#post not directed at anyone in particular including the anon
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byoldervine · 7 days ago
so is there a reason you dont respond to dms orrrrrr
Okay you probably didn’t mean to open the floodgates but I need to VENT about this and an anon ask is there perfect excuse to do that without calling any particular individual out, which I do not intend to do
I have exactly one person in my DMs that isn’t someone asking me to commission them, and we only had a brief exchange a few months ago. For the most part I don’t respond since it always seems to follow a formula
Pretty much all my DMs start with someone saying “Hi” with no further context or elaboration, and from that alone I know where this is going but also don’t want to just make an assumption and come off as rude, so I respond in kind. The response is usually “How are you” or something like that; a pleasantry that doesn’t really do much to explain what’s up. So again, I just respond in kind. About 95% of the time they just respond with an “I’m good thanks” and, once again, nothing else
I don’t know how common this is outside of people asking you to commission them, but I honestly don’t like when people DM you but still somehow expect you to make the effort to start the conversation. I don’t know why you’re here, you came to me; what do you want me to say at this point? Maybe I’m just too antisocial to realise this isn’t abnormal behaviour and I’m just being rude, but it really winds me up tbh
And more annoying, when done in this context at least, is when they start asking further questions and trying to start a conversation - still without explaining why they’re actually messaging. Not because I don’t want that, but because, when it’s done to get commissions, it feels kinda manipulative to me, but at the same time it always makes me doubt myself; on the off chance this actually is someone wanting to talk and be friends, I don’t want to shut them down and be rude about it. So I’ll usually answer a question or two to see if it actually goes anywhere, but it of course never does
I end up asking “Is there any particular reason you wanted to DM me?” and the response still never gets straight into it; it’s almost always something like “Do you like art?” or “I see you like drawing” or things like that, like they’re looking for a prompt to continue. Again, no clue why this is. At this point I’m just dreading it because I know what’s coming but at the same time I think stuff like “What if they’re just wanting tips? What if they’re just a bit awkward? What if I assume and it’s wrong and I look like a presumptuous asshat?”, so I usually just go “Yeah?” instead
And THEN they finally mention that they do commissions, and I’m pissed off at myself for getting to this point again. I end up saying something like “Thank you, but I really enjoy creating my own artwork and so I’m not looking to commission others for it. Best of luck though”
The best response I can hope for is just a “No worries” or something, or even to just get no response at all. But the vast majority of the time, it’s something like “Oh, okay then…” or “Are you sure? I do X Y Z, you should look at my posts” or even “That’s fine I guess, I just wasn’t making enough money off of commissions this month so I needed to go around and ask”. Things that feel a little bit passive-aggressive or pushy to me. Though I also get ‘lovely’ messages like “I see you’re drawing X, I can help make it better”, which even I can’t excuse as anything but
So at this point, I don’t typically respond to DMs that don’t explain why they’re messaging. I’m more than happy to chat with people and make friends, but too many people do it just to get the commissions and then ghost when I don’t bite. It really upset me the first few times because I thought I was about to make some artist/writer friends, only to find out that they only wanted business from me and they weren’t going to talk again if I didn’t give them that
Please don’t let this deter anyone from reaching out and DMing with the intention of just having a chat; I would be more than happy for it. I just wanna know upfront what you’re looking for rather than getting a sinking feeling when I see that dreaded “Hi” pop up again
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velvetvexations · 2 months ago
I guess Plaidos is doing that thing where she unblocks me to reblog me again lol.
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Accusing me of pretending to be a trans woman is in fact misgendering me. I am a trans woman. I provably have a voice that can only belong to a person AMAB or someone who's tried very hard over a long period of time to masculinize their voice, so if I'm not a 'TMA' person, you must be necessarily be accusing me of being a man, although it would not be any better if you were saying I was any other kinna non-trans woman either, because it's still misgendering to say a trans woman is faking being a trans woman regardless.
You're misgendering a trans woman when you say I'm not a trans woman. You literally said me claiming to be a trans woman is the same as a conservative man making an attack helicopter joke. You can apologize for that at your leisure.
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Extremely conceited. You come up on my blog fairly infrequently, but you have over fifteen times the followers I do and what you say has reverberations in trans discourse, so sometimes I get anons letting me know what new hornet's nest you've kicked off. I don't look at your blog because it makes my skin physically crawl. The fact that you're an Actually Popular Trans Woman on Tumblr, unlike me, means that you're going to get talked about occasionally because every time you say some dumb shit your gaggle of idiots is ready to enthusiastically vomit it at the other minority groups you call slurs.
Sincerely, get the fuck over it, you're either a prominant transfeminist literary analysist or you aren't.
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It's literally a content warning, because you're a hateful and offensive person, but it's wild I should even have to defend that since 'transfeminists' will tag posts hating on me on a regular basis for no particular reason.
If you actually do go through that tag, you'll see that I tend to only ever talk about you in response to people bringing you up first, or in the case of you misgendering me, you talking about me first. The only real exception is that I made two posts about the Dropout discourse you blatantly started for attention, which was (a) still brought to me by anons since I'd not have known you were responsible for that otherwise and (b) a special interest of mine I was really fucking pissed off that you were fucking up with the bullshit that special interest was an escape from.
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I'm not sending anyone to do anything, moron.
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Your vanity is not charming. I've talked about you lately in direct response to you talking about and misgendering me. You are discussing me too dummy.
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I don't think you should be transmisogynistically harassed, but I'm absolutely fucking not responsible for someone with fifteen times the followers I have getting backlash to things like defending a 4chan slur for non-binary people. Like, no, actually, someone taking issue with that is not on me, and considering what you think counts as transmisogyny, I'm not really sure I even buy your characterization of said backlash, especially if they're "directly referencing" anything I say.
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Completely unsupported by your behavior! Do you remember when you were randomly like "if you're wondering what velvetvexations is up to, she's saying you can call trans women hysterical because they don't have uteruses" when that was not what I fucking said?
I've tried making the same "I'll never mention you if you don't mention me" offer to people who obsessively stalk my blog before, including people who I would never talk about anyway because they don't have nearly the same presence on this website. I've asked them to stop screenshotting my blog and lying about me and getting anons sent to my inbox as a result. I've reported them to Tumblr, who doesn't consider it harassment. Each time the people stalking me - which is what they were actually doing to me, unlike me occasionally commenting when someone tells me you've caused some new discourse - was laughed at and told I simply deserve it or bring it upon myself.
