#people just need to realize when something is a preference and not a criticism
autism-purgatory · 3 months
Girl help people who’ve never written anything are saying it’s bigoted to give queer, disabled, or poc characters flaws and depth and that its just a watsonian excuse for the writer to be bigoted. Yes that CAN exist (like the “she looks 12 but is actually 1000 years old! Bullshit) but to say it’s bigoted for a character to make stupid decisions or be mean with in-universe explanations (not justifications, explanations) in the writing, then you’re just trying to enforce the Hays Code Tumblr 2012 edition.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
cullens reacting to reader being distant
Cullens with a distant S/O
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!
I plan on opening my requests soon so please bear with me everyone, I'm almost through with what I have in my inbox
And sorry I got a little carried away on some of these.... I love you Jasper <3
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He would know why you were acting this way
Whether it is because you're upset with him, upset with someone else, upset in general, or maybe feeling sick
That doesn't change the fact that he is still concerned
The good part about reading minds is that he knows what people are thinking
Unfortunately it doesn't help him when he needs to actually say something to someone
He has a brief moment of self hatred
He still thinks he's a monster
And if you're pulling away from him for whatever reason then it must be because you think he is one too
But then he just thinks back to the actual reason why you're upset and calms himself down
If you're upset at him about something he did, he is working on fixing it immediately
But I feel like he wouldn't be too good with words
Like he would give you a bunch of gifts and hope that helps
You're gonna have to be the one to sit him down if you wanna talk through it
Now if you're just upset in general he also wouldn't know what to do
He would bring you stuff again like your favorite food, a new outfit (picked out by Alice), or anything else he knows you like
Or if you're feeling sick he'll start taking care of you immediately
(Unashamed plug to my other story about reader being sick 😼 )
Whatever the case is, he is not going to let this blow over naturally
As soon as you start pulling away from him or acting distant he is trying his best to fix it
He has a bit of an obsessive attachment style...
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She was out running some errands with Esme when she gets a flash into the future of you pulling away from one of her kisses
She immediately drops whatever she was holding and she is on her way
She plays stupid when she gets back home to you
Acting like how she normally would to see if her vision was right
And when it is right, her mind starts going a mile a minute
She didn't get any predictions before this about anything that happened to or with you
She is confused
And hurt
But she will also not let this linger
She wants to get to the bottom of the problem right now
So she sits down wherever you are and just straight up asks what's wrong
And she's not going to leave until you tell her
She may have eternity with you
But she doesn't want to spend a single moment of that apart
If you are avoiding her because of something she did, she would prefer that you just say what it is
She doesn't need sugarcoating
And she will fix it
It doesn't matter what it is
She's very receptive to criticism
For, like, the next week or so she is all yours
You want to do something that she has expressed no desire to do before? Get ready she already has the car packed
She might even let you pick your own outfits if it will make you feel better
She will not leave you alone, though
Another one who is just a touch clingy
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Oh don't hurt me
The moment you pull away from his touch or from one of his kisses, his mind immediately starts to assume the worst
You realized how much of a monster he is, you decided you didn't want to look past all of his scars, he isn't making enough progress with being a "vegetarian", you found someone better, you realized you deserve better
He leaves you alone immediately
And leaves the house
And maybe the state
And maybe the country
But more than likely he just goes and sits in the woods far away from the house
If he could cry he would
If you're a human, this hits him especially hard
He has been working so hard to be safe and cautious around you, challenging himself every day because he wants to be better for you
But there was always a voice in the back of his head that was saying he would never be enough
And now he feels like it's right
You are going to have to be the one to go get him
If the problem you had was with him, sorry you're gonna have to be the one to make amends
Whatever the problem is that you have with him, big or small, he is changing it immediately
Like I'm telling you if you told this man that you think he's too tall or smthn he is going to Carlisle and asking for his spinal vertebrae to be compressed
If it's just a different problem that you have he is so relieved
Like again he would cry if he could
But out of relief this time
He would pull the moon out of sky and force the sun to stay up longer if you said you didn't have enough time in a day
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Instant flashbacks
Seeing you pull away from her, turn over in the bed while cuddling, give her only a light peck instead of a full kiss
It reminds her of how she was with her old fiance
She didn't truly love him, and he didn't truly love her
She shied away from him, and he never really initiated
Seeing this in you reminded her of herself
And that is not something she wanted to see
She mostly leaves you alone about it
Of course she still tries everything she can
But the more you pull away, the more she stops trying
She doesn't want you to pull away or for your love to end
But tbh she's at a loss for what to do
She has no clue what to do in this situation
About a week passes and it gets to the point where you're hardly talking to her, fully turned away on your side of the bed, not walking with her at school
The final straw that makes her talk to you is when she sees the necklace she got you that you never take off sitting on the bathroom counter
She isn't gentle when she confronts you, she literally walks up to you and goes "what's the problem?"
