisation." - and here comes the depression with the steel chair…
- Claudia my queen, you deserve so much better.
- [Louis] "Hey sis! You don't need me. You think you do, but you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away." - excuse me while I sob my heart out. Yes I know how it goes, but please give me that one moment of hope and love before turning it back to hatred and despair.
- [Louis] "But it was 1939, and the only Negro allowed in first class was the porter, and the Negro passenger rode the rear. The Negro vampire made do with what was left, which was fine with her." - oh, hello social commentary. We haven't had much of that in the past couple of episodes. Which is a shame, the 30s are such a rich and ripe decade… But I guess vampire emotional drama takes precedence over sociology.
- [Louis] "'This is the part of my story, back in San Francisco, where you said, and I paraphrase, 'Give it to me. Make me a vampire now'.' [Daniel] 'In the eyes of a 20-year-old, you were wasting the gift.' [Louis] 'You're in your 20s, Rashid. What do you think?'"
More like 520s, but potatoes, tomatoes, I guess. Their little roleplay continues to entertain me when things become too heavy.
Also I just love the serenity of this scene. The sun shining through one window, the others veiled, and the muezzin's call in the background, that's the afternoon prayer, I think, given the slant of the sun rays , the last one before night. It's a such a perfect moment. And Daniel's feeling his meds kicking up, he's starting to go under, but still bitchy and sassy.
- [Daniel] "'And divorce. And die. Save it for the rent boy.' [Rashid/Armand] 'May I be excused, Mr du Lac?'" - I wonder what made Armand react like that; to be called a rent boy, or to be reminded of Daniel's fragility and the fact that he keeps rejecting the gift, maybe in an echo of their affair in the 70s and 80s? I will die on this hill, Devil's Minion did take place between the San Fran and the Dubai interviews, and Armand ran away because he got scared of losing Daniel and both didn't want to go through the giving of the gift. But anyway, look at his face there, he's gutted. In that very subtle Armand way.
- [Louis] "If I was to join Dante's wood of the Self-Murdered, it would be another night." - it's killing me that I have to say this, but Lou sweetie, maybe put down the books for a moment and seek some help. (Me at myself: oh, like you're doing, maybe? Shush, we're talking about Louis, not me)
- [Lestat] "Germany's invaded Poland"- and history inviting herself back in the narrative through the big door.
[Louis] "'Since when do you care about humanity?' [Lestat] 'Well, I don't. But to think our sister, impulsive tot that she is, was on her way to holiday in Europe. I'm so glad she decided the better of it.'"
Sometimes this show reminds you with a big slap to the face that one of its main genre is indeed horror, including psychological horror. Ooof, that shrill music as the camera pans to the rest of the living room and Claudia sitting there panicked and then Louis's terrified face… Chilling. Oh, and Lestat making his way in the train, some more horror for us. Fantastic. I love it so much. And the music here…
- You know what is one of the worst part? Lestat is not wrong. Claudia leaving would lead to Louis walking into the sun, and Lestat absolutely cannot have that.
- And here begins the murder planning… And hello, social commentary. The fact that Claudia's argument is that she and Louis are Lestat's "slaves", given their race and history… Oh, this is going deep. Very, very deep. Claudia's playing three dimensional chess while Lestat is still parading around.
- The way she corners him in that chess game. While she's having an absolutely mind blowing mental conversation with Louis… Brilliant. Chilling. Claudia my queen you deserve everything good in the universe and your parents don't deserve you at all. And Lestat losing his mind as she refuses to finish the game, because now he's finally understanding that he's about to lose it all…
- [Louis] "We were going to kill Lestat. We were going to kill Lestat." - love how Louis repeats that, as if it's the first time he's saying it out loud for what it is.
- Oooh, hello and welcome to the 70s! Just the music choice has me vibrating out of my skin.
Louis's hairdo in '73 is glorious. And also his game at picking up boys.
[Louis] "I have an accent?", says the King of languages and accents.
[Louis] "I have what you're looking for. High quality. Befitting a man of my tastes." - the fact that he could equally be talking about drugs, sex or a story… Lou babe, you've become dangerous.
[Daniel] "'Are you a narc?' [Louis] 'I'm a vampire.' [Daniel] 'I want to interview you.'"
And thus came into being the grand vampire revolution. At least in the books. Pretty sure if Louis had known what he was setting in motion with his picking up a reporter boy in a gay bar in San Fran, he'd have run all the way over to South America instead of going to that room in Divisadero.
- Man, Danny took one look at that gorgeous black guy saying he's a vampire and said "I wanna tap that in every way possible".
Oh hello there Rashid. Lmao. Love the fact that Armand still wears his brown contacts in Daniel's dream memory, because memory is a monster and Daniel doesn't even know what he's remembering.
- Sam Reid's voice is exquisite, I cannot wait to see what Daniel Hart is going to do with Rockstar Lestat…
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | part 1 | episode 7
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dont-justdont · 1 year ago
here is a list of things that i so wish would happen in s2 of iwtv but im not really sure they will (im manisfesting it into being, sue me) :
- the europe trip before louis and claudia come to paris. i absolutely love that part of the book because in canon, louis and claudia do not know whether or not other vampires exist, and there's this desperation of are we alone in this world and can we go on knowing that? except in the show 1) claudia has already met killer so they know they're not alone so that desperation is not as palpable and 2) with everything that went down last episode and with rashid being armand i feel like it would drag things and not fit as well in the story to spend a whole episode before paris both for the viewers but in the perspective of story telling as a whole
- this does not happen in the books but just imagine : claudia and louis come into armand's rooms for the first time, louis is enamored with armand but claudia is looking around and armand has all these gothic horror looking things around including a pair of hands that kind of look like a statue but are also too gruesome and look too real to be made of rock and armand just says something along the lines of "you know how violinists can be" and changes the subject but i just want, no i need armand to have nicki's hands as a decoration somewhere i feel like he would definitely do that and it would just be a nice easter egg to put in the show (please mr producer please)
- lestat clutching claudia's dress in the theater after she dies and louis seeing him. THE DRAMA is just unbelievable and i absolutely love that scene, it's one of the things im mad they didnt include in the movie and i just hope with all my little heart they will include in the series. just imagine: feral louis who just got buried alive, armand in the back SATISFIED WITH HIMSELF (he is so manipulative i love him) and lestat just small and weak clutching a piece of claudia's dress while louis is both relieved but also terribly mad at lestat for being alive and just???? i love the entirety of this please make it come to life
- daniel fucking malloy requestioning the veracity of the entire story and just him being like was it raining louis?!? everytime louis speaks. i mean this is obviously going to happen but im so ready for it
- additionally, armand questioning daniel (cue devils minion? please pretty pretty please mr producer?) about the last years because i am convinced devils minion happened after the first interview but daniel doesnt remember/doesnt want to remember and i just NEED armand to torture him with that (not literally, or literally as well im not picky) and i need to see them together please
- lestat being seen through armand's perspective. now hear me out : sam has said multiple times that while he was playing lestat, he was playing him through louis' perspective of him, and he'd go like "nope that's not what happened" and bla bla bla. except now we get narrator!armand so im asking the question (and praying we get the answer) : what does lestat look like from armand's perspective? how does he act and how does that version of lestat contrast with louis'? DO THEY SEE THE CONTRADICTIONS BETWEEN THEMSELVES AND FREAK OUT ABOUT IT?!? (because i will) daniel you better call out their bullshit or i am coming for you
this is already a long post so ill leave this as is for now but i might (will) come back with more eventually, please tell me your hopes for s2 i cant wait!!!
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cami-stuffs · 1 year ago
Pushing Towards You
Chapter 11: Party Night
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After a week, Calista was already acquainted with her leading roles at work. Her staff was collaborative, and she was having a good time. During the week, she received a visit from her boss, Rashid Sharma, who invited her for lunch that afternoon.
"I'm sorry for not having visited you before, Ms. Cos'Anto; with our upcoming raising funds party, I had a lot on my plate." They were sitting in the hospital cafeteria, and Rashid started the conversation.
