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made for a 2 second bit of in a video i'm making
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I had a go at drawing a version~
maggie’s hud readouts are so fucking funny to me as a concept. reblog and tag this post with what you think they would say about you or your OC(s).
#transformers#tf oc#transformers oc#oc art#digital art#yeah a stupid sketch that i put silly amount of time into#i wanted to be special#ultra magnus#momosgallery#oc: Sky Drop#mans a little shit
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【パピヨンリード首輪ハーネス〔リボンタイプ)販売のお知らせ】 10月2日(土)21時より、minneにて販売開始いたします。前回ネット販売時よりも3倍の数を用意しています♪ 今回の作品は、ベースがリボン生地で限定販売です。今後作る予定は今のところございません。
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*サイズ(参考) ・ハーネス XS(約2.0-2.5kg)胸回り27-32cm,胴回り28-33cm,胸丈(縦)10cm S(約2.5-3.7kg)胸回り32-37cm,胴回り33-38cm,胸丈(縦)12.5cm M(約3.7-4.8kg)胸回り37-43cm,胴回り38-44cm,胸丈(縦)15cm L(約4.8-5.8kg)胸回り40-46cm,胴回り44-50cm,胸丈(縦)17.5cm
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this backstabbinng bitch has me in a choke hold
Estelle has been so fun to practice with, can you tell which version of Starscream she's mostly based off? yeah, nor can I.
various screamers seen are TFP(plus comic), G1, TFONE, IDW and also a panel from a @/schandbringer comic. OH! Also an appearance of @scribe-of-hael's holo?human? version of Knock Out, lookit that handsome fellow~
#momosgallery#transformers#digital art#humanformer starscream#starscream#holoform#humanformers#holoform starscream#Estelle Aguilar#sketches#i just cant stop thinking about her#shes just everything to meeeeee#i already have a second canvas waiting for me to draw her more#my backstabbing old lady#i say affectionately
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A hypothetical sticker - Original sketch made on a post-it note for a christmas present
#transformers#digital art#momosgallery#maccadam#grimlock#sticker#idk why I though Animated Grimlock had these kamina glasses#so now he has them and I'll continue to draw him with them
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Man! This was the first made but the last to get to it's destination which was the lovely @deliicacymercy Also excuse the lighting between the past 4 cards my bulb died and had to use another so I look like I went to Mexico for this post.

First of all! We have some Bleach cuties, Kiwa and Commander Komamura. Damn that's a long name. Do love me a small and tall ships brings me joy. Also I hope it was a nice surprise for her. A malancholic pre war/no war(?) Starstreak. Wishing for the sweet escape from the pressures of being the Winglords Ward. Moving on from the angst, LOOK AT THE GIRLIES!! Wish is so excited to see her best friend Breakwave. Last is just another silly. Sky took this pic just to use as a way to just embarrass Streaks later. < 3
but that is the last of my mail. I did have another one in the makings but unfortunately I never got it done for them
#momos merry mail#momosgallery#oc art#tf oc#transformers oc#traditional art#humanformers#oc: Sky Drop#oc: Wishing Well#others ocs#friends ocs#Breakwave#Starstreak#bleach oc#sajin komamura#Kiwa#i don't actually know Kiwa's last name#oh shit nearly forgot#wildbreak#holoform
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Ya know whats so wonderful with being friends with people like @scribe-of-hael ? I get to see their full WIPS and peices before they get posted on tumblr. Hael showed me the full busts of their GOREGOUS RAINMAKERS
and I got inspired to draw their Sunstorm
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You have no idea how bad my heart and stomach wanted to yeet themselves out of my bodywhen I was sending you this
I had to call in moral support
It brings me joy to see you like it my dude
I've always loved Astrotrain (recently started watching G1, its been a wild ride so far) and I wont lie, I fell in love with your continuity and your version of them!
So for your amazing work that graces my dash daily, I wanted to draw them for you.
Heh sorry if the images are not the best quality as well as their colours not being exact, I messed up on them big time ^^;

