borgialucrezia · 12 minutes
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the little details and subtleties in this show go so hard like this scene for instance, when rodrigo said he's glad that juan was born and finally giving cesare a brother, juan immediately turns to cesare with an anticipatory gaze, expecting acknowledgment or perhaps even a heartwarming moment. but instead, cesare goes to pat gioffre’s head, leaving juan disheartened as he turns his head down feeling ignored at a time when he sought connection...
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borgialucrezia · 3 hours
"lucrezia, cesare and juan should’ve had a threesome." i say into the mic.
the crowd boos. i begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
"she's right," they say. i look for the owner of the voice. there he stands: david oakes himself.
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borgialucrezia · 4 hours
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"She was a woman who gave proof of braveness, extraordinary animation and high dignity, a woman who faced the condition of her times and even came at odds with her father." — Dario Fo about Lucrezia Borgia
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borgialucrezia · 8 hours
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THE BORGIAS SEASON ONE (2011) | The Original Crime Family
David Oakes as Juan Borgia, the original underboss Jeremy Irons as Rodrigo Borgias, the original godfather Holliday Grainger as Lucrezia Borgia, the original mob princess Francois Arnaud as Cesare Borgia, the original hit man
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borgialucrezia · 20 hours
we need to study the asoiaf girlies who watch the borgias for costumes and then suddenly start collapsing over juan for killing paolo like girl who cares about that npc!! lucrezia only has chemistry with her brothers and i couldn't be more thankful to juan for getting rid of that peasant 🙏
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borgialucrezia · 23 hours
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supernatural 1.01 "pilot" by eric kripke / the borgias 1.09 "nessuno (nobody)" by neil jordan / stratis thalassinos among the agapanthi by george seferis (tr. by edmund keeley) / supernatural 1.02 "wendigo" by eric kripke / the borgias 2.02 "paolo" by neil jordan / hevel by nathaniel orion / supernatural 2.14 "born under the bad sign" by eric kripke / the borgias 2.01 "the borgia bull" by neil jordan / hevel by nathaniel orion / supernatural 2.11 "playthings" by eric kripke / supernatural 2.14 "born under the bad sign" by eric kripke / the borgias 2.09 "world of wonders" by neil jordan / cain by josé saramago / supernatural 1.22 "devil's trap" by eric kripke / the borgias 2.09 "world of wonders" by neil jordan / supernatural 2.11 "playthings" by eric kripke / the borgias 2.10 "the confession" by neil jordan / cain by josé saramago / supernatural 9.23 "brother's keeper" by eric kripke / the borgias 2.09 "world of wonders" by neil jordan / the borgias 3.09 "the gunpowder plot" by neil jordan / everything sad is untrue by daniel nayeri
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borgialucrezia · 1 day
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"The thing that always carries it through is that you love these two guys, but most importantly, that you love them as brothers. It’s almost like they’re each their own person, but they’re stronger when they’re together, when it’s about these two brothers." — Eric Kripke
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borgialucrezia · 2 days
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i know jensen has the greatest hits but the forehead touch is probably the most impactful acting choice he has ever made alongside the "i love you so much, my baby brother."
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borgialucrezia · 2 days
okay so personally, I think cesare definitely knew he was having some sexual thoughts about lucrezia pre-canon, but do not think he thought his desire to keep her unmarried was anything more than him just being a good, perhaps overprotective, but well-meaning, older brother until he was standing there performing the wedding ceremony and she said "I do" and looked to him for reassurance and he felt himself sick with the realization that there was some other reason he didn't like the idea of her married beside keeping her innocence intact as long as possible (because he understood what men could be like & how unpleasant his sister's experience in marriage might be), but was wondering if you had a different interpretation? like, that maybe it was later after he'd began crushing on ursula due to obvious similarities in their appearance and situations? or were those feelings so different from what he felt for lucrezia that he didn't even connect them and lived in denial a while longer until lucrezia accepted the bloodied knife without hesitation unlike ursula who ran from him when he did the same thing for her? because I could see the argument for that being the moment things shift in his brain, but also I could see it being the season 1 moment. idk.
