#pro hb
We can’t have “nuanced” villains because as soon as they make a valid point —that the narrative acknowledges— it’s all “oh, they’re actually a Good Guy all along.”
Anyway I dread what’s gonna happen in the fandom if Striker is revealed to have a tragic backstory.
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enemywasp · 1 month
"Oh her design is so cute! I'd really like her if she wasn't such a freak!" FOOLS. COWARDS. I LIKE HER BECAUSE SHE'S A FREAK.
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That's a selfshiping, cringe, fanfic writing monster fucker right there. The representation we deserve.
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big-royal-chicken · 3 months
Helluva Boss/ Stolas antis sure are something, imaging taking this otherwise hilarious joke too seriously.
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“The real Stolas”
My guy, he’s a fictional demon, based on the idea of another fictional demon from a well known demonology book.
And what does him being in his 30’s have to do with anything?
This blog has to be satire.
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zinniajones · 4 months
This month, Ky Schevers and Lee Leveille from Health Liberation Now! bring us the inside scoop on anti-trans detransitioners masquerading as pro-trans during the Ohio trans youth care ban testimony.
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prof-ramses · 10 months
Of-fucking-course you're pro-stella and anti-Stolas. Jesus fucking Christ... Hope you don't have a total meltdown when future positive episodes surrounding Stolas and Blitz get released.
I won't because I know that they're only happening because Vivienne wants them to and that realistically, Blitz would eventually snap out of the manipulation and get Stolas out of his life.
AUs and fics exist for many reasons, and one reason is that sometimes viewers who happen to be writers themselves can't tolerate the bad and in some instances potentially harmful writing in canon.
I know that the series won't give Stella a happy ending, that's exactly why I focus so much on her.
We know for a fact that Stolas was originally going to be a major villain in the series and was retconned into being "mIsgUIdEd" during the production of season 2. All this means Stella was more likely than not, originally framed as at least somewhat sympathetic by the narrative. The reason I point out the implied and/or inherent nuances to Stella's character is because they're an inevitable holdover from a version of the show that would have been far superior to the product we received.
The reason I'm pro-Stella is because she, as a character, deserved to be handled with more tact.
If you take that much of an issue with these stances, I suggest you just block, and move on with your day.
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blitzosicedcoffee · 1 month
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He have big brain, and he blep
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blitz-and-the-bird · 4 months
RAHH hello I'm a Blitzø introject and this blog is gonna be for me and my bf (a Stolas introject)
Stolas uses He/They and I use He/Him
This blog is gonna be for me and Stolas to talk about shit and also reblog stolitz art and stuff cause yeah
This blog might get abandoned due to our system switching hosts and co-hosts somewhat frequently 💔💔💔
We're autistic so sorry if we don't understand something 💀
Anyway idk how to do an introduction so this my best attempt 💔
(our main system account is @the-100-percent)
Oh also I forgor my sign off is ⬜ and Stolas's is 📖
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emsleyanbluejay · 25 days
anti arguments that claim proshippers never want to have critical discussions about “problematic media” are so funny to me because i love having critical discussions and actual academic discourse on my media of choice, i just don’t want to have those conversations with antis
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gctchell · 7 months
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Continuing from that last ask, I think 6/7 of the Deadly Sins would just get sick of Adam, want him gone, want him dealt with, have a plan in motion to imprison or annihilate him. However, Mammon would very likely be the only one who sees potential in Adam, what with his power and how he was the First Man. He's the odd duck out who goes against the other Sins and persuades them let Adam be taken under his wing. He'll keep him under wraps and control, not to worry - his shenanigans will be limited to the Greed Ring.
There's debate and there's scoffs, but eventually, Mammon gets his way.
What a disgusting duo those two make, especially as showmen. A very skeevy rock star and the top clown king, together in unholy matrimony pulling in big bucks and committing horrible scam atrocities lmao. Adam would totally be behind ripping off Lulu World as well with LooLoo Land, and Mammon has to argue with him to not include the 'Whack-a-Lucifer' attraction.
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momosartgalaxy · 1 year
MORE CELEBRATIONS it was @yeetmedownthestairs BIRTHDAY!!!
so me and the homie @mirby7 cranked out this in 2 and a half hours
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featuring our horror ocs: HB and Keke who are dressed as... Leatherface and Brahms.
THEN I cranked out during a their birthday movie night
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I got a handful of prompts from him, cause tbh I was completely stumpt on what to draw him. He gave me 'Bailey in a sun dress' and 'something with Skylar and Wish'. So have the fam out on a little family day our.
