#the seven wonders of a witch fanfic
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 8 months ago
I Like You Better Here | Tiffany Valentine x Nica Pierce (Chucky Series AU)
Takes place after s3 of Chucky, tw: blood, threat of violence, mention of torture/murder, past torture/violence, toxic relationship, sexual themes
Also available on AO3:
Background: Tiffany inevitably possesses a human body again and decides to use this as a chance to try and win Nica over since Nica won't recognize her now. So, Tiffany finds a coffee shop Nica frequents, and just so happens to be in the same place as her. Tiffany starts off slowly, quietly waiting in line behind Nica(and memorizing her order), or getting a coffee and observing her out of the corner of her eye from a table, having a laptop or pad of paper in front of her as if she's working
Eventually, after the machine used to make Nica's coffee breaks (Tiffany of course had nothing to do with it breaking mysteriously, nothing at all) and Tiffany uses this moment to slide up next to Nica under the pretense of her waiting in line for her own coffee to be made, and makes a offhanded joke about how of all the days, today is the one where the machine breaks or something similar in an attempt to get Nica to laugh(it doesn't work, but Nica does glance at her with a small tilt of her lips and giving some sort of sarcastic reply) before Tiffany can say anything else, her name(or a false name belonging to the body she inhabits) is called as her coffee is ready. Tiffany wants to continue to talk to Nica, find some kind of excuse to stay around her, but she holds herself back, reminding herself to be patient and not press the younger woman, so that it isn't suspicious.
This eventually leads to Nica acknowledging Tiffany more when she sees her in her usual spot, normally with a polite smile or a small nod of greeting before she wheels herself out of the shop, each time Tiffany smiles flirtatiously, and each time wants to go after Nica, but she holds herself back, telling herself to behave
Finally, after a few months of this, Nica rolls up to where Tiffany is reading on her computer (or pretending to read), Tiffany gives herself a moment to get into character before looking up, a welcoming smile on her lips as she greets Nica.
Nica asks about what Tiffany is working on as she seems to always be at the coffee shop, and Tiffany gives a small laugh as her eyes sparkle, jokingly inquiring if Nica has been stalking her. Nica shrugs and doesn't confirm nor deny it, and gestures to Tiffany's laptop, asking again what she's working on. Tiffany, having been waiting for this for months, explains that she's been reading about criminal law (because after she was sent to prison there was no way she'd take the risk of being caught again) or something else, and then the two start talking a bit more before Nica says she has to leave. In the following weeks, Nica would start to stop by Tiffany's table more, eventually they would end up spending hours talking about things aside from whatever Tiffany is reading, and Tiffany really starts to learn more about what Nica's interests are and what she's been up to in the years since the Jennifer Tilly kidnapping/murder spree, and Tiffany sinks into a comfortable routine
Eventually, Nica asks Tiffany out to dinner, and Tiffany offers to cook for them, which after some careful thinking, Nica agrees to. Nica has Tiffany meet her at her apartment (Nica doesn't mention that this is because she has weapons hidden all over the place in case somehow Chucky comes back to mess with her).
Tiffany shows up with the required foods needed for her recipe and gets to cooking, she compliments Nica's outfit or something, and can't help but look at Nica often as she works, she doesn't mind that Nica lingers in the kitchen as Tiffany talks about random things, Nica watching her intently when she's working with the knives, nor does she notice the slight crease in Nica's brows when Tiffany moves in a way that is too like herself and not the person she's pretending to be.
When the food is in the oven, Nica offers Tiffany something to drink, which Tiffany accepts with a bright smile and a joke as Nica watches her with a predatory focus as Tiffany takes the glass of wine. "Do I make you nervous Nica?"
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Nica, who hadn't realized that her eyes had slipped down to stare at Tiffany's fingers as they wrapped around the stem of the glass, quickly glanced up to meet Tiffany's eyes, she settled back in her wheelchair, trying to appear cool and collected as she answered with a small shake of the head. "No."
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Tiffany's lips tug up at the corners as she leans back against the counter, her arms crossing so her chest is pushed up a bit, with her glass in one hand she watches as Nica's eyes follow her movement.
Tiffany's stare is intense, and Nica quickly takes a drink and looks elsewhere as she realizes that she was caught staring at Tiffany.
"Thirsty, maybe?" Tiffany can't resist teasing Nica, who suddenly feels a laugh bubble out of her.
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Tiffany smiles triumphantly, and when Nica meets her eyes, there's a fire in them, and suddenly it feels very warm in the room as the sound of the oven fades and the two women are left at opposite ends of the room, locked in a stare that neither one can bring themselves to break.
Tiffany feels warmer than she does in a bath, or even when she's been burned alive, the burn she feels is a pleasant one, one that can only be tempered by the woman across from her, and suddenly, Tiffany's self restraint snaps; she wants to touch Nica, hold her, make her fall apart so she can put the pieces back together.
She doesn't remember putting her glass down and crossing the room, but suddenly she is standing in front of Nica's chair, almost afraid to blink as she sees the same fire she feels is reflecting in Nica's eyes. Tiffany opens her lips, her mouth feeling very dry all of the sudden, and means to ask Nica if she can kiss her, but she only manages "Nica-" before the woman in question roughly grabs Tiffany by the neck and pulls her down to her level in a kiss that leaves Tiffany breathless.
Nica's prosthetic hands are cold as one fists in Tiffany's hair and the other - which had dropped her wine glass or set it aside (Tiffany wasn't paying much attention nor did she care) - gripped Tiffany's hip roughly. Tiffany's own hands quickly move to frame Nica's face, - whether to ground herself or prevent Nica from leaving, Tiffany isn't sure, - and gasps against Nica's mouth as Nica pulls her roughly into her lap.
It isn't a comfortable way to sit, as it is very cramped and Tiffany has to keep stopping herself from panicking mentally over whether she may be too heavy on top of Nica, but as Nica swallows Tiffany's gasps and uses that as an opportunity to slip her tongue into Tiffany's mouth, Tiffany feels all the worry leave her body as she melts against the younger woman.
Nica's kisses are bruising and far from gentle, she kisses like a woman starved and kissing Tiffany is the only way to sate that hunger. Tiffany isn't complaining, and gives as good as she gets, biting just shy of drawing blood and moves to fist her hands in Nica's curly hair, tugging her as close as possible, as if trying to get Nica to become one with her soul.
She had dreamed about this - admittedly in a different setting - more times than she could count, and still she was unprepared for how much she'd become addicted to it, to Nica. Tiffany knew now that choosing to come back into Nica's life as somebody else was the best decision, and she knew that nothing could keep them apart now, not even Chucky. She just wishes that Nica could know that it was Tiffany in her lap, Tiffany who had cooked her food and listened to her stories all these months, that Tiffany had changed for Nica.
It's ridiculous. Nica thinks, this woman is capable of murder, has murdered, hell, even framed Nica for her and her husband's crimes. And yet, something draws her to Tiffany, it was toxic and twisted, but there was a part of her that loved the woman, even despite all her crimes. She should kill Tiffany for everything she's done, right now while her guard is down, it had been her plan after all, ever since she figured out two months ago that this woman was really the murderess who kidnapped her, but now that the opportunity presented itself, Nica couldn't bring herself to do it.
Tiffany was capable of compassion, she had a conscience, she cared deeply for those she loved even if it was a tad obsessive, she may be impulsive and a bit of a sociopath, but she was human too. And before my brain fully caught up with her, Nica had pulled Tiffany down into her lap and was kissing her in a way she had never kissed anyone.
Tiffany was very receptive in her lap, Nica would become more harsh and Tiffany immediately moaned her approval and responded eagerly, leading to the younger woman quickly figuring out what Tiffany liked.
The pair separated for a much needed air break, neither knew how long had passed since Nica pulled Tiffany in, but both women's heads were spinning from lack of oxygen.
Nica kept her eyes closed, not sure if she'd back out of this, whatever it was, if she saw Tiffany, and truthfully she was much too bothered to deny herself what she wanted. And right now, what she wanted was Tiffany.
Tiffany on the other hand had her eyes open as she remained only a few inches away from Nica, her eyes hungrily taking in the image in front of her, as if she was about to wake up from a dream and Nica would be gone. Thoughts and worries getting stronger in her head, Tiffany shifted in Nica's lap, her hands combing gently through her hair, Tiffany dropped one hand to cup the back of Nica's neck, fingers playing with the hair at the base of her skull.
Nica's arm tightened around Tiffany's waist, and Tiffany couldn't hold back a low growl-like moan. Tiffany adjusted herself in Nica's lap again, gasping as Nica dug her nails into the fabric of Tiffany's dress.
"Nica, please, please love, please," Tiffany breathed out.
Nica held back her smirk, and moved to push Tiffany's hips down harder in her lap. "Nicaaaa," whinnied Tiffany as Nica refused to let her move. Nica smirked and opened her eyes as she leaned in closer to Tiffany, whose eyes had fallen shut.
"What? What do you want? Tell me."
Tiffany bit her bottom lip, eyes still shut as her face twitched, Nica watched it all, taking a keen interest in her small tells.
"I want you, please Nica, touch me, please." Tiffany whispered breathlessly.
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Nica couldn't help but lick her lips as her mouth became dry with Tiffany's words, the older woman had her eyes shut and was breathing heavily. Nica was quickly debating her options, but the way that Tiffany spoke in a begging manner, that it was Tiffany who sat on her lap covered in small bruises and bites, Nica realized that she felt so powerful in this moment, and boy was she screwed because there was something addicting about it.
"Please." Tiffany whispered one last time, so quiet Nica almost didn't hear it. She could see that Tiffany was starting to doubt herself, and so she made a decision that she would probably curse herself for later. Moving her right hand, Nica lightly ran her fingers down Tiffany's side, causing the woman to shiver.
