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prof-ramses · 1 year ago
The Stellon uprising will shortly begin!
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You'd better give him what he wants.
He's basically a god. I
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funkwitz · 11 months ago
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Commission for @garbagetwink01 :-)
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lucytsukii · 21 days ago
"I can cry.."
"My son.. I only saw him once, when he was born and I named him.. It was a little illusion, so I could finally get rid of that woman…
I already expected vulgar behavior from her… But mistreating him? The blood itself? I really underestimated her…
I'm really irritated right now.
Sorry, do your ears hurt? You don't need to listen to her anymore, come here, I'll cover them up... I'm here now, even if only after everything has already happened…
My son, Hitori… You endured all this, alone… I see it in your eyes, which stopped crying when you realized that no one was listening…
But I will hear and see you now… so my beloved son, you can cry."
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Well, Hitori spends years in this situation, until he grows up, like gods, they take thousands of years to grow up, but because of the survival situation, it only took him… a few centuries. Luciel really got angry that day. And he didn't let it go lightly.
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pathofregeneration · 2 years ago
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Anthony Stellon, Brotherhood Of Man (1968)
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The Teachings of the Adepts, part I
“As we dive into the ancient mysteries a new world opens before us. The more we begin to understand the language of the Adepts, the more grows our respect for their wisdom. The more we become able to grasp their ideas, the more grows our conception of man. The anatomy, physiology, and psychology which they teach make of man something immeasurably greater than the puny and impotent being known to modern science as a compound of bones, muscles, and nerves.
Modern science attempts to prove that man is an animal; the teachings of the Adepts show that he may be be a god. Modern science invests him with the power to lift his own weight; ancient science invests him with the power to control the destiny of the world. Modern science allows him to live for a very limited number of years; ancient science teaches that he has always existed, and will never cease to exist if he desires to live. Modern science deals with the instrument that the real man uses as long and as often as he comes into relationship with the world of phenomena, and she mistakes that instrument for the man; the Adepts show us the true nature of the essential man, to whom one earthly existence is nothing more than one of the many incidents of his eternal career.”
— Franz Hartmann, The Life of Paracelsus
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prof-ramses · 1 year ago
You fool! You released my brainrot about them! Now you must bare all these cute ideas!
Stella spent two and a half decades with a man she can't stand and who can't stand her, this combined with her daughter becoming closed off means it's been a long while since Stella felt genuine affection. Why am I bringing this up? Because we all know that Mam is touch-starved, there is no way in Heaven he is not spending every available moment reminding his swan that she's the most perfect demon ever, this would be doubly significant for them since Mammon's primary love language is 100% touch. Hugs, kisses, nuzzles, gently stroking her hair, every imaginable way someone could appreciate Stella's body and general presence is something Mammon does. Including in the bedroom ;)
Matching. Outfits. So many of them! Stella gets at least as many as Mammon has, same shade of green but with her white and pink accenting it, instead of Mam's black and yellow. If she complains about a given outfit even once the finest tailors Greed has to offer are already at the palace doors and the ones who originally made it just so happen to get dead in an accident with some "faulty wiring".
Since the Sins generally have a less formal and up-tight life style than the Goetic nobility it takes some time for Via and especially Stella to adjust, this actually helps the two bond more as Stella finally feels comfortable enough to let herself actually explore those slight "peasant" interests that have been piling up in the back of her mind her whole life.
Mammon becomes an honorary member of The Gossip Girls(tm) with Stella and her two besties. (Wish someone would make some fan content that expands on those two BTW) Because you just know he has tea to spill.
Via is pleasantly surprised when Mammon first tries to bond with her because, unlike Stol-ass, he comes clean that he doesn't really understand teens and is willing to let her explore her interests and join in on any they happen to share. Initially, as part of his father complex denial, Mam tells himself he's doing it for Stella's sake, but eventually finds himself genuinely having fun with Octavia and soon he's as protective of her as he is of Stella. And yes, he does teach Via how to FUCKING SHRED!
When Mam and Stella eventually get married it's Hell's biggest event in well over two centuries. All of Greed turns into a massive parade celebrating their new queen for at least two full days. No sounds of gunfire, no one getting mugged in allies over 5 souls, no one typing away at new adds for their pyramid schemes, just a celebration of seemingly impossible love.
