#please dont send me death threats its not that deep
lemony-lilly-2 · 4 months
if taylor swift actually cared about feminism, she would have said something about harrison butker (kansas city chiefs kicker who told a bunch of women at a graduation to go be homemakers), but obviously she hasn't because she benefits immensely from patriarchy and positioning herself as this feminist symbol for the oppressed to aspire towards while distracting from actual feminist liberation
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lilitism · 2 years
ill probably make this look somewhat decent later and im working on a rentry for the blog but, hii! im lili or calico. i was preciously an anti (sorry) but i realized i was deep in the denial stage of liking a lot of proships and its been this way for a while. i decided to make a proship blog finally because ive never been able to talk to others since im like.. surrounded by antis.
i would also like to say that even when i was an anti i was always against sending threats and harrassment to people because that just. too far? and thats another big reason why i finally wanted to take the step to leave the anti community. its so weird that you could try to get someone to end their life over a ship.
anyways, stuff about me until i get the rentry done!
im a minor (im over 14 !) im a name and pronoun hoarder! im the host of a system and im an introject of many sources. im in a bunch of fandoms. dont be afraid to talknl to me i swear im really nice, just kinda awkward and autistic sorr
if any antis see this and decide they wanna send me death threats and rude shit in asks, go for it i guess. i find them very funny to be honest
i would love to be able to meet more proshippers finally so pleaseplease please interact!!
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phoenixthemeanix · 6 days
name:you can call me phoenix,percy,or kade ^^
age:my age is unknown and will forever be unknown
•star gang
•fox masks
•sunflower inc
•cosmic catastrophe
•give me fanart
•give oc suggestions/ ideas
•ask me stuff
•ASK if its ok to ship my ocs
•respect me and others
••‼️⚠️CROSS A BOUNDARY ⚠️‼️ im tiered of not speaking up for myself about people crossing a few of my boundaries (its more then 1 person ☹️)
•draw BIG nsfw of an oc of mine without any permission
••send death threats (as long as their jokes to my ocs i dont mind)
•dont show my chats to other unless asked
•understand my opinion
•⚠️‼️‼️dont copy/inspo/trace from me (unless you ASK ME PLEASE THIS BOUNDRY HAS BEEN BROKEN TO MANY TIMES)⚠️‼️‼️
•You can JOKE abt saying “its not that deep” but not in situations i dont find funny
•dont compare me to people. you may compare a few things as long as they arent bad
•ASK for physical touch
••dont copy EVERYTHING I DO it makes me feel like i dont deserve to be myself :/ (example:when i do ANYTHING dont do it unless asked)
friends: @lilythecrazyone @venusthecrazy @daynethedaydreamer,ash(irl),sky(irl),brook(irl)athena (forgot their @) Saddie(she deleted tumblr) @rushcrushdushbusj(he redownloaded tumblr)
I HAVE A SONA AND THREE MADE UP SPECIES 1.adelaidians they are marcus’s species and will never be an open species you cannot make an oc the same animal as it unless you ask me and i say you can) 2.bimon these animals are a private species so you wpuld have to ask me or @daynethedaydreamer if its ok for you to make one theres a reference sheet of the species here: https://www.tumblr.com/daynethedaydreamer/754320178387582976/bimons-are-a-species-made-by-me-and AND LASTLY there are an alien like species
bimons adeladians aliens and my sona!
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bertyose · 4 years
here’s some festival predictions!
these are just some guesses that probably wont happen but its fun to theorise and share my ideas and listen to your own so, here you go lads :):)):).
1) dream
yeah so dream isnt going to die. they couldnt kill technoblade so theres no way dream dies.
unless, dream acts out like he died, he makes them think they won. he makes the butcher army put down their gaurds and celebrate in their “victory”. but then dream comes crashing back, taking them all down to either put them in prision or to murder or b o t h.
or, dream turns the situation around. somehow tubbo, quackity or someone else ends up in the execution trap. and dream starts going on about how tubbo was meant to be a good president and that he believed in him and blah blah blah. dream either gets someone else to execute the person or he does it himself. i feel like it would be more ahhhhhhh if he got someone else to... like, maybe fundy ;)
2) niki
i just want to see niki go batshit crazy. or just knock sense into everyone. i want her to go, listen to me you fuckers, stop fucking around and acting like lunatics. please niki please.
but seriously, what if dream acts like he’s going to murder tubbo but goes “i dont want you to die just yet, i still have something planned for you but you still need to be punished”. so he pearls next to niki and is like “yeah i will murder her for all of your crimes”
niki then gets mad, rightly so. she goes on how she doesnt want to die for tubbo or for the butcher army because they’re all turning into people she despise, they are all turning into schlatt. and then she gets mad at dream aswell for thinking he can run the roost. for using all of his power to just ruin countless of lives. she gets angry and maybe murdered?
3) ranboo
i really like ranboo’s character so far but unfortunately i dont know everything abo it him as i’m unable to catch his streams. so i dont really know what the treasonous thing in his diary is that can get him killed.
but anyways, it seems as if ranboo may be exposed and potentially killed at the festival. maybe he was have a death that mirrors tubbo’s in the first festival? or maybe he’s safe and it turns out whoever read his diary was niki, fundy or someone who’s more neutral. or maybe it was ghostbur looking for a new book for his library?
if it was ghostbur maybe he’d blurt something about it infront of everyone and they’d go “whattt?” and ranboo would be like “ahahfunnyjokeidontknowwhatyouaretalkingaboutpleasestop,ahahha”
4) tommy/techno
personally i think this festival is going to be mainly evolved around the butcher army arc. its going to hold the public, the army and dream. i feel like tommy wont have anything to do with this unless he’s wondering around half way through and watches from the shadows but i think he might not just stream/be on until later like the first execution.
techno might turn up at one point but just to return dreams favour by mirroring what dream did to help techno. but i think techno and tommy might just not be there at all. they may hear about it from a particular ghost friend but apart from that, they’re far away in the snow oblivious to the raging party.
5) butcher army
these guys are in for a treat. by that i mean, they are fucked.
they are destined to fail, no plans from l’manburg ever follow through, they are going to find themselves in deep trouble again. maybe someone will die again, if they do it would likely be fundy. tubbo is on his last life so i think he wont be killed, quackity was killed last time so him dying again wouldn’t be likely. if we’re following the theme of someone from the army dying then it would probably be fundy. if we’re not then it could be ranboo or niki. those three are on my death list.
i hope the army wears their butcher outfits again because that would be so so funny, everyone would be so confused and be like “isnt this a festival?” and the army would just say its their special festival clothes. please please please let them wear the clothes even though it makes no sense.
one last thing, maybe the prision will be used? or maybe it will be threatened. i think dream might have something else planned for the prision so it might be left for that, but it could be used as a threat which would be cool.
anyways i hope you liked my theorys, feel free to drop your own! i love reading what all of you have to say. also if anyone wants to send me a ask... ;);));););)););)
have a lovely day! ((also /roleplay))
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finn-shitposts · 3 years
Just a random l*ki rant so i get the annoyance out my head dont rb lmao
Obviously this post isnt about every loki stan i just keep seeing posts that piss me off so i had to yell. This is a bit generalized but know its probably not aimed at you, its at a small but loud minority of frustrating marvel stans
You know im over it, im done lookin for memes and gifs to rb after each episode cos everyones arguing so much sksksk
Like a solid chunk is alligator memes and pretty gifsets which is nicr but theres just so much twitter flavoured arguing and like opinion based arguements cloaked as morality that i jsut. H.
For me, id be just as happy seeing loki find recognition and self love through sylvie and learn that hes capable of change from mobius then remain platonic them both as Id be seeing him date either or both of them (ot3 usually solves all problems for me). I just enjoy the way the interpersonal bonds are written between them all no matter the flavour of it yknow sksksk?
But people online are calling it disgusting to even ship sylvie and loki for either "heteronormativity cos bisexual ppl that come out on screen should date ppl of the same gender or theyre not really bi after all" (as a bi man. This is just utter bullshit im too tired to get into it) or "i interpret them as siblings so if you ship them youre automaitcally into incest" and im sat here w past trauma regarding that like. Hm. Really bad take just an awful take guys. Like i get that most relationships or bonds are forced into het romances 90% on tv and its frustrating when all you want is a friendship or a siblinf type relationship but like you can express that without sending death threats to the actors and yelling at casual watchers who kinda like the ship. Plus yall gotta stop playing the 'its more moral to ship mobius and loki, cos theyre not siblings' bitch neither are loki and sylvie theyre the same person, not related and also clearly distinct individuals only with similar experienves. You can dislike somethinf and just say you dislike it you dont have to assign a moral righteousness to it.
Also i shipped loki and mobius before i did sylvie and loki, and i love them equally but like. Do you ever get the thing where when you were younger and had gay ships that were massively popular in fandom and it was super fun but then like 4 years later when you actually come out as queer youre like huh, the fanon surrounding that ship was mostly made by straight 15yr old girls that found mlm hot and its not Great. Cos i just get annoyed reading deep analysis posts like "when sylvie is mentioned loki doesnt react he clearly doesnt like her much but when mobius is mentioned here are all his micro reactions and the meanings of it that prove that theyre in love" and like. I get reading into subtext and i get wanting canon gay ships, I mean i fucking put up w supernatural skskksks but this is bordering more on the vibes of like when ppl ship idk like idols/rpf and read way too much into every glance and find any way to dismiss and explain away the actual person theyre dating irl? Or like when you read fanfics where someone clearly hates a female character just cos she gets in the way of their fave gay ship and you just have to sigh like guys. Please.
All this being said, i ship lokius i love mr dilf owen wilson i just get frustrated that people have to shit on one character or relationship to uplift their faves, pls can we not all just get along and be civil i beg this isnt twitter act normal. What am i saying these are marvel stans ,.
Anyway from now im just gonna enjoy loki on my own and sit with my personal thoughts and headcanons without checking tumblr cos yall are acting like twitter and its unbearable, i dont need that in my life. Like I thought itd be fun cos tumblr is usually all about selfcest and poly ships and whatnot but yall are just spewing bad takes lmao
Ill be memeless but ill be much happier not getting pissed off at every third post on the tag, im just gonna ship loki/mobius/sylvie in my own corner and avoid the internet on wednesdays, ✌️
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eggyolk-eyoqy · 3 years
im sick and tired of having to see discourse abt kaeluc luckae whatever the hell you want to call it bc as someone who likes both kaeya and diluc and is chinese and adopted i have to see so much of it so here are my two cents on it.