Once again, you position yourself as a serious transfeminist activist and you have the following to back it up. You have influence in the conversation around transfeminism and as a trans woman I have a right to talk about it. Tell people to stop parroting your every word, or better yet, entirely stop kicking at trans men and non-binary people literally every day. Like literally every day you do this, it's why I can't look at your blog because it fucking repulses me.
You don't do anything to help trans women. You don't care about trans women. You care about being cruel to other trans people and using that to prop up your own crumbling ego. I would love it if your opinions weren't unfortunately popular and constantly being widely disseminated among others, but like, they are, and it's fucking disastrous for everyone involved. I don't hate you more than any other dumbass radfem.
I've helped TERFs deradicalize and retransition. You will never in your life do a quarter of what I do for transfeminism. The most you will ever accomplish is being an aggressive contrarian who's too unoriginal to come up with headcanons that weren't popular with transmascs first and claiming it a win when you say they're too stupid and shallow to interpret art correctly.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 11 months ago
The Current event makes me smile since it kind of confirms a headcanon I had that the Great Seven have animated movies based on them. Makes me wonder about the plot of the movies
Disney should get on the Twisted Wonderland AU Animated Remakes. What is Ursula was a good witch, what if Scar was right to take the throne and did he take it from Mufasa? (Or whoever is the stand in for him)
The Evil/Beautiful Queen...actually GOOD?
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Yeah, it makes sense! Since the Great Seven are historical figures and the stuff of legends, surely there would be popular media made in their image. It’s like how the Disney fairy tales borrow from stories in the public domain or how there are historical retellings and reinventions (Hamilton, anyone?).
I believe TWST has mentioned films based on their own stories and history before too, but purely in the animated sense rather than live action. In book 3, Ace and one of the Atlantica Museum guards talk about an animated movie based on the tale of the mermaid princess and her prince; this movie is said to have come out ~30 years ago, which corresponds with Disney’s animated The Little Mermaid. Ace compliments the movie’s soundtrack too way to stroke your own ego, Disney/j.
Later on in Tapis Rouge, the characters discuss other films based on the Great Seven, including one Queen of Hearts movie. A Sea Witch movie is also mentioned; in it, she “goes gigantic” and also sings as she brews potions. The Octatrio quite enjoy this particular film.
(Side note: Another anon once suggested to me that people probably also write fanfics of Neige and Vil since they’re celebrities… Think like “My mom sold me to One Direction?!” Wattpad kinds of fics, but replace One Direction with Vil or something. You can read those post here!)
It’s… interesting this event specifically has Vil promoting a live action adaption of an in-universe animated film about the Beautiful Queen—an animated film which was the first full-color animated movie AND it originally released close to 90 years ago. They also reference the funding issues that Disney suffered while producing Snow White + inviting bank employees in to preview the movie to acquire more investments, stating that the studio that made the animated Beautiful Queen experienced the same. The in-game live action is even slated to come out “NEXT YEAR”. They’re not being subtle here with TWST’s references to their own version of the irl Disney Snow White (the live action is coming out in 2025, the OG is also almost 90 years old, etc.). I wonder if the EN server will actually get Tapis Rouge around the time of the irl release of Disney’s live action Snow White as part of a promotional campaign? 😂
UPDATE: There are even more not-so-subtle references to Disney animations in part 4 of the event, including discussion of cel animation, rotoscoping, adding blush to the characters, and how Disney brought in real animals/observed the “real thing” to help with animating similar scenes or subjects. They also cheekily say that most animation nowadays is CG 💀
I know some books under Disney publishing try to show alternate tellings or show the villains in a more sympathetic light, but I don’t know that they would ever commit to fully animating a film like that. It definitely would not happen in the style of traditional animation, Disney no longer seems well-equipped to handle that task 😔 I feel like it would also be pretty niche or might not get overwhelming positive reception with recent audience calls for “true bad guys” instead of twist or sympathetic villains (though I’m not sure what percentage of people watching Disney actually have this opinion).
I do wonder how those “AU” films would work though…? It wouldn’t be as simple as suddenly turning the G7 into “good guys”. The scenario and other characters would also have to drastically change. TWST doesn’t necessarily make the original “good guys” “bad” in a world where the villains are historical figures; we still hear plenty of positive or neutral stories about the achievements of the mermaid princess and other Disney heroes.
There are also times when the same story diverges into multiple separate stories that seemingly have no connection to one another. For example, there is a story where a princess marries a street rat (clearly referencing Aladdin) and they live happily ever after in spite of the difference in their social statuses. However, there simultaneously exists a story in which the Sorcerer of the Sands saves a princess from being deceived by a fake prince (also referencing Aladdin). The same goes for the mermaid princess (Ariel)—there is both a story referring to a “mermaid princess” who married a human prince and also a different story (clearly still pulled from the same film) about a mermaid who made a deal with the Sea Witch to find true love but broke her contract in the end.
Very cool idea, just not sure where it would lead or it it’s feasible or worth it monetarily for Disney.
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osc-plurals-confessions · 3 months ago
Greetings and Salutations!
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As the name suggests, this blog was created specifically for those who wish to submit their experiences of being
fictives/fictionkin/alterhuman/Au versions ect! A little community for people to retreat to!
Tags that will be used:
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A bit about the Mods:
Name: Applin / Sam
Pronouns: He/They
Sys: The Cybernetics
Extra stuff: We are an OSDD 1B System known as the Cybernetics, this due to our C-PTSD and trauma.
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ Second Mod Info!! 𖹭
𐙚 Names ~ Sweet/Sweets/Cuppa/Tea 𖹭
𐙚 Sys ~ The Sweethearts 𖹭
𐙚 Pronouns ~ She/They/It 𖹭
𐙚 Other info ~ Hellohello! We are suspecting to be an OSDD system, as we have C-PTSD due to trauma. Still working things out though!
Name: Mephone4 / Mike
Pronouns: He / They / 4 / 4self
About: I am typically the advice giver and comforter.I have some knowledge of systems due to research and personal experience, however by no means am I an expert or professional. Please do not take my word as such. My text is typically in blue.
Name: Fan / Finn
Pronouns: He / it
About: I am usually the blog's know-it-all! I know how to use this website and I know the rules practically inside and out! I am not again an expert or a technician! I am just a nerd! I like to usually reply to silly things with a funny or light hearted response. I am the, clown here if you will. My text is typically in red! I also love using emojis a lot.
𐙚 Name ~ Two/Thomas 𖹭
𐙚 Pronouns ~ They/Them 𖹭
𐙚 About: Hiya! I am the co-host for The Sweethearts!! I am able two give comfort and affirmations, and advice two an extent!! I may also answer light-hearted confessions two!! My text will be in green for reference!!
