#plus i'm really getting into this is how you lose the time war so i'm feeling ~*~ inspired ~*~
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wickedhawtwexler · 9 months ago
this weekend i am going to Sit Down And Write
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madlori · 2 months ago
Ah, 90s TV
Y'all, I don't know how or why, but I've somehow fallen into a complete rewatch of "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" (although I never watched this show start to finish when it aired, just now and then). It's surprisingly seductive and it sucked me right in. I'm slightly disturbed how VINTAGE it feels - it looks and feels like it was a contemporary of like, Little House on the Prairie, but was in fact made in the mid-90s (LHOP aired in the mid-70s to early-80s, btw).
The show holds up surprisingly well. It's got the typical tone and structure of "heartwarming prime time drama" from the 80s-90s (what I sometimes think of as the Schlock Era of TV). Almost entirely episodic, the succession of guest stars having an Incident of the Week that's totally self-contained (like seriously, one episode her little son had to have brain surgery and they made kind of a big thing of shaving his head and the next episode, full head of hair like it never happened). People are constantly getting kidnapped and experiencing grievous bodily injury so the other characters can lose their minds over it.
They do not shy away from The Issues. We've done "The Army Is Kind of Evil, Actually", "The Indians Are Being Treated Like Shit And That's Not Okay," "Racism is Bad, Actually", "Domestic Violence is Rampant and Also Bad", "Vaccines are Good", "Immigrants Are Also Being Treated Like Shit and That's Also Not Okay" and "Capitalism Poisons the Environment" and that's just the first season. Plus the usual personal storylines, like "the Civil War gave people PTSD," and "my teenage son wants to grow up too fast and I'm not actually his mom but it's too much" and "the mountain man I'm in a situationship with is a bit out there for my stuffy Boston relatives" and "I'm determined to be a pioneering woman doctor but sometimes I'm scared and uncertain and this shit is hard ok" and "hey I could marry this Boston doctor who actually thinks I'm awesome and should be taken seriously too bad this mountain man has my whole-ass heart."
You can almost HEAR the voices of the producers, too. "Okay we want this beautiful woman to be a DOCTOR and fighting against stereotypes, but we also want her to be MOTHERLY but also be free to have a SEXY ROMANCE with the mountain man so howwwwww wait I know she'll inherit three kids from a woman she just met who dies in the pilot. BRILLIANT."
The tightrope they're walking with most of the townspeople is tricky, too. Like they need them to be folksy and for you to like them, but also to exhibit period-typical attitudes (racism, sexism, etc) so that Dr. Mike can push back against it, so they often whipsaw wildly between likable and unlikeable depending on the needs of the plot.
I'm kind of impressed that they usually avoid making Dr. Mike a Super Doctor. She loses patients, she doesn't know how to treat some things - and they have to keep her to period-appropriate medical knowledge, so no antibiotics, brand-new smallpox vaccines, germ theory is barely a thing (it was very very new in the post-civil-war era). They don't have her independently recreating modern medicine (which is sometimes a thing Outlander does, although Claire has the benefit of being a time traveler whereas Dr. Mike is not).
Man you can also see the footprints of "Last of the Mohicans" all over this show, too. She couldn't have one of the stuffy townspeople as a love interest - she has to have the Wish version of Hawkeye (no shade on Sully, love Sully, but they obviously downloaded him right from that film). The film came out in 1992, this show started in 93.
It's shockingly balming to the soul. It's from an era when TV didn't take itself very seriously, there were no subreddits to pick everything apart, and the earnestness is just on full display.
I saw a post from someone else watching this who said "I just found out that the main couple on this show is a REALLY SLOW BURN" and like...oh you sweet summer child. Mike and Sully are not that slow. They were wildly obviously telegraphed as the OTP of this show from the first episode, had kissed by the end of the first season, declared their love in the first third of the second season and were married by the end of the third season.
That's not a slow burn by old-school TV standards. A slow burn is eight seasons of longing glances and slightly perturbed expressions when the other one is dating someone else. These two were all in from Minute One. Like, every episode has that obvious ticky box of "Mike and Sully have a sweet/tender/longing moment." They were constantly hugging, touching, and generally being all up in each other's business. This was never a "will they or won't they" although they tried to throw a few obstacles between them, there was never any doubt about it.
Man, this is real UST. This is how it's done. And these seasons are like 29 freaking episodes! WE USED TO HAVE A SOCIETY.
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 3 months ago
Now that 2024 is coming to a close:
1) Of everything you've made this year, which ones are you the most proud of?
2) What are a few of your favorite things (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
As far as my own stuff, I would have to say:
This Hide and Seek animatic -- I love making animatics, but they end up taking me a LONG time! That does mean that when I finally finish one though, it's very rewarding to see the full thing!
This scene, for the rottmnt cut intro project -- It's a short scene, but was a lot of fun to do! I also think it shows how much I've improved, even from my first scene for this same project.
This hardcopy of IMBI -- I'd never tried bookbinding before, but I had so much fun learning how and was really happy with how it turned out!
These mixed media collages -- It was one of my first times experimenting with mixed media, and I think they ended up looking pretty cool! Plus, just like the others... I had a lot of fun with it! (I suppose it makes sense that my favorite pieces are kind of just the ones I had the most fun doing, huh?)
And then, for other people's stuff... I'm sorry, but I'm just so indecisive! I have to at least pick a few things from each category!
"Long" Comics:
Here There Be Turtles (by @theelvishfiddler) -- This is hands-down one of the most impressive fan comics I've ever seen! Not only does it have incredible art, but the characterization is spot-on, and the storyline is so engaging that I am absolutely dying to see what happens next after every single update! I've seen people saying that the quality is even better than the official comics, and... yeah, no doubt about it, it really is! This comic is INSANELY good!
You've Been Portal Jacked! (by @wickcipher) -- This comic has such an interesting premise, with an artstyle that I love and SO much potential! I was immediately hooked by the first chapter, and was so excited to see it continue! Very much looking forward to seeing where things go from here!
"Short" Comics:
This Raph comic (by @e-turn) -- Raph and Leo tug at my heartstrings sooooo much! And the effect of Raph's time spent under the krangs' control is something that I never get tired of seeing explored. He loves his brothers so much, and would never EVER want to hurt them... but now he has these memories of himself doing exactly that, and those memories are just so much at war with who he is as a person, and AAAARRRRRGGHHHH!!!! I love it.
This Splinter comic (by @charcoaldustonmyfingers) -- THE EMOTIONS. I enjoy seeing this one every time it crosses my dash, and it has yet to lose its impact. Splinter loves his boys so much!!
This alternate movie ending, and part 2 (by @magisav) -- Beautiful, and heartbreaking. Both at the same time. The look on Leo's face is ingrained in my memory forever.
This Firefight fan comic (by @sludge-city) -- This one is such a well-done adaptation of some of the most emotional moments in this incredible fic! It was heartbreaking enough reading it the first time, and seeing those emotions depicted on Leo and Donnie's faces ripped my heart to shreds.
This redrawn IDW scene (by @purplepixel) -- The redrawn panels are beautiful, and I love the coloring! But also... man, this hurts so much knowing what comes next! Donnie, nooooo!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Emotional Support Water Bottles (by @dandylovesturtles) -- This series is easily one of my favorites! Poor Leo goes through so much... and yet even when it's over, that kind of experience will undoubtedly leave some scars behind. Not physical scars, but very real nonetheless, and I've loved seeing Leo and his family try to navigate their way through that.
Firefight (by @remedyturtles) -- A true classic, at this point. With probably some of the most intensely emotional scenes I have ever read. Highly recommend, if you can handle that level of hurt before the comfort!
DFL's Whumptober 2024 (by @daflangstlairde-art) -- Technically a series of fics, which are unrelated to one another. But they are related in one important way: making me FEEL THINGS. Each one is so well-written, and I've been hooked all the way from the first fic to the last!
The Shadows May Go (by @remedyturtles) -- This fic. THIS FIC. It made me cry. Splinter loves his sons so much, and even in his darkest moments (perhaps especially in his darkest moments), Leo knows that.
Now the Darkness Comes Alive (@goodlucktai) -- The role-reversal that I didn't know I needed. It's beautifully written, and like I said, Raph and Leo tug at my heartstrings so much! I started drawing something for this fic a while back, and desperately want to finish when I have some more free time on my hands again!!
