#play in child development
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educationcambodia · 3 days ago
Play is not just a pastime for children—it is a fundamental component of their growth and development. Through play, children learn essential life skills, explore their environment, and build relationships. From fostering creativity to enhancing cognitive and social skills, the benefits of play are immense and multifaceted. In this blog, we’ll explore why play is vital and how parents and educators can maximize its potential.
Why Play Matters
Play is the foundation of learning for children. It allows them to explore ideas, test limits, and develop problem-solving skills. Research shows that children who engage in regular play are better equipped to navigate challenges, express emotions, and interact socially.
Cognitive Growth: Activities like building blocks, puzzles, or pretend play stimulate critical thinking and creativity. These activities enhance memory, attention span, and reasoning abilities.
Social Development: Play provides opportunities for children to interact with peers, learn sharing, teamwork, and conflict resolution.
Emotional Regulation: Play serves as an outlet for children to express emotions. It helps them develop coping mechanisms and self-control.
Physical Health: Active play improves motor skills, coordination, and overall physical fitness.
Types of Play and Their Benefits
Free Play: Unstructured play allows children to take the lead, sparking imagination and independence.
Guided Play: This involves adult participation, which can help children explore new concepts while ensuring the activities remain purposeful.
Social Play: Games with peers teach cooperation and communication, essential for building relationships.
Therapeutic Play: For children with special needs, therapeutic play can address developmental challenges. Tools like sensory toys, visual supports, and structured activities aid in skill-building.
Incorporating Play into Daily Life
Parents and educators play a pivotal role in integrating play into a child’s routine. Simple strategies include:
Setting aside dedicated playtime each day.
Providing a variety of age-appropriate toys and materials.
Encouraging outdoor activities to promote physical and social development.
Engaging in activities that align with the child’s interests to maintain motivation and excitement.
Play at OrbRom Center
At OrbRom Center, we recognize the transformative power of play, especially for children with special needs. Our programs, such as speech therapy and occupational therapy, incorporate play-based approaches to enhance learning outcomes. Whether it’s developing communication skills or improving sensory processing, play forms the backbone of our interventions. Our preschool program also emphasizes play as a tool to prepare children for inclusive education.
Play is more than entertainment—it’s a powerful tool that supports every aspect of a child’s development. By encouraging diverse forms of play, we can nurture well-rounded, resilient, and happy children. At OrbRom Center, we are committed to creating playful learning environments that unlock each child’s potential.
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milkywayes · 9 months ago
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GARRUS VAKARIAN: DATABASE IMAGE ACCESS. > PT. 1 : 2160, 2166, 2170. > all files backdated according to user preferences: (terran_coordinated.calendar).
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6ebe · 8 months ago
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When I said Spain were violating child Labour regulations I didn’t think they actually were 😭
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borgialucrezia · 4 months ago
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juan always picking up on details about cesare that others tend to overlook. for instance he knows what cesare wants and likes to hear and sometimes even empathizes with him over certain things (at least on screen) that not even cesare himself is aware of. it's almost as if juan is very fond of him and wishes they could connect but he knows it will never happen because of cesare's contempt for his rash personality and weaknesses. so he overcompensates with the quarreling as a defensive mechanism to cope with his feelings of rejection...
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fresanita · 6 months ago
Angel Dust Turns Human - pg3
tw - slight gore!
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Beginning of how they met, YAYAY!🙂
Sorry about the quality again, I don't like how it sometimes cuts the drawings but I'll settle💔. I've never actually drawn human Alastor till now, but I do like how he turned out so o(≧▽≦)o!
In not gonna do the math about their ages, and I don't think it'd line up w/Canon, but ik Angel died around the 40s near his 20-30s so he'd had lived two decades prior. I'm pretty sure Alastor died around the 20s, not 30s, but that doesn't matter - the point is, Angel would've been a kid before Alastor yknow, died. (Don't take my word for it, I'm probably wrong, but in this lil comic, that's how it is😔) Angel's around 8yrs old and Alastor is somewhere in his late 20s or early 30s (teehee Alastor w dimples🙂!)