"Please, call me Calista, Mr. Sharma. About the visit, there is no problem. I had a great first week. People here are very receptive." Calista answered him with a sincere smile.
"Call me Rashid, please." He said, bowing his head. "So, are you already adapted?"
"Oh, yes. As I said, people are eager to help each other." Calista said.
"That's great. So, may I expect to see you at our party on Friday night?" Rashid asked with an inviting smile.
"Absolutely. I'll be there with my partner." Calista confirmed.
"Marvellous," Rashid answered. "By the way, an important geneticist will visit us this week. He is an outcast, and his research relies on the inherited outcast's powers. Maybe you would like to talk to him. Outcasts in that high position are rare."
"How interesting! I want to talk to him, indeed. This is a subject that catches my attention." Calista was thinking about Ártemis. "As you know, I have a daughter, Ártemis. She is a shapeshifter, and no one in my family is."
"It is rare." Rashid agreed. "And her father? Was he an outcast?"
"The donor was a normie. Gaia and I used a sperm bank, and according to his profile, he was a normie. But who knows? Many outcasts prefer not to identify themselves." It was the first time Calista thought about the donor. Seeing Ártemis and Larissa together induced Calista to fantasize about many possibilities. Now, there was the donor.
"I dare say you'll have much to talk about them." Rashid smiled. "I am trying to hire him. It will be quite an acquisition for our team. Perhaps he considers it as a possibility to stay around." He confessed his motivation.
"Is he going to be at the party?" Calista asked.
"Yes. He is going to arrive Friday morning. Would you like me to introduce him to you at the party already?" Rashid was beaming. 
"That would be lovely. It is not the right place to discuss this subject, but maybe I can call his attention." Calista wanted to cope with Rashid. She had an interest in that research.
"Well...I'm afraid duty calls me. Thank you for the company, Calista. I'll see you on Friday night, them." Rashid stood up and bowed to Calista before leaving.
"See you on Friday, Rashid." Calista bowed back.
Calista decided to google the geneticist and his research at home. This was a chance to understand Ártemis' powers and if she was connected somehow to Larissa. Besides, there was the slight possibility that the donor was an outcast, which would raise questions.
Friday came, and Calista waited for Larissa to pick her up at home. At 06:00 p.m. sharp, Larissa called Calista.
L: Hello, my darling. I just arrived.
C: Hey, Riss. I'm coming.
Calista was wearing a suit set with high heels, less comfortable than she was used to but still manageable for a party night after working. Larissa, on the other hand, was wearing a silver dress, a coat, gloves, and heels. Calista was used to Larissa's glamour; she's always been like this. For Calista, it was a mystery how Larissa could be so well dressed for any occasion. Even when Larissa came to spend time with her at home, she wore fancy clothes.
"You are gorgeous, my love!" Calista pecked a kiss on Larissa's lips. She couldn't get enough of Larissa's magnificence.
"Thank you, my dear. You are beautiful, as always. The most beautiful, as your name says." Larissa blushed and kissed Calista's hand just before opening the car door for her. 
They were talking about their week when Calista remembered she hadn't heard from Ártemis yet.
"Did you talk to Ártemis this week?" Calista asked Larissa, checking her phone—no messages from her daughter.
"I couldn't find time, honey, I'm sorry." Larissa eyesided Calista. "The first week of classes is busy. Have you not talked to her yet?"
"No. She didn't call or text me." Calista signed. "This makes me have dichotomous feelings. On the one hand, if she doesn't reach me, it is because she is having a great time. And I am thrilled. On the other hand, I miss her!" Calista pouted at that.
Larissa chuckled. "Your girl is growing up, darling." she grabbed Calista's hand and kissed lightly. "Don't worry, she is okay."
"I know. Ártemis has Gaia for sentimental reasons; she has you for the academic ones and has me for anything she wants." Calista listed. "If she didn't look for any of us, I'm sure she is good."
"I can assist her in anything she needs. Not only for academics." Larissa said gently. 
"I know, babe." Calista heart was full of love now. "I don't know if she knows that. But I do."
"I'll make sure she does," Larissa told more to herself than to Calista.
"What about Gaia?" Calista was curious about her ex-wife's first week.
"Well... I must say that Gaia is a masterpiece for our faculty members." Larissa was beaming. "I had some feedback from students, and they loved her classes. I'll meet her tomorrow after lunch to congratulate her."
"Wow... This is outstanding news." Calista was truly happy for Gaia. "Nevermore was her life dream. She deserves to be successful."
"You two are good friends, aren't you?" There was no jealousy in Larissa's words.
"We are, indeed. Our relationship started with us being good friends. She was a good partner, and she is a good mother for Ártemis." Calista opened her heart to Larissa. "The fact that it didn't work out for us doesn't mean I want her badly. For romantic purposes, we don't match anymore. But she is a good friend."
Calista stared at Larissa after that speech, and the woman had a soft smile on her face.
"That is why I think she has to know about us first," Larissa said, keeping her eyes on the road.
"Are you not jealous?" That was not Calista's point, but she wanted to make sure her words didn't make Larissa feel uncomfortable. 
"Not at all. Not from Gaia. I can see you are good friends. She is the mother of Ártemis, and she has her heart in place. I don't have any reason to feel jeopardized by her." Larissa was being sincere, and Calista could see it.
That mature attitude caught Calista's breath. Maybe twenty-two years apart was what they needed to spend the rest of their lives together. Calista couldn't conceive a life without Larissa anymore.
"We're here, darling." Larissa ripped Calista out of her thoughts. 
"Let's show them your beautiful ass, then, my love," Calista smirked, making Larissa giggles and flush. 
Calista and Larissa were having fun at the party. Calista introduced Larissa to her colleagues as her partner, making Larissa's eyes shine. At some point, they were standing up in front of their table, and Larissa was hugging Calista from behind and sipping her champagne. Calista was moving slightly at the sound of the music, rubbing her ass in Larissa's front. Suddenly, Calista felt a bulge in her back and froze.
"What is that?" Calista turned her head to Larissa without moving her body away from the woman. 
"What can I say, honey? Being introduced as your partner and having you grind me awake something down here." Larissa lowered her voice but kept her look at the band, who was playing.
"Yeah...I can feel that awakening." Calista said, making Larissa giggle. "Oh...there comes my boss, Mr. Rashid Sharma. Behave yourself."
"Would you like me to..." Larissa started.
"Nope. Keep it awake. Just come closer." Calista smirked, pressing Larissa's front.
"Naughty girl," Larissa whispered and adjusted herself, putting more pressure on Calista's back.
Rashid approached the couple with a bright smile and was accompanied by a tall black man, unknown by Calista.
"Ms. Cos'Anto. Good evening. Nice to see you." Rashid gently kissed Calista's hand.
"Mr. Sharma. Good evening. I want to introduce you to my partner, Larissa Weems." At that, Calista felt the knot twitch in her back.
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Weems. I'm Rashid Sharma." Rashid kissed Larissa's hand as well.
"Likewise, Mr. Sharma," Larissa answered with a smile.
"Ladies, I shall introduce you both to Mr. Diallo Maina. He is a geneticist and will visit us for this next month." Rashid gave a meaningful look to Calista.
Calista and Larissa greeted the doctor, who answered softly and kindly. 
"Ms. Weems, may I ask you, are you also an outcast?" Rashid was trying to start a conversation.
"I am, indeed, Mr. Sharma. I'm a shapeshifter." Larissa said openly. She knew from Calista that Rashid was a gorgon. 
"Wow... You are rare!" Diallo intervened.
"Are you Ártemis' mother? Your daughter is also a shapeshifter, isn't she, Ms. Cos'Anto." And he had it. Rashid took the attention of the geneticist. 
"Unfortunately, I'm not Ártemis mother. But yes, she is also a shapeshifter." Larissa anticipated.
"My ex-wife, Gaia, is Ártemis' other mother," Calista explained. "We used a sperm bank, and the donor was a declared normie."
"Is there any shapeshifter in your family?" Diallo was curious.
