#peter pettigrew defense
Everyone Dreams of Going to Hogwarts
Every fan of Harry Potter has indulged in the fantasy of waiting for an Owl to deliver the fateful letter that will declare your future as a witch or wizard at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. Every one of us old or young had dreamed of riding the train at Kings Cross Station, taking the boats across the black lake and seeing the castle for the first time, of having dinner in the great hall, of finally figuring out where you belong in the world and it just feeling right. They fantasize about seeing their common room for the first time finally feeling that warm sense of belonging and meeting the friends that you will keep for the rest of your life. Every single one of us had fantasized about meeting our professors, exploring the grounds and discovering our latent potential. It’s a comfort for many of us and happy place to go in our minds to escape reality.
For the witches and wizards of the Wizarding World that childhood fantasy is their reality. They too wait with bated breath for their letters. They too fantasize about finally feeling that “at home” feeling, the feeling that you finally belong to something bigger and more wonderful than their wildest dreams. The chance to prove themselves. The chance to start over for many, the chance to leave their sometimes abusive homes for a place that finally actually feels like home to them. Harry was one of those people. Dumbledore was one of those people. Hermione, Ron and even Neville all find this sense of belonging sooner or later. They all find their forever home at Hogwarts the way we all dream.
Now imagine being Seveurs Snape.
You live in a house with a father that doesn’t understand you and screams and yells at you and your mother on a daily basis and you feel so alone in the world. You have one peer who appreciates in you the magic that allows you to rise above the squaller and cruelty in which you live. You have one friend who sees you for who you are and appreciates that about you truly, while being forced to inhabit a world that not only doesn’t understand you but is actually often openly hostile to you. Hogwarts, you beleive, will be your escape from this hell, and best of all you get to take this wonderful friend with you. You are being whisked away to a fairy tale castle where dreams come true and you will finally feel safe and finally feel a real sense of home. You stay up all night all week waiting by the door in the early morning for the letter that is finally going to change your life. You pour over it with your best friend, going over every aspect of this incredible opportunity in your mind over and over. You’re planning how you’ll make the most of it. You finally let yourself look forward to something, to open your heart to something, to dream of something. Your greatest hearts desire to this moment is finally coming true.
Then you get on the train.
And the hell begins before the first day has ever even started. Your friend is angry at you for something entirely out of your control, and even though you make up destiny has deigned that on this day you will meet the person that will destroy any hope you ever entertained of Hogwarts being a home at all. His name is James Potter. His partners in the crimes which will forever change your life are Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. From the moment you meet you are ridiculed by them, physically abused by them, and the worst part is from this day forward it is never going to end.
Your best friend is put not just in a different house but in the house that hates your house the most, and from this day forward you will forever have a strain on the only true friendship you’ve ever had. From this day forward you will have to meet them either in secret or at least in private to avoid angering both your houses at best and facing ridicule at worst. The moments you stole with this friend in the muggle hell will ironically be the only moments of peace you’ll truly have with them. Not only that, but they are sorted into the same house that 4 of your worst tormentors reside in.
But it’s even worse. Because although at home you can escape form your father and potential school bullies by hiding yourself away in some nook or cranny, making yourself scarce, staying out late at night in the woods or just being as quiet as possible; you will never be able to escape the torment that now awaits every day. You have classes with them, you run into them, you see them trying to take away the only friend you have every day. And it doesn’t even end there, now they have a tracking device that you don’t know about, but somehow they manage to find you no matter where you hide. No matter where you go they are somehow always there. No matter who you talk to, they all act like you’re crazy. Because none of the other professors or students know about the marauders map they find you strange for jumping at every blow of the wind. Because they don’t know about the map they don’t believe you at all when you try to explain that somehow James Potter and his gang seem to pop up conveniently every single place you go to hide and they even blame you for trying to figure out how to protect yourself. They tell you you’re bringing it on yourself for being too weird or too jumpy or too nosy. Even your best friend in the world is starting to doubt you. You feel like you’re going insane.
So you try to have your tormentors expelled. You try so hard to figure out something, anything that will end the days on end of suffering and abuse. But you’re the weird kid. You’re the ugly kid. You’re the emo goth kid. Nobody gives a shit about you and you know it. You know you’re on your own. You’re a half blood, so the the people in your house who were supposed to have your back ignore you at best and tease you about it at worst for letting Gryffindor students get the best of you. Any hope you had of Hogwarts being your home has been destroyed.
So you try to follow James and The Gang around. Yes everyone sees you as creepy for this, becusse you don’t have a map that magically tells you where they will be at all times. You have to go about it the old fashioned way. You hide behind bushes, you peak around corners. Yes everyone finds you creepy now on top of everything else, but it’ll be worth it if you can finally enjoy what was promised to you at age 11, a home. You’ll finally be able to breathe.
But no. Instead what happens is your tormentors figure out that you know that they are putting the lives of students in danger by wandering the grounds with a werewolf against the wishes of the headmaster. You know that if you can just prove it that the torment will be over, but what you don’t know is that they are one step ahead of you, and for the unimaginable crime of trying to thwart them; they are going to plan to inflict a dangerous illness of lycanthropy on you at best, maul you to death at worst. You are close to both your proof and your death when one of them gets cold feet at the last minute and decides he doesn’t in fact want to go to prison.
You think “maybe it’s finally over now”, “maybe everyone will see now that they are cruel, that this is what they’re really like”, “maybe I’ll finally get a moment of peace, maybe Dumbledore and Lily will finally beleive me”. But no. Of course not. Because remember, you’re the weird emo Slytherin kid and your life is secondary. It always has been. Dumbledore swears you to secrecy to protect one of your tormentors, so you get no justice for the attempt on your life. Because Dumbledore had forbidden you to speak about your traumatic experience of almost being murdered, your best friend doesn’t beleive you at all and instead blames you for sneaking around. They don’t even give you the chance to defend or explain yourself. Instead you’re made out to be the creepy bad guy who wants to destroy the Potter Gang out of jealously.
Worst of all you secretly suspect that your best friend has a thing for the person who makes your life a living hell every single day. You see the stolen glances and the way they look at each other, the way she is never totally on your side. You tell yourself that this is all in your head, that Lily would never betray you that way. That all the hours you spent dreaming of Hogwarts together will mean more than a crush. But oh, sadly you are very wrong there too.
Not even a few months after attempting to take your life your abusers are back at again. Remorseless as ever they hunt you down like dogs and follow your every footstep. You haven’t a moment of peace even to do your normal school work. The only place you are safe is your common room, and even then you can’t let your guard down.
Then one day it happens.
The little pieces of happiness that you’ve managed to tuck away from yourself are cruelly ripped away. They manage to find you again. The torment us as usual. They all gang up on you, each taking a go for their own amusement. They fling you on your back, force you to vomit, force you to listen to their emotional abuse while they make a go at hitting on your best friend, and the torment does not end there. Now they are picking you up off the ground and taking off your clothes. Now on top of every other humiliation they have amused themselves by sexually humiliating you in front of everyone in your class including your closest ally. Every part of you is on fire inside and out and the depth of horror and hurt inside you is so big you don’t know what to do with the feeling. Then your friend finally steps in. But now you’re so hurt and angry that it’s bursting out of you in the worst possible ways.
Now the worst thing finally happens.
You call your best friend a slur; something you know will hurt them more than any other thing, because you’re destroyed, because you’re angry at them for letting it get this far, because you’re humiliated and because you’re tired of not being held in a higher regard than the person who has ruined your life; because you’re sick of their moralizing and their pitty.
Now you’ve lost the only person you’ve ever really felt close to. Now you’ve lost any human sympathy forever.
And it’s not over yet. Now you’re upside down again. And this time they aren’t content with exposing the rest of your body for the world to see. Now they are out for blood, and the revenge they have settled on is Sexual Assault. They remove your underwear to expose your most private parts to the world and there is nothing you can do about it. Nowhere you can go. No one who cares. No one who will come to your rescue.
Snape must have felt so hopeless it’s a wonder he didn’t try to end his life. People have done so over much less.
Hogwarts was never truly a home for Severus Snape. Even in adulthood he works in the place that was the site of innumerable traumas and heartaches. Everyday he faces trigger after trigger of the worst day of his life, while protecting the progeny of the only person he ever felt close to and the person who cruelly ripped away any chance he had at normal life. This is why I feel for Severus Snape so much in every scene. He is confronted every day with the worst memories a person can endure yet he chooses to be brave anyway. He chooses to do the right thing anyway. He puts other people’s well-being first anyway. He chooses the side of the light beyond all that had conspired to make a sociopath out of him. He holds a place in his heart for love and he protects that love with his entire being. Platonic love is just as powerful as romantic love and Severus Snape is the perfect example of this. A person even in the worst circumstances can still make the most difference in the world, can still choose to be their own person and make their own choices. Even when the world is wholly against him, Severus Snape is the pinnacle of integrity.
This is why he’s my favorite character. He’s the bravest character in the narrative, but he’s also the character with the most integrity.
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the-most-faithful · 6 months
Yes, well Snape is also ugly in canon and yet you don't complain about Alan Rickman or the fancasts of him as a young man in which they use models.
The actors are canon, at least for the movies (let's not confuse the two things)
In the books Snape is described as unattractive, as much as I love Alan he isn't really good looking. He has charm, he can be intriguing, but he doesn't look typically handsome. I've met people who think he's really ugly (HERESY!)
Example Louis Garrel is one of the most popular, I like him but still, not the typically handsome face, he could very well be Snape, with the pronounced nose (even if not aquiline) the complexion matches, as do the dark eyes and gaze.
Adam Driver, do we want to talk about him? Am I the only one who remembers how many attacks he received for his appearance in Star Wars? I don't think I need to say anything else.
Tamino Amir is another one who is becoming quite popular and still quite lives up to the description in the books.
Don't try to compare things. Fancasts have always preferred to choose handsome actors and that's not really the problem. But portraying Peter as skinny is disrespectful. In the end, don't come into my private messages to insult me. I'm open to dialogue but if you're just here to vent, you can leave.
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Tw: intersex Snape, bottom snape, bullying rape ,vagina sex, anal sex , oral sex ,handjob, unwanted pregnency, victim blaming, blackmail,
I had a dream about Snape. After swm Snape tried to hide in the dungeon but marauders found him. They wanted to get him naked again.
Snape: Why! you have already seen my thing
Marauders (laughed cruelly) We have a bet. We want to know how your nipples look like.What are their colour.
Snape tried to protect himself but marauders managed to get him naked.
Sirius: Wow! You have purple nipples. How weird.
(Snape had bruises on his nipples)
James: Let's see your thing again.
They spread his leg and found he not only had dick but pussy too.The pussy was hidden behind his dick
James: you are a freak but you have pussy and arse. (He turned to Sirius) We can have group sex with him
Sirius: how
James: I prefer pussy. I will fuck his pussy. You can fuck his arse and for Remus and Peter, they can get blowjob and handjob from a freak
Snape: I won't do it
James (grinned) really Snivellus. So you prefer that everyone know your secret
Snape; I don't care
James: you don't care if anyone knows about your parents. (James stole letter from Eileen to Snape and know about his homelife)
Snape (who love his parents no matter what they had done to him didn't want his father locked out in jail or his mother locked out in hospital paled)
Snape: Please. Anyone can pass by. You will have trouble.
James no we won't. You will have trouble. You will tell anyone that you put us on imperious curse
Snape: I won't do it
James: If you won't.I will tell my father that you are filthy deatheater. He believes every words I say and he is famous potion master. You will never accept your potion masterly
Snape but if anyone thinks I use unforgivable curse. I will never gain it either
James (pondering) so you will tell everyone that you backmail us. You told us that if we don't have sex with you.You will reveal Remus's secret
Peter: I prefer to get handjob. I fear he will bite me if he gives me blowjob
James: ok how about you Remus
Remus ( tried to have an excuse to do it) thinking: Snape is biased. He hated me because I am a werewolf.He called me wolf.He tried to backmail me ( he forgot that Snape only called him wolf when no one was around and never backmail him): ok
Then marauders took a turn to fuck. James made sure that Snape couldn't bite any of them Snape.Four of them have 4 kinds of fucking. When it's James' turn to have vagina sex. He was disappointed that no one passed by so he called Hogwarts elf to take a picture of them.
The marauders gave pictures to school newspaper.They told them to censored their face but not Snape. Told them that Snape backmail them to fuck him.
McGonagall read the newspaper and believed it. Snape was just slimey Slytherin that wanted to get her precious boys in trouble.She went to Dumbledore demand him to sack Snape
Dumbledor refused
Snape foun out he was pregnant. He tried to abort but he had a dream
Two children one girl and one boy. The girl had Sirius' s face but his skin. The boy have James's face and Snape'eyes
Two children:Please don't kill us. mom we want to see you and our fathers
Snape (frustated) if you call me mom Don't call those monster fathers
Children: we call them fathers because they gave birth to us but we will never call him dad. Please mom we will get revenge for you.
Snape awoke he named his son Willow because he had dark brown eye and he liked whomping willow and named his daughter Pearl because She had pale skin.