𐙚 Name ~ Bow/Bonnie 𖹭
𐙚 Pronouns ~ She/It 𖹭
𐙚 About: Hiiii!!! Like my name is Bow!! Yahh, I'm like 15 mentally, sooo yah! I'm probably gonna answer like silly confessions and all that, but I might like give a little bit of advice every now and then! My text is pink and has my like symbol thing! -> ~ ⪩○⪨
Main blog: @justanapplenothinghere
Main blog: @ikintwosm
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No system discourse please. I would rather avoid having arguments through asks.
I will not be posting any offensive or rude confessions / responses to anons or ANYONE else. Character hate is okay as long as it's not directed at anyone in particular also if it isn't taken too far.
You can absolutely express your opinions, experiences ect. But do tell me if your confession must be given a Trigger warning for sensitive topics such as e.g : ab*se.
Be nice, I mean that's just common sense but sometimes it still has to be said.
I'm not keeping track of what signoffs are claimed or not. However what I can do is create for you a custom tag based on your signoff. That way it's easier.
Offensive object shows such as object redundancy and others are banned from being talked here.
Lastly, do bare in mind I do have a life and other blogs to run including this one. I'll be trying to post at least somewhat daily but please do not harass me for forgetting or being slow. Most likely I have received your ask amongst the others that it may have gotten buried.
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Now that THAT'S taken care of, we can finally start!
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foreingersgod · 11 months ago
Why does it always have to be a black reader🙄
so i got this comment in my inbox and wanted to talk about it!
like i said in my paige x blackgf!reader post, i am a white person, so by no means is my opinion on this matter relevant. but i did want to kind of address this.
i had posted those headcannons based on a specific request from an anon, so i just wrote based off what they wanted, i have no idea why they wanted that in particular. i do think, however, that a lot of people ask for authors on here to write with a black reader because there are many posts on here that revolve around a white reader. i believe that the reason authors write for/readers request a black reader is because a lot of posts aren’t inclusive. as much as i love tumblr, there is a lack of inclusive content. i don’t mind writing for a black reader because i think it is important that people have fics written so that they can relate to them.
now i don’t know if this person (in the ask) is meaning it in a way to criticize why i wrote with a black reader or if it was directed towards the requester of the original post, but either way, writing to be inclusive is important because not everyone does that. i try to be as inclusive as i can in all of my posts, while also trying to cater to the requester, so that everyone can enjoy what i write. the last thing i want is to make anyone uncomfortable on my page, so if that post was genuinely offensive, please let know and i will take it down immediately.
exclusion in writing is a real problem and making fics that allow people to feel included is crucial. as a white person, i have no room to say what would make a black person feel comfortable or uncomfortable, but i hope that by writing the blackgf! reader headcannons i didn’t make anyone upset.
i would really appreciate so feedback or comments on this so i can educate myself and make sure my page is a safe place for everyone! i am fairly knew to writing fics and being active on tumblr and i’m definitely not an expert on things like this. so no hate to anyone intended, im just trying to educate myself and give my opinion!
with much love,
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vellichorom · 2 years ago
hey!! That Anon that’s new to the TSP & Narratorverse - thank you so much for explaining things! I’ve gone through the threads you’ve linked and looked at some of the creators connected to them. Also, I have another question (I hope I’m not intruding on your time, and you have no obligation to answer this), but what is the Lovebug sickness thing? I’ve also seen that around.
ok admittedly I actually don't think I'm as knowledgeable with the Lovebug Virus concept as I would be with Paraverse, but as I've actually been engaged with it a LOT as of late & at least understand the base concept ( I think? ), I'll try to relay ALL that I know to you, dear non! & i thoroughly encourage anyone who may know more to add onto my post!
TDLR; in essence an AU / trend begun by user @things1do that stems from the idea of The Stanley Parable, particularly Stan/Nar, getting infected by a particular love-virus! that's pretty much it I think. lovecore parable, baby!
SO - the " Lovebug AU, " also known as " the Love Virus " is a concept originated from the user mentioned above ( Bubo ) in which, if we're to take the tags from this original post to heart, the/their Narrator opened an email with a virus attached ( implied to be the infamous IRL computer worm ILOVEYOU / LOVE_LETTER_FOR_YOU.TXT.vbs or some variation of it? ) & ended up getting the game bugged.
rather than your standard computer bug effects though, said worm corrupts the parable & simply injects a lovecoric aesthetic into everything, which includes - of course, Stanley & the Narrator; shown through individual outfit, aesthetic, & personality shifts to befit. given their popularity as characters & as a couple, they're most often the characters you'll find if you search the AU anywhere, though I believe any character IN the parable can be lovebugged!
& beyond this concept, I don't think there's been much other story added to it? at least, not from Bubo, from what I can tell. truth be told, i think the concept of the Lovebug Virus is just a good, canonically appropriate excuse to draw Parablites in lovecoric outfits & doing shippy/affectionate things with one another!
...but that's not stopped some people.
given the rather open concept with no apparent set story beyond a simple shtick, people have taken it in NUMEROUS different directions with their respective Parable renditions & interpretations.
some stick with the simplicity of the original concept; some others decide to take it a bit further & really harp on the " virus " side of things, either turning it into a literal sickness on cold with a flu or some kind of unfavorable phenomenon in terms of bodily health or the game's code; some others make it a one-sided thing from either Stanley or the Narrator's POV, with the other trying to avoid or cure them- & on that note, I've even seen it translated as a sort of lovecoric zombie virus ( hi @blackkatdraws ); some take it in a more Visceral or thought-provokingly disturbing direction with the virus enhancing the affected's feelings to an obsessive / destructive degree; & then you've got some that take it as an excuse to depict stan/nar as more Lustful, with befitting, revealing / promiscuous clothes to boot. ( you know who you are & i know WHAT you are )
etc etc -- & to each their own, i suppose! it's a very loose, interpretation-based concept that you can really push & play & have fun with, so long as you stick to the main " hearts, pink & red, lovey " theme!
