#pro consent
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bunnieonherknees · 2 months ago
ruin my favorite songs by playing them in the background while you torture me. make me bandage my wounds with cloth of my favorite colors. turn my most cherished things in life into reminders of how damaged ive become.
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cozmo-system · 3 months ago
Reminder for pedos: CP is a crime, even drawn CP. If you make it, its a federal felony. Posess it? Another federal felony. Send it to someone else? Another federal felony. Have fun with 5-20 yrs in prison as a first time offender.
(we will go off the usa law since thats where we live)
first off, its not “cp” calling it porn implies consent which children cant do, its CSEM. second, you cannot exploit a fictional character. if the drawing is of a real life child then you have a case, not if its Deku from My Hero Academia.
and third, pedophilia doesn’t mean you’re going to abuse a child, just that you have a paraphilia and should get the proper treatment if you’re struggling
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y4nderetard · 3 months ago
para4para and rq4rq relationships >>>>
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mynameisuranus · 2 months ago
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Pro-Contactball, Anti-Contantball, Nuetral-contactball,Pro-consentball, Complex Contactball, Recipro Contactball, and mirror contactball
( I'm fluid between being Completly anti-contact, Nuetral contact(anti leaning), and mirror contact. i did this for fun)
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nyannyannyanx3 · 2 months ago
No matter how you feel how you look, you should never ever post sexual pictures of yourself ANYWHERE if you are not above the age of 18.
That includes group chats, servers, conversations, anything. You are a minor and will likely get you and others in trouble. It doesn't matter if it's "just a thigh pic", or "just a nipple pic" or anything. Don't do jack shit for anybody else on the internet, too, except for yourself.
Nude pictures sent to private or public places can and have been commonly used to blackmail people. Only let your spouse look at your naked body in real life, do not let them take pictures or try to get you into the public whilst you're naked (this is a crime by the way).
It doesn't matter if you're an AAM, or "transage" yet bodily under 18. You are a child. Just because you don't "feel bad", or "feel abused", doesn't mean you arent or won't get into trouble.
please read under cut
If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are:
being harassed/bullying for not sending nudes OR for having your nudes be "too bad", forced to give nudes, being blackmailed via nudes, being forced to do sexual things, being mentally, physically, or emotionally harmed sexually
800-656-HOPE (4673) (GLOBAL, if you or somebody you know is being sexually assaulted or harassed or has been)
998 (GLOBAL, general free counseling/therapy services)
800-950-NAMI (6264) (GLOBAL, also general free counseling/therapy services)
800-799-SAFE (7233) (GLOBAL, general domestic violence)
855-4VICTIM (84-2846) (GLOBAL, text/call this number to find out which hotline would be the best for you)
You can also easily find hotlines specifically for your state or country by searching it up. Do not go to a friend or family member to talk about your abuse, as it can bring up risks, especially if they have any sort of connection to your abuser or plainly just doubt you. Unless you are 100%, and I mean 100%, — where they wouldn't tell ANYBODY if you dropped a piece of bread is a guaranteed chance of happening in every universe — speak to them to vent.
Remember: you are not weak for reaching out, you are not weak for being a child, you are not weak for being an adult, you are not weak for not reaching out before, your mental stability, problems, and situations do not dictate whether or not you're weak. You are strong JUST for living another day.
Stay safe.
Message me on this account if you want to vent. Keep in mind that I am also a minor. I won't hesitate to block you if you seem sketchy.
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polycoins · 3 months ago
  🪙 transobsession
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transobsession: a term for a transexperience where one identifies as being someone's obsession. this can be the desire to have an obsessive lover, or to have an obsessive bully, or being a BPD person's FP, or being a being a transobesssed's obsession.
a flag for anyone.