James and Sirius have dream about their children too
James: I dream about handsome boy that looks a lot like me. I think I will get to fuck Lily
Remus: he looked like your twin eh
James yes except his eyes. He had black eyes
Sirius: how he had black eyes if he's your and Evans son.
James Don't tell me..
Sirius: what if he's your and Snape's son
James he can't be pregnant.He is a freak of nature. Nature never built fertile freak.
I'm awake before I know the ending but I think that marauders will notice that Snape pregnant and worried if it was their child. They tried to take care of Snape because they afraid that Snape will abort their children and start to develop felling for him At last Snape managed to get his rapist in Azkaban. He took his four children. Yes four from each marauders to visit their father and make sure that his rapist know that not only him didn't forgive their crime. But their own children also hated them
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anonymouse5 · 10 months
Tumblr media
Here’s a drawing of James under the invisibility cloak
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ellecdc · 3 months
✋🏻 i have a request
so i’m a loudmouth, a D1 yapper if you will. could you maybe please write something with a yapper reader who just gets quiet and flustered in regulus’s presence?
like she’ll be going on about the randomest thing and regulus walks by and her mouth snaps shut and her face gets bright red.
hiiiii! I decided to pair this with two anonymous requests for our dear reggie too! prompt 2: I was thinking maybe a Potter! Reader who is in the same year as Regulus and has a huge crush on him, she just kind of watches him from a distance, here comes James and Sirius noticing and they try to set her up with Reggie prompt 3: I was wondering if I could get a regulus x reader where regulus is like close to the marauders and then Reggie gains like a crush on reader and the marauders find out and like kinda spy on them but like not well and maybe it ends in Reggie asking reader out
Regulus Black x Potter!reader who has a 'big fat crush' on Reggie
CW: sibling squabbles, this was hard for me to write for some reason so I'm sorry if it reads awkwardly!
“I’m just saying, if you didn’t want your essay to go up in flames, maybe you should have spent less time talking about which of your classmates were ‘filthy blood traitors’, and more time making sure I couldn’t point my wand at your parchment, you know?” You asked rhetorically as James and Sirius roared with laughter. 
“How far along was he in his essay?” Peter asked with a low chuckle before taking another bite of his lunch.
“Oh, he was done. He probably should have handed it in instead of running his mouth.” You said with a proud smirk as your brother roughly patted you on the back, letting out another bark of laughter. 
“I would have paid good money to see the look on his face.” Sirius said as he wiped fake tears away from under his eyes. 
“Find me a pensieve, Black, and I’ll show you.” You offered with a wink before remembering something.  “Oh! James, I meant to tell you; I heard from Janey who heard from Cromwell who heard from Collins whose sister works at Honeydukes that they’re having a sale on those caramel sugar quills that-”
“-Lily likes so much!” James finished for you. “My hero! Thank you!” He said as he pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your head.
You feigned disgust and rubbed it off before continuing. “If you want, I can ask Janey to ask Cromwell to ask Collins to ask his sister to put some aside for you?”
“I’d owe you my life.” He responded solemnly. 
“Chocolate frogs will suffice.” 
“Consider it done.” 
“I’d like chocolate frogs too, Prongs.” Remus offered then.
“What have you done to help me win over the girl of my dreams, Moony?” James countered. 
“I’ve not told her about the time you screamed like an ickle little first year when you found Fenwick’s toad in your shoe.” Remus replied plainly.
“Why do they have to have warts!?” James groaned miserably as he remembered his toad assault. 
“The bumps aren’t actually warts, Jamie; they’re glands. They contain a toxin that they will secrete if they feel threatened.” You explained.
James blinked at you owlishly before shaking his head in disgust. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“Hello, Sirius.” Regulus’ voice interrupted then, standing stiffly behind Sirius as he looked around the group of you. “Lupin, Pettigrew…Potter’s.” 
“‘Sup, Reggie?” Sirius responded easily.
“‘Lo, baby Black! What brings you to the red side of the Great Hall?” James asked then, earning him a glare from the younger Black brother.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Well that just makes me want to call you that even more.” James admitted.
“What brings you to the Gryffindor table?” Remus repeated with a knowing smirk.
“Can’t I just come say hello to my brother?” He asked defensively. 
“You could, but would you?” Sirius asked sceptically then.
Sirius and Regulus stared at each other in silence before Regulus finally sighed. 
“Potter, erm… Y/N, I was wondering if you’ve finished Professor Sprout’s essay about the proper propagation of venomous tentacula’s?” 
At the following silence, James turned to notice you staring at Regulus in what appeared to be abject horror before you slowly nodded your head. 
“How, uhm… how many feet of parchment did it end up being?” Regulus continued awkwardly; his eyes flitting between you and his brother. 
The group watched as you opened your mouth a few times only to close it again - not unlike some socially awkward fish - before clearing your throat. 
“Erm…I think it’s about four feet.”
Regulus seemed relieved by your answer and nodded in understanding. “Good, mine is about that as well.”
James looked between his friends, his sister, and his best friend’s little brother after a few moments when it became clear that no one was going to say anything else.
“Was…was that all, Regulus?” Peter asked then, clearly agreeing with James that lunch had quickly become painfully awkward. 
Regulus seemed to look at you first, only responding when you kept your gaze down at the wood grain of the table. 
“I suppose so. I’ll see you lot around.” 
And with that, the Slytherin boy hurried back to his side of the Great Hall.
James’ eyes only left Regulus’ form when he heard a miserable groan escape your lips as you let your head fall to the table with a thunk.
“What the fuck was that?” Sirius and James questioned at the same time.
“I’ve gotta go.” You muttered miserably as you gathered your bag and stood from the Gryffindor bench.
“Where?!” James called after you. 
“To run away with the fucking centaurs at this point!” You called back before disappearing through the doors. 
“Since when does Regulus come to say hi to you, Pads?” Peter asked then, still watching Regulus from across the hall who now had his eyes glued to the door. 
Sirius, who up until that point looked just as bemused as Peter did, had a look of understanding dawn on his face. 
“Merlin’s beard.” He hissed as he smacked James in the arm from across the table.
“Ow! What? What? Why are you hitting me?” James called as he rubbed his arm protectively. 
“When was the last time you saw Y/N be reduced to awkward silence?” He asked then.
“At mum and dads fundraising gala when that wizard from Witch Weekly attended.” James answered quickly; knowing that one of his sister’s greatest strengths was her ability to talk (especially when it helped get them all out of trouble). “Though she’s been doing it an awful lot lately.”
“Like when you coerced Regulus into joining us at the Three Broomsticks last weekend.” Remus offered.
James nodded. “And when I made her come with me to scout the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin game last Monday.” 
“And when Regulus just happened to be looking for a Herbology textbook when she was studying in the Herbology section of the library.” Remus continued.
“Godric’s balls.” Peter breathed out, looking towards Sirius incredulously. “You’re not suggesting-”
“-that our littlest Potter has a big fat crush on the littlest Black? I sure am.” Sirius said smugly. 
“I don’t think she’s the only one with a ‘big fat crush’.” Remus added, nodding towards Regulus who was chewing aggressively on his lip, still looking in the direction you just went.
“Oh my Godric.” James hissed as he turned towards Sirius excitedly. “Oh my Godric, Pads! We’d be real life actual brother’s-in-law!” 
“I’m going to walk Reggie down the aisle.” Sirius added wistfully as he clutched at his chest. 
“Merlin and Morgana. They can’t even make it through a sodding conversation; stop planning their wedding.” Remus muttered as he turned a page in his book. 
James let out an incredibly dramatic gasp as he looked at Remus. “You’re right. We have to do something!” 
“What do you say, boys? Up for some mischief for the greater good?” Sirius asked with a perfectly arched eyebrow. 
“Operation turn Potter Black!” James cheered to the group, causing the three boys to look at him in various levels of bemusement and discomfort.
“Erm, Prongs…” Peter started.
“Absolutely fucking not.” Remus added.
“We can’t call it that.” Sirius agreed. 
“We’ll circle back to it.” James said as he stood from the table.
Sirius shared a slightly panicked look with the other two Marauders before standing as well. “No…no James, we really can’t call it that.” 
“It’ll be a placeholder until you guys think of something better!”
“Anything would be better.” Peter whined as they all trailed out of the Great Hall in the name of mischief. 
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚
“Quick! You’ve got to see what we’ve planned.” James had said to you as he grabbed you roughly by your arm outside of Transfiguration and hauled you in the direction of the library.
You allowed him to nearly drag you through the courtyard and into the central haul; apologising to students that you nearly collided with in his haste. 
“But…what did McLaggen do? Why are you pranking him?” You asked breathlessly as the two of you made it to the library doors.
“The bloke’s a prick, Trouble, do keep up.” Sirius called as you met up with him. 
The two boys ushered you through stacks of books towards the end of the library that held private study rooms when Remus and Peter materialised from a row of shelves.
“He’s coming!” Peter squeaked as Remus quickly redirected the three of you. 
“That way, quickly.” 
Knowing better than to question Remus, you allowed James to guide you by the shoulder towards one of the private study rooms in order to hide from McLaggen as he walked into their trap. 
Except no sooner had Sirius opened the door did James bodily shove you into the room before they slammed the door behind you.
“Wha- James!” You shouted as you heard him cast a locking charm and a muffliato around the door. 
“What are they up to now?” A tired voice sounded from behind you.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you realised what they had done, praying to every deity that the voice didn’t belong who you thought it belonged to. 
But of course, the deities didn’t give a bowtruckles arse about you, so you turned on the spot to see Regulus Black sitting at the end of the table looking at you with a sceptical expression and one perfectly arched brow. 
Godric, he was beautiful.
“Making my life hell.” You answered despondently. 
Regulus offered you a tight lipped smile as he nodded in understanding. “Ah, so, regular brother stuff then?”
You breathed out a chuckle as you nodded, trying once more at the door before giving up in your efforts to escape. 
“What did you do to get yourself locked in a room with me?” He asked then, fiddling with the tomes and notes in front of him.
“Had the audacity to be born into the Potter family, I guess.” You muttered.
Regulus made a non-committal sound as he considered you. “I’m sure a lot of people would have loved the honour.”
Your face softened as you looked at the Slytherin boy. “I know they’ve asked you already, but you should come, you know? I know Sirius would love it if you did, and my parents would too.” 
Regulus nodded slowly at you, though he never moved his gaze from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
Regulus smiled ruefully then. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t get the impression that you like me very much.”
You stood there with your mouth agape like some mute opera singer. “Okay, I’ll correct you then; you’re very wrong Regulus Black.”
“Oh, I’m very wrong, am I?” 
“Horribly so, I’m afraid; I can’t believe you’d even say such a thing.” You continued haughtily; finally sitting down in a chair across from him. 
“Well, you see, everyone is always telling me how much of a chatterbox you are, yet you never seem too keen on chatting with me. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ve exchanged more words with Mulciber at this point.” He teased.
“The most I ever talk to Mulciber is to tell him to go fuck himself!”
A divot formed between his brows as he tilted his head in confusion. “Is that not just your love language? I’ve heard you say the exact same thing to Potter and my brother.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned back in your chair. “Touche” 
Regulus smirked at you then. “So, why don’t you talk to me?”
You let out a heaving sigh and looked to the ceiling. 
You were trapped, and you knew why you were trapped, and you figured there was no use in pretending that you didn’t. 
“I suppose I find you a little…nerve wracking.” You settled for, figuring that telling him you thought he was so handsome that even standing within his vicinity seemed to short circuit not only your brain but somehow your entire nervous system would perhaps be a little much. 
“Oh good.” He responded, sounding truly relieved by your answer. “I thought it was only me.”
What? You thought stupidly.
“What?” You asked stupidly. 
“I find you a little nerve wracking too.” He responded.
“Why?” You nearly shrilled before remembering yourself and feeling immediately embarrassed for your theatrics.
“Well, I suppose for the same reasons you find me nerve wracking?” Regulus offered. “You’re really quite pretty, Y/N.” 
You swear to all of the gods that your brain made an audible record scratch sound at that moment as you tried to compute what he had said to you. 
He called you pretty, that much went without interpretation. But did he just insinuate that he knew you thought he was pretty?
“You do know that, right?” He asked, shaking you from your internal spiralling. 
“Know what?”
Regulus smirked then. “That you’re pretty?”
You scoffed and crossed your arms petulantly. “Of course I knew that; I just wasn’t aware that you did, too.” 
“Ah,” He started with a smile. “My apologies, I’ll make it more obvious that I find you attractive going forward.”
“Thank you.” You huffed.
“You’re very welcome.”
The two of you allowed a semi-comfortable silence to lap as he continued watching you and you continued looking anywhere else but him.
“So,” He interrupted eventually. “What now?” 
You tapped your arms in thought. “Now I figure out how to get back at my meddlesome brother.” 
Regulus hummed as he nodded his head. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Yeah…hey, do you happen to know where I could find a toad or two?”
“Yes, actually. I’m quite certain Evan and Barty are breeding some in the dungeons.” He answered with a look of ill-hidden discomfort at the thought.
“Do you think they’d let me borrow some?”
“Well that depends; would they be used for chaos and/or destruction?”
“Yes.” You responded quickly.