Very blunt, but effective
She won't let up on it until you tell her what's bothering you
If it's something small that she did, she starts laughing
Like if you say something like "You were talking to Emmett last week more than me" then I'm sorry but she starts giggling
But if it's like an actual problem she gets so serious and vows to change her ways
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He's not stupid
The moment he did something wrong, he sees the look on your face, even if it's only for a brief second
So when you pull away from him later, he knows exactly what happened
And he stops it right there
He explains that he knew what he did was wrong the moment he did it
And that he's sorry and will never do it again
And he doesn't do it again
That's what happens 9 times out of 10
But if you catch him off guard?
Okay yeah he is a little stupid
If you start pulling away and acting distant he immediately starts to rack his brain for things that he could have done
If he finds nothing, he is truly at a loss
He lets it fester for a bit, hoping that you'll come to him when you're ready to talk
But he only really gives it like three days max
And then he just goes up to you like
"... So.... uh.... everything okay?"
If it's something he did he curses himself for not thinking of that
And if it's something else that he could have helped with he curses himself for leaving you alone for so long
Either way he makes up for it :)
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Another one who notices immediately
And gets worried immediately
She is not someone who will let it sit
Like at all
She wants to know what's wrong
If it's something she did she instantly tries to fix it
And she starts apologizing profusely
Like it could literally be something as stupid as her walking on the other side of the pole while you guys were out shopping
And she is on her knees begging for forgiveness
But if it's something else she is on the case to help
If you're pulling away from her because you're stressed with school, work, life in general, literally anything she is now taking at least half of that load
If you work she starts doing your paperwork for you
If it's school she starts doing all of your assignments
It's not like either is hard for her
She will take over responsibilities until you feel like you're ready for them again
And even then she still might keep a couple of them for herself
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He might not notice as quick as some of the others
If you're a human, his schedule is rough on you
He's gone almost the entire time that you're awake
And he gets back super late
So he doesn't find it weird if you refuse one of his hugs or turn away from one of his kisses
He just thinks you're tired
But if this continues for a couple days?