"No, there isn't, Mr. Maina," Calista answered, looking at the doctor. "I'm a telekinesis, and nobody in my family is a shapeshifter."
"How interesting," Diallo said, looking from Larissa to Calista. "Shapeshifters are rare, and you have two around you, Ms. Cos'Asanto: a daughter and a partner."
"Yeah... I'm a lucky woman." Calista answered, sipping her wine. The bulge became harder in her back.
"How long have you been together?" Diallo asked directly to Larissa at this time.
"Well... We have studied together at Nevermore Academy about 32 years ago. Back then, we were seeing each other, if you know what I mean." Larissa blushed at that. "After graduation, we followed different paths, and we reunited again less than a month ago." 
"So, you didn't see each other for 32 years after graduation?" Diallo proceeded.
"School reunion," Calista said.
"Sorry?" Diallo was confused now.
"Ten years after graduation, we've been together at the school reunion," Calista explained.
"And...Have you..." Diallo cleaned her throat and lowered her voice. "Sleep together?"
At this point, Calista felt the bulge disappear, and Larissa tightened the grip on her hips. Calista didn't mention her suspicions about Ártemis' heritage to Larissa. Then, she pressed Larissa's thigh to ease the blonde.
"I'll talk to some investors and leave you here with this conversation." Rashid blushed and left in a hurry.
"I'm sorry if I made you both uncomfortable." Diallo looked ashamed.
"That was my fault, Mr. Maina. Allow me to explain." Calista retrieved her phone from her purse and showed a photo of Ártemis to him. "This is my daughter, Ártemis. Does she remind you of somebody?"
The doctor turned his attention to the phone and then raised her eyes to Larissa.
"Are you sure you are not the mother?" He asked Larissa.
"I would know if I had a child, doctor." Larissa was now offended. "Besides, I'm a woman. That is not even possible."
"Have you shifted?" Diallo asked. The question took Calista and Larissa by surprise. "Have you shifted back then, at the school reunion?" 
"I...I....How do you know?" Larissa was embarrassed and looking for answers in Calista's eyes. They talk between whispers in the middle of the party.
"Let me explain more clearly to you, Ms. Weems." He began. "My research is about inherited outcast's powers. I study to comprehend how our powers are passed between lineages. To understand how an outcast is born with an ability different from her parents. You and the girl, Ártemis, are both shapeshifters. And it seems that the bond between you is Ms. Cos'Anto."
Larissa looked puzzled at Calista.
"That is the point, Mr. Maina." Calista was anxious to explain. "We've been together at the school reunion. Larissa...shifted." She blushed at this point. "But, Ártemis was born seven years later, and, well, Larissa is a woman. Even if... You know... She can shift." Calista stopped herself.
"That information makes everything more intriguing," Diallo said. Calista and Larissa looked at him, seeking answers. "This is not the place to discuss this further, but I shall give a small explanation before letting you enjoy the rest of the party."
At this, the three retreated to a quieter corner of the room. 
"During my duties, I've seen women shapeshifters being able to get their partners pregnant. They can shift not only their genitals but also the gamete. I mean, from an egg cell to a sperm." He stopped at that, waiting for a response from the women. But Calista and Larissa were baffled.
He resumed the explanation. "That would require a large amount of energy and specific abilities from the shapeshifters, and only girls could born from this. Although the gamete can change, genes remain the same." He paused once more, and yet the other two were in deadly silence. "There is a considerable gap between the last sexual encounter between you two and the girl's birth. But, I dare say there is some connection between you, Ms. Weems, and your daughter, Ms. Cos'Anto."
"But I didn't know I was qualified for doing that. How could that be possible?" Larissa was beginning to understand what didn't make it easier.
"I don't know. But I must say I would like to investigate more. I shall say that the bond is nothing like parenthood because Ms. Cos'Anto didn't get pregnant that night. But I should risk saying that your genes, somehow, are in the girl." At this, he finished and waited for their reaction. Calista and Larissa just stared at each other. "I guess it is a lot of information to digest. I'll leave you both to discuss it with each other. I'll be here for next month, Ms. Cos'Asanto. You can reach me anytime. Have a nice party, Ladies." Diallo bowed and left.
Larissa leaned on the wall and pulled Calista towards her. They were facing each other now. 
"How long have you been thinking about that, Lis?" Larissa was astonished by what she just heard.
"I've always thought Ártemis was different from my family." Calista raised her eyes to Larissa. "But since I saw you together, I wondered if you were related. Until now, I didn't have the background to support my hypothesis."
Larissa had her thoughts away, and her eyes wandered around the room.
"Are you mad? About me not sharing this with you?" Calista felt anxious. 
"Mad? Not at all, my love. I was thinking about the possibility of having my genes in Ártemis." Larissa had her eyes wide open. "I know this does not make me her mother, but as if she was part of me."
"Maybe she is. Who knows?" Calista gave Larissa a soft smile and the hands around her neck. And, then, the bulge was back. "And what is this now?" she smirked.
"I don't know. The remote chance of getting you pregnant makes me want to practice it." Larissa grinned. "And I have a proposition for you."
"Oh yeah? Tell me what it is." Calista caressed Larissa's neck and gently rubbed the bulge with her lower core.
"What about me making a generous donation now, and then we leave for your apartment so you can help solve this tiny issue?" Larissa lowered her eyes and winked at Calista.
"I have a counterproposition, then." Calista bit her lips. "What about you making a generous donation now, and then we leave for a hotel room here in Burlington?"
"I like the way you think, Ms. Cos'Asanto." Larissa pulled Calista closer, and the bulge twitched. "Wait for me at the exit, my love." Suddenly, the node was gone, and Larissa pecked Calista's lips before she left.
Chapter 10 | Chapter 12
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rygoespop · 7 months ago
KOF XV: Aftermath
So, with the reveal of Vice and Mature in KOF XV recently at EVO, and with Terry set to be in Street Fighter 6 this year in Autumn, and with City of The Wolves coming out next year, I made this fun story, so enjoy
Scene opens at the KOF Tournament, as the flame gone off, signaling that the 15th Tournament came to an end with the reveal of Vice and Mature
Announcer: Well, that was an incredible Fifteenth Tournament, we hope we will see you again!
Scene cuts to all the KOF XV Characters all chatting of what’s next
Hinako: Please Ms. Jenet, take me under your wing
B. Jenet: I wish I could, but my schedule is tied, sorry Hinako
Hinako: Oh ok, I understand *she heads off to chat with Shingo*
Soon, Terry along with Rock and King of Dinosaurs all came up to B. Jenet
Rock: Hey Jenet
B. Jenet: Hey Rocky! Oh, hey Terry and Dinosaur
Terry: Hey, since the recent tournament is done, it’s time we get ready, we got another chapter ahead of us
King of Dinosaurs: Yes! I’m so happy to get to bring back my old Tizoc costume! *he brings out a chest, opens it and reveal his old Tizoc costume*
Rock: So, that’s your old mask
King of Dinosaurs: Yep, and I haven’t worn it in 19 Years! I can’t wait to wear it again!
Terry: Ok! Now we need to connect Marco Rodrigues and-
Suddenly, as Terry can finish, a beeping sound has gone off
Haohmaru: Huh? What could it be Terry?
Andy: What’s wrong brother?
Terry: It’s my Pager *he takes his Pager out*
Blue Mary: Pager?
Terry: It’s a gift from a certain friend! *he plays the Pager’s message*
Ken: Terry! Metro City needs your help, it’s Bison, and he’s back!
The message ends
Rock: Terry, who was that?
Terry: That was Ken Masters, and he needs my help! *he hurries off to the docks in Tokyo*
Andy: Terry! Where are you going?!
Terry: Off on a mission, to Metro City!
All the fighters cheer for Terry, all except for Mai as she is determined not to be left out again
Mai: Oh no you don’t! *gives chase*
Andy: Mai! What are you doing?!
Mai: Sorry my lovely Andy, but I’m not gonna get left out again!
Yuri: Come back!