“Oh, well then absolutely.” He quipped back.
He smiled and held your gaze before leaning on his arms against the table. “How about this? I’ll ask Barty and Evan for some of their toads, if you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend.”
You narrowed your eyes as you pretended to think about it before extending your hand across the table. “Deal.”
He shook your hand as he offered you a crooked smile before leaning back into his seat.
The door popped open just enough for your brother to poke his traitorous head in. “Are you guys in love yet?”
He barely had time to pull his head out of the frame and shut the door as you hurled your book bag at him; the blunt force instrument you had hoped would at the very least incapacitate your brother simply thudding against the wall before falling to the ground in a sad heap.
“You know he’s just going to keep you locked in here longer for that, right?” Regulus asked you then.
You made a non-committal sound as you settled back into your chair. “Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing.”
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Slytherins insult Remus
focus on Marauders + Mulciber + Snape
approx. 600 words
“Okay there is no way that the Prewett’s are going to have the last laugh” Peter states.
“We’ve got to lift our game lads” James cuts in. “We need something big. Bigger than big.”
“Agreed," Sirius nods along. Remus is walking beside them, his nose in the reading that had been set as their latest history homework.
“Moony are you listening?” Sirius waves a hand in front of his face.
“Hmm? Oh yeah totally. We’ve gotta blow the socks off those gingers.”
James mock gasps and covers his mouth with his hand. “I’ll have you know, I’ve met plenty perfectly respectable gingers in my life. For example, Lily Evans. Wonderful girl. Sharp as a whip she is. And uh. Then there’s.. Well. You remember that one bloke from Hufflepuff, a couple years above us..”
Remus pauses his reading to stare at James unimpressed. He moves to continue scanning the pages when a voice calls out.
“Look who it is! Loony Lupin. Careful, he might be contagious.”
“Oh piss off, Mulciber” Remus retorts snarling at him. Mulciber is accompanied by two other students: Snape and Avery. They glare at the Gryffindors and Avery spits at their feet. James places a hand on Remus’ arm to prevent him from doing something he might regret later sitting in the hospital wing. Remus exhales sharply through his nose and begins to turn away from the fight, when he trips over the foot Mulciber had extended directly into his path. Remus reaches out, arms flailing.
He searches for something to grab onto, to stop his fall. He finds the waistband of Snape’s trousers and pulls them down with him so they end up bunched around his ankles. Snape is dead still, staring down at his bare legs in mortification. Remus scrambles up with a worried look in his eyes. About to apologise, he’s cut off by a roar of laughter coming from Sirius. James starts cackling and Peter guffaws. Even Mulciber and Avery crack grins that quickly slide off their faces, replaced by seriousness when Snape turns towards them, fury in his eyes. Snape draws his wand and opens his mouth, no doubt to spout the most disgusting blood purist bullshit you’ll ever hear in you life when Professor McGonnagall turns the corner and whisks over to them, robes billowing behind her.
“Now, Mr. Snape, why have you no pants? This is not your bedroom young man. Please refrain from undressing in public areas in the future.” Severus begins to protest but Minerva holds out a hand to silence him. “No buts, and if I were your head of house, I would be issuing some serious consequences. Your pasty white legs are a sight that no one should be forced to observe.” She walks off leaving the marauders in a state of shocked delight.
“Oh, how I love our Minnie” Sirius sighs wistfully.
James nods in agreement and Remus says to Snape, “I think your pants are a bit low, you might want to pull them up a bit.” Peter sniggers and they continue walking back to the common room.
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sunnami · 2 months
marauders era — the interactive story. [sneak peek.]
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experience the thrill of being sorted into your hogwarts house all over again! who will you be in this story? a daring gryffindor, a generous hufflepuff, a clever slytherin, or an inquisitive ravenclaw?
will you be kind? reserved? bold? or, perhaps, mischievous? the choice is yours!
roam the castle corridors, attend your favorite classes and build your stats—go on a path that YOU choose!
spend your time at the library, or discover the secrets of the castle. develop your magic—do you like herbology or defense against the dark arts?
but more importantly, befriend students from other houses, or keep to your own circle, make enemies—or even fall in love!
(includes options for pronouns, any romantic path for the reader to pursue, etc.)
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interact with these characters: lily evans, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, dorcas meadowes, marlene mckinnon, gideon and fabian prewett, frank longbottom.
narcissa black, regulus black, lucius malfoy, barty crouch jr.
xenophilius lovegood, amos diggory, and more!
your story is yours to write!
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(this is a work in progress. a very, very rough draft that will undergo a long period of coding, writing, and editing!)
i have ALWAYS wanted to write an interactive story, not one based on votes—but one where a reader can stumble upon it months later and still be able to make their choices. when i was younger, i bought an interactive fantasy book, and it was the most magical novel i’ve ever read. i am so, so, excited to share this with everyone! it will be my first ever interactive story, so i only ask for a bit of patience, ueuue.
this is a gift for my friends, my wonderful readers, who have been so kind and generous to me, and so this is my show of love for everyone! 🤎🤎
feel free to leave any suggestions, comments, and feedback as i go through the development stage! i’ll be sharing progress and snippets every now and then.
again, thank you all so much!
— sunny
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353 notes · View notes
Let's Reflect On: Peter Pettigrew's erasure from The Marauders by a big portion of the Harry Potter fandom.
Peter Pettigrew was an 11-year-old boy who happened to be in the same compartment of the Hogwarts Express as James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin. They all befriended each other through that interaction - through being sorted in the same house, being dormmates, having things in common, being comfortable around each other.
Peter Pettigrew was a twenty-something-year-old man who was threatened to sell his friends to Voldemort. He was a coward, not a follower.
Even Voldemort himself says it:
“[…] Wormtail here has paid some of his debt already, have you not, Wormtail?" He looked down at Wormtail, who continued to sob.  “You returned to me, not out of loyalty, but out of fear of your old friends. You deserve this pain, Wormtail. You know that, don’t you?”“
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, Chapter 33: The Death Eaters
In the end, at the moment of his death, when ordered to strangle Harry he hesitated. Now, we have seen him murder without batting an eyelash, why would he not do the same with Harry?
Here's my take on it:
I believe Wormtail saw Harry as more than a chore, a body to dispose of. He saw him as James' son. His best friend whom he helped killing son. All the guilt and grief he had been trying to justify and push away since that fateful night dawned on him.
Peter had been there for his beginning; for James and Lily’s beginning. He was there at their wedding, at the baby shower (if there was one), for every Christmas since first year... He felt, not sure love, but definitely guilt. He looked at Harry and saw the face of James and the never-quivering eyes that once belonged to Lily. It was much easier living without carrying the responsibility of having cast the spell that ended their lives.
He hesitated, which caused the silver hand Voldemort had given to him to sense that as a sign of weakness and/or disloyalty, leading him to be strangled to death. With such a choice, he saves Harry’s life and, to me, finds redemption for his treason.
I’m not saying you should love Peter or that he was a wonderful human being who should now be showered with flowers and kisses by any means, but he has a story and he has a past. He has a built-up of growing insecurities until he betrays his friends. All of this is essential to understand that the twenty-something-year-old Peter Pettigrew is not the same as Hogwarts student Peter Pettigrew. There’s background and nuance to each character - If we ignore it and pretend he was an idiot through and through it just turns him into an empty character with no real importance in the plot, which is not the case. Don't reduce the complex relationship of the marauders to that.
To expand on the topic, the extraordinary @theprogressofspring has quite an extensive section on their blog labeled In Defense of Peter Pettigrew, with essays that go much more into detail and actually gave me the courage to post this entire thing. In addition, they also began a while ago writing The Life Cycle of the Common Rat; a story from Peter's point of view, tackling the first Wizarding War and refreshing characterizations of young adult marauders and Lily; it was a really tricky time, and sometimes the people we love are cunts and the people we hate are not pure evil.
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yallthemwitches · 19 days
Playing Dirty
When Lily won against Potter during dueling practice, Snape couldn't think of a better way to finally rekindle their friendship. But Potter was a sore loser and Lily seemed far too willing to entertain him.
As promised. Some unadulterated jily smut, Snape torture for your Sunday. Ao3 Link
The classroom had been transformed so a platform criss-crossed its way from either corner, leaving the rest of the room empty for spectators to jam themselves in a mass. Professor Slothrop stood in the center of the stage’s nucleus, awaiting the dregs of his class to enter before swishing his wand to slam the heavy doors of the classroom shut. 
Snape counted the amount of heads in the room. Thirty-five students. An eleven percent chance he dueled with the worst people on the planet, a two percent chance he would be with the greatest.
He turned to see her huddled with a group of other Gryffindor girls. McKinnon leaned in and whispered something with a wiggle of an eyebrow and Lily shook with silent laughter. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she fiddled with the idle strands that completed the curtain of fringe around her face. Feeling his eyes on her, she jerked her head in the direction of the Slytherins and Snape quickly lowered his gaze. 
“This is a waste if he doesn’t let us use real offensive spells,” Mulciber hissed out through clenched teeth. “This school has really gone to shit—right Sev?” 
Mulciber clasped a hand on Severus’ shoulder who eyed it with malcontent. He looked back at Lily, whose group turned their attention to other things, notably a bellowing Sirius Black forcing the pathetic hand of Peter Pettigrew mid-air as a non-consensual dueling volunteer. 
Professor Slothrop didn’t mince words. He explained the rules very simply. No dark magic, no foul play. “This is more of an exercise in defense and strategy than it is of your spellwork,” he chided. He flourished his wand and the lights dimmed around the stage. 
“So, who will be our starting competitors?” 
A roar went through the room as bodies jostled, hands raised, and cries for attention spewed into the air. Despite his quibbles, Mulciber’s hand was one of the quickest to shoot up, and he eyed Severus to see that he followed suit. 
From behind, Severus could hear Black’s cajoling start up again with the dissenting squeaks of Pettigrew who struggled to lower his hand. A similar scenario occurred to his left with the group of Gryffindor girls. Lily and McKinnon pushed at each other with tinted cheeks, neither willing to volunteer.
The professor let out a defeated sigh and spun on his heel. 
“Potter, you’re up.” A hush passed through the crowd. He had been easy to miss since he was being so uncharacteristically quiet compared to his little cult. Potter puffed out his chest as the crowd parted for his ascent onto the stage. Black and Pettigrew led a round of whistles and well wishes from Gryffindor classmates. Lily, he noted, kept a straight and blank expression. 
Severus felt his hand shoot upwards again with vigor. He might have been lackluster in his desire to participate before, but now he felt nothing but a cataclysmic need to be up there with Potter. Professor Slothrop scanned the room again, then his eyes landed near the front. 
“--and Miss Evans?”
Another rumble quaked through the crowd. Black was beside himself in laughter with Lupin smacking his back rather violently to get him to cut out the dramatics. On stage, Potter let out a little yelp and his hand jumped into his hair. 
“Evans?” He echoed. The light of the stage put his features of shock on full display.
Severus’ heart found a quicker rhythm as Lily mounted the steps to stand alongside her nemesis. 
“Be gentle with him, Evans!” Black shouted and the whole room burst into snickers. On the platform, everyone could witness as Lily’s mouth twitched back a repressed smile. 
Potter’s expression was that of perfection. Eyes’ wide, not with fear but something closely resembling it. Severus immediately wondered how fair this fight could be—despite their constant rowing, it was no secret that Potter pined after her like an animal in heat. He would be just pathetic enough to not even grant her a fair fight—something Severus knew would irritate Lily more than losing. 
The competitors stood across from each other as Professor Slothrop reminded them of the regulations. Whispers vibrated from those below—it was a delectable treat to see them fight so openly. Severus already knew it would become the talk of the school regardless of the outcome just due to the level of infamy Potter and Lily held for their bickering. Even Mulciber, who spoke openly and violently against both parties, seemed to have straightened himself up and settled in for a good show. 
Severus shuffled a bit to get a better view of Lily’s face. Her eyes were fixed, lips rubbing together softly in anticipation while Potter’s previous shock melted into an arrogant twist of a smirk. The two reached out their hands and shook and Severus tried desperately to decipher the unspoken conversation that passed between them. Their hands lingered together longer than usual, Potter’s eyebrow cocked upwards, Lily’s eyes slanted. The room zeroed in on them now in a palpable anticipation. Behind him, he could hear Pettigrew whisper, “Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?”
Their hands broke apart and the trance along with it. Potter’s cocky grin found its rightful home on his face as he rolled up his sleeves and got into position. From a distant part of the room, a group of girls started bubbling up with comments that included words like chaser body, fit, and toned. From Lily’s corner, friends whooped as she retreated to her starting point, Lily cool as ever.
“Ready! And–”
Lily shot first. An orbiting blast of purple soared past a startled Potter who dodged out of the way. Her face, forever readable to Severus’ trained eye, was one of instigation. Lily never backed down from a challenge and certainly not when it came to defeating their biggest foe. Severus could feel his saliva caught in his throat, fingers itching to find hold of something for stability. In his mind a mantra started up fierce and relentless: beat Potter, beat Potter, beat Potter.