That's when he gets concerned
He takes one of his super rare lunch breaks from the hospital to come home while he knows you're up and awake
If you still act distant then, that's when he knows
And he wastes no time
He's super sweet about it, he starts by asking if you've been more tired recently
But he will pry further if he notices that that's not what it is
If it's something that he did, maybe him being at work so much, he works quickly to fix it
Taking more days off, actually taking his breaks, just being home more in general
If it's something else that he did (*insert whatever scenario here*), he gets upset at himself for not seeing that sooner
He is a caring, compassionate man
And the fact that he did something to hurt you and then completely forgot he did that or didn't consider that it would hurt you
He's disgusted at himself
Name what you want him to do, and it's done
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Vampire! Bella:
She's a little clueless
Not as in she doesn't realize that she did something wrong, but moreso that she didn't realize it would hurt as much
She didn't get bothered by too much when she was a human
People making digs at her, people not showing interest in wanting to hang out with her, it didn't really get to her
So her mind doesn't immediately go to that when she sees that you're upset
She's at a loss for what it could be tbh
She doesn't let it go on for too long though
After all she does love you and she does realize that she misses being able to hold and kiss you as much
If it's something she did, she apologizes
Will want to have a talk with you about what you need from her
Like I said she wasn't and isn't as bothered by a lot of things as you might be
And she wants to be on the same page
If it's something else entirely then she will be more than willing to be there for you and comfort you
And help you out if that's what you need
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The Owl House Critical Post, scroll away now I don't know if I am being too harsh in this post but I wrote it anyway so if you don't wanna read something potentially upsetting this is a warning (to those who decide to read please tell me if I'm being too harsh)
I remember initially hating how the show handled its villains, they all felt like jokes, they never felt like threats or like they provided a meaningful challenges for the main cast, they never had any real depth or complexity. but i bit my tongue, I was told that I was basically a dumbass for complaining that Bump openly breaks a law that's supposed to be punishable by death so that Luz could fulfill her witchy fantasy and that he wasn't arrested. the show could've had him make the multiclass student thing be something underground- boom it lets luz live out her fantasy but doesn't ignore what was established about the setting and creates potential stakes if these underground classes ever got discovered! That already made me angry but the cult thing is what I wanted to complain about- i only had basic ass knowledge about cults and TOH fails at portraying that crap, most people in the EC can just quit and do so in a way that makes it feel like they're just quitting a job, it doesn't feel like they fear losing their friends or sense belonging and community, they don't feel like they're anything but jokes. Leaving a cult is scary, often times cults will send their followers into the real world and set them up to have bad experiences so they'll come running back, they'll hire thugs to scare them into staying or position them in away so that they suffer (sending them out without money or the skills to survive), they humiliate those who begin to ask questions so that they stay in line. guilt tripping, putting members against each other, cutting off contact with the rest of the world! The show only adds the whole 'forced to fight on a mountain' thing for flavor! Everytime it brings up actual stuff cults do it feels like it's more for flavor than actually writing this topic with sensitivity- look at how they treat Lilith! Imo It feels like the show insulting people for ever trusting belos, treating them like they're braindead and could've just realized fairly easily that he was evil. It's the most egregious with hunter who was basically fucking born into the EC. the show is also pretty black and white, which is curious for a show that gets praise for its portrayal of religious trauma. You think the show would be more grey. I did deeper research into cults and just got SO tired of people talking about how good the show was at conveying such a heavy topic. The titan reveal also doesn't help- Luz is told by an all powerful deity that she is the chosen one basically and is told that old man is evil and needs to go down- isn't that the same justification that belos uses for his actions- not saying belos should've gotten redemption or forgiveness but this feels wrong. He deserved to die don't get me wrong but using this justification feels gross. What's even worse is that the titan made Philip's life harder on purpose- ah yeah that brainwashed cult victim would totally change his mind especially if you make his life harder- yeah I would've preferred if belos was depicted in a flashback just having a bad time on the boiling isles and cherry picked those bad experiences to justify his actions. Also I hate that the show just writes belos off as greedy and glory seeking when it could've conveyed a message about how people can get absolutely get warped by religious dogma. I do wonder though if I'm being too harsh because TOH is for kids and I was told it would be hard to portray this stuff in a way kids could understand. I can come up with ways to make the breaking the law openly thing less egregious but I am struggling to think of ways the show could have handled the cult thing, I am aware that maybe I'm accidentally saying stuff that is kind of bad faith but this is my truth. I feel like TOH wasn't good at villains and it sure as hell didn't write cults well
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 months
I think New Vegas and the original fallout team in general have some major and consistent issues with their writing that a lot of people just like skip over. And me pointing that out isn’t me saying the games are bad. Media is a product of the time it’s made in. They write like typical head in the sand don’t know when they’re being offensive 90s era tv writers a lot of the time.
But also this is one of those media franchises where if you criticize certain things about it even a little bit you need to put in five million caveats so the fanboys don’t come crawling out of your walls.
You can see almost everyone online who criticizes Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout New Vegas attempting to put up a shield preemptively because the people who prefer those games ooohhhhh baby baby you can feel their fingers reaching for the comment section before you’ve finished your sentence.