As per usual I made a timelapse of them
Song used here is Electric Love - BØRNS
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
turns out my little scheme to build my rep up with everyone before the clans invade is at a very good spot right now (also, changed the company name to the "canonical" one)
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gonna try to work on andurien and st. ives before rasalhague becomes relevant, and, since i want to try to get things pretty well lined up, i'm fairly sure i can just hop from one to the other, and then to the outworlds alliance through draconis (which i've already got a bit of rep with), loop back around to rasalhague in, probably, around '35 at the latest
and as it turns out, i can't build rep with arc-royal before 3057, because they won't exist until then, which means that's the last thing i do in this career, i guess (unless the clan war goes badly for us, in which case the final act of james "quixote" holden's career will be ramming the fists of his biggest 'mech down whatever throats he can reach on tukayyid)
as for the pirates, eh, whatever, if i have time, i'll hit the deep periphery and do jobs against local governments, probably coreward of rasalhague so i'm still ready for the clans
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miikitty · 2 years
dude have you ever like. had a friend block/sb you over nothing or something so abysmally stupid that you're both hurt and just laughing in pure confusion?
stop it.
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hill-art02 · 3 months
I never made a callout before, but I think people in the anti/critique HH/HB/Viv community need to know this.
(Don't harasse anyone here. Just block them)
CW: zionism/r@pe/n@zi/R slur mention
This morning, I just discovered the tumblr user "almacambiondaughterofsaleos" is a zionist who has been posting their zionist/pro Israel posts in the HH/HB critique tags.
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I don't condone what the anons are saying, but you know Alma is only posting these to make pro palestine activists look bad.
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I'm making this post because Alma is a very prominent user in the HH/HB/Viv critique community, and I'm sure a lot of people don't know the type of stuff they're posting.
If you think what they're doing is okay or harmless, then block me because this type of sh*t won't be tolerated in my blog.
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blackboard-monitor · 6 days
how i've finished inktober every year for eight years and counting
Every time I mention around other artists that I finish inktober every year (meaning I draw and ink 31 drawings, one every day in October), I get questions like "how???", so I figured I'd make a post about it on the off chance it's helpful to someone. Please note that all my advice is based on my personal experience and you're a different person so what works for me may not work for you, and you can do whatever you want forever.
What it boils down to for me is two basic rules: 1) keep it simple and 2) manage your expectations.
I started my first inktober in my journal at the time, and because I'm neurotic like that, I've had to do every subsequent inktober in whatever journal I was using at that point.
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The benefit of this is that each journal has had a page size of A5 or smaller, which can be tricky when trying to get in a lot of detail, but on the other hand forces you to limit the size of your drawings to a pretty managable size.
Paper type can also be important! Last year in 2023, my journal was a Moleskine sketchbook (image 1), which was actually designed to handle some degree of wet media, which was a game-changer for me as an ink wash enjoyer. Don't get me wrong, I've been using ink washes in most of my previous journals as well, but inking is a lot nicer when your paper isn't constantly buckling (image 2) or pilling and the ink isn't bleeding all over the place, inclunding through the page (image 3). Pages that stay flat instead of buckling are also a lot easier to scan or photograph, if like me you want to post your art online.
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In short, my inktober paper recommendation is to use a sketchbook no larger than A5, and go for one with nice, thick paper if you intend to use wet media.
I sketch everything with a single 6H pencil that I got from my brother in 2019. Because the lead is so hard, it allows me to scribble to my heart's content without the sketch getting too dark or hard to erase. Sometimes I'll refine the sketch with a HB mechanical pencil, which shows up really nicely on top of the 6H lines, but I may skip that step if I'm feeling lazy or the first sketch is clean enough.
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I've used a variety of art supplies in my inktober drawings. For the most part I've always stuck to greyscale, with the exception of a couple of red or gold accents some years.
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My main inktober tools are a set of Micron fineliners in various sizes, and liquid India ink, which I use with a dip pen and with brushes. I usually mix up a mid-tone ink wash in a small bottle, and use that throughout the month.
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Fineliners pros: portable, require minimal setup, can use on the sofa or in bed or wherever Fineliners cons: creating texture and filling large areas is a lot more time-consuming. In 2021 I did inktober exclusively in fineliner because I was tired and couldn't be bothered to deal with liquid ink, but I ended up spending more time than maybe ever on the drawings because it took so long to add texture with pens.
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Ink pros: you can achieve small details with a dip pen as well as quick texture and fill in large areas with a brush and ink washes Ink cons: can be messy (protip from 2022 Liekki, don't spill ink water all over your laptop), usually you have to sit at a table of some kind, you need to wash your brushes and dip pens, if your paper isn't designed for wet media, it'll buckle or bleed
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Pick your inking tools and techniques based on how much time you have!
Prompts/ideas/subject matter
I've always stuck to the "official" prompt list, because it brings me joy to scroll through the tag of the day on instagram and see how others interpreted the same prompt. Or, rather, it used to bring me joy to do this, until instagram's enshittification stole our ability to look at tags. Maybe I'll have some luck with that on Cara going forward; here's hoping.