Instead of sending a reciprocatory hit, Potter’s free hand lashed through his hair and his brow furrowed. Lily sent another spell bounding his way, this time with more force, letting a small grunt of effort come out of her lips. Potter, ever the athlete, dodged it again with ease, his wand spinning between his fingers as a clear sign of confliction. 
They continued like this for a few more moments, Lily taking the full offensive with Potter sorting through whatever his thick skull was ruminating on. Inside Severus, a smoldering had begun. How pathetic, rude even, for Potter to treat her like this. Like someone who was unfit to even have a real competitor. 
Severus could see that Lily felt it too. Her movements became more jagged, her spells more biting, frustration pulling her brows closer and closer together. 
“Come ON, Potter,” Her voice echoed in the cavernous room. She tugged at her bun and let her hair spill out around her face and shoulders. “Give it to me.”
Potter’s face flushed for an instant before a smirk flashed into position. The two stared at each other for a moment and Severus could see a psychic conversation was continuing. Lily’s face flushed, then reddened and her hand gripped her wand harder in open invitation. 
Potter no longer held back. Despite the unreciprocated start, the rest of the duel became a rather eventful scene. Even Severus had to admit that Potter had a crude talent. His body surprisingly lithe, letting him trapeze his way around Lily’s hexes while doling them back as quick and steady as blinking. Now given a proper contender, Lily’s capabilities also shown through. She was quick, almost spritelike in her movements, fluttering across the stage and commanding her rival to keep a 360 view to ward off attack. In the crowd, the energy bounced from awe to excitement, heads swerving back and forth to not miss a step from each side. 
The tension in the room was taut like a strip of rubber pulled to its crisis. Severus wondered how long they had been dueling for, minutes? Hours? If Lily or Potter were aware they were still in a classroom surrounded by peers, neither of them showed it. They both were in a vacuum of their own determination, where time could not affect them. 
Sweat started to peak on both their brows. Lily’s chest moved with controlled breathing, skin flushed besides the peak of red cheeks. Severus couldn’t help but stare at her with unabashed awe. Very rarely did he get the chance to look at her so directly and in such a state. She was radiant, a picture of pure light. In his mind, that alone, should have let her win. 
Both dueling party’s bodies started to become heavy with fatigue. In their meticulous dance, they had gotten closer to one another and in an act of complete rebellion, Potter took his free arm to grasp Lily’s. Gasps erupted and before he could stop himself, Severus felt the words tumble from his mouth. 
“He’s not playing fair!”
Behind him, Black piped up and Severus didn't need to turn around to know the sniggering expression painted on his face.
“Looks like Snivelus fancies himself a referee!”
He let the words slide off of him, too invested in the response Lily would have for such an outrageous overstep of the rules. There it was again. The quiet conversation between two sets of eyes. The pursing of lips, the arching of eyebrows. Now even Severus couldn’t deny that the room felt sweltering hot. The proverbial band, taut still, was beginning its final snap.
If they blinked, they would have missed it. Lily hopped back out of Potter’s grasp. Taking advantage of their own little psychic war, her lips moved without sound and Potter’s wand, as easily as breathing, bounced out of his hand and onto the base of the stage. 
A collective silence, then deafening noise. 
Black started up the crowd, whistling and clapping, completely beside himself with joy at watching his own mate be bested. The Gryffindor girls whooped, reaching for their friend who remained still in place, her chest still rising and falling at rapid speed. 
Professor Slothrop tried to get some order in the room. Severus’ heart was soaring. He could have taken a photo it was so delicious: Potter, stock still, eyes glued to his own wand which laid solitary before him. His eyes jumped between the wand, Lily and Potter, all three in a frozen state of the winddown. 
At last, Lily ushered herself off the stage and Professor Slothrop permitted her to step out for some much needed air and water. As she passed Potter’s cronies, Black gestured like a footman attending to his queen and Lupin offered a warm congratulations. Severus followed her with his eyes for a moment, elated with a joy he knew was not his, but felt so nonetheless. How often had the two of them talked about besting the irksome James sodding Potter? He waited for the class to resume and Mulicber and the other Slytherins to become distracted by the next opponents before he pushed himself through the crowd and out into the hall. 
She did it! He knew he was being delirious—expressing a sensation that he had no right to but just this once he wanted to indulge in it. Of all the things Lily might break their silence for, perhaps it was the utter defeat of their worst enemy. 
He had the sensation of soaring down the hall, looking right and left for wherever Lily would have stepped out to get her bearings. Rounding a dead-end corridor towards a darkened turret, he stalled his feet at the sound of voices reverberating just enough to be legible from the small pathway.
“You beat me.” At the sound of Potter’s voice, Severus grabbed for his wand and sank against the wall. Sidling slowly towards the opening of the turret, he rounded his way behind a long forgotten tapestry which opened to a solid view of the space. 
Potter was standing a couple paces away from Lily. His jaw was set but his eyes glinted in the firelight from the torches which dimly lit the alcove. 
“Are you surprised?” He didn’t need to look at her to know that Lily held a taunting smile. 
“No–not at all.” Severus was surprised by the sensibility in Potter’s voice. “You have always been better than me.”
“Is that why you wouldn’t fight at first?” Lily bit it out, making Severus' blood pulse. He loved hearing her venom for him so openly. “Why you played dirty?”
“Dirty?” James growled. “Dirty she says!” Severus looked back at Potter. Now it was clear that it wasn’t the torchlight. Potter’s eyes were crazed, like an animal about to attack. He tightened his grip on his wand. 
“I seem to recall someone saying the words “Let me have it”—yet I’m the one playing dirty!”
The shift in the air was inescapable. Severus stalled his wand hand, peering between the two of them. Now, it was more clear that Lily’s eyes were just as ravenous as Potters. Both gazing like they had done during the duel, with unspoken words now becoming very loud. 
“What? Frustrated, Potter,” she taunted. “Feeling dissatisfied? Why don’t you just tell me what you want.”
The pull, the straining feeling from the classroom now seeped into the small turret. 
“You know what I want,” Potter whispered like it was a curse. He stepped forward toward her and she did not retreat. 
“No, I don’t.” 
“Yes, you do.” He was barely touching her now. She gave an unsteady exhale as he persisted on his encroachment. Severus’ mind raced, their psychic conversation had found a voice, yet was still completely lost to him. 
“So what is it then, Potter,” her voice just passed for audible, “you want to give it to me? You want to prove to me you aren’t a loser?”
He was on her then, hands grasping at her hips, her neck, any part of her that he could gain purchase. The force of his body pushed them both back against the wall of the turret. His motions were frantic, mad. He bent to kiss her but she beat him to it, grasping at him just as hungry as he seemed. She slid against the grimy stone of the wall, hips thrusting forward as she spread her legs to let him stand pressed between them. The ease of their connection, the complete melding of their bodies made it clear this had not been the first time they had succumbed to a baser need with each other. 
Severus had only seen Lily kiss someone once before: Adam Cornell, Ravenclaw seventh year. The image of it used to haunt him in his sleep. Cornell with his arm perched over her shoulders and her flushed with first date jitters. Snape had just been passing by on the path out of Hogsmeade when he saw them from just beyond the village, Cornell curling his fingers under her chin to catch her lips with his. At the time, it felt like an act of war—a complete attack on everything that Severus found dear. Now, standing behind the dusty tapestry, watching Potter’s hands disappear down the front of her shirt in a clear attempt to remove it, he felt stupid to have ever wasted anger on Cornell and that wintry day. 
Lily curled a hand into Potter’s hair and made a soft moaning sound as his lips greedily followed the path his hand was making in unbuttoning her uniform. His other hand roamed free, pushing her skirt up to astronomical levels before curling around the soft skin of her thigh and hiking it up around his waist. 
“I’m still waiting for an answer,” she purred out, her eyes trained on his lips which were busy making purple and blue marks on a swell of her breast that now was exposed from an opened uniform. He replaced his lips with his hand, tweaking gently at the soft flat nipple that peeked out in a matted red. His mouth moved back to her face, darting his tongue up her collar and tracing her jawline. 
“I want you.” He said before letting out a deep groan, becoming distracted by Lily’s hand between his legs.
“And?” It was clear she wanted to keep an upper hand, but her body betrayed her, melting like wax to a flame. Potter’s body took advantage of this, pressing her further into the wall, pulling her thigh higher around him, and grasping now at her neck as he kissed welts just below the ear. 
“I want to be rough with you—I am going to be rough with you.” 
Severus had to press his hand into his mouth to keep from making a sound. Wand still poised, his mind fell deep into a sunken place well beyond any depth he had experienced before. 
Instead of the disgust he expected from Lily, his Lily, the girl he thought up to this point he knew so well, she let her body submit to Potter’s words. Her hand halted its pattern against his growing bulge and now scrambled his pants to release him.
Severus couldn’t turn away. Conflicted between the perverse thought of just the sight of Lily’s bare body and the utmost need to curse Potter out of oblivion for even touching her in the first place. Lily struggled with his belt while Potter all but ripped off her opened blouse, exposing her already taut nipples to the chill of the turret. His hands moved carnivorously around her body, flipping up her skirt in a swift movement to tuck it around her waist before suctioning his mouth back on her breast. Lily’s head fell back in return, letting out soft, catching sounds that felt lifted from fantasies Severus replayed to himself in the dark cocoon of his bed. 
“Merlin fuck, do you have any clue how fit you are—how much I wanted to grab you and shag you right in front of the whole class?” His pants are now pulled down, teeth scraping their way across her collar as she reached between them once more, now finding solid purchase on his released cock. Her hand began a steady rhythm and even from his small hiding spot of a personal hell, he could see that Potter was already dripping. 
Lily, forever stubborn, breathed out a mix between a scoff and a moan. “You would have liked that—showing everyone how good you can fuck me. Arrogant prick.” With the final word she gave a rather relentless tug, passing a thumb over his crown. Potter reeled his head back, before pushing into her tenfold, clawing now at the small strip of black knickers that were the only thing keeping the two apart. 
“Ah fuck. Fuck.” Potter was at a loss for coherent thought. Now, lining himself up with her center, he pushed into her folds with no further ado, eliciting a noise of cut air from Lily. There was no slow start. Potter was a feral animal, snapping his hips fast and quick into her, one hand steadying himself against the wall while the other kept her thigh firmly around his waist for deeper entry. 
Severus was skillful in many things. He had already mastered the art of legitimacy, concocted his own potions and developed new tactics in the craft. He was knowledgeable in the dark arts and was poised to become a pronounced figure alongside the Dark Lord—all by his sixth year. But this, what he was witnessing between his worst enemy and the love of his life, was something nothing could prepare him for. Like a moth to a flame he was propelled to his own demise, yet so fixated to let himself feel the burn of it all. He couldn’t decide what he wanted more: to feel death envelop him or worse, give in to the envy of wanting to be Potter in this moment, eliciting those exact sounds from the only person he ever desired.
Lily was babbling now. Chanting an endless string of christ, James, yes, please. Potter didn’t relent. Hands now pressing so hard into her thighs, they would surely leave bruises. If Lily was aware, she made no sign of it.
James took the command to heart. She yelped as he swiftly exited and spun her body so her chest pressed against the cold stone. Without any guidance she arched her back, sticking her exposed bum out for better entry and Potter took a moment to commit the image to memory before dropping to his knees and flicking his tongue up into the center of her. She let out a cry but he was committed, now licking fully from the front of her clit all the way back and circling his tongue around her soft bud of an asshole, the latter eliciting a whine of oh oh oh’s from her lips. From the wall, Lily’s moans got deeper, more carnal and her nails clawed at the grooves in the stone. 
“Quit dawdling you prat. We have to get back to class.” She squealed out just before he made another wave with his tongue. 
“Oh yeah? dawdling?” Potter gave her clit one last suck, before standing up and gripping her hips. 
“I’ll remember that next time you beg me to dawdle during your patrols,” he growled into her ear. If she had a response, she became too distracted by his quick reentry to exclaim it. Back arching against the wall, she leaned her head backwards against Potter’s shoulder as he began his thrusting anew, each quick rotation of hips bouncing her body back against the stone. He held her against him, her body twisted so she could watch his face, slack jawed and rapt, push them both towards salvation. 
Severus hadn’t removed his hand from his mouth. Lily’s expression twisted between pure ecstasy and something resembling pain. He considered the scenario in which he would jump out from behind his spot and hex Potter to oblivion. In a perfect world, he would be her savior, but this was no utopia and Lily was in no need of saving. Even now, with Potter gasping around her neck, she groaned out a litany of harder, faster, deeper and in turn Potter spilled his own: baby I’m so deep, you’re so beautiful, you feel so good, oh fuck, oh Evans.
A strangled noise came from Potter’s lips and his thrusts became more jagged and messy. Lily’s eyes widened, clearly aware the crest of Potter’s pleasure was coming. Skillful, she craned her neck to look right into his eyes and without any prompting began to coax him. 
“Come inside me. Let me go to class filled with you—” 
Severus felt a choking noise escape from his mouth as he watched Potter release from her words. His voice rang out with a parade of curses, body shaking all while not slowing up on his relentless thrusts forward. Lily let out a shrill sound that resembled a sob and Potter silenced it with his mouth, catching her body as she too reached her pinnacle. 