The actual wedding itself ends up being the biggest non-business expense in Greed's history, every single person involved in the reception is handpicked by Mammon to make sure every single aspect is perfect.
And closing off with some Stol-ass hate: He basically becomes a hermit for a week after the wedding, trying to act like he doesn't care. He does, he so fucking does. To his surprise, he gets a card a few days later, It's a photo of Stella and Mammon kissing at the altar, Mam is holding her in his lower arms while one of his upper arms strokes her hair, she's caressing his cheek. They're both flipping the camera off with their free hand. Stolas turns the card around to see this message written on the back:" I would say sorry, but you don't deserve it. -O".
Mammon x Stella is so fuckin cute, neither of them have to budge even a little from how evil and despicable they are. But they can just be cute together and evil in their own little world
Plus the stepdad thing and Vias rant about corporate shame I saw in one of Chai’s anons makes it even better
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abr · 3 months ago
In #Romania hanno annullato le elezioni perché su TikTok gli account siberiani Matrioska83 e Sputnik8544 sostenevano il candidato filorusso. Tra vent'anni se lo raccontate ai vostri nipoti si mettono a ridere.
via https://x.com/_GrayDorian/status/1865156706558197927
Le risate dei vostri nonni OGGI: sessant'anni fa, in piena Guerra Fredda e coi carri armati dallo stellone rosso sul Danubio non sul Dniepr, battevano il PCI pompato al 33%.
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mik-mania · 1 year ago
(Content warning: religion, cults)
Google Docs
Characters: Safron Zergaz, Zaros Stellon, Leyraa Azubah
(Leyraa -> @windy-trickster)
Your name is Safron Zurgaz, and, for the first time in your stay at the House, you feel trapped.
Daily life has continued as usual. While you’d been asked a minimal amount of questions regarding Leyraa’s sudden disappearance, they had been of a tame manner. What had the two of you talked about? Had Leyraa been acting strange prior to her disappearance? Did Leyraa ever say anything that may have indicated she was planning on leaving?
Your answers were easily verifiable via the security cams the Church had variously stationed throughout the House. It helped that you’d never exactly been assigned to Leyraa either, per se, so you were never in charge of her whereabouts or what she did, especially seeing as she was a rank higher than you were. You’d been given… certain relevant information, of course. It had been given to all the other authorities in your sect, solely so those of you who interacted with her knew to be careful.
She’d had a troubled past, Deacon Zarios had said. It’s best if you avoid mentioning her past at all. At her request, we’ve wiped her memories. Help her start her new life here, Safron. Keep her from making the same mistakes that brought her here. You, of all people, should be able to understand.
You ended up seeing a lot of Leyraa. Working together through daily mass, becoming familiar with how the other preferred to do things. You inadvertently helped train Leyraa, seemingly the one person she was more comfortable with asking questions. Eventually, you began to see more of each other. In your free time, you would find yourself idling nearby wherever she happened to be, and vice versa. You would converse about small things at first, joking about the “weather” and commenting on different constellations that would be visible soon.
Zarios seemed to pick up on your budding relationship with Leyraa. One time, after daily mass, Zarios held you behind while the Proxies and other Disciples left to clean up the chapel. With a warm smile, he lightheartedly inquired about how things were going for the two of you. You didn’t think anything of it at the time—Deacon Zarios was known for personally checking in on people; it was one of his many traits that had earned him his title as a clergyman. You were honest with the man. You believed that you and Leyraa would become good friends, having had several friendly conversations since Leyraa’s arrival.
Can I confide in you for a moment, Safron? The Deacon’s expression had turned serious, sending tiny pinpricks across your skin. You consented.
I think you’re doing outstanding work, he began, especially with Leyraa. It seems you’ve really made her feel welcome here.
The Deacon paused, a contemplating look on his face. Then, a smile, as if the answer had unfolded itself before him. You may have sensed this already, but Leyraa is special. The world she’s left behind is entirely different than the one you or I came from—under any other circumstances, providing her with an amnesiac would have been out of the question. You understand that, don’t you?
You nodded. It went without saying, or so you had thought. While the Church taught the value of balance in one’s life, emphasis was always placed on one’s own free will—the decision to continue to forge one’s new life instead of returning to the old, the decision to stay here in the House. It was taught that every troll in the House had come here of their own volition. So, in your mind, it followed that despite Leyraa’s amnesia, she had ultimately chosen this life for reasons unknown to you.