I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY TAKING YOUR VALUABLE TIME TO LOOK THROUGH THE LAST POST & MAYBE EVEN THIS ONE; it makes me so very happy to know you took the time to look into my ( maybe needless ) ramble esp when i tried putting a lot of dedication in it, & i LOOOOVE to talk to excess & i love to be thorough about WHATEVER it is i'm explaining, so thank you forever & i'm so VERY VERY happy that hopefully it'll lead you to finding some TSP creators you may want to get into! this is going to be us if you keep that up
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sgiandubh · 1 year ago
I don't even understand what there is to gloat over? (antis) Why does him saying he had Covid serve the narrative? (shippers) Lots of people got Covid (including Cait), it shouldn't be a surprise. Honest to god, both sides of this fandom do the absolute most! He could have had Covid and quarantined, he could have spent it with Cait, he could have blah blah blah. It was 2 years ago. SO WHAT? He was going to be in New Zealand over Christmas away from family and friends regardless. It's just a story, there is no need to take everything so personally. That last sentence isn't directed at anyone in particular, but sometimes this fandom gets deep in their feelings and it's just not necessary.
Dear Both Sides Anon,
I have no idea if you are new or not in here and to be honest, I don't think it's relevant. The reason I am answering your ask, while I currently send a good 75% of them to the bin, is because it sums up very well the puzzled look on the face of a complete stranger who stumbled by chance on our blogs.
This is an adversarial, even gladiatorial fandom. Kindness (🙄) abounds, as you can see. No one in here is probably never very far away from it (🤬😡🤢🤮👺💀☠👻👽👾💩). Irony aside, I don't think I have ever seen, in my entire life and in any other social context., such a consuming passion for the tiniest detail and such a nuclear spending of energy, on a daily basis. And mind you, everything is usually taken on a very personal level and how could it be otherwise, given the rich bullying and harassment history of this damn place?
Upon entering, it's not exactly lasciate ogni speranza, but rather - place your bets intelligently. Speak to the right people, which means 'speak to the people you personally feel the most comfortable sharing things with'. Never assume you are away from a faux-pas. Think twice before posting and always try to imagine you're talking to people, not sheep or aliens or robots or pawns. And by Jove, never imagine everybody will like you: this is not a popularity contest, this is sometimes Beirut.
Last, but not least (and I think you've noticed it, by now), this fandom just loves drama. Justified or unjustified - it doesn't really matter. That makes the good fortunes of 💩👻, who zip between the combat lines faster than the Venetian commute vaporetti. Carelessly light a match and the whole gunpowder warehouse goes 💥 in a matter of seconds. So yes, Anon - I understand what you mean. But I also know very well the equanimity you vouch for is never to be found here.
So, we should be grateful for small graces: someone who asks you if you are ok or about your #silly day at the office. Or someone who drops two lines just to say your posts made her smile, while riding an overcrowded bus on the other side of the world. That is the real beauty of this strange place, Anon. The rest is Byzantine politics and the Mighty Circus that keeps us all in here, riveted.
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followmybones · 1 year ago
Bones' 2023 Halloween Event 🎃
Goblins, ghouls, and sheet ghosts, it’s that time of the year again, Halloween. We’re talking too much glitter, unsettlingly realistic makeup, and even fake teeth; there’s the perfect costume for everyone. Put on a mask or even ditch the shirt for the night, but what better way to celebrate Halloween than with a couple's costume! Have you ever wondered what costume you and your favorite character would wear together? Well, I'm here to help, with this very infomercial-sounding event intro! 
This event is open from now (28 September) and ends 20 October. I want to ensure that I have enough time to get everything done so that everything will be ready to post the weekend before Halloween! 
This is a selfship-based event which means for this event, you get to choose the character your post is about! In return for joining this event, you’ll get what costume I think would fit you and your character, a photo or two of the costumes, some runner-up costume ideas, how I think your character would come up with the idea for your costumes, and a few extra hcs about the costumes.
Rules for this event: 
One character/post per person
Anyone is allowed to join, anons are welcome.
If you want to send in an ask for an OC + character instead of yourself, that's totally fine!
Everything will stay sfw, at most it'll only be suggestive, so I ask that you keep the ask you send in sfw as well. This blog and event are for people of all ages, and I would like to keep it a safe space for everyone. 
I have every right to deny a request for any reason (it’s unlikely, but still).
This is just for fun, so if you don't like the results, don't send me hate, it's for funsie, it's not that serious.
To find out what you and your fav (selfship or platonic) would wear here is what you should include in an ask to join this event:
First off, what character do you want your post to be written for? A list of the fandoms and characters I'm accepting for this event can be found at the bottom of this post. 
Tell me about the relationship between you and the character of your choice! Are you guys dating, just friends? What is your relationship like, are they the sun to your moon, are you two idiots in love, rivals to lovers, frienemies but somehow still besties, help me get to know the dynamic between you two!
I’d also like to know about you, describe your personality in a few simple words, and maybe include your pronouns! I'd like to get to know your vibe a bit!
Tell me a bit about how you dress, specifically; do you tend to dress feminine, or masculine, do you not care, do you dress androgynously, somewhere between masc & fem in a genderless way that keeps people guessing? Or is there any particular way you’re not comfortable dressing? Is modesty important to you? Seems silly, but I want to make sure I don't recommend costumes that might make you uncomfy or give you dysphoria/dysmorphia.
A broad category of costumes to get me started in a general direction (examples: cute, scary, character costumes, something silly, one of the classic cheesy couples costumes, retro/period costumes, anything you can think of that’s still pretty general)
Who’s idea was it for the costumes, did you come up with the idea, did they, or did someone else suggest it? (Ultimately for the purposes of this event, the character will be the one “picking” the costume).
Not required, but maybe even tell me how the conversation about the costume went, did you have to convince them? Did they have to convince you? Were you both mutually excited about it, or are you just doing it for a costume contest because you want that gift card that the first-place winners gets? 
Quick suggestion: not required, but if you plan to send in an anon ask, maybe sign it with an emoji or something to make sure you know which request is yours
Quick note: everything will be written with a modern AU in mind (kinda), this is mainly for arcane and my hero, since the rest of what I write is still pretty built into the world we live in
Characters I'm willing to write, organized by fandom:
Arcane:  Jayce, Viktor, Silco, Vander, Ekko, Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn
Obey Me:   Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon, + Luke (platonically only)
MHA:  Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Sero Hanta, Ejiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, Tsuyu Asui, Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro, Hitsohi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), Hawks, Dabi, Tomura Shigaraki, Toga Himiko, Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
COD: MWII versions of task force 141 (Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price) + Alejandro & Rudy 
Haikyuu: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, "Suga", Asahi Azumane, Yū Nishinoya, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Kiyoko Shimizu, Hitoka Yachi, Tōru Oikawa, Issei Matsukawa, Takahiro Hanamaki "Makki", Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Takanobu Aone, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna, Kiyoomi Sakusa 
Feel free to shoot me an ask or message me with any questions you might have. I hope to see you all in my asks! Enjoy your spooky season, and stay safe out there <3
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t00thpasteface · 2 years ago
do u have a post abt your martin/lucien headcanons and if not would you consider making one....
oh. my god. i have so many. SO MANY. so many headcanons and also so many posts about the headcanons.
i was going to link individual posts, but actually if you go to this blog search (the term "marcien shoutz") it will pull up all my marcien text posts and you can browse the whole lot at your leisure! and of course all the text posts i've posted and asks i've answered about marcien (including ask games and anon hour) are under the marcien tag just the same as the art posts ✨
that being said, a lot of my headcanons are actually kind of in a permanent state of flux depending on what i need/want for a particular drawing or fic. i'm torn between a few very specific possible setups for their relationship, and i jump between them (or blend them) as the rule of cool/funny dictates!
