Harold of Andraste
433 posts
Megs / They/Them / Canada Reusing my old main blogs name and making it into a Dragon Age sideblog. :3c
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nugromancer · 1 month ago
The bioware news today sucks so much ass (to put it mildly), but noah caldwell-gervais put out a da restrospective of all the games and it is very good and made me a little nostalgic for da:o and sten (🫡)
I don't think I'm strong enough for a six-hour retrospect 🥲 But I'll definitely check it out sometime it looks great
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nugromancer · 1 month ago
In recent days the Dragon Age Keep appeared to be down for maintenance or perhaps as it was experiencing an error. (at that time I also couldn't access it). it now seems to be back up again, I can log in okay like usual. ◕‿◕
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nugromancer · 2 months ago
Different ways to determine your Canon for Dragon Age:
Your First/Blind playthrough: you don't know what you're doing and you're going to fuck up in the most delicious ways.
Your Perfect playthrough: You do understand what you're doing and get the results you actually want.
Your Favourite PC: Similar to 2 except your player character is your Blorbo and they're the one who dictates what happens, no matter the consequences.
[NEW!] Whatever's left on the Dragon Age Keep now that it's been shut down. 🚬
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
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my tuoy,,
screenshot by @nadas-dirthalen from part 3 of their Solas theory crafting series
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
This has been sitting in my drafts for ages I straight up couldn't remember where I got it from THANK YOU AND I'M SORRY 🙏😭
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my tuoy,,
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
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my tuoy,,
screenshot by @nadas-dirthalen from part 3 of their Solas theory crafting series
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Tumblr Fandom Stats
Following the release of Bioware's official player choice stats, I'm curious to see how the Tumblr fandom measures up. This Google Form contains all the questions from the official stat graphics, as well as a few that were not included that I'm personally curious about.
This form contains major endgame spoilers. Do not click the link until you've finished the game.
Please only fill it out once per Rook, but if you have multiple Rooks feel free to fill it out for each of them! Live stats will be available for you to view once you've submitted the form. This form does not collect your email address. I will release a breakdown of the final results on my blog at a later date!
Thank you in advance for your participation, please reblog for reach!
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
Opened veilguard cc standalone. Accidentally set quality to ultra. Crash the game. Game won't open bc my computer can't handle the quality. There's no option to configure settings outside of game.
I've fucked around with memory shit in windows then open in compatability mode. The game didn't crash!! At least until it got 11.93% the way through compiling shaders, then I got the same crash report.
Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't help bc (I think) all my previous settings keep getting backed up somewhere. 🙃
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
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Dropping this as an example and leaving out any names - so please don’t go and start an argument with these people or harass anyone. It’s not why I'm writing this, it gives them more attention, and there is no room for an actual conversation.
But, to my point! I am starting to believe that people online aren’t always shitheads on purpose. They are seriously lacking reading comprehension and that is absolutely terrifying.
In this one example the dev has not said any of the things they are being accused of. Let me break this down a bit.
Starting with the Bellara statement - the answer literally says Bellara is the most knowledgeable when it comes to elven magic EXCEPT compared to the elven gods. And even then, it’s prefaced by two things: 1. PROBABLY, which is used to show that it’s not a certainty and that there's a high chance there are others around the world (let’s saaay... people like Merrill), but they are not within reach so it's inconsequential. And 2. ‘Bellara ASSUMES’, which implies she doesn’t actually hold the totality of knowledge. The game shows again and again that she is in the process of learning through experimenting and nothing in this answer contradicts that. Additionally, literally during the game, Bellara has access to Solas���s ancient library at the Lighthouse AND an ancient archive of knowledge. Basically she has MANUALS on ancient magic from the very people that practiced it.
2. ‘Evanuris don’t understand magic’ - again the answer never said that. What it conveyed was that the Evanuris had access to magic and found ways to make it work for them. It was a tool, much like electricity: we didn’t invent it, it is a phenomenon we learnt to turn into power and use. The game kept reminding everyone again and again that the Evanuris weren’t gods, just powerful mages and Epler’s answer just reaffirmed that. (Plus this is something previous games have also hinted at repeatedly). The Elven Gods didn’t invent magic, and much like everyone else in Thedas, after they tapped into that force they started applying it in ways they were able to understand. Solas himself (the voice the devs created to tell a story) said that in so many ways throughout the game, so why are people acting like this is the first time they're hearing about it??
Anyway, this is just me taking the time to analyze one of the many absolutely mind-boggling takes that exist out there, and there’s… a lot of them. These people should just put the phone down and open a book.
