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whitewaterpaper · 1 year ago
ME01: “De Vandrande StĂ€derna”.
Originaltitel: Mortal Engines. Serie: Mortal Engines #01 (Mortal Engines Quartet #01). Författare: Philip Reeve. ÖversĂ€ttare: Lena Karlin. Publicerad: 2001 (pĂ„ svenska 2018). Medium: eBok/B. Wahlströms.
LÀstes ihop med @kulturdasset i vÄr lÀsecirkel.
¥Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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DelmĂ„l 1 (Kapitel 01–05).
En av de frĂ„gor som ploppar upp under första delmĂ„let Ă€r frĂ„gan: ”varför designade Nicholas Quirke den första rörliga staden?”; jag minns inte om vi fĂ„r nĂ„got svar pĂ„ den frĂ„gan lĂ€ngre fram. Faktum Ă€r att jag slĂ„s av hur lite jag minns av den hĂ€r filmen – kanske Ă€r det ett tecken pĂ„ att det Ă€r dags att se om den?
Vi kastas hur som haver in i den actionfyllda hetluften direkt, genom att Natsworthy smiter i vĂ€g för att se infĂ„ngandet/slukandet av den lilla gruvstaden Salthook. Hur fungerar en rörlig gruvstad? Och snabbt fĂ„r vi möta de figurer som kommer att bli centrala: Valentine, Katherine och Hester. Och vi fĂ„r genom de tvĂ„ sistnĂ€mnda reda pĂ„ att det Ă€r nĂ„got skumt i görningen bĂ„de med Medusa och vad det Ă€r (minns inte alls faktiskt utöver fragmentariska detaljer) men ocksĂ„ varför Valentine behöver hĂ„lla Hester Shaw och hennes bakgrund hemlig. Jag vill ocksĂ„ minna satt det Ă€r nĂ„got med Kathrines bakgrund som Ă€r viktig 
 men minns inte vad.
En bra start, och jag flög igenom de 5 kapitlen (jag hann givetvis glömma det under veckan och planerade för 2x2-kapitels sittning). Vilken bonus och fÄ lÀsa ett extra kapitel.
DelmĂ„l 2 (Kapitel 06–09).
Hester ger en första inblick i vad de rörliga stÀderna föddes ur, jordbÀvningar och vulkaner lÄter som nÄgot som en mer flyttbar bosÀttning skulle ha lÀttare att överleva. Intressant att Crome och Valentine (utgÄr frÄn att de jobbar ihop) arbetar sÄ hÄrt med att motbevisa att de rörliga stÀderna spelat ut sin roll. Och föga förvÄnande sÄ hÀnger Hesters förÀldrar (iaf hennes Mamma) ihop med det mystiska vapnet Medusa och Valentine.
Det hĂ€r med JĂ€garna (aka Återupplivade mĂ€nniskor, som pyser Ă„nga. NĂ„gon form av robotar/cyborgs?)
Givetvis mÄste den kvinnliga piloten som Valentine pratat om för Kate varit Hesters mamma?
Och resan till Handelspunkten var lite som ”dit och hem igen” efter att Speedwells borgmĂ€stare tagit Tom och Hester till fĂ„nga för att sĂ€lja dem som slavar nĂ€r de kommer fram. Att Tom och Hester nu lĂ€r sig samarbeta och att den senare alltmer öppnar ögonen pĂ„ Tom Ă€r viktigt. NĂ„gonstans har jag en misstanke (eller ett minnesfragment) att Toms förĂ€ldrar hĂ€nger ihop med Medusa de ocksĂ„ pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt, och att de avpolletterades liksom Hesters mamma.
Inser igen: Äh vad lite jag minns av filmen, men jag sÄg den 31 maj 2020 sÄ det Àr kanske inte sÄ konstigt. Bra nu nÀr jag lÀser boken, men det blir till att se om filmen sedan, helt klart.
DelmĂ„l 3 (Kapitel 10–13).
Det Àr givetvis nÄgot som Àr fel med London, hemlighetsmakeriet BorgmÀstaren och Valentine pysslar med men ocksÄ den personkult som verkar finnas runt den sistnÀmnda. Det blir nÀstan lite obehagligt nÀr Valentine beger sig Ästad och det Àr rena folkfesten kring det. Tom och Hesters rÀddare i nöden har dock koll pÄ vem Valentine egentligen Àr, och Àven om det ser tufft ut nu hoppas jag att hon inte avpolletterats redan.
Intressant sidospĂ„r med Hester och jĂ€garen ”Törnskatan”. Av nĂ„gon anledning ”hörde” jag honom i en kallt skrapande röst som om den kom frĂ„n en gammal sliten, billig vinylskiva som sett ett och annat.
DelmĂ„l 4 (Kapitel 14–17).
Katherine börjar pÄ egen hand grÀva i attentatet mot sin far, framför allt vill hon veta vad som verkligen hÀnde och vem Hester Àr. Undrar om hon Àr redo för den eventuella sanningen hon kommer finna? FÄ lÀr vara beredda pÄ att öppet sÀga sanningen. IngenjörslÀrlingen Pod gör det sannerligen inte. Situationen nere vid latrintankarna lÀr dock vara en ögonöppnare i sig. Klart Àr att Katherine om inte annat har höga ideal.