After, they both slumped together against the wall. Potter cradled her, demanding reassurances: was he too hard, did it hurt, was she ok. He peppered kisses onto her shoulder, clavicle, neck as she softly dispelled all his worry: No it was perfect. 
Severus didn’t feel the gravity enter the room again. He remained floating, far away from the scene, far away from anything he ever recognized as the world as he knew it. Lily and Potter got dressed in a warm silence, interrupted by small breaks in which one’s hands found the other's body and they pressed together anew. Both feeling endlessly dedicated to a push-pull reaction between going back to their lives and staying in the turret forever. 
“You don’t think it was too obvious, the– uhm— tension, during the duel, do you?” Lily stammered while Potter pressed his wand gently to heal the blistering marks he left on her neck.
“Don’t worry Evans, I think our secret’s safe,” there was a catch in Potter’s tone that both Severus and Lily detected. A hint of disappointment. 
“Really, congratulations, Evans—on the win.” They were both dressed now, holding each other in a way that did not coincide with the absolute pornographic act they performed moments earlier. In some ways, Severus thought, this was the worst of all. It wasn’t just a carnal desire between them. They were holding each other softly, in a fondness only found in two people irrevocably in love. 
“We need to head back to class,” Lily whispered. Potter kissed her swollen lips, then again, then a few more times. Lily smiled under him and once he was finished, grabbed his chin and gave him one last peck on the nose. 
“I have patrols tonight, if you want to dawdle some more.” She offered with a smirk. Potter barked out a laugh and ran his hand through her hair, letting his thumbs rest on her temples. 
“Are we using the euphemism or the definition?” Lily swatted at his chest and he caught her palm before giving it a kiss. 
When the last sounds of their feet had dissipated, Severus finally stepped out from behind the tapestry. He leaned his body against the wall and turned his face upwards, willing the gods above to either smite or rebirth him anew as something less pathetic. He stared at the spot the couple had connected just moments before, rubbing his eyes and finally letting all the noises of disgust he had held back erupt from his shaking body. An hour could have passed, maybe days, he could no longer tell. He thought about all the ways he could murder Potter the next time he saw him. All the unforgivable curses he would gladly use to get redemption for what he just saw. Instead, his body caved in on itself. He leaned back against the wall and waited for some angel of destruction to show itself and set the world on fire. He wished to burn alongside it. 
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loserboyfriendrjl · 25 days
marauders duelling styles
(i saw a post on pinterest about this and i wanted to give my two cents on it, too)
james potter: duels best when he has someone alongside him (he works best with sirius, who mirrors him). not vicious, can withstand a good amount of pain. an excellent strategist, yet sometimes casts before he thinks. duels equally offensively and defensively
sirius black: better as a singular duelist and prefers being so, with james being the exception. lazily casts his spells. ruthless, aggresive in the way he duels. has a high pain tolerance. good strategist, fuelled by rage and the fear of his loves ones being hurt. rarely defensive, usually offensive
remus lupin: is better as a singular duelist but prefers duelling with someone at his side; in case something happens, he doesn’t want himself or the other person to stand no chance. always thinks before he casts. prefers defence to offence, but he’s merciless when in defence
peter pettigrew: slow. prefers duelling with someone stronger by his side. seldom duels offensively, prefers defence. knows how to admit a loss. clumsy, yet can take a high amount of pain. malfunctions under high pressure. only attacks with spells he previously mastered
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abardnamedreginald · 3 months
im a wolf-demon-salamander-grey treefrog-katydid-cricket-luna moth-klingon-trad vampire-cat-romulan-harry potter wizard-gnome-drow-orc-wood elf-high elf-werewolf-twilight vampire-chihuahua-android-bard-druid-sorcerer-d&d wizard-lotr wizard-mind flayer-kraken-owlbear-genetically modified human-andes mint-harry potter merperson-h20 mermaid-great white shark-raven named nevermore-amontillado-sewer clown-animatronic-ink person-reality bender-ringwraith-chicken-fairy-telescreen-multibear-manic pixie dream girl-d class-horcrux-dragon-unicorn-pegasus-among us crewmate-among us imposter-game master-sharpie king size marker-dwarf-dragonborn-toothbrush-rock-paper-scissors-lizard-vulcan-politician-god-phone guy-icebreakers ice cubes pineapple-a doctor not a miracle worker-troll-ent-poodle-rabbit-Bear.-orange zombie-purple zombie-green zombie-professor plum-col. mustard-in the library-with a knife-hoola dancer-fish-villager-pelecan-defense against the dark arts professer-mafia boss-peep rabbit-peep chicken-gymnast-hairbrush-philosopher-music freak-school teacher-kidnapper-police lieutenant-farmer-trash can-dumpster out back-turtle-tribble-my little pony-kratt brother-high diver-pearl diver, dive, dive, deeper-chef-fire-earth-water-wind-wasp-bee-hornet-yellowjacket-mud dabber-grasshopper-rattlesnake-armadillo-cowboy-flashlight-starfleet science officer-harlet-elephant-gater-muppet-emo-goth-preppy-teabag-loser-sucker-mouse-rat-a puppet-a pauper-a pirate-a poet-a pawn-and a king-father albert-the pope-a nun-pastor jeff-gambler-metalhead-death rocker-the grim reaper-angel-lighthouse-paw patrol dog-hobbit-starfish-sponge-crab-squid-shrimp-jellyfish-chipmunk-hammerhead shark-nurse shark-humpback whale-blue whale-orca-sexual harrassment panda-south park character-jakoffasaurus-scrabble board-ouija board-pillow-toilet paper-period pad-tampon-baby diaper-elderly diaper-martian-touch tone telephone-starfleet operations-starfleet command-kirk-spock-bones-sulu-chekov-uhura-scotty-yeoman rand-KHAN!!!-mudd-the uss enterprise-the uss reliant-botany bay-v'ger-valeris-saavik-sybok-surak-sarek-the abbreviation 'idk'-sheldon-leonard-penny-howard-raj-amy-bernadette-mary cooper-george sr-george jr-missy cooper-meemaw-tam-dr sturgis-dr linkletter-dr jack bright-dr clef-dr gears-dr kondraki-dr mann-dr iceberg-dr crow-dr rights-dr sherman-scp 049-scp 3008-scp 4231-scp 166-scp 682-scp 2521-scp 590-O5 6-bill cipher-stanley pines-stanford pines-dipper-mabel-wendy-soos-schmebulok-gideon-mcgucket-dipper goes to taco bell-sheriff blubs-deputy durland-tad strange-andy taylor-william afton-michael afton-elizabeth afton-crying child-henry emily-charlotte emily-dave miller-jack kennedy-dee kennedy-peter kennedy-steven stevenson-aragorn-sam-frodo-merry-pippin-boromir-legolas-gimli-gandalf-faramir-denethor-sauron-elrond-thranduil-harry-hermione-ron-voldemort-pettigrew.-moony-padfoot-prongs-snape-edward-bella-alice!!-carlisle-charlie-cthulhu-greg heffley-pennywise-bendy-sammy-norman-jack-alice (susie)-allison-henry stien-joey drew-bruenor battlehammer-raskolnikov-heather-heather-heather-veronica-jd-kurt-ram-martha-kurt cobain-david bowie-freddie mercury-hozier-mitski-lemon demon-jack stauber-tally hall-hamilton-burr-jefferson-madison-washington-phillip-angelica-eliza-peggy-king george iii-king henry viii-ben franklin-catherine of aragon-anne boleyn-jane seymour-anne of cleves-katherine howard-catherine parr-dracula-𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂-evan hansen-conner murphey-john adams-raymond barron-fred randall-jane doe-ocean-noel-mischa-constance-ricky-karnak-vergil-alternate-thatcher davis-ruth-dave-cesar-mark-adam-sarah-jonah-evelyn-gabriel-trump-biden-sunny-basil-kel-aubrey-hero-mari-vanessa (the mean girl that kinda likes u)-tux the linux penguin-perry the platypus hybrid princess...dont fw me
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charmed [17]: 'the finale: part 1' (remus lupin x reader)
a/n: part 2 drops wednesday at midnight.
series masterlist here
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series summary: set in the prisoner of azkaban, including its major plot points. remus and y/n get hired by dumbledore last minute to teach at hogwarts, defense against the dark arts and charms respectively. not wanting the students to know they are married, they navigate the challenging year through hidden glances, hand holds underneath the table and loving moments in their offices. even with all their efforts to conceal their relationship, their chemistry does not go unnoticed by the student population of hogwarts, who grow fond of the pair as they offer them some of the best classes they’ve had in a while. their relationship as newlyweds is strengthened as teaching the next generation of wizards unlocks a sea of memories of their love story. for the second time in his life, remus holds hogwarts responsible for some of his happiest memories. he’s given the chance to create them with the love of his life, y/n, who has taught and continues to teach him that every part of him is lovable, remaining forever under her charm.
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"What are you going to do with him if I give him to you?" Ron asked Lupin tensely. 
"Force him to show himself," said Lupin. "If he really is a rat, it won't hurt him." 
Ron hesitated. Then at long last, he held out Scabbers and Lupin took him. Scabbers began to squeak without stopping, twisting and turning, his tiny black eyes bulging in his head. "Ready, Sirius?" said Lupin. 
Black had already retrieved Snape's wand from the bed. He approached Lupin and the struggling rat, and his wet eyes suddenly seemed to be burning in his face. 
"Together?" he said quietly. 
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest nervously.
"I think so,,, said Lupin, holding Scabbers tightly in one hand and his wand in the other. "On the count of three. One -- two -- THREE!" 
A flash of blue-white light erupted from both wands; for a moment, Scabbers was frozen in midair, his small gray form twisting madly -- Ron yelled -- the rat fell and hit the floor. There was another blinding flash of light and then —  
It was like watching a speeded-up film of a growing tree. A head was shooting upward from the ground; limbs were sprouting; a moment later, a man was standing where Scabbers had been, cringing and wringing his hands. Crookshanks was spitting and snarling on the bed; the hair on his back was standing up. 
"Well, hello, Peter," said Lupin pleasantly, as though rats frequently erupted into old school friends around him. "Long time, no see. 
"S -- Sirius... R -- Remus..." Even Pettigrew's voice was squeaky. Again, his eyes darted toward the door. "My friends... my old friends..." 
Black’s arm wand rose, but Y/N seized his wrist, giving him a warning look. Sirius jumped, as this was the first time Y/N had touched him— and she quickly retracted her hand as they both turned their attention back toward Remus and Peter.
"We've been having a little chat, Peter, about what happened the night Lily and James died. You might have missed the finer points while you were squeaking around down there on the bed — I'd like to clear up one or two little matters with you, Peter.” 
“D-don’t know… what you’re t-talking about, Remus— He- he—“ He squirmed, pointing at Sirius with a trembling finger. “He’s here to k-kill me, he's got dark powers the rest of us can only dream of!”
Black started to laugh, a horrible, mirthless laugh that filled the whole room. 
"Voldemort, teach me tricks?" he said.
Pettigrew flinched as though Black had brandished a whip at him. 
"What, scared to hear your old master's name?" said Black. I don't blame you, Peter. His lot aren't very happy with you, are they?" 
"Don't know... what you're talking about...," said Pettigrew again, more shrilly than ever. He wiped his face on his sleeve and looked up at Lupin. "You don't believe this -- this madness, Remus --" 
"I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat," said Lupin evenly. 
"Innocent, but scared!" squealed Pettigrew. "If Voldemort's supporters were after me, it was because I put one of their best men in Azkaban -- the spy, Sirius Black!" 
"How dare you," he growled, sounding suddenly like the bearsized dog he had been. I, a spy for Voldemort? When did I ever sneak around people who were stronger and more powerful than myself? But you, Peter -- I'll never understand why I didn't see you were the spy from the start. You always liked big friends who'd look after you, didn't you? It used to be us... me and Remus... and James….”
Pettigrew wiped his face again; he was almost panting for breath. 
"Me, a spy... must be out of your mind... never... don't know how you can say such a --" 
"Lily and James only made you Secret-Keeper because I suggested it,” Black hissed. 
"Professor Lupin?" said Hermione timidly. "Can — can I say something?" 
"Certainly, Hermione," said Lupin courteously. 
"If you don't mind me asking, how -- how did you get out of Azkaban, if you didn't use Dark Magic?" 
"Thank you!" gasped Pettigrew, nodding frantically at her. "Exactly! Precisely what I —" 
But Lupin silenced him with a look. Black was frowning slightly at Hermione, but not as though he were annoyed with her. He seemed to be pondering his answer. 
"I don't know how I did it," he said slowly. "I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent. That wasn't a happy thought, so the dementors couldn't suck it out of me... but it kept me sane and knowing who I am... helped me keep my powers... so when it all became ... too much... I could transform in my cell... become a dog. Dementors can't see, you know...." He swallowed. "They feel their way toward people by feeding off their emotions.... They could tell that my feelings were less -- less human, less complex when I was a dog... but they thought, of course, that I was losing my mind like everyone else in there, so it didn't trouble them. But I was weak, very weak, and I had 
no hope of driving them away from me without a wand...." 