Leaning forward to the whisker in Tiffany's ear, Nica felt Tiffany twitch as her breath brushed against the shell of Tiffany's ear. "Well, since you asked so nicely."
Tiffany was starting to get excited, but Nica had to keep her guard up, and really, she should take advantage of this moment and just kill Tiffany, but her hands have other plans, as one moves to grip Tiffany's wrist, her thumb swiping the inside of it before her hand slowly drags upwards.
Their faces are close enough to touch, and each feels the others breath on their face as their eyes meet. Tiffany's mouth parts, her breathing slightly shaky and before she can say anything, Nica suddenly surges forward and crashes their mouths together in a bruising kiss.
She swallows Tiffany's gasp as Nica's hand on her arm brushes the strap of her dress off her shoulder, while Nica's other hand creeps around Tiffany's neck and grabs a fistful of hair and pulls.
Tiffany gasps as the kiss breaks and moans as her head is forced back, one of her own hands quickly moving to grab onto the back of Nica's neck, as if to ground herself as Nica lunges to attack Tiffany's neck with her mouth.
Nica really does attack Tiffany's neck, as she sucks and bites Tiffany's fair skin hard enough to bruise, not that Tiffany is complaining, quite the opposite actually. She is a mess in the younger woman's lap, her hand at the base of Nica's skull, her fingers gently running through the hair there as she closes her eyes. This continues on for several minutes, until Tiffany can't take it anymore and whimpers the younger woman's name, the hand not on Nica's neck moving up between them, towards her chest.
"Please Nica, please," Nica's name is a whisper on her lips, and Nica smirks into her neck.
"Please what, Tiffany? Show me what you want." Nica purrs into Tiffany's ear as she uses her grip on the woman's hair to force her to look her in the face. Tiffany with glazed eyes doesn't acknowledge that Nica used her real name, or maybe she just didn't catch that part, too wrapped up in herself to pay attention.
Immediately Tiffany's hand that had crept up between them moves to grab Nica's right hand, gently she slides it over a small tattoo on her breast, and Nica pushes her prosthetic hand to cover the older woman's own, and then she squeezes.
Tiffany's lips part with a gasp, her eyes boring into Nica's as Nica moves her hand gently over the tattoo, Tiffany's hand trapped between her own body and the smooth skin of Nica's prosthetic.
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Nica tries to keep her head about her, tries once more to get herself to go back to her plan, but as Tiffany stares at her like she's the best thing she had ever laid eyes on, Nica feels the small part of her brain, the one that had been trying to hold onto reason, falter. She knew she should hate this woman, truly she did, and she wanted to, but she couldn't, and she makes a decision that seals her fate: she lets herself let it all go, just for this moment. Just once (for now), she would let the past be in the past, and she would let herself be in this moment with the murderess, let herself feel something other than loneliness or guilt, and as soon as that switch flipped in her brain, Nica stopped holding herself back.
She ceased all her previous actions, making Tiffany whine as Nica dropped her hands so she had use of them again. Tiffany was very confused, unsure if she had done something wrong and quickly felt panic and anger at herself for pushing too soon. But before she could speak, she fell forward against Nica's chest, catching herself with her hands on the back of Nica's chair: she quickly realized that Nica was wheeling them somewhere else in the house, and both excitement and slight fear choked her, preventing her from speaking.
Nica wheeled them quickly with the skill of someone who had years of upper arm strength through the kitchen into the hall, and then to a room at the end with its door open. It was slightly difficult with Tiffany's combined weight straining the chair, and Tiffany pressed against Nica, but Nica managed to make it to the room and proceeded to go right up to the foot of her bed.
Confused, but starting to realize what Nica was planning, Tiffany let Nica push her off her lap and then back onto the bed. "Lay down." Nica commanded and Tiffany felt a rush of excitement and quickly shuffled back on the bed until she hit Nica's pillows. She wanted to offer to help the younger woman, but refrained, instead watching open mouthed as Nica expertly lifted herself out of her chair and onto the bed.
Nica never once looked away from Tiffany as she pulled herself up to where Tiffany was laying by the pillows, and she couldn't help but feel like she was Nica's prey as Nica stared her down, holding herself back as Nica came to sit on Tiffany's hips. For a few moments, neither moved nor spoke, she desperately wanted Nica to touch her, or kiss her, or even hurt her, and she could tell that Nica was well aware of this, but she kept Tiffany trapped, frozen in place and completely at her mercy, while Nica remained calm above her, seemingly content to torment her.
"Nica -" Tiffany began, her voice shaky, only to be stopped by Nica who placed a finger to Tiffany's lips. "Shhhhh," Nica whispered, voice rough as she still stared deep into Tiffany's eyes. Tiffany immediately shut her mouth, watching in wonder as Nica gave her a small smile before moving to lift her shirt over her head. Tiffany felt her mouth go dry as more of Nica's skin was revealed to her, sure, she had seen it before, many times in fact, especially when Chucky controlled Nica's body, but this was the first time that it was Nica who was showing herself to her, unabashedly and with confidence.
When Nica tossed her shirt aside and looked back at Tiffany, she started to fidget under the woman's piercing gaze, and for a moment, Nica thought she could see green shining through the grown eyes of the woman below her. She wasn't sure why she was suddenly feeling self conscious (okay maybe she did know why, but still she would rather not remember those moments from her past right now, thank you very much), but all worries disappeared as Tiffany spoke.
"You're so beautiful." Tiffany said in awe, daring to move her hands to rest on Nica's waist, half expecting Nica to shove her away. But Nica didn't shy away from Tiffany's touch, and seemed to melt beneath it as her face turned scarlet, giving Tiffany a burst of confidence. She let one of her hands slowly move up over Nica's ribs and over the sides of her blue lace bra, with the goal being to cradle Nica's neck and pull her down for a kiss. Before she could do that however, Nica grabbed both of Tiffany's hands and raised them above her on the pillows, a grin lighting up her face in an almost manic way, making Tiffany's heart race faster.
"Not so fast Ms Valentine," Nica's eyes glittered dangerously, and Tiffany, who had been holding her breath under Nica's intense stare, felt herself freeze as her brain finally caught the name Nica used.
Suddenly, Tiffany's mind was abuzz with panic as she realized that not only had Nica used her real last name, but she had also called her by her first name more than once, and Tiffany had been too distracted by the comfortable weight of Nica's body on top of hers to notice.
Nica noticed the change in Tiffany's eyes, and her grip on Tiffany's hands tightened, feeling a sense of power and delight at the small glimmer of fear that flashed in Tiffany's eyes at the action.
"How did you figure it out?" Tiffany whispered.
Nica raised her eyebrows, as if amused that that's what Tiffany is asking in that moment. "You called me Sweetface. No one but you had ever said that."
"Nica-" Tiffany began but Nica cut her off. "Wanna hear a secret Tiffany?" Moving slowly, Tiffany shakily nodded, "s-sure."
Nica shifted on top of Tiffany, leaning down to whisper in Tiffany's ear, "I'm not gonna kill you."
Tiffany's lip trembled, "you're not?" Her question came out in a breathy whisper and a small glimmer of hope sparked in her eyes.
"No." Nica said, leaning back to look Tiffany in the face, "I think I'm gonna keep you right here."
Tiffany knew she should still feel fear, especially given everything she and Chucky had put Nica- through, but instead she felt a thrill at Nica's words, warmth spreading from her cheeks to her toes.
"Why?" The words slip past her lips before she can stop them.
Nica smiled. "Because, I Like You Better here than if you were dead." She used her other hand to gently brush Tiffany's cheek.
"I admit that at first, when I realized that it was you, I had it all planned out. I was gonna lure you here," Nica released Tiffany's hands and used the hand that had been holding them to pull herself prop herself up so she could hover over Tiffany's face. "I was gonna torture you, slowly, and just before you would lose consciousness, I would stop. This would repeat everyday for however long I wanted, making you wish death would finally free you from me." She continued conversationally.
Tiffany was flushed as she listened to Nica, a fire burning deep in the pit of her belly as Nica told her all the ways she would've tortured and killed her. Nica licked her lips and smirked as Tiffany's eyes followed the motion, not seeing the look of self satisfaction in Nica's eyes as she watched Tiffany lick her own lips subconsciously.
Settling herself fully on top of Tiffany, feeling the silky fabric of Tiffany's dress against her exposed stomach, Nica brushed her thumb over Tiffany's bottom lip as she continued speaking. "When you finally accepted that this was your life now, that's when I would finally kill you, in the most painful way I could think of." Tiffany's lips parted, her eyes burning into Nica's as she moved her head slightly so Nica's finger slipped into her mouth.
Nica felt the smirk fall from her lips as the heat that pooled inside her lit up like a live wire. Time seemed to slow as the two women stared at one another, and then sped into overdrive as Tiffany, who had not moved her hands from their position over her head despite Nica releasing her, grabbed onto Nica and in one swift movement flipped them as she crashed her lips against Nica's.
She swallowed Nica's gasp of surprise, using the opportunity to slip her tongue into her mouth, hands moving to cradle Nica's face in a far more gentle way than the aggressive nature of their kiss. "Take this off." Nica growled as they separated briefly, her hands moving to tug at the bottom of Tiffany's dress. Tiffany was all too happy to do so, quickly pulling the offending fabric up her body before tossing it somewhere to the side as Nica recaptured her lips.
Despite all the horrors that surrounded their past together, Nica and Tiffany had a whole future ahead of them, admittedly most of it would be spent in Nica's apartment, but neither seemed to mind.
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bushwskq · 5 months ago
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Father Charlie Mayhew x witch!reader
cw: 18+
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So what should I say? Well this is my first fanfic on Tumblr and English is not my first language. Thanks Google Translate. This one-shot came from a girl in great need of Nicholas Chavez, I kindly ask that you please forgive the mistakes. As soon as I can I will write the second part with more about Father Charlie, this is just the introduction...