Angel playing around with a dead deers head WILL be explained, trust!🙏 I got the idea of domino's bc I think it's a nice game to bond over, also I just like the game and I remember my Dad teaching me how it works so FATHER AND SON MOMENT RISE!💥💥 Anyways, Angel's childhood won't align w Canon (sorry, so ooc, but I like it☹️).
Hope you like Human Alastors and Kid Angel's design🙏!!
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months ago
i will stop complaining now but trulyyyyyy what gets me is that. yes i have my own little fanon things but ultimately the largely-accepted fanon characterization is never as interesting as what’s actually happening on the show in canon. especially with regards to eddie’s sexuality!
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puppppppppy · 8 months ago
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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scoobydoodean · 13 days ago
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Maybe Dean is uncomfortable with (from his perspective with what he just walked in on) one of his grown ass brother’s favorite memories appearing to be a little girl grabbing his grown ass man thigh under a dinner table in front of her parents. You think they ever considered that angle? Or did they perhaps. Not remember the scene. At all.
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[Context being: Someone is very upset at Dean saying "Wait, so… playing footsie with brace-face in there? Then that’s a trophy moment for you?" to Sam when they first encounter each other in heaven in 5.16 "Dark Side of the Moon". Commenters appear to have absolutely zero clue (1) when in the episode this happens (at the beginning before any animosity over memories has had a chance to develop) (2) what happened right before said dialogue. Commenters jump to suggest that Dean "sexualizes" an innocent family meal by talking about "playing footsie" in order to *looks at notes* undermine Sam's desire for normality and a bunch of other nonsense that makes no sense at all if you care about the order in which things actually happen/are said in the episode and realize that Dean is not in fact psychically aware of what Sam is thinking and his feelings about Thanksgiving and walked in on him reliving a child young enough to be in braces touching his grown ass man thigh i.e. "playing footsie" with him more or less.]
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maculategiraffe · 2 years ago
my sister, who works in child development so I assume she knows, was telling me that the baby's preschool teacher was saying a bunch of things to her that (my sister said to me) "are basically code for 'we think your child might be autistic.'"
and I was like well I mean steve is definitely on the autism spectrum and I probably am and you've been saying you probably are and we secretly think that might also be what's up with our mom, so it wouldn't be surprising if the baby is too, and it certainly wouldn't be a problem. but out of curiosity what does the baby do that seems autistic to them? because I thought the early signs in toddlers were like... problems with joint attention, and ignoring other people. and he's always extremely engaged with me when we hang out
and my sister said "they say he doesn't talk, and he doesn't respond when they call his name, and he spins around in place..."
and I was like huh. well he certainly talks to ME. and responds when I call his name. and when he feels like spinning I simply sing the turn around game song and he loves it and follows all the directions. have they considered that they might just be boring
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amicus-siderum · 2 years ago
I don't know what's funnier
The people of Mondstadt actually don't know who the Darknight Hero is despite Diluc's horrible disguise, except for Kaeya who is losing his mind because how!? But also thinking that yeah, that checks out why they all just readily accepted him despite him being an obvious plant.
The people of Mondstadt actually know that Diluc is the Darknight Hero, but they've all agreed to just let their uncrowned king keep up his silly little vigilante fantasy and run around in his silly little disguise, because that's just good ol' sunshine child Diluc for you. None of them mention it out of respect.
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elliehallers · 2 months ago
Idk how many children Tara & Josh will have, but I think they'll have at least one, and I feel like they need to have a daughter so they can name her Elizabeth Amilee Bloom. 💛
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educationcambodia · 21 days ago
Play is not just a pastime for children—it is a fundamental component of their growth and development. Through play, children learn essential life skills, explore their environment, and build relationships. From fostering creativity to enhancing cognitive and social skills, the benefits of play are immense and multifaceted. In this blog, we’ll explore why play is vital and how parents and educators can maximize its potential.
Why Play Matters
Play is the foundation of learning for children. It allows them to explore ideas, test limits, and develop problem-solving skills. Research shows that children who engage in regular play are better equipped to navigate challenges, express emotions, and interact socially.