HoK introduces them as mutual friends: this could pan out in several different directions. there's the obvious one where they hit it off right away and are open about it, but there's also the version where they hook up secretly afterwards and don't tell the HoK. and there's even the third version where Lucien sees an opportunity and pretends like he wants to be closer friends with Martin while secretly plotting to exploit him... until he starts actually liking the guy for real. wait, isn't that just a Spongebob episode??
HoK sets them up on a date: i think this one is probably at its funniest when they don't get along right away. they agree to one or two dates mostly out of loneliness and/or curiosity, or just to humor the HoK, but then once it actually starts to pan out they're like... dammit, the HoK was actually right again.
failed love triangle: now this one's got some spicy potential for explosive drama. my HoK is a lesbian, so she really doesn't have a stake in a genuine love triangle, but another HoK who's already dating, crushing on, or (yikes!) engaged to one of the boys would have a lot more to lose. maybe it's not all sunshine and rainbows, but if you love angst, there's a lot of meat on this bone. you could also take the polycule route, but we're talking about Marcien and not Marcienhok, so i'm only interested in the illicit guilty hookups behind the HoK's back. muahahaha...
they met before the events of the game: these all have a very similar dynamic of the HoK independently & unwittingly befriending either half of an old flame that fizzled out, but they would start differently depending on what stage of his life Martin was in when he met Lucien: farm boy, prodigy guild mage, Sanguinite, or priest. there's a lot of potential for friction between how much Martin has changed over the years versus how constant Lucien would be as a lifelong member of the Brotherhood, and that would certainly color their expectations about reuniting and trying to get back together.
one of them has/wants to kill the other: obviously, this could refer to a scenario in which Lucien takes out a contract to kill Martin, but remember that Martin also holds a lot of influence and could absolutely have good reason to want to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood, or at least their influence in a specific area. there's a potential for bonus drama if the HoK is/was in the DBH, whether or not Martin knows about it. i'm always a sucker for the "i came here to kill you but i can't bring myself to do it anymore" dynamic you often see between an outlaw and their lover.
you can probably presume the sort of headcanons that would go along with each scenario but as always i'm happy to elaborate if there's one you want to hear more about. (and they're all on my To-Draw List… but so are ten million other things x_x;;)
if you're reading this, consider all thse ideas totally fair game for stealing for your own art/fic purposes. far be it from me to gatekeep a rarepair!! i've also beta-read some Marcien fic before and would be happy to do so again if anyone asks.
that's all for now!!! thanks SO much for the ask!!!!
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x-neurodivergent-reader · 1 year ago
Heyy i Hope You’re Doing well! I’m a new writing acc and I don’t really have any requests or an audience, can I please ask for your advice on how to start writing more or gaining an audience, because I struggle to write without any ideas being given or a prompt list.
Sending love!! Byee
Hello, welcome to the world of writing fanfiction! Since this might get a bit rambly, I'll stick my advice under the cut. I'll also break it up into categories, and bold the most important parts, just for easier readability.
Writing a particular niche/experience
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how universal my experience with writing/the following I built is, because my blog is directed towards a specific niche? It was genuinely a case of there being very few fics directed at/including neurodivergent readers, deciding "fine, I'll do it myself", and then the people who also wanted more of such fics were drawn to my writing as they came across it.
As such, writing one or two things based on your unique personal experiences (that you're comfortable sharing) might be a good start?
Your blog doesn't have to be centred around those experiences for you to write about them, and it doesn't have to be very specific, either (a few of my first posts were literally HCs for "[character] x Autistic!Reader - Established Relationship"). My more specific/unique ideas came along as I wrote more, and from the requests that came in over time.
There'll always be someone out there who not only relates to your experiences and feelings, but is waiting to see themselves in your stories!
Prompt lists (even without anyone to send them!)
Other than that, though: there's no shame in starting with a prompt list! Even if there's no one to give you a prompt yet, you might be able to find a small list, and then put the numbers/prompts into a random name picker to choose it for you?
I've just had a look for some examples, and a lot of prompt lists tend to be fairly long, from what I'm seeing (around 15-25 prompts seems to be the average) - but I've found this blog, that has some smaller lists to choose from. If anyone else knows of any others that anon might find useful, feel free to share them here!
An extra bit of advice...
This isn't really relevant to your question, but is the No. 1 bit of advice I would give to a new fic writer: figure out what you are/aren't comfortable writing before you start taking requests.
When I got my first request, the requester ended up having to change it a couple times, because I hadn't considered that, for example, someone could request a character I wasn't familiar with - leading to the "don't request characters I haven't already written for" rule in my guidelines. In hindsight, I'd recommend writing several fics before you start taking requests, so you have a better idea of what your boundaries are, and can list them out for people to take note of. It'll save you, and the requesters, a lot of trouble!
It's also important to not let anyone intentionally try to break those boundaries (e.g. by blatantly guilt-tripping you). While it's wonderful to have people appreciate your writing enough to want to see more from you, they aren't entitled to cross the line like that - it's OK to stand up for yourself. Do no harm, take no shit, etc. etc.
And that's all I've got!
I hope this was at least a little bit helpful - again, I'm not sure how universal the way my blog grew is, but hopefully there's something you'll be able to take away from this!
I hope you have fun writing! c:
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omnium-gatherums · 1 year ago
did anything in particular help u get over denial bc u don’t know much abt your alters? I feel like a silly to think I could have this disorder bc I’m very clueless
Hmm... Other than my diagnosis and generally teaching myself, I'm not entirely sure.
Note here when I say "you" in this post, I'm not directing this at you, Anon, specifically!
Mostly just a lot of research. Like so much research. Please, PLEASE do research - actual research - if and when you can, even if you have to find audiobooks or find alternative ways to research, as long as you are not solely getting your information from social media! Including me man! Do your own research! I am a human being too and I am capable of being wrong! I would LOVE to share places where I research, how I research, etc. if anyone is interested in a post like that.