I wrote it listening to Tear You Apart and Seven Wonders
Thank you for your attention!
You thought you had everything under control when you moved to this small town. Away from family or acquaintances that you had no desire to see again with a comfortable home decorated in your own special way. You were given the title of exotic by the residents of the place, they didn't seem like they would throw you into the fire like the witches of Salem but you knew that some were afraid of you even if you didn't show magic in public.
Your always black clothes didn't go unnoticed although no one ever said anything directly to you, you wore extravagant necklaces from time to time but what you kept around your neck was often a pentagram and a cross that reflected every movement you made. Walking calmly with a lit cigarette between your fingers, you observed the crowd of people entering the city's main church. You weren't able to determine which audience that place attracted because they ranged from children to old women marked by time.
For a moment you considered going into the crowd, it had been so long since you stepped foot in a Catholic place and memories of your childhood flashed through your mind. You weren't going home anytime soon, there was nothing stopping you from getting in other than your mind. You knew that sermons about sin wouldn't make you change your beliefs, you found help by practicing witchcraft (or what people called the practices you practiced) your relationship with magic was something different from anything you knew and you felt welcomed worshiping their own gods.
You remembered your first mentor, she taught you the basis of everything you know, helping you deal with your complicated feelings during this process. Respect although resentment about the religions that condemned your existence was always present in you. Taking a deep breath while looking around, you crossed the street towards the church without thinking. You stubbed out your cigarette on the sidewalk then took a deep breath until you walked up the stairs.
The church was big, the first thing you thought of was the large tithe they earned on the faithful. You looked for a pew, sitting down at the end then a few minutes later the mass started, it was everything the way you remembered it. Except for one thing.
The priest was too handsome to be a priest, you thought, the man must have been a few years older than you. His hair was perfectly combed back to highlight his chiseled face, his jaw clenched as he waited to speak. You quickly realized that the young women didn't come just because of the Lord's word. The mass continued while the pentagram on your chest weighed as if saying you were in the wrong place, the priest's firm voice walked through the church with its hoarse timbre. You would definitely be lying if you said you weren't attracted to the man.
“What’s his name?” You shyly asked a nun sitting in the front seat. “Fa-father Charlie Mayhew.” The woman responded with a small smile before turning her attention to the lectern. You thanked him politely as you stared at the man, you knew his name now. Father Charlie Mayhew You recited in your mind as the mass continued.
You couldn't take your eyes off that pretty face, in disbelief that someone so young had chosen this vocation. You didn't hear anything until he spoke then it stopped again like a cycle, even with the clothes on you could tell that his body was defined as the outline of his muscles could still be seen. Then he looked at you, you thought about avoiding it but it was too late. Caught like a naughty child doing something he shouldn't, you kept looking until he looked away. You smiled internally.
The hours passed towards the end of the celebration, many people headed towards the exit but not you. Never going with the flow of things you began to explore the church, observing the colorful stained glass windows and the pattern of lit candles. In your peripheral vision you saw Father Charlie talking to a couple, his voice was relaxed although he still maintained his posture.
You stopped at another stained glass window, your eyes attentive to the details. “You’re new here, aren’t you?” Father Charlie asked standing next to you, you could smell him and it almost made you fall over. “The church is not used to a new face.” He said, his clear voice leaving you quiet for a moment before he began “I recently moved to the city, Father. In fact, this is the first church I’ve been to in a long time.” His voice doesn't show shame like other people do when they talk to Charlie.
Sometimes intimidated by the man's posture or beauty.“I'm glad to hear that.” you could see the sincerity in his words although he tried to hide something. “Know that the church is open to welcome you, dear.” Charlie approached, turning his face to him: “God has ways of rescuing his lost children to salvation. No matter what circumstance.”
His gaze dropped to your chest where the pentagram rested somewhat hidden by your clothes. His heavy hand touched the necklace with a little force. “The confessional is open on Wednesdays. If you are interested, I will be waiting for you.” He left without looking back, leaving you uneasy as you watched him.
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salamander-spark · 7 months ago
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My first fanfic! I'm proud of it even if it's a little rushed. I barely managed to get it out within the day. Tomorrow's prompt might just be a drawing.
Day 1:
Hug/Cabin 7/Shapeshifter
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Fic below:
TW: very brief depiction of a panic attack, description of nightmare.
It had been a month since Vee's mom and sister came back from the boiling isles.
The stress Vee felt the few days it took for the return was immeasurable. A worry for her family took root in the back of her mind, it made sleep nearly impossible, and gave her nightmares.
Waiting for months, no contact, no words, no way of knowing if they are alive. No magic. She'd be found out, spreding herself too thin with Camila and Luz's responsibilities, inevitably slipping up. People from the town gazing upon her demonic form. The eyes of Belos's monsterous form looming behind everyone. her family, Luz's friends all dead they couldn't stop him THEY COULDN'T COME HOME THEY WERE DEAD HE KILLED THE —
In the present, Vee shook her head to dispel the images her imagination made. She remembers the dreams vividly, still occasionally seeing them in her sleep.
The week following their return, she found the pamphet Masha handed her. Blushing (But NOT because she remembers making a fool of herself in front of them), she decided it was time to take up their offer. 
And it turned out AMAZING, Masha's gradoise flair really fitting the tour guide gig. It was just like back at Cabin seven when They waxed poeticly about the many pagen dieties and what they did. 
Vee kept up with Masha's narration, interjecting questions when she thought of them, keeping the conversation flowing. Vee told Masha about herself, and Masha shared stories about their friends. An aching Vee didn’t realize she had in her heart began to fade talking to her friend after so long, but only slightly.
Masha didn't know that she knew them. For all they knew, they were talking to a complete stranger. The person they talked to couldn't possibly be the shy, anxious girl they shared a cabin with. She couldn't be the friend they helped bring out of her shell, who looked at all things mundane with innocent wonder. She wasn't Luz Noceda.
The insecurity persisted, became even bigger after Masha invited Vee to hang out with their friends. Diego, the tall, relaxed boy who let his hair fall onto his face and probably had a million zits on his forhead. Samantha; or rather Sam, who had a love for video games and anime, and rambled about them to the captivated audience of her friends. 
Neither of them knew her as Vee either. It was awkward, but managable, getting to know them a second time. She noticed that they were each more comfortable in conversation than when they were back at camp. They were all less reluctant to share the information about themselves that took them weeks to share at camp. Vee supposed she was also more confident, staying in a cabin with each other must have been to thank for that.
She didn't know how long she could keep lying to them, for her own sanity.
"Say," Masha began, "What about those kids you were hanging out with? They're your other friends, right?" 
Vee, lying belly down looked up from the Cosmic frontier book she was reading. "Huh? She got so invested in the plot it took her brain a while to process Masha's question. 
"Y'know, at the historical society, right before Halloween," Masha clarified. "You guys asked me about that rebus remember? That one kid was going on like, 'Grahh chop off my ear' or something," Masha giggled. 
Oh. Luz's friends. Vee knew the witches also considered her part of the group, but it was easier thinking of them as her sister's friend group.
Wait... They didn't have a proper cover story! Vee was terrible at lying on the fly, but she needed to start talking now!
"O- OH YEAH, that was Gus. H-hes pretty fun. Then theres uhhh, Amity with the pink hair, Willow had glasses, and... oh yeah Hunter too but he was at our home that day." Vee needed to stall so she could come up with something.
"Is he The Blond cosmic frontier fan?" Masha asked, which confused Vee.
"When did you see him? I don't remember him going to your job after we left."
"No, I actually saw them at the haunted hayride! oh, I guess I only told you two-" Masha points two fingers at Sam and Diego respectively "-about that since you weren't hanging out with us back then. Whoops~"
Suddenly, Diego piped up. "Wait, you said 'Our' Home. So they like, live at your place or something"  
"Uhhhh well... you see." Think of something Vee, just spit it out. "Foreign excange students?" she thought out loud. "-From out of state not another country!" she amended in a panic.
"O–kay?" Sam raised her eyebrow "I've never seen them at school before, and you know I watch people like a hawk." It was true, back at camp, Sam compiled a list of the campers from other cabins activities in order to know who to watch out for. 
It wasn't a skill she thought would be used agsinst her.
"Well, There are other schools in the area you know? I think they went to, yknow..." She didn't know the names of any other high schools. "...Not Gravesfield high?" She finished with a shrug. And also, they went back to their own rea-" DONT SAY REALM "TOWN like, right after Halloween, so yeah, that's why you've never seen 'em" She finished with a shrug and a manic chuckle.
How did she keep this up for thee months straight? She must've lost her touch. Then again, she considered not having to lie as a good thing.
"Sure, I'll accept that." Sam relented.
"Hold up, am I missing something, or does that like. Not make sense." Diego once again came in with his terribly timed questions. "Cause like, you said they lived in your house, why wouldn't they go to the same school?" How is he so perceptive!? It must be because he doesn't devote much energy into responding so he can listen better.
Masha put a hand on her shoulder "Hey, sorry about him Vee, if theres something you don't want to tell us, you don't have to." assured Masha. "We didn't mean to push so far." Masha turns toward the offender, "Diego." They enunciate.
Vee didn't her most of what Masha said. Where Masha tried to reassure her, Vee only heard an accusation. 'something you don't want to tell us' sounded more like 'You're hiding something, aren't you Vee.' And what did that last part mean? Could they tell she was panicking? WHY DID THEY SOUND ANGRY?
They'reGoingToForce AnswersOutOfmeNobodyTrustsMe-
Everything turned blurry, she was hyper aware of all the sounds of the room closing in on her. Her heartbeat was in her ears, everyones voices blended into a cocophony She needed to get away She's clammy and very sweaty-
It's queit, what changed, is there still danger?
She heard breathing, not her own, someone elses, not her own, and it makes her realize how quick she's breathing. She tries to slow down, matching the pace of the other person. 