(very long bc its all the thoughts that have been stewing in my brain since i found out there was disk horse)
for context before we begin: i am chinese adopted by a chinese family living outside of china (my grandparents grew up in china). i have combed through diluc and kaeya’s dialogue, voice-over lines, and character stories multiple times and in multiple different languages, independently of the disk horse simply bc they’re both on my team and i like them a lot as a result. ive spent tons of effort trying to make sense of both character’s personalities, their conflicts, and what their motivations are.
ok lets start here. how do i view kaeya and diluc? as adopted siblings. why? less serious answer: because im adopted and there are already at least two adopted characters in the game so why not bring it to three. more serious/genuine answer: i personally think kaeya being adopted is very essential to understanding his character and how he views his relationship with mondstadt. i know everyone gets up in arms over the two-character chinese word “sworn brothers/adopted brothers” but even if they were to omit that line entirely, kaeya’s story is very reliant on him seeing the ragnvindrs as his family and a direct contrast to his birth father. here’s how i see it: kaeya was taken in and raised by crepus after appearing at dawn winery. it’s perfectly reasonable for kaeya to see crepus as his father and diluc as his brother. if i were in kaeya’s position, dropped in a whole new country with nothing but the clothes on my back and i was taken in my a dude and his son, that would surely be like my birth family to me.
now, i have read the chinese version, and from what i can see all the words they use to describe crepus and diluc in relation to kaeya are pretty vague (as far as i can tell). the phrase “sworn brothers,” while it refers to a popular bl trope, does also have the meaning of a literal adopted brother. the word used to refer to crepus could mean “adopted father” or “father in law.” (in japanese and korean, they use the exact same words in both instances, no real change.) if im gonna be honest? i think that’s intentional. the devs/writers specifically leave their relationship vague so it can be interpreted by fans however they like; because after all genshin is a gatcha games and partially relies on fan attachment to characters in order to profit. by inviting fans to choose their kind of relationship -> fans dont feel alienated or “wrong” -> more fans who are willing to whale for them or create fan content that will promote their game. im no marketing major so take this with a grain of salt but ive always felt that this was a plausible explanation for why there’s no definite answer and it all seems so vague.
so, do i give a fuck if a random given person on the internet ships them romantically? no. im not paid enough to. do i give a fuck if someone who ships them romantically follows me? no, as long as they dont come onto my kaeya and diluc content deliberately talking abt them in a romantic sense as i make it clear i dont like it. (essentially, “you’re welcome to stay here but idk how much of my content you’re gonna care for.”) “but tumblr user nowwhywouldyoudothat!” you say, “you just reblogged gen art from an artist who ships kaeluc!” i am also not paid enough to do a background check and every simple lovely general art i see of these two. i wont ever reblog anything thats inherently romantic for the two since i dont like it, and why would i reblog things i dont like? i will simply ignore that artist’s ship art and just enjoy the single gen art that i just reblogged. its simple.
this is already crazy long and i might have haphazardly explained things and ill clarify them if anyone even reads this lol. but basically, my bottom line is i dislike kaeluc as a romantic ship and think its strange and weird and i dont get it. when i create something about the two, i make sure to note that it is not intended to be romantic. i dont care if someone who does ship them interacts with it, so long as they arent going “KYAA I SHIP THEM SO MUCH” in the comments of my fic that examines their relationship as brothers. at the end of the day, its pixels on a screen, its not that deep. i am begging genshin fans to stop telling ppl to kill themselves or send death threats or doxx ppl over ships. you’re allowed to disagree with/dislike ships, problematic or not, but please at least act like normal human beings when doing so.
so yeah. thats it. a whole ass essay abt discourse. ive always wanted to say it but i never had enough word count lol or organization.
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Further reactions to "The book of lost tales":
I appreciate that Idril canonically wears armor and does swordfighting.
I feel like I can actually imagine adult!Idril much better now like in armor and with open hair, distraught but ready to fight while babby Earendil does not yet realize the danger...
My first thought is that Earendil was probably cute in that baby chainmail. My second thought is OUCH, Idril and Tuor always made sure their growing baby had fitting chainmail cause they felt the apocalypse might get them at any moment. Imagine that, imagine them having the baby armor fitted every year or so :(
Its fun how much of the basic structure already exists but most of what you'd consider the main characters doesn't exist or is scattered across various minor roles The only Prince anywhere in sight is Turgon - Except for Team Doriath, theyre all accounted for. I suppose Maeglin is kinda there in name only with vaguely the same role & motivation, but looks personality and background all did a 180 since. Luthien is still pretty much "princesd classic" at this point, not quite the fearless go-getter from the final version - markedly this version tells Beren that she doesnt want to wander in the wilderness with him whereas the final one says she doesnt care and its Beren still wants to get the shiny so as not to ask this of her and also for his honor.
I mean in the finished version Id consider the 3rd and 4th gen royals to be the main characters (well, alobgside Team Doriath and the varioud human heroes) and theyre hardly here. Imagine the silm with no Finrod!
Feanor had no affiliation with the royal family whatsoever, and is also generally less super. He's just the guy who won the jewelsmithing competition, not the inventor of the whole discipline. Still seems to have been envisionad as a respected member of the community who gets called to the palace for crisis meetings and is listened to when he stsrts giving speeches. From the first he already has the backstory of going off the deep end (or at least growing disillusioned with Valinor) after a family member is killed by Melkor and theyre still the first to die, but its just some other rando unrelated to the royals
The situation regarding the humans is different - instead of Melkor leaking their existence, its Manwe who explains that the other continents were supposed to be for them eventually. So Feanor goes off on a tirade about weak puny mortals comes off as a more of a jerk unlike in the final version where Melkor barely knew about the humans and described them to the Noldor as a threat. On the other hand in this one, also very much unlike in the finished product, Melkor dupes even Manwe into being unfair to the elves as a whole. In this the final version is a definite improvement, both Feanor and the Valar come off as a lot more sympathetic and though still deceived he's partially right in some things at least, so you have more of a genuine tragedy rather than a simple feud
There is something to the idea of Commoner!Feanor tho. I guess some of this survived in his nomadic explorer lifestyle and how both his wife and mother (who arent mentioned here) eventually were the ones to get that background of being not especially pretty ladies who are not from the nobility but got renown, respect and acclaim for their unique talent and contribution to society, with each having invented things and Nerdanel also being renowed for her wisdom. Hes sort of an odysseus-like Figure in that sense. I suppose later developements necesitated that Maedhros & co. have an army not just a band of thieves, which means they needed to be nobles/lords. That said this being a society where artisans are very respected and half the lords have scholarly/artistic pursuits going, the gap was probably not as big to begin with as it might have been in say, medieval England. Esoecially since Nerdanel's father had been given special honor by one of the local deities and that the social order might have been a very recent thing in Miriel's time. One might speculate that the first generation of Lords started out as warriors during the great journey, or perhaps just Finwe's friend group.
Also found that bit intetesting where the Valar have to deal with the remaining political tensions and effects of Melkor's lies on the remaining population in Valinor... - i guess with the change of framing device it was less likely for news of something like this to reach Beleriand. That, or the existence of Finarfin and his repentance made this go smoother this over in later cannon
Turgon's go-down-with-the-ship moment reaaly got to me. Im half tempted to write a fic where his wife, siblings and dad glomp him on arrival in Mandos. I dont care that none of them exists yet in this continuity i want Turgon to get hugs
I love all the additional Detail that got compressed out in the shift from fairytale-ish to pseudohistoric style especially all the various Valinor magic insofofar as it is compatible with the final version - particularly love the idea of the connection between the lamps and the trees that is now integrated into my headcanon forever
Its actually explained what the doors of night are
If I had not already read unfinished tales or volumes X to XII where this is also apparent, this is where I would say: Ah so the Valar were supposed to be flawed characters. Manwe has an actual arc; by the time he sends Gandalf he finally "got" it. I think in the published silm the little arcs of Ulmo and Manwe are mostly just lost in compression/ less apparent when only some of the relevant scenes got in but not all
It occurred to me way too late that the "BG" chars are the most consistent because theyre at the start and most stories are written from beginning to end. Finwe doesnt get a dedicated paragraph of explicit description until HoME X but my takeaway was that he's described pretty much like I always imagined him anyways/ same vibe I always got from him... charismatic, thoughtful, enthusiastic, sanguine temperament, brave in a pinch but at times lets his judgement be clouded by personal sentiment (though that last bit is more apparent/salient as a character flaw once he became the father of a certain Problem Child) ...i guess this would be a result of jrrt having had a consistent idea of him in his head for a long time.
This means Finwe's still alive at the time of the exodus which is just fun to see/interesting to know... Interestingly he sort of gets what later would be Finarfin's part of ineffectually telling everxone to please chill and think it over first while Feanor simply shouts louder (which is consistent with his actions before the sword incident in later canon where he initially spoke out against the suspiciozs regarding the Valar) - but its not exactly the same, he's more active than Finarfin later in that when "chillax" availed nothing he said that then at least they should talk with the other Kings and Manwe to leave with their blessing and get help leaving (This seems like it would have been the clusterfuck preventing million dollar suggestion in the universe where Feanor is related to him and values him) but when even that falls on death ears he decides that he "would not be parted from his people" and went to run the preparations. I find it interesting that the motivation is sentiment/attachment (even phrased as "he would not be parted from [his people]" same words/ expression as is later used for the formenos situation), not explicitly obligation as it later is for Fingolfin (who had promised to follow Feanor and didnt want to leave his subjects at the mercy of Feanor's recklessness )
Speaking of problem children. It seems the sons of Feanor were the Kaworu Nagisa of the Silmarillion in that originally all they do is show up at some point and kill Dior as an episodic villain-of-the-week. And then, it seems their role got bigger in each continuity/rewrite... probably has something to do with the Silmarils ending up in the title later making it in the sense their story that ends and begins with them. They have zero characterization beyond "fierce and wild" at this point, though in what teetsy bits there is we already have the idea that Maedhros is the leader and Curufin is the smart one/shemer/sweet-talker, though not the bit where Maedhros (or Maglor, or anyone really) is "the nice one". Which I guess explains why "Maglor" sounds like such a stereotypical villain name.
"The Ruin of Doriath" was purportedly the patchworkiest bit of the finished product, but I never noticed and it actually left quite an impression of me upon first reading, the visual of Melian sitting there with Thingol's corpse in her arms contemplating everything thinking back to how they met... she had the knowledge to warn him not to doom himself but couldnt get him to understand it because he doesnt see the world as she does.... After reading this though I wish there was a 'dynamic' rendition that combined all the best bits like, youd have to adapt it to the later canon's rendition of the dwarves, have Nargothrond exist etc. But i mean that just makes Finrod another dead/doomed relative of Thingol's whom bling cannot truly replace, like Luthien and Turin. In the Silmarillion you could easily read it as just an "honoured guest treatment" but here and in unfinished tales I get the impression that Thingol actually did see Turin as a son.