Cognitive Growth: Activities like building blocks, puzzles, or pretend play stimulate critical thinking and creativity. These activities enhance memory, attention span, and reasoning abilities.
Social Development: Play provides opportunities for children to interact with peers, learn sharing, teamwork, and conflict resolution.
Emotional Regulation: Play serves as an outlet for children to express emotions. It helps them develop coping mechanisms and self-control.
Physical Health: Active play improves motor skills, coordination, and overall physical fitness.
Types of Play and Their Benefits
Free Play: Unstructured play allows children to take the lead, sparking imagination and independence.
Guided Play: This involves adult participation, which can help children explore new concepts while ensuring the activities remain purposeful.
Social Play: Games with peers teach cooperation and communication, essential for building relationships.
Therapeutic Play: For children with special needs, therapeutic play can address developmental challenges. Tools like sensory toys, visual supports, and structured activities aid in skill-building.
Incorporating Play into Daily Life
Parents and educators play a pivotal role in integrating play into a child’s routine. Simple strategies include:
Setting aside dedicated playtime each day.
Providing a variety of age-appropriate toys and materials.
Encouraging outdoor activities to promote physical and social development.
Engaging in activities that align with the child’s interests to maintain motivation and excitement.
Play at OrbRom Center
At OrbRom Center, we recognize the transformative power of play, especially for children with special needs. Our programs, such as speech therapy and occupational therapy, incorporate play-based approaches to enhance learning outcomes. Whether it’s developing communication skills or improving sensory processing, play forms the backbone of our interventions. Our preschool program also emphasizes play as a tool to prepare children for inclusive education.
Play is more than entertainment—it’s a powerful tool that supports every aspect of a child’s development. By encouraging diverse forms of play, we can nurture well-rounded, resilient, and happy children. At OrbRom Center, we are committed to creating playful learning environments that unlock each child’s potential.
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happyk44 · 2 months ago
You know, children of Hades/Pluto and Thanatos/Mors with a propensity to develop SZPD or AVPD would also work. Their fathers are entwined with death, the dead, which makes connecting to the living hard for them.
It could be partly because of rejection when their parentage is discovered by demigods, possible unease mortals may feel around them due to their aura or whatever, and then partly because of their own innate nature, meaning even in the friendliest of circumstances they struggle to connect with the other person.
#in my headcanons bianca is the one with an innate detachment from living people outside of her immediate family#however i don't think she'd develop szpd if she had lived. she can make connections and friends easily. it's just not instinctive to do so#and she wouldn't fully meet the criteria needed to qualify. it would just be the personality type 👍#happy talks pjo#but if i was assigning them pds (which im not) I'd put Bianca at SZPD Nico with AVPD and Hazel with both#nico was rejected due to be a child of hades so there's that#as for Hazel i think it would be a combination of many things - her abusive upbringing making her recoil into herself#the racism and explition alienation due to the curse from the people around that she had to deal with#followed by isolation and an overbearing morher when she moved to alaska#then when she's brought back to life she struggles with derealization which causes a disconnect from the people around her#and she can't really socialize or talk about her life because 1) she was dead for 70 odd years 2) she's cursed but no one knows#and 3) her life sucked#so i think she'd have the fear of rejection from others for avpd as well as the disconnect/detachment from people for szpd#again I'm not headcanoning any of them with the above. I'm just playing around with where they would fall#for the most part what we see of the underworld kids is that they are relatively more adjusted than other demigods despite their traumas#it could be dissociation repression that their father is more present with them so they have resources available to seek help#or it could be that a general disconnect with their own life because as child of the dead they will never be fully grounded while alive#so all the pains really hit them once they die but while they're alive it's just oh well terrible things happen to me but its whatever
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 7 months ago
I Like You Better Here | Tiffany Valentine x Nica Pierce (Chucky Series AU)
Takes place after s3 of Chucky, tw: blood, threat of violence, mention of torture/murder, past torture/violence, toxic relationship, sexual themes
Also available on AO3:
Background: Tiffany inevitably possesses a human body again and decides to use this as a chance to try and win Nica over since Nica won't recognize her now. So, Tiffany finds a coffee shop Nica frequents, and just so happens to be in the same place as her. Tiffany starts off slowly, quietly waiting in line behind Nica(and memorizing her order), or getting a coffee and observing her out of the corner of her eye from a table, having a laptop or pad of paper in front of her as if she's working
Eventually, after the machine used to make Nica's coffee breaks (Tiffany of course had nothing to do with it breaking mysteriously, nothing at all) and Tiffany uses this moment to slide up next to Nica under the pretense of her waiting in line for her own coffee to be made, and makes a offhanded joke about how of all the days, today is the one where the machine breaks or something similar in an attempt to get Nica to laugh(it doesn't work, but Nica does glance at her with a small tilt of her lips and giving some sort of sarcastic reply) before Tiffany can say anything else, her name(or a false name belonging to the body she inhabits) is called as her coffee is ready. Tiffany wants to continue to talk to Nica, find some kind of excuse to stay around her, but she holds herself back, reminding herself to be patient and not press the younger woman, so that it isn't suspicious.