When she finally steadied herself (it felt like several minutes but also less than one) She opened her eyes (They were closed?) and sees Masha sitting on her knees on the bed in front of her (She doesn't remember getting into this corner). They continued to demonstrate the breathing exercise, which they also did with their hands.
Vee thinks she remembers something like this happening at camp, but isn't sure right now. Masha gestured their hands out wide, clearly asking if it was okay if they could give a hug. 
You don't deserve one, her brain tells her. No, she shakes her hehead.
Masha sits with her, and they both breath. Such a simple act, filled with so much understanding. You doesn't deserve Masha. 
She's now aware enough to know how mean she's being to herself. She spots her other friends sitting in the middle of the room, Dego on the floor while Samantha sits in the desk chair. She gives a meek wave and they wave back without keeping eye contact. They look ashamed, Masha must've given them a talking to.
"Hi guys, sorry you had to see that," she knew she shouldn't be apologizing, but this whole situation never would've happened if she was truthful from the beginning. 
"No Vee, this wasn't your fault." Says Masha
Sam adds in "We're sorry. Diego said he should've realised before he asked that. And I'm sorry for getting so uptight about answers." Sam makes eye contact at the end, though it almost looks like she's scrutinizing Vee's face-
-She spins to look at the mirror and sees a splotchy mess of skin on her face. One could confuse it for vitiligo -a skin condition she learned some humans have- if not for the fact her face was previously a single solid shade of brown. 
Her hair is now completely blue, and a bit shorter, exposing her ears in their full glory. They must've been flapping like crazy during her panic attack.
Her sclera was blue, and took on the glossy sheen of an amphibious creature. 
None of those are human traits.
Her head snaps back towards Masha, cringing while waiting for a reaction.
"So..." They began. "I um. I like your ears?" They clerly want to say more, but refrains to be polite. "Once again, I don't wanna force you to answer. I've just got a lotta theories in my noggin right now and I would like to know the truth. But again, no pressure. Whetever the truth is, I'll try not to react badly." They finished by putting their hands up and smiling. 
Both looked at their friends who nodded. "Hey I'm cool with you being a shape-changing spirit, or some cryptid, or whatever you are. Again, I'm sorry." Sam smiles.
Diego nods and says "Ditto, what she said."
"And if you're not ready right now, we trust you. We just want you to be comfortable with us. You can talk later
Now was the time to come clean to her friends. It wasn't because she was backed into a corner. They let her keep her secrets if she really needed too.
Her eyes tear up, and the tears wetted her cheek. They trust her.
Hopefully they stayed true to their words. Here goes nothing.
"Um, Let me tell you about a place called the Boiling Isles"
She shapeshifts into her true skin for the first time in their presence.
Sam fellbackwards off her chair while Diego simply said "woah." After squeaking in a high pitch, Masha just stared, taking in the details of her true for  from her tail to her hair.
She could’ve eased the group in better, could've given them a better idea of what to expect. But flowery speeches were Luz’s deal, and Vee wanted to rip off the bandaid.
She hoped they  would share Mom and Luz's opinions on how non-threatening she looked. Masha looked far from disgusted at least, but she had no idea what was on Diego's mind.
Sam lifted her chair to defend herself, before realizing how it looked and set it down. Vee only now remembered Sam has a fear of snakes, Ophidiophobia if she's correct. 
She considered apologizing, but decided against it, given this whole thing was mostly Sam's fault. She could be petty, she deserves it. She's definitely getting around to it later though.
they let her explain herself in full, with no interruptions. She told them about the titan, demon and witches. She wasn't quite ready to tell them how she was born, but she told them she pretended to be Luz for the summer.
Everyone's eyes grew wide at the admission, and it looked like they had something to say. Then they looked in her eyes and she gave a look that said she never wanted to hurt them.
She didn't expect them to start joking around so quickly after several earth shattering revelations, but she could tell that they wanted to lighten the mood before discussing them.
They were also being super frustrating about the cute comments.
“I'm not cute. Luz calls everything cute, like. Possums, for one.” She scrunches her face, “and she didn't even bat an eye at a bunch of talking rats!” 
“Your face looks like a cat,” says Diego, his mouth curved in an uncharacteristicly mischievous grin. “But like, a bald cat that fell in a can of green paint.” He teases. 
"Hey, you up for that hug yet, Vee?" Masha smiled that pretty gap toothed smile, and Vee felt her resolve shatter. 
"Y'know what? yeah. I could use one." Vee agreed.
"Want to make it four?" They asked, to which Vee nodded.
Vee tightly hugged Masha, and they embraced. With Vees hace in the crook of their neck, she wrapped her tail around Diego who had moved behind her. "Sweet" he simply remarked.
Masha looked at where Sam sat crisscrosed, hand hovering over Vee's tail hesitsntly. "Hey, you know she's not slimy, right?" Masha indignantly asked. "She's also warmer than I expected, she barely even feels like a snake. More like what I imagine a dragon would be like." Masha blinked "Can you turn into a dragon?" Masha almost shouted.
Vee shrugged, Sam insisted "But do I have to?"
"Yeah, get over here dummy!" Vee wrapps the end of her tail around Sam's midsection. Vee thinks she looks a bit pale.
"Geez it must be 'everybody bully Sam hour' today! Really, I'm still sorry," Sam defends. 
"You were a jerk, you owe me something expensive!"
Diego and Masha laughed at Sams expression, Vee leans deeper into Masha's hug. 
"You okay Vee-Vee?" masha softly asks.
"Yeah," Vee looks around at her friends. getting an idea.
"Cabin seven!"
"HOO HAA HAA!" chorused four voices
"I love you guys." whispered the shapeshifter amongst her closest friends.
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victoriadallonfan · 1 month ago
Fanfic I Will Never Write: DC Trinity in A Song of Ice and Fire
House Wayne was an old family with nebulous connections to the Wents, prosperous and fair to their smallfolk by all accounts. Everything changed when Robert's Rebellion hit Westeros, splitting the seven kingdoms apart.
Wanting to ensure loyalty, Aerys had several boys of noble houses under his "protection" to ensure total loyalty, trapping Bryce Wayne in a cell filled with bats. When the Lannisters betrayed the Targaryens and attacked King's Landing, most of the Waynes and their servants were slaughtered, barring their wily Maester Alfrick.
Bryce of House Wayne became an orphan after this, his house diminished in standing from Lord to Knighted, a dark boy under the bright family sigil of a robin escaping a well.
He would never forget the injustice he experienced under the Targaryens, the Lannisters, and many Houses after the rebellion.
Bryce would grow over the years, training under Maester Alfrick and the eccentric Maester Lucious in all manners of skills and tinkering, but he needed more. He would travel to Essos, studying the ways of alchemy, assassination, and more, earning his chains (if unofficially).
His association with Talya, a mysterious assassin turned witch-advisor, would spur him into using the fear of "supernatural" tricks to his gain.
He would also, however, learn that his skills and mortality limit what he aspires toward. He is but one man, if a skilled one, and the seven kingdom needs more than one dark knight.
They need the myth, the terror of the Batman.
And so, he creates him.
Or rather, them.
Batmen he recruits from Essos and Westeros, trained by and with himself, each with their own specialties. A small organization of war orphans he rescued are trained as the Robins (in remembrance of his family sigil), led by Bryce's natural born son, and work with networks of forgotten and overlooked children/homeless to establish spy networks and uncover rumors of corruption.
Where the Robins focus on filtering out the corrupt systems within smallfolk communities, the Batmen hunt and terrify the nobility, focusing on humiliating them publicly or revealing their dark secrets to the world.
The Dark Knight, Vengeance, Batman appears everywhere and nowhere, with Bryce Wayne at its cowled helm of power.
(Plausible side characters to include: (Wo)Man-Bat via a Went controlling bats, the Red Hood as a rival vigilante, Prometheus aka The Smith as a man who seems to have found a cache of Valyrian armor and trinkets, Court of Owls/League of Shadows for obvious reasons)
Wonder Woman:
When Lady Nymeria settled onto Westeros, not all of her ships survived the trip. One particular brutal instance had a hundred ships taken by a violent storm, assailed by Krakens due to the many, many who drowned.
What was once thought lost to the cruelty of nature and gods, instead found refuge on a small island hidden by the storm! These refugees of Nymeria's legion were quick to found their home, Rhoyneria, and grow their own warrior culture.
The current Queen of Rhoyneria was unfortunately unable to produce an heir, and there had been growing suspicion that her husband was gathering support to depose her. Praying by the river to old gods of her ancestors, in her grief, she sculpted a child from the river clay.
It was much to her shock - and to the Kingdom as a whole - she returned with a living, breathing infant. A miracle of the gods, she was proclaimed, and named Dyanna heir to Rhoyneria.
It became clear to all that Dyanna was not that of a normal child: faster, stronger, more analytical than her age would present, and a strong sense of justice. She was the darling of the people.
But not to everyone. Some feared her power, feared that she was not truly human, but some demon in disguise. The Queen's father hated her for not being a true heir and stoked these flames, knowing his wife loved him too much to see past his pleasant exterior.
It is no surprise really that civil war broke out and Diana was left with a ruined kingdom in flames, her mother dead, and father fleeing with his loyalists to parts unknown (though she would assume he died trying to escape the storm). She would have died alone on that island, had not a Sword Dancer by the name of Trevyr wash up ashore with a small ship many years later, rescued by Dyanna.
Nursing him back to health, they bonded and learned of each other's worlds, and it seemed providence found her: Her father had become an infamous pirate and slaver, haunting the seas.
Fueled by the injustice, Dyanna vowed to assist Trevyr is getting back home, and armed herself with the remnants of the Queen's armored attire: Old Valyrian bracers and tiara, Rhoynar breastplate and pyterges, and a lasso blessed to strike true of any target she aims at according to legend.
