#pro stolitz
to those who were stolitz shippers from day one I salute you honestly bc I could not have survived three years of incessant bullshit from the annoying naysayers
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big-royal-chicken · 3 months
Reminder that this is a pro-Stolas/Stolitz blog.
I know my boy is flawed and that their relationship is going through the wringer. But I will not accept brainless bashing of how he’s a “wimpy demon lord” or a “whiny prick”.
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I love him and I will defend him.
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stupid-pig-came-home · 4 months
To the people who CONSTANTLY keep saying that Stolitz is bad, Stolitz is fan service, Stolitz is for the yaoi fangirls, Stolitz is this, Stolitz is that....
You do realize that the team has to write the scriptS plural FIRST, have the voice actors record their lines NEXT, and THEN the storyboard artists and the rough/clean up-animators and special effects artists get to do their part of the project with all the information and the material that they have, right, RIGHT?
And besides, Vivienne, Brandon, and Adam have to come to a SOLID AGREEMENT before anything actually gets recorded, or drawn, or animated.
So Stolitz is NOT happening because of creepy fangirls wanting to see two cute guys be together. Its just that FINALLY a fandom got a potential gay relationship becoming an actual loving couple within their series, and the "antis" and "haters" and "critics" are pissed off that their relationship is not being handled in a pure and squeaky clean manner,
or maybe it's because both are canonically male characters... (Blitz talks about his penis regularly, and Stolas was forced to get a woman pregnant and have a child. So yeah both are cis-male characters.) ...and that makes them icky gays, who fuck up their situations on the regular, and THE PEOPLE WHO HATE IT JUST CAN'T HAVE THAT, NO NO NO, the gays have to be perfect little cliches and stereotypes with little or no conflict or trauma, or serious problems in their lives because that makes GAY PEOPLE A LITTLE TOO REAL FOR THEM, A LITTLE TOO HUMAN FOR THEM IF YOU WILL.
So, yeah screw the "antis", "critics", and "haters" and all silly names that these people were labeled, I'm pro-stolitz coming together and working their shit out and becoming a loving couple and blending their family. 💕🖕🖕🖕🖕🦉🦎
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etherealabyss11037 · 3 months
To all my Stolitz Shippers and Haters out there, what’s your opinion on these two fuckidoodles?
They’ve got a lot of issues to work on, but I genuinely believe they can work it out and be happy together once they’ve resolved their personal problems and accept themselves enough to believe their feelings for each other are worthwhile.
2. I believe they could be a good couple, but I’m afraid they’ve got too many issues between them to ever be a healthy, functional couple together and are destined to be star crossed lovers.
3. Idk man, I don’t really care about Stolitz in general.
4. This ship was built on a toxic foundation, and I don’t know if they can proceed with a truly normal, loving relationship in part because of their mutual baggage and communication issues.
5. Blitzo and Stolas need to stop seeing each other and/or start seeing other people, because they simply can’t work in the state they’re in.
6. This is genuinely one of the most dysfunctional, messy ships I’ve seen and can’t understand why the show or fans what it to happen, because there’s nothing about this relationship worth salvaging.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
This episode just killing me... in the best way possible !
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oxfordsxbrogues · 5 months
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“Wait no not like that.”
OR: Results? To MY own self-sabotage? More likely than you’d think!
OR: I don’t CARE that the prophecy was self-fulfilling, I’m still angry about it! 😤
OR: Blitzø sweetie pie please go to therapy I know this great lady with a hotel where you do trust falls and talk about your feelings she’s like a block away from your office just pop in for thirty seconds please I’m begging you 🥺
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Yep, It's Just Practically Official The Makers Just See Octavia As Manipulative Emotional Tool To Make Stolas Look Good And Disregard Her When She Gets In The Way Of Their Treasured Ship
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This is supposed to be a joke, but in execution we all now Octavia at this point is just a tool to make Stolas look like a "good" dad when in practice he's putting Blitzo over her so much that it's not funny. Wasn't one of Octavia's fears is that her father will abandon her in order to pursue Blitzo.