Hester och Tom lĂ€r ha hamnat pĂ„ en Piratstad efter att slutligen undkommit törnskatan (undrar om det verkligen slutar hĂ€r – jĂ€garna Ă€r ju som sagt svĂ„ra att ta kĂ„l pĂ„) men det Ă€r en piratstad med ambitioner. Undrar om Tom kommer utrĂ€tta nĂ„gra större under pĂ„ Turnbridge Wheels?
En sak Ă€r sĂ€ker – det kommer verkligen fram i boken hur bisarr den hĂ€r vĂ€rlden Ă€r. Till och med om man jĂ€mför med andra post-apokalyptiska vĂ€rldar jag stött pĂ„.
DelmĂ„l 5 (Kapitel 18–21).
Katherine fĂ„r sig ett uppvaknande och fĂ„r sig en slĂ€ng av ”vĂ€xa upp fort”-syndromet. Det dĂ€r med ”utlĂ€nning till dotter” stĂ€rker vad jag minns frĂ„n filmen att Katherine inte Ă€r Valentines biologiska dotter. Jag har för mig att hennes hĂ€rstamning Ă€r rĂ€tt viktig
 NĂ€r hon smyger sig in pĂ„ ingenjörsmötet fĂ„r hon sig ytterligare ett par sanningar till livs. Hon Ă€r fortfarande övertygad om att Valentine Ă€r en god person och att han blir lurad av Crome.
Ӏsch, Valentine Ă€r borgmĂ€starens handgĂ„ngne man”, sade nĂ„gon annan. ”LĂ„t er inte luras av historikermĂ€rket. Han Ă€r lojal som en hund, sĂ„ lĂ€nge vi ger honom ordentligt med pengar och han kan lĂ„tsas att hans utlĂ€nning till dotter Ă€r en fin dam frĂ„n High London.” (Kapitel 21)
Jag Ă€r inte sĂ„ sĂ€ker. Jag Ă€r heller inte övertygad om att idĂ©n att Ă„teruppliva gamla massförstörelsevapen Ă€r en fantastisk idĂ©. Var inte det en av anledningarna att man hamnade dĂ€r man Ă€r ”idag”?
Ohh. Vi korsar vĂ€garna med Airhaven igen, och fĂ„r höra mer om rebellerna som tycker att de rullande stĂ€derna spelat ut sin roll (de har nog inte fel) och vĂ„r gamla bekanta Fang skall vara en spion för dem. SpĂ€nnande. Jag ser det inte som lika konstigt som Tom gör att Hester bĂ„de anade att Fang var en spion eller Ă€r positiv till rörelsen. Hon vĂ€xte ju trots allt upp som ”mossing”.
SpÀnnande med en amfibiestad som klarar sig bÄde pÄ land och till vatten, Àven om det blir ett snabbt abrupt slut för Turnbridge Wheels. Peavey grÄter över opportunisterna som slaktar den sjunkande staden som om han sjÀlv inte Àr en pirat som lÀmnade sina barn att dö i staden. Han gör sorti ur historien som piratkaptener som fÄtt besÀttningen emot sig brukar göra, och det Àr bara Törnskatans uppdykande som hindrar Tom och Hester att gÄ samma vÀg. SpÀnnande.
DelmĂ„l 6 (Kapitel 22–25).
SĂ„ Törnskatan vill göra Hester till en jĂ€gare – och hon tycker det Ă€r en bra idĂ©? Tom verkar fĂ„ henne pĂ„ bĂ€ttre tankar iaf, gott sĂ„ dĂ„ han ocksĂ„ var den som Ă€ndade Törnskatan. Törnskatan som f.ö. fick ett vĂ€ldigt fint slut med att Ă„terfĂ„ sin gamla identitet innan denne dog. Tom blir mer och mer fĂ€st vid Hester vilket kanske Ă€r bra

dĂ„ Katherine verkar falla pladask för ingenjörslĂ€rlingen Bevis som gömmer sig pĂ„ museet. Det Ă€r intressant att Londonborna Ă€r sĂ„ segerrusiga att de inte ser det horribla i vapnet de hurrar över. Undrar om hon börjar fĂ„ grepp om vem hennes pappa Ă€r Ă€nnu?
DelmĂ„l 7 (Kapitel 26–29).
Undrar om MEDUSA Ă€r en förkortning för nĂ„got
 Med tanke pĂ„ att det stavas ut med versaler?
Det sjunde delmÄlet blir en bergochdalbana för stackars Tom, han ryker ihop med Fang nÀr hon vill sabotera London. Men kommer pÄ bÀttre tankar och vill inte att han heller inte vill att Batmunkh Gompa skall förstöras. Och knappt hinner han sluta fred med dessa stridande kÀnslor att skydda bÄda stÀderna innan Valentine dyker upp. Och nu verkar han helt och hÄllet vara motstÄndsman, och insett att London mÄste skyddas frÄn Crome och Valentine.
Katherine lÀgger pusslet och inser att Hester kanske inte var utan legitima sjÀl att vilja döda Valentine.
Trist att mista Anna Fang redan hĂ€r. Skall bli spĂ€nnande att se hur det gĂ„r för Tom och Hester nu – och om Katherine kommer hjĂ€lpa dem för att rĂ€dda London undan sig sjĂ€lv.
DelmĂ„l 8 (Kapitel 30–33).