But I can’t shut up about the things I notice about the media I consume. I’m a queer writer with an English degree. I’ve been trained to notice things and I think there’s a lot of things out there worth discussing and critiquing even when it comes to media that most people agree is generally good.
Your favorite work of art is not immune to perpetuating biases whether on purpose or by accident. New Vegas for example has a serious noble savage problem. All of these games have issues when it comes to their “low intelligence” dialogue options. Yes they can be funny but the biases within them are also worth looking at. Why do you find them to be funny? Is this game actually truly doing a good job of humanizing the enemy? Is this game accidentally advocating for eugenics? Is this game advocating for torture? What assumptions are the writers making here?
Pretty much everything out there that you’ll ever read, watch, or play has some form of issue with it. Likely my own work has issues in it that I don’t see.
Even if something is good, even if something is timeless, revolutionary, something you’re proud of, in love with, it’s still worth looking at closely. Sometimes you don’t realize when you’re being manipulated. Sometimes you don’t realize what assumptions you just accept as fact.
Critique doesn’t mean condemnation. It’s a part of a healthy media diet. It’s fine to just enjoy things but someone digging deep into the problems with the things you enjoy doesn’t mean that you need to defend those problems or that you’re being attacked. You have every right to turn off your brain when consuming art. But just because that’s how you choose to go about it doesn’t mean it’s not that deep.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Chapter 9
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!dreamwalker!reader/female!human!reader
CW: wholesome fluff, a good amount of angst, lo'ak being nosy lol jk he's genuinely trying to look after neteyam, descriptions of masturbation, TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of depressive symptoms, reader meeting neteyam in her avatar body, neteyam and reader vent to each other about their struggles, sensitive themes, hurt/comfort, cuddling, sexual tension, kissing, sexual content, mentions of sexual fluids, neteyam slightly begging to mate with reader, foreplay (i don't know if it counts but it definitely is teasing in a sexual way). Tell me if I missed something ♡
Hello, my cute little readers! I got a little better in terms of my fibro flare up and have been feeling a little better emotionally/mentally these days, so, I was able to write again. There's a slight chance that some paragraphs are a bit confusing. I didn't fully proofread it. I'm sorry, my babies, I'm really tired right now, really achy, still. And I'm extremely hungry and there's some delicious homemade orange cake in front of me waiting to be eaten 😍 I've already eaten two pieces of it and drank a full cup of coffee with milk but I NEED to eat more bc I'm still starving and I love cake and coffee 🤤 idk about other countries but it's a tradition that we have here in Brazil to eat cake and drink coffee, together 🤍 anyways I gotta shut up now lol Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'd love to read your lovely comments down below 👉🏻👈🏻 I love y'all SO MUUUCH 😘 
Slightly proofread.
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Chapter 8
No way out of your quicksand
But I can breathe underneath
Take your love, cover me
Pull me down, pull me down
You are wonderful
You've taken all of my heart
It was so worth the fall
Don't let go
Quicksand (Bridgit Mendler)
Today you felt anxious but excited. It was your first day off in a week. You were gonna Dreamwalk in your Avatar today. But you were not gonna be on a solo mission this time. Neteyam would be by your side. You two had planned to meet each other next to the river you always loved to play in. You had always loved running water.
Having Neteyam around felt like a breath of fresh air to you since you never truly felt at home amidst other human beings and, after so many years, it started to feel like a joke to you to insist on trying to fit into a society that seemed to not even want you there, in the first place. Most people behaved towards you like you were weird in some way. Neteyam never made you feel that way. You did not know if it was in view of the fact that he was na'vi or if it was just because he was in love with you.
You had always preferred to live among plants, insects, songs, books, animals… on your own little world, since you were a little girl. Everybody used to call you a daydreamer, saying you had your head on the clouds. When you were a child, you did not let that get under your skin. That's the beauty of childhood wonder, it has a lot of wisdom in it that we seem to forget, once we start growing up. Your little self never cared about those "demonstrations of care and concern" (that were nothing but condescending criticism and you never understood why people tried to conceal that fact if it was so obvious) because you knew you were not crazy or completely oblivious to reality like they used to say. Your fun and whimsical inner world was what felt like home to you, not the everyday mundane routine, the protocols that seemed ridiculously stupid to you, the shallow conversations and gossip… the over-all human society. It fucking sucked, if you were going to be totally honest. 