As she escapes her island and encounters the world beyond, Dyanna earns her reputation battling against the many pirates of Essos and Westeros, freeing slaves and raiding Slavers Bay, and always hunting for her father no matter where he flees.
(Plausible side characters to include: Ares working through priests of old war gods, Cheetah as a warg user, Giganta as a female giant raider)
Valyria was dying.
The Targaryen's had foreseen that much and fled some time ago, mocked by their peers and betters for their cowardice. No one paid mind to their prophecies, especially not one that could not be replicated by other Blood Mages.
One family, who's surviving name exists in recovered manuscripts only as the -el-, learned the truth. Alchemists who worked within the fires and oversaw the labors of hell, and realized too late what would happen.
Valyria was doomed.
In a panic, they worked to finalize their experiments, the ultimate bond between man and dragon. A hint of promise that existed only in the miscarriages of Valyria. Something more than a mere dragon rider... in theory.
An egg larger than the average dragon's. The culmination of Valyria's might, that they would take with them as they fled to other islands.
Intelligent, brilliant, but not enough. Not nearly enough to accurately predict the Doom.
They did not notice oblivion when it struck them, as a mercy. They were wiped out in moments.
The egg and its protective case, however, was not. Time in this Doom of Valyria, did not flow like a river, but rather a scorching eruption of ash; no control.
All that is to say, a young farming couple on the coast of the Westerlands happened upon a glistening, red hot container on the shore nearly 300 years later. Within that container was parchment paper of Old Valyrian quality, some regal gowns, and shells of an egg... with a wailing child inside.
Decades later, raised under the demure and softspoken Kents, Clarkwell found his life turned upside down when a small fire nearly killed the stable girl he befriended. He leapt into the flames, screaming as beams fell around him, fear for his friend pushing past his own.
When he pulled her from the fire, she was lightly burned and unconscious, but otherwise safe. Clarkwell, however, had changed.
His flesh had hardened, alternating sapphire, ruby red, and gold scales prickling atop his body. His fingers ended in gnarled claws, his eyes could see the heat of his friend's body... and as he fled in horror, fear, and awe, the last of his flaming shirt coming apart, long blood-red wings unfolded from his back.
Terror slowly crept to curiosity and then to wonder as he leapt, gliding through the air with the help of legs far more powerful than a mortal mans. His bellowing laugh let out a gout of fire.
He was found by his parents in the stable as the scales slowly sloughed off, mouth smoking, and any fears of what they'd say were quashed by their embrace (with a touch of sting from heat). They explained to him his true origins, the remnants of the parchment, and regal gowns of silver and black.
It didn't matter. He had his family here now. And it wouldn't be likely that he'd ever take this draconic form again.
Three weeks later, a group of traveling men - many would claim to be underlings of the infamous Mountain that Rides - would sack village that Clarkwell happened to be passing through, setting it ablaze to blame on bandits (technically correct).
From the fire of a burning field leapt Clarkwell, almost birdlike as he glided over the monstrous men, before landing between them and the remaining survivors.
Clarkwell winced at the blades and maces that hit him, but they did not break his scales. Metal armor tried and failed to resist his claws and he picked up and threw men aside. Horses were too slow for his legs and wings. He rounded them up, binding them with iron that he welded with his fiery breath, and left them to the people of the village.
This would not be the last time that he would need to take on the identity of the Dragon Man
(Plausible side characters to include: Lex Luthor as a Maester who hates magic and dragons, Doomsday as a Valyrian mutant that later washes ashore elsewhere, Steel as a blacksmith that builds a suit of armor based on the remnants of valyrian armor)
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 11 months ago
The Current event makes me smile since it kind of confirms a headcanon I had that the Great Seven have animated movies based on them. Makes me wonder about the plot of the movies
Disney should get on the Twisted Wonderland AU Animated Remakes. What is Ursula was a good witch, what if Scar was right to take the throne and did he take it from Mufasa? (Or whoever is the stand in for him)
The Evil/Beautiful Queen...actually GOOD?
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Yeah, it makes sense! Since the Great Seven are historical figures and the stuff of legends, surely there would be popular media made in their image. It’s like how the Disney fairy tales borrow from stories in the public domain or how there are historical retellings and reinventions (Hamilton, anyone?).
I believe TWST has mentioned films based on their own stories and history before too, but purely in the animated sense rather than live action. In book 3, Ace and one of the Atlantica Museum guards talk about an animated movie based on the tale of the mermaid princess and her prince; this movie is said to have come out ~30 years ago, which corresponds with Disney’s animated The Little Mermaid. Ace compliments the movie’s soundtrack too way to stroke your own ego, Disney/j.
Later on in Tapis Rouge, the characters discuss other films based on the Great Seven, including one Queen of Hearts movie. A Sea Witch movie is also mentioned; in it, she “goes gigantic” and also sings as she brews potions. The Octatrio quite enjoy this particular film.
(Side note: Another anon once suggested to me that people probably also write fanfics of Neige and Vil since they’re celebrities
 Think like “My mom sold me to One Direction?!” Wattpad kinds of fics, but replace One Direction with Vil or something. You can read those post here!)
 interesting this event specifically has Vil promoting a live action adaption of an in-universe animated film about the Beautiful Queen—an animated film which was the first full-color animated movie AND it originally released close to 90 years ago. They also reference the funding issues that Disney suffered while producing Snow White + inviting bank employees in to preview the movie to acquire more investments, stating that the studio that made the animated Beautiful Queen experienced the same. The in-game live action is even slated to come out “NEXT YEAR”. They’re not being subtle here with TWST’s references to their own version of the irl Disney Snow White (the live action is coming out in 2025, the OG is also almost 90 years old, etc.). I wonder if the EN server will actually get Tapis Rouge around the time of the irl release of Disney’s live action Snow White as part of a promotional campaign? 😂
UPDATE: There are even more not-so-subtle references to Disney animations in part 4 of the event, including discussion of cel animation, rotoscoping, adding blush to the characters, and how Disney brought in real animals/observed the “real thing” to help with animating similar scenes or subjects. They also cheekily say that most animation nowadays is CG 💀
I know some books under Disney publishing try to show alternate tellings or show the villains in a more sympathetic light, but I don’t know that they would ever commit to fully animating a film like that. It definitely would not happen in the style of traditional animation, Disney no longer seems well-equipped to handle that task 😔 I feel like it would also be pretty niche or might not get overwhelming positive reception with recent audience calls for “true bad guys” instead of twist or sympathetic villains (though I’m not sure what percentage of people watching Disney actually have this opinion).
I do wonder how those “AU” films would work though
? It wouldn’t be as simple as suddenly turning the G7 into “good guys”. The scenario and other characters would also have to drastically change. TWST doesn’t necessarily make the original “good guys” “bad” in a world where the villains are historical figures; we still hear plenty of positive or neutral stories about the achievements of the mermaid princess and other Disney heroes.
There are also times when the same story diverges into multiple separate stories that seemingly have no connection to one another. For example, there is a story where a princess marries a street rat (clearly referencing Aladdin) and they live happily ever after in spite of the difference in their social statuses. However, there simultaneously exists a story in which the Sorcerer of the Sands saves a princess from being deceived by a fake prince (also referencing Aladdin). The same goes for the mermaid princess (Ariel)—there is both a story referring to a “mermaid princess” who married a human prince and also a different story (clearly still pulled from the same film) about a mermaid who made a deal with the Sea Witch to find true love but broke her contract in the end.
Very cool idea, just not sure where it would lead or it it’s feasible or worth it monetarily for Disney.
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dinogoofymutated · 6 months ago
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Happy halloween everybody!!!!
Well, Happy early halloween, that is! I hope everyone is having a good day! As some of you know, I'm choosing to celebrate my 1000 follower celebration in the incoming months!! (well, technically like 1300 right now, I'm a little late 😭) I'm doing something especially special for this event, and I'll be letting all of you guys customise your fics!!
So the way this is going to work will be fairly simple. I will be writing these fics exclusively in the incoming months due to the fact I've been extra short on time lately, Overall, I will be posting four customised x-men fics in the month of October (once every week) Plus a special guest appearance on halloween day!
Sounds good, right? Well, you might be wondering, "Goofy, how in the world are these customisable?" And let me tell you!!! I will be creating seven writing prompts for all of you to choose from! The first three fics will all have two prompts per poll, with the winning prompt being the one used for that fic in particular!
But don't worry if the prompt you voted for doesn't win, it won't be lost to fanfic limbo completely! The fourth fic in october will have four prompts to choose from, the three losers + a brand new prompt! That way each of the losers gets a chance at redemption!
Once a prompt is selected, I will then create another poll to choose what character will be chosen for that fic! Not every character in X-men will be on every single poll, as candidates will be chosen by prompt compatibility. Once a character is selected, there's also a chance I will create a third and final poll choosing what sort of halloweeny character they should be!
These polls will be posted in the weeks leading up to october, with my hope being that I will have them all finished before october actually starts. I'm very excited to do this with Y'all, as I definitely have not done an event like this before!! Y'all better help me stick to it!
(Also, I have most of the characters I plan to put in the polls in the tags, but if you have someone in mind and want them to be considered as a candidate, please reblog, reply, or send me an ask!)
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Poll 1: Haunted Mansion vs. Hocus Pocus!
Prompt one: Haunted Mansion
You've recently moved into an old, spooky mansion that your great-aunt left you in her will. It's been uninhabited for years but is strangely well-kept. You're sure you live here alone, but every once in a while you can't shake the feeling of being watched

Prompt two: Hocus Pocus
You've been working at the Harkness museum of witchery for about six months now. One night after you get off of work, you decide to take a walk through the graveyard across the street to look at the stones. You find a very strange cat stuck in a trap in the process, and let the poor thing out. Turns out, he's not actually a cat at all, but working at a witch museum has its perks, and you find yourself helping the kitty regain it's true form!