Bed Sheets (by @dandylovesturtles) -- Splinter is not a perfect parent, by any means. But he loves his sons so much!! This fic is practically the embodiment of those two things, and it makes me emotional every. Single. Time.
This drawing of April and Karai (by @darkpolicepsycho) -- absolutely beautiful!! I love how you can just feel the power of Karai's ninpo flowing through April.
This drawing of Raph with cherry blossoms (by @pelmenya-owo) -- soooooo pretty!!! The colors. The lighting. I cannot possibly overstate how gorgeous this drawing is!!
These Undertale-style drawings of April, Raph, Leo, Donnie, and Mikey (also by @pelmenya-owo) -- I've never played Undertale, but I love these little animations so much!! Very cool.
This drawing of Samurai Leo (by @kathaynesart) -- I showed this drawing to my husband, and he immediately asked for it on a T-shirt. It is PHENOMENAL.
This Hollow Mind drawing (by @grey-viridian) -- I haven't read the fic that this is from yet, but oh man, the emotion in this scene!! Family protecting family. I love it so much.
This drawing of Leo (by @oh-lordy-lord-save-me) -- The colors. The colors!! The absolutely STUNNING colors!!!
This TNV art (by @windide-blog) -- I'll admit, I still need to read TNV. But even without context, the scene depicted here is amazingly well-done! I can only hope to be able to draw scenes as beautiful as this one day.
This art of Leo falling through the sky (by @sad-leon) -- The background is beautiful. The imagery is beautiful. The animation is beautiful. All around: beautiful.
This drawing of FMA Sprout, plus this one (by @intotheelliwoods) -- I just love these so much! Brotherhood is probably my favorite anime, and man, Sprout makes a great Edward Elric.
This drawing for the Turtles Together zine (by @andva-ri) -- This one has everything. Splinter. April. Draxum. Big Mama. The turtles, of course! I love all the different scenes, and how seamlessly they come together into an absolutely gorgeous art piece! This is a level of skill that I can only hope to one day come close to reaching!
This drawing, also for the Turtles Together zine (by @staticwither) -- Just look at those bright, beautiful colors! Truly incredible. This scene was already great in the finale, but this art piece somehow manages to take that energy and multiply it tenfold! It's beautiful.
This drawing of Leo with water lilies (by @tangledinink) -- I absolutely LOVE the paint-like style of this one! The level of detail on this is insane, and it's just downright one of the most beautiful art pieces I think I've ever seen. I want it on a throw blanket.
This Kingdom Hearts AU drawing (by @boxfullaturtles) -- I have very minimal knowledge of Kingdom Hearts. But even without that context, this drawing is just SO GOOD! I love the stained-glass design! And the way all the characters are in their own circles, and Leo's head is lined up inside of one as well, but continues down into a full-body drawing. Gorgeous.
Posessed AU (by @grey-viridian) -- Such an interesting premise!! It somehow manages to be absolutely heartbreaking, but also so much fun at the same time.
Tiz Sep AU (by @tizeline) -- I love the comic. I love the characterizations. I was hooked on this AU from the moment Leo starting infodumping about Sonic! But also, Mikey campaigning for president of the multiverse while Donnie works against him was perfection. I just love seeing these characters do literally anything, because they're just so enjoyable to watch!
"The Besties" (2AL by @intotheelliwoods & SLAU by @dianagj-art) -- I'm aware this is like, an AU crossover within an AU kind of situation, but man is it so much fun! And also, so much more emotional than you'd expect turtle multiverse shenanigans to be.
Rottmnt Restored (by @emichen88 & @powerauerart) -- Incredible. Amazing. Phenomenal. Astounding. 100% would watch again and again and again.
This JJK WIP (by @seasaltcosmos) -- I don't care if it's unfinished, I LOVE this!!
That was... slightly more than "a few." And I'm sure I still forgot some. I could go on and on about all the awesome stuff people here have made, but I had to cut it off somewhere!
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thealexandriaarchives · 10 months ago
If you're one of the people who haven't read the Dune novels or haven't read them since the Villeneuve adaptation brainrot set in, just a couple friendly reminders I haven't seen yet!
The scar on Gurney Halleck's face is from an Inkvine Whip, the same type used by (and possibly the same one as) Glossu Rabban when he was a slave on Giedi Prime.
Despite this killer backstory we don't get Gurney vs. Rabban in the book! Rabban dies offscreen in the battle and both we and Gurney are denied catharsis. Frank loves that.
But almost Not! Because you see, Muad'Dib was in full 'IDGAF about War Crimes' mode at the end of the book, and he'd promised his boy a present of equal or lesser value with the same name. Wrote him a little coupon. 'One Harkonnen to Kill in a Brutal and Humiliating Fashion, exchange for one Nuclear Warhead'
Which leads us to the final scene, where it turns out the only Harkonnen left alive is Feyd-Rautha and Gurney is really eager to remind Paul of what their deal was.
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But as we know, Paul is the Duke, the Boy-Messiah, The Emperor to be, and he can absolutely take backsies on promised Good-Boy Points atrocities.
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I'm not going to get into all the ways Feyd-Rautha is differently portrayed in the book and movies, but in what is either a 'cowardly move' or the Harkonnen thought process of' 'oh hell no this guy has a serious grudge against my family, I just got free of my uncle for 20 seconds, now I'm about to spend my whole Barony getting tortured-raped to death that ain't how I wanna go out', Feyd-Rautha invokes the ancient vendetta between the Atredies & Harkonnen clans that the Harkonnens put forward a claim to call off (in bad faith but on the record) while Leto on the Record sent back a reply saying 'suck my balls you snakes it's been 10,000 years, it's on sight', which means Paul has to fight him instead in 1:1 combat.
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Of course in the Villeneuve adaptation there are many many minor and larger changes that alter Feyd's character for the better, but removing a lot of his more explicit sexual abuse and manipulative pleasing behaviors to survive means we lose a lot of his internal dialogue and his best actions. He is no longer the one to have the slave not be drugged at the fight, he doesn't get to try to kill his uncle with a harem boy that looks just like Paul Atredies and have it backfire miserably. But he does get to stand up and announce himself as the Emperor's champion when he doesn't need to, simply because he wants to and he has things to gain.
It may, with the rewrites, be the only time this version of Feyd-Rautha gets to make a meaningful choice about his destiny.
Plus, Gurney got to kill Rabban, so everyone got something!
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months ago
why do you think harry got obsessed of draco so much and so fast in the sixth book?
until now it's always been up to draco to start the interaction, and the rare times harry acted first was to protect against/stop malfoy (es. third book, malfoy and co wanted to beat up ron at hogsmade, when he was "alone") so always as an answer to something draco did first.
the only exception i can think of is when the golden trio thought he was the slytherin's heir, but even then he stopped being suspicious after he was told by draco that he wasn't responsable of the attacks to the muggleborns (and he belived immediatley).
but in the HbP harry stalks draco without ANY reason, and ok- he just exchanged insults with him and narcissa, but they were just buying robes, they weren't that shady;
so what does it matter he slipped away from his mom? and looked behind is shoulders once or twice?
every other time draco was plotting something harry just got a bad feeling and waited to see how it played out.
and i don't buy the "he was still grieving for sirius and threw himself into a new project", because there are all the signs that he grew up a bit since the first murder he witnessed aka cedric;
like he doesn't want to talk about it still, but at least he doesn't want to forget it, and he recived emotional support of the weasleys and ron and hermione much sooner, and without the anxiety of being expelled and being cut out from the magical world.
like canonically draco was shitty to him (like always), was being a bit shady (like always), and harry really said "ah yes, i'm finally gonna lose my shit to follow that guy i hate day and night" like what
Puberty happened.
I think a couple of things were going on.
First of all, Harry has always paid extremely close attention to Draco. I mean, he literally dreams about him his first night in Hogwarts. This isn't new. Draco has lived rent free in Harry's head from day 1. That's why we, the readers, know so much about him despite almost the entire story being told from Harry's limited 3rd-person pov.
Harry and Draco know and understand each other extremely well. It's why Harry is able to immediately notice very subtle changes in Draco's behavior and affect and intuit what's going on with him. He doesn't just think Draco is a Death Eater. He KNOWS. Just like Draco knows that Harry is watching him from under the cloak just because he heard him take a loud breath and saw a flash of his shoe and also knows that if he turns his back on Harry while they're alone, Harry won't attack. Or just like later Harry can tell just with a quick glance that Draco's mission from Voldemort isn't going well.