Already you see the idea of trying to make the stories all interconnected but there is less than there will be (the human heroes aren't related yet and there is basically no Nargothrond, which is later a common thread for many of the stories - a prototype shows up in the 'Tale of Turambar' tho complete with half baked prototypes of Orodreth and Finduillas
O boi im not even through yet
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theholyyuunoaduck · 4 years
Purpouse......every living thing has it but what is it thats what we all search for what we all crave
Perhaps life is just all of searching for that very thing that gives it meaning so what might be yours....hm?
Copper thats all that was registering towards his senses the taste
The smell full of copper yuu was suspended in the air by his friends possessed body being held by the throat beaten badly the remenants of his sword formed of salt began to crumble yet his hand gripped and gripped the handle of his blade as if it would somehow save everyone and everything the markings across his body from the curse began to receed
"Ah...i wish the sky was blue instead of this red shade" he would think to himself
"You know its rude to ignore the one you love when they ask you something" her voice or perhaps his voice reverberated in his ears the melodic tone of shigamas vocal cords ran through his brain sounding like the mix of the both of them
Go......to hell...
Hmm intresting
Shigama braught yuu's face closer to the body of the possessed girl with lilac hair her wings seemed to suspend them both in the air looking as if her lips were mere inches from his as her lips parted revealing her fangs
What makes you think this isnt hell already
Her lips curled around his exposed neck but stopped midway as her body shook ever so slightly as if there was a break sputtering towards a stop
H..haha...still trying to fight are you shinoa....just stay asleep for a while longer....it'll all be over soon
Yuu now!! A voice entered yuu's mind as if the words were always there the familiar voice of his demon called out to him they wouldn't receive this chance again and yuu knew it
There was no time for hesitation
No room to falter right now everything had been entrusted to him guren his freinds his family everyone was counting on him the entire world but most importantly shinoa was counting on him and he knew this as his blade peirced her heart before shi could regain control of the body he so longed for the perfect vessel as he would always call it
Gh! H-how dare you..! The angelic figure sputtered and coughed blood doing his best to pull away but yuu wouldnt let him get away they both began to fall together towards the fall however this was of no concern to yuichiro as he closed his eyes and took another deep breath within himself
The wind blew through his hair and the sweet scent of roses tickled his nostrils as he opened his eyes he no longer found himself within the world only humans new the plane of existence we could all see and feel now he was within her heart asuramaru had been right this was the only way to enter her heart the sensation falling did not leave him as he looked around the white cloudy noise that seemed to perfiate all around him he was now within the demons heart and his destination where the iron doors leading to the heart of another the source of the sickly sweet smell of petals dancing in the wind his wounds had healed and he felt as if there was nothing that could stop him however he knew this to be far from the truth
Youll only have a few minutes before the angel takes over yuu...and once you give me to shinoa
Ill be gone....right we already know the plan....lets just hope i can do this....
We will....
Right......yuu's eyes no longer held the depth of despair and emptiness his eyes gleamed with new found determination and purpose everyone was counting on him
She is counting on him his eyes began to turn a shade of darkness that would swallow the ocean themselves leaving the iris of them stained with honey a sweet flavor perhaps the only sweet thing that could be said about all day since the fight had begun as he passed through the gates that seemed unmovible before his sense of balance began to shift as if the earth within their hearts rotated and started pulling him up rather than gravity pulling him down and there he was the vestige of everything leading up to this moment all the suffering the pain the loss all of it culminated before his eyes the angel seemed to not have noticed but only a naive fool would beleive in those thoughts it was more accurate to say he did not acknowledged his existence as a threat chosing instead to keep his back turned consuming his long awaited prize blood trickling from his fangs as he panted and let go of the milky white skin of shinoa's neck perverted by the crimson wholes that gave evidence of shigama's testiment towards the word vampire
Shinoa was slumped over chained to pillars as if she was long gone but the world around them the deep red rather than the white skys would say other wise his senses were now more in tune due to the curse and the angel that the boy seemed to be comprised of his ears could catch it the faint yet evident beating of her heart so much of it had already been consumed by the demon a tenth maby even less had remained of the girl and this infuriated him to no end his teeth grinded his fists clenched as he stared down the monster before him the fight against time.....the fight to save her heart her very existence was about to begin and the odds had never been stacked higher against him and he knew this his breath hitched but from what he could not descern from fear? Fear of what? Fear of death? He had died before multiple times in fact no he did not fear death....there was only one word that could describe this feeling
Pure unfiltered rage thats all that clouded his mind the images playing freshly within his mind of shigamas pale lips against her neck the deep gnashes within his friends his father were they dead? He couldn't think of such things right now
He needed to focus
Thats right yuu focus your attention here...right now for this will be....your final death......the beautifull angel turned to look towards his creation
I will be God by the end of this ba-
He could not finish the words before yuu charged him focusing everything he had towards his speed pushing him farther and farther towards the open gates he had tried so long to open yet could never so much as budge them he was surely suprised by this development as he flapped his wings open hoping to stop the momentum of yuu's wings and physical strength that focused on the point of his neck it was obvious what his goal was remove him.from the heart of his beloved
The room filled with his anger his rage but it would not be enough as his heels began to screetch against the walls that were stained red signifying shinoa's humanity
Yuu yelled at the top of his lungs with such force the taste of copper began to fill his mouth again
Thousands of blades appeared from nowhere and everywhere all of them fixed on a single point aimed and poised towards one objective
Yuu yelled once again as the blades all flew towards the pair that seemed to slow in their stop every milla second that passed
Youre desperate.... He said calmly as the blades began hurdling towards him causing smoak to rise with each blade hitting him causing his body to take another screetching inch backwards towards the door
He was right yuu knew this all too well this wasnt a sign of strength being able to push shigama doji back this was an act of desperation forcing every muscle strand to strain and pop all in the vain effort to force him out as fast as he could before his body would give out
Klank the final blade hit the floor with the sound that seemed to echo once again deepening yuu's despair he gasped looking up as shigama slapped him across the face sending him huddling towards the spot where this all began rolling through the floor he gasped coming out of the ground panting the dust just begginging to settle
Mmm smart....but that was all instinct wasnt it yuichiro
Had you not blocked that attack when you had
The dust revealed yuichiro's mangled arm that seemed to be a simple cracker after dropping it from the empire state while the other was completely grinded to dust
Youd have lost your head.....
It was a good attempt dont get me wrong...futile as it may have been
Yuu began to wobble back to his feet the blade of salt begginging to form within his palm
Oh please...shigama crossed the distance between the both of them within the flash of a second split by the same blade that so desperately tried to sever his head and push him back a second ago
The explosion of the impact destroyed the pillars holding shinoa down crushing her body underneath the same pillars and sent yuichiros blade flying through the air slicing it and landing near her viscinity
Atop him was the angel that seemed to toy with him yuu's hands seemed to bearly hold hi head away from him
N-nghh!! His grunts where loud and strained he gasped as shi's needle like fangs punctured his neck like wet paper he gasped in pain and tugged at the hair of the beast his body began to go limp as he looked towards shinoa for what felt like would be the last time....how many times has he failed her in such a way..
His hand outstretched towards the rubble and his blade
Shinoa...please was all that she could hear where was she was this a dream it sure felt like one weightless and without strength as if no matter how hard her fists would move itd feel as if something held her force back within a dream but she willed every finger every fiber of her being to reach towards the emerald blade so close to her if only she could reach out for it
Yuu's vision began to fade towards black perhaps this was finally the time to resign there would be no happy ending no hero saving the day after all he aways wasn't much of a hero the real hero to him had always been
His eyes shot up as wide as they could possibly go to see the strands of lilac push against the winds of fate as his head rung from the blow and her battle cry she was doing it she peirced the blade through the monsters shoulder and pushed him towards his destination
She yelled at the top of her lungs pushing and pushing once again shigama flapped his majestic wings but this time in desperation
Shit!! Stop!
shi turned his head to witness the monester that yelled that same cry once again the angel he had created charged at the both of them and held tight to the appendages that begged to be let go in order to stop the flow of motion however
They yelled in unison as they both with all their combined might threw the first outside the walls and quickly shut behind them the world no longer red but white they had succeded in the first step to victory the first shook in anger and looked towards his hands that trembled but not shierly of anger nor fear but from weakness having been ripped out of his hosts perfect body essentially split his power by half...the other half found its way towards their true owner as she puffed her chest with her trademark smirk
The balls on our side now...
Grr....dont be so cocky now..ive been in before and ill return once more
The both of them stood up panting staring down their assailent hearts quivering in anticipation at what would be undoubtedly their final confrontation as their eyes glossed over with determination and anger every emotion culminated in thousands of years burned within their eyes as they stood up slowly
I forgot who asked me to write what i would think about would be the ending of owari no seraph and i have to say sorry!! Dyslexia is a bitch!! If you remmember who you are please slap me for forgetting
Anyway to keep my stories fresh ill be posting it in peices
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ad1thi · 5 years
i just called to say, i love you
dont let the title fool you this isnt fluffy at all
an au where the phone reaches before tony has fully recovered
post cacw, angst, past stony, 5+1, implied rhodeytony. the 5 times steve called and the one time tony did(nt)
The first time it rings, Tony doesn't pick up.
No thats not right
Tony can't pick up, because he's just woken up from a 3 month coma and is currently breathing through a tube because there's a scar across his chest the size of Steve's shield and he's surrounded by life saving machines and he can't physically reach out and pick it up
He's happy he had the foresight to sign to FRIDAY that she needed to link the phone to her mainframe, because it rings only twice before there's a small click and the room fills with a hesitant
There's a beat of silence, because Tony can't talk with a tube in his mouth and Steve's voice comes out more frantic
Tony's saved from garbling a reply through the tube when FRIDAY steps in and says smoothly "Boss is indisposed right now, can I take a message?"
Steve is audibly flustered, Tony can hear him rustling sheets as he sits up, and he imagines its because of the surprise that FRIDAY replied and not him
"Hey FRI, uh is Tony incredibly busy?"
"Like I said, he's indisposed. Can I take a message or should I end the call?" there's a coolness to FRIDAY's tone and Tony absently wonders who taught his girl lip while he was under
"No thats fine," Tony can feel the dejection coming in waves, and there's a small, twisted part of him that's lying on a bed clinging onto his life because of the man on the phone- that still wants to crawl over and give him comfort, "I'll just uh- I'll try later that's alright."
There's a pregnant pause and then Steve's voice filters through again, "Would you tell him I called please?"
And FRIDAY replies, "I'll note it down on his low priority list" and severs the line before Steve can respond
The second time it rings, Tony's just gotten back use of his throat. Rhodey has been wheeling in and out of his hospital suite periodically to feed him ice-cubes, and he's too worn down to fight the mother-henning
He's got all these ideas for braces that'll help Rhodey walk, but his hands shake too much and he's too weak to leave his bed, so he lets Rhodey heave himself up on the bed frame, and dutifully opens his mouth for food and water and ice cubes
but Rhodey isn't here and the phone is ringing and Tony can't stop his hands shaking
He manages to sign pick up to FRIDAY's camera in the corner of the room, and there's a soft click and a tentative
just like last time
and it makes Tony want to laugh, inexplicably, because Steve left a hole in Tony's chest and he's the one who sounds scared while Tony is stuck to a bed
"Yeah Cap?" he croaks out, and he hates how frail he sounds, how obviously weak he is
"Tony? Is everything okay?"