This eventually leads to Nica acknowledging Tiffany more when she sees her in her usual spot, normally with a polite smile or a small nod of greeting before she wheels herself out of the shop, each time Tiffany smiles flirtatiously, and each time wants to go after Nica, but she holds herself back, telling herself to behave
Finally, after a few months of this, Nica rolls up to where Tiffany is reading on her computer (or pretending to read), Tiffany gives herself a moment to get into character before looking up, a welcoming smile on her lips as she greets Nica.
Nica asks about what Tiffany is working on as she seems to always be at the coffee shop, and Tiffany gives a small laugh as her eyes sparkle, jokingly inquiring if Nica has been stalking her. Nica shrugs and doesn't confirm nor deny it, and gestures to Tiffany's laptop, asking again what she's working on. Tiffany, having been waiting for this for months, explains that she's been reading about criminal law (because after she was sent to prison there was no way she'd take the risk of being caught again) or something else, and then the two start talking a bit more before Nica says she has to leave. In the following weeks, Nica would start to stop by Tiffany's table more, eventually they would end up spending hours talking about things aside from whatever Tiffany is reading, and Tiffany really starts to learn more about what Nica's interests are and what she's been up to in the years since the Jennifer Tilly kidnapping/murder spree, and Tiffany sinks into a comfortable routine
Eventually, Nica asks Tiffany out to dinner, and Tiffany offers to cook for them, which after some careful thinking, Nica agrees to. Nica has Tiffany meet her at her apartment (Nica doesn't mention that this is because she has weapons hidden all over the place in case somehow Chucky comes back to mess with her).
Tiffany shows up with the required foods needed for her recipe and gets to cooking, she compliments Nica's outfit or something, and can't help but look at Nica often as she works, she doesn't mind that Nica lingers in the kitchen as Tiffany talks about random things, Nica watching her intently when she's working with the knives, nor does she notice the slight crease in Nica's brows when Tiffany moves in a way that is too like herself and not the person she's pretending to be.
When the food is in the oven, Nica offers Tiffany something to drink, which Tiffany accepts with a bright smile and a joke as Nica watches her with a predatory focus as Tiffany takes the glass of wine. "Do I make you nervous Nica?"
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Nica, who hadn't realized that her eyes had slipped down to stare at Tiffany's fingers as they wrapped around the stem of the glass, quickly glanced up to meet Tiffany's eyes, she settled back in her wheelchair, trying to appear cool and collected as she answered with a small shake of the head. "No."
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Tiffany's lips tug up at the corners as she leans back against the counter, her arms crossing so her chest is pushed up a bit, with her glass in one hand she watches as Nica's eyes follow her movement.
Tiffany's stare is intense, and Nica quickly takes a drink and looks elsewhere as she realizes that she was caught staring at Tiffany.
"Thirsty, maybe?" Tiffany can't resist teasing Nica, who suddenly feels a laugh bubble out of her.