Kate gĂ„r mycket riktigt igenom en liten kris nĂ€r Valentine kommer hem, hon vĂ€ljer iaf att konfrontera honom. Han tar till skuldkortet och skyller givetvis pĂ„ henne – eller snarare att han ville ge henne en bĂ€ttre framtid. (Vilket hon i realiteten haft). HĂ€r ser vi att det finns de som ser en stor skillnad pĂ„ att Ă€ta en stad (dvs att delvis inkorporera den i sin egen) och utplĂ„na en annan stad totalt. Men merparten av Londonborna verkar för segerrusiga för att inse skillnaden kanske.
Det mesta av det intressanta sker kanske inne pĂ„ museet, Melliphant har som en lydig hund skvallrat för Crome och nu stĂ„r ingenjörerna tillsammans med de nya jĂ€garna för dörren. Lite smïżœïżœkul scen dĂ€r historikerna (de flesta av dem) stĂ„r upp för vad som Ă€r rĂ€tt.
PÄ nÄgot sÀtt Àr det en fin scen nÀr Tom fÄr Äterse sitt London igen, och inse att det Àr (precis som alla andra stÀder) en rÀtt fel tingest. Och han har kanske sett lite för mycket, upplevt alternativ, för att riktigt se det som hemma.
Och nu Àr Hester Shaw Äter pÄ dÀck med siktet instÀllt mot Valentine. Samtidigt som Kate och Bevis rör sig uppÄt lÀngs kattgÄngen för att förstöra Medusa. Upplösningen nalkar sig.
DelmĂ„l 9 (Kapitel 34–37).
En fartfylld upplösning utan att action-delen har för mycket utrymme. London brinner bokstavligen nĂ€r Tom’s ”Jenny Hanniver” möter Valentines ”13th Floor Elevator” dĂ€r Tom mot alla odds segrar. Valentine Ă€r dock inte ombord utan slĂ€pas med Crome till Medusa för att aptera den till att sprĂ€nga försvarsmuren. Och det Ă€r hĂ€r vi för första gĂ„ngen kanske inser exakt hur knĂ€pp mannen Ă€r och vilken hybris han utvecklat:
”NĂ€r vi har slukat den sista kringströvande staden och raserat det sista bofasta samhĂ€llet ska vi börja grĂ€va. Vi ska bygga enorma motorer som drivs av hettan i jordens innanmĂ€te och styra vĂ„r planet ur sin bana. Vi ska sluka Mars, Venus och asteroiderna. Vi ska sluka sjĂ€lva solen och fĂ€rdas vidare genom universum. (Kapitel 34).
Det Ă€r ju sĂ„ dags för Valentine att ”inse sanningen nu”. En ödets ironi att Katherine förlorar sin Bevis Pod nĂ€r hennes fars skepp kraschar över London. Det Ă€r lite vĂ€ntat att det inte stoppar Katherine dĂ€remot, som sĂ€tter kosan mot Medusa och alla intentioner att stoppa den.
Katherine stĂ€ller sig mellan Valentine och Hester och tar sĂ„lunda ett dödande svĂ€rdshugg Ă€mnat för den senare. Hon tar Medusa med sig i fallet – det hĂ€r Ă€r ju nackdelen med att pyssla med saker man egentligen inte begriper sig pĂ„: det kan leda till en oĂ„terkallelig katastrof.
Boken slutar med Crome som gÄr under nÀr Medusa förgör sig sjÀlv, och Valentine blir kvar pÄ taket nÀr Katherine dött. Hester och Tom lÀmnar ensamma staden i luftskeppet Jenny Hanniver. Och mycket tyder pÄ att de kommer leva lÀngs fÄgelvÀgarna nu.
En riktigt bra bok som blandar steampunk och dystopi pĂ„ ett föredömligt sĂ€tt. HĂ€r och dĂ€r ser man tecken pĂ„ att boken Ă€r Ă€mnad för en yngre mĂ„lgrupp men annars Ă€r den genomgĂ„ende en bra lĂ€sning Ă€ven om man passerat övre grĂ€nsen för denna grupp. Jag tycker fortfarande att vĂ€rlden som mĂ„las upp med stĂ€der som rullande monster Ă€r en bisarr sĂ„dan, och det kommer verkligen fram i boken just hur absurd och snedvriden den Ă€r. Och jag hade gĂ€rna sett boken fördjupa sig lite i vad Crome egentligen har emot bofasta (mer Ă€n en obestĂ€mbar avundsjuka). Jag mindes vĂ€ldigt begrĂ€nsat av filmen, och slĂ€ppte det mesta under lĂ€sningens gĂ„ng – jag ser nu fram emot att se om filmen. Och kanske framöver lĂ€sa de resterande tre delarna i serien.
Boken @ Goodreads.
Boken @ Libris.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years ago
Wait the last of us is pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsay
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oldtvandcomics · 2 years ago
OMG, remember this? Remember how back in 2020, for a short time, everyone was just so happy about this scene? Such. Good. Memories. This was easily one of the highlights of the year.