Winning selection: Haunted Mansion!
Character poll:
Candidates: Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, Cyclops,
Winning selection: Nightcrawler!
Full fic Here!
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Poll 2: Howling vs. Bloody halloween
Prompt Three: Howling
Something has been spotted in the woods behind your house. You don’t believe any of the bullshit all these reporters and wannabe horror vloggers are pushing, all you know is that you really want them off your land. Until you have a personal encounter with this creature, that is. What is the thing that has seemingly moved into your neck of the woods, and does it have anything to do with your new neighbor?
Prompt Four: Bloody Halloween
A bat flies through your window one night, and although you're dreadfully afraid of rabies and scared to touch the little thing, it's in really bad shape and you can't stand by and just let it die. You spend the next few days nursing the little guy back to health, when one day he up and disappears. The next night you go out with your friends, and feel like you keep seeing a familiar pair of eyes in the crowd.
Winning selection: Bloody Halloween!
Character poll:
Candidates: Gambit, Quicksilver.
Winning selection: Gambit!
Full fic here!
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Poll 3: Season of the Witch vs. Halloween town!
Prompt Five: Season of the Witch
You’ve always considered the rumors about your family’s witchy and magical past to be fictional, absolute nonsense. Well, you did, until you found yourself accidentally bound to someone who’s more or less your familiar. Neither of you particularly wants this, so you focus on whatever magical skills you managed to inherit on breaking the bond- but is that really what you want?
Prompt Six: Halloweentown
You've won the title of best pumpkin carver for the past five Halloweens, which is a big deal in Halloween town! The Sixth year rolls around, and you're determined to keep your title. Until some dude accidentally smashes your masterpiece mere steps from the festival. You make him swear to you he'd make up for it next year. You've almost forgotten about it when the end of August rolls around, only to find him right at your doorstep.
Winning Selection: Season of the Witch!
Character Poll:
Candidates: Angel, Morph, Quicksilver.
Winning selection: Morph!
Full fic here!
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Poll 4: Redemption round
This poll was a chance for the losers to win, and one fresh prompt to round them out
Prompt 8: Practical Magic
You recently found out that your family is cursed for any man you love to die. You’re devastated when you find this out the day after you realize you’re deeply in love, and make it your mission to keep your boyfriend alive. Shenanigans and ridiculous conflicts ensue, and after a very long couple of weeks- He reveals to you that he’s been immortal the whole time.
Winner: Practical Magic!
Character Poll:
Candidates: TBA
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berriesandcherry · 4 months ago
Aegon III Reign Fanfic
Aegon III, King of the Seven Kingdoms, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men
"[...]I will not be led astray by those who think they know what’s best for my throne nor my house”
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Queen Daenaera of House Velaryon, The Little Queen
"How long until she got to feel like she belonged somewhere? How long until she finally has a family? A real one. She just wanted someone who cared, who saved a seat beside them for her, someone who got excited at the prospect of telling her a secret."
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Lady Aemma of House Celtigar, Princess Baela's Head Lady in Waiting, King Aegon III close companion, "The Lady of Steel"
"But remember, the Targaryens have no patience for empty shows.”
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Lady Larra of House Rogare, Prince Viserys' wife, "The Lyseni Witch"
Viserys was not a normal boy, it doesn’t matter how used to living outside of court he is, a dragon can’t play with sheeps without burning them. Salvation and destruction are two sides of a coin, and she wonders, leaving her family out of this, would Viserys’ love save her or destroy her? 
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Prince Viserys of House Targaryen, "The Lost Prince"
"He sighed, he felt as if his chains tying him to the island grew heavier. He liked it here, but it was not home.
He wanted to go home.
He will go home."
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platinumrosetail · 2 years ago
So I’m planning on making two different record of ragnarok books.
One for Buddha x female!reader and the other one a reverse harem.
I only have the Buddha x reader idea so I’ll be putting done some of my ideas for the various one but first I would like to show y’all the Buddha x reader fanfic idea!
The idea is: the reader was the wife to guatama siddhartha otherwise known as Buddha in the future. After her husband left she didn’t really have anything to do in that world so she took her son and left back to her world; the world full of magic almost ever turn you look if you’re able to see the rukh that flows in that world. After the battle with the medium she and her son were summoned and meet with two Valkyrie sisters; brunhilde, and göll. The reader joined in the fight to save humanity even if the humans are from another world.
The reader will be the sibling to Solomon and daughter to David from magi (such a underrated series that needs more seasons 😭)
Now onto the ror male various x F&M!reader ideas!
1: x Pokémon!reader (arceus, Pokémon trainer, or mew) (arceus and mew might have connections with some of the characters as in relation to those specific characters)
2: x genshin impact!reader
3: x atla/lok!reader
4: x one punch man!reader
5: x seven deadly sins!reader
6: x fairy tail!reader (going to need to watch from where I left off from). Vote: 1
7: x naruto!reader
8: x jjk!reader
9: x mha!reader
10: x venom!reader
11: x herobrine!reader
12: x Ben 10!reader
13: x magi!reader (different one from the idea above)
14: x scarlet witch!reader
There were others but I would need to start watching them so I had to leave them out because I have either not watched it entirely or still on the first few episodes though I might add them once I further down the episodes/season if I can (I procrastinate like a lot 😅)
Ways to vote is by commenting, though you can also message me if you want to do that way
So the one with the most vote will be the one I’ll make for the male various fanfic. 😁
Hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!
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thornswoggled · 8 months ago
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my pilot chapter reaction in a nutshell
i really enjoyed this first glimpse into what TAMB might have been, but at the same time im grateful that we didnt get it. its a testament to how strong yamazakis commitment is to crafting a strong and compelling character-focused narrative that we went through seven (!) drafts to get where we're at. this first draft is tonally confused, unsure of its direction, and provides little room to wonder where the story might go from here. its almost perfectly suited to be a one-shot... which might be well and good when youre pitching ideas to a publisher, but feels strange compared to the long and winding narrative of character progression we currently have
so the initial backstory for chise being sold is a lot weaker. reads like a fanfic trope, feels like a "my mom sold me to one direction" story. i think its more important for chise to have put herself into a stupidly dangerous situation of her own accord - one day id like chise to fully appreciate the gravity of auctioning herself, seeing as she has only enough shame about it to avoid telling her peers. theres little room for speculation for this chise, who is sold to a loan shark to pay off debt. how does a japanese loan shark get in touch with a british mage, anyway?
this chise feels like... how should i put it? you know in middle school, those chapter books you would read about sassy girls going to like, vampire school and stuff? do you get what im going for here? shes sort of like that. she feels like the protagonist of a young adult novel series called something like "High School SUCKS đŸ©žđŸ§›â€â™‚ïž... Volume One of the KNIFE to Meet You Chronicles 😈😈😈"
we also see that chise is enrolled almost immediately in the college. first, let me say that i love this proto-isaac we got here. i can only imagine yamazaki decided it was too troublesome to draw, or just felt out of place. which is a shame, because i like isaac quite a bit and i didnt pay him much mind when the college arc was first coming out because his design is such a nothing burger:
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just as in the final story, chise is the odd one out at school - a witch attending classes for alchemists. but because she wasnt a sleigh beggy in this version (yamazaki says in interviews in the same book that chise went through a few different versions of what made her special, including being a 'specter in human form'), its unclear why shes here. this part is particularly striking to me, because...
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... yes, i dont think you belong there either! because you already have a teacher, and he seems to be teaching you a lot already. more than elias is in the final story, anyway. this chise is competent and already fairly-self assured. is she here only for the social aspect? i do appreciate that elias doesnt trail her to school, but it doesnt mean much given that theres no explicit reason for her to be there
moving on to elias. first of all, yuck:
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thanking god and also jesus that chise doesnt use such deferential terms for elias in the final version. blegh
this elias is uncanny valley. while chise has more attitude and sass in this version, elias makes up for it by being goofier and more amiable. theres still a sense of him being strange and off-putting, but it doesnt seem that this elias is the 'mild-mannered child pretending to be an adult' that yamazaki says our current elias is. i cant imagine chise has much to teach this elias on how to be human - if he struggles with emotions, its harder to tell. which makes sense, given that she also states that her initial draft of elias WAS originally human. i love the way yamazakis loose sketches for these panels end up making him much more expressive:
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he has a sense of humor! can you IMAGINE him trying to make this joke land in the final story. chise would be like (jesse pinkman voice) "............. okay"
i cant help but wonder if, given several more decades of chises influence, maybe elias could somewhat embody this pilot personality
all that said, theres a significant difference in the dynamic between these two, and its that elias has never made any sort of indication that he intends for chise to be his wife:
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i think this is a huge issue, and it provides little room for their relationship to grow in a way that feels compelling. in the final story, chise knows almost immediately what elias expects of her (or... what she THINKS he expects of her... she wont learn that his view of marriage is uninformed til later), and it colors how she regards him. which must be confusing for elias, considering he has little idea of the implication behind his words. elias is just as handsy in this draft as the final, but without the pre-established expectation of "youre gonna be my wife," coupled with elias not necessarily needing chise to teach him how to recognize his own emotions, this becomes a will-they-wont-they student-teacher romance that i frankly have zero interest in. not to yuck any yums but i just dont like that at all
despite it all, the heart of their dynamic still remains the same, and the goal of this series remains the same as the final:
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even with badass punky chise and goofball elias as our protagonists, this is still a story about two people from opposite sides of the planet coming together and acknowledging their growing interest in one another. the desire to understand each other more is still at the core of these two. im just glad it was refined into what we got
and finally...