Leyraa’s prying into your own past hadn’t been much of a surprise—she’d been curious from the very moment you’d met her. While Zarios warned you to avoid mentioning her past, he’d said nothing about your own. It wasn’t against Church mandate to speak about one’s past. It was encouraged by the Church, in fact, comparisons between the trolls you are now and the trolls you used to be called upon in daily mass. Leyraa had been interested enough, so you told her how you used to be a street urchin, conning others for no other reason than to Obtain.
She pointed to the belief that you were only doing what you had to survive. You had shaken your head, relapsing into Disciple mode where you explained that Survival had been your excuse for sinning—for Obtaining. A troll needed not what you had sought. Leyraa seemed to grasp the concept, although there was a slightly opaque look to her eyes, giving you the feeling that she didn’t entirely agree. You’d shrugged it off at the time. Nobody started off as a total believer. It was something that grew with practice.
As for your coming to the House, you’d explained to Leyraa that after being caught with illicit substances for the last time, you’d been sentenced to an execution of sorts. On Eclipta, the far-off gray planet that orbited in the distance, you were legally dead, never to return. Two Spectres arrived at your holding cell to escort you, and you’d been terrified at the time. How odd it was, to look back at when you first arrived and remember how utterly confused and scared you had been. Disbelieving, even, that somebody such as yourself would be sent to a haven like this, where you were treated not as a criminal, but as a living being.
A period of silence seemed to envelop the two of you at that point as you wistfully reflected on your journey to who you’d become. Amid your own thoughts, you had noticed Leyraa become interested in the adjacent window. She gazed out into the stars thoughtfully, her eyes darting back and forth as if searching for something. It had been nice, you remember. Just sitting together quietly and staring out into infinite space.
Had that been the beginning, you wonder? Thinking back, you struggle to pinpoint exactly what transpired, what specific thought you’d had, or action you’d committed that must have eventually snowballed into the agonizing claustrophobia you feel today. Not too long ago–barely a month before Leyraa had disappeared, it must have been–you remember having had inklings of this feeling. It seemed like Leyraa had entered something of an absent mood as of late. She would fail to respond immediately, often needing to be called multiple times to gather her attention. Even when alone together, you’d felt as if she were miles away in her own thoughts.
“How come I’m not allowed to leave?” she blurted suddenly. It had taken you by surprise, as your mind had currently been fixated on which flowers you wanted to put out for mass the next day. You asked Leyraa to repeat herself, which she did.
Your answer was automatic: of course she was free to leave. All members were free to leave if they wished. It was something you’d grown so used to hearing that the phraseology was unconscious.
“How come nobody ever leaves?” she responded.
That was an easy one: everyone was happy here. You disliked how her question, and your answer, made your stomach knot up.
“Then,” Leyraa finally cast her eyes onto you. “What if I’m not happy here?”
How her eyebrows pinched and how her eyes searched yours did something to you. And for once, you didn’t have the answer. You’d opened your mouth automatically to reply, then hesitated, and finally shut it again, sitting silently at a loss for what to say.
Something firmed up in Leyraa’s face. She cast her eyes away, back out to the starry window view, her lips pressed thin. She gave an imperceptible nod, as if to herself, sighing as if something great weighed on her shoulders. For the first time in a long time, you didn’t know what to say. So, like you had done many times before, you sat together in silence, star-gazing through the window. Except this time, it felt like a dark shadow loomed over you, just barely outside your cognizance.
Only a week or two passed between then and the next conference between you and Zarios. Looking back, maybe you had been a little moodier than usual. You hadn’t realized it at the time, but it was possible that something shadowed your conscience, slowly eating away through your nerves. On the surface, nothing had changed between you and Leyraa. What, if anything, did actually change, you still honestly can’t say. All you know is you were feeling… different. And Zarios noticed.
Safron, Deacon Zarios had addressed you. It was difficult to know whether the things Zarios did were intentional on his behalf—had he been searching for you specifically? Or did he just so happen to be passing by you in the hallway, you on your way to the library, and him on his way to… somewhere else? By the tone of his voice, you understood he wished to speak and acquiesced to follow him into a nearby empty lounge room.