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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
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ai-yura15cbx · 1 year ago
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Slavic cyberpunk
слаĐČŃĐœŃĐșĐžĐč ĐșĐžĐ±Đ”Ń€ĐżĐ°ĐœĐș
AI ĐŸŃ‚ Microsoft Bing ĐœĐ° ĐżĐ»Đ°Ń‚Ń„ĐŸŃ€ĐŒĐ” DALL·E 3
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thekingofwinterblog · 7 months ago
Was the Grand Line originally land? (CONFIRMED Theory)
So in lights on the most recent chapter, 1113, we learn that the world government's great and final plan is to flood the entire world, leaving only the red line above the sea level and drowning the rest of the world.
With this in mind, there is of course the obvious question, of wheter this was always the plan, even during the void century.
And if so, there is the question of wheter or not the original alliance succeeded, and the Grand Line as we know it is just a post apokalyptic remnant of a once, much grander landmass, not necessarily one made up completely of land, as we know that some of the kingdoms(the great kingdom itself) during the Void century WERE islands, but one where there was still a very clear land bridge across the world, beyond just the red line.
So, lets dive into this idea, and the evidence for and against.
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Starting off with, the grand line is a bizarre place, and we have no actual explanation of why it exists. It cannot be the one piece equator equivelant of the equator, for as oda has confirmed, the map above is aligned so north, south, west and east are those direction on the globe, with the red line and grand line both at an angle across the world, not aligned in the four compass directions.
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Then of course there are the frankly bizarre phenomena of the grand line, which though a lot has a somewhat logical explanation, there are still plenty of mysteries, such as the bizarre weather currents of the grand line, and the way the calm belt is very clearly supernatural in how it works.
Why is the start of the line so bloody strange, so much less predictable and filled with nonesense than the rest of paradise?
But lets begin dissecting the idea that the grand line is a post apokalyptic wastelands. How would the continent sinking into the sea explain the weather phenomena?
Well... Crocus claims that the reason for the grand line's being filled with abnormal magnetic fields as a result of each of the islands being very rich in minerals, which frankly speaking, doesnt really seem to be the case for the most part from what we've seen... but if you assume that them "being rich in minerals" actually refers to the idea that the core of each of the islands that survived the ancienct apokalypse were filled to the brim with strong, durable metals from the very core of the earth as the lands around was sunk beneath the waves, there might be some logic to it.
The "islands", or at least the mountains they rest on, would indeed be filled with rich minerals, and more importantly, they would be way closer to the surface and now much more "uncovered" by stone, and be just beneath the surface, and so wrecks havoc on anyone trying to use a compass.
but are there more to suggest the grand line used to be above sea level?
Yes, actually, there is.
In paradise, there are 4 megastructures that seems to defy any, and all logic for how they could possibly have been built.
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The tree gates of justice.
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And Impel Down.
we have no idea who built these ginormous structures, but the simple reality is that with what we know, They just dont make sense.
The Gates are so so stupidly big, that the only creatures that would match it is the big elephant of the minks, and the florian monster.
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However, forget the size, the bigger problem is the foundations.
Impel Down is structured like a castle, with a very clear, tiered set of levels.
assuming it was indeed built in the middle of the ocean, from the bottom up, the only race who could possibly have done it would have been the fishmen, who from what we know would have absolutely no reason whatsoever to help the world government make it, given they were on the opposite side during the Void Century, and relations have not gotten much better since.
however... if we assume that both of these structures, the gates of justice, and Impel down, were made on land BEFORE they were submerged, the mystery of the how their construction suddenly makes way more sense.
they are stupidly big, but they were built above ground, making their construction much more logical.
if so, then at the bottom of the sea in this area, one could probably find walls, similar to the gates, connecting the 3 gates, with all 3 and the castle of impel down obviously having been part of some grand, defensive fortification, with their current use of controlling the whirlpool having little to do with their original intention.
And then of course there is how the one piece world is portrayed in Monsters.
We dont know exactly when Monsters is set, but it has to be sometime before the void century, because it was in a different age than the era of isolation that was put into place after the the mountain walls were put into place after the great war, and it cant have been during the void century itself, for it it had been, any mention of the man would have been ruthlessly wiped out by the world government, and he would most certainly not have been famous across the world.
So he lived sometime before the great conflict started.
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the more interesting part about monsters though, is how the world looks. Rather than the familiar world of island based city states, We are shown a wast landscape with no sea in sight.
Now it's of course possible this story is set somewhere on the red line, or one a massive island, but there is something else to suggest that the world of old was fundamentally different than what came later.
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Ryuma was recognized as the man who carried "the world's greatest warrior soul", and was famed far and wide, with the nickname suggesting a level of international fame on the same level as mihawk... except there is a bit of a problem here.
One piece's world building is built on the fact that every single island is very isolated from all the rest of the world. even if there is one world government, that a lot of states are a part of, but defacto, each island is an independent nation unto itself, except when the world government wants something from them.
News simply does not spread in this way in the one piece world. The only reason pirates such as Luffy, whitebeard and roger are famous, is because the powers that be have a wested interest in making them famous, and spread their wickedness and thus warning of their danger, but also as a justification to why they need to have the mariens around to protect people.
and yet the tales of Ryuma both in monsters and in one piece proper is a worldwide spread story, which given how old he is seems bizarre all things considered(how old his legend is, how widespread it is, how nobody except the people of Wano would have a political reason for keeping his legend alive, etc)... but if one assumes the entire world has heard of him because he literarily walked from one end of the world to the other, with only small boat trips to cross gaps in the continent of the grand line, then the idea that he would be remembered by all long, long after his death makes way more sense.
