#queer tolerance
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sixpossumsinaclownsuit · 1 year ago
"My religion doesn't support gay/trans people" almost kind of barely makes sense until you try to fill in gay/trans with any other kind of people. Let's say in a world where any kind of discrimination could be defended ever, you don't hear things like, "My religion doesn't support Mongolian people." It sounds stupid, doesn't it?! "Oh, you're Kenyan? I don't have a problem with you being Kenyan but because I'm Christian/Mormon, I don't agree with Kenyans." How about, "You're Brazilian! You're going to burn in hell!" Like. What is going on here. Doesnt this sound so random? I'm all for religious freedom, I'm so serious, I'm a religious minority myself... I'm just genuinely curious how it makes sense to justify a specific discrimination, like I don't see Christians doing this with literally anything else... "oh, you're paralyzed? Yknow in my religion its a sin to use a wheelchair... I would never let one of my children be paralyzed/use a wheelchair." Doesn't it just sound weird like this? Its literally the same soup, different flavor.
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princesscomplexed · 3 months ago
fed up with how every time black feminine lesbians call out how black lesbians in interracial relationships are always depicted as the masculine or less feminine ones in comparison to the delicate feminine nonblack women, yall shut us down and say we just hate interracial yuri. yall so refuse to listen to us and see our nuances. it’s genuinely so aggravating. just gonna stop paying any mind to representation like that tbh!
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idolomantises · 1 year ago
lol, so after posting my comic on twitter, some guy quote retweeted the post and said they "regretted" making comic dubs of it and was going to delete every dub featuring my comic.
I asked them why (though the answer was obvious, considering i usually draw hot girls with big boobs, and this comic featured a gay man with a pup mask) but i wanted to be sure.
They claimed it was because they're no longer a fan of sexy demons and angels, but i pointed out that they've made several hazbin hotel/helluva boss dubs as well as praised a recent helluva boss episode not too long ago, so they definitely don't have issues with sexy demons. So I decided to be forward and say "is this because the this character made you uncomfortable (the gay man in a pup mask) and they said yes LMAO
anyways, moral of the story, if you can't handle my queer men at their kinkiest, then you don't deserve the sexy lesbians
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angelsaxis · 28 days ago
its funny seeing people still insist that kamala had it in the bag when anyone with a brain is aware that she and the democrats ran a dogshit campaign. like utter shit. embarassingly bad.
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veliseraptor · 1 year ago
i still love the fact that xiao xingchen literally stabs xue yang but that wasn't the thing that broke their relationship. xue yang's reaction to being stabbed by xiao xingchen is basically "i see you are upset but we can definitely sort this out"
love that for him. such optimism. completely unearned but what's a little stabbing between friends eh
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aro-culture-is · 21 days ago
Aro culture is never talking about being aro, because the other person doesn't even know what it is. And even when you do your best to explain, you're met with "you just haven't met the right person yet," or "some people are late bloomers," and it makes me want to scream. So I don't talk about it.
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ezekieltobiasfletcher · 7 months ago
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"...in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance."
Paradox of Tolerance
I am now prepared, at a moment's notice, to stand opposite of Trump's cultists. There were some MAGA people on Main Street in town today, with their signs of hate, and I can no longer abide by them. I will no longer tolerate their intolerance. I will show people that Trump's idea of America is not the ideal I grew up with. I am tired of being afraid of being queer. I'm tired of being afraid of being afraid. I do not want that for my children, my partner, and my loved ones. I want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all human beings, not just a privileged few. It is time to screw my courage to the sticking-place, And we'll not fail! 🇺🇲🏳️‍🌈
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clowningcrows · 6 months ago
lately i’ve been trying to make my life into something that’s worth living again. wearing clothes i like. cutting my hair the length i want. brushing my teeth, trying to remember to floss. stretching my body. taking vitamins, and my meds. practicing new hobbies. revisiting old ones. going to therapy. hell, even trying a new major and avenue for a career. at the end of the day you have to make your life into a life you want to live. i think maybe that’s what it’s all about.
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sindar-princeling · 5 months ago
since the pride flag on my icon is apparently not clear enough: please for the love of god don't follow me if you treat gayness as some sort of leprosy that makes you feel the need to use tags like "caution: lgbt content on op's blog" when you reblog things. for fuck's sake
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swooningshadow · 8 months ago
this one's for the hard doms and subs—the ones who know what they are, what they're for, and the roles they play. doms who know their power and demand respect. subs who know their place and crave subjugation. we complete each other. we're meant for this. it's natural. it's beautiful. it's foundational.
it's unconditional love—redefined.
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quiet-admirer · 6 months ago
Ok I think non-feedists can stop trying to go to bat for us now. I don't want to see thousands of non-feedists debate and have ~discourse~ about what they think feedism is. I don't even care that there are a lot of people arguing in our favor either - and a lot more than there used to be, too. They're not feedists, they have no bearing on my sexual life. It's rude to debate whether other people you have nothing to do with have a right to keep doing their shit in their bedrooms and kitchens that has nothing to do with you!
Go away, just keep ignoring us. I do not care for your approval and we are, have always been, and always will be over here just existing regardless of your opinions. All I want to hear from non-feedists in response to anti-kink sentiments is "it's none of our business tho."
Am I supposed to be grateful that more normies don't think I'm actually-for-real evil? What does their stamp of approval have to do with me? Sorry, but nobody's getting a gold star from me for white knighting for us. Did not ask your opinion, did not need you to defend us.