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badass action girl knife-wielding chise you will always be famous. i love her so bad. thats all
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iwriteasfotini · 5 months ago
For me personally Snape should have been the real fourth member of the Marauders. I know that's crazy as hell. But Peter Pettigrew can go fuck himself( but I guess that's part of the tragedy. All of this could have been avoided if slytherin and gryffindors can mend their broken bond) If James and Sirius became friends with Snape in that train all of of this could have been avoided.
It is part of the tragedy. Petty prejudices and the effect they can play over the long haul. The original books are so Gryffindor biased, I really enjoy fanfics which show the Slytherin perspective and that Slytherin is far from synonymous with evil.
I've always wondered why Hagrid's comment in SS about every witch or wizard who went bad being from Slytherin was included because it is so blatantly incorrect. Sirius for one, who Hagrid knows wasn't a Slytherin yet believes to have betrayed Lily and James. It lays the foundation for mistrust of Slytherins, but then seven books are spent showing how Snape was actually working for good, on the whole.
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bat-in-the-machine · 1 year ago
Fanfic Rec Time!
Every once in a while I go traipsing through the Camilraeda, Veesha, or Titan Luz tags and look for something fun, and almost every time I'm in Camilraeda or Titan Luz, I stumble into "Witches are real, and they make a mean carbonara! (totally not clickbait!)" the second in a trilogy of Titan Luz fics by BAAAAKING, and I am compelled to reread it.
I like it because it's fun to look at a Titan Luz story from the outside. In it, a pair of MewTubers and their film crew head to Gravesfield to debunk a rumor that if you go to the Gravesfield Historical Society and say you want to visit the Boiling Isles, you get taken deep into the woods to a secret cult headquarters.
When they get a guided tour of the Boiling Isles by a nearly seven-foot-tall half-titan woman, they have one of their most successful livestreams ever.
I love this because it's a lighthearted story that gives you a bunch of fun concepts, but mostly just lets the characters be happy and content with each other.
Also the witch who makes a mean carbonara is Raine. In case you're wondering.
The fic is restricted, meaning you'll have to be logged into AO3 to read it, but it's worth it IMO.
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axl-ul · 2 years ago
WIP Introduction: Flight of the Western Crane
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Mystery, Mythological with Fantastical Historical setting, Dark Retelling/FanFiction, Slow Burn Romance
Composition: 27 chapters + epilogue
Rating: R/18+ (includes graphic depictions of violence, blood, mentions of rape/non-consensual intercourse, (attempt of) sexual assault, harsh language)
Series: Part of The Legends of No-man's Land cycle (sort of)
POV: 3rd person (main focus on Sun Wukong)
Protagonist: Sun Wukong
Major characters: Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, MĂĄrgerdra (also a secondary protagonist), Mei, Six-Eared Macaque
Location: wilderness of Yunnan (generally Southern regions of China), Jade Peak (a fabricated city in Southwest China), circa 633 AD
Summary: Sun Wukong, the demon king fallen from grace, tries to lead a reformed life under the teachings of his master Tang Sanzang while fighting off various demons and other misfortunes alongside his junior disciples Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing. However, one day they are bound to escort two important figures to the nearest city. The Princess of the Great Tiger Kingdom and her most loyal advisor who seems to share more than food supplies with the short-tempered Monkey King. While majority of them bicker daily, they fail to notice a pair of keen eyes watching their every step.
A soulless demon rejected by the Heavens and feared by humans. Sun Wukong must prove whether he truly is worthy of obtaining sutras in the west. Will he overcome his pride and bloodlust? Is he able to come to terms with Lady Wolf Witch and help each other in order to protect their beloved ones? Or will they both lead themselves inot inevitable doom?
I try to add a new chapter every month but sometimes it can take two months instead of one, please keep up with my slow tempo. Because this is a monthly release and English isn't my native language, I tend to go back and forth to my older chapters and edit speeling mistakes or rephrasing the sentences so the prose isn't as awkward.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
This story is basically a fanfic/au/retelling of an already existing Chinese classic Journey to the West. I don't want to disrespect such a great story nor its significance to Chinese culture. I simply enjoy reading the story and since I'm a huge fan of world myths/folk stories etc. I wondered what it would look like if these characters met characters from another part of the world or a religion and what their interactions would be like. So, this isn't a completely original story but more of a retelling with a made up parts and 'new' characters and maybe a new setting. I'd like to point out that the fic/retelling also somewhat serves as an explanation on how SWK met these new characters (because they will appear in several works later on).
Taglist, let me know if you'd like to be added: @rubywrite @aohendo @vanessaroades-author
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years ago
Fanfic Idea! (Lucemond, Warning: it's dark)
Aemond was crowned king after defeating Daemon, and he brought Rhaenyra and her son to the throne room, chained and gagged, her last son clinging onto her simple dress, like a boy everyone once knew.
She was forced to watch his crowning, forced to listen to the people cheer for their new king. Then, all of a sudden, he ordered the guards to bring in his new queen.
The crowd looked at the door, perhaps expecting Queen Helaena, his Baratheon betrothed, maybe even the bastard witch of the rumors, Alys. The crowd however, was not expecting to see such a familiar face.
Gasps and whispers filled the throne room when the guards carried in Lucerys Velaryon. He was a vision, wearing a splendid green gown embroidered with dragon scales, his neck adorned with pearls. His eyes were closed, his face pale, his body, limp.
To no one's surprise, Rhaenyra screamed, the sounds muffled by the cloth in between her lips, her eyes following the body of her dead son. The body she couldn't retrieve, no matter how hard she tried, no matter how hard she searched.
Surprisingly, he didn't look like one killed by a dragon. His skin was unmarked by teeth or flame. His body, to everyone's surprise, wasn't decomposing or falling apart. In fact, if they didn't know of the stories, they would have thought he was merely sleeping.
The guards carried the body with extreme care, and the crowd held their breath, wondering what their new king would do with the body of the beloved son of their former Realm's Delight. Those who remembered his earlier words were alarmingly confused, because surely he wouldn't...the boy is...surely the new king wouldn't...
Aemond stood from the throne, took the body from the guard with surprising care, and to everyone's shock, placed the dead boy on the throne, and placed a crown, his dead mother's crown, on top of the boy's head.
Everyone looked at him as he, their new king, knelt, taking the boy's dead hand, kissing it gently. They watched as he stood, looking at his half sister, a faint smile on his face.
"Surely, you'd applaud, sister? After all, I just crowned your son as my queen."
Rhaenyra fought against the guards, though hopeless, her eyes told them what she truly wanted, glaring down at Aemond with the fury only a mother could have. She wished to tear him apart with her nails, to rip him with her teeth. She was a dragon incarnate, ready to attack for her son.
Aemond cared not for her reaction, turning back to Lucerys. He lifted the boy up, and placed him on his lap as he sat back on the Iron Throne, careful not to let the crown fall from his pretty head.
He then placed his mouth close to his ear, and though he whispered, everyone around him heard his words.
"I kept my promise nephew. I crowned you queen, as I intended. Now, won't you open your pretty eyes for me, just this once?"
Though no one had the courage to say it, everyone knew what the other was thinking.
Seven Hells. The new king is mad.
Btw, if anyone is interested, this is what inspired me:
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 years ago
I heard that you are receiving requests, So, I wanted to see if you could make a Reader x Misty Fanfic.
You know, a reunion between Reader and Misty, after Michael frees her; full of fluff and happy tears, please 🌈
i love this request sooo much misty is one of my fav characters ever <3 asexual autistic goddess
pairing: misty day x reader
word count: 1004
notes and warnings: idk death? sorry this took forever i literally have no excuses except for executive dysfunction lol we love autism. title from “nightbird” by stevie nicks bc misty deserves some stevie after being in hell lol
taglist (if you’d like to be added or taken off, let me know!): @cordeliass @traumatisedfangirl @devriesgoode
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You woke again in an empty bed. 
Once again, you reached for her, and she was not there. It had been years since she had last been beside you, yet she had carved herself gently into your soul, and her memory would never leave you. 
It would have been easier if you’d gotten stuck instead – maybe you had, for living without Misty was its own hell. 
It was useless to say that if you could take away her pain in a moment, you would, for such a sacrifice would not show even half of the love you had for her. 
 You forced your eyes open, blinded by the light sneaking through the protection of the curtains. You’d almost forgotten what day it was, though as soon as you felt the pain of the brightness stinging your eyes, it came rushing back to you. 
The paralyzing terror, the indescribable rage, all of it came crashing into you. That day Michael Langdon would attempt to execute the Seven Wonders. 
You never wanted to hear any mention of the test ever again – yet there you would be, watching every moment of it unfold, remembering the way you had returned from Hell and Misty had not. 
You could still remember the way she faded in your arms. The weightlessness that took her as ashes overcame her, dissipating into nothingness. 
From that day you had been utterly alone. 
A knock at your door startled you. You looked at the clock on your night table – sure enough, you were late, which was hardly surprising anymore. 
You did not have to open the door to know it was Cordelia waiting for her. She had tried – all of the witches had tried – to fill the absence that Misty’s death had left you with, and you knew they had better intentions than you would ever comprehend, yet all you wished for was solitude. If not Misty, not a soul could reach you. 
Just as you could still see the ashes that were left of her, you could see the peace in her eyes that never left. You could feel her arms around you, the perpetual warmth that carried you through the day left from a single embrace. 
No one could ever compare. 
Her shadow followed you, and you would be cursed with it until your death. 
You could hardly pay attention to any of it. The day was going excessively slow yet at the same time was flying by at the speed of light. You had gotten lost in so many memories that you could hardly tell what was real and what had already happened. 
You could see Misty everywhere, in everyone, in everything. In the look Cordelia would give you that silently asked if you were alright, in the witch who had been humming a Fleetwood Mac song on the way to the warlocks’ academy. 
And when Michael Langdon descended into Hell, everything came back in full force. 
You felt her body dissolve in your arms. You felt her leave you once more. 
Again, you were cursed in the empty bed, reaching for someone you would never feel again. 