🍥original flag coined by @ kiraqueer
[image id: a flag wih 9 evenly sized horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom in mimi pink, baby pink, blush, rose, black, rose, blush, baby pink, and mimi pink. /end id]
  📥 requests open!   🔗 hd vector
🧺——— vectored by red bishop council
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ravenouscanine · 2 months ago
Please like/reblog/comment this if I can go in your DMs
I really need rad queer friends but I'm too nervous to make the first move
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way2manyusernamez · 2 months ago
A collection of terms that are a combination of anti contact, anti abuse, pro para, and/or pro transID
eicio anti c symbol
transID flag/symbol remake (for anti-c’s, and to be separate from radqueer)
anti c flag (found from this post)
anti c para radqueer
Other blankqueers:
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toddlerqueer, dangoqueer, capybaraqueer, breakqueer, Diverreli-Queer, meerqueer, lycanqueer, circinusqueer, flutterqueer/lepidian, nursequeer, gamezqueer, tricksterqueer, deathslingerqueer, crossqueer, indicaqueer, sativaqueer, hybridqueer, undertalequeer/UTqueer, THCQueer, vampire radqueer / vampqueer, radiantqueer, tavernqueer, paroqueer, paraqueer, parafreak, omnifreak
edit: holocreep too!
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monster-lover-pride · 16 days ago
Anyone have ocs me and the moots can obsess over?
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rainbowcandy-u · 1 month ago
Reach out and touch faith.
BASICS: chrono22. nonbinary transmasc. queer. mentally ill. puphandicap. disabledfreak. pettoist. anonyqueer / loliqueer. more info here.
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NAMES : maverick. saint. mortis. revenant. necro. sacrament. malice. lain. puppy.
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PRNS : he / him. it / its. gore / gores. doll / dolls. hy / hymn. [neopronouns relating to horror, gore, nonhumanity, etc is also fine.]
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TITLES / ADJ. : the one covered in guts. the sickening thing. he who is lonely. it who stays inside. the abandoned mutt. he who has been muzzled. he who explodes. the boy covered in bruises. he who rots. the ill one. the one behind your screen. the unfortunate one.
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will-pilled · 27 days ago
"how it feels to report all the minors standing up for their rights<3" we are not subhuman to you, we can think therefore we can understand, therefore we can consent. It's not that fucking hard to understand, get it into your head. You have the ability to disagree without taking away peoples safe places, I'm so tired of contact discourse.
I am not subhuman to you, I can think, I am not being "groomed" I Literally Just Exist. Your personal disgust doesn't mean you get to dictate others.
I wasn't going to dignify this with a response at first but I think it's interesting to show what being chronically online does to a kid.
Contact discourse is literally the antivax of parablr lmao. Study after study, proof after proof, anecdote after anecdote, paper after paper. All of them literally say the exact same thing. Sex isn't good for children. Pregnancy isn't good for children. Children's brains are not as developed as adults, especially the part that "consents to sex."
Can you LITERALLY consent? Can you LITERALLY say yes and agree? Sure. Yeah, sure you can. The same way a drunk person can. You're not in the right mind to "consent" to sex with an adult. Another kid maybe, sure, yeah.
I am not going to be guilted with the "taking away people's safe spaces" when it comes to people distributing CSEM and being pro child rape 😭 do you fucking hear yourself lil bro 😭 Yeah, I do not feel guilty for taking away the safe spaces for rapists to groom children. I actually feel proud :3
You act like I wasn't also a child at some point. A child who "consented" to sexual activity with an adult. At the time I consented. But it had major psychological repercussions.
I'm tired of contact discourse too, because it has been proven time and time again that children cannot properly consent. If they could, it literally would not be illegal anywhere. It used to be the norm. Why do you think that changed bro? Why do you think that places that allow that also tend to do poorly? Again this is literally the antivax of parablr.
Also not to mention, it has nothing to do with personal disgust. I'm not even really disgusted by it. Disgust doesn't dictate my morals whatsoever, and to be honest I don't really feel it that much. And you don't have the "right" to be groomed. I mean you do LITERALLY, but I mean I also have the right to do coke. Doesn't mean it's good for me and doesn't mean people should just let it happen.