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crazylittlejester · 19 days ago
You've mentioned projecting actual stuff from your life onto Wars and I just. I have to ask. Did you also realize that you liked men via crawling out a window
(edit: yap warning, because for some reason i wrote way more than was necessary and lore dropped things i certainly didn’t need to but my head hurts too bad to skim through and cut things out so yippee enjoy the not asked for history of me being bi)
god i fucking wish that’s much more iconic than the truth- tho i have done plenty of crawling out of windows before (Actually now that I’m thinking about it, I made someone I crawled out a window with realize THEY liked men- And also question their gender- and then a good bit later I dated that person)
when did i realize i liked men? the second baby me set eyes on orlando bloom as will turner, pirates of the caribbean is 100% responsible for me being bisexual /j
when did i realize I Liked Men and that, in the conservative environment i was raised in, that was “Not Normal” and therefore made me gay: at 11 years old when my school had an assembly to talk about why you shouldn’t be attracted to the same gender and i broke down crying afterwards lmao
as a demisexual biromantic autistic guy you gotta understand for a good long while i thought i was living the universal experience and that people were lying when they said they were only attracted to one gender. i thought sexual attraction was fake- for years- and because i was raised in such a religious environment where people do not talk about sex or sexuality i went 11 years without truly realizing what being queer WAS. so finally realizing what being gay meant and what the reality of not being straight in the community i was in was was genuinely devastating because i realized very quickly that i was different and all the people around me would hate me for it
while pirates of the caribbean is definitely Thee bisexual movie, in all seriousness I don’t think i ever realized i liked men. i just always did, but i realized the ‘consequences’ of that in the eyes of the church at a middle school assembly, and i dealt with a lot of internalized homophobia for years after that
and then the first person i ever dated was a man, who kept telling me he wasn’t gay which… m not sure how dating another dude makes you straight but alright….
ANYWAYS yeah, i defeated my internalized homophobia by kissing men and climbing out windows and then making more people gay. not as iconic as Warriors, but ��‍♂️
also just to be so so so crystal clear to anyone seeing this: my blog is a safe space 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ i do not tolerate homophobia or transphobia of any kind. i know firsthand what it’s like to have to hide who you are and to have to realize there are people in your life that you still love even though who you’re attracted to has weakened THEIR love for you, and i can’t control the world but this blog WILL be a safe space for people to be themselves. and to any queer person reading this who’s been feeling really down and stressed about everything thats going on, i love you and im here for you if you need it. you’re not alone
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styrofauxm · 20 days ago
With Valentine's Day around the corner, I want to remind everyone that love does not determine someone's value as a person, nor is it indicative of morality.
There is nothing inherently good about feeling love, and nothing inherently bad about not feeling love.
Every year about this time, posts on this topic go up. Because every year about this time, statements that demonize people for not feeling love go up.
This year, please stop making and reblogging posts that frame a lack of love as a bad thing. And that goes for any love, not just romantic. Celebrate without throwing aromantic/loveless people under the bus.
And if you aren't aromantic/loveless, please don't leave us as the only ones making posts like this. If you see aphobia/loveless antagonism, don't let it slide. Especially right now.
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dotthings · 2 months ago
Sam stans and their queer Sam readings and their crying about how mean it is that anyone disagrees with them would be hella more convincing if that side hadn't very loudly and obnoxiously been screaming at bi Dean fans how delusional it is to notice how much Dean was bi coded in canon, or how they keep assigning some made-up version of Dean in their heads and insisting it's real, where Dean is "homophobic" and "misogynistic" and the embodiment of toxic masculinity. Which is warped whether Dean is straight or queer. No lane has been more intolerant or obnoxious against queer readings than Sam stans, and then they expect everyone to believe their sincerity when they start building a queer Sam argument based on the thinnest of canon evidence, all while still pretending bi Dean wasn't heavily queer coded in very loud obvious ways. Nor is anyone allowed to disagree with them about queer Sam in the least, but it's okay for them, in the year 2024, to keep up this bs where they play denialism and insults and queer erasure at bi Dean and anyone who accurately picked up on the coding canon did. Also isn't it fascinating how spn "isn't about that" when Sam stans are trying to stomp down on bi Dean and Destiel, but when it's queer Sam suddenly it's valid and canon and anyone who can't see it is wrong. Isn't that interesting.
The only thing that needs to be studied here is the hypocrisies of the Sam stan lane. Not the fact that many fans read Dean as bi.
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sickly-sapphic · 8 months ago
perisex queer people often discourage me from being so aggressively pro-intersex, even suggesting it'll be hard to find any community if I insist on intersex inclusion so much and honestly.... all its done is make me MORE passionate about it and from that I've literally only gained more community
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transgenderprototype · 8 months ago
Ill go onto someone's profile and their pinned post will have like "DNI IF YOU SUPPORT [insert artist] ILL BLOCK YOUR ASS IF YOU REBLOG THEIR ART anyway u can dm me if you want more info on why i have a vitriolic hatred for this person, i pwomise it wont be biased and full of bullshit :3"
Ill be like "okay thats fucking stupid, im not dm'ing them for what'll clearly be a biased response. I should probably look more into it.
I find out why.
"Oh these are lies. These are lies being spread because someone leaked a queer person's nsfw alt and found something they could twist into being "morally wrong" and theyre still continuing as the artist clarifies that what they drew isnt [whatever theyre trying to twist it into]."
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