It's not that you hated your own kind. No. It's just that you hated the way they built their empires, throughout history, the tainted legacy the ancestors left for the ones to come in the future - like a dying Planet, for example -, because of their own stupidity and recklessness.
You knew you were not harming anyone - yourself included - despite always engaging in daydreaming, all alone, with your earbuds on or just staring at a beautiful landscape and your grip on reality was still in check. Your grip on reality was actually so tight, your fingers would get hurt and start to bleed sometimes, because reality is a double bladed sword. It keeps you safe and stable, it is needed for you to not go bonkers, but it also cuts you deep with its sharp edges.
Neteyam prepared to go out today to meet you during the day for the first time after the both of you became mates. It was just like Eywa had blessed him as he was able to finish all his duties to the clan and his training a little earlier than the usual today. Or maybe the Great Mother had nothing to do with it and it was all Neteyam making the greatest effort ever just to be able to spend some time with you in the daylight and finally see you in your na'vi body again. He missed seeing you like that. He missed the way your tail would wag softly showing you were feeling happy, he missed looking at your stripes and thinking they were the most beautiful stripes he had ever seen and most of all, he missed admiring the way you loved his planet, the way you respected and appreciated Eywa instead of hurting her.
When Neteyam was taking his bow and arrows and putting them on his back, ready to go into the woods to meet you, Lo'ak approached him, suspicious.
"Where are you going, bro?"
"To the forest. Maybe I can hunt for some food and if I'm lucky I'll bring us some good meat for dinner." Neteyam smiled and gave his younger brother a head pat, rapidly walking out of the Sully's hut door
Lo'ak wanted to yell something to his older brother, something like "I know there's something you're not telling me" but he did not. If Neteyam was hiding something, it would probably not be something that would harm him - Neteyam. Everybody knew how responsible - to the point of being annoying, sometimes - Neteyam was. Lo'ak used to get Neteyam into trouble all the time back when they were just teenagers and he was trying not to do that as much as he used to, even though he was not exactly doing a great job - he was doing a terrible job, actually - but he was still trying. He would still keep an eye on his older brother - "It seems like the tables have turned, huh?" Lo'ak thought - but he would leave him alone to do whatever he was going to do in the forest. He knew Neteyam did not have much free time for himself and he sometimes felt sorry for him, seeing him so tired and even stressed out really often because of his Olo'eyktan to be training and his responsibilities as the older brother. Lo'ak used to hold some grudges on his older brother when he was younger but now he understood that Neteyam actually struggled a lot too.
Neteyam pretended to not notice anything when he was leaving home but he did not fail to see the mistrust on Lo'ak's face. That was something he would have to deal with sooner than he wanted to, he acknowledged. He also thought about how his mother would react when she eventually finds out that her son, the future Olo'eyktan of their tribe, was in a relationship with a human girl. Neteyam did not want to disappoint his mother. He knew how proud she was of him and it hurt to think that she could start to think badly of him. He tried his hardest to whoosh those thoughts away.
The Pandoran sun shone bright up in the sky, its rays reflecting on your bioluminescent freckles, making them a little more evident on your skin. The soothing sound of the leaves dancing with the pleasant wind and the water running in the nearby river filled the atmosphere around you. You walked slowly towards Neteyam, adrenaline dancing around in your belly in a bittersweet motion.
When Neteyam looked at you, it was like lightning had struck him. Not a destructive kind of lightning but a good one, sweet in its intensity, falling strongly all over him. Neteyam was seeing you in your Avatar for the first time after you had become his mate.
