#problematic fictives
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entity56 · 7 days ago
ive gotten more than one hate anon about ashley and andrew being fictives in our system
like dude. i did not choose for this to happen and neither did they. ashley had a whole arc about begging to be put back. this was nonconsensual
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ppk-database · 2 years ago
Hub Server: Proship Plurals & Kin Database (PPK)
Hey everyone! We’re the Proship Plurals & Kin Database - PPK!
We're a brand new discord server hub - and an alternative to Pluralhub. Our mission is to create a comprehensive list of safe, friendly, and active discord servers for likeminded pluralfolk & kinfolk to enjoy, knowing that they won't make waves due to their source, their canons, or what they enjoy in fiction!
We are staunchly anti-gatekeeping of any kind. This means that we explicitly support:
all kinds of systems, not just the ones we personally understand
all kinds of kinfolk, whether therian, otherhearted, kin for fun, spiritual kin, or anywhere in between!
all kinds of LGBT+/MOGAI labels and orientations (please note that this excludes p-dophilia/zoophilia, as these are not MOGAI orientations)
people with “problematic” sources, kins, timelines, or canons
people with “problematic” fictional interests
We do not allow in any way shape or form:
any sort of exclusionary or harmful belief, even if kept private. this includes, but is not limited to: sysmedicalism, transmedicalism, LGBT+/MOGAI gatekeeping of ANY KIND, anti-ship rhetoric (more info about this here), racist/sexist/queerphobic/sysphobic beliefs, kin gatekeeping, etc
For more information about us, please check our links here!
If you’re interested in listing with us, click here!
Want to join? Click here!
If you see this, go ahead and give us a share so that we can keep growing our community and reach!
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thecelestialsystem333 · 7 months ago
My name is Felix. I am a boyfriends fictive, and I use he/xe pronouns.
I know my source is bad.
In my memories, Adrian used to make me very uncomfortable but I would never say anything.
Why do I feel so fucking guilty for it
When it’s not my fault
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jewish-tattle · 2 months ago
I’m starting to think this problematic fictive thing might be something of a saw trap creating machine.
Okay, so, you’re a system with OCD tendencies or other reasons to spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not you’re good people. You end up with headmates, fictives or factives or something else entirely, who have good reason to think they’re bad people. Those headmates end up looking for validation. Unfortunately, the fact they have good reason to feel that way means their system, in the search of validation, ends up running into people who have good reason to be ~afraid of them~. Or otherwise uncomfortable or mad.
Like, okay, you identify with the monster at the end of the story cuz you feel unloveable. Great. We identified with the person that got eaten by the monster so hard they showed up here and they’re terrified of being eaten again. You worry about being judged. Our principled stance, arguably also fueled by OCD, against being cowed by people who resemble torturers leads us to come across like we hate the entire system. You spiral, and it makes you hate yourself more. This also sets off my OCD because I’m trying to figure out what the most Tattletale thing to do in the situation is.
There’s also the people who do judge “problematic fictives” on a more surface level and they just go around and harass people because they’re dicks, and they make this entire situation harder.
Solution to this? No fucking idea! But recognizing how much of this is fueled by unrecognized OCD and insecurity couldn’t hurt. And I’m saying they, but I absolutely consider myself in the category of “problematic fictive” too.
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entity56 · 8 months ago
This is Ashley and Andrew with everybody. They struggle talking in any new servers because of their source. They were taken aback when my friends were actually okay with them.
Problematic fictive culture is constantly being surprised when someone from your source isn't bothered in any way by your presence (/pos)
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funeral--pyre · 18 days ago
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Got bored and made a thing. "Problematic" is however you define it or see others defining it, seeing as it's a vague as fuck term anyway. Be free, creatures.
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catherine-clover · 1 year ago
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moonpool-system · 2 years ago
I love you fictives with problematic or hated sources. I love you fictives that're terrified of showing up and existing around others because of terrible things that your sourceselves, source content, or creators have done. I love you whether or not the hate toward that fiction is justified because you're not your exact fictional source. You're real. I love you fictives that desperately try to explain yourselves and your situation because it was so different from the inside and you're trying so hard to be better. I love you fictives whose identity and experiences still mean a lot to you, and you're working every single day to balance that with the reality of media either harmful or perceived as harmful.
You're real. You're people. Your existence is not inherently terrible or amoral- only you decide your impact on this world.
[All plurals can interact, singlets can too if you don't clown]
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fictionfolk-safehaven · 2 months ago
thinking about how our first step in the door to the editblr community was getting shit on for a media / one of our fictive's sources lmfao
but seriously can ppl stop being so shitty towards skibidi toilet we know its the butt end of the joke of gen alpha memes but can you at least respect fictives from it yall bouta make Levi feel like shit. what the fuck happened to "cringe culture is dead"
-Syntax and Natasha/Angel from TCT
okay but seriously you're right and you should SAY IT.