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As for ideas, sometimes they come easy, sometimes it's like pulling teeth and I have to enlist all my friends to brainstorm with me (sorry, y'all). When in doubt, draw the first thing that comes to mind when you read the prompt; don't overthink it (like I often do). I like to try to come up with a less obvious interpretation of a prompt, but this is also where I often get stuck and have to harass my loved ones for ideas. Sometimes it helps to relate the prompt to a tv show/book/etc. you're into; I've done quite a bit of inktober fanart, as well as art of various DnD cahracters from games I've played/DM'd. If all else fails, just look at what everyone else is drawing that day.
Time management
Be realistic about how much time you have in a day to work on inktober, and then set your expectations accordingly. If you only have an hour, stick to a size and level of detail that you can realistically finish in an hour. I've done some very quick scribbles in my years of inktober when I've been busy that day.
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My personal philosophy is that I try not to plan too much ahead; I don't do any sketching until day of, and ideally I don't try to come up with ideas for a prompt or at least decide on an idea until the day before at the earliest. Containing each drawing in one day helps me have realistic expectations of what's doable. This does mean drawing late into the night sometimes after procrastinating or struggling to find an idea all day, but it's what works for me.
If your goal is to complete inktober, it's better to do a small shitty drawing in ten minutes than to fall behing by starting something way too ambitious that you'll never be able to finish in a day.
Secret third rule!
Accept the fact that you aren't going to be happy with every drawing.
Inktober was created as an exercise to practice inking. Think of your drawings as sketches, not finished masterpieces. Some of them will be bad, at least in your own eyes. Sometimes you'll put a lot of effort into something that just doesn't work out. For example:
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To quote Joe Hills, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of practice. So you fucked up today's drawing. Tomorrow is a new day – that's the beauty of inktober. "Ever tried, ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." (Samuel Beckett) Progress isn't linear, either; some years are consistently mediocre, other years it's all over the place with a couple bangers and a couple really shitty ones.
Every inktober I've made drawings I love,
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drawings I'm indifferent to,
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and drawings that straight up suck.
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And I'm at peace with that.
Thanks for reading what turned into a pretty long post, and I hope some of it was helpful. Happy inktobering!
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autumnteawithfriends · 3 months
One thing i don't understand about HB and HH is that, Vivziepop said it was inspired by the show Bojack Horseman. And i don't see it at all.
First is that BH adresses that Bojack is a horrible person and we shouldn't root for him, while in HH we should like Alastor,Vox,Angel Dust and Valentino even tho they did somewhat worse thing then Bojack. Alastor and Angel are confirmed to have killed people wgile they were alive, Alastor was also a cannibal and literaly in Hell. I would honnestly prefered if it was like Bojack Horseman, that even thecreators know their characters are bad people. But instead these characters are codled like little babies on their mothers lap.
Second is deffinitly the clear misoginy Viv shows through her shows. Female chracters in BjH are complex characters who don't have to be a man's armpiece, unlike in HB and HH. PC and Diane Nguyen are one my favorite female chracters in cartoon media and love their stories throughout the show. I unfortunetly can't say the same in HH and HB. Female characters are, for what i saw, reduced to 3 categories: bitch,normal/nice wife and chaotic. And nothing else. One of the best examples of these is Stella(Stola's ex-wife and Via's mom) for what i seen she mostly had the same childhood as Stolas, or even worse. Only seen for her ability to give birth to an heir and be a wife and the show hates her for that? She must have been under alot pressure to give birth to an heir, Octavia. I honnestly somewhat preffered Stella over that crybaby Stolas.
And even Vivziepop said she loved Bojack Horseman, but i can bet on all the money i have that she hates PC and Diane for trying to distance themselfs from Bojack and that she was on Bojack's side all the time.
Anyways these my thoughs only and you can tell me yours if you want to
Thanks for the ask!
Okay, something I’ll admit is that I’ve never fully watched Bojack Horseman, I’ve only seen some specific scenes on YouTube. But something I can say with full confidence is that Viv claiming her shows are on the same level as Bojack Horseman is fucking ridiculous
First of all, she can’t say her shows are in the same level as Bojack when she refuses to do serious shit that even kids cartoons do. Such as having morally grey characters, not having a black and white morality, actually giving your characters development and consequences, it’s basically a laundry list.
Yeah, Stella would’ve been an infinitely better character to feel sympathy for if Viv actually gave a shit about her female characters + didn’t try her damndest to make us feel bad for Stolas. Like, how the fuck did Viv not expect some people to actually feel sympathy for her compared to Stolas considering her backstory? Stolas is a classist, racist, monarch who enacts Quid Pro Qud on Blitz yet we’re supposed to feel sympathy for him. Yet when people for sympathy for Stella, someone who’s only really a violent person with intense anger issues at her worst (which is 100% justified to me considering her backstory) suddenly people who feel bad for her are abuser apologists (which is false)
Like, you cannot say your shows are on the same level as Bojack Horseman if you refuse to focus on any of your female characters, refuse to give ACTUAL consequences that stick, and try to make us feel bad for arguably the most vile character in the show (Stolas) without doing anything to justify it. There’s so much more I could mention but you get the point.