Thus, we can see that 1) Harry's fascination with Draco isn't new and 2) because he knows Draco so well he almost immediately figures out Draco is up to something dangerous and therefore wants to stop him.
Also, suddenly for the first time Harry is not Draco's priority. Draco's not trying to get his attention or interact with him anymore. And perhaps on some deep, unacknowledged level that doesn't feel right to Harry.
Then on top of that we've got the effects of Sirius's death to factor in. And the fact that as they get older, Harry's fascination with Draco is only going to get stronger and we've got a perfect storm of unacknowledged drarry feels mixing with a long standing rivalry that has now become higher stakes than ever as they both take up their roles on opposite sides of the war mixing with a need to cope with Sirius's death and prevent any more people he cares about from dying plus a good dose of stubborness because no one will listen and presto Draco obcession.
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anachronismstellar · 3 months ago
For the blushing prompt:
"A and B try to figure out who can make the other person blush first/the hardest." (Idk if this counts but oh well...)
Airplane has fun making his bro blush out of embarrassment or anger (or a secret third thing). In revenge, SY tries to make him blush too, but to lose face you have to have face, so Airplane isn't going to give in that easily.
Embarrasing fail after shameful fail, options start to become scarce... Desperate situations call for desperate measures ;)
Ooooh I like how you think Frozt heheheh >:)
Hold my fan, I have an idea-
BTW the poem I got from this link here, and it's a famous poem but we gonna pretend SQH wrote it shhhh
It started, as most things between them, with a dare.
Shen Yuan doesn't remember how the dare started, but he remember it having something to do with trying to make Liu-shidi blush. Shen Yuan had bet a few coins that Airplane couldn't do it, to which the writer just laughed and gave Shen Yuan some papers to hold with a "Watch this," right after.
Then he proceeded to grab the War God of Bai Zhan Peak Liu Qingge by his waist and knock him on the ground as if the man weighted as much as a feather.
"I can't believe you threw him like that. No, actually I can't believe you got him by surprise," Shen Yuan said as Shang Qinghua poured them tea, the bamboo house intact by a miracle after Shang Qinghua's nonsense. For a second, Shen Yuan really thought Liu-shidi would retaliate, and his house would be knocked out. But instead of giving Airplane the beating of a lifetime, Liu-shidi got red all the way to his hair, jumped on his sword, and left without even saying goodbye.
"What can I say, bro," Airplane said with a wink. "I do have some tricks on my sleeve, or I wouldn't have survived this far, would I?" Then he failed miserably at being smooth when his elbow knocked his cup of tea, spilling hot liquid all over Shen Yuan's expensive table.
"Wow. A true charmer," Shen Yuan flicked his fan open as he watched Shang Qinghua fumble around, doing his best to clean up the mess he had made.
"At least I know how to use my good looks when needed. You're just jealous I made Liu-shidi blush and you didn't!"
"I'm not jealous- why would I be jealous?!"
"You're totally jealous of my amazing charms and blushing powers!" Shang Qinghua said after finally controlling the mess on the table, crossing his arms with a face too smug for someone with tea stain on his sleeve.
"As if I'd be jealous of a wanna be writer like you, you got lucky and knew Liu-shidi weakness!" He snapped his fan close so hard the wood cracked, narrowing his eyes at Airplane with all the poison Shen Qingqiu could muster. "I bet you couldn't make me blush!"
The smile on Airplane's face sent a chill down on Shen Yuan's spine. Suddenly he was very aware of the fact that Airplane might have died a virgin, but he was the author of a very successful eighteen plus story with some very few scenes that had made Shen Yuan stare at the ceiling for a very long time after reading it.
To sum up, he fucked up.
"Oh? Wanna bet, bro?" And he had no idea Shang Qinghua could move his body like that, all sinuous like a dancer, taking Shen Yuan's hand to kiss softly his palm. Shock was the only possible reason Shen Yuan could think of him not pulling his arm away, it must be it. For what other reason would he get lost in warm brown eyes and soft curly bangs framing Qinghua's face?
"I live upstream and you downstream, from night to night of you I dream. Unlike the stream you are not in view, though both we drink from River Blue..."
Lips slowly brushed over his wrist, as Airplane kept his intense gaze on Shen Yuan's face, sighing as words poured from his lips like drops of warm rain over Shen Yuan's skin.
"When will the river no more flow?When will my grief no more grow?" Shang Qinghua turned his hand until his palm was facing down, kissing his knuckles as if he were some lovesick maiden from westen books. And to make matters worse, as if he had no face at all, Airplane had the audacity to play with Shen Yuan's hair, putting it behind his ear in a move so painfully cliché that made his brain melt.
"I wish your heart will be like mine, then not in vain for you I pine." He finished the poem as he slid the back of his fingers over Shen Yuan's cheek, pressing his thumb against Shen Yuan's lower lip.
"Hm, Shen-Shixiong blushes so pretty," and it was like Airplane had poured a bucket of icy water over him as he wiggled his eyebrows at Shen Yuan.
The bastard.
"Fine, fine! You win, you hack author!" Shen Yuan didn't scream because that would be unbecoming, but he couldn't help himself from pressing his cold hands against his cheeks, trying to make the red go away. "I hate you so much, Airplane! Where was this skill when you were writing this mess of a storyline?" He grumbled, facing away the other, his face not thick enough to let Airplane stare at him while he was still blushing. "If you're so talented with words, you should have written poems instead of this mess!"
The chuckle was way more subtle than Shen Yuan was expecting, making him turn to look at Airplane again, blush be damned. And what a pleasant surprise to see he wasn't the only one with red dusting his cheeks. Although he had no idea what had made Shang Qinghua blush after such a demonstration of thick face.
"Well, poems are a hit or miss, and uh, more academic, I guess. I did publish some, but they weren't as successful as Proud Demon Immortal Way, so..."
Shen Yuan shouldn't be surprised that Airplane had published other things, but it did open an entire can of worms he wasn't expecting. Did Airplane write other books? Did he publish it under a pen name? Has Shen Yuan read his other works? What-
"So what do I get?"
"Excuse me?" Shen Yuan's entire line of thought was broken by the question, making him blink several times.
"I got to make you blush!" Shang Qinghua said with a honest to Heavens pout, as if he weren't some kind of flirty demon a few seconds ago. "What do I get? Oooh can you take a look on my last story? Is about this disciple and his shizun and-"
Shen Yuan hit Shang Qinghua with his fan.
Ooooh thank you for the ask Frozt this was so fun ♡♡♡
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weirdsht · 6 months ago
Disillusioned 15 . Limelight
a/n: ngl I'm starting to hate this, it's just that my writing style doesn't seem fitting for a series. maybe next time I'll stick to one-shots lol
also I'm so so sorry for the late update. I'm so busy I haven't slept for like a week now. However, I found some free time to write huhu.
tags: injuries, blood (it's cale what did you expect), self-doubt, war
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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_____’s time in Vegas City had been relaxing. There’s no way it wouldn’t be when everyone, mainly Cale, made sure it was. And the healer is grateful to all of them. It gave them time to think and lament over the devastating news they had received.
In turn of that kindness and space, _____ made sure to recover after they left the Caro Kingdom. It wasn’t easy, all they wanted to do was lay on the bed all day and cry. Getting energy for the slightest task, even eating, was so hard. But they still pushed themself, because war was approaching.
The battlefield is calling and its first target is their new home.
So the healer pulled themselves by their bootstraps. Even as everyone tried to assure them that it was fine to not be okay they still spared no effort to recover from their depression and be back to normal.
“Basen-nim will handle communications. The Count and Countess will be on the battlefield. Lily-nim is too young.”
Currently, Cale and _____ are having a disagreement.
“That doesn’t mean you’re the only option left. The Henituse have a lot of retainers and people we can use.”
“But can you really go all out if it isn’t one of your direct people guiding the citizens?”
Cale could only furrow his eyebrows at that retaliation. The two are currently disagreeing whether or not _____ should be in charge of leading and guiding the citizens once the Paerun Kingdom attacks. 
Silence lingered for a few seconds. Cale knows that _____ is right. Especially after that northeastern nobles meeting… Cale can only have peace of mind if the one in charge of the citizens is someone he knows. Someone he trusts
_____ reached out towards the redhead, holding his hand to show their resolve.
“Cale, I’ll be fine.”
The healer can feel Cale squeeze their hand back.
Cale pauses for a moment and _____ thinks they are nearing the end of the discussion.