How are things? Zarios had asked you. You recall admitting to him that you weren’t feeling well lately, that perhaps you needed to rework your sleep schedule or find more time during the day to rest. Zarios had nodded in understanding. These things are sent to try us.
A vague answer that you never really knew how to respond to. Zarios was silent for a moment before continuing.
How is your relationship with Leyraa coming along?
Again, you were honest. You were worried about her. Of course, you’d had a bit of trouble acclimating to The House when you first joined, but you couldn’t recall ever having felt as lost as Leyraa seemed to be feeling. Zarios nodded comprehendingly, gazing into your eyes with his three. You hesitated, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, sensing that you were holding something back as clearly as if you had been holding your own breath.
You gave in easily. You asked if anybody had ever left the House—had anyone ever been so unhappy as to do so? Zarios gave you a pitying look that stirred something dark in your stomach.
No, sweet child. I take it you have reason for asking this… Has something been troubling you, Safron?
You bit your lip, then explained that you had been thinking about Leyraa when you asked. You wondered about her free will. Was it right to keep her bound to her original desires when she was no longer that person? Did she have the freedom to leave as the rest of the Church did?
Zarios seemed to contemplate your inquiries seriously. He didn’t respond for several minutes. Finally, when he did respond, he folded his hands over yours, his warm skin radiant against your own.
I have not been wholly forthcoming with you, Safron. I beg of your forgiveness.
You replied with your forgiveness automatically, without needing to think about it. He nodded.
We all are sinners, Safron. We all have our own burdens to shoulder, and Leyraa is no different. However, Leyraa is—was—a killer.
You recall trying to imagine sweet, innocent-faced Leyraa as anything but the person you knew her as. She could be sassy, and she had her moods, but you’ve never been able to imagine her as anything malevolent or malicious. Your bemusement must have shown clearly on your face because Zarios then kindly smiled.
She was a unique kind of killer, Zarios continued. Hired by the empire to commit specific acts of murder.
You had done your best to follow the sentiment but still felt lost. Confused, you questioned what it was that had brought her to the House, then. Had she changed her mind about how she had been living?
Fate brought her to us as it did for you, Zarios replied cryptically. His face softened with amusement at the sight of your furthered confusion. Her own actions led her here. For her own protection, we aided her transition to living here with an amnesiac. As you are on Eclipta, she, too, is considered legally dead.
Your head swam at his words. Thinking back now, your mind still reels at the revelation. At the time, despite the gnawing pit in your stomach, Zarios’ tone had been so matter-of-fact that, even if you didn’t see it, you believed there had been perfect logic and reasoning for what happened to Leyraa.
And then the emergency alarms, just a week later, waking you from your slumber. Red and white lights strobing from the fire alarm above your front door. Hazily, you had stumbled from your bed, fumbling with the tie of your robe and tripping over yourself in your haste to leave the room. Opening the door, something paper had crunched and rustled. Distracted by the alarm, you almost didn’t stop to inspect it, but a glimpse of glittery, purple gel pen writing on a sheet of paper stopped you.
Her letter still resonates in your mind. Even though you instinctively burned the paper to ash immediately after reading it, the contents still turn over and over inside your skull. Accusations, regret, sorrow, bitterness, all blind-siding you before the discovery of the missing escape pod—what had triggered the emergency alarms in the first place.
You sit on the edge of your bed. Zarios has given you the week off despite your protests that you’re perfectly fine to work. You need the work, something to distract you from the hurricane of emotions inside of you. You actually pleaded with the man, but he was firm.
I want you to reflect, Zarios instructed you. You’ve lost someone dear to you, and none of us have answers. The best thing for your mind right now is rest and reflection.
You disagreed, but you couldn’t very well just ignore the Deacon. When your meeting ended and you’d trudged to the door, Zarios stopped you at the last second.
Consider, Zarios began, the possibility of promotion. Perhaps you’ve outgrown your duties as a Disciple.
The Deacon smiled warmly at your blank stare.
Just a thought. We can discuss it next week once you’ve thought it over.