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Tiffany smiles triumphantly, and when Nica meets her eyes, there's a fire in them, and suddenly it feels very warm in the room as the sound of the oven fades and the two women are left at opposite ends of the room, locked in a stare that neither one can bring themselves to break.
Tiffany feels warmer than she does in a bath, or even when she's been burned alive, the burn she feels is a pleasant one, one that can only be tempered by the woman across from her, and suddenly, Tiffany's self restraint snaps; she wants to touch Nica, hold her, make her fall apart so she can put the pieces back together.
She doesn't remember putting her glass down and crossing the room, but suddenly she is standing in front of Nica's chair, almost afraid to blink as she sees the same fire she feels is reflecting in Nica's eyes. Tiffany opens her lips, her mouth feeling very dry all of the sudden, and means to ask Nica if she can kiss her, but she only manages "Nica-" before the woman in question roughly grabs Tiffany by the neck and pulls her down to her level in a kiss that leaves Tiffany breathless.
Nica's prosthetic hands are cold as one fists in Tiffany's hair and the other - which had dropped her wine glass or set it aside (Tiffany wasn't paying much attention nor did she care) - gripped Tiffany's hip roughly. Tiffany's own hands quickly move to frame Nica's face, - whether to ground herself or prevent Nica from leaving, Tiffany isn't sure, - and gasps against Nica's mouth as Nica pulls her roughly into her lap.
It isn't a comfortable way to sit, as it is very cramped and Tiffany has to keep stopping herself from panicking mentally over whether she may be too heavy on top of Nica, but as Nica swallows Tiffany's gasps and uses that as an opportunity to slip her tongue into Tiffany's mouth, Tiffany feels all the worry leave her body as she melts against the younger woman.
Nica's kisses are bruising and far from gentle, she kisses like a woman starved and kissing Tiffany is the only way to sate that hunger. Tiffany isn't complaining, and gives as good as she gets, biting just shy of drawing blood and moves to fist her hands in Nica's curly hair, tugging her as close as possible, as if trying to get Nica to become one with her soul.
She had dreamed about this - admittedly in a different setting - more times than she could count, and still she was unprepared for how much she'd become addicted to it, to Nica. Tiffany knew now that choosing to come back into Nica's life as somebody else was the best decision, and she knew that nothing could keep them apart now, not even Chucky. She just wishes that Nica could know that it was Tiffany in her lap, Tiffany who had cooked her food and listened to her stories all these months, that Tiffany had changed for Nica.
It's ridiculous. Nica thinks, this woman is capable of murder, has murdered, hell, even framed Nica for her and her husband's crimes. And yet, something draws her to Tiffany, it was toxic and twisted, but there was a part of her that loved the woman, even despite all her crimes. She should kill Tiffany for everything she's done, right now while her guard is down, it had been her plan after all, ever since she figured out two months ago that this woman was really the murderess who kidnapped her, but now that the opportunity presented itself, Nica couldn't bring herself to do it.
Tiffany was capable of compassion, she had a conscience, she cared deeply for those she loved even if it was a tad obsessive, she may be impulsive and a bit of a sociopath, but she was human too. And before my brain fully caught up with her, Nica had pulled Tiffany down into her lap and was kissing her in a way she had never kissed anyone.
Tiffany was very receptive in her lap, Nica would become more harsh and Tiffany immediately moaned her approval and responded eagerly, leading to the younger woman quickly figuring out what Tiffany liked.
The pair separated for a much needed air break, neither knew how long had passed since Nica pulled Tiffany in, but both women's heads were spinning from lack of oxygen.
Nica kept her eyes closed, not sure if she'd back out of this, whatever it was, if she saw Tiffany, and truthfully she was much too bothered to deny herself what she wanted. And right now, what she wanted was Tiffany.
Tiffany on the other hand had her eyes open as she remained only a few inches away from Nica, her eyes hungrily taking in the image in front of her, as if she was about to wake up from a dream and Nica would be gone. Thoughts and worries getting stronger in her head, Tiffany shifted in Nica's lap, her hands combing gently through her hair, Tiffany dropped one hand to cup the back of Nica's neck, fingers playing with the hair at the base of her skull.