Your mouth was somewhat open, revealing your upper teeth and your na'vi (Avatar?) fangs. Your gaze revealed how much you had anticipated that moment, how much you stayed up when you should be sleeping, thinking about finally being able to see the look in Neteyam's face when he saw you in your Avatar. You knew he had watched you while you were Dreamwalking too many times before but you never got to see the admiration in his eyes when he did so as he had been stalking you, not letting you know he was around. You had wished to see his beautiful golden eyes captivated by you for so long. You wanted to feel pretty and desired like that. And now you were finally experiencing it as Neteyam looked almost dumb with enchantment while he stared at you. But cute dumb, you know? So damn cute…
You stared back at him as you took the last steps towards the place where he stood, as if he was frozen.
Neteyam felt like he was not able to move as he took in how beautiful you looked. He had never seen your na'vi body so close to his own body and it felt overwhelmingly good to do so. His sweet yawne finally belonged to him and he could now touch you and hold you in the physical form he found you most beautiful in. It's not like he did not think you were madly beautiful and hot in your human body, he always wanted to pin you down and make love to you while he was close to your human form, but nothing compared to seeing you in your na'vi form, the form where you smiled the most, where you seemed so much more alive and full of lust for experiencing the world around you. That made you even prettier. Happiness looked pretty on you.
Neteyam was na'vi and his people did not have as many severe mental struggles like humans did but there were rare cases where some na'vi who went through terrible trauma in their lives did become uninterested in fighting their dark thoughts and they did become extremely depressed, though they could be cured from that illness through rituals that healed the spirit, performed by their clan's Tsahìk.
Neteyam was not blind or oblivious to things that were obvious to the naked eye. He knew that nobody would break down and cry as often as you did, only minutes after waking up in the morning, while getting ready for work etc if this person was not in an enormous amount of pain, the kind of pain that made them wish to disappear and never be found again. Thinking about his mate feeling that kind of sorrow made him feel like his heart was being torn into pieces, blood spilling from it like water spills from a fountain.
The reason why Neteyam was so determined to convince you to transfer your consciousness to your na'vi body forever was not some selfish wish, it was not just because he wanted to take you to his tribe and have you be his mate, be able to bond with you through tsaheylu every night and get to love your body, sharing his affection and sexual pleasure with you as well as feeling your own through the bond - even though that thought did wake up a raw, intense desire and need inside of him and he just could not stop himself from fantasizing about that while stroking his cock when he could be all by himself without any chance of disturbance. Neteyam also wanted to give you the opportunity to live a blissful and fulfilling life, a life where you would laugh way more often than cry. If he knew someone that deserved nothing less than that, that person was you.
If in the worst case scenario, you still felt so bad after you had your consciousness transferred to your na'vi body, Neteyam planned to ask his mother to perform a ritual that heals the spirit on you. Thinking about that, he suddenly felt anxious and he felt his heart tightening inside his chest. Neteyam had been trying not to worry about the fact that it would be extremely hard to convince his mother to accept you as his mate and perform the ritual of transference of consciousness on you but that thought had been eating him alive constantly, ever since he talked to you for the first time, outside of the laboratory’s kitchen window.
"Hi, muntxatan." (male mate) Neteyam's heart started beating quickly and it almost came out of his throat when he heard you calling him your mate in his people's language as you stopped in front of him and smiled widely, your eyes narrowing slightly. Those torturing thoughts about his mother trying to tear the both of you apart quickly were washed away from his mind by your presence. It was hypnotizing to him.
"Yawntu… You're just so beautiful. So insanely beautiful." Neteyam smiled, his eyes shining, still bewitched by you, and pushed you roughly against his body. He hugged you tighter than he ever did before since he knew he wouldn't hurt you by doing so when you're Dreamwalking. The size difference between the both of you was not that substantial anymore. His chin rested on the top of your head as he held you strongly against his body.
His roughness did not hurt you, on the contrary, it made you feel safe and protected to have his big - currently not huge, just big - arms around you, keeping your body close as your head was against his chest, your eyes shut and you could hear his heart beating fast. It made you indescribably happy to know that you were the reason for that quick heartbeat. You curled your lips up, smiling peacefully.
Peace. You spent so much time without feeling that but, after you accepted becoming Neteyam's mate, finally defeating your cruel fears, you started to feel peaceful way more often than you had ever felt in your life, even more often than you did when you were little.