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hotnew-pt · 4 months ago
Vis Pesaro-Ascoli 1-1, o habitual Corazza in extremis evita a oitava eliminatória da temporada: no clássico vem o quarto empate consecutivo #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News FUTEBOL – Piada evitada no final para os cerca de 600 torcedores da Juventus nas arquibancadas do “Benelli”. Il Picchio, com dez homens no vermelho contra Tavcar, recupera com um pênalti de “Joker” após a vantagem vermelha e branca de Cannavò. Banho frio para a ex-Stellone 15 de novembro de 2024 – 20h14 … De Salvatore Mastropietro Mais do que o regresso à tão esperada vitória, tudo…
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delectablywaywardbeard-blog · 11 months ago
Stellone: "Toro, hai il destino in mano. La Conference è possibile"
«Questo Toro può farcela a conquistare un posto in Conference. La qualificazione è possibile: da oggi inizia un minitorneo di 6 giornate nel quale i granata si giocheranno gli ultimi posti per le Coppe con Napoli, Lazio, Fiorentina e Monza. La squadra di Juric ha il destino in mano e considerati i vari scontri diretti i 4 punti di distacco dalla zona Coppe sono recuperabili». Parola di Roberto…
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claudiodangelo59 · 1 year ago
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Buon compleanno Stellette!
Oggi, centocinquanta anni fa con Regio Decreto le Stellette vennero uniformate per “tutte le persone soggette alla giurisdizione militare”.
Tutti i militari quindi
“porteranno come segno caratteristico della divisa militare comune all’Esercito e all’Armata (la Regia Marina) le stellette a cinque punte sul bavero dell’abito della rispettiva divisa".
Così le Stellette, prima semplice ornamento, diventavano segno distintivo dei militari in servizio, di qualsiasi grado e corpo.
Nella tradizione Risorgimentale la stella (o meglio lo Stellone) doveva indicare ai patrioti il cammino da seguire, forse anche da qui l’origine del simbolo.
La stella compare tutt’oggi nel simbolo della nostra Repubblica.
Usiamo le parole di Giovannino Guareschi per raccontare ancora un po’ su questo Simbolo Patrio:
“E quando un soldato italiano muore, il suo corpo rimane aggrappato alla terra, ma le stelle della sua giubba si staccano e salgono in cielo ad aumentare di due piccole gemme il firmamento. Per questo, forse, il nostro cielo è il più stellato del mondo.
Le stellette che noi portiamo non rappresentano soltanto "la disciplina di noi soldà", ma rappresentano le sofferenze e i dolori miei, di mio padre, dei miei figli e dei miei fratelli.
Per questo le amo come parte di me stesso, e con esse voglio ritornare alla mia terra e al mio cielo".
Diario Clandestino 1943-45; p. 92”
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cerentari · 1 year ago
... e lo stellone sta a guardare 521
Lo ricordate Prigo? Quattro mesi orsono sembrò avere in mano la Russia, stava andando a prendere putino, l’uomo con cui aveva condiviso l’infanzia a San Pietroburgo ex Leningrado a ciapà i ratt ppè magnà. In qualche agiografia però si dice che entrambi lavoravano per l’impresa di derattizzazione Deratt. A metà strada decise di tornare indietro perché putino gli telefonò per dirgli che era ancora…
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rollercoaster59 · 2 years ago
That station stellone,
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k-star-holic · 2 years ago
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Ma Dong-Seok "has to be rehabilitated for life for injuries...active like Silver Star Stellon"
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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kikkofindaeas · 2 years ago
Erba Trinità - Petacciòlo - Diaconella - Ingrassabue - Stellone zale - Avorno - Marrugghiu - Fojola - Lapazio - Riganeddu - Menta
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lucytsukii · 22 days ago
"If I had seen him before…"
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Mephisto: Hahaha! Again?! This way they will end up soaking Tet!
Hashi: You who are slow, it's your fault~
Hitori: If his aim was better, he could have predicted that we would hide behind T and hit us sooner!
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Mephisto: Hahaha! By the way, let's Tet! You can't take everything for them! I know you're the big brother, but sometimes, you won't be able to stop it!
Tet: Haha... I know... But I'll try…
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Here it is! Happy Hitori! By the way, Tet was the one who discovered what happened to Hitori, and who warned their father about rescuing him, but even so, Tet knows it took a while. And yes, this drawing is a "What if" XD
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nofatclips-home · 4 years ago
D-Day by Thomas Silver - Video by Andrea Poli Dirolan featuring Lindsay Kemp
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