Nica's arm tightened around Tiffany's waist, and Tiffany couldn't hold back a low growl-like moan. Tiffany adjusted herself in Nica's lap again, gasping as Nica dug her nails into the fabric of Tiffany's dress.
"Nica, please, please love, please," Tiffany breathed out.
Nica held back her smirk, and moved to push Tiffany's hips down harder in her lap. "Nicaaaa," whinnied Tiffany as Nica refused to let her move. Nica smirked and opened her eyes as she leaned in closer to Tiffany, whose eyes had fallen shut.
"What? What do you want? Tell me."
Tiffany bit her bottom lip, eyes still shut as her face twitched, Nica watched it all, taking a keen interest in her small tells.
"I want you, please Nica, touch me, please." Tiffany whispered breathlessly.
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Nica couldn't help but lick her lips as her mouth became dry with Tiffany's words, the older woman had her eyes shut and was breathing heavily. Nica was quickly debating her options, but the way that Tiffany spoke in a begging manner, that it was Tiffany who sat on her lap covered in small bruises and bites, Nica realized that she felt so powerful in this moment, and boy was she screwed because there was something addicting about it.
"Please." Tiffany whispered one last time, so quiet Nica almost didn't hear it. She could see that Tiffany was starting to doubt herself, and so she made a decision that she would probably curse herself for later. Moving her right hand, Nica lightly ran her fingers down Tiffany's side, causing the woman to shiver.
Leaning forward to the whisker in Tiffany's ear, Nica felt Tiffany twitch as her breath brushed against the shell of Tiffany's ear. "Well, since you asked so nicely."
Tiffany was starting to get excited, but Nica had to keep her guard up, and really, she should take advantage of this moment and just kill Tiffany, but her hands have other plans, as one moves to grip Tiffany's wrist, her thumb swiping the inside of it before her hand slowly drags upwards.
Their faces are close enough to touch, and each feels the others breath on their face as their eyes meet. Tiffany's mouth parts, her breathing slightly shaky and before she can say anything, Nica suddenly surges forward and crashes their mouths together in a bruising kiss.
She swallows Tiffany's gasp as Nica's hand on her arm brushes the strap of her dress off her shoulder, while Nica's other hand creeps around Tiffany's neck and grabs a fistful of hair and pulls.
Tiffany gasps as the kiss breaks and moans as her head is forced back, one of her own hands quickly moving to grab onto the back of Nica's neck, as if to ground herself as Nica lunges to attack Tiffany's neck with her mouth.
Nica really does attack Tiffany's neck, as she sucks and bites Tiffany's fair skin hard enough to bruise, not that Tiffany is complaining, quite the opposite actually. She is a mess in the younger woman's lap, her hand at the base of Nica's skull, her fingers gently running through the hair there as she closes her eyes. This continues on for several minutes, until Tiffany can't take it anymore and whimpers the younger woman's name, the hand not on Nica's neck moving up between them, towards her chest.
"Please Nica, please," Nica's name is a whisper on her lips, and Nica smirks into her neck.
"Please what, Tiffany? Show me what you want." Nica purrs into Tiffany's ear as she uses her grip on the woman's hair to force her to look her in the face. Tiffany with glazed eyes doesn't acknowledge that Nica used her real name, or maybe she just didn't catch that part, too wrapped up in herself to pay attention.
Immediately Tiffany's hand that had crept up between them moves to grab Nica's right hand, gently she slides it over a small tattoo on her breast, and Nica pushes her prosthetic hand to cover the older woman's own, and then she squeezes.
Tiffany's lips part with a gasp, her eyes boring into Nica's as Nica moves her hand gently over the tattoo, Tiffany's hand trapped between her own body and the smooth skin of Nica's prosthetic.
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Nica tries to keep her head about her, tries once more to get herself to go back to her plan, but as Tiffany stares at her like she's the best thing she had ever laid eyes on, Nica feels the small part of her brain, the one that had been trying to hold onto reason, falter. She knew she should hate this woman, truly she did, and she wanted to, but she couldn't, and she makes a decision that seals her fate: she lets herself let it all go, just for this moment. Just once (for now), she would let the past be in the past, and she would let herself be in this moment with the murderess, let herself feel something other than loneliness or guilt, and as soon as that switch flipped in her brain, Nica stopped holding herself back.