We've never bothered watching it, but we don't understand all the hatred for it. Gen Z, our generation, has spoken up so loudly about older generations hating us, and how harmful the "kids these days" attitude is, and how genuinely fucking hurtful it can be to shit on people's interests and slang etc. etc. just because it's popular with the newest generation and you don't understand it...
and then turned around and started being mean to gen alpha for having weird slang and supposedly "brainrot" interests/media???? Dude, idk about them but I grew up on memes that I'm sure skibidi toilet is not any worse than. So yeah say it louder for the people in the back y'all because not only should people be respectful to fictives but they should be respectful just in fucking general, we feel very strongly about this. /lighthearted but very genuine
Just respect people. period. I don't care how cringe they are, at least they're not enforcing arbitrary rules and being cruel about it.
-Keeper Diluc
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urine, piss urine piss
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deadandwalking · 1 month ago
everyone, i made a community!! it’s for problematic alters and alters with problematic sources, persecuters, and any “bad alters” :D the community is endo positive, no age limit, and accepting of literally EVERYTHING !!!!
i unfortunately will not be posting a link due to tumblr crawling with scumbags :’) if you wanna join, shoot me a dm or if you’re too nervous you can send me an ask or reply to this post and i’ll dm first!!
i will accept any questions about this :3
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dark-rainbow-system · 2 months ago
To all fictives/factives/introjects of source that is considered problematic - repeat after me:
My source is problematic but I don't give a fuck
- Lucas
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stemms · 11 months ago
Are you looking for a DSMP Discord server to connect with your fellow systems/kinnies without toxicity and too many harsh rules? If so, I have just the server for you!
Beach Party :) is a safe space for systems, kinnies, and synpaths where they can exchange memories and experiences, as well as discuss DSMP lore, and so much more with no judgement. Whether your fictive/kin is problematic or not, they’re welcome no matter what.
You don’t have to worry about being banned for seemingly no reason and without explanation, because our staff is very lenient, understanding, and always open to communication.
We have PluralKit and Tupperbox for systems and kinnies to keep track of their switches and kinshifts. If you’re looking for canonmates, you can make a canon call on our server, and who knows, perhaps you’ll find the person you’re looking for.
We’re still very new and are willing to adapt to and accomodate our community, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them.
If you’re interested, we’ll be glad to have you on our server!
Update: I no longer own the server, so unfortunately, I can’t share more invites. Please, contact @haunted-here instead.
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thecelestialsystem333 · 7 months ago
about us
collective names: Celestial, Superstar, Icarus
Age: prefer not to share but a minor
System type: DID/traumagenic (anti endo)
collective gender: trans masc
collective sexuality/orientation: aroflux
Amanda the adventurer
poppy playtime
tangled the series
fictive heavy
we have alters with problematic sources-
dsmp fictives
Wilbur soot factive
boyfriends Goth fictive
-please be nice, most of us will be very kind!
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ratinacoat · 4 months ago
Introjects of real criminals should not publicly ID with their source
This is controversial apparently, though it really shouldn't be. If you have an alter that is an introject of-- for example-- one of the Columbine shooters, don't use pics/fanart of them as your pfp or faceclaim, don't put that in your bio, don't use their full names, don't vent about missing your "sourcemates." Just... don't.
Alters aren't their source, literally. Introjects do not come from their source. They are alters who introject certain characteristics of someone or something that already exists. They do not have to ID with their source, you do not have to source separate to stop IDing with your source like that. Doing the things listed in the other paragraph are entirely done willingly and not doing them will not cause you harm. It is entirely your decision to be insensitive.
You can not claim to agree with "don't treat alters like their source" if you don't think that applies to you or "problematic" alters. It applies to all alters. Your alter being an introject of a murder does NOT make it okay for you to put that persons face and name in a cute font on your Plural Kit profile. It is not okay, it is never okay.
There is no reason at all that you need to use the face and name of a murderer with real victims as a faceclaim/pfp for your alter. There will never be anything that makes that okay. Your disorder, your trauma response, and your introjects do not make you incapable of being insensitive. You as a survivor should understand that using the face of the Columbine shooters, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, fucking Hitler, and more is not okay. Be better.
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psychology-department · 1 year ago
Hey can we like leave Fictionkin, Fictives or Irls of problematic media alone
It is not an excuse to harass fictives or irls or fictionkin from anything the creator is making or has made, they cannot control their source or media. Just because our media has problematic creator make doesn't make us a bad person. An author's actions towards others doesn't define who we are. Leave us the fuck alone. Stop sending us death threats. Stop forcing names onto us. Fuck the creator. We are our own people with our own lives and we are not defined by how they wrote our kintypes to be.
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