And then of course there is another, huge detail that is very easy to miss. One Piece's age of exploration just ended, relatively speaking.
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The one piece world is OLD, with Alabasta's capital being 4000 years old, and the world government as an organization being 800 years old.
And yet... The world, or more speciffically the grand line was still being charted out and mapped as late as 400 years ago.
four centuries after having been created, the world government and the people of this world didnt know the rough layout of paradise, the part of the grand line where the only kingdom we know for a fact was part of the original alliance against the great kingdom was located.
That seems... insane to be perfectly honest... but it makes WAY more sense if one assumed that the Grand line used to be one, relatively well connected landmass that stretched across the world in relation to the red line.
But once that for the most part sank into the sea(most certainly as a result of the full might of the ancient weapons being unleashed on either side of the war), the world as the people of old knew it was broken, and had to be completely remapped, a process that took centuries.
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This could also explain the world government's big symbol. a cross with 5 dots, one in the middle, and 4 around it.
Now the idea that this symbolizes the 4 directions of the world is not a new theory, but the dots are another question, with us having no idea what they mean.
Here's my theory.
all five represents the same thing, the alliance's big plans for a capital of the world, Mary Geoise, located on one of the spots wheree the world's two big landmasses met. the meaning as it originally was envisioned, was that no matter which direction you went, you would always end up back here at the center of the world.
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secretlystephaniebrown · 4 months ago
Superheroes and NFTs/Crypto
the official DC server posted this and it immediately made me ponder
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so my immediate answers
Booster Gold. not because he believes in them, but because they sponsor him. it's not that he's too smart for them, to be clear, it's just that "don't take any NFTs" is the 26th century equivalent of "don't take any wooden nickles" so it's a rare 21st century thing he knows coming in.
Ted Kord thinks that NFTs and Crypto are interesting for like five minutes, then he does the research and starts loudly arguing with Booster about it, causing yet another divorce.
Plastic Man - Bad with money, a bit dumb, gullible. He absolutely has stumbled into it.
Kyle Rayner's art got turned into NFTs without his consent, so he's aiming to take those fuckers down. Guy is helping.
Crypto is in fact the currency of Apokalypse so Barda and Scott have PTSD flashbacks when it start to get popular on Earth.
Harley mints NFTs. Ivy is trying desperately to get her to cash out before the bubble bursts. She's also planning an eco-terrorism to take down some these assholes.
the Wonder and Aquafam are immune to NFTs by virtue of loving the environment.
I do regret to say, with a heavy heart, that I think Wally might have had a brief crypto phase - I don't think he ever put real money into it because Linda would have killed him, but he definitely was like. a Dad level of interested in it for a while there.
I feel like Ollie would have been interested in the theory of a non-centralized currency in a very left-wing anarcho-communist kind of way, then he'd realize that it's just an attempt to recreate the banking system without regulations and with a massive environmental impact after two seconds of conversation with Connor, and immediately become someone who goes into the replies of people shilling for Crypto and picking fights
(This is Ollie mocking Crypto-bros on DC-twitter.)
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xinteor · 2 months ago
I defenetly didnt forget to post this here Yap haha
Ashswag but post Apokalypse / zombie Apokalypse.
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Link to the fanfic under the cut
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vulnonapix1234 · 2 years ago
I have a really sad au idea
Its just a far away post Apokalypse setting.
Tw: implied death and talk about the world ending
The apocalypse, a curtesy of Darkseid, was 100 years ago and the world is recovering slowly from it.
Sure there are still the ruins of old and monsters running around, but humanity learned to adapt.
Captain Marvel is one of the few League members that survived not only the apocalypse, but also the test of time.
His human body has become fragile and weak with age.
Captain Marvel on the other hand has never been stronger, as time didn't affect him and he was able to use this time to learn.
The only ones that survived as long as him are Zatana (who is so frail that she can't leave the bed) and Conner (who doesn't look a day over 16.
Also, i imagine conner "babying" botjh Billy and Zatana.
Ageing didn't do anything to him. He is 104 and whilst most of his anger issues where consumed by age, he will still hunt down Billy whenever he gets out as captain marvel.
Like Conner has lost everyone he ever cared for and he will keep those who he has left as safe and healthy as possible.
Even of it means that he has to ground a 113 year old
Zatana has embraced the "wise, omnipotent holy woman lifestyle", even though she isn't a holy woman. At least in a sense. They might have started a cult...
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keinbutterdieb · 4 months ago
Folge 1057
Oha, der Anfang mit Maxi und Joshua!