She ceased all her previous actions, making Tiffany whine as Nica dropped her hands so she had use of them again. Tiffany was very confused, unsure if she had done something wrong and quickly felt panic and anger at herself for pushing too soon. But before she could speak, she fell forward against Nica's chest, catching herself with her hands on the back of Nica's chair: she quickly realized that Nica was wheeling them somewhere else in the house, and both excitement and slight fear choked her, preventing her from speaking.
Nica wheeled them quickly with the skill of someone who had years of upper arm strength through the kitchen into the hall, and then to a room at the end with its door open. It was slightly difficult with Tiffany's combined weight straining the chair, and Tiffany pressed against Nica, but Nica managed to make it to the room and proceeded to go right up to the foot of her bed.
Confused, but starting to realize what Nica was planning, Tiffany let Nica push her off her lap and then back onto the bed. "Lay down." Nica commanded and Tiffany felt a rush of excitement and quickly shuffled back on the bed until she hit Nica's pillows. She wanted to offer to help the younger woman, but refrained, instead watching open mouthed as Nica expertly lifted herself out of her chair and onto the bed.
Nica never once looked away from Tiffany as she pulled herself up to where Tiffany was laying by the pillows, and she couldn't help but feel like she was Nica's prey as Nica stared her down, holding herself back as Nica came to sit on Tiffany's hips. For a few moments, neither moved nor spoke, she desperately wanted Nica to touch her, or kiss her, or even hurt her, and she could tell that Nica was well aware of this, but she kept Tiffany trapped, frozen in place and completely at her mercy, while Nica remained calm above her, seemingly content to torment her.
"Nica -" Tiffany began, her voice shaky, only to be stopped by Nica who placed a finger to Tiffany's lips. "Shhhhh," Nica whispered, voice rough as she still stared deep into Tiffany's eyes. Tiffany immediately shut her mouth, watching in wonder as Nica gave her a small smile before moving to lift her shirt over her head. Tiffany felt her mouth go dry as more of Nica's skin was revealed to her, sure, she had seen it before, many times in fact, especially when Chucky controlled Nica's body, but this was the first time that it was Nica who was showing herself to her, unabashedly and with confidence.
When Nica tossed her shirt aside and looked back at Tiffany, she started to fidget under the woman's piercing gaze, and for a moment, Nica thought she could see green shining through the grown eyes of the woman below her. She wasn't sure why she was suddenly feeling self conscious (okay maybe she did know why, but still she would rather not remember those moments from her past right now, thank you very much), but all worries disappeared as Tiffany spoke.
"You're so beautiful." Tiffany said in awe, daring to move her hands to rest on Nica's waist, half expecting Nica to shove her away. But Nica didn't shy away from Tiffany's touch, and seemed to melt beneath it as her face turned scarlet, giving Tiffany a burst of confidence. She let one of her hands slowly move up over Nica's ribs and over the sides of her blue lace bra, with the goal being to cradle Nica's neck and pull her down for a kiss. Before she could do that however, Nica grabbed both of Tiffany's hands and raised them above her on the pillows, a grin lighting up her face in an almost manic way, making Tiffany's heart race faster.
"Not so fast Ms Valentine," Nica's eyes glittered dangerously, and Tiffany, who had been holding her breath under Nica's intense stare, felt herself freeze as her brain finally caught the name Nica used.
Suddenly, Tiffany's mind was abuzz with panic as she realized that not only had Nica used her real last name, but she had also called her by her first name more than once, and Tiffany had been too distracted by the comfortable weight of Nica's body on top of hers to notice.
Nica noticed the change in Tiffany's eyes, and her grip on Tiffany's hands tightened, feeling a sense of power and delight at the small glimmer of fear that flashed in Tiffany's eyes at the action.
"How did you figure it out?" Tiffany whispered.
Nica raised her eyebrows, as if amused that that's what Tiffany is asking in that moment. "You called me Sweetface. No one but you had ever said that."