Steve's voice is louder now, like he's holding the phone closer to him, like he cares
"you called?" he says and he's proud of how steady his voice is, how calm it is
"Yeah yeah i did i just," he trails off; and Tony bends closer to the phone until he realises that the call is being played by FRIDAY
"I just wanted to see how you were doing"
There's a hitch in Tony's voice, he knows because Steve says "Tony? Is everything okay?" but he can't breathe and the walls are closing in on him and his senses are dulling and
and someone's holding onto him, tight and steady and Tony leans into it desperately, anchoring himself to the lifeboat
His breath evens out and his vision sharpens, and in stages, he breaths in the musky scent of Rhodey
He loosens the death-grip he has on his shirt, but he doesn't move out
its selfish, so unbelievably selfish, because he knows Rhodey shouldn't be standing on his feet, but nobody ever accused Tony Stark of being a martyr
no, Tony Stark takes and takes and takes, and then he takes some more
His consciousness comes back in stages; and Steve's frantic voice starts getting louder
"Tony sweetheart, fuck sorry, didn't mean to call you that, Tony, are you- are you okay?"
Tony opens his mouth to reply, but Rhodey's dry tone comes out
"He's absolutely fine Captain, not that its any of your concern"
There's a soft thud and Tony knows its because Steve dropped the phone
he doesn't have the energy to smile
"Rhodey, I uh, I didn't realise you were there too"
"I am wherever Tony is, at all times Captain, its what friends do," there's a hitch in Steve's voice, but Rhodey continues like he hasn't heard it, "and its Colonel Rhodes to you"
The line clicks off before Tony can hear Steve's response, and he busies himself running soft circles, loosening his throat long enough to ask
"Is that all we are? friends?" in a hoarse voice
Rhodey doesn't say anything, but he does lean down and press his lips to the corner of Tony's mouth, and that, Tony supposes, is answer enough
The third time the phone rings, its been so long, Tony's almost forgotten that the phone exists
As in its tucked inside one of his drawers, under a bunch of old files and documents, next to a small velvet box he found hiding in Steve's socks that he never got around to throwing away
As in he curls up next to Rhodey everynight, except the nights when he's looking for someone more muscular, someone blonder, someone who isn't the man sitting next to him
As in he's healthy and the braces work like a dream and he smiles more than he doesn't, but he still reaches for it sometimes and flips it open just to stare at the screen blankly
The phone rings and it takes him a second to place the sound, before he starts fumbling for anything that vaguely masquerades as a bookmark; thumbs the phone open and holds it to his ear
"Tony?" Steve's voice sounds gruffer, more focused, like he's actually called with a purpose
Despite himself, Tony straightens, and he silently signals for FRIDAY to call Rhodey; this might be an Avengers-level threat and while Tony's healthy- he isn't quite there yet
"Cap," he says neutrally
"Tony oh thank god," Steve's panting on the other end, and Tony physically bites on his tongue to stop himself from asking if he's okay, "Its Bucky"
Tony throws the phone across the room, and it hits the wall just as Rhodey is entering
To his credit, Rhodey barely flinches, he just walks over and maneuvers Tony until he's lying against his chest; fingers carding through his hair
Seconds, minutes, hours later, Tony whispers "he called about Bucky" and Rhodey bends down to press his lips to his forehead and they stay like that until they fall asleep; coccooned in each other's embrace
The next day, T'Challa calls to inform them that Wakanda will officially be initiating proceedings to exonerate James Barnes of all his crimes, and Tony feels a visceral anger until he realises that Steve probably called to give him a heads up
Its progress, evidence that Steve no longer meant to keep things from him, but the pain still burns anyway
The phone wakes Tony up from his sleep, trilling and buzzing and Tony groans, flipping it open and pressing it to his ear
"Its ass o'clock in the morning Steve you better be dying or so help me god I'll kill you myself"
"You," he breaks off with a hic, "you called me Steve"
"I didn't think you did that anymore," there's a slur to Steve's speech- strong enough that it percolates through Tony's brain and he sends a silent curse to the entities above because his ex has fucking drunk called him
"Its been over a year Steve," he says softly but firmly, "I've moved on"
"You've, you've moved on?" he sounds so small, like a child who lost his favourite toy; and Tony's heart aches
but not a deep, twisted ache; a milder, softer one- for the man Steve used to be
"Steve," he says patiently, "its 2 o'clock in the morning; why you'd call?"
"I just called," there's a swish of liquid, and Tony has the image of Steve cradling a bottle, curled around the flip- phone burned into his memory, "i just called to say i love you"
"i love you and i miss you and i just-" he sniffles, and something he didn't know was still in him breaks at the thought of Steve crying, "i miss you"
"Steve," he says slowly, "you're drunk, and I'm tired"
"I'm drunk, and I love you," he slurs, "and tomorrow I'll be sober, and I'll still love you"
"goodnight Steve," Tony says and pushes the phone away before he says something he'll regret
Its the stupid goddamn flip-phone. Thats how they find him. Tony's taken to keeping it on his person because all his intel says that something big is coming, and he doesn't want to be unprepared, so its not even a thought to slip it into his pockets before he flys to bumfuck Nevada to snoop around an AIM base
and he's so close downloading everything and getting away without detection, when the flip-phone starts ringing, and then all bets are off
"Steve," Tony intones as he bends behind a desk, "this better be important"
Steve says something in reply but its lost in the sound of bullets as Tony runs across the hall and ducks behind a pillar
"Can you say that again, I missed that"
"Tony are you, are you being shot at?" Steve's voice reaches new pitches and Tony shoots at the AIM goons coming 'round the corner before slipping down to the floor below
"I was being shot at," he says plaintively, keeping his voice low as he checks the expansive space, "now im being hunted"
"Why would you pick up when you're being shot at?!" Tony grimaces at his voice
"You did give me this phone for emergencies. I thought maybe this time you were using it for what it was intended. The end of the world waits for - ," he cuts off with a grunt as a bullet hits his leg, hobbling to where Rhodey is waiting with his escape ride
"- no-one," he wheezes out once he's in the car, and Rhodey is breaking a lot more traffic law than he should be comfortable doing
"the end of the world waits for no-one, so why'd you call?"
There's silence on the other end and Tony pulls the phone away from his ear to check the call hasn't accidently been disconnected, before saying "Steve? Are you still there?"
"you told me that I was only saying I love you because I was drunk"
Its so left field that Tony takes a few seconds to place what Steve is referring to, but when he does- he can't stop himself from sighing
"Steve look I - "
"I'm coming back to New York in 10 days," Steve barrels on like Tony hadn't started speaking, "I'm coming back home and I'm sober and I still completely and utterly love you."
"The only question is," and Tony can feel Steve steeling himself, "do you still love me?"
Tony looks over to where Rhodey is driving, petting the scar against his chest absentmindedly.
The scar had not hurt Harry in 19 years he thinks when Rhodey feels his gaze and smiles; but there's a tightness in his fingers and Tony knows that Rhodey heard the whole thing
"Steve I- ," he pauses, "ask me again once you're in town"
The line clicks on the other side, and he reaches out to intertwine his fingers with Rhodey's free hand
"I'm not going to make you choose Tones," Rhodey says softly; and Tony lifts their hands so he can press his lips to Rhodey's calloused hands because he knows
There's a silent countdown in the air that week, and Tony has a mental tally of the days,hours, seconds until Steve is back in New York
Except in the end, it doesn't really matter because 9h, 30 minutes and 4 seconds before Steve is expected to arrive in New York, Tony hitches a ride to space in a donut
He's seen the news
Of course he's seen the news
Its all anyone's seen, and the only reason why he agreed to the godforsaken detour so that they could pick up Vision and Wanda
It's not that he didn't want to help them, its that he told Wanda not to go but she insisted and now instead of being in New York and saving Tony he's in Scotland, saving the person who was supposed to be looking after Tony
He's seen the news
He knows what's going on
But he still can't stop staring at the flip-phone, willing it to ring
So it honestly shouldn't take him this long to pick up when it actually does ring
"Tony?" he says, and he could cry because tony's okay tony's okay tony's -
"Steve?" thats not tony
"Steve hey its Bruce. Long time. Look I know its been a while and this is all very confusing and I'll answer all your questions later but Steve, Steve you need to come back to New York"
"Where's Tony?" he says dumbly, like he hasn't been watching the news obsessively
"Tony's," Bruce's voice cracks, "Tony's gone Cap. And we need you"
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holywankenobi · 5 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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santtanic · 5 years
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(i didn’t know if i could reveal your identity so i just blurred it) 
ok so i know that i previously said i would only write for ateez, but this kinda got my attention, here’s why:
it’s the first time i get a request for writing these things with girls 
and this way i can just express my bi and proud side? heh
also if you’re not comfortable with this kind of content pls dont send death threats ok just keep scrolling 🤧
ok so here we go...
[4:57 PM] you were sitting next to your friend when watching a movie on a winter afternoon, bodies tangled under a heavy blanket. you look at her, your stomach curls itself and you feel an unintelligible pain on your chest. it's an urge to keep her close, to never leave her. she was right there, in front of you, but you didn't want to lose her. 