Terry arrived at the docks and there was a ship that goes to Metro City, and Terry quickly got on board
Terry: Hold on Ken! I’m coming!
As the ship left with Terry on board, Mai caught up on another ship, unaware that the ship she is on, goes to Africa
Mai: Not on my watch you wolf!
Meanwhile, at Metro City, it was taken over by the newly resurrected Shadaloo, with M. Bison back in full recovery in his old suit, now with his 3 subordinates (JP, AKI, and Ed) by his side, as they capture all the Street Fighters (Ryu, Ken, Guile, Chun Li, Cammy, E. Honda, Dhalsim, Dee Jay, Blanka, Zangief, Juri, Rashid, Luke, Jamie, Kimberly, Manon, Marisa, and Lily) and have them imprisoned
M. Bison: Heh heh heh! Oh this is a grand day, the day where Shadaloo has fully been revived, soon all you Street Fighters, will be interrogated by us
Dee Jay: Hey mon! You are Cuckoo cuckoo crazy!
M. Bison: *glares at Dee Jay* Oh, you think I’m crazy? Hmph, amateur
Dhalsim: Dee Jay, I wouldn’t recommend you angering him
Juri: *furious* When I get out Bison, I will have your eyes!
M. Bison: Tempting
JP: Lord Bison, shall we proceed for the demise of these Street Fighters?
M. Bison: Don’t be hasty, we’ll keep them in their prison until the time comes
Ed: Until then you Street Fighters
AKI: Sweet dreams, and share your final moments
The 4 members of Shadaloo cackle as they left
Guile: *Enraged as he pounds on the iron bars* BISON!!!
Ryu: It’s no use, despite everything we could to stop Bison, he has overpowered us.. Not even Akuma could stop him
Cammy: This really is the end..
Luke: Speaking of which Ryu, why didn’t Bison capture Akuma?
Ryu; Akuma is too strong to be captured, so he’s currently on the run, fighting against Shadaloo
Jamie: Well, this sucks! We can’t escape!
Ken: Well, don’t count on it yet
Jamie: Huh?
Marisa: What are you saying Ken?
Ken: Let’s say, I was able to contact an old friend to save us
Ryu: Who?
Ken: *smiled with confidence to Ryu* A friend, who is the Legendary Wolf
Scene cuts to Bison in his Throne Room
M. Bison: Now who is gonna stop us!
Scene now shows the ship arriving at Metro City, with Terry on board
Terry: Hold on guys, I’m coming!
Scene cuts to black, as Terry begins his battle with Bison
But what happened with Mai?
When the other ship arrived in Africa, Mai was dismayed, she arrived in Africa
Mai: This isn’t a city, but how did I end up here?
Scene shows Elena, who is observing Mai, as the scene cuts to black
Elena: Greetings new friend
Thus concludes this story
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lou-iz-stat · 10 months ago
So……. 2 MORE WEEKS!… and it still does not feel real to me that we are going to get season 2 so soon. I am sure it will destroy me and create an everlasting wound deep in my soul.
Anyway episode 6! I won’t lie this the episode that I have watched the most out of the rest. I have probably watched it over 15 times and that is not an exaggeration. It’s my fav episode because there are just so many iconic moments in this one.
Let’s not waste another moment. Get into this!
IWTV S1 E6: Like Angels Put in Hell by God
This ep starts with Louis looking real bad as he tries to recover from the drop inflicted on him by Lestat.
He definitely has PTSD from the fall 😔
At least we get the ‘cloud gift’ name drop.
We also have Dr. Fareed which is a character that is most prominent in the Prince Lestat trilogy I believe. I do not know if this is true I have not read that far yet.
We then go back to the story and Claudia is making Louis chase a goat for his recovery.
And here comes Lestat being where he is not wanted. The throwing of his coffin out the balcony is everything 🤣
When Lestat comes to give the car to Louis I must admit he looks so so good 😩 But I still don’t want Louis to let him back in! Because I know he has not changed even though he says so.
But I do believe that if Louis did tell him to leave and to never see him again Lestat would listen! But he doesn’t tell him that because he still can’t let Lestat go even after everything he has done. It’s too much!
Lestat is crazy for what he does with ‘Come to Me’ but I love when Sam sings it ❤️
And this what. I am talking about when I say that so much of this episode is so iconic! Swimming a dirty ass river to break into your exe’s place and telling Antoinette to leave HER HOUSE so that you can have violent hate sex while she is just outside listening to it all. It’s just so messy and insane! Gotta love it
Sam Reid is just so so good in the scene where they are questioning Lestat! His acting is just *chef’s kiss*
And everything he tells them of how he became a vampire is true 😭
“…I loved Lestat with a wounded one.” 😭😭😭
Yes Claudia you should baaaaaa at him!
Nooooo Claudia what he said about Magnus was true!
More Nicky name dropping this episode. And knowing the backstory with that I just wince at the whole conversation they are having. But what can I say she really is her father’s daughter
And of course he didn’t kill Antoinette being a brat so much so that he did not like being told what to do. And yes Louis he is ‘all kinds of fucked up’ and this why I love this show. Everybody is fucked up just some more than others.
Ugh the scene where Claudia tries to get Louis to leave with her breaks my heart.
Then we go back to modern day and this is where in the original interview Daniel wanted to be turned. And ohhhhh Armand is not happy that Louis offers to turn Daniel now hehe
The utter shock I had when Claudia is just sitting in the townhouse instead of on a train. 😱
But oh, oh! The train scene is everything. It is just so fucked up and scary! This show is in the horror genre after all. And that doesn’t stop this scene from being iconic.
From “Tickets, please!” To “Claudia, you left without saying goodbye…. Again” it just lives rent free in my head.
God he such an asshole to her!
And she defeats him at chess at the same time that she is plotting his murder! That’s some queen shit honestly.
When Lestat is shouting in French, if you ever look up what he is saying it is actually so unsettling
Awwww our boy (Daniel) is eeppy
I don’t care what anyone says I love the 70s flashback.
And boom! As we all know Rashid is actually someone Daniel has met before! Shocker! Yeah yeah it’s Armand we know this.
Yay! I got through another one! We only have one more rewatch then s2! I cannot believe it and again it does not feel real at all! I am sure by next week I’ll be able to write more since I won’t have as much school work left to do.
Thanks for reading
14 days!!!!! Life is worth living!
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eternalstarlitwonderland · 1 year ago
Wrestling With Lust In Mind (Ryu x Luke) (Chapter Ten)
Luke wakes up in the bright morning glow that illuminates his nude form, seeing Jamie sleeping on the couch.
He walks over to get his clothes puts them on, and strolls to the kitchen for something to eat.
He saw Ryu drinking a hot brew of coffee, and he quietly observed the older man.
Ryu saw the young blond looking at him, he motioned for the young man to come to him.
"Damn, pretty boy you look cute sleeping"
"I just wondering what Ryu is doing?"
*Putting his clothes back on*
*Footstep Approaching*
"Damn he's so sexy and mature, the way he drinks coffee kind of turns me on"
*Clearing his throat*
"Luke, Come here"
"Okay, sure I'll come over and make you company"
*Chair creaked*
When Luke sat down at the table, Ryu asked him if he and Jamie wanted to go to the cabin this weekend with him and Ken, and the other guys like Ed and Rashid.
Luke was thrilled to get this opportunity to go so he accepted Ryu's offer, Ryu gave him the sweetest smile.
"Hmm, good morning you are awake finally, do you want coffee?"
"Good morning Ryu, and Yeah I want coffee"
"I guess you are going to stay around here?
"I guess so"
"Well I don't want to keep you as my captive"
"Oooh, Perhaps I want to be your prisoner"
"You are completely hilarious"
"Luke, would you like to go to the cabin this weekend?"
"Of course, I would go"
"That's good to hear"
"Man, He's truly amazing"
"So are you ready for round two?"
"Round two? Luke, are you seriously are you ready for it?"
"Are you challenging me?
