littledemon55 · 7 months
Honestly, HB fandom, are you seriously forgetting about this canon image?
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They were initially supposed to be a somewhat happy couple or at least they were tolerating eachother for Octavia's sake, until Viv decided to make Stella a one dimensional bitch in order to make Stolas seem completely innocent. She didn’t r*pe him. He cheated on her. He has all the magical powers. She’s only the mother of Octavia. She has a right to be upset.
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prof-ramses · 10 months
Of-fucking-course you're pro-stella and anti-Stolas. Jesus fucking Christ... Hope you don't have a total meltdown when future positive episodes surrounding Stolas and Blitz get released.
I won't because I know that they're only happening because Vivienne wants them to and that realistically, Blitz would eventually snap out of the manipulation and get Stolas out of his life.
AUs and fics exist for many reasons, and one reason is that sometimes viewers who happen to be writers themselves can't tolerate the bad and in some instances potentially harmful writing in canon.
I know that the series won't give Stella a happy ending, that's exactly why I focus so much on her.
We know for a fact that Stolas was originally going to be a major villain in the series and was retconned into being "mIsgUIdEd" during the production of season 2. All this means Stella was more likely than not, originally framed as at least somewhat sympathetic by the narrative. The reason I point out the implied and/or inherent nuances to Stella's character is because they're an inevitable holdover from a version of the show that would have been far superior to the product we received.
The reason I'm pro-Stella is because she, as a character, deserved to be handled with more tact.
If you take that much of an issue with these stances, I suggest you just block, and move on with your day.
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pro-royalty · 3 months
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FLO x Megan thee Stallion
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angelofalls · 2 months
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[OC] - Stella Stomphauser
Another doodle of this queen and also updated her colors a bit.
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estir-esper · 6 months
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showtime yuri
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arcadekitten · 8 months
do you think lambchop feels bad about what he does? or does he enjoy upsetting stella?
Lambchop doesn't feel bad a lick! Upsetting Stella is his favorite thing to do! Some might even say he's trying to go pro
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nikiniluna · 4 months
“Jax Situation is similar to the Stella Situation”… Does it?
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The short answer is “No”
I do understand that, to a newer fan’s eyes, it might seem like it’s the same thing. So, as a Helluva Boss fan who accompanied the show ever since its pilot, I’ll give some clarity on the Stella Situation.
Stella is a character that exists since the pilot, but her actual first appearance in the series was in the second episode of season one
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In her very first scene, Octavia - Stolas and Stella’s daughter - had a nightmare and called her parents, but only Stolas went to see Octavia. This scene itself can’t be used a evidence to say “Stella is terrible” because this type of scene is used to convey the challenges of taking care of a child while needing to tend for own needs. We already seen characters telling their partner it’s “their turn” before and none of it was a sign of terribleness, just of being tired.
The next scene is in the present and it’s about Stella arguing with Stolas about him cheating on her with an imp.
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During the argument, Stella made a huge emphasis on the fact that it’s was with an imp - the second lowest race in hell - than on the infidelity itself. This implies that she cares for her reputation as noble and Stolas was putting it at risk, being the reason of her anger.
Her next and last appearance in season 1 (Since in episode 7 it was just a visual representation of her) was by the end of episode 5, when it was revealed that Striker - the hitman who tried to kill Stolas during the Harvest Moon Festival – was actually sent by Stella.
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During her phone call with Striker, Stella called Stolas a “Cheating Prick” which means his infidelity it’s what motivated her to hire a hitman. Adding to the fact that she displayed care for her reputation in episode 2, hiring Striker indirectly implied that she wants Stolas dead so he can’t get the chance to confirm his affair ever happened and therefore keep Stella’s image intact.
Season One on its own gave the audience the impression that Stella was power-hungry villain who believed her biases were correct and would put a stop on anyone or anything that could potentially destroy her image - even her own husband.
DAMN! Even a YouTuber who is known for making videos about Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel did a video during that time theorising about a scene of the-soon-to-be-released episode 7!
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This one ☝️
The YouTuber theorised that Stella left and took Octavia with her so Stolas would be all alone and Striker could finally kill without anyone on his way!
That was how she was popularly seen…
…and by now you know those scenes were all mixed messages.
On July 30th of 2022, it was released the first episode of season 2 and it was revealed the reason why Stella acted that way.
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“I like tormenting you”
That’s it. There was no reputation in line, she was doing it ‘cause “why not?”