Talking to other systems, being in (...good..) system spaces, and learning about other systems' experiences, both different and similar to my own. You can browse blog pages, forum posts, Reddit, Tumblr, read books, watch short films made by people with DID/OSDD, find other YouTubers to watch, etc. I can also share a post about some stuff I recommend, like Forums and Reddit posts and blogs.
Throw out OSDD versus DID. I'm so serious. I think some people who question DID/OSDD have treated questioning it like way too seriously and I kinda just wanna go. Who cares man. If you suspect you have DID or OSDD, who cares, just say you suspect DID or OSDD. You. Don't need to narrow it down to one, I promise you it doesn't matter as much as the internet acts like it does. I think the DID criteria could do with changing and to be less restrictive in order to include a wider variety of presentations and experiences. At the end of the day, when somebody says they're an OSDD system, this means SO many different things for SO many different people. You ask one person with OSDD what that means for them and they might have a totally different answer than someone else with OSDD. I just think people should learn to be okay with saying "I suspect DID/OSDD, I don't know which" more often instead of attempting to figure out which one they have. The reason it's so confusing is because OSDD doesn't have criteria. It doesn't have criteria for you to meet and the internet makes shit up about OSDD, so you get fed misinformation about it and things don't add up and don't make sense because it's misinformation. So just throw this out and learn to be okay with not knowing whether it's DID or OSDD. It's okay. You don't have to narrow it down. Relax NFDKJASKD
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ANYTHING THAT YOU READ ABOUT DID/OSDD ONLINE THAT YOU FOUND HELPFUL - SAVE IT SOMEWHERE! I promise you will want to look back at them and read them over and over again several times and each time you do, you will realize things you hadn't before. So often, I've gone back and read research papers that I've read in the past, or books, etc. and found that I understood them much better, that they made me realize a lot more about myself, etc. than the first time I read them. Or the second time, or the third time, etc.
Lots and lots of journaling, even if you think it's useless/pointless, even if you think it's unhelpful, even if you don't understand the point. I did not understand how journaling would help me figure out my alters because I was expecting myself to magically find something written there like the next day with no memory of it, and it. Does not fuckign work that way LMFAO at least not for most people. I was expecting the wrong thing, I was assuming that that was the indicators of switching I was looking for, that I was supposed to communicate to my alters in that way, but I knew that that wasn't an experience I would have, and I obviously didn't experience it, so I didn't understand the point. It soon became clear how wrong I was NFKSDNFJKADNKJDASF
It's okay to be ""cringe."" It's okay to be ""weird."" Let yourself be weird as Hell. Let yourselves be "cringey." It's okay. Be free. NFDJFNKDSA
Allow your experiences to Just Be. You don't have to figure out if that experience was a switch right now, you don't have to figure out if that voice you heard was Truly An Alter right now, I just mean that you don't have to overthink it and you can allow your experiences to simply happen and then analyze them later. It's okay. Even if they are weird, even if they are cringey, even if they're embarrassing. I mean, so long as no-one is harmed, but even in that case, it's okay to put safety measures into place, or find alternatives, find coping skills, or if something harmful has already happened, to attempt to mend it, and analyze things later, etc. Things will come to you as long as you let them, but you won't be able to figure things out if you refuse to allow experiences to simply happen instead of overthinking it, like I used to do where I constantly just felt like "but that's not truly an alter, so-" and just refused to let things Just Happen.
Most importantly: take your time. seriously. this is a process that can - unfortunately - agonizingly take several years. but the pay-off is worth it and when you start to feel that denial lessen, you will look back and feel as if no time as passed (or is that the dissociation NFJDASNFK
I think that's about everything I can think of so far!
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hertwood · 2 years ago
i think you've included sprints and sprint qualis in your rookie time gap graphic; it'd probably be a good idea to just stick an asterisk beside those to specify as they have significantly different formats, and sometimes teams tend to chuck a whacky strategy at a driver for a sprint race as it has no bearing on the race (eg. lando in the baku sprint)
aside from that it's fabulous! really easy to read and understand :)
hi! thanks for your thoughts~
firstly re: including sprints~ astericks probably would be a good idea, so i'll add those. i did wish there was a good way to clarify, but i knew i didn't want to add the flags like i usually do because i thought i'd make it too clunky.
for anyone curious, here are the averages including vs excluding sprints:
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the baku race for lando, as you mentioned, does skew race data way more. (as well as yuki's bad luck in sprints, for some reason.) I'll put these under a read more on the main post as well! In the future I may include both averages in the graph, perhaps if I do graphs like these at the end of the year :)
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As for time penalties, your ask reminded me of a time penalty graphic I forgot I wanted to post! So I have a very convenient way of checking this~
Logan and Alex's time penalties never affected their finishing position. Yuki and Nyck received identical track limit penalties in Austria, so while it affected their finishing position it did not change their gap. That leaves two "controversial" occasions--Lando in Canada, and Yuki in Spain.
I'll certainly add a note on the post for those! I guess the FIA is another one of those variables impossible to account for 😅 I generally consider time penalties as part of the race so therefore should be included in data. These two I agree were debatable, but still the final standing so I'm content with including them in the data.
In conclusion (Not directed at you in particular anon, just in general 💞)
I definitely don't intend this graph to be a definitive showing of rookie performance because that's just not possible. There are plenty of times were drivers are screwed by strategy and circumstance in quali or races, both main and sprint, and it's not possible to account for that. I'll try to make graphs better and more comprehensive as I go of course!! But everyone is free to draw their own conclusions on rookie performance, this isn't meant to be a be-all end-all analysis. The best comparisons are probably locked away with their teams lol
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ragingadhd · 1 year ago
I really try to not get upset with some of the confessions on this blog. I know a lot of people just need a space to air out their grievances and I want to give them space to do that. I don’t know what it is about this one, but it’s really getting under my skin.
So many people have been crying about how the fandom is dying, but at the same time, people are crying about how so many of the newcomers are ‘too young’ or ‘uncreative’. Sorry the fandom doesn’t look the way you want it to? I guess?
Also how dare you accuse that artists are leaving because they’re not getting attention. I can’t speak for other artist, and really, I know this post wasn’t directed at any particular artist. I very well might not even be included in the artist you’re talking about, but I still can’t help but feel like I’ve been called shallow. Yes, I haven’t been making as much art lately, and yes, what I have posted hasn’t been as polished, but it’s not because I’m thinking “boohoo my art hasn’t been going viral :(“. It’s because I’ve been making art for this fandom since middle school, and especially within the last 2-3 years. I’ve been running out of original ideas and I don’t want to post the same 5 things over and over again. My art hasn’t been as polished because I’ve been working on deconstructing my perfectionism lately.