(Feel free to delete this if you want to)
Astrotrain fanart 🥺🥺🥺 !!!
Thank you so so much omg! These are amazing! I love the colors and the hatching with pencil this so so so cool ! And thank you for the kind words omg! I’m really happy you like them, and your art is super cool! It means a lot and thank you again! I will cherish these Astrotrains omg…
(Reminds me they won the comic prompt poll note to self post that thing about that from my drafts.)
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I pull this out from the deepest parts of my home and offer you my new reference of my dnd guy. This is the Great and Mighty Kubo of Val, or just Kubo. The great and mighty title is just him and his inflated ego.
It's been 6 months in game (although its been 3 years since we played) and I thought he finally deserved an update due to this down time. the shift to pathfinder 2e as well as his increased ranking in his clergy.
I don't got much else. He's a menace and I miss playing as him.
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Is for the irl homie, that i've been friends with since I was a wee bab.
We'll start with the two Transformers. I gave into the demon and made a 'pinup' of Sentinel Prime as he is my friends 'here me out'. I also drew his oc, Choom. Who is most like a bullet/more modern train - no alt mode specific he's just a white train. The Jester got dropped by the other as a 'fny' prank. And an homage to our long friendship and the many ocs we've made together, who have the same bond as we do.
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#momos merry mail#momosgallery#oc art#transformers oc#tf oc#traditional art#transformers#sentinel prime#tf one#tf one sentinel prime#Choom#dnd#dnd kobold#dnd triton#oc: Kubo#Dominic Torris#halo oc#oc: Hanna Roth#Dutch Elizabeth jr#jojo oc#jjk oc#oc: Seiunma#cho
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A halloween special of my favourite thing to appear from the MLP fandom - Alushy. 4th years in a row drawing this wierd creature I adore.
If you can spare 20 minutes, I made it into a 20 minute video/speedpaint with commentary on how I did it (kinda)
the human animation took me 5 hours to edit
if you don't wanna watch 20 minutes heres the tik tok
#momosgallery#digital art#medibang paint pro#alushy#fluttershy#speedpaint#timelapse#art timelapse#youtube#tik tok#mlp#mlp fim#honestly I have so much fun drawing this pony every two years#wanted to share the joy I get from it#bat pony#pegasus#i think im the only one that draws this creature#Youtube
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#SKY NO#transfomers#transformers oc#others art#others oc#friends oc#starstreak#sketches#momosgallery#oc: Sky Drop#MOM I MADE A MEME#honestly becoming friends with me was your first mistake#falling in love with my living robot shitpost was the second
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*crawls my way from the depths, gasping and crawling at the ground beneath me* hi guys.
I didn't forget. Maybe. To be honest, It took so long for these last two cards to make it to people, due to whatever happened with USPS and the Canadian postal strike. I almost gave up and thus forgot to post the gifts.
Anyway the following now belongs to @tweekbambi please excuse the mess. That amazon envelope(?) was my cutting matt until I repurposed it.

Clickbait! That first picture is of Yeets favourite oc of mine. Peyton. It's just an excuse to draw her to draw her in whatever I find attractive. The boys. The married husbands. Look how in love Sky is with his hubby rambling!! He loves his wife husband! Here we have Cappy and Lullaby Moon, gotta bully the baby it's necessary. Speaking of bullying, yeet has a problem with attaching themselves to the worst characters in shows he watches. Asked me to draw their fursona getting bullied by the furry version of Billy from Stranger Things.
#momos merry mail#momosgallery#tf ocs#humanformers#oc art#oc: Peyton Gow#oc: Capella the Capybara#friends ocs#oc: Bumper#Lullaby Moon#furry#furry oc#traditional art#oc: Sky Drop#oc: Skye
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Been wanting to draw some humanformer Star's vibing together. Got this done during my dnd game.
Featuring the wonderful @drill-teeth-art 's Starscream. Who is so goregously colourful and reminds me of lil' toy soldiers/nutcrackers for unknown reasons.
Thought it would be funny for it to be interupted during it's lunch break by unwanted company in the form of Sterling. With her narcissism.
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He didn’t see, hear nor sensed another in his proximity so he stepped out into the open. Gentle breeze, caught in a wind tunnel effect by the Alcazars walls, was comforting. Starstreak could feel its coaxing against heated plating; jumping and taking flight out to nowhere. To nowhere, he would be found. Nowhere that demanded he shoulder the burdens of a state. To nowhere where he could be free. He sighed dreamily, leaning on the railing.. Letting more of the delightful breeze wash over him, wings fluttering.
Peace was snatched from the red seeker. Something had just touched his ankle! His whole body jerked back, cautiously tilting head down. To see what exactly it was… and what greeted him? A servo clenched so tightly on the balcony edge that Starstream could see the slight tremor of it. Stepping back further as another arm hooked itself around the bauster. Now he could hear the rattling of this mystery mech's vents before his head peeked out from the edge. “What's up Sweetspark?”

₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERCY ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊
@deliicacymercy is a year older and I get to bully her cause of it!! Over on her Insta she asked for her birthday for us to draw oc x canon stuff but I got to her before that post was conceptualised. She asked for a little something from my fanfic drafts and I couldn't say no to the future birthday girl.
I hope you enjoyed the small wip from my drafts becuase I had funn writing it and there is a lot more to come... eventually.
#transformers#transformers oc#tf oc#oc art#others oc#art for others#gift art#oc: Sky Drop#starstreak#digital art#medibang paint pro#momosgallery#i also guess?#momosramblings#I just wanna note that my friends I streamed my process too#asked why I was streaming robot sloppy toppy to them#thx mr kallum#thx auri#i hate you#dividers by @cafekitsune#also remember that last post i made of sky?#it turns out i needed to design his back and not his front#starstreak also has some designs that are unfinshed which I just spat onto the canvas :D
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a lil' compliation of WIP animations i've been sittinng onn for god knows how long. Staring Growlwire ( @scribe-of-hael ) Starstreak ( @deliicacymercy )
#transformers#momosgallery#oc art#others ocs#growlwire#starstreak#oc: sky drop#animation#oc animation#transformers oc#tf oc
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