“But let Raon cast magic on you for disguise.”
Apparently _____ thought wrong.
No way are they allowing the young dragon to cast and maintain magic on them when they need his mana to maintain the barrier. It would also be dangerous to ask another mage for a disguise when there’s always the possibility of their enemies bringing mana disturbance tools.
“Cale you know we can’t do that.”
“Yes, that’s why you better just stay inside the castle walls or beside me and Raon.”
“I can’t do that either. I promise I’ll be safe, plus I’ll be wearing my hood and mask. There’s no way anyone would recognise me.”
Cale sighed as he used his free hand to push his hair back. 
Honestly, everyone listening in (the kids averaging 8 years old) doesn’t know why the young master is fighting this losing battle. If it had been anyone else Cale would’ve agreed in a heartbeat. 
Plus sooner or later they know he’ll give in to the healer’s wishes.
He always does.
True enough, Cale’s resolve did not even last 5 minutes before he agreed to _____’s request. It’s now official that they will be leading the citizens towards safe zones. They would also be the first line of defence in case enemies get past the barrier and start attacking the city. 
Of course, if Cale or someone else from their side gets injured then _____ will run immediately to aid them.
The other people who didn’t listen in on the conversation didn’t even have to ask how it went. Results were obvious from the way _____ was humming on their way out with Cale sighing and petting On and Hong.
“Knight-nim please check if there’s any people left on area d. If you need me I’ll be double-checking our inventory and supplies.”
It’s been a few hours after Cale and _____’s talk. Right now the healer is making sure that everything is in order while their friends are fighting the Indomitable Alliance.
As the Medicus sees Choi Han and the others attack they remember a conversation they had with Cale last night.
The two are the only ones in the room. Well, the only ones awake. The children are with them but Cale has forced them to sleep because they need the energy for tomorrow. A serving of blueberry crumble paired with jasmine tea is being enjoyed as they talk.
“I plan to create a new history. To bring new heroes forward.”
“And I assume you won’t be part of those heroes?”
_____ asked in a joking manner as they refilled both of their teacups.
“Of course not. I only want to win this war and then go rest at the underground villa peacefully.”
Cale stopped speaking to take a bite out of the dessert.
“I’m telling you this because I want to ask you if you’d like to be part of that history. This battle would be a good opportunity to show everyone that you are alive.”
“I… thank you but it would be unneeded.”
The healer’s immediate answer made Cale look at them in confusion.
“Hmm well, that’s a shame the crown prince was also thinking of giving you the Perduellio’s assets as all of them have been found guilty.”
“Is he? I didn’t know such a thing.”
Of course _____ didn’t. Only Cale and Alberu know of such a thing. They're also the only ones who know the sorry state that family is currently in.
“But still… While I do agree with you that this is a good time to do that I still don’t want to do it. My time in the spotlight was not a good experience for me. It would be enough for me to see our friends be known and bask in that light.”
_____ sipped their tea before continuing.
“There’s also the fact that my adoptive family had committed a grave sin. I don’t think it’s right for me to strive for fame when I am still legally part of that family. I will reveal myself, but it won’t be now. I hope Cale and the crown prince can understand…”
Cale nodded in understanding. He's not cruel enough to force someone to do what he wants just because he wants to hide in the shadows. There are already more than enough heroes that he can push into the spotlight.
“I understand, I’ll inform the crown prince don’t worry about it.”
_____ snapped out of their daydream to focus back on their task. 
At least tried to.
Right about when _____ is about to talk to another knight they saw Cale bleed. The healer would have left it to the priests and healers near the field if it was just Cale’s normal bleeding. But it wasn’t.
Cale is bleeding from basically every orifice of his body.
And his too far away for _____ to accurately see if he's okay.
“I’ll leave the rest to you knight-nim, I must assist our Commander.”
So the healer runs. 
They run the fastest they’ve ever had in their entire left. _____ ran so fast they got there before the healers could.
“__– healer-nim you shouldn’t be here.” 
Countess Violan made sure that the healer’s hood and mask were still intact. The fabric on their face had been removed to aid catch their breath from running. Good thing the hood was still intact so it’s unlikely that anyone has seen their face.
“Countess Violan It’ll be fine. Our priority should be the Commander right now.”
_____ has no way of knowing how at that moment, the Henituse’s respect for them grew even more.
The healer turned to Cale to see him talking to what seemed like the air. That must be why his parents are even more worried right now. It looks like the redhead is hallucinating.
Good thing _____ knows the truth. They know that he isn’t hallucinating and that he isn’t talking to thin air. Good thing they know that the words the young master was uttering are directed at a certain invisible dragon.
"It's fine now, I'll be supporting too."
Those words may seem like it was directed at the Countess and Cale but it was directed towards Raon. It's the healer's way of saying that everything will be fine so Raon better follows Cale's instructions.
_____ can’t see Raon nor can they hear his voice in their head, but they’re sure that the dragon has quieted down since Cale had stopped muttering
“Does healer-nim need help?”
The territory’s healer finally arrived. Meanwhile, _____ has not only aided Cale’s vitality of the heart, but they were also healing Choi Han while supporting Mary.
“Yes please.”
Short responses are the only thing _____ can form right now. They must focus all their strength on supporting three people. Choi Han is especially hard to heal. It’s because the Medicus had only known long-distance healing in theory and had never tried it in person.
The far away and moving Choi Han proved to be a difficult patient but _____ is certain that his recovering little by little from the wounds they are slowly absorbing. 
It’s a good thing the colour coding for this event is black. Even as blood drips down their sleeves no one would notice from far away.
But not the people near the Medicus.
Cale’s hand that had been holding onto _____’s arms tightened at the blood dripping down the ground. On the bright side, they are now certain that Choi Han’s shoulder wound is getting better.
Meanwhile, supporting Mary is easier but still proves to be a bit of a challenge. The Medicus has to support her as stealthily as possible to not give away her location. Usually whenever _____ uses her ancient power droplets of water would appear. Then they would cover those droplets with their light ability. 
But they can’t do that right now.
Both would be too flashy and would reveal the necromancer’s location.
So they did the next best thing. Which was making their power travel through the cracks of the ground and the wall.
Doing this while doing long-distance healing and supporting the Vitality of the Heart made _____ use more power and energy than they usually would.
“Leave some of the work to the healers and priests.”
The still pale, but doing much better now, Cale whispered. _____ looked at him to assess his condition using their power. 
“I’m okay Commander, and it looks like you’ll be okay soon too.”
_____ heard Cale sigh but ignored it. Seeing that his being ignored, Cale proceeded to gather himself so he could stand up again.
And that made the healer relieved.
Sure they knew his fine. _____ knows that the young master has a regeneration power. But seeing him being in commission again made it feel real. Especially after seeing them bleed that much.
That relief was short-lived.
Because tell _____ why was the first thing Cale did was use his powers again. The healer swears that one day Cale is gonna give them a heart attack.
Fortunately, the healer and the redhead have similar temperaments. Both can work well under immense stress and pressure while making it seem like they aren’t breaking that much sweat. Thanks to that _____’s composure didn’t falter and they were able to do what they needed to.
Choi Han is still a problem though. Because of the distance, the healer can’t fully heal him.
‘If only I was stronger’
_____ tries to push unnecessary thoughts away.
‘If only I was a saint’
Just as _____ was about to get pulled in by their thoughts, they felt a familiar chubby paw on their shoulder.
“Kind _____ hang in there a bit more, we’re close to winning! I’m going to go help out Choi Han now okay?”
Raon’s bright voice had served as a wake-up call for _____. Thanks to him the healer can fully focus on their task until the very end.
“I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I didn’t know I could too.”
Cale and _____ are currently on their way to the underground dungeon. Both of them are pale and their clothes are covered with blood but they are walking as if nothing’s wrong.
“When you were at the Paerun Kingdom I started thinking of my powers in a different light, and this was the conclusion of that.”
“But doing this is harder for your body right?”
“As if, you’re one to talk.”
_____ laughed as they saw Cale scrunch his nose at the comment.
“Yes it’s harder but it’s very useful at times like this. It's all thanks to the anatomy books Ron bought for me. Having a more in-depth idea as to how our bodies work allowed me to assess them even from far away.
It’s good to know that as long as someone is within my eyesight I can heal them. Haaa, but I must say, healing Choi Han-nim while he was riding those flying bones is hard.”
Both of them stopped at the entrance of the underground dungeon.