Her eyes. The gaze you would never again meet. The love you would never again feel. 
Yet then, something shifted – you could not determine what it was, but something had changed dramatically, as if all of a sudden the planet had begun to spin in the opposite direction and you had been flung into space. The entire course of fate had changed, and the change was irrevocable. 
And there she was. Laying in the center of the room, as if this had always been planned, but a glitch in time had delayed her return for years. 
You hardly processed that you ran to her, that your knees would be bruised for weeks from the impact of throwing yourself to the floor to be at her side. 
You only knew that she was there with you once more. Her touch was real, and she radiated the warm energy of the sun. her eyes met yours, as if for the very first time again, and the memory of her would never compare to how it felt to hold her, to be in her presence. 
“Am I
” she asked, clutching your wrist, glancing around carefully. 
You nodded, choking on your words. Tears obscured your vision, tears of a joy you would never describe. “You’re alive,” you promised, “and you’re safe.” 
You embraced her, and the comfort you found in her arms would stay with you for the rest of your life. The safety you had experienced only in memory for longer than you could remember was finally present once more. 
Every fear you had disappeared in that moment. Nothing could separate the two of you anymore. Death had tried its hardest, yet it had failed, and even if the two of you perished in what was to come, you would perish together, in each other’s arms. 
She wiped your tears away. 
She renewed your existence. 
Such a comfort you had never known before. 
That night, in the safety of the academy’s walls, you sighed contentedly as Misty laid almost on top of you, one of her arms draped over your waist. 
“I never stopped thinking of you,” she whispered abruptly. You had been stroking her hair, yet you froze. Misty’s voice was shaky from crying. “Every moment I was stuck there, all I wished for was to be with you.” 
“I would have given anything for you to be with me,” you promised. “I would have traded places with you.” 
“I know
 I’m glad you didn’t, though. If you were there, if you had felt that pain, I never would have been able to live with it.” 
You almost started crying again, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you, too. More than you know. And I’ll never leave you again. I promise.” 
And the weightlessness you felt was no longer a product of death – it was of hope.
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ragrottend0ll · 3 years ago
Lost and Found AU
I don’t remember when this idea came to my mind, but I was in a bad time in life and basically craved more angst than usual. So, this idea developed in my brain and I cannot let it go, but still have no energy to make it real, because Idk if I want a comic or a fanfic out of it, but here it comes:
The portal was destroyed, and sadly Luz stayed at the Human Realm with no way of coming back. Life goes on, almost fifteen years. The Boiling Isles slowly but surely recovering for the whole Dictator Belos and Defeat God-child situation. The owl crew grows. Especially King, who reaches almost 6 ft now. Eda and Raine sorted out their relationship and now live together and married some years ago. Willow and Hunter are married, too. Gus works in the government, trying to ensure everyone's well-being, Amity is a abomination  teacher in hexside. Even if the coven system was abolished, it would be tyrannical to make kids study all types of magic against their will (multi-tracked students is the norm now, most taking two or three different covens while at school, the kids can enroll and withdrawn from them when they want and it’s relatively easy to do so). 
While they lived fairly calm and happy lives, none of them can really forget their lost friend, who they couldn’t see again anymore, Luz The Human (I headcanon that most witches that interact with Luz actually think “The Human” is her last name. I just thought it would be funny). But one day, without anyone noticing, a tiny human comes from some natural formed portal and arrives to the Boiling Isles. This tiny human is eventually found by Hunter, who at first thinks he’s a lost child or is running away from someone and just... takes the kid in? It’s after some hours that they found out the kid is human and everyone starts freaking out because HOW this tiny human managed to cross a portal? WHEN did this exactly happen? and WHERE can they find that place? THIS may be the opportunity to finally see Luz again!
“Who?” The kid asks playing with his hat. He informed it was snowing in his city. The hat also prevented Hunter from seeing that the child was very much not belonging to this realm.
“An old friend. Luz The Human.”
“Oh, that’s funny, My mom name’s Luz, too!”
* Insert flashback of Luz telling them that her name is not really that common where she lives, followed by this kid also saying he’s from Connet-ti-cut *
And that’s how the owl crew found out their Luz is a mom. Before all of them, too.
Also, Eda thinking she’s a grandma now, Gus coercing the kid into telling him how much the technology has changed (the kid is like... seven tops so I think that interactions would be funny), Willow just really wondering how much time really have past and finding the little human be a lot like Luz and also how is he alive he is so reckless how did Luz managed to keep him alive this long?, And also Amity angst because the love of her live moved on and probable has  a happy family with a wonderful partner and a cute kid that is a lot like her and I’m here still in love with her and--
“Wait. You if you are here.... Does your mom knows what happen to you?”
“I don’t know what happen to me.”
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kim-poce · 2 years ago
New Witch (Curse Words)
This is a Curse Words fanfic. Original story by @derinthescarletpescatarian.
CW: abandonment of a child, mention of parent death, witches.
It was noon on a hot sunny day, everyone was either helping in the kitchen or doing something that did not require going out under the sun.
Pietro was in the middle of a knitting project he had been putting off for some time now. While he loves this hobby, truth be told, no sane (or insane) person in that city would put a sweater on, still, he was bored of making capes for random objects, so whatever.
There was a weak, fast knock on the door. It could only mean two things, either a client or a new witch. Pietro hoped it was the first, sighed, got up and couldn't help but close his eyes at the strong light after opening the door.
“Hello,” he said, blinking several times and wiping some tears away.
“A-ah, hello
” the woman at the front door said, her shoulders shrinking into themselves while she awkwardly held the wrist of a small girl of whom Pietro tried to guess the age out of habit. Seven years old. She was quietly looking down, not seeming to mind the uncomfortable way the woman was holding her. Pietro stared at the girl’s hand with curiosity, since he had never seen someone wearing gloves for no reason.
A new witch then. “Would you like to enter and have some tea?”
She searched his every exposed skin, before looking behind his shoulders and looking for someone else, “Are there
 I mean
“Yes. There are witches inside” he said, wondering what would be her reaction upon actually seeing his witch mark and whether this would make her give up. “May I help you with anything?”
“Is it true?” the woman asked in a desperate voice, staring at him with reddened eyes, there were deep dark circles under her eyes.
“What is tru-”
“I swear I'm not the kind of woman would
.” she glanced at the girl, “make this kind of
 decision. But I have a life too! It was already so hard to lose my sister. I loved her, even after everything, I would even take care of her daughter as if she was mine but
“But she got a curse,” Pietro completed, he knew where the talking was going, and truthfully he wasn't in the mood for it. It was hot. He wanted to go back in and drink a glass of water.
“I wouldn't be like this if that was the case, I'm not bad! I wouldn't come here if she had just got cu- this thing into her. I
 I don't want to hate a child, much less my sister's daughter but she
 that thing in her killed my sister. I'm sure of it, I can't just
 I have to let her go. So I implore you
 is it true?”
Pietro shouldn't have opened the door. He should've just called Milena and let her deal with emotional people as always, but here we were so he let out a consoling smile, “We will take good care of her, yes. There is no need to worry, she will be safe.”
The woman nodded. Suddenly getting lost in thought, she told herself once again this was for the better, that this was what her sister would want, that she has no choice. She has no choice at all.
Still, what should she do now? Should she talk to the girl before leaving? Should she say something to the man in front of her about her niece? Like things she likes or something? Would she be able to leave her behind after talking about her like this? Should she say goodbye? Should she tell her that she doesn't hate her, but she has no choice. Does she have a choice?
The girl did not complain as the woman unconsciously gripped her wrist harder, nor did she reach out to her when, after taking a deep breath, the woman opened her hand, turned around, and walked away without looking back.
The witch just turned around too and watched.
“She won't be back,” Pietro said to the girl after a minute or so. He really isn't the one who knows the way of words to new witches. “You'll live with us from now on.”
The girl didn't move or say anything, just kept watching her aunt walk away. The trail down the hill was clear so it would take about twenty minutes before the woman completely vanished from sight.
There was no need to stop the new witch from watching, so Pietro walked back in, fetched his knitting tools, and sat down at the front door, not letting on his face how much he hated the sun on his face. He didn't know his way with words, so the least he could do was to stay by her side.
The minutes went by, the woman had long vanished, Milena had glanced at the two on the door once and made sure not to let anyone disturb, the sunlight had fortunately been covered for a passing cloud and Pietro could almost focus on the knitting. Almost.
Is she still waiting for her? He wondered. The girl seemed to understand what was happening, but maybe it was just Pietro's wishful thinking. She was young, there was a limit of how much she can get without someone telling her.
“What does your curse do?” Pietro wondered out loud, like an insensible idiot. “Sorry you don’t-”
The girl raised her gloved hand and slightly touched his shoulder, making him flinch away and dropping the needles. The girl’s eyes widened at his reaction, she took a step back and held her hands close to her chest, trying to look small and harmless.
“No, no. I’m not hurt or scared, don't need to worry,” Pietro tried, carefully not touching the freezing cold spot on his shoulder. “I just wasn’t expecting the cold, that’s all. I’m just surprised.”
The girl looked up warily, making Pietro self conscious about his facial expressions.
“I’m Pietro,” he tried, stretching out his hand for a handshake, which he assumed was the better way to show her he wasn’t afraid of her touch, even when he partially is.
After looking at him for a long while she ever so slowly touched his hand, a small freezing touch at first and in the lack of reaction from the older witch she gave him a freezing handshake. As soon as he was out of her sight he would heat some water for a bath.
“What’s you name?” he asked, grateful the girl had let go of his hand.
“Ember,” she said quietly, her voice was hoarse as if she had a cold.
“Nice to meet you, Ember. Would you like a cup of tea?”
Ember glanced down the hill once again, closing her hands into fists for a few seconds before looking back up and nodding. “Thank you.”
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