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Working out whilst pregnant offers lots of benefits for you and your baby! 🙌🏻
Exercising during pregnancy is generally safe, but there are a few precautions you'll want to follow to work out safely during pregnancy...
1. If you're new to exercise, start off slowly. If you're not used to working out regularly already, you could cause yourself an injury by overdoing it.
2. If you already workout on a regular basis, it's a good time to maintain your fitness level, but probably not the time to increase it or push for PB's.
3. Modify your workouts to prenatal safe exercises. You want to make sure the exercise you are doing is safe, yet still effective. Talk to a prenatal fitness professional if you're unsure.
4. Never exercise to the point of exhaustion, listen to your body. Stop exercising if you feel like something is wrong, any aches/ pains or strains, and speak to your doctor.
5. Keeping hydrated is important, so make sure you drink up. Make sure you sip on plenty of water during and after your workouts, especially in warm weather.
6. If you're attending a fitness class or have a personal trainer, make sure you inform them that you are expecting so they can help you perform the workout safely.
There's lots of ways to keep fit during pregnancy. If you’re at all unsure what’s safe, always confirm with your doctor!
At Sweaty Mama we have pregnancy safe classes with fully qualified pre & postnatal fitness instructors! If you'd like to come along and try a class, get in touch or click the link in the bio to book...
#pregnancyworkout #preandpostnatal #prenatalfitness #prenatalworkout #prenatalexercise #pregnancyexercise #pregnancyfitness #pregnancytips #pregnantworkout #mumstobe #pregnancyclasses #prenatalclasses
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How many happy places do you have? Where are your happy places? One of them should be intensely personal. One of them should be family or friend based. And one of them should be work. If you don’t love what you do, it’s time for a change. And an extra note regarding prenatal classes - your happy place should also be returning for weekly classes and being excited to see what options are available to you. You can’t learn it all in a few hours and free isn’t necessarily better. Quality education will see you through more than one pregnancy. #thedoulagroup #fallregistration #prenatalclass #doulatraining #doulatrainer #bucketsoflove #melissacowl #doulamel (at Old Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZjH8tLi-G/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Sunday rituals. #onguard blend in the diffuser. . . . #prenatalclass #yogajourney #yogateacherlife #douglaston #autumnalflow #fitmomsofig #essentialwellness #aromatherapy #healthymomhealthybaby #yogalifestyle #weekendcrew https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpe9GLTghK4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1efm0ll0sigej
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“If your intentions are pure, if you apply your craft with a view to observe humanity and, ultimately, God himself, very often something powerful will surface.” Today i want to share with everyone that I am going to teach world biggest Prenatal Online Yoga Session and you know what I didnt have any effort for this event its all fall by grace of supreme I am great-full for all my friends and family and specially my Yoga family who believes mr no matter what situation is, Thank you and Love you...#prenatalclass #hamilsehat #prenatalmassage #meditation #kelasyogahamil #prenatalworkout #yogahamilmedan #babyspamedan #weekspregnant #yogahamilsemarang #yogakehamilan #prenatalyogabekasi #yogaibuhamilmedan #sekolahemak #homecaremedan #pijatibuhamilmedan #perawatanpascalahiranmedan #kelashamilsemarang #pijatbayimedan #babygym #doulasemarang #qitayoga #senambayimedan #pijatlaktasimedan #cukurbotakmedan #kelaspersiapanpersalinan #minyakkaronande #birth #prenatalyogaprivatsemarang #kidsplaza https://www.instagram.com/p/CXJBgdXBHTy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We are so excited to be adding new doulas and services to our roster for you. Check out our newest areas in grey. Give us a call or email today to book a service, doula or get a bit more information. We are here for you!
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>>>THE WORKS<<< The three Fabulous “S” reasons to attend PreNatal Mobility classes through pregnancy are: .Stability .Stretching And .Stress Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armentality’s dance and yoga classes expertly offer you the essentials of breathing techniques, asanas and soothing Kriyas. We also have students that are not pregnant attend the clases, as they find the flow Restorative and therapeutic. Join us on Thursdays for these classes suitable for all trimesters, as they are great for beginners and pros as well. Get the works full of love! ♥️ ___________________________________ #ContemporaryDance #RestorativeYoga #PrenatalYoga #OrientalDance #MobilityCoaching #PrenatalYogaGrandRapids #BodyConditioning #PrenatalYogaDowntown #CoWorkingSpace ___________________________________ ___________________________________ www.armentality.com #Armentality #ArtisticEnterprise #ArmentalityLabs #PrenatalClasses #MovementIsLife #Doula #PreNatalDance #AdultDanceClasses #LoveMatters ❤️ #GrandRapidsDance (at Armentality Movement Arts Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hiSFTge7O/?igshid=19a0el70l4rm1
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Join me today! @blissyogacayman #prenatalyoga #prenatalworkshop #yogamom #prenatalclass #meditation #namaste #yogapractice (at Bliss Yoga Cayman)
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Dancing always makes everyone happy! Heres a little sneak peak into my #prenatalclass #pune I do use a lot #bellyfit® during these classes & make them more informative for women to understand their bodies & how body loves #selfcare If you are looking for more such fun classes of #dance #coupledancing contact me!!. . . . . #couplegoals #prenatal #preggie #bellydanceinpregnancywithchaitali #prenatalbellydancewithchaitali #ckraqs #connected #newmomanddad #happydad (at Pune City)