"y/n? what's up with you?" she laughs, "looking at me like that, feels like you're gonna kill me". you quickly move your eyes to the tv again, trying to hide that you're blushing hard. "y/n!" she giggles, tapping your shoulder lightly, "come on, what happened? did you just realize you like me?" she makes a funny face when mocking you. she expected you to deny, but unfortunately your mouth couldn't form any sounds, it's like you've eaten any kind of words you could say. "stop joking around, dumbass" she says, you clear your throat, thinking of something to say. when she realizes you are truly nervous, she starts approaching your face, pressing her lips on your cheek. your face immediately burns and your heart starts beating as if it would jump out of your chest. "how do you feel with this?" her voice is low, needy. "what the hell?" you get up and start walking anguished in front of the tv. she laughs it out, still messing with you. you're unable to understand the feelings your body is witnessing right now, but can tell she doesn't seem shocked. politely, she asks for you to sit down on her side again and calm yourself. when you chill, she hugs you tight, trading kisses down your neck. "i thought you'd never realize" once her mouth finds yours, it's an instant connection. her lips are soft against yours, and her hands are all over you. everything was sweet until the heat starts growing between you two and she squeezes your ass, pulling you onto her lap. you give her kisses on the chin, jaw, and finally her exposed neck, peppering it with light bites, letting a small groan of approval leave her mouth as she pulls your hoodie over your head, revealing your braless breasts. she grabs them and spends no time on sucking one by one, you moan her name. "i didn't know you were this sensitive", you only nod. her hands travelled your body, caressing your naked back, running down your spine and making its way into your pants. “p-please, i wanna feel you” you whimper. she rolls you over the couch and kisses down your tummy, getting closer to your waistband. you undo the knot of your sweatpants and on a quick move, take them out and throw away. she looks at the fabric of your panties already ruined up because of your wetness and smirks, pushing it aside and sliding two fingers in. she starts a pretty slow pace, kissing your inner thighs and looking deep into your eyes right after fully taking the rest of your clothes off. once you get rid of your panties, she gives you one long lick, making you quiver under the sensation of how warm her tongue felt. your head falls back and your mind goes completely blank, only thinking about the softness of her mouth and fingers combined to drive you to the clouds. you start to pant and she goes rougher, adding speed to her movements while staring at you. your hips start moving unconsciously to gain more friction once you were about to cum. “cum for me, y/n” she says breathless with her face dripping wet. you can’t take longer of her circling your sweet spot and start shaking beneath her touches, finally approaching your orgasm. she takes her fingers out and makes you suck them, attacking your lips right after.   “you know” you start, you both panting and cuddling, “you were my first”. her eyes shine at your words, holding you even closer and sealing your lips together. she holds your hand with hers and sinks her nose on the crook of your neck. you don’t know how, but you feel her smiling. “you were my first too”.
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faunusrights · 6 years
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oh goody!
well this is it. the Date Chapter. the chapter, in which, the Date happens. lowkey im so fucking hype for this stupid goddamn chapter AAAAAAAAAAAA this is when the sexy got kicked up about seven notches and i know its gonna be a fucking twenty from here on out so LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO
“Is this your date, Ms. Fall?” he asked.
Cinder didn’t look away from Glynda. “Mhm.”
What the fuck.
already im fucking THRIVING im so glad this chapter’s mood got encapsulated within the first ten seconds and im definitely gonna have to re-read this chapter for the full unannotated experience OOOOOOOOOH MY GOD IM SO READY
Glynda’s thoughts ricocheted inside her head like coins left in a dryer. A part of her couldn’t understand what was happening and disengaged. The rest of her, grasping for purchase in all this, reasoned that going with Cinder was better than staying here confused, alone, and utterly displaced.
glynda ‘i aint ever had a gf before’ goodwitch at her PEAK right here. like GOD shes gone from ‘cinder’s trying to murder me’ to ‘cinder just plopped me right into a date’ like CINDER. CINDER YR CHANGING GEARS SO FAST. YOU DIDNT EVEN SEND FLOWERS OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it because shes a u-haul lesbian or
Higher, Glynda realized the dress itself was backless, revealing the black tattoo she’d seen so often before, perfectly centered between sharp shoulder blades.
this gay energy is BONKERS, quite frankly??????? where did cinder get her dress from? why does she have it? did she buy it just for this fuckery? or will she pull the ‘i just had a this lil number laying around’ line????????? does she wanna seduce glynda to death?????? was this PLANNED OR DID SHE JUST DECIDE SHE WANTED A DATE AND WTH LIFE REALLY IS SHORT ON REMNANT THESE DAYS?????????? cinder fall please explain your workings to the class
maybe Glynda wasn’t the only one who’d become adept at reading her opponent.
👏 when 👏 will 👏 they 👏 kiss 👏 already 👏👏👏👏
me: this is a slowburn also me: if u assholes dont give me this in the next ten seconds-
“Unarmed? As if you could be so helpless.”
cinder’s style of flirting is just. commentating on a person’s deadliness. that’s IT it’s the only TRICK SHE HAS and its working, is the thing,
im reading the description of the table and remembering the shitpost and oh my god i have to draw this???? hell IS real!!!!!! COULDNT YALL JUST TOSS EM IN A PLAIN BOX,
Cinder eyed her from her bastion of dark cushions,
cinder, ass-deep in cushions: this is peak cuddle territory come and join me
Cinder, for her part, seemed delighted Glynda had noticed. Touching the pendant more gently than Glynda might have ever thought her capable of, Cinder said,  “Yours? You didn’t seem to mind parting with it.”
im still deeply enjoying this powermove the novelty NEVER wears off (and at risk of light spoilers i do enjoy its place in this story 👀)
Cinder let the necklace drop, settling against the swell of her bust once more,
/lightly coughs 👀👀👀
im losing my MIND at how gay this bit is i physically cannot HANDLE IT and if they even describe the meal once im gonna pop off cause i am. SO HUNGRY RN. AAAAAAAAAAAA
Cinder indicated a dish of lamb and vegetables, served on a bed of rice and drizzled in some sort of sauce.
Glynda cleared her throat, working out: “The Grimm.”
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like. GOD WE KNOW GLYNDA IS JUST SO FUNCTIONALLY BAD AT CONVERSATION BUT OF ALL THE THINGS glynda please just. just. stop thinking abt her sexy tattoos for a fifth of a second,
“You can control them.” A sedate blink. For all the world, Glynda might have just commented on the weather.
which is a faux pas for a date!!!!!!!!!!! at least tell her the DRESS IS SEXY WE ALL KNO WHATS WHAT YR THINKIN ABT
Glancing down as though it were being pointed out to her for the first time, Cinder shrugged and adjusted the end of the glove a little higher on her bicep. “And?” 
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a quick aside im enjoying how like... visually expressive cinder is in this remaster! i can see her facial expressions and her motions really clearly in my mind’s eye which is a fun little boon if only because i have to redraw this nonsense hjsgdfjhfksgd but cinder’s got a Good Face this time around! A QUALITY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should know by now, there’s something about you that’s simply irresistible to Grimm.”
HERE COMES THE PLOT (and a single surviving line so far... this one sentence has survived all the world could throw at it... we stan)
Cinder straightened, and Glynda saw that this was what she’d been waiting for.
“It isn’t every day the great Glynda Goodwitch kneels before her adversary, is it?”
HELLO??????????????????????????? WHATS THIS WORDING????????? honestly tho for a second i thought she meant like. quite literally and i thought id missed some PROPER SHIT RIGHT THERE BUT YEAH WTH!!!!!!! C I N D E R
“You cheated. You can’t beat me on your own.”
yes glynda we gathered that yr a top
“Really, Glynda? Poison?” she sneered, something like offense simmering in her expression. “After all this?”
looks at the camera
god im literally losing grasp of words to say because theres such a charged mood in this scene............. theyre brushing fingers............ trading jabs.......... im slurpin it up babey!!!!!!!! this rly is the BEST remaster of this whole scene it DESERVES this wordcount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Beat you,” Cinder corrected. “And call it a point of pride.”
yes cinder we gathered yr a brat,
this dynamic is why this fic is so fuckign good when will winter have a swift return to add even more fuckery to this wild ride
Then, with a heavy-lidded look, Cinder found Glynda’s hand between them, the touch so sudden and daring that Glynda flinched. The fabric of those gloves was smooth against Glynda’s flesh, and for all that cruelty had marked every other instance of contact between them, Cinder was surprisingly gentle.
whomp there go my nuts
WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO MADE THE EXECUTIVE CHOICE TO ADD THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO???????????? im losing my BRAINCELLS
What she wasn’t ready for was for Cinder to guide her hand to her own throat and hold it there.
Now… Now Cinder interested her.
tbh how can i liveblog this? what commentary can i POSSIBLY add that we arent already all THINKING. we just launched into a level of hell so deep that lucifers gonna have to pull some goddamn tricks to follow us down here!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS SCENE! THIS MOMENT! IM SCREAMING
Glynda mirrored the expression back at him, and finally, he coughed, not making strong eye contact with either of them. He set their plate before them and hurried out without so much as a check-in.
i just KNEW that was gonna happen JHGDSFGJHKSDF he was gonna walk in on SMTHNG but i didnt think itd be CINDER’S CHOKING KINK,
okay i took a break and ate my weight in roast chicken and we’re back babey
Almost nervously, her fingers carded through her own dark hair, and there, among the locks, Glynda spotted a glimpse of something white, structured and ridged.
It was easier to ignore the rest of it—whatever it was.
glynda you are a fool and a moron im withering into DUST
On no level had she expected those to be Glynda’s words.
then what... did she expect... well probably -- and rightly so -- ‘bitch WHAT ARE THOSE’ TBH
wait sorry i have to jump back because i forgot customary fingerguns on the most brazen bit of Shit yet:
Cinder was occupying herself with something else: the head of a dragon, perched over the door and staring down at the two of them with red, glossy eyes.
Fangs snapped together around the word.
aka back to me horni
/chanting TEETH! TEETH! TE
okay but the reason i doubled back to catch that fingergun is because we’re getting ass-deep into plot now!!!!!!!!!!! WITCHES AND DRAGONS BABEY......... HERE’S WHAT OFFAL HUNT IS ALL ABT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant rly drop more fingerguns than that because any astute reader will start realising the dots im shouting abt and honestly half the fun of this fic is the ride so >:3c
“Funny. I was sure he would have told you.”
that blow was so low i think cinder hit the concrete with that one
oh god theyre gonna get to the bit and i-
“Is that what all of this has been about? You called me here to remind me that I'm autistic?”
The words were delivered firmly, calmly, but Cinder’s response was the opposite, sudden upheaval seizing her. Her expression opened in something akin to panic. “Wh—no? What? No! That's not what I—”
offal hunt v1 cinder: im totally in control and im playing glynda every step of the way
Cinder seemed genuinely stressed now, speaking quicker as though trying to bury the last sixty seconds.
i knew this remaster would have sections that would blow me away but this bit really took the fcuking cake DGHSJFSJHFDG holy SHIT this is AMAZING
It was difficult to tell in the low light, but if Glynda wasn't mistaken, there was a bright flush of embarrassment coloring Cinder’s cheeks.
this is SUCH prime content hey remember in one of the early liveblogs that cinder would descend into full dork? WELL THE DESCENT CAME EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /pops bottles
“Cinder.” There was a very real line of threat in Glynda’s tone. “Don’t.”
oh this whole scene just keeps getting better i am LOVING this dynamic now!!!!!!! before it was all pretty one-sided so having the conversation rock back and forth is 👌👌👌
That Witch soul of yours—it was designed to void out everything but the prey before you. To be numb to all human emotion. To focus on the hunt and nothing else.
finally the fruit of 50% of my fingerguns COMES TO LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! PLOT PLOT PLOT
“This is bullshit.” Jabbing an accusing finger at Cinder, Glynda said, “You’re a liar. You’re a criminal!”
i LOVE glyndas pottymouth in this its such a good like... change from her being strict and formal and teachery and now shes full on gremlin huntress hell YES BABY!!!!!!!!!! GO OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“There’s all kinds of things I bet he never told you.” Cinder continued. “Did you know he was close to your predecessor? The Witch who came before you—they were inseparable.”