And you might be thinking “And why people got so displeased?”.
It’s simple.
While for new fans it took at least two hours to have the mixed messages cleared, for the older fans it was NINETEEN MONTHS!
19 months of being put on the impression she was villain who cared about her reputation only for her to be a one dimensional antagonist whose sole purpose is to make Stolas more palatable.
And I know Medrano and her crew didn’t do it on malice, it was just not the best of character management.
And now let’s go to Jax:
Ever since the pilot, Jax is shown to be a jerk.
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Even to point of leaving Ragatha and Pomni behind when Kaufmo abstracted WITHOUT even bothering to call Caine to help them!
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So, when episode 2 aired, he wasn’t acting Out of Character, it was just that his jerkness had more highlights.
Jax Situation and Stella Situation are a lot different. Stella Situation was more of a “Mixed messages messed with the audience’s experience” while Jax Situation was more of a “Part of the audience expected Jax’s jerkness to be palatable”
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virtual-garden · 2 months
❦ A spiritual devotion to my lifestyle ❦
tw: romanticising of 3dn0s (i need it to hold on so please ignore & block me if it could affect you negatively to see that right now)
❦ ❇ ❈ ✾ ❦
You make me suffer but I can't get rid of you.
You make me insecure but I should learn from you.
From now on, I pledge allegiance to the appearance.
I will respect my body and never harm it in any ways.
I will practice body neutrality and never judge others solely based off of their appearance, for their body is merely a worldy vessel and our way to connect on this plane of existence.
I will practice body neutrality and nor envy nor disgust shall grow in my heart towards other people's bodies or mine.
I pledge to swim an hour a day. Everyday.
I pledge to consume no more and no less than 900 calories a day. Everyday.
I pledge to do intermittent fasting for a minimum of 12 hours a day. Everyday.
I will religiously and dutifully record the aforementioned information in my diary everyday, for my quest is a perpetual journey.
I pledge to abide by the words of this devotion, for they will lead me to a happier life.
I shall love and respect all creatures I encounter on my journey, including myself.
I will speak kindly to myself about things I cannot control, such as the mental illnesses I suffer from, for I have not chosen them but I shall respect them, for they are a part of me.
I devote my body to the permanent quest of perfection and health. I devote my soul to the never-ending quest of self-care, respect and choosing kindness in every moment.
This is the path I hereby choose. So be it.
Blessed be. ✾
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equinesandeducation · 2 years
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The absolute best evening imaginable 🙌🏻 journaling, wine and Kitty cuddles 🥰
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supernovaa-remnant · 10 months
a little over an hour until I can listen to the new album yippee
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littledemon55 · 6 months
All Hellaverse characters that I like are either underdeveloped, villainized, get no screen time or all three combined! 🥲
Verosika Mayday: underdeveloped & villainized (Because god forbid someone calling Blitz out on his bs)
Barbie Wire: all three combined (poor girl got cut from her own backstory scene)
Stella: all three combined (she's in the same situation as Stolass, but gets treated like she's the bad guy)
Sir Pentious: underdeveloped (he deserved to be so much more than to be the butt of the joke! Also we don't even know his backstory!)
Millie: underdeveloped (girl has so much untouched potential and it makes me sad)
Sallie May: underdeveloped & no screen time (and yet she gets lots of official merch were she's being oversexualized for having a bulge 💀)
Stricker: underdeveloped & villainized (Bro had a good point ya know! And he should've stayed how he was in Harvest Festival)
Notice how most of them are female? Are you seeing a pattern yet?
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Also, I tried to fix Verosika's design a bit, lemme know what you think :) (My version is the one on the right btw)
Fizzarolli: He should've stayed a f*cking robot who doesn't slur!!! 💀
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prof-ramses · 11 months
The part of HRM I've had the most fun developing
There's a particular part of Helluva Rewritten Musical that I've been thinking about more than any other. That being the sequence that focuses on Stella and Octavia's relationship and personal issues while their hiding out in Wrath.
Some of this I've only previously shared with @pinkandpurple360 , whose insights about HB's writing and general willingness to help me develop these ideas has been invaluable to HRM as a whole, and especially to this scene.
Bare in mind this is just an early outline, though I plan to keep the specific lines of dialogue as I'm really proud of it.
The sequence begins with Stella, Octavia and Striker entering a hideout Striker had prepared for the Goetia women while they were in hiding with him as their bodyguard. Towards the back of the stage there's a door slightly to the left and a couch slightly to the right.