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bunnieonherknees · 2 months ago
permanent marks...
tattoos, scars, burns, brands, they're all just so pretty...
especially if they have a use!! brand my chest with your symbol, carve my deepest insecurities and fears into my skin, burn my fingerprints off so they won't be able to identify my body!!
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abysmalarts · 1 month ago
edit: hey, don't tag this "cw/tw harmful paraphilia" that's an anti para mindset; there's no such thing as a harmful paraphilia.
[pt] edit: hey, don't take this "cw/tw harmful paraphilia" that's an anti para mindset; there's no such thing as a harmful paraphilia. [end pt]
quite literally thoughts can't be harmful to other people; yes the big three is harmful when acted ON but they are not harmful by default. thank you.
anti mindset literally harms people with ocd.
[pt] anti mindset literally harms people with ocd. [end pt]
especially if they have pedophile ocd or anything sexually in nature based ocd. i say this as someone that has had pocd and it morphed into (generalized) predator ocd* BECAUSE of the weird stigma about fiction and paraphilias (and also antis because most of them have an anti kink and anti para ideology).
*i call my ocd predator ocd because im convinced im a predator, when im not. ocd is fucking stupid.
after i realized that thought crimes dont exist, that what i think about is just that: a thought, and that fiction is a playground, that i can vent my intrusive thoughts and urges on paper or in my head... i realized that im not a bad person... no matter what anyone says. i no longer had mental breakdowns over if i was a predator for EXISTING (now it's just anxiety, in the back of my head noise rattle). i literally used to cry and sob at like 16/17 wondering if xyz was normal or "what i'd do if i turned out TO BE a map"
i still have moments where im convinced im a predator for dumb fuck reasons (such as having my only two close friends being below the age of 18; im 21 for comparison. we've been friends for a long time. since i was 17.)
like, here's the thing. your disgust of the concept of maps is understandable. cause why would anyone "wanna be this way." i can understand the disgust and want to "get away" from a logical point of view...
THAT BEING SAID...here's something you NEED to understand is that maps dont choose to be this way. in FACT no one with a paraphilia/kink/fetish/etc CHOSE to be attracted to it.
that's not how it works. can you turn off your attraction that you have? genuine question. think of something you're attracted to, if anything, can you stop being attracted to it?
getting rid of an attraction is literally straight up abusive, too. a lot of antis and general anti-paras keep using the "get therapy and get rid of the attraction" card and like...in therapy, all you have to do is accept the fact you're attracted to this and move the fuck on...
recovery for a paraphile is acceptance and maybe exposure therapy. you can't get rid of an attraction other than conversion therapy like actions which is abusive and immoral.
put it in your pipe and smoke it, but paraphilias have existed forever. maps, zoos, necros, etc. they all exist. they're everywhere. they wont leave just because you're uncomfortable, either, because just like you can't stop being attracted to someone with brown hair (an example) they cant turn off that attraction they have.
also, question, do you rape every person you come across that you find attractive?
then your argument that maps/zoos existing is bad is defunct. maps/zoos/etc arent fucking monsters lurking in the night, PREDATORS ARE. a paraphilia is an ATYPICAL attraction. paraphilia DISORDER is when said atypical attraction harms said person with the attraction (i.e causes distress/fear/etc)
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sexualmutation · 1 month ago
"pro fiction pro para pro radqueer pro consent pro whatever makes you mad" woaw based based based based based based based based ba
yeah because i’m always based and right 100% of the time
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polycoins · 1 month ago
  🪙 permavictim
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permavictim: a term for the transexperience of desiring to be or feeling as if one is a permanent victim. this term can be used as an umbrella term.
a flag for anyone.
🍥original flag coined by @ dunequeer
[image id: a flag with 5 evenly sized horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom in red, crimson, white, gunmetal, and grey. /end id]
  📥 requests open!   📬 for finley of red bishop   🔗 hd vector
🧺——— vectored by red bishop council
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ravenouscanine · 2 months ago
Being TransObsessed/TransObsession without someone to obsess over/someone obsessing over them isn't for the weak
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