Ach, Noah! Wie er das Blatt zerknĂŒllt. 😱 "Mach leise!" "MĂŒsstest du nicht beim FrĂŒhsport sein?" "Checkst du's nicht?" "Ich schreib hier." "Jetzt nicht mehr." Noah, ich weiß, dass du Colin ganz schrecklich vermisst, aber Joel kann nichts dafĂŒr, dass er weg ist! "Was ist dein Problem?" "Was meinst du?" "Weißt du genau." "Ich hab kein Problem." "Stimmt! Du warst schon immer ein egoistisches Arschloch, deswegen hat Colin auch keinen Bock mehr auf dich gehabt." "Dann hau doch auch ab!" "ist heute echt eigentlich allen egal, was ich zu sagen hab oder was?" Aw, Joel. "Krieg ich 'ne Kurzfassung?" "Kriegst du. Noah!" BĂ€rnadette. "Wenn die Roboter kommen, sind wir alle am Arsch." "Karl, wir sind hier nicht beim Mittagsschlaf im Kindergarten, ja." Die Buhrufe! đŸ˜â€ïž "Toll! Deinetwegen hab ich gerade 5 Punkte kassiert, Dankeschön!" "Gern geschehen." Boah, Noah!! "Pastinakensaft?" Joel! đŸ˜â€ïž Ich habe ja schon in einigen Posts gelesen, dass Annikas Selbstfindungsphase irgendwann dann einfach kein Thema mehr ist, ne? Schade. "Jetzt atme ich zu laut. Atmen!" Armer Joel! "Du atmest wirklich zu laut. Aber es ist jetzt doch nichts Neues, dass Noah in letzter Zeit 'ne ĂŒbelste Ego-Schiene fĂ€hrt." "Er ist schon immer ein mieser Arsch." "Schon. Aber ... Seit Colin weg ist, ist ihm ja wirklich alles egal." "Er hat ihn doch selbst vergrault." "Er war sein bester Freund. Noah ist wĂŒtend." "Ja? Deswegen kann er das nicht an uns auslassen." "Es geht nicht um ums. Es geht darum, dass er wĂŒtend auf Colin ist. Auf ihn und wahrscheinlich auch auf die ganze Welt." "Ja, und das weißt du jetzt woher?" "So schwer ist er nicht zu durchschauen. Obwohl er dachte, Colin ist der Einzige, der das kann." đŸ„ș Dieser Teil des GesprĂ€chs killt mich irgendwie. "Alles anderen sind ja zu laut." "Wir zeigen ihm einfach, dass er sich scheiße verhĂ€lt. Und dass wir ihn verstehen. Und dann hast du ein entspannteres Leben." Joels Gesicht!! "Wir sollen VerstĂ€ndnis zeigen?" "Was anderes außer, dass er Horrorfilme und Freddy mag, teilt er ja nicht mit seiner Umwelt." "Das heißt, das Ziel liegt vor Augen, den Weg können wir aber noch nicht sehen." PROJEKT NOAH Was Noah mag. Das Wort Colin ist eingekreist. ❀ Die beiden legen sich so ins Zeug. ❀ Aw, die ganzen Kuscheltiere!! Ich lieb die Idee! Ich mag die College mit Annikas Fotos. Und was die anderen dazu zu sagen haben. ❀ Ava und Joel als Zombies, einfach zu gut, sie geben sich sooo viel MĂŒhe, Noah zu erreichen! Der Stimmungskiller!! Noah haut ab. "Hartes Publikum." "Toll. Jetzt hat er auch diese Stimmung erfolgreich gekillt." jjeirkejuikejdjmkdmekdmkejdnj4kj4jken4jk "Hauser macht mich sonst 'nen Kopf kĂŒrzer." Hauser soll vor allem endlich die Fresse halten. Noah kickert allein. 😱 Ava! ❀ "Du glaubst auch, du kannst alles alleine machen. Alle anderen sind dir egal. Ich mach auch gern mein eigenes Ding, aber was du hier in letzter Zeit abziehst, ist zu krass." "Eure bescheuerte Show vorhin war auch echt krass." "Okay, vielleicht fanden wir unsere Idee ein bisschen zu cool, aber wir wollten dir nur zeigen, dass wir dich verstehen." "Lasst mich einfach alle in Ruhe." "Geht nicht. Du bist nicht alleine auf dieser Welt." Jetzt schmilzt es allmĂ€hlich ein bisschen, Noah setzt sich hin. Und Ava dazu. ❀ "Colin hĂ€tte einfach nicht abhauen dĂŒrfen. Ich hatte noch nie so nen guten Freund." đŸ„ș Ava rĂŒckt nĂ€her. ❀ "Was ist mit Joel?" "Joel? Ernsthaft?" "Ja. Er ist fĂŒr dich zum Zombie geworden. Und wir saßen die halbe Nacht an diesem Poster. Das machen wir nicht fĂŒr jeden." NOAH LÄCHELT LEICHT!! đŸ„ș "FĂŒr deinen Saftladen." ijijikljjmklmkljm đŸ„ș❀ "Und was euer Plakat angeht, hĂ€ng auf, ist gut." "Okay." "Erfrischung, die sogar Zombies zum Leben erweckt." "Der Energydrink im Kampf gegen die Zombie-Apokalypse." "Stoppt die Apokalypse, Rettung durch Pastinake." Die Entscheidung, Maxi in Joels und Noahs Zimmer wohnen zu lasen, finde ich immer noch etwas ... weird? Wie sich Noah und Joel angucken, nejhndukjdmik.
Ich liebe die Folge!!
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kerakeriza · 5 months ago
I'm that anon you just answered, the one who is now more able to see dami as an adult, and I actually have more to say now that you've answered my question. If I wanna say more in the future I suppose I can identify myself with an emoji, let's go with ✹ for now I think
There is a thing in 'canon' where characters ages will get swapped around for random reasons, there are sets of characters (batfam, Superfan for example) where the age differences stay generally the same in relation to the others in the set (Jason is Abt 3 years older than Tim, dick was adopted at 9 was Bruce was 26-28, etc, although characters like Babs can change more freely depending on the iteration). One of these age changes that actually feels similar to damikon is damirae (Damian and Raven for clarity sake). I'm specifically thinking of the apokalypse war movie, they were the same age, and became a couple despite raven typically being a similar age or even older than dick. And in the show Gotham, Harvey dent is the same age as Gordon, possibly older.