"I guess you are on"
*Luke leans over to kiss Ryu on the forehead*
"Let's go to the bedroom"
*Taking Luke's hand and leading him to his bedroom*
Ryu takes Luke to his bedroom and softly pushes him down to the bed, the older man begins to passionately kiss the young blond.
Engaging in a sensual tongue-play, caress one another tongues explore one another's exposed skin, and softly stroke each other's sensitive areas.
*Closing the door shut*
*Motioning Luke to the bed*
"Are you sure, you are ready for round two?"
"I'm ready for round two, are you?"
*Ryu chuckles at Luke's statement*
"Are you very eager"
"Of course, I'm"
*Luke gently laid Ryu down on the center of the mattress*
"Damn, I can't believe I'm so lucky"
"Thank you, I never thought you said you are lucky to be with me"
*Ryu and Luke caress one another's bodies*
"Aww, Did I make you blush?"
"Luke, Just shut up and kiss me"
Ryu begins to frottage Luke's cloth cock, the young blond began to moan as the older man grinding on him, tightened his hold on the older Japanese.
Their kisses get more fierce and assertive
than ever before, and with the addition of their tongue are engaging in a battle of dominance.
*Ryu frottage Luke's clothed cock*
"Fuck, Daddy"
"Yes, Luke?"
"Ryu, Please take me away"
"Luke, Trust me I'll take you away"
Ryu and Luke took each other's clothes off and tossed them to the floor, The young blond went lower to the older man's exposed crotch and proceeded to perform a blowjob on him. The older man began to softly moan and grabbed a fistful of the young blond's golden locks. 
*Luke takes Ryu's grayish-white sweatpants off of him and throws them to the floor*
*Ryu takes Luke's jeans off of him and throws them to the floor*
*Ryu and Luke are sensually caressing each other's bodies*
*Luke and Ryu are fondling each other's firm buttocks*
*Ryu kisses Luke's neck and gives him love bites*
*Luke kisses Ryu's neck and gives him love bites*
*Ryu takes Luke's Orange boxer briefs off of him and throws them to the floor*
*Luke takes Ryu's white fundoshi off of him and throws them to the floor*
"Hey baby, Can I taste you?"
*Luke goes lower to Ryu's cock and puts it in his mouth*
*Ryu softly strokes Luke's golden locks*
*Ryu softly moans*
*Luke goes back up to Ryu's level*
It was the older man's turn to pleasure the young and strapping blond, he went lower to the young blond's exposed crotch and proceeded to perform a blowjob on him. The young blond man began to softly moan and grabbed a fistful of the older Japanese. 
*Ryu puts Luke on his back and goes lower to Luke's cock and puts it in his mouth*
*Luke softly moans*
*Luke softly strokes Ryu's dark locks*
*Ryu goes back up to Luke's level*
"Ryu, Please take me away"
"Trust me, I'll"
Ryu licks his two fingers and puts them inside Luke and proceeds to finger and scissor him, preparing him for the penetration. 
While being fingered by the older Japanese, he looked at the older man and touched the face of a legend, feeling the chiseled bone structure and even the soft fabric of the signature red headband.
The older man stops for a moment and looks at the young blond, and then resumes. 
*Ryu licks the two of his fingers*
*Scissoring Luke*
"Damn, He's so beautiful and rugged. The softness of his headband"
*Soft moans*
"Luke, He's so breathtakingly beautiful"
Ryu slowly and carefully inserts himself inside Luke, and he begins to slowly thrust into him, he winces at the intrusion at first.
Luke getting used to being a bottom for the first time, at the hands of Ryu.
*Ryu inserts himself inside Luke*
*Luke winced at the intrusion*
They entwine their bodies together, glistening with sweat, the sounds of their lovemaking, and their moans, creating a distinctive symphony in the morning sunlight.
*Ryu begins to slowly thrust into Luke*
*Soft Moans*
As Ryu furiously thrusts in and out of Luke, each time he thrust into Luke's prostate to the point where he loudly moaned and his eyes rolled back. 
They reached the point of no return, entering a state of bliss, and they began to get exhausted and yet remain more passionate than ever before. 
Ryu loudly exclaimed and said that he was going to cum and Luke loudly cried out in pleasure, He quickly pulled out of Luke and blew his load all over his body and face. 
*Ryu cums all over Luke*
"Fuck I'm going to blow!"
"Fuck Daddy, AHHH!!!"
*Heavy Breathing*
"Fuck I'm going to cum"
"Let me help you to blow"
*Ryu licking Luke's nipples*
*Luke cums all over himself*
Ryu sees his gooey and sticky masterpiece before him, seeing Luke, his replacement and lover covered by his cum, leaning over to him and passionately kissing him, he stopped for a brief second and lovingly looked at him. 
"Oh my goodness, You looked so beautiful
"Thanks, I like to be covered in cum"
"Do you want me to lick it?"
"Ryu, It's a lovely offer but I wanted to end this night with a passionate kiss"
"Oh now you're reading my mind now"
"Great minds do think alike"
Once again they passionately kiss until they can't kiss anymore underneath the gleaming sunlit glint, Luke lays his head on Ryu's chest and falls asleep.
*Luke stretches out of his arms*
"I'm sleepy, I'm going to lay on your chest"
"Well Come here"
*Motioning Luke to come toward his chest*
*Luke lay his head on Ryu's chest*
*Ryu softly caresses Luke's face*
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butchybats · 2 years ago
!!! OKAY SO. This started because months ago I saw a post asking if you’d let your icon do your hrt for you which no I wouldn’t <3 but it got me thinking and I think that he absolutely would for Daniel, even if he doesn’t really understand it at first. Armand’s also trans in this because I say so but hrt came out centuries after he was turned, and I don’t think he would even know about it (let alone consider it an option) until he met Daniel, or if we’re going off of amc verse, until he and Louis started bar hopping in the 70s (which, coincidentally, is when they meet Daniel.)
I think that when the interview takes place Daniel hasn’t began to medically transition, maybe he’s not even sure if he wants to, but he’s socially transitioned. Moving to sf for college was the perfect opportunity to present as himself without anyone knowing otherwise. Then when he’s doing the cat and mouse game with Armand, he doesn’t really have the time to think about it more until after pompeii (which also gives an additional layer of meaning to “you are mine, beautiful boy.) Once things have settled down a bit is when he decides that he wants to go on testosterone and is also when he officially comes out to Armand.
Which brings me back to my silly little fic idea; five times that Armand assists Daniel with his t shot, and the time that Daniel helps him with his. (This is amc verse but if I ever get the idea/motivation for a t4t vc fic...)
So, idea #1: It's Daniel's first time doing his t shot and he's really nervous so Armand offers to do it for him which he agrees to, and it'd just be a very intimate moment for both of them
#2: Daniel has been stressed out of his mind and forgets to take it and just as he’s about to fall asleep Armand reminds him that he should probably do it and Daniel says he doesn’t have the energy or patience to do it so Armand does it for him
#3: Because I absolutely love Armand tormenting old maniel: “You're scheduled to have your testosterone injection tomorrow." Aka Daniel’s like. You mean the shot I’ve been giving myself every week for the past 45 years? Why are you making it seem like such a big deal?” and Armand role playing as Rashid goes “what? Don’t be silly. I’ll give it to you :)” and Daniel has to pretend like he isn’t short circuiting. While the first two are more serious this one's really funny to me because realistically there's no way that Daniel would let "Rashid" do that but he looks to Louis for help and he just smiles and gives him a thumbs up HGHG
#4: So people on t produce more blood. Armand's a vampire. Enough said. (but because I can't shut up:) Daniel bleeds a bit from the needle which gets Armand excited and they fuck nasty about it <3 (initially I was picturing dm era but it could also be in dubai??)
#5: I haven't gotten this far yet but if anyone has any ideas please tell me!!
+1: Armand decides that he wants to try t, and together they experiment to come up with something that works (again, this could be dm era or dubai, there's too many decisions)
I know that #3 is more detailed than the other ones, initially I was writing down what was essentially an outline and then decided that I needed to be way more vague but I was struggling to condense that one hghg
If you've read this far ily, let me know how we're feeling about this!!