“Since it’s hard and you overexerted yourself, does this mean you’ll leave Choi Han in the hands of other healers?”
The healer laughed again as they waved goodbye. There’s no way Cale is allowing them to enter the dungeon and they have better things to do.
“No promises Cale.”
And if one of those ‘better things to do’ is healing Choi Han, then Cale can find out for himself later.
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midnight1nk · 1 month ago
So, this week's episode...
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[spoilers below cut]
looks like i owe my sibling 10 dollars ← betting that the sonic 3 episode would come out
(the following is my live reaction:)
so Costco, eh? and with Meggy, Melony, Mario, and Bob? This will be interesting
as always, you gotta have your conveniently placed "World's Biggest Meat Grinder" there ofc 😌↕️
Bob... PLEASE REPHRASE wtf dude
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not in this economy, no (not even eggs are worth it)
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new bed? wait what happened to the...oh
"you're not my friends anymore" [*gets war flashbacks*] oh god, there was Mr Puzzles, then Tari, and now Melony got this line
"Ink, they reused old audio before" and yet the pattern is there. Puzzles and Tari feared that they were gonna lose the people they held dear. And if Melony had this as a nightmare, the same can be said. As to why, hmmmm *game theory theme starts playing*
uh anyway here's Melony being cute :)
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can we get them in those kid backpacks with leashes?
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Meggy, what are you talking about? We HAVE to get the racecar bed!!
also Meggy don't say that word, the fandom's already going insane over the steam and flareglow mystery as it is ← says a theorist who has already gone crazy
y'know I should've suspected a racecar bed to be an actual car (I was close tho)
never thought we would get this Mario and Bob dynamic again and y'know what? I'm all for it! It's a nice different flavor of chaos I could get used to
It IS important, it's to see the mattress's durability and stiffness bc back pain is just awful (there goes your spine). plus, we aren't getting one that was found by the dumpster
can we get a pillow fight in an episode? SLEEPOVER EPISODE?
things would've been worse if we were in IKEA, Meggy
oh... we got Leggy again...
well, a new thing is that she can change at will. BUT I think it kinda defeats the purpose of Leggy "off to a better place" back at WOTFI 2024. I think it could've been done better at a different episode when her past trauma overwhelms her and turns into Leggy, even more if Mr Puzzles escapes and finds her. I know for a fact that no one has gotten therapy and Meggy did say in the New Year's Special that those were traumatic memories.
Basically what I'm saying is: Meggy thinks her trauma (as well as everyone else's) is past them bc Mr Puzzles is in solitary confinement when it's really not, and THAT will eventually reach a certain limit ← this could've been executed better if Leggy wasn't in this episode and let Puzzles marinate some more, hopefully that makes sense
also Leggy's screams kinda give me sensory issues but that's me thing ANYWAY BACK TO THE EPISODE
ofc if you find the perfect bed, you're already dead asleep :)
THERE'S THAT LINE AGAIN, I'm telling you it's foreshadowing
love the Danny Phantom theme add-in
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"...Ink" Just let me me have my moment of exaggeration, I'll come back to sanity in a second
hey, i'm just living proof that a theorist brain can go haywire at the smallest things
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"I work everywhere" Shroomy 🤝 Karen
...oh....can we talk about this for a second?
The fact that Melony's past has been recontextualized again and again, it somehow makes sense. Well, kinda.
All of Melony's memories are through HER point of view. We can take the conversation between her mom and dad as true but we might not know how far this problem is.
Hear me out: in the role of a child, you would view your parents as friends (depending on how much you see them caring for one another) since the concept of romantic relationships/marriage is a bit more complex to know at that age. It's why Melony interprets her mom leaving them as the friendship ending between them, "you aren't my friend anymore". Again, Melony was pretty young when it happened but it truly stuck with her, and this mentality of "friendship ending = losing them forever" as she had it with Axol Jr. in that nightmare (the closest thing to Axol when she lost him) and then to her friends.
Now, I'm not sure if I should include the memory trip from Revelations (bc of her not remembering having a family at all) but regardless, I think Melony blames herself for her parents separating in the first place. It's normal for children in a scenario like this to believe they are the cause. As said in Revelations, Melony thought she was a "bad daughter". And in the nightmares she had, SHE believes to the cause of losing those friendships as well.
There is still that gap of time between her growing up to when she debuted on the show so the question is: did she leave her dad behind bc of the past guilt she had? And perhaps had even more guilt afterward to leave her dad by himself after everything?
The image of a perfect family in Revelations and her being the "bad daughter that has forgotten about her family", it's pretty sad to think about, and no doubt I feel bad for her :(
Mario being the voice of reason, we love to see it
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guys, it's not a baby smh /silly
oh good Melony's okay... right?
and the episode ends, we got a bed at least :D y'know, it's just another Saturday
Congrats to alex-dolmatescu2-0 (here on Tumblr) for your art being featured at the end credits! 🎉
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we're just not going to think about the implications as to why the Team decided to pick it for this episode, still great fanart tho :)
also this,
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i think it was an editing mistake lol (...or IS IT? jkjk)
.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
Well, chat, this is a good episode. I wouldn't say that it was a life-changing, plot-driven episode but it was okay.
Ofc I did love the Mario and Bob dynamic and some depth on Melony. There were definitely things, like the Leggy part, that could've been executed better/be placed in a better episode.
The year has started so I don't expect much to be absolutely perfect from the Team, they're trying. I still enjoyed it, don't get me wrong.
Then there's stuff whacking at my theorist brain but we don't need to talk about that.
And apparently, we got a new member on the Team, Max Sturz (also known as WizardzWiz)!
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They're the writer and storyboard artist for the SMG4 show so hello, welcome! Very excited to see what they're gonna be working on in the future!
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(so for future reference, I'm gonna call them Wiz)
That's all from me. I'm just gonna be in my little tent until SOMEBODY responds to the steam + flareglow mystery. Remember: numbers always go first, and I'll see you guys on the next one!
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ateez-himari · 2 months ago
Hi bb!!! I've officially finished my exams and I have a holiday break so I'm feeling happy!!! I saw another anonie sending asks so now I have to up my game 😌(jk)
I had some questionssss
-Has hima ever been an mc on mubank before? and if so who was her partner/s
-I was rewatching teez's performance on MMA and I was wondering if the fans cheered really loudly when mingri's part came
-How do the stylist like to dress hima up? Taking in consideration that she's the only female idol in KQ plus in ateez they probably doll her up
-idk if this is weird but I feel like mingi and hima probably don't give a f anymore about their closeness after becoming publin and I'm talking about shamless glances and smirks
-would hima rather know what the future's holding for her or go back in time and change something in her past
-can I request so soft mingri moments I'm in my feels because of the weather🥹🥹
Ily so much bb, take care and eat well mwahh!! 💓💓
Hi sweet!! Congratulations, now you can finally get some more than deserved rest!! 😘 I actually still have one ask to answer from that anon but i got writer's block for it 😭(ANON IF YOU'RE SEEING THIS I'M WORKING ON IT DON'T WORRY!!)