Thanks for the ask again, apologies that I couldn’t really cover your points about Diane and PC (Also I realize that this is more about HB then HH, but the points still count)
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prof-ramses · 11 months
The part of HRM I've had the most fun developing
There's a particular part of Helluva Rewritten Musical that I've been thinking about more than any other. That being the sequence that focuses on Stella and Octavia's relationship and personal issues while their hiding out in Wrath.
Some of this I've only previously shared with @pinkandpurple360 , whose insights about HB's writing and general willingness to help me develop these ideas has been invaluable to HRM as a whole, and especially to this scene.
Bare in mind this is just an early outline, though I plan to keep the specific lines of dialogue as I'm really proud of it.
The sequence begins with Stella, Octavia and Striker entering a hideout Striker had prepared for the Goetia women while they were in hiding with him as their bodyguard. Towards the back of the stage there's a door slightly to the left and a couch slightly to the right.
Stella is very anxious as she recognized Blitz in an earlier scene and decides that for the remainder of their "exile" that she and Via have to disguise themselves as lower rank hellborns, something Octavia says she doesn't know how to do.
This revelation infuriates Stella as she lashes out in indignation that Via can't manifest a disguise, she says she'll explain it to Via later but that in the meantime, Striker has to find a succubus and off them for their asmodean crystal.
Striker nods and exits the scene.
Here Octavia reveals that she tried to learn on her own but couldn't get the hang of it and, due to his self-absorbed and neglectful nature, Stolas never actually helped her manifest a disguise, something Stella herself only learnt by watching her brother practice, as typically only a Goetia's heir is taught the skill.
Stella yells at Via that she needs a moment to collect her thoughts and that they'll back to the disguise talk later.
Stella then goes into another room in the hideout, something depicted with Stella walking through the door at the back of the stage as Via exits stage right, then Stella re-enters through the same door, representing her entering another room and the scene changing.
Here the show arrives at Stella's solo number, wherein she vents her frustration that she's never been listened to despite being a noble, during the song she comes to the realization she isn't frustrated that she hasn't been listened to, but that she's never had meaningful agency over what matters to her (her status, the respect of the Ars Goetia, etc...), except for her relationship with Via.
I've yet to come up with any satisfactory titles for Stella's song, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
After the song ends Stella decides that she has to smooth things over with Via. The scene changes in the same way as before, this time, while Stella is behind the door Via enters stage right, sitting down on the couch, frustrated trying to manifest a disguise. Her attempts are represented by brief moments of purple lighting illuminating her corner of the stage, that's when Stella enters and sit down next to her. The lights only illuminate there half of the stage.
The two talk about the frustration they've been suppressing for as long as they've been living with Stolas, which unfortunately for Via, includes her whole life up to that point, she also expresses anger at her mother and how distant she's been during the affair drama. This gets Stella emotional and prompts this exchange between them:
Stella: I just hope you can understand, Dear. All I've ever had is my place in the world, and now-now I've lost my own and cost you yours. * Stella rests her head in one of her hands as the other stays between her and Via on the couch* What could I ever have now? *Stella's voice is shaky and she clearly feels she's lost everything, she's on the verge of tears*
There's a moment of silence between the two
Octavia: *Takes hold of Stella's free hand and gently moves it over her chest* A place in my heart, mom. You'll always have that. *She lets go of her mother's hand but Stella holds in there for a moment before she slowly pulls it back*
Octavia starts leaning in for a hug but Stella quickly hugs her first, Via is surprised but than happy to finally see her mom feel something positive again.
The lights over the other half of the stage light up showing Striker holding the crystal he was sent to get, he's seen at least part of their exchange, and though he tries to hide it, has obviously been emotionally impacted by it himself.
Striker: I-uh-I ha- *His voice is noticeably warbly before he clears his throat* I have the crystal, ma'am. *He holds it up and pauses for a moment while processing the emotions brought on from seeing such a loving moment from people he'd dismissed as emotionally vacant and vapid husks up until that point* Jus' thought ya should know.
Stella thanks him but also makes a comment about how Via likely won't be using it very long. She than asks Via to remind her of what part of the disguise spell she was having trouble with.
The stage goes dark as everyone and everything is prepared for the next scene.
And that's where the scene stands for now. Really hope someone enjoys reading this as much as I did writing it, there's more HRM to come so keep your eyes peeled! And remember that I'm accepting asks about the project!
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