Stella is very anxious as she recognized Blitz in an earlier scene and decides that for the remainder of their "exile" that she and Via have to disguise themselves as lower rank hellborns, something Octavia says she doesn't know how to do.
This revelation infuriates Stella as she lashes out in indignation that Via can't manifest a disguise, she says she'll explain it to Via later but that in the meantime, Striker has to find a succubus and off them for their asmodean crystal.
Striker nods and exits the scene.
Here Octavia reveals that she tried to learn on her own but couldn't get the hang of it and, due to his self-absorbed and neglectful nature, Stolas never actually helped her manifest a disguise, something Stella herself only learnt by watching her brother practice, as typically only a Goetia's heir is taught the skill.
Stella yells at Via that she needs a moment to collect her thoughts and that they'll back to the disguise talk later.
Stella then goes into another room in the hideout, something depicted with Stella walking through the door at the back of the stage as Via exits stage right, then Stella re-enters through the same door, representing her entering another room and the scene changing.
Here the show arrives at Stella's solo number, wherein she vents her frustration that she's never been listened to despite being a noble, during the song she comes to the realization she isn't frustrated that she hasn't been listened to, but that she's never had meaningful agency over what matters to her (her status, the respect of the Ars Goetia, etc...), except for her relationship with Via.
I've yet to come up with any satisfactory titles for Stella's song, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
After the song ends Stella decides that she has to smooth things over with Via. The scene changes in the same way as before, this time, while Stella is behind the door Via enters stage right, sitting down on the couch, frustrated trying to manifest a disguise. Her attempts are represented by brief moments of purple lighting illuminating her corner of the stage, that's when Stella enters and sit down next to her. The lights only illuminate there half of the stage.
The two talk about the frustration they've been suppressing for as long as they've been living with Stolas, which unfortunately for Via, includes her whole life up to that point, she also expresses anger at her mother and how distant she's been during the affair drama. This gets Stella emotional and prompts this exchange between them:
Stella: I just hope you can understand, Dear. All I've ever had is my place in the world, and now-now I've lost my own and cost you yours. * Stella rests her head in one of her hands as the other stays between her and Via on the couch* What could I ever have now? *Stella's voice is shaky and she clearly feels she's lost everything, she's on the verge of tears*
There's a moment of silence between the two
Octavia: *Takes hold of Stella's free hand and gently moves it over her chest* A place in my heart, mom. You'll always have that. *She lets go of her mother's hand but Stella holds in there for a moment before she slowly pulls it back*
Octavia starts leaning in for a hug but Stella quickly hugs her first, Via is surprised but than happy to finally see her mom feel something positive again.
The lights over the other half of the stage light up showing Striker holding the crystal he was sent to get, he's seen at least part of their exchange, and though he tries to hide it, has obviously been emotionally impacted by it himself.
Striker: I-uh-I ha- *His voice is noticeably warbly before he clears his throat* I have the crystal, ma'am. *He holds it up and pauses for a moment while processing the emotions brought on from seeing such a loving moment from people he'd dismissed as emotionally vacant and vapid husks up until that point* Jus' thought ya should know.
Stella thanks him but also makes a comment about how Via likely won't be using it very long. She than asks Via to remind her of what part of the disguise spell she was having trouble with.
The stage goes dark as everyone and everything is prepared for the next scene.
And that's where the scene stands for now. Really hope someone enjoys reading this as much as I did writing it, there's more HRM to come so keep your eyes peeled! And remember that I'm accepting asks about the project!
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pro-royalty · 7 months
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FLO x Walk Like This Music Video Lookbook
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angelofalls · 3 months
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[OC] Stella Stomphauser / Tyrus Titan She likes em' short and stocky.
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dia-oro · 1 year
A new snape outfit with so many bottoms
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I love his outfit and make my villagers look pretty cool so I make a new one the moment I could.
now I need to make one of Conrad Schuyler ad I be a peace.
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therollingstonys · 1 year
💋 do you have any guiltily pleasure ships that you really want to write for but are scared to?
Thank you for the ask anon!!
I can’t say there’s any ship that I’m scared to write because I don’t see any ship as intimidating or “wrong” or anything like that which might inspire fear for an author. I wholeheartedly believe in ship and let ship, KINKTOMATO and everything else that has always been fandom standards for encouraging people to write whatever they want without criticism or moral value being placed on it.
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