SRY IM LIKE STRUGGLIN TO COMMENTATE because so much of this like. speaking as an Old-Ass Reader this is like. a LOT! A LOT HAS CHANGED and yet,,,, stayed the same,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yall kids WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL CHAPTER LIKE................ 15 FOR THIS SHIT (but like. chapter 15 was different because this chapter used to be like chapter 7? so now everythings moved along so chapter 15 doesnt sound that impressive but trust me it was a different fic back then)
When they fell away, burnt and ruined, she could see Cinder’s bare arms for the first time. The red lines drawn across her skin sloped down the entire length of her arms, circling her elbows, carved into her wrists. They ended right at her hands, ensuring any long-sleeved garment would hide them. Every covered inch of her was filled like a canvas, like abstract art.
lets pause the fight scene for glynda to be gay!!!!! god im. okay look i said this earlier but im so glad we have more cinder like this tbh. the first version was rly lacking w/ cinder content until late-game when the plot sorta. got itself going? but now we’re eye-deep in this content i LOVE cinder i love this WEIRDO who is a HUGE LOSER and IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Glynda could not dispel the fear that she had been telling the truth.
and after committing Some Amount In Damages, we’re at the end of the chapter!
okay so i really enjoyed this version SO MUCH MORE. everything abt it was polished and worked together so much better and it really needed the space to breathe in its own chapter. its been horny, gay, intense, hilarious, and way more in one chapter and its SO good this really is PEAK offal hunt!!!!!!!!!!!! good job diesel and kc but im still going to murder you both,
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talkativelock · 6 years
Hi! I really don't want to get you involve in this but can u help send some positivity to Horikoshi-sensei over on Twitter? We're all trying to spread the #PLUSULTRAforHorikoshi to show that we all love & support his works since there are some ppl on tumblr saying they want him to die cause of the latest arc & some ppl on Twitter are @-ing him sending him death threats. He's such an amazing person & he definitely doesn't deserve all this hate and I def dont want him to fall back into depression.
You know, Back In The Day, before the popularization of things like twitter which made authors more accessible, you all (by this I mean idiots sending death threats, not you anon) had to actually critique things, or at the very least keep your shitty behavior to yourselves. After all, it was a bit harder to contact the author than just pulling out your phone. Now we have Twitter, where every author is right at your fingertips and Certified to be real. For the most part, I Hate Twitter.
As an author, someone who writes original content (though this applies to my fanfic too), I just want to say to everyone who sends death threats from the bottom of my heart; fuck your entitled bullshit. 
As a reader you are always welcome, and even encouraged, to discuss and debate and stop purchasing if you so choose. I won’t ever demand that you enjoy every aspect of everything that you read or just follow along with whatever the author says without thinking. That would be dumb. What I will demand is that you remember that the actual text does not belong to you.
Every person who makes a demand on a story that I have written with the classic accompanying suicide bait does the opposite of convince me to change my story. All that tells me is that instead of being a reader who I am telling a story to they somehow think that they are now my producer and that they own the story in some way and get to dictate its direction and I don’t take very kindly to being told what to do.
Upset with the direction of a story? Share your opinion about why with the rest of fandom/in a real review, talk about the things that upset you, discuss the ways it could recover your good favor, drop the story if it’s offended you enough, but don’t you dare ever try to take ownership of a story, no matter its quality, from the author that made it with their imagination and own two hands.
Fuck, maybe we all need to go back to putting “I don’t own this story I’m just playing with it” at the beginning of every fanfic and in the caption of every fanart if only just for the reminder.
Also, if you ever send suicide bait to anyone for any reason I will come into your dreams and dislocate every one of your finger joints and make you type “telling someone to kill themselves makes me a shitty person” over and over again on dislocated fingers. 
*takes a deep breath* Okay, rant over. Sorry, anon, none of that was directed at you. You obviously have your head on straight since you don’t seem to think that the appropriate answer to disliking a story someone is telling you is to try to murder them from afar. Good on you, my friend~
Hey guys, if you’re on twitter and you know someone who has sent death threats to Horikoshi over this and you haven’t said anything to them about how that is not okay then go do that right now. And if you’re comfortable sending Horikoshi some positivity to combat the negativity please follow the anon’s directions for how to do that.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Unanswered Prompts
As usual, please remember that unanswered prompts aren’t bad prompts. Sometimes, our authors and artists just don’t get inspired, and after a certain amount of time it makes more sense to post them as unanswered.
If anyone wants to fill one of the unanswered prompts, go right ahead. And if you send us the link to it once you’ve posted it, we’ll even share it here on the blog!
Imagine Steve taking Bucky to Tony to fix his arm. And Steve is really sweet and gentle to Bucky and Tony doesn't really know what to do or say. And seeing the way Bucky reacts and is, that he's this vulnerable man with broken bits and is definitely not this cold robotic killing machine has Tony falling for him. And then having to pretend in front of Steve and Bucky that this is just another Tuesday for him and not the start of a deep emotional attraction. I'd love if it was from Bucky's POV
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Imagine Bucky got away earlier from Hydra and from lack of anything to do, took up with a bodyguard company. Pepper and the board of directors decide that Tony needs a bodyguard when the Mandarin sends a threat. After that job, Bucky keeps insinuating that there is another threat and another, just to stay with Tony. Then Steve sees him
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Imagine alpha!Bucky and omega!Tony are newly bonded. Then Bucky finds out that before he and Tony had met, also-alpha!Steve helped Tony through a few of his heats. Bucky isn't hurt or angry at either of them, but the revelation does make some primal part of his alpha brain click, and now every time Steve and Tony are in a room together, Bucky plasters himself to Tony and has a whole 'no-touchy-mine' thing going while he covers him in his scent, maybe even going into WS mode and scowling at Steve
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I really want a prank war to start between Tony and Bucky.
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Bucky is a demon that Tony summoned to find and take down Hydra. They fall in love along the way. When they finally take down hydra, instead of taking Tony's soul, he turns him in to another demon.
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Bucky joins the Avengers a while after CACW and Tony and Bucky seem to dislike but tolerate each other. In a fight, Tony goes after Bucky and attacks him. The other Avengers try to intervene, but then realize/are told that Bucky's the WS because of the trigger words and they capture Bucky. Later, Steve can be angry at Tony for just attacking Bucky and being rash and agressive. When Bucky is himself and awake again, he defends Tony and says they thought of it together (maybe secret relationship?)
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Ooooh, let's see. How about an MCU AU? Post Avengers 1, something goes horribly wrong on a mission to wipe out a HYDRA base, and Steve seems to vanish off the face of the earth. This is enough to get Bucky out of hiding, and in contact with the team. Up to you how. Tony and Bucky falling into a sexual relationship, more or less by accident, after that. And naturally both think the other only wants sex. Because they're dorks. Of course that's when Steve turns out to be alive after all...
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can i prompt 616!bucky and tony with a sprinkle of secret relationship? between assault on pleasant hill, bucky leading a band of misfits and adopting a cosmic sentient cube, tony searching for his biological parents, and then rhodey's death, civil war ii, bucky being arrested by shield, etc. they don't really have time to spend together. but when bucky finally has the chance to come to tony, to come home, he finds out that tony is not a person anymore, but an actual AI.
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Imagine something happens between Tony and Bucky and they end up getting in some big fight that somehow causes Tony to have an anxiety attack! Some angst and then love please!
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Mob AU where Bucky finds evidence that his husband Tony is a double agent for Hydra. He's devastated but furious and they all cut ties without even giving Tony a chance. Of course the "proof" turns out to have been planted by a newer member of the Avengers, but by the time it comes to light, Tony's already been taken by Hydra and tortured (unsuccessfully) for info. They find him and destroy the cell that was keeping him. Maybe throw in some mpreg as well? Somehow both Tony and the baby survive.
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post cw: tony gave steve BARF to help bucky. the team's back together after tony fought to pardon them. and tony hopes they can work again. but they dont. tony does everything for the team and EVERYONE treats him like shit: they ignore him at best, but also make mean, hurtful comments and tell him how wrong and stupid he was at worst. tony is visibly depressed, scared and lonely. bucky's the only one who sees that and he yells at the team during next 'tony berating' because tony deserves better.
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Non-Powered AU. Bucky and Tony enter a relationship and everything is good for couple of months, but Tony feels like he needs to tell Bucky that he's taking meds for both anxiety and depression. He managed to hide it from him and most of the world (only Rhodey knows), but he feels like he can't hide that big part of himself from Bucky. He goes to tell him, but he's really, really, really scared that Bucky will be angry that he didn't tell him, or that he will leave him because of his ilness.
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Tony gets stranded in the desert after taking out the ten rings camp. Up to you why. Maybe someone nails him with a lucky shot and his boot thrusters fail. Bucky, who happens to be on a HYDRA-assigned mission in the area and still mostly without his memories, finds him. Lots of bonus points for BAMF Tony. A bunch more for Bucky being intrigued enough to skip his mission for whatever reason (Tony). Up to you whether something Tony does triggers a few memories to come back.
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Imagine Alpha!Bucky and Omega!Tony were together and Tony became pregnant. Tony being excited because he had thought that he could not conceive, tells Bucky who doesn't take it well. Bucky is worried about his past, and how he will be a good parent. Angst and misunderstandings to start. Many thanks!!
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Imagine Bucky seeing the footage from the time Tony disarmed him during CW and it kinda turned him on. (Or alternatively, watching Tony handling weapons give Bucky the hots)
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Imagine that because of Loki or something that has to do with magic Tony and Bucky come to this universe and come set of Civil War or Infinite War and meet RDJ and Sebastian. Bucky is so jealous that RDJ is closer to Chris Evans than Sebastian. End to your choice
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Imagine Steve and Zemo in a very deep conversation about why the Avengers are not as bad as Zemo thinks they are and because it is f*cking cold in Siberia Tony turns the heating-unit of his suit on. When Steve turns around because Zemo starts laughing he sees Bucky and Tony huddling together to keep both of them warm. Tony and Bucky are pissed because it's cold and Steve and Zemo won't stop talking, also can't they just go home?
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While Bucky could flirt like a pro with the Dames in the 40's with the Fellas he was a shy babbling mess. Not much has changed in 70 plus years it seems. When the words "I forgot how to masturbate, could you show me how?" spill out of his mouth Bucky wants the floor to swallow him up, That WAS NOT what he meant to say AT ALL. What hes not expecting is Tony to take the question Seriously and gently guide him through the process. It's a wonderful kind of torture that Tony's willing to give Bucky sex lessons, so Bucky just sort of goes with it thinking its his only chance with Tony. Tony wants to make love to Bucky properly and be his boyfriend, but if sex lessons is all he can get then he will help Bucky wow the 21st century. With a Happy Ending?