"But then I saw Peter in that picture... I realized he was at Hogwarts with Harry... perfectly positioned to act, if one hint reached his ears that the Dark Side was gathering strength again...." 
"It was as if someone had lit a fire In my head, and the dementors couldn't destroy it.... It wasn't a happy feeling... it was an obsession... but it gave me strength, it cleared my mind. So, one night when they opened my door to bring food, I slipped past them as a dog.... It's so much harder for them to sense animal emotions that they were confused.... I was thin, very thin... thin enough to slip through the bars.... I swam as a dog back to the mainland.... I journeyed north and slipped into the Hogwarts grounds as a dog. I've been living in the forest ever since, except when I came to watch the Quidditch, of course. You fly as well as your father did, Harry...." 
He looked at Harry, who did not look away. 
"Believe me," croaked Black. "Believe me, Harry. I never betrayed James and Lily. I would have died before I betrayed them." 
And at long last, Harry believed him. Throat too tight to speak, he nodded. 
Pettigrew had fallen to his knees as though Harry's nod had been his own death sentence. He shuffled forward on his knees, groveling, his hands clasped in front of him as though praying. 
"Sirius -- it's me... it's Peter... your friend... you wouldn't --" Black kicked out and Pettigrew recoiled. 
"There's enough filth on my robes without you touching them," said Black. 
"Remus!" Pettigrew squeaked, turning to Lupin instead, writhing imploringly in front of him.
And he scrambled around to Ron. 
"Ron... haven't I been a good friend... a good pet? You won't let them kill me, Ron, will you... you're on my side, aren't you. 
But Ron was staring at Pettigrew with the utmost revulsion. "I let you sleep in my bed!" he said. 
"Kind boy... kind master..." Pettigrew crawled toward Ron "You won't let them do it.... I was your rat.... I was a good pet...." 
"If you made a better rat than a human, it's not much to boast about, Peter," said Black harshly. Ron, going still paler with pain, wrenched his broken leg out of Pettigrew's reach. Pettigrew turned on his knees, staggered forward, and seized the hem of Hermione's robes. 
"Sweet girl... clever girl... you -- you won't let them.... Help me...." 
Hermione pulled her robes out of Pettigrew's clutching hands and backed away against the wall, looking horrified. 
“Y/N! Oh, Y/N— we’ve been friends… you knew me—“ He attempted to lunge at her before being violently pushed back by both Sirius and Remus.
“Don’t you even dare touch her…” Remus growled.
Pettigrew knelt, trembling uncontrollably, and-turned his head slowly toward Harry. 
"Harry... Harry... you look just like your father... just like him...." 
Black and Lupin stood shoulder to shoulder, wands raised. 
Hermione covered her face with her hands and turned to the wall. Y/N bit her lip, unsure how to react or feel in the moment.
"NO!" Harry yelled. He ran forward, placing himself in front Pettigrew, facing the wands. "You can't kill him," he said breathlessly. "You can't." 
Black and Lupin both looked staggered. Y/N exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
"Harry, this piece of vermin is the reason you have no parents," Black snarled. "This cringing bit of filth would have seen you die too, without turning a hair. You heard him. His own stinking skin meant more to him than your whole family." 
"I know," Harry panted. "We'll take him up to the castle. We'll hand him over to the dementors.... He can go to Azkaban... but don't kill him." 
Y/N breathed heavily, cold sweat coating the palms of her hands and the low of her back.
"Harry!" gasped Pettigrew, and he flung his arms around Harry's knees. "You -- thank you -- it's more than I deserve -- thank you --" 
"Get off me," Harry spat, throwing Pettigrew's hands off him in disgust. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it because -- I don't reckon my dad would've wanted them to become killers -- just for you." 
Remus and Sirius looked at each other, and nodded.
Thin cords shot from Lupin's wand this time, and next moment, Pettigrew was wriggling on the floor, bound and gagged. 
"But if you transform, Peter," growled Black, his own wand pointing at Pettigrew too, "we will kill you. You agree, Harry?" 
Harry looked down at the pitiful figure on the floor and nodded so that Pettigrew could see him. 
“Right.” Y/N finally spoke. "Ron, I can't mend bones nearly as well as Madam Pomfrey, so I think it's best if we just strap your leg up until we can get you to the hospital wing." 
She hurried over to Ron, bent down, tapped Ron's leg with her wand, and muttered, "Ferula." Bandages spun up Ron's leg, strapping it tightly to a splint. Lupin helped him to his feet; Ron put his weight gingerly on the leg and didn't wince. 
"That's better," he said. "Thanks." 
Remus turned his gaze on Y/N and was about to ask her how she felt, before Hermione brought up a very real point.
"What about Professor Snape?" 
“Nothing wrong with him.” Sirius bent over him and checked his pulse. “You were just a little… overenthusiastic, Y/N.”
Y/N winced. “Oops.”
Sirius muttered, "Mobilicorpus." As though invisible strings were tied to Snape's wrists, neck, and knees, he was pulled into a standing position, head still lolling unpleasantly, like a grotesque puppet. He hung a few inches above the ground, his limp feet dangling. 
Lupin picked up the Invisibility Cloak and tucked it safely into his pocket. 
"And two of us should be chained to this," said Black, nudging Pettigrew with his toe. "Just to make sure." 
"I'll do it," said Lupin.
"And me," said Ron savagely, limping forward. 
Harry had never been part of a stranger group. Crookshanks led the way down the stairs; Lupin, Pettigrew, and Ron went next, looking like entrants in a six-legged race. Next came Professor Snape, drifting creepily along, his toes hitting each stair as they descended, held up by his own wand, which was being pointed at him by Sirius. Y/N, Harry and Hermione brought up the rear. 
Getting back up through the tunnel proved to be a challenge. Remus, Ron and Peter managed to squeeze through sideways, shuffling along in single file. Sirius followed with Snape dangling behind him, his lolling head bumped frequently against the ceiling under Sirius’ control. They walked in silence until they reached the end of the tunnel, where Crookshanks exited first to paw at the root knot, letting everyone else exit without the chaos of the tree’s moving branches. At last, all of them were out.
Silently, with the occasional cry and whimper from Peter, they trampled through the grounds and halted just where the Castle was in view.
Remus detached him and Ron from Peter, helping Ron sit down while keeping his wand on Peter. “Let’s take a break,” Remus said, to which a grateful Ron nodded.
Sirius dropped Snape down carelessly. Harry and Hermione rushed to Ron, joining him on the floor and asking him if his leg was alright.
“So.” Sirius said seriously, looking at Y/N.
She still had her arms crossed over her chest defensively, before letting them down to grab one of Remus’ hands. She raised her eyebrows.
“How much more innocent do I have to be proven to get a hug from an old friend?” Sirius said, spreading his arms wide open.
Y/N smiled slightly, dropping Remus’ hand and slowly walking up to Sirius. She raised her arms, letting Sirius engulf her in a warm embrace, finally relaxing for the first time tonight. “God, it’s been so long.” She sighed.
They separated and Y/N fought back tears as she cupped his face, taking the time to have a proper look at him. “You’re so thin now.” She whispered sadly, brushing her thumbs along his cheekbones which cut right through from underneath his thin layer of skin.
“And you’re beautiful as always.”
Remus watched them with endearment pouring out of his eyes.
“What more do we not know about them?” Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione with a puzzled expression as they watched the unusual reunion unfold in front of them.
“You’re gonna be free now.” Y/N smiled. “You’ll be able to eat whatever you want again. Fill these cheeks out.”
“I’m free.” Sirius chuckled loosely. Y/N nodded, doing the same as a tear threatened to spill. He laughed more loudly now, beckoning Remus to join them.
“FREE!” Sirius shouted, jumping up and down, then squeezing his two friends against him.
“Whoa-“ Y/N said, “o-okay.” She pulled away from them. “Careful”, and she reflexively placed her hand defensively over her stomach. Her jaw dropped as she remembered.
“You okay?” Remus eyed her with slight concern.
Y/N’s eyes widened as her mouth hung open, moving but unable to get any words out. Sirius’ eyes darted between the two, looking for clues on what was going on all of a sudden.
“I’m…” Y/N managed to say. “I’m…” She looked down at her hand and looked back up at Remus. Comprehension dawned on him and he covered his mouth, gasping.
“Are you…”
Y/N nodded furiously, heavy tears spilling out. “Remus, I’m pregnant, I took a test literally earlier tonight— I had forgotten, with everything that’s happened after— but I forgot, and it’s really early, but I was feeling off and so I did the test and—“
It was like all the words that had failed her just prior all fought their way out at the same time. Remus let out a scream that could only be described as close to a joyful howl and ran to her. He dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his cheek on her stomach.
“Are you really?” Remus whispered for only her to hear, searching her eyes intensely through his own glossy ones, as if confirmation of the truth was hidden somewhere under her pupils.
Y/N nodded, smiling, eyes absolutely sparkling as she cradled his head. She burst into happy tears as Remus’ eyes welled up. For the next minute, all they could do was let out disbelieving gasps as words began to fail them. He stood up, wrapping her in his arms.
They hid their faces into each other’s necks, crying softly into each other. “I love you,” Remus said into her hair.
“I love you too,” she whispered back.
“Holy shit…” Sirius stumbled slightly at the news. 
“It’s still really early,” Y/N said, finally pulling away from Remus, but unable to keep herself from smiling ear to ear.
“I’m…” Sirius whispered. He took both of their hands.
He was unable to finish his sentence but Remus and Y/N knew what he meant by the expression in his eyes and simply returned the silent sentiment. 
“Thank you.” Remus said quietly at his friend, squeezing his hand.
“C-Congratulations Professor Y/N.” Hermione said shyly, afraid to intrude on this incredibly intimate moment. The three of them had just been watching silently from the side until now. Well, somewhat silently, if you excluded Peter’s muffled whines that he let out once in a while. “And Professor Lupin.”
“Thank you, Hermione.” Y/N said warmly. She read her nervous, unsure body language and beckoned her over, wrapping a protective arm around Hermione’s shoulders.
Sirius took a few steps back, turning to face the open air where the Castle stood proud in the dark distance. 
Harry glanced at Ron and Peter, who sat immobile on the ground and inched closer to Sirius. The older man saw him approach.
“In all its’ glory, eh?” He turned back to the castle. Harry nodded. “God, it hasn’t changed one bit. Not from here, at least.”
Harry observed him. Almost longingly. In the span of a few hours, the image of him had completely changed in his mind. He wanted to know so much more. There was so much to ask.
"You know what this means?" Black said abruptly to Harry. “Me being free?" 
“You can eat all you want now?” Harry joked. Black chuckled, glancing back at Remus and Y/N, who had taken a seat alongside the others. Remus couldn’t take his hand off Y/N’s belly.
"Yes...," said Black. "But I'm also — I don't know if anyone ever told you — I'm your godfather." 
"Yeah, I knew that," said Harry. 
"Well... your parents appointed me your guardian," said Black stiffly. "If anything happened to them..." 
Harry waited.
"I'll understand, of course, if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle," said Black. "But... well... think about it. Once my name's cleared... if you wanted a... a different home..." 
Some sort of explosion took place upon Harry’s expression. 
"What — live with you?" he said. "Leave the Dursleys?" 
"Of course, I thought you wouldn't want to," said Black quickly. "I understand, I just thought I'd —" 
"Are you insane?" said Harry, his voice easily as croaky as Black's. 
"Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Have you got a house? When can I move in?" 
Black turned right around to look at him.
"You want to?" he said. "You mean it?”
 "Yeah, I mean it!" said Harry. 
Black's gaunt face broke into the first true smile where the joy reached his eyes as well. The difference it made was startling, as though a person ten years younger were shining through the starved mask; for a moment, he was recognizable as the man who had laughed at Harry's parents' wedding. 
Sirius looked at Harry as if he were his own son, but feeling slightly awkward, extended out his arm and pat the boy on the shoulder stiffly. 
Y/N was watching the scene unfold between the two from her spot on the ground. Tears were rolling down her cheek, fast and hot. In that moment, hope filled up the chests of Y/N, Remus, Sirius, and Harry. It felt, it almost felt… like the future had a glimmer of a chance of having family in it.
Remus took notice, and wiped her cheeks dry with the back of his fingers. He took her hand, and squeezed it reassuringly. He was still crying himself, at the news that he was going to be a father.
His gaze was rested upon her face and while Y/N’s originally was too, her eyes shifted. They shifted to the sky behind him. A cloud had just cleared, and the night seemed to brighten a tad more.
She dropped his hand. The corners of her lips dropped.
Her face was now fully bathed in moonlight and Remus snapped his head back to see the full moon emerging into the sky. He went rigid.
“He didn’t take his potion tonight!” Hermione gasped.
“Sirius.” Y/N said, deadpan, not taking her eyes off Remus.
Sirius whipped his head around and froze. “Run.”
When Harry didn’t move the second he was told to, Sirius repeated it, and pushed him down the grass to where Ron and Hermione were. “RUN!”
Remus began to shake and Y/N jumped to her feet, but Sirius burst between them. “Leave it to me.” He said.