• Our little social butterfly was an easy choice for Music Bank and they paired her with Sunwoo from THE BOYZ since both have a similar outgoing personality (it was also after Kingdom : Legendary War so it seemed like a natural pairing)
• Oh definitely! So many Atiny have been talking about wanting to see that part live so they were screaming their lungs out. Since it's a big award show they didn't kiss but Mingi took her chin in his hands and turned her face back to him, making her lose the stage demon facade for a second because she was so flustered
• Hima has had several stylists since debut - the first stylist respected the maknae's wishes and dressed her the exact same as the members (she left after becoming pregnant). The second would put more feminine spins on the outfits but they were still a lot more masculine than other girl groups (she was fired following Kingdom as she forced the maknae to show her scars). The current stylist is fully leaning into her charm, at times making her look more tomboy-ish but still keeping her delicate image, other times making the outfits are fully feminine. As Hima got older she's also begun to dress her in more chic clothing, enhancing her maturity without making her seem too old
Her favorite events to dress Hima for are award shows or concert encores because she can put her in dresses, cute shirts, legwarmers, put cute accessories in her hair, etc., (she loves dressing her up like a cute little doll). She gets kind of sad during Versace events because it's often the house's stylists or Donatella herself that dress her so she can't be the one to put her in all those intricate corsets or silky dresses :(
• They really can't find it in themselves to care anymore, there are so may clips from lives where she's sitting on his lap while wearing one of his boxers, she even brushed a hand across his "belt" (guys I swear it was the belt, guys....) during one of their concerts and stuck her tongue out at him while he was left blushing like an idiot. When there's some kind of innuendo these two are the first to look at each other (well actually sometimes it's Wooyoung and Hima and they can't help but to laugh their asses off)
• Hima isn't worried about the future, so she would rather turn back time; she would change the way her younger self viewed the accident. Of course everything was caused by grief, by her young mind being unable to understand everything going on around her, but one day she got angry at Hanzo after he had finally come out of his room to make her food as an apology. Hima had been dealing with so much at the time - solitude, Yoongi's mental health, the hardships of accepting new parents, her hearing disability that made every day more complicated, etc., - so everything blew up on him. The poor girl wasn't angry, she was in distress, she broke down crying and said things like "why did you abandon me ?" "you promised you would always be there when I needed you". If she could go back in time she'd make herself realize that Hanzo was suffering just as much as she was
• Of course you can! After Mingi sent the Fromm messages in which he expressed his intention to marry his girlfriend, she called him down onto the floor and began painting slivers of smoke along his bare arm - unfortunately he let his impulsive thought get the better of him and he smeared paint across her cheeks, which resulted in the two of them play fighting while trying to get as much paint on the other as possible
After Himari sent the Fromm messages revealing she was now studying Brain and Cognitive Science at KU, Mingi was having trouble taking a much needed nap so he pulled her in between his legs (on a bean bag) and she finished her study session tucked against his chest while his head rested on top of her own, sound asleep
At home she often forgets to put her hearing aid back in after a shower so when Mingi approaches her or is in the room, he moves with heavier steps so she can feel the vibrations or sends a series of one letter messages so that her smartwatch will vibrate several times (she learned to take that as a sign), so that she doesn't get startled because she didn't hear him
I always look forward to your asks!! ILYSM too Mina!! Make sure to rest plenty and have lots of fun now that the hardest part of the term is over! MWAHHH take good care of yourself 🥰🩷
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specialagentlokitty · 1 year ago
Carol Danvers x reader - always a little jealous
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Heyyy OMG I love reading your works so much. I admire you for having the time and inclination to write so much of it. I'm always busy, but when I have time, I lose inspiration for anything 😭. I have a request for Danvers x reader. How about we switch roles now and make Carol jealous of the reader, pleasee. As I already said, I love your works and I would be happy if you wrote it with willingness and inspiration 💖 because I wouldn't want you to be too busy. Have a nice evening/day depending on when you read this 😘🥰 - Anon💜
Hand in hand with your girlfriend, you smiled up a little at her before turning back to the beach in front of you.
“When do you have to go again?” You asked.
Carol sighed softly, giving you hand a small squeeze.
“In a couple of weeks, I don’t know when I’ll be back I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, I understand. You do important stuff.”
Carol turned you to face her, and she placed her hand on your cheek.
“You’re the most important aspect of my life, you know that right?”
“Of course I do sweetheart.”
Leaning forward, you kissed her cheek and leant into her so you could go back to watching the beach.
You loved watching the water, and with everything going in space and the universe, it was relaxing for her to just stand there.
No aliens.
No wars.
Just you.
The beach.
The slowly setting sun.
It was these moments that helped her get through everything.
Carol stood behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist, her chin resting on your shoulder.
“What’ll you do while I’m away?”
“I’ll probably just work, though I got a holiday with Benny soon.”
“Yeah, you remember my friend at work?”
You felt Carol nod her head.
“Yeah it’s him, we’re both heading to France for a week.”
“France? Really?”
You turned around, leaning against the railing and you looked at her, raising a brow in question.
“What’s wrong with France?”
“You’re going on a holiday with your friend to one of the most romantic counties?”
“Oh my god Carol, we’re just going skiing.”
You ducked under her arms, going to the railing you sat on the ground and dropped under it into the sand.
“Hey! Don’t run!”
Carol climbed over and jumped down, jogging over to catch up to you.
“But why France? That’s our thing…”
“Cause it’s one of the best ski resorts we could find, plus we’re going to do some exploring.”
“But that’s our thing, plus he hits on you.”
You looked at her.
“Carol, Benny doesn’t hit on me.”
She stood in front of you, stopping you from walking away from her.
“He hugs you all the time, gets as close as he can to you, he’s always complimenting you. He kissed your cheek the other day in front of me…” she grumbled.
“Yeah, that’s normal you know that.”
Carol walked over to you, walking behind you she wrapped her arms around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder.
“But you’re not his, you’re mine… I’m dating you now him…”
“I’m yours?” You laughed slightly.
“Uh huh…”
Carol placed a kiss on your shoulder then one on your cheek, holding you a little tighter.
“I don’t appreciate people trying to take you away…”
She hummed.
You rested your head on hers.
“He’s gay sweetheart.”
You laughed, turning in her arms so you could look at her.
Carol grinned a little bit at you.
“You are so jealous!” You laughed loudly.
“I am not…” she grumbled.
Leaning forward, you softly kissed her before pulling away.
“It’s okay to be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous…”
“You’re jealous of a gay guy.”
Carol placed her forehead against yours, and you smiled a little bit.
“So jealous…”
“Shut up…”
You laughed, and leant forward to kiss her again before pulling away.
You tired to wonder off but Carol took your hand, holding it in hers so you couldn’t walk away.
She was definitely jealous but she wasn’t going to admit that, but you knew despite knowing about Benny she was still going to be jealous
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Arcane request
platonic!yandere Vander and his kids kinda thing basically all of them being platonic yanderes for reader and what they’d be like
I have a max of one character per request now unless it's a rivalry/sharing thing. But I did what I could!
I apologize as I am going primarily off memory for this!
Yandere! Platonic! Vander + "The Kids" Concept
(Mentions Vander, Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Claggor)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective family dynamic, (Emotional) Manipulation, Paranoia, Clingy behavior (the kids), Isolation, Punishment, Dubious/Forced family dynamic.
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You are most likely the oldest of Vander's adopted children, being 18 years old.
As a result Vander may trust you with riskier jobs to get by in Zaun.
You are seen as an older sibling to Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Claggor.
Yet even though you're the oldest that does not mean Vander doesn't worry about you.
Vander appears to be a decent father to all of his children.
You end up helping a lot when it comes to wounds or watching after them.
If anything sometimes you take on a secondary parenting role while Vander is busy.
This is your family, ever since the Civil War you have considered Zaun your home.
It's your job to mend wounds, settle arguments, and keep your family safe.
In a way you do love Vander.
So he isn't entirely forcing you to be his child for the most part.
He's your father, has been since he found you.
In return you do what jobs you can in order to have money to spend.
In this concept I'm going to primarily explain how this family would be as yanderes.
Vander is the typical overprotective father of the group.
He'd rather you stayed in sight yet sometimes relies on you to do bigger jobs the kids can't do.
He gives you some freedoms, but they can easily be taken if you get yourself hurt or have a falling out.
The kids are primarily emotionally manipulative and clingy siblings.
Vi is protective of her family, including you
Powder is always asking to help you on jobs but you decline.
Mylo often complains that Vander gives you better jobs yet really is just worried.
Claggor is also one to be protective of you and the others, yet you reassure him you're fine.
Honestly, there's no real yandere signs until something happens.
The kids ultimately listen to Vander.
If Vander enforces a rule, they'll probably go along with it.
Especially if we assume they're just as bad as Vander.
Things would turn sour if there was conflict between you and Vander.
Maybe you got hurt and never told him, maybe you just disobeyed orders.
When Vander realizes his eldest kid is being too reckless he knows he has to do something.
Vander would be the platonic yandere father to ground you to one spot so he can keep an eye on you.
He doesn't want to lose you to death or you leaving on your own.
Even if you're an adult... he doesn't want you to leave his family.
Plus... the kids don't want that either, yeah?
If you're "grounded" by Vander, the kids often visit you.
They continue to do jobs even if you're forced to stay at Vander's bar.
Even though you now see this place as a prison... the kids do make you smile a bit.
They love you but don't want to go against Vander's orders.
Plus... they don't want you to leave them either.
Even if you thought of escaping, you may be guilt-tripped into staying.
Especially by Powder... you really don't want to leave any of them.
Yet Vander keeping you locked away makes you antsy.
Even when he pulls you aside to hold you or speak with you, you are distant.
Your love towards your family wanes the moment your freedoms are restricted.