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Imagine HYDRA manages to kidnap Bucky back from Wakanda. They do not have the Red Book of Nasty Codes, they do not have a functioning chair, so they decide to start the breeding project. Before they knocked him up, Bucky switched the donor material of their choosing with Tony Stark's, because he wants this kid to at least have a chance at good life and he refuses to carry some evil SOB's progeny. That is how Tony and New Avengers find him: 16 weeks pregnant and heavily sedated. Fluff ensues.
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Imagine a beauty and the beast au where one of them has to stay at a castle with the other, a "beast" who is shy and kind and gives them all kinds of thoughtful gifts and enjoys being read to as they fall in love.
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Imagine Tony and Bucky off on a multi-dimensional hop around multiple 'verses where they're with other people. Cue some relationship angst: are we right for each other? (Obvs they are, with their own HEA.)   
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Happy Holidays! Thanks for all the lovely fills that you do! : ) For my prompt, I would love for Tony either to be under some sort of mind control, or brainwashed, or under a spell or something, and for Bucky to be the one to break him free from that control!! Again, thanks!  
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Tony and Bucky as Jedi. Or maybe Tony was one once and decided he liked mechanics more and left their ways behind him. And maybe Bucky as Steves best friend (Steve the one fully living to their ways?) thinks Tony is a jerk and whatnot until he somehow finds out and man, Tony is really awesome, and strong, so why does he not fight anymore? Yeah, something like that, that would be awesome. But I would love some BAMF Tony, really.            
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Imagine Bucky and Tony have been flirting around each other/just on the edge of being together. Then a visit from another dimension's Tony and Steve, who are a couple. Cue a lot of jealousy from Bucky, who starts micro-analyzing all of his Tony and Steve's actions around each other and worrying that they have feelings for each other and he's screwing things up. ofc Tony only has eyes for Buck, but Other!Steve & Tony decide to 'help' by making Buck really jealous in hopes he'll admit his feelings
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Imagine Loki being an asshole and putting a spell on Tony and the team. From now on they can enter his mind, but not in the 'reading his thoughts' way. They can see him for what he actually is. And now they all know that he is really depressed and very insecure. That he is scared shitless of abandonment and loneliness. That he thinks that they keep him around out of pity. And they see that he loves them all to death. They all confront him. Bucky is especially upset cause he is in love with Tony.            
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Imagine an explosion at Stark Tower (terrorist attack? villian of the week? heck even an accident) Tony is involved and gets amnesia running across the winter soldier/bucky newly released from Hydra. Bucky has no clue who Tony is, Tony has no clue who Bucky is.            
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Imagine while Bucky is on the run from Steve,he asks for help for something insignificant online and JarvT_S answers him,after which they strangely strike a friendship. Bucky gets the impression that his friend is very family-orientated because when he talks about his dad,Bucky can feel the love and respect in that relationship. Or JARVIS helps Tony and Bucky (because there is not enough JARVIS in fics and he is awesome)            
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Oh please! Imagine Tony and Bucky both thinking the other is in a deeply serious relationship with Steve! Bucky thinking he's tagging along on Stony dates, and Tony continuously asking if those grandpas need time alone to "rediscover themselves". Both of them drowning in angst after an adrenaline-fueled kiss because "oh, no -- Steve!" Oh please!            
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Obligatory new year kiss prompt: Bucky strategizing to get to the best position to be kissed at midnight by Tony, except the universe seems set on placing obstacles on his plans. Good thing he made countless fails ages after he failed at getting a mistletoe kiss. Maybe the avengers helped too after noticing his plans, even though Steve keeps telling him he should just ask the guy out.            
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Yeeey!! Promps open!! Thank you for this blog, you all are amazing♥ // 'Oh, my God. That's Sir.' When the real work doesn't work, the Internet must have the answer, right? Right. They meet in an online D/s dating site. No D/s universe, just two guys who share a kink that haven't found someone who complements them yet.  I don't care who doms/subs, up to your preference! (online relationship + surprise meeting?) Thanks!            
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So, imagine that after Bucky has been cleared of the programming, he is still unsure of himself, like, he doesn't know what he wants and who he is and all that. So Tony takes him to the biggest mall there is, gives him a credit card and says "you are a free person, go, my young padawan, and buy whatever you want". An hour later Bucky returns clutching a shark plushie from IKEA. And that sets off a tradition of sorts: they go to IKEA and have fun (with new plushie to growing zoo everytime)            
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Hiii, first prompt!! Can I have a Dad!Tony that has a teenager son/daughter but nobody knows but the Winter Soldier and he hide it from HYDRA to protect the family!! Then when Bucky is back to himself Tony's child would be like "yeah I knew of him, he was always here".            
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Art prompt: Dom!Bucky slow dancing with a blindfolded sub!Tony, pretty please???            
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Teachers au! Where Tony and Bucky are rival teachers and their students make a plan to get them together?  Please ^^            
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Medieval AU! Tony got lost when he was a teen and everyone on the village thinks he's dead everyone except Bucky but he can't find him. Ten years later Steve finds a red and gold dragon that's too small for his species and Buck just /knows/ it's Tony            
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AU where Bucky and Tony both make really popular Vines and everyone is like “They should totally meet” and “Can you guys even imagine what would happen if they met?”  The rumors get so intense that Tony decides to put an end to it.            
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PROMPT: Tony is a masseur, very highly recommended, very friendly, very good at his job. Bucky is newly back from service, very tired and sore, very skittish, very much aware of how cute Tony is. James manages to get an appointment for his shoulder and back. Tony is VERY good at his job. Not sure who's teasing who.            
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Prompt: Tony is really carefree with physical affection and exaggeratedly flirts with everyone all the time. Bucky is horribly jealous and is terrible at hiding it, but Tony mistakes Bucky's glowering looks and surly attitude for homophobia. So Tony avoids flirting with Bucky in an attempt to avoid making him uncomfortable. Which of course only makes Bucky's jealousy worse.
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Tony and Buckys week alone is off when they have one of those fights where theyve forgotten what started it (dumb misunderstanding) but it escalated into shouting hurtful words. Bucky leaves and comes back when everyone else does from missions/etc. Somethings off when FRI/JARV isnt responding/been messed with and they realize no one has heard from Tony in days. Trails nearly cold but its Hydra and they rescue him from being wiped just in time. Bucky and Tony never part w/o at least an ily again.
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Can we have one when Tony goes back in time and actually met Sergeant Bucky Barnes pre-Winter Soldier. They'd both be so witty and would probably be going at each other while falling for each other at the same time. But then, Tony would soon have to go back to his time. He and Bucky would meet in the modern world again (post-WS), and Bucky would actually remember yay!
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 24th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 24th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Pike’s Reach by Mabs.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Pike’s Reach by Mabs~! (https://tapas.io/series/pikesreach)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
my favorite scene is probably the fight with ezo and nefayn. largely because of https://tapas.io/episode/1179545 this page. i really just like the first few panels illustration wise cause even though theyre simplistic, i kind of feel like they convey this ominous sense of defeaning silence that is appropriate for conveying tension right after something climatic happens
yes there is also that scene. XD which was some good comic relief considering the comic was being very dramatic at the time.
also a good lesson about making sure someone gives permission
instead of just knocking and opening the door
Because naked people
another comical scene i enjoyed was the where they were showing off their drawings of pella's uncle. https://tapas.io/episode/962506 because man are those some not great drawings. especially that left one scares me
Oh my god
another moment i liked, which isnt a scene but more a scene transition you could say, is when the comic switches from adelaide goofing around and then suddenly the warning bell rings.
in particular that page
i really love the shots and especially the ominous overtone the first panel has
cause it really helps visually convey the serious has come
I love the art style and general color scheme, lots of pinks and purples
Made it, though I may not be mentally all here, today's been crazy.
hey Math
One of my faves was actually to start Chapter 3, when we looked at the "villains" and the main guy was talking about how he didn't want them dead, more turned to his side. I liked the humanizing aspect of the antagonists.
Too often we just see things kind of one sided. This didn't go that way.
Villains that do more than just want the main character(s) dead are always good
As far as comedy goes, I liked the brief scene where Adelaide "winked"... maybe... because she could have been blinking and her hair was in the way.
Though I also liked the "cold feet" bit where Nefayn was laughing and Nassar didn't know. In particular it was sort of called back later when he was thrilled that she liked his jokes.
yeah i really enjoyed that moment with the antagonists. also partially cause i like it being explained why they dont just crush the army cause adelaide is already being silly meeting them on an open field and not using the fort's defenses as was intended
Little one's fussing.(edited)
Rebel gets it
but yeah i liked this humanizing affect too of course. because conflicts of territory are rarely straight forward evil guy wants to rule over all the things
that and selfishly i really wanted to like pella and that scene proved to me that it was okay to like him cause hes just a goofy sparkly dude just trying to unite the lands.
Hi there! I'm Mabs and the creator of Pike's Reach! I can't stay for too long because sudden school stuff came up, but I wanted to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for reading PR! Your comments are making me really happy ;w;
QUESTION 2. Unfortunately for Nefayn, she is cursed twice over both in body and magic. Who do you think cursed her with the first seal and for what reason? Could the culprit be Ezo considering she and Pella seemed to know Nefayn? Why was said culprit pursuing her? In other words, what are their long-term goals in using her? How powerful do you think Nefayn was before the first seal came to be? Now that Nefayn is sealed twice over to be all but human, how will this affect her helpfulness in a battle? Do you believe that Nefayn will be able to undo the seals eventually and return herself to her original form and power? If so, how might this affect her growing relationship with Adelaide?
glad you could stop by, mabs~!
im torn on the culprit issue. on the one hand ezo seems likely cause from her characterization that seems like something shed do. but on the other hand their army is kind of near the end of their campaign since pike's reach is the last one standing and they dont want to murder hobo them. so idk why theyd need nefayn. i kind of like to think theres something bigger gonna show up and pella and adelaide are gonna join forces to defeat it. and that whatever the it is is what's after nefayn. but that could be wishful thinking cause i always cheer for antagonist protagonist team ups when both are basically good dudes with different goals
(I swear, my life after 8pm is running back and forth to my little daughter's room.)
as for goals, maybe using her as a magic conduit. cause thats the only thing i can think of.
I get what you were saying about the climactic magic fight scene earlier btw. Just I've never been huge on drama, you know me. ^.^
also lol math
Oh, hi Mabs! I ship everyone!
Hi there! Yes good, please ship all the characters.
Will do~
especially this page https://tapas.io/episode/1221349
I wonder if Nefayn was originally that uncle that the General was talking about. Except that would destroy the best ship, so I'm not sure I like that possiblity.
if were shipping all the ships i now accept https://tapas.io/episode/1077847 this page as canon
Yeah, I don't know that it's Ezo. There was also that scene where Nefayn said she thought the big Pike's room seemed familiar, so I feel like she was a citizen of the place somehow.