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 2 years ago
Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies Chp 6
here is chapter 6 of my Armand/Daniel fic or read it below. however it is smutty, so maybe don't read at work/school
"You're lingering, Rashid."
Daniel has been careful to keep his eyes off of Rashid until now, as well as his thoughts.  He doesn't want Louis picking up that he's fucking his assistant.  But once Louis speaks his name, Daniel has to glance his way.  
Then he can't help but stare.  Rashid has a string of hickeys along his collarbones that Daniel placed there earlier this morning. His shirt is just open enough to show a hint of them.  They'd woke early and Rashid had crawled on top of him and demanded to be fucked.  Daniel had been happy to oblige.  
He hadn't realized he'd left marks.  It's insanely sexy.  He keeps looking as Rashid leaves, thinking of how he'd been buried inside him just hours ago.  
Louis catches him staring.
"Easy on the eyes, isn't he?"
"I hadn't noticed," Daniel says.  Maybe Louis won't call him out on it.
"You were staring, Daniel."
Daniel takes the offered drink and avoids the comment.  Instead he brings the conversation back to Jonah.  Louis allows it, but there's a certain knowing look in his eyes.
It's easy enough to focus back on the interview.  Daniel is a professional, after all.  They end with Louis bringing up Claudia.  It's getting late, so it's as good a place as any to end.  
After Daniel packs up his stuff, he plans to find Rashid.  Hopefully last night wasn't just a one time thing.  
It wasn't.
Daniel surmises as much when he opens the door to his room and finds Rashid inside. He's lying on his bed, wearing nothing but those leather gloves.  Daniel's mouth waters at the sight.  
Daniel puts away his equipment without speaking.  Then he turns and looks at Rashid.  Rashid sprawls out and lifts up one leg, bending it at the knee.  It offers a delicious peek at his hole.  
"If you're trying to seduce me, mission accomplished."
Rashid smiles, sharklike and satisfied.  "Do you want me, Mr. Molloy? 
"Yeah, I want you," Daniel says, walking to the bed.  He winds a hand around Rashid's ankle, then slides it up his calf.  He's pleased by the little shiver it causes.  
Daniel bends down and presses a kiss to Rashid's knee, his inner thigh.  There's a few bruises along his right inner thigh, left there by Daniel's mouth earlier.  Daniel kisses over them and sucks at them gently.  Rashid twists fingers into his hair.  
"What would you do to have me?" Rashid asks.  His voice sounds like pure sex. 
"Whatever you want, baby," Daniel says.  He hopes this is part of some sexy game, not a shakedown.  
Rashid studies him for a long moment and smiles.  "Come kiss me, Daniel."
Daniel crawls up the bed and dips down to kiss Rashid.  Rashid pulls back and pushes his head down.  "Not there."
Rashid maneuvers–manhandles, really–Daniel's head to his hole.  He flings a leg over his shoulder.  "You did so well last time.  I think you've earned the right to eat me out again."
There's a compliment somewhere in there, despite the imperious tone.  Daniel chuckles and kisses Rashid's inner thigh.  "You want Daddy to eat you out, baby?"
It's a risk—he doesn't know if Rashid will be into the Daddy thing.  But Daniel has a hunch he'll like it.  He seems the type.
Rashid proves him right by moaning softly, then blushing as if embarrassed.  "Yes, Daddy."
Daniel rewards him by putting his mouth on him and kissing him open.  He slides his tongue inside and licks into him slowly.  Rashid arches his back and his heel digs into Daniel's back.  He makes a frustrated little noise when Daniel doesn't speed up.  
Daniel wants to laugh; he bets he's less than five minutes away from the brat taking control of the situation.  Daniel pulls out and licks over Rashid's hole, again and again.  He circles around his rim until Rashid buries a hand in his hair and tries to shove his face deeper.  
Daniel chuckles against him.  "Alright, alright, I've got you."
He spears his tongue inside and swirls it around.  Rashid tastes sweet; it's the weirdest fucking thing.  He twists and twirls his tongue, fucking it in and out of Rashid's hole.  If he curls his tongue just so, he can brush Rashid's prostate.  He does so, over and over, until Rashid is grinding onto his face, fingers gripping his hair tightly.
Rashid yanks him up harshly.  "Get up here, I want your cock."
"Lube?" Daniel asks.  There's no letting Rashid prepare himself, not with the gloves.  
Rashid reaches into the nightstand and pulls out the bottle.  He presses it into Daniel's hand and kisses him messily on the mouth.  He pulls back, panting, "Just slick yourself up and put it in me."
Holy shit.  Daniel nearly fumbles and drops the bottle, but catches it.  He quickly strokes over his cock and sinks into Rashid.  Both of them groan.  Then Rashid is pushing him up and off, down onto his back.  He slides back down onto him slowly.  
Daniel grips his hips and moans.  “Fuck, you feel good.”
Rashid knocks his hands off and directs them to hold onto the headboard.  “No touching.  Leave your hands here or I'll stop.”
Bossy little shit.  If only Daniel didn’t find it insanely hot.  “Whatever you say, boss.”
Rashid smiles and dips down to kiss him breathless.  He starts a slow and steady grind on Daniel.  It’s good, but not nearly enough.  Daniel tightens his grip on the headboard and watches Rashid.  His mouth is open and his head tipped back in pleasure.  He’s so fucking pretty it hurts.
“Babe, you’re killing me,” Daniel says.
Rashid grins.  “You’d think a man of your age would have learned some patience.”
“Come on, sweetheart.  Didn’t I treat you right?”
Rashid brushes his thumb along Daniel’s bottom lip.  “You have been a very good boy.  I suppose you deserve a reward.”
He lifts himself up and slams back down onto Daniel’s cock.  Daniel groans.  Rashid starts riding him harder, faster.  “Yeah, like that, baby.  Fuck, you’re so fucking good.”
“Am I?”  Rashid says and dips down to kiss down, wet and messy.
“Fucking best I ever had.”
Rashid looks like he wants to devour him.  “Good answer, Daniel.”
He sets a brutal pace, and Daniel can only hang onto the headboard and try to keep up.  He’s babbling all kinds of nonsense at Rashid, too caught up in pleasure to really keep track of what he’s saying.  Minutes pass with Daniel feeling like he’s in heaven, then Rashid’s hand flies over his cock.  
“You getting close, baby?”  Rashid nods his head.  Daniel stares up at him and pleads, “Let me touch you.  I’ll make it so good for you.”
Rashid answers by grabbing one of his hands and directing it to his leaking cock.  Daniel grips in and begins to pump.  He’s only done this a handful of times, but it feels like second nature to touch Rashid just the way he likes.  He spills over his hand with a breathy sigh, Daniel’s name on his lips.
“Fuck, you’re pretty, gonna come.”
Rashid stops moving.  Daniel whines.  “Did I give you permission to come?”
“Didn’t know I needed it,” Daniel pants and tries to wiggle his hips up to get Rashid to move.  It doesn’t work.  He groans and grips unto Rashid’s hips desperately.  “How can I follow the rules if you don’t tell them to me?”
Rashid tilts his head then smiles.  “Very well.  You can come, Daniel.”  
Then he’s back riding Daniel at that frantic pace and Daniel is spilling inside him, and it feels like too much, like everything, like…like something familiar.  The thought slips through his fingers like sand.  Rashid collapses down against him and smiles.  “I think I’ll keep you, Mr. Molloy.”
“Yeah?” Daniel says and runs a hand through Rashid’s hair.  “I don’t mind being kept by you.”
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icingsweet · 2 years ago
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✨ filling connections for elijah loomis’ cat cafe boss ✨
CAT, 28, GMT;  SHE/THEY. | if you’re hearing ZO KAN HET DUS OOK by MAAN playing, you have to know YAZMIN ELSAYED  (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the 36 year old OWNER OF FRISKY KITTY CAFE has been in denver for, like, UNDER A YEAR. they’re known to be quite FINICKY, but being WELCOMING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble MAY CALAMAWY. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those WINDOWS FILLED WITH PLANTS, WARM TEA, THE SMELL OF OLD BOOKS, MESSY BUNS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around MONTBELLO long enough!