So really, the age fuckery is plenty in line with what DC does lol
cool, glad to hear more input from you! :D
lol i *still* have beef with dc for permanently aging barbara down. now people look at you like you're a freak for shipping classic brubabs 😭 SHE WAS GROWN!!! but whatever. that's a rant for another day.
ahhh damirae, a classic... i was so surprised that they were paired together, but it's kind of the perfect ship. like oh, yeah, they would mesh together amazingly wouldn't they? heh. no wonder they made that happen. i assume they just made raven younger because they wanted to tell the story about her father, and she struggles with that the most when she's younger instead of when she's older.
i forget how big damian and kon's age gap is in canon, since kon had time where he wasn't aging, and he and tim are both still miraculously teenaged by the time damian comes around, which makes so sense, but hey... whatever man! so, i mean, i do keep an age gap in there, but it may or may not be bigger or smaller than new earth canon. i don't know about rebirth/post-rebirth ages because i don't care :P
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inkofamethyst · 1 year ago
October 21, 2023
Finished Young Justice :) While the budget for S4 was clearly reduced (based on the animation and number of still image scenes), I did enjoy it. Again, no truly jaw-dropping twists, no breath-holding episodes (that one in s2 with all the people on Manta's ship?? crazyyyy), but the storyline convergence was enjoyable. A true shame that there are still so many loose ends. If we're lucky enough to get a s5, I would really hope they close them all. I don't mind having an antagonist through-line with the Light, but the whole ethos of the superhero genre (at least, post-9/11) is that good overcomes evil, justice overcomes oppression. I think it would be interesting if there was a strained team-up between the Light and the League to take down Apokalypse (or however you spell his name). Alas, that's wishful thinking, seeing as s5 is probably not happening (though, perhaps not entirely out of the cards, seeing as a s3 came after idk maybe five years of nothing).
Since I still had hair to braid, I started watching Scavenger's Reign because I'm a sucker for some scifi, and it's pretty good. I guess I know what I'll be tuning into on Fridays after class (or maybe before class hehe). In the meantime I started Justice League: Unlimited (I know I said I'd go back to Midsommer but ehhhh) and the style is strangely nostalgic, even though I'd never watched it before. J'onn's voice isn't as hot as it was in YJ though :(
(side note: I remember one of the pre-Endgame meme "predictions" was that Ant-Man would beat Thanos by shrinking, entering the antagonist's rear, then growing to full size, and while I still giggle at the thought, an alternative as demonstrated in JLU would be Ant-Man squeezing an artery to give Thanos a heart attack. Not as funny, but perhaps even more creative (and, again, far less convoluted than time-travelling). It does open up the door of Ant-Man being a biological weapon though, and, based on my recollection which could be leaky, bio-based weapons tend not to be used by heroes as much compared to strength-based tactics. The examples that come to mind are often discouraged in-universe (Rogue's powers, Katara's blood-bending, Percy Jackson's blood-bending (iirc)...). I.. I wonder why? A curious question about the morals we promote in fiction.)
The CR C3 animated intro is fantastic. I am really loving the current exploration into Ashton's background and think that he was portrayed in such a cool way!! Imogen and Laudna's scenes were also very very cool. And I love their voices all singing together!!!
I recently watched Nicole Rudolph's video on her fantasy photo retreat and aaaaaa maybe the fall has me in an imaginative mood because I would really love to do something like that too one day. Dress up like a fairy or a pirate and prance around across some rocks or in the woods with a bunch of similarly dressed people and get some lovely photos out of it. I think what I need is to go to a renn faire haha.
Today I'm thankful that I had a good lunch with one of my puzzle-friend's friends from college :) Would definitely love to hang out with her again. (also the noodle place we got lunch at was really yummy!! soooo many noodle places around here)
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korrektheiten · 1 year ago
FrĂŒher Sommer, heute “Hitzenotstand”: Die NormalitĂ€t als Apokalypse
Ansage: »Dieselben professionellen Hysteriker, die den Corona-Wahn ausgerufen und immer wieder neu angeheizt haben, tun jetzt dasselbe mit dem Klimawahn. Ein Lerneffekt hat hier nicht ansatzweise stattgefunden. Jede noch so lĂ€cherliche Katastrophenmeldung wird völlig unkritisch weitervermeldet. Ein Hinterfragen findet nicht statt, alles wird einfach dem Klimawandel zugeschlagen. Die EuropĂ€ische Umweltbehörde (EEA) behauptet nun, zwischen 1980 und 2021 habe [
] The post FrĂŒher Sommer, heute “Hitzenotstand”: Die NormalitĂ€t als Apokalypse first appeared on Ansage. http://dlvr.it/SqkkqJ «
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aurorauroboros · 2 years ago
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yet another water is wet article
23 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
it me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
88 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
theres something thats gotta be mentioned about how a lot of neurodivergent-coded characters arent human but ignoring that: autistic swag al-an
111 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
fuck youtube but also fuck the people still treating dan and phil like fictional characters if I hear one more person ignore the point of the video and go "ohh my precious babies are such soulmates" or somth like that I'm stealing something out of their house !