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With that comment that Brandon Rogers did it just confirms to me that at this point they are putting Stolitz so much over everything else that yes even Octavia is seen as an obstacle even though a parent's child should be more important than their booty call. And the fandom and the creators prioritize the other way around.
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Seriously, in "Seeing Stars" we see him again neglect her when she wanted to keep his promise to see the stars. Also despite saying it's important to find her he slows down to watch his boy toy perform. In other words, he's all false words until next time when he breaks a promise or continues to be a lackluster dad. But we are supposed to give him slack because he's supposed to be trying hard or again invoking Stella in order to make him look good. Boy can barely do the bare minimum for his daughter without messing up and looking like a selfish pos.
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And people want to point to this line as a sign of how much he loves Octavia, but again like everything else it's emotional manipulative bs when you realize in practice he has all of the power and could more easily break up. Sure, it would have be a shock to a young child but since Octavia is born he could have just packed up and kicked her ass rather than wallow in his self-pity while finally getting with his imp toy. Stella was made an obstacle from the start so that we would feel less sorry when he was cheating on her with Blitzo. However, it gets less sympathetic when we see how it affects Octavia and it makes him come across as a selfish asshole. At first the first season was condemning them, but nope season 2 basically makes him sad misunderstood woobie who can't do no wrong including ignore his daughter in favor of focusing on Blitzo.
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It's funny that Loona isn't joked as an obstacle to Stolitz like Octavia is. It's probably because Octavia grew up with a married family and again doesn't like ramifications that come with the changes. One of them includes the fact that her father only pays attention to his crush while putting her on the backburner. And again despite the fandom saying Octavia and Blitzo would get along this joke panders to the idea that squashes it if Blitzo sees her as an obstacle to their relationship. And you know if it was the other way around Blitzo would be furious anyone would see Looney as an obstacle. And so would Stolas, but we know that in actual practice he would choose prioritizing Blitzo over his daughter and the narrative will say other wise.
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flower-boi16 · 3 months
Is it weird if I think Blitz has better chemistry with Fizz over Stolas?
Not at all. If anything I think Fizz and Blitz have more grounds for a compelling relationship than Blitz and Stolas. Two childhood friends who made amends after a traumatic incident split them apart and fell in love.
Granted the execution of them making amends in canon was poor but I’d take that over Stolitz any day. I’d rather have Blitz with Fizz than have him anywhere NEAR Stolas.
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justanotherbuggysimp · 2 months
I saw someone mention how Blitz is a better dad than Stolas and now that I really think about it, holy fuck is it ever true.
When his underage daughter goes MISSING in the human world he willfully wastes HOURS fucking around in the human world, even going to some stupid show for fucksakes and giggling like the brain dead moron he is at his boyfriends antics rather than look for her. For HOURS.
Whereas Blitz panicked in the SECONDS he couldn't find an adult Loona when they were in the human world together at the beach, and when he sees she's just talking to a guy he immediately steps in protectively. And the other time when she texts him when he is already exhausted and he IMMEDIATELY stops his own (infrequent) pity party (something Stolas LOVES throwing for himself constantly like every episode) to show up for Loona and once again protect her. He loves his daughter, he's imperfect but he is a WONDERFUL caring father for his adopted daughter.
So yeah, Blitz is a much better dad than Stolas and we see that constantly.
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littledemon55 · 2 months
Wow, they're doing "Anti Blitzø Parties" irl now... Why am I not surprised? Let me guess, they're all Swifties too? Always siding with the crazy bitch.
I never really liked Blitz, but now I do, just because he doesn't deserve the hate. Stolass does though.
Wanna have an Anti Stolass Party? 😁
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sinnersandoverlords · 3 months
I originally did not want to engage in any of this nonsense because I honestly believe that taking sides in a toxic relationship where both parties have repeatedly used each other for their own gain and have a lot of ongoing misunderstandings and miscommunication is pretty stupid. 