Being stuck in Zaun is a cage enough... now you're stuck in a bar by your family.
You try to distract yourself from your isolation by interacting with family.
You hug the kids and Vander... you tinker to occupy yourself...
But it's all only temporary relief.
At some point, you'll find time to run off.
Yet Vander will know and track you down himself if he has to.
Who knows, maybe he'll even ask Vi to help him.
He keeps you hidden away for a reason.
If he has to drag you back and chain your ankle to your bed... then maybe that will get the point across!
Mylo is certainly the one to throw a fit at you for leaving while Claggor just appears hurt.
Vi feels bad as she understands you want freedom.
Yet Powder simply clings onto you and doesn't let go once you're brought back.
Vander can't have you being reckless... he plans on keeping his family safe....
He'll sacrifice everything if it means keeping you and the kids out of harm... even your freedom.
Plus... you being around more often makes the kids happier, right?
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chimera-tail · 10 months ago
Telemachos and Peisistratos hcssss
Okay, I had to do a lot of research on this (because I could hardly find anything and had to dig deeper than I usually do while answering asks 💀), seeing that I'm not that into the epics, lol, but damnnn, these two have some chemistry!!
They have a really deep understanding of each other. Seeing that both their fathers left them when they were young to fight in the Trojan War, they both have this mutual understanding of how it felt when their dads left with the probability of them getting killed (and Pisistratus did lose his brother, so...).
In a romantic sense, if I were to view their relationship, it would be that Pisistratus fell first and Telemachus fell harder :3 (and that's why pookie assisted Telemachus because he a. wanted Telemachus to find his dad so that Telemachus would be happy and b. wanted to be closer to him. He's a little possessive this way). And not Telemachus calling Pisistratus the joy of his heart like-
Come on, they were married. They have to be. Idc what canon says. You can't convince me otherwise.
Also, I feel that Pisistratus would be more protective of Telemachus and never leave his side. Plus, he would get along very well with Odysseus (in a father-in-law and son-in-law kind of way).
And OMG, the scene where they sleep together on the bed?!?!?!??! Homer definitely knew what he was doing istg-
(atp I'm kind of mad that Pisistratus gets less screen/reading time in the epics like brooo the potential these two have 🤌🏾)
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burningcheese-merchant · 2 months ago
My doodles are cooking, please hold and you will receive my (bad) art
Also you may use this as an excuse to over explain anything you want to
consider these my late birthday gifts cuz I forgot-
Oh, come on. Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure your art is great. Better than mine, at the very least (although that's not a high bar to clear lol). I look forward to seeing it ❤️ I'm touched you'd draw anything for me at all, really. Haven't done anything to deserve that, I'm just some clown who rambles into a void about nothing
However, you will regret giving me permission to do such a thing Anyway, here's the story of how Paneer met Paravani:
Matar Paneer found Paravani in a tree. She and the family were in Beast-Yeast at the time, and she asked to go run around and play outside (Pepper Jack was busy doing something else and couldn't join her). Burning Spice and Golden Cheese said yes, so long as she stayed on temple grounds. She does not listen, because Matar Paneer's will overrides everyone else's lol. Stubborn af kid.
Cue her wandering off into the nearby wilderness, stopping to sit by a tree, and noticing a tiny little peachick sitting in the branches, chirping and cooing. She climbs up to him and asks how he got there by himself (note: Paneer loves animals and talks to them like they're people, no matter how intelligent or friendly they actually are). They have a cute little back and forth (he actually does understand her, at least to some degree) for a while before she helps him down from the tree. She asks him where his family is (again, talks to animals like they're normal people who can actually reply lol). She tells him she'll help find them so he can go home and not be lost and alone anymore.
She does find them. Mother and siblings...
... Dead and actively being eaten by a predator in what little remained of their nest.
Paneer is smart enough to stop and hide before it noticed them, and moves as quickly and quietly as possible until she thinks enough distance has been put between them. Then... she just holds the little peachick and tries to comfort him, because his family is gone and that's horrible. (She tries to imagine losing her own family and being alone in the world and it makes her tear up.) Maybe... it was good that he wandered away after all? If he hadn't, he would've died, too, right? And then they wouldn't have met. He likes to run off on adventures like she does... They're so much alike! They already make good friends!
... Friends help each other, don't they? And he has nowhere else to go... So he can come live with her! She and her parents and her brother can be his new family! She'll keep him safe and they can stay friends forever!
And then she takes him back to the palace and just runs up to everyone showing him off like this
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She gets scolded by Spice and Golden for disobeying them and risking danger. She refuses to apologize and defends herself by saying she made a new friend and he needs a home because he has nothing, so he's going to live with them now. Cue the verbal tug-of-war that Paneer ultimately wins because she is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object at the same time and it's fucking exhausting getting her to listen a lot of the time (plus... well, she did perform a selfless deed. And the poor little peachick did need somewhere to go; he'll die fast if he's left to fend for himself in the wild...). So they give in and let her keep him (but not as a pet. He is NOT a pet, he is her friend, and you will be hearing from her if she catches you calling him such)
And so, he stayed and she decided to name him Paravani. He liked to perch on her head for most of his youth (until he got too big to fit). He warmed up to Jack and Golden quickly (literal and figurative bird people) and was terrified of Spice for a long time (big, scary, predator-looking man), but came to like him eventually. Paneer cares for him well and loves him like an extra sibling. He's really small just like she is lol for a long time, until he starts growing bigger...and bigger... and bigger... until he's enormous and Paneer can sit on his back no problem and ride him around places. Must be a "critter from Beast-Yeast" thing...
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kaleidoscopic-quiddity · 7 months ago
that being said, my actual biggest issue w/ the bnha ending is Deku being a quirkless hero with an armoured All Might-esque supersuit.
now heres the thing, I don't hate Deku ending the story as quirkless. I, like loads of other people, assumed from fairly early on assumed that bnha would end either with Deku going back to being quirkless or, if not that, back to not having any of the OFA vestiges' quirks and just having that 'base' OFA super strength/speed, with which he could still continue being a pro hero
the thing is, I had always assumed that if bnha did go down the 'Deku loses OFA entirely and goes back to being quirkless' route then as a result of that, the whole 'this is the story of how I became the greatest hero' thing from the beginning of the story would take on a new light. the reveal would be that we, the audience, already saw Deku become the greatest hero over the course of the 2 wars and defeating AFO/Shigaraki, and/or that he would become the 'greatest hero' but not the kind hero that the audience assumed, instead working as a quirkless teacher/villain outreach worker/quirk analyist/hero assiant/etc.
and that would be pretty poignant endind would it not? a re-emphasising of this idea that its not just the pros who are heroes, but that everybody in society who 'reaches out' and works to make the world a better place is a hero too, regardless of how 'strong' they may or may not be, that it was never truly about having a powerful quirk and being a pro superhero, but by stopping those who want to do harm, and saving people, that's what truly made Deku the greatest hero
and like bnha's finale did kinda do that a bit with Deku being a heroics teacher at UA for eight years but then it, in my opinion, ruined that by having Deku become a quirkless-with-a-supersuit pro hero.
the thing is, if Deku couldve been a quirkless pro hero this whole time, then there was no reason for All Might to even give him OFA, and for the story as a whole, to happen. and I'm sure some people will counter that point by saying like 'oh but the suit cost LOADS of money' or 'but they were only able to make the suit after analysing the data from All Might's fight with AFO', but to me that just further proves why Deku getting a supersuit so he can be a quirkless pro hero is dumb.