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
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So – on the one hand: yes, this is absolutely serious. A Blight is an apocalypse, and I don't want to downplay how horrifying the arrival of an Archdemon is.
Specifically, in context, Ghilan'nain screeching at the Grey Wardens that she has brought Blight and an Archdemon is pretty funny. Yes, they know. They could probably sense that thing 20 miles away. And they are, in fact, Thedas's foremost Archdemon-killing specialists. They have five notches on their collective belts so far.
She brought her big supervillain speech to the one group of people who are likely to respond by sighing and going "Well, back to work I guess."
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
Using the hotel wifi to download the veilguard cc so i can play with it later tonight (checked it after 2 hours and it was only at 75% lmao)
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
Happy Dragon Age Day 2024!
Today we want to thank all of our fans who make this community so special - and we have some fun things to share with you:
⚔️ A standalone, free version of the Character Creator on all platforms! ⚔️ New commemorative art ⚔️ An in-game cosmetic gift
Discover all this and more in our blog!
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
We really did beat the elven gods with the power of friendship and also this knife we found
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
So funny to me that when Harding tells you that Leliana once offered her a nug out of the blue
Most Rooks just go "??? why tho"
But a dwarf Rook is immediately like "ugh if I had a copper for every time someone just assumed that I eat nug 🙄" and Lace has to clarify that Leliana did not, in fact, racially stereotype her, she's just like that about nugs
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
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nugromancer · 3 months ago
Why Dragon Age Veilguard isn't a "Cathedral"
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Concept art by Matt Rhodes
"To disinherit the storylines of past games goes directly against the notion of building cathedrals."
What is inherent with Veilguard that keeps bothering me is the fact that the world's choices truly didn't matter--and it doesn't simply bother me from a player perspective, it's not simply a grievance borne of frustration to what I (as a longtime fan) have lost. It's about the very culture of the arts under capitalism's new media habituation cycle [x][x].
Yes, I spent hours of my life playing and replaying each instalment of Dragon Age. Yes, I painstakingly curated a 'canon' world state by replaying what came before in preparation for Veilguard. Yes, I am even more unsatisfied with the end product--time hasn't helped, it's just widened the divide. But, and I can't stress this enough, these very personal gripes aren't what hit home the most. It's the inherent disregard of legacy. A legacy that the previous writers and game developers were building towards.
In the DAV artbook, "cathedral" is the word used to describe the process of making a game. Matt Rhodes' exact words are: "One artist can make a painting, but it takes a team to build a cathedral." Cathedrals took centuries to build. The architect who drafted the first blueprints would likely never see his work realised, he had to rely on those who came after him, like-minded and passionate, to see it through--for the culture, for the future, for legacy. Painters took on several apprentices for this reason too--giant frescoes were not completed by one man's hand, even if it is one man's name that immortalises them. Similarly, if you weave a narrative around choice, what good does it do to take it away at the final act if not to fall to caricature?
To disinherit the storylines of past games goes directly against the notion of building cathedrals.
Late-stage capitalism and profit-margin-obsessed game producers forcing developers to churn out meager content, to make a known brand into something it's not, to chase a fad or a popular trend... o, how reductive and cliche you've been forced to become Bioware. We have lost the cultural thought patterns relative to Cathedrals. We know only of barn-raised churches--done in a day but unlikely to last the turn of the seasons.
And don't even get me started on the music of Veilguard either. From Origins to World of Warcraft to Everquest to Baldur's Gate to Dungeon Siege, you can hear the intricate interconnected weave of sounds inspired by the Dungeons and Dragons-esque fantasy genre. You hear it in the repeated use of certain instruments, in the harmonic weeping notes of a bard-like singer or the foreboding echoes of drums as if of war. In tavern songs. But then, rather than hire someone who loves these worlds and this genre, who is a hungry artist looking to make a name, a legacy if you will, for themselves with a spectacular score, you hire any already sated composer, one well-into the encroaching years of career fatigue, whose notes repeat in countless projects, who feels less concise and more uninterested with each new project. One who has long since cemented his legacy. Someone in it for a paycheck and nothing else! And, to top it off, you let him compose something so minimalist? I am offended actually.
Cathedrals! We should have witnessed the final tile being placed on the Dragon Age cathedral. Instead, some architects walked up, tore down the interior and installed IKEA furniture and called it authentic before having to call the previous architects to come and fix the "load-bearing issues", forcing them to rush and add a coat of varnish and a few 'aged' details for authenticity.
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