"Nica-" Tiffany began but Nica cut her off. "Wanna hear a secret Tiffany?" Moving slowly, Tiffany shakily nodded, "s-sure."
Nica shifted on top of Tiffany, leaning down to whisper in Tiffany's ear, "I'm not gonna kill you."
Tiffany's lip trembled, "you're not?" Her question came out in a breathy whisper and a small glimmer of hope sparked in her eyes.
"No." Nica said, leaning back to look Tiffany in the face, "I think I'm gonna keep you right here."
Tiffany knew she should still feel fear, especially given everything she and Chucky had put Nica- through, but instead she felt a thrill at Nica's words, warmth spreading from her cheeks to her toes.
"Why?" The words slip past her lips before she can stop them.
Nica smiled. "Because, I Like You Better here than if you were dead." She used her other hand to gently brush Tiffany's cheek.
"I admit that at first, when I realized that it was you, I had it all planned out. I was gonna lure you here," Nica released Tiffany's hands and used the hand that had been holding them to pull herself prop herself up so she could hover over Tiffany's face. "I was gonna torture you, slowly, and just before you would lose consciousness, I would stop. This would repeat everyday for however long I wanted, making you wish death would finally free you from me." She continued conversationally.
Tiffany was flushed as she listened to Nica, a fire burning deep in the pit of her belly as Nica told her all the ways she would've tortured and killed her. Nica licked her lips and smirked as Tiffany's eyes followed the motion, not seeing the look of self satisfaction in Nica's eyes as she watched Tiffany lick her own lips subconsciously.
Settling herself fully on top of Tiffany, feeling the silky fabric of Tiffany's dress against her exposed stomach, Nica brushed her thumb over Tiffany's bottom lip as she continued speaking. "When you finally accepted that this was your life now, that's when I would finally kill you, in the most painful way I could think of." Tiffany's lips parted, her eyes burning into Nica's as she moved her head slightly so Nica's finger slipped into her mouth.
Nica felt the smirk fall from her lips as the heat that pooled inside her lit up like a live wire. Time seemed to slow as the two women stared at one another, and then sped into overdrive as Tiffany, who had not moved her hands from their position over her head despite Nica releasing her, grabbed onto Nica and in one swift movement flipped them as she crashed her lips against Nica's.
She swallowed Nica's gasp of surprise, using the opportunity to slip her tongue into her mouth, hands moving to cradle Nica's face in a far more gentle way than the aggressive nature of their kiss. "Take this off." Nica growled as they separated briefly, her hands moving to tug at the bottom of Tiffany's dress. Tiffany was all too happy to do so, quickly pulling the offending fabric up her body before tossing it somewhere to the side as Nica recaptured her lips.
Despite all the horrors that surrounded their past together, Nica and Tiffany had a whole future ahead of them, admittedly most of it would be spent in Nica's apartment, but neither seemed to mind.
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marithefriendlyghost · 9 months ago
There's something about Pyre’s inherent queerness that I think many people miss in Supergiants titles. Like, okay. Hades, there is so much there, and it's visible, we see it. Transistor we have a married (or at least connected) gay couple and our fav toxic yuri trope. You could argue that Bastion has some elements if you squint hard enough. Pyre though?
First, we can make our PC any gender with the varying pronouns which can be changed at any time in your journey. I’ve come up with so many Reader OCs that have never seen the light of day but are there existing.
Volferd and Oraclech. Just them. I won’t say more if you know you know. And if you don’t read into it they might seem completely straight and that's okay!!! Games don’t have to meet a quota for representation.
It’s because of how Pyre goes about storytelling that if you look at it (and read into it through a queer lens), all of the cast could be queer in some way, shape or form, and I love that!
Like ough words are hard and as a young person who’s afraid of saying the wrong thing I see it as this:
“My queerness doesn’t need to be visible to be a part of me.”  that’s how I see Pyre. It’s there if you look and plenty more than just that, I love this game. also this:
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nikatyler · 2 months ago
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let your OCs get a little squishy, it's good for you
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