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Dear Sahabat Rumah Puspa, kami ucapkan banyak-banyak terima kasih atas segala dukungan dan doanya selama ini. Semoga dengan dibukanya Studio Rumah Puspa Mom & Baby Care ini akan dapat banyak bermanfaat untuk kita dan masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Salam kompak selalu Komunitas Rumah Puspa. Sehat, ceria dan bahagia. Bulan depan insya Allah studionya sudah bisa digunakan yah Moms semua. Oh iya, masih ada yang belum tahu alamatnya yah? Sila Search di Google Map. Studio Rumah Puspa Mom And Baby Care. Alamat: Ruko Sentra Niaga Kalimas Blok B 31, Jalan Inspeksi Kalimalang, Setiadarma, Tambun Selatan. . Kontak masih sama yah HP/WA 087882618008. . Sampai ketemu diinfo selanjutnya yah Moms 😍🌼 #RumahPuspa #prenatalclass #Prenatalyoga #YogaStudio #Kalimalang #bekasi (di Rumah Puspa Home Care Treatment)
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Childbirth Education class series begins 20 April 2020 for babies due early in May. This four part series will be held on Zoom over two weeks. Link in bio. #prenatal #prenatalclass #prenatalclasses #childbirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #childbirtheducationclass #thedoulagroup #melissacowl #doulamel #doulatrainer #thedoulatrainer #canada (at Southern Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3DeUiAySg/?igshid=177510o6lpo9p
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That Sunday flow & restore! . #yogalife #yogajourney #weekendtribe #prenatalclass #yogateacherlife #aromatheray #doterramama #nycyogi #healthylifestyle (at Yoga Journey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbX8iBhG5Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gzng2xr6fmen
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Smoldering Professional Ocarina The Kisslay 12 Hole Alto C Tone Smoldering Professional Ocarina is the perfect instrument to practice techniques and articulations, rhythms, speed development, precision, note transitions and different musical styles... For info: https://tinyurl.com/tzhm4c8 #ocarina #zelda #link #ocarinaoftime #music #collector #nerds #healingsounds #puertorico #musicandfood #babysoundbath #chiptunes #hipster #sacanime #fun #raygardner #artist #rachelgardner #issacfoster #photography #crunchyroll #soothingsounds #new #animeexpo #prenatalclass #vessel #parentandme #heroofthesky #bamboo #mindful (San Francisco, California, U.S.A) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MD-FEAgh-/?igshid=cx80no09u3rp
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#pregnancylife #preconception #pregnancy #motherhood #safemotherhood #safedelivery #prenatal #antenatalcare #antenatalclass #prenatalfitness #prenatalvitamins #prenatalcare #prenatalhealth #pregnancyinformation #pregnancytips #pregnancyfitness #diabetes #diabetesawareness #folicacid #birthdefects #birthdefectawareness #prenataleducation #prenatalclasses
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Hey, are you looking for me? 👋 The best way to get in touch is always through my website, ExpectingNewLife.com. Let's chat soon! . . . #prenatalclass #birthclass #childbirtheducation #birthdoula #continuingeducation #evidencebasedbirthinstructor #authorizedpeanutballtrainer #ebbchildbirthclass #peanutballworkshop #evidencebasedbirth #heididuncandoula #pregnant #babyontheway #hireadoula #whattoexpectwhenexpecting #nashvilletn #springfieldtn #clarksvilletn #franklintn #brentwoodtn #hendersonvilletn
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Intro to Birthing from Within Childbirth Education

by Corina
You’re pregnant and someone - maybe your friend, relative, health care provider, or the person ahead of you in line at the grocery store - told you should take prenatal classes. Where do you start?
There are so many different types of prenatal education classes it can be overwhelming! Not sure what you may want your birth to be like and whether you want a play by play of what happening physiologically or whether you want to breathe your baby out in meditative silence? Somewhere in between? Do not fear! At the Doula Collective we offer private prenatal classes catered to you! One of the styles of Childbirth Education classes that we offer is Birthing from Within.
Birthing from Within is non-outcome focused - meaning that we celebrate your baby’s birth whatever that looks like (unmedicated vaginal delivery, medicated vaginal delivery, cesarean birth, surrogate birth, adoption, etc.). We believe birth is an important (and highly personal) right of passage and we prepare you for this journey.
Part of this preparation includes things that you may learn in other childbirth education modalities - such as signs and stages of labour, labouring and birthing positions, informed decision making, hospital bag prep, partner work, complications, interventions, breastfeeding, postpartum planning, and comfort measure. The big difference is how this information is presented.
Birthing from Within classes are largely peer-led and focused on conversations rather than didactic instruction. We focus on embodied learning and preparing you not only for the physical journey of labour and birth but also on the emotional and mental journey.
Curious and want to learn more? We always encourage people to read the book that started it all - Birthing from Within by Pam England (the founder of Birthing from WIthin) or, her newest book Ancient Map for Modern Birth. Give us a call or email if you have any additional questions!
647-542-4414 [email protected]
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#Newmom Julia Jakubowski says having a #newborn means questions abound. Even with a #doula and #prenatalclasses, she says she is thankful for the #nurses from #IllinoisFamilyConnects, a pilot program that provides #nurse #homevisits for #PeoriaCounty residents who give birth at #OSFSaintFrancisMedicalCenter. Julia proudly shows off her daughter, Olivia, who was born February 18 at five pounds, four ounces, to nurses Marla Laugherty, left, and Amanda Petty. (@journalstar photo by #FredZwicky) #baby #babies #newborns #moms #mother #newmother #health #healthcare #osfhealthcare #saintfrancis #osf #osfsaintfrancis #osfstfrancis https://ift.tt/2G94SRa
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