NAME: yazmin elsayed
NIKNAMES: yaz, min (please give her more!)
AGE: thirty-six.
BIRTHDAY: 16th november 1986. 
ETHNICITY: egyptian and palestinian. 
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: cis woman, she/her.
SEXUALITY: bisexual.
OCCUPATION: owner of frisky kitty cafe.
HAIR: brown, curly.
EYE COLOUR: brown.
HEIGHT: 157cm / 5 foot 5 inches.
TATTOOS: butterfly on the back of her neck and upper back tattoo (reference)
PIERCINGS: lobe piercing, previous belly button piercing.
MISC: she knows three languages (english, dutch, and arabic).
Yazmin is adopted and one of three siblings. Her father, Rashid, is a film-maker and her other father, Jeroens, is a renowned businessman both of which meant the family were fortunate enough to travel especially when Yazmin was young. The family eventually settled down in Denver, Colorado, where she studied.
She studied business, communication and hospitality management. She had set her eyes on event planning and that's what she did, eventually making her way up the ladder and becoming very successful but the time and effort she put into becoming one of the best didn't come with out a cost.
Yazmin loves to cook. If you're close to Yazmin she's definitely cooked for you. Her family has a big dinner most weekends and when she has free time she loves getting her friends together and cooking for them all.
Yazmin wasn't looking to date when she met Nash. Maybe that was the start of the end knowing she didn't have time to focus on anything else but her career. Regardless, she eventually agreed to a date. Then a second. Then a third. Soon finding out that the two clicked in more ways than one and soon finding herself starting to cherish the time they had together.
As time went on, it was easy to love Nash. They eventually moved in together. A few years later getting married. Then it was goodbye to Colorado, both wanting to spread their wings and heighten their careers choices so the move was natural.
But even off the clock, Yazmin still focused on work. Often working way into the night on her laptop as the two sat together on the couch with little being said. In hindsight, working that much wasn't healthy to her and her marriage, but at the time she had such much on her plate and there wasn't enough hours in the day. It's the one thing she regrets. A big regret, really. But in her mind Nash doesn't deserve to know that.
Still, it came as a surprise when she found out about Nash's secrets. They didn't tell her that there was a deal hone bad nor that they had been fired for trying to embezzle money and the icing on the cake was taking money out of their shared joint accounts. How could Nash not tell her something so big? She moved back the night she found out and ever since has been living with a long-term friend, Owen.
After having her life uprooted, she decided that it was time for another change. Yazmin had been working in event planning since graduating but it no longer sparked joy. A cat cafe was a silly idea prompted by the idea of her two adopted cats at first but the more she thought about it the more realistic it became — if not now, when? If not that, what?
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
“Master….. I’ve come for my monthly report on the Crew….”
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“Ahhh, my Little Nani. You were reminded of what you’ve done for me in Guangzhou, weren’t you? I heard from a little birdie you’re getting married…”
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“You did?! From whom?!”
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“You. Just now.”
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Giovanni takes in a breath. He hates this. He hates mind games with the Master... and he hates how he can never win. Not with his own brain the way it is.
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“We still have that deal, Giovanni. You give me a soul of equal value to your beloved Annalise, and I will leave her alone. You haven’t been able to do that for me yet. Not even with your little stint at dragonslaying.”
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“Please, Master! Is there no other way?! Can I not offer you anything else?!”
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“You and your Crew were not able to procure me the one hundred souls for Arcelia’s. I am giving you the chance to give me one. Just one for Annalise. Can you not do even that?”
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“Please, Master! There has to be another way! Guy went to you, didn’t he? What did he offer you? He offered you something when he ran to you last winter, didn’t he?!”
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“What makes you think he offered me anything, Nani? For what?”
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Giovanni pauses for a guess. What would Guy want from the Master beyond what was already gifted to him? The young man considers how--despite his impulsiveness and hedonism, Guy is otherwise fairly down-to-earth. “W-……… I don’t know….. Your company?”
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The Master grins. “Do you believe that is the case, Giovanni?”
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“Were you able to guess that just like how Guy guessed your secret?”
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“M-Master….. N-no…. You read my soul?!”
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“I didn’t, Nani. Once again–you just told me.”
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“You know I cannot just read souls readily–I need to crack them open first like a clam. Though having your soul fragment given to me freely is helpful so that at least I can track your whereabouts no matter which part of the world you and your Crew flee to. Where is that trust you established with me and just me, Little Nani? Are you afraid I will back out on my deal?
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“Did I break my promise in Guangzhou, Nani? That I will not place retribution upon you and your Crew for betraying me?”
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“Have I ever broken my promises, Nani? Have I ever broken our deals? After all, Giovanni Bartolomeo Vespucci….
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“You were the one who came to me. Hoping to make a deal to ensure that your beloved Crew will never abandon you. Just as Phoebus was abandoning you for his new hospital. As Rashid for his new business venture with Mrs. Cheung. As Guy was for San-Gwong. As Ruixiong for his heroics in China. For Josep and Abena for their daughter Arcelia.
“You knew they were never going to bother returning to the sea. That they would never return to me. Not with a hospital, a business, a rebel plot, and marriages on the way.”
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“It wouldn’t matter if we never aged. Phoebus was becoming close with figuring out how to artificially age us. We had no plans on how to fake our deaths with old age once the time comes, and even then–old age would still be a very long time for any of us….
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“I was so scared… so scared they’ll just put me away and forget about me until I wither away… just like Gregorio and Lorenzo…”
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“The domestic life without having to deal with a pox was always tempting for your Crew. Ten years is a long time… imagine fifty. All because Josep–your savior–chose his daughter over you. But thanks to me, that abandonment didn’t happen. Your Crew belongs to you and only you now. And they will never abandon you as long as I am in constant watch over them like barnacles to a hull.
“Imagine the irony of the situation now. The tables have turned. You are the only one who is about to have that happy life in marriage. All while the rest of your Crew wallow in misery of lost love and broken relationships.”
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“No wonder your secret is destroying you from within. My deal still stands, Nani. You have a few more months before I collect. More than a single night, no? Whatever Guy does with your secret matters not to me–that’s entirely on you and your Crew. I will see you when I see you, Little Nani.
“You can give me a full report on the Crew the next time I see you. You have a good night….”
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elisaintime · 10 months ago
Whoa there, partner. There was no complaining going on in the conversation I shared. You're projecting. I was just excitedly trying to predict things about the show. Before the part you see, my friends and I were talking about how the show changed Antoine to a woman, and how maybe the show was doing it as a way to try to get more audience/money by giving the audience what they want with more progressive TV! Yay! A good thing! We already assumed the show was committed to doing this with the way they were giving us black main character vampires for once on TV! And we were thinking of other ways they could have gotten more women into the show, to again, attract more audience that want more roles for women in stories that are so dude-heavy like Anne's were.
Making Louis's assistant a woman instead would have been one way to get another role for a woman on the show. At the time, all we knew about Rashid was that he worked for Louis, NOT anything about them being a couple. Of course the fans immediately wondered if they were going to turn out to be secretly a couple, so we glibly called him his boyfriend. But there was no actual indication of that, other than that the casting announcement said he was there in the background of Louis's home with him. Like even in the show, Daniel assumes Rashid is just an assistant, until he gets to the point where he patronizingly asks if he's sleeping with Louis. How would Louis having a female assistant be a bad thing?? It would have made more screen time for women in the show! Also we didn't know at the time that the show was changing Louis from being bi to being gay. So if the assistant did turn out to secretly be involved with Louis, seeing bi representation on screen would have also been another good progressive thing the show might have tried to do. More varieties of queer representation! Yay! A good thing!
But again, not complaining/mad, just discussing ideas, because I was so excited to see all the new things the show was going to do with the story.