Yes, it doesn’t feel great that the art I’ve worked hard on and am proud of hasn’t been getting as much attention as I thought it would. But the fanart I make has always been more about enjoying drawing and wanting to share it, not about wanting notes.
I know I’m talking this way more personally than what’s necessary, and to anon, I apologize if I’ve said something hurtful in the process. I know you were probably just venting and had no intentions of hurting anyone.
i genuinely hate going onto the rangersapprentice tag. no shade to anyone but ninety percent of the posts right now are completely empty of any creativity whatsoever. you have people posting the most godawful out-of-character headcanons, writing these looong essays on something that was incredibly obvious in the first place and didn't need an entire post dedicated to it or some mixture of the two. its so annoying. i get younger fans joined this year but some of these read like they were written by middle schoolers, come on.
this fandom used to be full of artists but most of them migrated away since their high effort posts would get the same amount of attention as someone saying some crap like "Headcanon: Halt is a total softie :) He likes pigeons" i dare people to go onto the profiles of well known RA artists and ask their opinions and you will see that i'm right.
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cbrownjc · 2 years ago
saw your post on why Louis doing the interview. why do you think Lestat will come back and publish his own account in the show if Louis won't have the time to publish his? Because there's no way Lestat wouldn't have been there if he's not sleeping now in the current timeline. In the books, he's woken by rock music, but he released the book as a respond to Louis' and to rebel to his secrecy oath to Marius.
Hey Anon.
Here's the thing: I don't think Lestat is going to publish his book in the show.
Lestat published that book as an answer to IWTV, but also to tell Louis the things he couldn't tell him or say before regarding all the questions Louis kept asking, but Lestat never answered.
However, here? In regards to the show? Lestat has already answered those questions. He's told Louis (and Claudia) about Magnus and how he, Lestat, was made a vampire. He's told Louis about Nicki. (IMO, it was Louis who told Claudia about Nicki after Lestat told him.)
At this point, if Louis reveals in S2 that he knows about Gabrielle? I won't be surprised.
A lot of people have noticed that Louis, in the show, isn't asking any existential questions about what vampires are or the meaning behind their existence or anything like that. Claudia, in her diary, laments that Louis isn't interested and doesn't care about these things or about looking for other vampires.
And I don't think it's just detachment and dealing with the trauma of everything, including what he did to Lestat.
I think Lestat told him. Told him things Marius told Lestat not to tell anyone. (And it’s why Claudia doesn’t know. Unlike about Nicki, Louis didn’t tell her anything about this.)
It's not that Louis didn't understand when Lestat said, "Those Who Must Be Kept." It's just that Louis didn't hear him say it.
IDK. Maybe I'm wrong on that. But after I got over the shock of Lestat openly talking about Maguns to Louis and Claudia, and then got over the double shock that Louis and Claudia also know about Nicki, well. . .
What screwed everything up between the three of them wasn't Lestat's lack of honesty. Not when it came to these things, at any rate.
The actual majority of the book The Vampire Lestat was dedicated to telling Lestat's backstory to the reader. The main reader being Louis. And in the show, Lestat has already told it to Louis IMO.
Not that I don't think we, the audience, won't get to see that backstory. We will, I think, in S2. Because that is when Daniel - the audience surrogate for the show - will hear it. But it won't be told because Lestat published some big book about it to the world, and for Louis in particular, to read.
Also, I hope you don't mind Anon, but I'm going to use this moment to talk about the Lestat rock star thing as well. So this isn't directed at you or anything; it's just something, in general, I want to say:
Lestat being a rock star was very, very, VERY tied into the 1980s. But music styles, like time, very much march on. And as someone who was just a little kid at the time but still old enough to remember mid-80s rock music, and a tween when its death came at the hands of Grunge in the early 90s, well . . . .
I have no idea how they could pull off the rock star thing with Lestat on the show without it just devolving into high camp.
I do think Lestat's "Come To Me" song is going to play a role more in the story going forward as kind of a substitute for the rock star thing. Possibly even being the thing that finally wakes Lestat up. Because yes, I do think he is still asleep somewhere.
Also, just by dent of the changed timeline, if Lestat went to sleep when I think he did (sometime between 1967-1971) he's heard rock music before anyway. Why would 2022 rock music wake him up?
But his own song he composed? Maybe somehow released to the public and becoming a hit single or something? Maybe even re-recored before that release by a certain someone who plays Louis but also has a music career in real life as well, so we already know he can sing too?
I could see that.
(I skipped some other Qs I received before this one because I wanted to answer it quickly while this was all still fresh in my head. I'm getting to the other ones, I promise.)
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hesokuri-wars · 3 years ago
Are you guys alright? Like, personally? I'm worried about you :[
✨I can only speak for myself, but I’m alright! Sorry to have just vanished without a word. I honestly didn’t intend to and always hoped I’d get back into the swing of this
Last year I started a new job that is really physically and sometimes emotionally exhausting. I’m very happy there!! But I also have 2 part time jobs on top of that, so I’m just a wee bit burnt out and tired lmao
I've been Chronically Offline for a while, not just here; working 5-7 days a week without weekends or holidays means my free time is quite limited. And yeah, that free time has not included Heso at all, so I really can’t answer any questions about the game from the last year even when I am rarely around :/
So like... when will I come back? Will I come back? Big shrug. I do love the game and this community, I just don’t have the energy for it like I used to. So don't get your hopes up, I guess. Sorry
(And yes, I literally can't figure out how to format my mod icon into this post ✌😎✨)
💙Mod Kara
(Actually, it's great that you don't have a mod icon, because I can't be bothered myself to recover my own batch of icons for this post. This is good.)
Heeey, anon. It's super sweet of you to have sent in this ask, so I thank you for your concern. To answer your question, I'm doing fine, too. Like Mod Kara, I've got a job as well, but unlike her, I'm as online as ever, so what's my excuse?
Well, I haven't exactly touched anything Heso-related in... since the last time I posted actual Heso news, whenever that was. At one point, I sort of just stopped opening up the game and mostly left things up to Mod Kara. Truth be told, it's been a long time since I've actively been interested in Heso for a variety of reasons, ranging from my issues with the game itself, my current dedication to other interests, and the admittedly less-than-ideal way that I perceive this blog that I've owned for the past 5 years.