Sirius attempted to drag Remus’ transforming body away from the others as Y/N clutched onto Hermione and Harry’s shoulders tightly. “You guys need to run, okay?” She said, hands shaking in her grip as she nudged them in the Castle’s direction opposite from Sirius and Remus. “Ron, can you get up—“
She turned her attention to Ron on the floor, and squatted in attempt to help him get to his feet. “Oh, fucking hell—“ She cried at Snape’s unconscious body. She bent over him, slapping him multiple times on the face. “Wake up, wake up, wake up.”
There was a terrible snarling noise. Lupin's head was lengthening. So was his body. His shoulders were hunching. Hair was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which were curling into clawed paws. As the werewolf reared, snapping its long jaws, Sirius disappeared from Harry's eyeline. He had transformed. The enormous, bearlike dog bounded forward onto the wolf. They were locked, jaw to jaw, claws ripping at each other. 
Harry, Ron and Hermione stood, transfixed by the sight, too intent upon the battle to notice anything else. Peter, who was still tied up, was inching his fingers near Remus’ wand, which had fallen onto the ground not more than a few inches away from him. He squirmed through his ties and… BANG! Light flashed once he got his hands on it and he was free from the restraints. 
“EXPELLIARMUS!” Harry pointed his wand, but it was too late— Peter had transformed into a rat and scurried off in the dark patches of grass. “Y/N, he escaped!”
“Fuck.” Y/N said, giving up on reanimating Snape. She rose to her feet, looking out for the rat, when another sound from afar caught her attention.
Yelping, whining… a dog in pain. A small thud of its body hitting the ground. Then, a howl and rumbling growl. Heavy paws running, and getting louder. The werewolf was headed back towards them. 
Y/N looked between the spot where Peter had disappeared and the three kids. There was no decision to make. 
“GO!” She yelled at them. “DON’T COME THIS WAY.”
And with a crack, she transformed into a dove and flapped her wings to get height. She whistled, getting the wolf’s attention, and soared through the sky, leading him straight into the Forbidden Forest.
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lulublack90 · 7 months
Prompt 25 - Invincible
@jegulus-microfic February 25 Word count 994
Previous part First part
Regulus was waiting outside Rosier House. He’d wait outside until he spotted Lily Evans. She was James’s friend. If he told him his theory, she’d never be questioned. This was too important for sentimentality.
Hours passed before he spotted her. He stepped out of his hiding place just as she passed him. 
“Evans,” He spoke clearly. She spun around, wand raised, and fired a stunning jinx at him. If he hadn’t been such a proficient duelist, she’d have knocked him off his feet. However, he was, and she didn’t. “I only want to talk, Evan’s. No need for violence.” Lily did not lower her wand. 
“What do you want, Black?” Her scowl was giving Regulus’s a run for its money.
“I just need you to answer a few questions for me.”
“And why would I ever tell you anything?” She still had her wand in her hand and twitched it up slightly. 
“Because if you don’t, I’ll tell the Order that you regularly sneak into Rosier House. A house of known death eaters. Don’t think that will look good for you, will it?” Regulus watched as her pale skin went paler. 
“Please. They don’t know about Pandora, please.” She begged. 
“Then answer my questions.” She nodded. “Have you told Pandora any information you shouldn’t have?” 
“What? No! We don’t talk about stuff like that.”
“So you haven’t been passing information to the Death Eaters?” 
“What? No. I’d never do that!” She fully raised her wand this time. “What are you getting at Black?” Regulus took no notice of her defensive stance. 
“There is a spy amongst the Order, and I had to check it wasn’t you.” Well, at least that was one down. 
“Why would you care about that?” She questioned. 
But before he could answer her, the mirror heated in his pocket. “One moment, please. I need to take this.” He ignored Lily while he flipped it open. 
“Hey Reg, I’ve got some news. Dumbledore agreed with everything. He’s asked that we arrange a meeting to figure out how to track down the H—”
“James, shut up!” He hissed, cutting James off. “I’m not in a secure location.”
“Shit, sorry.” 
“How quickly can you get to Rosier House?” It would be easier to do this now if he could make it. “Bring Sirius if you can.”
“It’s safe, right?” James looked worried. He didn’t trust Evan and Barty as much as Regulus did. He sighed and handed the mirror to Lily. 
“Tell him it’s safe.”
“Oh, hi, James. Erm, yes, you’ll be safe here.” She quickly handed the mirror back to Regulus. “Can I go now?”
“Yes, but I want you and Pandora in Evan’s room in…” He looked at James, raising an eyebrow. 
“Oh, erm, give me an hour. What about Peter?”
“What about him?”
“Well, he’s one of us, isn’t he? So, should I bring him along? Dumbledore said we need as many people as possible.” Regulus wasn’t happy about this. He’d always thought Pettigrew was a weak, weaselly person.
“Does he know Sirius’s current status?” He asked, thinking this would be a good way to narrow down his answer. 
“No, I haven’t seen him to tell him,” James admitted. 
“Then no, James.”
“But, Reg—”
“No, James, it’s too important.” James groaned but didn’t push it. 
“I’ll be there in an hour.” He said, and then he was gone. 
“You have an hour, Evans,” He told Lily, “Tell the others when you go in. I need to go pick up one more person for our little group.” With that, he apparated to a secluded clearing in a forest in the midlands. 
In moments, he was surrounded by grubby men and women. Regulus ignored them. 
“Lupin you about?” He said calmly. Remus pushed through the other wolves to stand opposite Regulus. 
“How’s it going, Black?” Remus had a few new scrapes on his face and arms, and he was covered in forest, but other than that, he looked alright. 
“You coming then?” Remus nodded. He closed the gap between them. 
“Remus!” A voice rang out across the clearing. Remus seemed to shrink. “You have three hours. Be back before then, or we’ll hunt you down.” Remus’s head bowed low. 
“Yes, Fenrir.” His voice was quiet. Regulus grabbed his arm and apparated them away. 
“Go get a shower, Lupin, you need it,” Regulus ordered when they arrived at Rosier House. Remus didn’t even fight. He went straight into Evan’s bathroom.  
A blur of black curls raced across the room at Remus when he emerged from the shower.  Sirius clung to him with tears streaming down his face, making Remus wobble and fall onto the floor. Neither of them seemed to care.
Regulus gave them a moment while he greeted James with a bit more decorum while they were in company.
Finally, he cleared his throat. “Sirius, we need to get started. We only have two and a half hours before Remus needs to be back, or we put him in danger. The quicker we get through this, the more time you can have with him. 
Sirius pulled himself together but refused to let go of Remus. Regulus made a start.  
“We believe Voldemort has created Horcruxes. If this is true, he is invincible.” The silence in the room was deafening. “Unless we track down and destroy them. That is now the job of everyone in this room. I can not express how important it is that no one outside this room finds out what we are doing. You can tell no one. I don’t care who you think you can trust. If they aren’t in this room, you don’t tell them anything. We’re all that stands between Voldemort winning or losing.”
He felt the determined shift of the room, and he let himself believe they were going to win. James wrapped an arm around his shoulder. 
“So, where do we start?” James smiled at him, proud of how far Regulus had come.  
Next part
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alenablack · 11 months
In Defense of Peter Pettigrew: an analysis
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The rat
In all things Peter is considered inferior. He isn’t handsome, or witty, or magically powerful. His biggest accomplishment is his friends. If they’re a blazing bonfire, Peter is a candle in a window. Small, and hardly seen.
The tag along friends
In multiple instances throughout the series James and Sirius are described as inseparable and easy to mistake as brothers. This leaves Remus and Peter as the add on friends, the back up, the followers. The rise of fandom culture has promoted Remus to the same level as James and Sirius in terms of friendship. However canon does not fully support this.
Example one: ‘This was in contrast to the only wizarding photograph on the walls, which was a picture of four Hogwarts students standing arm in arm, laughing at the camera. With a leap of pleasure, Harry recognised his father; his untidy, black hair stuck up at the back like Harry's and he, too, wore glasses. Beside him was Sirius, carelessly handsome, his slightly arrogant face so much younger and happier than Harry had ever seen it alive. To Sirius's right stood Pettigrew, more than a head shorter, plump and watery-eyed, flushed with pleasure at his inclusion in this coolest of gangs, with the much admired rebels that James and Sirius had been. On James's left was Lupin, even then a little shabby-looking, but he had the same air of delighted surprise at finding himself liked and included ... or was it simply because Harry knew how it had been, that he saw these things in the picture?’
Even Harry is capable of recognizing that the real core of the marauders were Sirius & James, and that both Peter and Remus experienced feelings of inadequacy and as though they did not belong; despite being devoted to Potter & Black.
Example 2: 'You say you remember him at Hogwarts, Rosmerta, murmured Professor McGonagall. 'Do you remember who his best friend was?' 'Naturally, said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. 'Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here - ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!' 'Precisely,' said Professor McGonagall. 'Black and Potter. Ringleaders of their little gang. Both very bright, of course - exceptionally bright, in fact - but I don't think we've ever had such a pair of troublemakers -*... 'You'd have thought Black and Potter were brothers!' chimed in Professor Flitwick. 'Inseparable!'
When remembered by professors and town folks it is Sirius Black and James Potter who are both remembered for their intellect and close connection to one another. Peter and Remus are spoken of less, and often less favorably.
While the marauders were a gang; the truth was they were four children who shared a dorm and formed a bond based upon proximity and a mutual interest in causing chaos.
The stupid and foolish boy
When the motivation for Peter’s betrayal come up the discussion generally revolves around his lack of courage or weakness in character. While an important aspect to contribute it’s also important to factor in how he felt about his place within both his side of the war as well as his place within the marauders. Let’s take a look at some moments that display how he is viewed by others prior to his betrayal.
Example 1:
Peter Pettigrew: "I got the snout shape, the pupils of the eyes, and the tufted tail, but I couldn't think what else —"
James Potter: "How thick are you, Wormtail? You run round with a werewolf once a month —"
Peter’s intelligence is often disregarded or degraded by his friends, despite the fact that Peter was successfully able to become an animagi at the same time as his friends, he is referred to as thick for simply taking more time to decide on his shape. James doesn’t speak kindly to his friend in any flashbacks or scenes we’re privy to; leading to the probability that this was a normal occurrence.
Example 2:
“Professor Minvera Mcgonagall described Pettigrew as a "stupid and foolish boy" who hero-worshipped Sirius and James. She also stated that Pettigrew was a less than average student and was not capable of fighting with Sirius. She was somewhat harsh with him during their years of student-teacher relationship.” (Pulled from the wiki)
This is another occurrence of how Peter was viewed by people meant to support him. If we circle back to the earlier quote by Mcgonagall we can see that she describes Sirius and James in a much more positive light.
Example 3: Peter being chosen as the Potter’s secret keeper. The whole premise of this stems from Peter’s lack of closeness to his friends; he wasn’t considered close enough to be chosen for such a role and therefore would serve as good protection.
What do these examples show us? Even prior to Peter’s betrayal he is viewed in a negative light.
In particular, his intelligence has always fascinated me. How is it that someone who is described as stupid, not magically powerful, or anything more than a follower is able to pull off his betrayal so completely? Not even Dumbledore himself suspected Peter as the spy, while this can be attributed to people’s low opinion of him. How exactly would someone without some level of cleverness keep up such a ruse? How could frumpy, mild mannered, second rate Peter Pettigrew capable of fooling the most powerful wizard alive and the entirety of the order? How could the rat frame the bright admired Sirius Black and murder 12 muggles if he was magically weak?
These complexities are what makes Peter both so fascinating and pitiful. They lead one to believe the general view of him was either grossly misinterpreted or overtly wrong. Was he just a stupid foolish boy who was weak with fear? Or was he a loyal devoted friend for a decade; who protected his creature friend for years, supported sirius through his estrangement from his family, and willing became the secretkeeper to the potter’s despite the target it placed on his back, who despite all this was simply tired of being treated poorly by the people he put first?
Ultimately we’ll never know, but what an interesting character develops from these contrary qualities.
Finally; let’s discuss the betrayal and the events that follow. Was the betrayal of his entire friend group horrific? Absolutely. Was it really that surprising after one dives into the inner workings of that said friend group? I’d said no. Peter is shown to have deep regret for his actions afterwards and in a turn of events helps Harry, but Peter never betrays Voldemort. Even when he is defeated and presumed dead, Peter stays loyal to him. He performs the ritual to bring back Voldemort himself, a magical feat in of itself. What does this say about Peter’s character? It shows both warring factions within himself but also how he is trapped between loyalty and cowardice. Peter is deeply loyal, firstly to the marauders despite their treatment of him, and later to Voldemort despite the fear and mistreatment he experiences.
Would the circumstances of Peter been different if he felt valued by his friends?
Or was he always destined to serve as a traitor?
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tedwardremus · 5 months
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Interesting House Guests
(Or The time Sirius invited the lads to spend the week at Grimmauld Place)
Sirius knew the best way to get them invited was to play up any of their families' wizarding credentials and make them sound as socially acceptable as possible. James was a guarantee. Remus was easy, too, because no one ever asked about the mothers. Peter would be a bit more of a challenge. “And Peter’s family live in London -”
“Is he related to Parcell Pettigrew?” Sirius jumped a bit in his seat as his father interrupted the conversation from behind his newspaper. Sirius had forgotten that his father was also in the room. 