cesare is well aware of his incestuous feelings for lucrezia which is why he sought out the nearest blonde beautiful damsel in distress with an abusive husband to project onto and save!! considering he had failed to rescue his own sister...but he also allowed his narcissism and obsession with ursula to overwhelm him and led him to assaulting her when she asserted her independence. eventually he lost her after subjecting her to a tormenting existence with his stalking when she simply asked him to leave her alone.
the contrast between cesare killing lucrezia's husband and ursula's husband was quite interesting! ursula was terrified of cesare's murderous tendencies while lucrezia embraced him like no one else outside his family did. lucrezia loved cesare unconditionally, accepting all his imperfections and darker nature until a breaking point as seen in the 'borgia apocalypse' script where she'd abandon him and even trying to poison him upon distrust and disrespect. cesare's lack of respect towards ursula stemmed from her fear and escape, a reaction similiar to what lucrezia have done after alfonso's death.
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borgialucrezia · 2 days
i like to imagine that young lucrezia spied on juan with women the same way she did cesare, partially out of curiosity but also partially out of a sense of ownership over her brothers' lives and affections. because underlying the incestuous feelings is an anxiety about being unlovable, born of the way roman society views and treats the borgias. it's them against the world, so she seeks confirmation of her lovability within the safety of her family. she's hungry for adoration, and i can see her wanting juan's full attention, feeling jealous of him giving attention to other women, even if she doesn't necessarily feel sexually or romantically attracted to him. so she makes sure he knows she's watching (like she did with cesare by loudly closing the window), to make it impossible for him to fully forget her, even while he's with another woman.
for lucrezia, it would be about asserting her power over him, but i can see juan slowly realizing that sex is just not as enjoyable when she isn't there and that maybe he likes that feeling of being under her control...
anon you really came locked in huh? i mean judging from juan's unsurprised reaction after lucrezia walked in on him with a prostitute, it seems like a favorite habit of hers to spy on them with women, a habit that also excites her brothers as well lol. also you really cooked with this idea of her asserting her power and control over them!! it's like a complex emotional entanglement where she desires their attention and feels a sense of jealousy when cesare/juan shift it to other women (?) it's why i feel like she's lowkey resenting sancia also because she's aware that juan is attracted to her and not just because she's hot so…
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borgialucrezia · 2 days
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the way juan is always staring at lucrezia in the promos...
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borgialucrezia · 2 days
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"His younger children Juan (David Oakes) and Lucrezia (Holliday Grainger) are set up as pawns for him to utilize in his political ambitions."
THE BORGIAS (2011-2013) || LUCREZIA & JUAN ↴ nervously accepting the tasks their father assigned to them
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borgialucrezia · 3 days
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i mean i'm the lucrezia borgia sapphic agenda spreader for a reason 💗
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borgialucrezia · 3 days
for those who ship them look away and scroll but i'm joining the war on ********** on the side of myself like i'm sorry but get that hag away from that young gorgeous leather pants wearing narcissistic prince with pretty curls asap and let him be a siblingfucker in peace tf
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borgialucrezia · 3 days
randomly thought about the new surge of spn fans on twitter trying to cancel kripke and pulling a pikachu face over a video of him discussing his habit of creating homoerotic subtext between brothers and like...who's gonna tell them
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borgialucrezia · 3 days
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"[Lucrezia Borgia] is described as having heavy blonde hair which fell past her knees, a beautiful complexion, hazel eyes which changed colour, a full, high bosom, and a natural grace which made her appear to “walk on air" — George Richard Marek, The Bed and the Throne: The Life of Isabella D'Este
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borgialucrezia · 3 days
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And even if you chose To lock yourself away If I listen close I can almost hear you say... Once I was real Once I was somebody's child Once I could feel Some feeling once in a while
JUAN BORGIA in THE BORGIAS (2011-2013) brad kane — once (inspired by this edit)
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