I'm aware that my explanation isn't as... justified as Mod Kara's. She's not active because she genuinely has too much on her plate at the moment, while I'm not active for reasons that can essentially be boiled down to I Don't Want To. Because of that, I do feel some degree of guilt for not being around for people who follow this blog, so I'm not going to bother defending myself. All I can really say without going full-blown TMI is that there are a handful of different factors that contribute to my lack of motivation, and I simply can't take responsibility for a long-term help blog when I'm like this.
Does that mean I'm quitting, or does that mean I'll be back one day? I'll just repeat what Mod Kara said above: Big shrug. I've learned a long time ago that I'm wildly inconsistent, so I'd feel like I'm lying if I committed to one particular resolution right now. And thus... I guess you could say this is a really belated hiatus announcement?
(inb4 anyone asks if we can just get new mods on board: that would be the obvious solution, but those things have only led to mods being cyberstalked. out of the question.)
~Mod Ichi (I’m sorry if I’m late!) As for me... it’s really been a mixture of things! I’ve made a lot of big steps in my life and I’ve gotten a lot more busy at work now that I’ve taken on more roles. I also recently got married so that’s awesome! (Planning the reception party has been so stressful aaa...) My wife and I are also looking to move into a new place soon, so that has also been taxing.
But to be honest, it’s also because on my end, like Mod Ichi, I’ve also been interested in other things. Between work, my social obligations and my other hobbies, my attention has been pulled in a million different directions. I feel really bad and I’m sorry to all of the folks who still follow the blog and look for news / updates.
But all the same, thank you always to everyone for all of your support. It means a great deal and it’s very sweet of you to check on us. ~ 💚 Mod Choro
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thetaekookcloset · 3 years ago
Sharing Links I’ve Received
Ever since Memories 2021 content has been slowly coming out, I’ve received so many links from people to various clips of moments.  If I were to post every single ask that’s either just a link or a link with a brief comment, I would have a ton of individual short posts in a row just sharing links.
Therefore, I’ve decided to compile them here in one post, so anyone who’s interested can check out these moments that people have wanted to share.  If you sent a link with a comment, I’ll include what you had to say about it along with the direct link to the URL you provided.
1.  This is actually a famous person's trend in Japan. Especially the one Jungkook doing with his mouth and all  It shows they both share/consume same things. They are either married or closest bffs.
This moment is so cute!  I didn’t know this was a trend, but it does seem like Taehyung and Jungkook watch a lot of the same things and look at what the other is doing on their phones a lot, so I agree, this could definitely be an indication of that kind of closeness.
2.  the fact that tae breaks character with jungkook is so cute 😭
Oh my goodness, yes, I definitely agree!  I love so many things about this tiny interaction.  I love how Jungkook never looks away from Tae’s face to watch what he’s doing with his hand.  I love how he starts to smile when Taehyung starts to smile, rather than in direct response to his goofing around.  I love how his grin gets so big, and I love how, as soon as he’s finished, Tae sort of folds forward toward Jungkook, laughing at himself.  It’s such a familiar gesture.  Of course it gets cut off right at that moment lol.
3.  Re this adorableness - I cannot stop thinking about how this is the same trip (at least I think so) where they went to that restaurant together and shared the bathroom mirror selfies ❤️
Yes I believe this moment comes from the same day as their Atomix bathroom mirror selfies!  I love this clip so much.  It’s barely even an interaction really, but it’s just the way they meet each other’s eyes and smile like that.  Heart-melting.
4.  Jungkook at the back 😂😂
Oh my god hahaha, the way he just pops right up to watch!  And then he starts dancing along, I love it.  I wonder sometimes, if Taekook really are together, if they dance together at home.  They’re so in sync when they dance sometimes that I really think they might.
5.  Did you see this? It's so cute and soft 🥺
Yes, wow, I love this one so much!  I saw this at like 5 AM and then fell back to sleep, and when I woke up again I genuinely thought I might have dreamed this moment.  But it’s realllll.
I could see people maybe arguing that this is nothing, maybe just Jungkook messing with Taehyung, but he does it so casually and then just wanders off after, without getting or waiting for a reaction, that it really does seem to me like he’s just being protective and not wanting Tae to hurt himself.  Another good example of the proprietary nature of their relationship too.  He doesn’t suggest that Tae shouldn’t be sitting like that, he just physically stops him from doing it.
6.  This is just so boyfriend. I don't know how else to describe it
Ooh, yes, yet another good example of how entitled they feel to each other’s bodies lol.  Taehyung sees, he wants, he gets.  Actually there are a lot of instances of just that phenomenon when it comes to Taehyung wanting something and Jungkook getting/giving it to him.
Someone else sent an ask about this moment too, asking what I think it’s about because even Jungkook seems confused by it.  Yeah it seems to me like Taehyung just wanted to look at him lol.  Playfully, sure, but it seems that simple to me.  And yes, Jungkook just goes along with it, even though it comes out of nowhere.  I think this anon might have the right of it: it’s just so boyfriend.
7. link presented without comment from anon
I don’t really know if this anon had anything in particular that they thought I would take away from this, but I think it’s really funny, and cute.  Especially Namjoon saying that his forehead is always open for kisses.  I love it.  I also love how funny Jungkook thinks the idea of Tae kissing Hobi is lol.
8.  From when did Tae start wearing this type of pants? I have seen jk wearing it so many times but tae nope. JK also has one in olive.
Oh my gosh, you’re right.  I hadn’t seen this clip yet, and I would have thought the same thing as the OP: it literally does look like Tae walked right out of Jungkook’s closet.  I’ve never seen him wear pants like that, I don’t think ever.  Interesting!
9.  Hehe 🙃
So cute!  It’s Taehyung’s huge smile at the end for me.
10.  They really are kids betting and all. A serious question - Who won? I think Jungkook coz I didn't see him on screen.
Ahhhh cute, especially the very end when Taehyung is leaning on Jungkook’s shoulder as they walk away, and you can hear JK sort of giggle.  I love it.  As for the bet, I think based on the terms, technically Tae won?  It seemed like JK was betting that they wouldn’t be visible, and Tae was betting that they would.  You can see Tae for a second in the tight cut, so technically he was right, though really they were each right about themselves.
Okay, that’s me officially caught up on links people have shared since about yesterday afternoon or evening!  Thank you all for making sure that I’m seeing all the best new moments, you’re the best!
I might keep this up if I get more links, because I think sharing them this way makes more sense than posting each one individually, but just so you know, I’m visiting friends this weekend and will likely fall a bit behind on asks.
In the meantime, I just hope we’re all able to enjoy this new content!  Thanks again, everyone, for sharing some great new moments and your thoughts!
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