“Possibly?” Sirius tried to recall if Peter had ever mentioned anyone by that name. He only ever mentioned his mother, Primrose, and Grandmother, Patty. “Who is Parcell?”
“A nitwit.”
“Oh, then they are definitely related,” Sirius replied, which earned him a light chuckle from behind his father’s newspaper.
Orion had his face buried so often behind a copy of the Daily Prophet that when they were younger, Sirius convinced Regulus that their father didn’t have a face at all. In Sirius’ defense, after the lie blew up in his face and caused Regulus to run down the hall screaming like a banshee when their father came home that evening, it was a stupid joke to fall for because while it was a rare sight, Regulus had most definitely had seen their father’s face before.
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sunflowerabyss · 9 months
Charms of Fate: Chapter 13
Paring: Remus Lupin x Fem!Professor!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Plot: Amidst the echoes of a bygone era, you return to Hogwarts years after parting ways with Hogwarts. What begins as a journey fueled by nostalgia transforms into an unexpected reunion with Remus Lupin, now a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. As the past intertwines with the present, the two former classmates navigate the complexities of grief, the resurgence of friendship, and the unwritten chapters of their shared history in this tale of rediscovery and the magic that binds them together.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of wounds and blood
In the dimly lit room, tension hung thick in the air as Remus subtly motioned for you to move, and you complied, scrambling back towards the kids. His gaze locked onto the figure before him, and with a wry smile, he remarked, "Well, well, Sirius, looking rather rugged, aren't we? Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within."
Sirius, looking small and worn, retorted, "Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?"
Remus held Sirius's gaze for a moment before lowering his wand and extending a hand to help him up. As they embraced in a heartfelt hug, the unexpected reunion unfolded.
"Remmy..." you spoke softly.
"He's here!" Sirius shouted.
"I know," Remus replied.
"Let's kill him!"
The moment was completely shattered, hearing Sirius declare those words. Fear coursed through your veins, worried for not only for your own safety, but for the three students that held a special place in your heart.
Hermione's voice pierced through the room, full of disbelief and anger. "No! I trusted you!"
She turned to face Harry and Ron, her accusatory gaze unwavering. "He's a werewolf. That's why he's been missing classes."
Remus, now standing alongside Sirius, looked at Hermione with a mix of surprise and resignation. "How long have you known?" he inquired.
Hermione, resolute, replied, "Since Professor Snape set the essay. Professor (Y/N) only confirmed my suspicions when I asked."
Remus turned his gaze toward you, a flicker of betrayal in his eyes. Sensing his agitated, you began explaining, your voice gentle but firm, "I--I didn't want to tell her. This was just speculation before you told me. It was hard denying it, Hermione would have seen right through my excuses. Believe me Rem, I really didn't want to say anything."
Remus, seemingly understanding, grumbled a comment about Hermione being the brightest witch of her age. The room remained charged with tension as the weight of revelations settled before Sirius yelled, "Enough talk Remus! Let's kill him!"
"Wait!" Remus said sternly.
"I did my waiting!" Sirius interrupted, "Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!"
Remus looked at his old friend before shifting his gaze to the three students and the woman he loved. Taking a deep breath, he handed the wand to Sirius before muttering, "Very well. Kill him." Sirius snatched the wand from Remus.
"Remus, no! You can't, you just can't..." you trailed off, voice breaking.
"Wait one more minute," Remus said, his attention on Sirius, "Harry has the right to know why."
"I know why," Harry interjected, causing Remus to look at him. "You betrayed my parents. You're the reason they're dead." You pulled Harry close to you, hands trembling.
"No Harry, it wasn't him. Somebody did betray your parents, but it was somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!" Remus shouted.
"Who was it then?" Harry asked.
"Peter..." You mumbled, shock coursing through your body. Of course. Peter framed Sirius, but why?
"Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius shouted. "And he's in this room. Come out, come out Peter! Come out and play!"
"Expelliarmus!" a voice yelled out, knocking Remus' wand out of Sirius' hand. Everyone turned to see Snape. Your eyebrows shot up into your hair. This day can't get any weirder.
"Vengence is sweet," Snape drawled out. "How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you."
"Severus," Remus began, but quickly stopped and put his head down as Snape moved his wand over to him.
"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle, and now, here's the proof," Snape continued.
"Brilliant Snape," Sirius spoke up, "Once again, you put your keen and penetrating mind to the task, and as usual, come to the wrong conclusion. Now, if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to."
Snape thrust his wand into Sirius's neck. "I beg you," he said quietly, "give me a reason."
"Severus, don't be a fool," Remus said.
"He can't help it. It's habit by now," Sirius added.
"Sirius, just be quiet.”
"Oh, quiet yourself, Remus!" Sirius shouted.
"Oh, listen to you two, quarrelling like an old married couple," Snape said calmly.
"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?" Sirius retorted. Snape dug his wand into Sirius' neck.
"I could do it, you know," Snape walked closer to Sirius. "But why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear?"
"Severus, please don't," you begged, shaking like a leaf but trying to keep your composure, "You don't know what you think you do."
Snape casts his attention to you before speaking, "I should have figured you were in on this too. Helping your little boyfriend help his murdering best friend." You recoiled at his venomous words. You could understand Snape's disdain, but also couldn't help inwardly scoff at how stupidly unreasonable he was being. Snape turned back to Sirius.
"After you," he said, trying to get Sirius to move out of the door.
"Expelliarmus!" Harry suddenly shouted, making you squeak out in surprise. It felt like slow motion, seeing Severus being flown through the air. However, you felt like you had no time to be shocked. "Tell me about Peter Pettigrew."
"He was at school with us, Harry," you stated.
"We thought he was our friend," Remus added.
"No," Harry replied stubbornly, "Pettigrew's dead. You killed him!"
"No, he didn't!" Remus argued, walking closer to Harry. "I thought so too, until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map."
"The map was lying then."
"The map never lies! Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there!" Sirius said, pointing towards Ron.
"Me? He's mental..." Ron exclaimed.
"Your rat, Ron. He means your rat," you responded.
"Scabbers has been in my family for..."
"Twelve years!? Seems like a long life for a common garden rat!" Sirius said. "He's missing a toe, isn't he?"
"So what!?"
"All they could find of Pettigrew was his fin--"
"Finger!" Sirius finished speaking for Harry. "The bloody coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead. Then he transformed into a rat."
"Show me," Harry stated simply, his wand out. Sirius grabbed at Scabbers, wrestling him out of Ron's grip. You pulled out your wand, ready to end this mystery once and for all. Grabbing him by the scruff by the neck, Sirius roughly put the rat down on a broken piano. The rat attempted to scamper away as you, Remus, and Sirius threw spells his way.
The oddly adorable rat you once knew to be Scabbers suddenly transformed into a heavyset, balding man. Shock fell upon the room and as Remus and Sirius pulled him up off the floor. Though you always had a weird feeling about Peter, your knees almost buckled under the weight of the revelation.
"Remus?" Peter began with feigned surprise, "Sirius? (Y/N)? My old friends!" he declared before attempting to make a run for it. The three of you used all of your force to push him back. Peter, like the dirty rat he truly was, scampered back in fear, looking for a way out before his eyes fell on Harry. He run up to him, putting his hands on the young boy's shoulders.
"Harry, look at you. You look so much like your father, like James," Peter said.
"Get your filthy, disgusting hands off of him!" you shouted, walking towards Peter, who hurriedly ran off to the other side of the room.
"How dare you talk about James in front of him!" Sirius added as the three of you cornered Peter behind the piano.
"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn't you!?" Remus demanded.
"I didn't mean to!" Peter wailed. "The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself, what would you have done?"
"I would have died!" you yelled, tears streaming down your face. "I would have died! You took them away from us! You're the reason they're dead. I always knew there was something wrong with you. Always sneaking off. Like a cowardly, dirty rat."
Peter quickly crawled under the piano, knocking you down in surprise. You let out a yelp as your foot caught on a wooden plank that had shifted up, rolling your ankle.
Harry quickly ran to the entrance of the door, blocking Peter. Peter once again placed his hands on Harry.
"Harry, James wouldn't have wanted me killed. He would spare me," Peter whispered in Harry's ear. Remus and Sirius pulled Peter off Harry.
"You should have realized Peter, that if Voldemort didn't kill you, then we would, together," Sirius said, him and Remus pointing their wand at Peter. You slowly got up, your wand at the ready as well.
"No!" Harry shouted.
"Harry," Remus began, his head hanging low, "This man is--"
"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle."
"Oh bless you boy," Peter wept.
"I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you."
Peter whimpered.
You would have laughed at his cowardliness, had it been under different circumstances. You watched as Harry and Hermione helped Ron up, Sirius pulling Peter up roughly. Remus made his way over to you, dropping down to one knee.
"Are you all right, my love?" he asked, worry lacing his voice.
"I'm fine, I promise. Nothing a healing charm can't fix," you reply with a smile. You wave your wand, muttering an incantation. You felt instant relief. "See? All better." Remus kissed your cheek before helping Sirius haul Peter out.
You followed behind them, pressing your wand into Peter's back. You felt him stiffen under the contact. "Don't try anything, Pettigrew," you mumbled menacingly.
As you all made your way out of the hole of the Whomping Willow, you watched as Harry and Sirius stepped aside to talk, having what looked like a peaceful conversation. Hermione was tending to Ron, while you helped Remus keep an eye on Peter.
Remus and you stood side by side, watching Peter with a mixture of apprehension and hatred. The atmosphere was tense as you observed the man who had caused so much pain in your past.
"I never thought we'd see him again," Remus remarked, his eyes narrowed.
You nodded, a solemn expression on your face. "It's unsettling, to say the least." You shifted uncomfortably. "It's just so bizarre to see him here after all these years. And to think, he was right under our noses." Remus nodded, his gaze fixed on Peter.
"Harry!" Hermione shouted suddenly, pointing over at the night sky.
As if it were a bad movie, the dark clouds began to part, showing the moon. The full moon. You watched in horror as you whipped your head towards Remus, who had almost instantly started shifting. You watched his eyes turn green, his teeth grow pointy as he began moaning in pain.
"Remus!" you shouted, as you began reaching your arms out to him.
"Remus, my old friend!" Sirius shouted, coming up next to you as he took Remus into his arms. "Have you taken your potion tonight?"
Blood drained from your face. Had he really forgotten? You were always there to remind him, always there to witness him consume it before parting ways for the night. Surely, he had to have taken it. However, you soon realized he hadn't as his bones began to crack, his jacket splitting, his limbs elongating, sinews snapping as they stretched into monstrous proportions. Tufts of coarse fur erupted through the pores of his skin, accompanied by guttural growls that echoed through the air.
His face contorted, extending into a snout lined with razor-sharp teeth, while his eyes gleamed with a feral hunger. The sound of tearing flesh and popping joints filled the air as his body contended with the agonizing shift. The bones in his hands cracked, fingers lengthening into claws.
Despite Sirius's urgent cries echoing in your ears, you find yourself paralyzed, unable to tear your eyes away from the ghastly transformation unfolding before you. You watched the man you've loved for years at war with himself.
A mixture of horror and empathy grips your heart, immobilizing you as you witness Remus succumbing to the brutal grasp of lycanthropy. The grotesque spectacle leaves an indelible mark on your psyche, each agonized howl reverberating through your very soul.
A wave of sorrow sweeps over you, accompanied by a profound sense of helplessness. You long to reach out, to somehow alleviate the torment Remus endures, but the reality of his monstrous metamorphosis renders you powerless. Your chest tightens with a blend of sympathy for his suffering and a desperate desire to escape the impending danger.
As the nightmarish scene unfolds, your instincts clash with your compassion. The fear that grips you doesn't solely stem from the imminent threat of a werewolf but from the anguished recognition that the man you care about is trapped within that savage form. Though your rational mind urges you to flee, an emotional tether holds your gaze fixed on Remus, caught between the dread of what he has become and the lingering connection you feel for the man behind the monstrous facade.
"Run!" Sirius shouts. "Run!"
Finally snapping out of your haze, you watch in dread as Peter turns back into a rat, fleeing. You reason that the kids' safety is more important as you slowly move backward. Remus lets out an ominous howl before Snape appears seemingly out of nowhere. He grabs Potter by the shirt, ready to rip him a new one before hearing Remus letting out a low growl. Snape pushes the trio behind him, right before Remus swings, knocking him out of the way. You hear Hermione let out a frightened scream, the three holding each other close. You feel your legs move before realizing it, throwing yourself in front of them.
As his razor-sharp claws swipe through the air, you find yourself caught in the path of his vicious attack. The impact is swift, and a searing pain radiates across your face as you're sent sprawling to the ground.
The agony pulses through you, and the metallic taste of blood fills your mouth. Clutching your wounded face, you struggle to comprehend the sudden brutality of the encounter. The world blurs, and a mixture of fear and pain engulfs your senses. As you lie on the ground, vulnerable and wounded, the stark reality of Remus's transformation manifests in the most visceral way possible.
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