So I am gonna preface this with saying that I am neither „Team Blitz“ nor „Team Stolas“ and I do not hate any of them. Both Blitz and Stolas are inherently good people with flaws and issues due to their trauma, and that impacts all of their relationships. I think the narrative has been very clear on that, so idk where people get the idea from that one is the victim and one is the abuser in this situation.
They both are not innocent. Painting one as the abuser and one as the victim is disingenuous as they have both done objectively morally questionable shit.
But recently I have seen people shitting on Stolas so much and painting him as this awful abuser, even going so far as to call him the abusive party and the show adressing any faults Blitz has in this relationship as „victim blaming“.
So I really felt the need to adress this.
First of all:
„Sexual harassment“ – Please do look at the context of S2 ep 1. We are precisely told why Stolas acts the way he does. He believes that Blitz is into him behaving like a kinky bottom, and that Blitz wants him that way. That is why he acts the way he does.
Does that make it right?
No, but it is a matter of miscommunication rather than Stolas purposefully overstepping boundaries.
Once the Ozzie’s ep happens and Blitz confronts him about „Stolas only wanting him for sex“, his approach changes and he tones his aggressive flirting down a lot, as well as any pet names etc.
Yes, Stolas did things wrong.
He actively tried to mend things and do better.
Idk why people ignore that or call context and character development we have been given as „retcon“.
Then I have also seen some awful takes recently on how Stolas expected a relationship from Blitz and tried to manipulate him by offering him the Asmodean crystal.
Are we watching the same show, guys?
He gave him that Asmodean crystal WITHOUT EXPECTING ANYTHING in return precisely because he wanted to form a relationship free of any obligations/transactions where Blitz could make a choice to be with him or not.
The power imbalance. Yeah, the power imbalance with the whole Grimoire situation and also just in general have always been a problem, but that is what Stolas tried to better by giving Blitz the Asmodean crystal so that their relationship would not involve the livelihood of Blitz in any shape or form anymore.
Also I am a bit annoyed by people ignoring that the whole relationship started because Blitz tried to manipulate Stolas to steal from him. Doesn’t make the transactional relationship ok, but Blitz never started out as a completely innocent party in this whole deal either.
Could have Stolas communicated his reasoning to Blitz better and asked him if he even wanted the crystal in the first place? Sure, I am not saying that Stolas handled everything 100% perfectly.
But some people here go out of their way so much to paint Stolas as this malicious sexual abuser, ignoring context, how both parties share blame on the situation derailing like that due to miscommunication and misunderstandings.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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no offense but you cannot call stolitz toxic and ship an asexual man with the guy who has a psychosexual obsession with him, stalks him and is voyeuristic towards him in a creepy one-sided obsession where at least stolas and blitzo have a mutual agreement to their clusterfuck
And no you can't ship ch@rlastor and call Stolitz toxic either because Ch@rlastor is literally Jareth and Sarah from Labyrinth but without the pedophilia and twice the manipulation
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kawaiitail-chan · 3 months
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graylu-shipper · 10 months
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Yep, at this point it seems like there's way too much evidence for Blitzika to not take it over Viv's crappy writing... Let's see;
While she mindlessly pursued Stolitz, she also gave us:
Verosika possibly looking worried for Blitz as he falls out of the van in "Spring Broken"
Blitz's drag outfit in "C.H.E.R.U.B" having a very similar hairstyle to Verosika's human form with black lipstick and wearing pink (subconsciously thinking of Verosika?)
The hallucination where Verosika gets the closest to him out of all the antagonists and the only one who gives him tears in his eyes (I know people say that's a lighting effect but come on)
The calendar in "Seeing Stars" which shows that Blitz is still willing to have an image of Verosika in his office, even if he covers up her face with a poorly-drawn version of his own on a sticky note.
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wolfmaggot · 3 months
wow blitzo and stolas are both fucking weird now
imo fuck both of them i feel sympathy but like damn they arent good at all for eachother and everyone else it seems
only characters i can actually like now are moxxie, fizz, and asmodeous
it'll be fine in the end right? like there will be resolve? because damn
also stolitz should never get back together again (imo)
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blitzosicedcoffee · 6 days
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Chain of Fate
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