All Might is the no.1 hero in Japan and is globally renowned, if he wanted to secure the funding to make Deku some kind of supersuit he couldve done that right when he met Deku as a quirkless middle schooler, but he didn't. in fact, when explicitly asked by Deku if he could become a hero, even without a quirk, All Might told him that being a quirkless pro hero was impossible. he didn't say that to be cruel or because he's fantasy-ableist or whatever, he said that because he genuinely believed it to be the truth, and he was right.
the fact that support items are not replacements for quirks and actual hero-ing skill/talent is established fairly early on. All Might mentions, some time around the sports festival if I remember correctly, that he's seen heroes who are overly reliant on their support items become useless/a liability once those items break. its a nice and tidy in-universe justification for why every hero isnt walking around with robot armour and ray guns and what have you. and okay, sure, bnha's finale is set eight years in the future, it could be reasonable to assume that in that time, plus with all the funding provided by class 1-a and All Might, that the support industry has really developed and Deku's supersuit is some absolute top of the line technology.
even then, there's still a glaring issue. we saw the exact scenario All Might described play out, WITH All Might. his supersuit was technological marvel, it let him get some genuine damage in on the most powerful villain ever, but ultimately it broke, and without it All Might was unable to fight, and became a liability that had to be rescued. and I'm not saying that to trash on All Might or anything, that is literally just how that quirkless-hero-with-a-supersuit scenario worked out for him.
and okay, sure, you could argue that Deku's supersuit, developed in the eight years since the war, using the data from that fight, and likely with even more money put into it, is a lot better than All Might's supersuit was, and also that it took AFO to wreck All Might's supersuit and its unlikely that there'll ever be a villain that powerful ever again so Deku doesn't have to worry about his own suit in the same way. and sure, you could even argue that non-quirkless pro heroes still have times when they're unable to use their quirks for one reason or another, and just have to rely on their own strength/skills/etc the same way Deku would if his supersuit broke or malfunctioned
but even with all that, my problem is is that it was established, multiple times, why it wasnt a viable option for Deku to just be a quirkless pro hero who used support items, and if the narrative wants to roll that back and go, no, wait, it is actually a totally viable option, then it just begs the question of why don't all pro heroes have supersuits, why is Deku the first quirkless person to become a pro hero in this way, and why, if this was an option, did the story even have to bother with Deku inhereting OFA and learning to make it his own power?
i get what they're going for here, having Deku be a quirkless pro hero with a supersuit is trying to play into the whole 'it was never the power, but rather who midoriya izuku is as a person, that makes him a great hero' but if you ask me its just such a cheap and deus ex machina-y way of doing it???
i genuinely think Deku either being quirkless and instead working in some other way that helps people and/or helps pro heroes help people OR keeping OFA (minus the vestiges' quirks) and going on to a pro hero, and in either scenario, having a moment with All Might and/or Bakugou where they emphasise to him that he is, and always was, a hero, regardless of a quirk, would just be infinitely more narratively coherent and satisfying
the bnha ending isnt terrible, and im certainly not saying people can't like it or trying to drag them if they do, but i am say that me, personally, i dont like it all that much, AND i think its bad writing
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immult · 6 months ago
Do you think with Kord, Imogen would be going for a 'partners or allies' situation - like with Orym? (I was so relieved when he said that after the vision)
My initial take is that it would be weird for Imogen to seek raw power in this way after holding back from ruidus (plus what she said to the group that night on the roof, and everything that just happened with Delilah) So this feels more... personal?
I'm just curious of your vision!
i am so sorry this gets to you So Late! but to me the way imogen inherently interprets religion already resembles a partnership. whenever imogen invokes faith there is always a prioritisation of power and exchange.
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the implication is clear. very fascinating to me that imogen thinks for a holy person to truly lose, he must not only lose his god but he must also lose the status and power granted to him by his faith.
to me this is imogen thinking: a god is just a god. what makes a Faith is what the gods give to its followers first and foremost. i think this view is not malicious at all, considering she genuinely believes this for herself.
because i think back on how when laudna died, imogen saw delilah as a god bc she seemed to be the only one who had sway and power to bring laudna back a second (third) time. was it really hyperbole if there was evidence of worship? how she always kept a second gnarlrock close to laudna's body? begging delilah to take that offering? pleading for guidance? but the moment delilah revealed she was powerless imogen denounced her.
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in that same vein, imogen insisted that vecna was not a god because his power and influence was not immediately obvious to her. i think her disdain for the changebringer was because of this same reason.
a show of power impresses her, clearly, so it's all too fitting that she turns to pelor in the very same episode:
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what had pelor done for imogen to think he's More Powerful? at that point in time, imogen already knew about deanna and hearthdell. proof upon proof. if he could bring light back from an extended death then he might be able to do something about laudna's. if he could spare an armed angel for a village what could he have spared for a moon?
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but the ultimate proof came to imogen in the thalamus vision, witnessing a god whose chin brushed the skies and whose ankle breached the surface of the sea. she saw him smite one of the greatest civilisation in the age of arcanum effortlessly. kord's religion is already synonymous to strength anyway. well, strength, power.
right now she's off to fight something even the gods fear. exandria has called for war. of course imogen is going to pursue the stormlord's thread, the god of battle and warfare, despite the risks to herself. so when kord approached imogen and when imogen responded in kind, it is them recognising the other's sheer power and capability.
the storm is just a bonus thing.
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redrobin-detective · 1 year ago
Simon and Marcy's relationship through the years
So I finally watched the Stakes miniseries in Adventure Time and I think like I finally understand Marceline and her motivations better, especially regarding Simon.
So seeing the stuff with Marcy's mom from Stakes I think it's pretty clear why she sent Marcy away in the first place.
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She didn't want Marcy to see her die. It could be any general post-apocalyptic illness I suppose but with a mutagenic bomb I'm gonna assume it's some sort of radiation poisoning. Marcy is little here, between 5-7 so I don't think she processed why her Mom 'abandoned' her, only the hurt left behind. We see she hadn't really accepted/understood until Distant Land's Obsidian.
So that fear of abandonment translates over to Simon who, also, is forced to leave 'for her safety'. So, objectively, it's about the crown, how he's slowly losing himself and could potentially hurt her. I had asked, right from the start of my AT watch 'why does he keep putting the crown on?' We see in Simon & Marcy, its as a deterrent against the dangers of a post-war world. But Marcy was important to him, surely he could find some other way, I mean look at this
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This is not a man eager to leave behind the child in his care. So why did he?
And after watching Marcy's mom succumb to radiation poisoning it hit me. Simon left Marcy for the same reason her mom did: to spare her the pain of watching a parent die. Here are the lyrics from I Remember You
"This magic keeps me alive / but it's making me crazy"
The crown was keeping him alive through the apocalypse, if it wasn't poisoning from the bomb it might have been something else. Marcy, being half demon, was protected but Simon was totally human without the crown's protection. Simon realized he had no choice but to leave her: by dying as a human like her mother or lost to madness of the crown. So he left, to ensure she didn't have to see either one. It was probably the hardest decision he ever made and he felt guilty enough to write Marcy a note. He wrote it on the back of a picture of Marcy so she'd see it but she didn't get to read it until almost a millennia later. But for a thousand years, Marcy harbored resentment towards Simon and later Ice King.
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Marcy stated she originally became a vampire hunter to protect the remaining humans, thinking it was an extension of protecting her one time protector. She grieved his loss in her life greatly which turned into bitterness and frustration. Marceline was seemingly abandoned by two close parental figures in her early childhood which -coupled with vampirism and living unchanging for centuries- turned her into apathetic, isolated punk rocker we meet at the start of the series.
We don't know when Marcy and Ice King formally met but we know they didn't have much interaction in the main Adventure Time series until I Remember You. If I were to guess, Marcy probably tried to get through to Simon briefly before giving up and then avoiding him. She probably assumed he left her for the power of the crown, her own hurt clouding the memories of Simon's actions and his words to her.
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We know Simon reached out to her multiple times, tracking her down and spending time with her without really knowing why. Marcy, it seemed, did her level best to just avoid him. Until she finds the note Simon left for her.
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It doesn't explain everything but it's enough for Marcy to understand the important bits: that Simon did not leave her willingly, that he loved her and seeking forgiveness for his future actions as the Ice King. After this episode, we see Marcy hanging out with Ice King of her own volition and, to the best of my knowledge, she only refers to him as "Simon" from now on.
It's a big step for her, who has clung to this hurt and anger for a long, long time. To look at a man who doesn't remember her and open her heart just a crack to let him through again. I think the note from the past plus the singing in the present gave Marcy a way to bridge this crazy wizard to her old friend. One of my favorite details in the song is we hear Tom Kenny's distinctive dopey Ice King voice throughout it until we get to the last few harmonizing Da Da's. Maybe it's my imagination but the last few tones on his end are softer, more human, closer to the Simon of memory.
Its a reminder to Marcy and to us that Simon was still there.
TLDR: Marcy's mom sent her away so her daughter wouldn't watch her die and Simon chose to do the same since he would have died without the crown. Marcy hung onto this grief for years shaping it into her early AT self. I Remember You gave Marcy closure on assuring Simon's affections for her and why he left. It was also when she finally saw him for the first time in Ice King and began to allow him back into her life which led to him being freed. These two make me so emotional.
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