129 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
happy pride month!
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131 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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ai-yura15cbx · 1 year ago
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Slavic cyberpunk
слаĐČŃĐœŃĐșĐžĐč ĐșĐžĐ±Đ”Ń€ĐżĐ°ĐœĐș
AI ĐŸŃ‚ Microsoft Bing ĐœĐ° ĐżĐ»Đ°Ń‚Ń„ĐŸŃ€ĐŒĐ” DALL·E 3
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 2 years ago
Humans: worse then every monster
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/r5oRIlW
by Lix_Moonlight
In einer Zombie-Apokalypse sind nicht die Untoten selbst die schlimmsten Wesen auf der Erde.
Bucky Barnes musste dies auf die harte Tour erfahren. Er lebt nur noch vor sich hin, gefangen in einem Alptraum, bis er auf Steve Rogers trifft.
Steve und Bucky fangen an gemeinsam um's Überleben zu kĂ€mpfen, mĂŒssen dabei aber auch mit ihren eigenen Problemen klarkommen.
Words: 29044, Chapters: 16/16, Language: Deutsch
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Hydra (Marvel), Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Protective Steve Rogers, Sad with a Happy Ending, Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Rape/Non-con, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Post-Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Gay Bucky Barnes, Everyone Needs A Hug, Pain, Everyone Has Issues, Angst, Gay Steve Rogers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/r5oRIlW
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caprano · 2 months ago
Fast alle sind fast immer unzufrieden. Das erzeugt Druck. Sagen jedenfalls die Unzufriedenen.
(SZ) Was eint die Deutschen in Ost und West, den Brandenburger AfD-WĂ€hler und die Freiburger GrĂŒnen-StadtrĂ€tin, die Berliner Ohrringdesignerin und den Landshuter Schweinebauern, den Bautzener Rentner und die Starnberger MillionĂ€rstochter? Ganz richtig, sie alle sind, nicht dauernd, aber oft unzufrieden. Unzufrieden damit, dass es nicht so lĂ€uft, wie es soll, dass andere mehr haben als sie, mehr Geld, mehr GlĂŒck, mehr Freunde, mehr Insta-Follower, mehr Dirndl fĂŒrs Oktoberfest, mehr ĂŒberhaupt. Mehr mehr. Unzufriedenheit ist der Geschmack dieses Jahrzehnts. Er wird privat und öffentlich verbreitet, Unzufriedene beherrschen die Talkshows, nörgeln auf den KabarettbĂŒhnen, bevölkern die Buchmessen, wo unzufriedene Autorinnen mit unzufriedenen Feuilletonredakteuren ĂŒber den nicht zufriedenstellenden Zustand des Privatlebens, der Arbeit und der Politik rĂ€sonieren. Nie ist die Apokalypse ganz fern. Allgemeines Übeldraufsein ist die Basis von Wahlentscheidungen, Weltverurteilungen und SelbstĂŒberschĂ€tzung (viele Unzufriedene halten andere Unzufriedene fĂŒr nicht nur nervig, sondern auch fĂŒr doof).
Zur Grundausstattung dieser Welt der Unzufriedenheit gehört unbedingt das Wort „Druck“. Man liest und hört tĂ€glich Dutzende Male, dass jemand „unter Druck“ steht oder gesetzt wird, dass dies und das den Druck erhöht, dass jemand Druck ausĂŒbt oder jemand anders dem Druck kaum standhalten kann. Nun ist das gedankenlose Verwenden zu Tode gerittener Sprachbilder nicht schön, aber ĂŒblich. Sehr ĂŒblich ist es in einer Kultur, in der die Menschen so viel schreiben wie niemals zuvor (ins Telefon) und kaum jemals so wenig von dem gelesen haben, was sie nicht im Telefon finden. Als Unzufriedener könnte man sagen: Die Allgegenwart des schnell geschriebenen Digitalen setzt die Existenz des langsam Geschriebenen, des Buchs, unter Druck. Das Buch ist der Wind, der X-Post der Darmwind.
Allerdings: Wenn alle immer unter Druck stehen, eint sie das auch wieder – wie sie auch die Unzufriedenheit eint. So gesehen sind die Deutschen ein einig Volk von unter Druck befindlichen Unzufriedenen. Dies erklĂ€rt einerseits die jĂŒngsten Wahlen in jenen BundeslĂ€ndern, die wahrlich nicht mehr neu sind, sondern manchmal an Altes, ĂŒberwunden Geglaubtes erinnern. Andererseits ist der Zustand der bedrĂŒckten Unzufriedenheit auch die Grundschwingung der Ampelkoalition: Drei miteinander Unzufriedene haben sich gefunden, obwohl sie sich nicht nur nicht gesucht haben, sondern die jeweils anderen auch fĂŒr nervig und/oder fĂŒr partiell doof halten. Man kann froh sein, dass das mit dem Druck nur ein fades Sprachbild ist. WĂ€re es eine Beschreibung der Wirklichkeit, mĂŒsste die Ampel und mit ihr manches andere lĂ€ngst wie ein ĂŒberhitzter Dampfkessel in die Luft geflogen sein.
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