Clearly I know NOW why the show didn't make his assistant a woman as their possible way to try to be more forward thinking and progressive. And considering it was the very reason I predicted 20 minutes later in the convo, I was pleased as punch to be right! Like my other friend said in the convo, if the assistant DID turn out to be a lover, it would be very ooc for it to be anyone other than Lestat or Armand. So making it Armand means show kept it in character for them, and as seen in my videos, I was super excited that Louis wasn't just given a random OC love interest.
The 37 age was what came up when you googled Assad back then, and the only age that came up at all. We all learned that it was wrong later when more information about him was put online. Before anyone knew he would be Armand, though, we all knew Armand would be coming for Season 2 and they'd announce his actor soon. So of course, there was tons of discourse going around back then about how the show would handle Armand's age, but none of our conversation had to do with race. As my other friend in the convo immediately reacts to the picture, Assad looks good! Aside from being much older than the character in the book, he is extremely Armandy with those huge soulful eyes and curly fluffy hair.
My prediction was that the show would age up Armand into his 20s, because it seemed like the common sense thing to do for the sake of optics. Pointing that out and discussing it doesn't mean complaining about it. I never said I thought the show should keep Armand a teenager, I said I absolutely understood why they wouldn't. Just like they did with the 1994 movie, aging him up is the best way to go for TV. It doesn't matter at all whether the actor was 32 or 37, because his age stated in the show is "in your 20s," and that's the only age that matters, and aligned perfectly with what I thought would be the best thing to do.
But again, we didn't know that at the time! The show changed Louis and Lestat's ages to 33/34 to align with the actors' ages. So at the time, we considered that they might say Rashid/Armand was the same age as his actor as well. But as we found out later, no, the character is only in his 20s. And I think that's the perfect balance between him being younger than Louis in body/mind but still old enough to avoid all the problems that would come with making him 17 like the book, and I'm glad the show had the exact same idea for him that I did.
I can't wait for you all to see season 2! I can't say anything about it yet, but the trailers have already shown so much more of those soulful eyes and so many other extremely Armandy moments! I never much liked Antonio Banderas as Armand. A lot of people say that even though he's aged up and looks so different, he still captured the essence of Armand, but eh, I never really agreed with that. Assad, on the other hand, GETS IT.
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Throwback to that time I predicted the entire Rashid-turns-out-to-be-Armand reveal before ever seeing a single episode
😆 I so called it!
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phantomspiderr · 2 years ago
Petrichor - Part 6/6
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Pairing: Steven Grant x reader, established Marc Spector x reader
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: a little story of falling in love. Bringing Steven his forgotten lunch somehow turns into a love confession.
Warnings: more fluff, angry Donna, that's all I think?
a/n: little run down of the series here, if I'm missing any warnings or there are any problems please let me know. Please enjoy and be kind🤍
Part 5 | series masterlist
・☆: *.☽ .* :☆
"Love?" Steven mutters as he catches sight of you entering the gift shop as he finishes up with a customer. "Have a nice day," he waves off the customer without looking as he rounds the counter and goes straight to you. His face is laced with concern, it's not unusual for you to stop by the museum but normally you would make a plan so Steven knew when to take his lunch to be able to spend the most time together.
You speak before he can even ask what's wrong or if you're okay, "you forgot your lunch." You hold out the tote bag you'd been carrying and he lets out a grateful sigh, the worry leaving his body immediately. "Didn't want you going hungry," your hand holds his face for a second as you press a kiss to his cheek.
"Thank you," he hadn't even realised he'd forgotten his lunch in the rush of the morning. After missing his alarm and waking up much later than he expected and then somehow being coaxed to stay in bed for an extra minute by your sleepy, honeyed voice saying his name. He had to skip his morning shower and obviously in his rush out the door with messy hair and mismatching socks, he'd forgotten his lunch. "You didn't have to come all the way here, I would've just nipped to the shop or something."
"Well, now you don't have to," you smile brightly up at him and it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, "plus you get to have lunch with me now."
“I lo-“
“Stevie!” Donna’s booming voice calls out across the small gift shop, “customer.” She gestures angrily toward the counter where one person is browsing lazily. Steven resists the urge to roll his eyes and instead just quietly responds and holds up one finger.
“Just a second!” He looks back at your smiling face before quickly placing a chaste kiss on your lips. “Give me like 15 minutes and we can eat. I'll meet you in our spot.” He kisses you again and it's your turn to feel all warm and fuzzy as you stare up at him for a second. Then without another moment, he rushes off back behind the counter without another word and you watch as Donna approaches Steven with a grumpy look on her face. You quickly exit the gift shop into the museum before you can hear Donna give Steven a stern talking to.
"Ah the Rosetta Stone, discovered by French soldiers in 1799 while digging foundations for a fort in the town of Rashid." Steven's voice drowns out all the other noise, his arms coming to wrap around your middle, "you know it's actually inscribed three times?" The question is completely rhetorical as he raises one hand and points to different sections of the stone as he speaks, "obviously in hieroglyphs there, then Demotic, which is an Egyptian cursive script." His hand moves again but your eyes don't follow, instead moving to look at his face that sits over your shoulder, "and finally in Ancient Greek."
"I remember," you smile when his eyes connect with yours. Your mind recalls the memory of Steven coming home one night and telling you about the new exciting exhibit that was coming soon. You think of the way he'd pulled a book from his desk to show you illustrations and the way he couldn't stop moving like he needed to get all of the excitement out somehow. "The Greek was a valuable key to deciphering hieroglyphs, as scholars could still read Ancient Greek."
You're practically beaming when Steven looks at you with a mix of shock and admiration before uttering, "maybe you'd have a chance of becoming a tour guide with all that knowledge in your pretty little head." For once it's you blushing and breaking eye contact, looking back at the stone and admiring it, "I didn't think anyone really listened to my rambling." Your head snaps around so fast, your face frowning at his words.
"I listen, I like when you ramble." You turn in his hold to face him properly, "I think you're cute when you ramble." Now he's blushing, "plus I like listening to you talk about things you like because you like them and well, I like you." Your eyes are somehow stuck on your hands that are smoothing over his shirt anxiously, the pause in conversation not helping much with the stir of emotions going on inside you, "I think I really like you actually."
"I love you!" His voice is much louder than before and you're sure you see a few people turn their heads, he hadn't even waited a beat after you'd finished talking to make his proclamation. You're sure you must look like a deer in headlights because you're staring at his face now and you're sure he's mirroring your exact look, eyes all wide and mouth opening and closing like he has more to say.
Your body's one step ahead of your brain, hands holding his face and pulling him close to you, lips connecting in possibly the most rom-com-esc kiss you've ever experienced. You've somehow forgotten you're stood in the middle of a museum, in front of probably one of the most exciting exhibits to grace that museum in quite some years. It's only when a wolf whistle sounds across the room that you both remember where you are. You shy away concealing your face in Steven's neck as he awkwardly raises a hand at the man before you both burst into laughter.
"I love you," your soft voice replaces your previous laughter. One of your hands delicately holds his cheek as you look into each other's eyes. He's completely dazed with the amount of pure joy filling his body as he looks at you. Your hand pulls his face closer till your lips press together again, it's a chaste and quick kiss but it's filled with love and happiness. When you pull away again he's grinning, completely lovesick and it's contagious.
"Steven!" You both go wide-eyed before looking and seeing Donna storming toward you. Steven's quick to grab onto one of your hands and you're both speed walking out of the room.
"What did you do?" You laugh, turning back to see Donna still following as Steven tugs you away.
"I may have told her to shut up and I know that's very out of character but she's been doing my head in all day and it just slipped out." He expertly manoeuvres around exhibits and down corridors until he suddenly stops and you almost run into the back of him. He pulls you behind a door that definitely said staff only and holds you there as he peers through the small window. "I'll apologise later but she's mad now."
You drag his eyes away from the window, your hand back on his face, "I love you so much." All his attention is now back on you and the perfect moment you just experienced before you were rudely interrupted.
"I love you," there's a little twinge of nervousness in his voice but his eyes are so full of reassurance and all of a sudden Donna's interruption doesn't matter. This moment, this day is perfect.
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