A teamup would be pretty cool between the two groups. Maybe the West has been getting more organized than they realize, there was some mention of the latest attack being more of a ruse.
Hah. That was a funny one.
Part of me actually ships Ezo and Nefayn, in that sort of 'mortal enemies become friends' kind of deal. So I guess Adelaide ends up with the General's second in command? This was probably heresy to propose.
idk. shooting someone in the chest seems like a romance deal breaker there XD
all ships set sail here
It was an arrow of love and respect. Deep down. After all, it didn't kill her.
but yeah the west could certainly become a threat. or even just one person in the west. like maybe one nation got themselves some guns and are bringing their guns to all the sword fights
("It was worse than death, I was made human.")
As long as they don't bring the gunpowder, it's fine.
Ezo wanted to make Nefayn human cause she too supports the adelaide/nefayn ship
it was the plan all along
Actually, it's not a bad plan. Good way to make the enemy commander very distracted.
and tbf it does probably take nefayn out of the battle a bit. cause being human has its mortal perils.
Here's a possibly related question, who keeps sending the evil things to attack Adelaide? Which makes her sleep with a sword? I don't think it's the general, he seems honourable enough to keep his distance after losing, at least for a while. Maybe it's the same person who did the thing to Nefayn.
Flying is more of a problem for humans.
i just assumed the magic things showed up of their own accord.
pella and ezo dont seem to be plagued by birds
so maybe someone is sending them
or adelaide is special and theyre super attracted to her
Everyone's super attracted to the heroine.
this is an interesting line of thought
cause i definitey doubt it's pella
cause the impression i got is that this has plagued adelaide for much longer than pike's reach has been under siege
since the sword thing is usually the sign of a long term habit
I wonder if maybe the charm that was mentioned as something to keep her safe is actually attracting all the problems. Though it'd need to be something fairies can't pick up on.
@mathtans must be one really sexy heroine
these are some good catches math. i really didnt pay much mind to any of these mentions. that could be though. and tbf nefayn's powers were already partly sealed from the get go so i wouldnt be surprised if shes missing out on some magic things
Thanks. ^^ I guess it just struck me as interesting that she's got the sleep issues, and no one else seemed to.
I was wondering if one of Nefayn's powers was to grow big.
maybe. although i keep thinking its gonna wind up shes a goddess or something O_O
not a fairy sized goddess mind you cause she does mention that fairy form is not her original size
although to the stuff b4 that brings up an interesting point about how much can the magic world interact with the non-magic. cause obviously adelaide being able to see magic and stuff makes her able to interact with it. but how aware does a non magic person have to be before magic stuff can affect them
Goddess of sparkles.
like obviously the others cant see nefayn
but can nefayn like punch them
and theyll be like "oww what a random pain"
Well, since magic mines could influence people, I imagine if you make the effect large enough, it'd register.
What if Nefayn caresses?
(I mean, kinda moot now, but still.)
yeah the magic mines worked. cause if the magic can affect the non magic regardless of their ability to see it, it adds evidence to the idea those birds are super out to get adelaide specifically
QUESTION 3. Magic seems to be at the center of several other mysteries that are presented in the comic. What is Pike’s Reach’s past with magic regarding the mention of a catastrophe involving it? Is Pella onto something about everyone being Adelaide’s age? What might this have to do with the previous lord of Pike’s Reach and Adelaide becoming its lord? How might any of this relate to the fact that Nefayn appears to recall being at Pike’s Reach for a brief moment? There is also the issue of Pella’s missing uncle. What do you think happened to his uncle? How might Pella’s uncle be related to past or present events that occurred in Pike’s Reach? Lastly, will Pella ever discover the truth about his uncle?(edited)
That's a cool skill imo
Oh yeah, my memory had kind of glossed over that whole catastrophe thing. And the age thing too. Hm, really good points. Maybe they don't physically age in Pike's? Like, they're actually 60, but have the bodies of people much younger?
Again, suspected the uncle might be Nefayn, but that sinks the ship.
if the uncle isnt adelaide's father i will be so surprised
Oh! Maybe the uncle is the one who cursed Nefayn.
I wondered about that. If the seeing magic lineage was a direct ancestry. But it might make sense for the uncle to be the one attacking Adelaide too.
like legit look at that family resemblence
https://tapas.io/episode/822837 and pella and adelaide have the same eye color too
and theres no reason it cant be both
adelaide's father and the real antagonist
Valid arguments. Maybe it's a red herring though. (Or a red pike! Hah!)
id even peg him for the causer of this supposed catastrophe. not on purpose. but he vanished and hes after nefayn to try and fix his mistakes.
Or maybe he's dead, and he left behind the ultimate weapon to use in case of dire magic circumstances, down in the catacombs.
Or maybe he's undead. He's a necromancer.
Could be that now that you mention it
As Nassar would say, a very grave matter.
the charm is the key and thats why the birds are after adelaide. they want that ultimate weapon
birds love ultimate weapons
alternatively he couldve been the one to stop the catastrophe from becoming worse too
Adelaide's love is the ultimate weapon.
cause the fact the catastrophe only took out the elderly or so is implied makes that a very targetted attack. and him being the savior makes sense for why everyone made adelaide the lord.
Ah, right, I guess I was still on the "elderly look young" track not the "elderly died" track.
Maybe they were all turned into fairies instead.
Maybe the uncle was turned into a pike.
or everyone was
theyre all pikes
in the nearby lake
the place was previously called nefayn's love nest, but they renamed it to pike's reach cause theyre always trying to reach those pike
Lovely vacation spot it is either way.
You all are absolutely hilarious and I have really been enjoying reading this. Thank you so much for reading so thoroughly gosh. I have to go to a school thing but I'll be sure to check back later and read the logs! Thanks again
np and good luck with school~!
Cya, Mabs!
And good luck from me as well~
Thank you for the creation! Hope school goes well.
Thanks again! Bye all~ Good luck with the rest of your discussion
ya know, since nefayn doesnt quite remember pike's reach outside of haziness, i wonder if theres some magical third seal that was meant to hide her own memories. a third seal set up by certain uncles.
Speaking of school, if there's no older adults, who runs public institutions?
Maybe she set the third seal herself. Nefayn was the cause of the magical catastrophe, doesn't want to remember it.
Everyone fighting about the love nest.
idk. hard to say without an exact timeline. also without exact knowledge of their system of governance. like for example, education could just be an at home by parents thing. so no actual public institution for it. but i also dont know the cut off date. and maybe no all the old ppl are dead. more its just heavily skewed to one age group
"We're in favour of same sex marriage." "Oh, well, we're leaving then." "You realize the founder of this place was gay?" "We're definitely leaving."
I liked Nassar's story, incidentally.
Some good zingers too. "Reel", heh.
i really hope we get to see more of adelaide's group. cause i feel there isnt enough nassar yet. we need more puns
Yis. Looked like we were getting some focus on Berlin towards the end.
QUESTION 4. Despite the romance and good feels in Pike’s Reach, they are the last fortress standing against the Eastern hordes. Do you believe Pella is genuine about his desire to unite the east to make the country a better place? Why do you think Pike’s Reach is so ardent about not uniting with the rest of the eastern lands? As time drags on, do you think Pella will give into his advisors and stop going so soft on Pike’s Reach? Will Ezo being injured drive them to it potentially? Alternatively, do you think Pike’s Reach and the Eastern hordes might join forces and put their differences aside for some reason? All in all, who do you think will emerge victorious?
Ezo's injury could do that (escalate things), since Pella seems to have that thing for her. Honestly, I don't quite see why he's so keen on the uniting to this extent... is it all ego? I mean, why not just be glad you've got 95% of the continent?
It might be interesting if they join forces though.
I hope love emerges victorious.
i do think ezo's injury is gonna make pella made. at least enough to challenge adelaide to another duel. but then he might also be mad at ezo and be like wtf ezo we were retreating
i dont think its all ego
just more its kind of awkward to not have pike's reach not united with the rest
cause according to that map pike's reach is basically surrounded on all sides
by pella's united country
They'll have to redraw all the maps if Pike's given in though.
What the PUC?
I feel like Ezo needs a friend even more than Adelaide. One who won't keep patting her on the head.
Maybe the injury will mellow her out, but I doubt it.
i feel like ezo first needs to take a chill pill and stop going all life or death on everything
https://tapas.io/episode/850159 by this map id also assume pike's reach is a strategic advantage cause its closer to the west so if the west tries something its a good outpost to use to stave off an attack traveling in further eastward toward the capital
but all in all i think pella is genuine and really does want to make the country a better place.
I can see that. It's a cool map too.
Feels a lot like Europe/Russia/Asia merged into one
"I will bring you love even if I have to smack you around."
i actually dont know why pike's reach wouldnt want to unite with them to be honest. XD cause trade would be a nightmare at this point cause youd always have to try to skirt and sneak through the eastern horde lands. if the eastern hordes go to war with someone, land troops would be moved through pike's reach anyway. and to me it just seems pike's reach is more holding out for pride
but i guess tbf we dont know much about pella's country. maybe they eat babies and pike's reach has a strict no baby eating policy
That's a fair point. Maybe there's something to the whole magic catastrophe, like they used to be a united continent and it went badly for them.
Jelly babies.
Incidentally, they seem to have all the major seasons, so don't live near an equator.
i mean i guess it could just be an issue they dont want to be governed except by their own ppl or something. idk. i do feel the magic catastrophe has left some scares and suspicions. and ezo is proof pella isnt opposed to magic.
Maybe, heritage and traditions or something. Ooh, maybe aliens will come and attack. That would unite everyone.
this might be the wrong genre for that
maybe nefayn gets kidnapped
and they unite to save nefayn
cause love is the only thing that matters
Could be. Oh, that's a thought, since she's vulnerable now and Adelaine owes her one or two.
Oh, and one nice bit I wanted to mention, the gag about her height.
youll have to be more specific cause my mind is blanking on which specific gag youre referring to XD
although speaking of gags i liked the one where adelaide and nefayn were having the eating contest. except no one could see nefayn. XD
Alright, I'm gonna take my leave for now, thanks for the CTP and best of luck to Mabs on the story~
(Sorry, little one again.)
The gag with Nefryn still being short... but being at an okay height. (Like, who isn't thinking that... )
That was amusing too. I wonder if you can get away with stuff when you see magic. "Uh, I wasn't talking to myself, no. Sure."
Have a good one, SJB!
ah okay i know which gag you mean. that one was funny. XD
Final closing thought, slow burn romance can be fun for when things come to a peak. Or a pike. ^.^
i feel in general theres been a lot more jokes like that since nefayn became human
It's been good for alleviating some of the tension.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Mabs, as well, for making Pike’s Reach. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Mabs’ efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/pikesreach
Mabs’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mabsart
Mabs’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mabs_art
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caddyxjellyby · 6 years
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