Neteyam distanced your bodies a bit, still putting his hands on the sides of your arms, right below your shoulders and announced:
"Come! There's a place I wanna take you to." He took your hand and started walking in front of you, excitedly leading you somewhere 
"Where are you taking me?" You smiled and chuckled softly, curious
"You'll see." It was all he said
Neteyam made you feel excited about little things, like you were just a child again, a feeling you hadn't felt in so, so long. After Neteyam came to your life, it was like he painted vivid colors on your once all too white and dull canvas. You almost shivered at the reminder that you nearly ruined your chance to have a love so pure and true such as this one because of fear of the unknown and refusal of getting out of your comfort zone.
After walking through the rainforest with you for a little while, Neteyam stopped in front of a tall, large tree and you soon recognized it. Its branches had clusters that were full of some beautiful fruits that reminded you of blueberries that used to exist on Earth, before they went extinct.
"Here. Do you recognize this tree? I've seen you look at it so many times. Were you wondering if the yovo fruits are safe to eat?"
"Yeah." You smiled bashfully "They look delicious."
"And they are. They're safe to eat, yawne. We can eat some now, if you want to." Neteyam smiled kindly at you. The fact that he remembered small details about you made your heart melt. 
"I'd love that, Teyam."
Neteyam smiled, unbelieving.
"What did you call me?"
"Teyam…?" You furrowed your eyebrows "It's just a nickname I came up with for you… Do you hate it?" You contorted your features in a way that showed him you were feeling slightly insecure and embarrassed 
"No! I love it, yawntutsyìp! I love it." He smiled and chuckled "I just wasn't expecting it. I love that my muntxate is calling me by a special nickname. Feels intimate." Neteyam came closer to you and held your face with both his beautiful strong blue hands
You looked up at his face with doe eyes and waited as you knew what was coming. You could feel it. The sneaky butterflies started flying inside your belly again.
Neteyam kissed you slowly, crushing his soft wet lips against yours. He pressed his lips on your mouth again and again for a short amount of time but it was enough to make your legs feel weak.
"Come, oeyä muntxate. I'll help you climb the tree."
Neteyam did as he said and soon enough you both were sitting on the wooden "floor" of the tree, sharing yovo fruits and eating them.
You two started to chill and talk about everyday life. It felt so good. It felt familiar, just like any relationship you had had before with a human guy, but better. So much better. Your alien boyfriend - mate? It felt so weird to say it like that… - made you feel things that none of your ex human boyfriends could ever dream to do. Neteyam made you feel understood. He did not judge you. He made you feel at home. Neteyam was becoming home for you.
You started to tell him how sad and done with everything you sometimes felt. Well, not sometimes… It happened all the time, even though it got better now that Neteyam was in your life. But you did not want to make him worry about you.
"You know, sometimes I feel like that too."
"What do you mean?" You questioned
"Like there's so much chaos inside that I just wanna talk to someone and vent. But I'm always so busy. There never seems to be time to find someone to do that with."
You were slightly surprised. 
"Yeah, me too. Always too busy." You sighed "And exhausted, to be honest. Both physically and mentally."
"Well, I do have way more stamina than humans do" You laughed at Neteyam's teasing "But some nights I come home from training and after taking care of my siblings, really, really tired too. And I don't mean only physically."
"We have some stuff in common, don't we?" You pointed out, smiling
"We certainly do." He smiled back
You felt good knowing that.
Neteyam laid on the floor, right by your side.
"I'm full" He let out a laugh that sounded lovely in your ears while stroking his stomach.
"Me too." You laid on the floor too, just like Neteyam had just done. Your belly felt pleasantly filled up "But these fruits are so good I'd still eat a dozen of them." You playfully said, laughing
"Do you want more? I can get you some more." Neteyam gently offered
"No, it's okay, Teyam. I'm good for now." You smiled at him
Neteyam smiled back, showing no teeth, a soft, enamored look in his feline amber eyes.
You two spent some time together in comfortable silence.
"Oeyä muntxate?"
"Yeah?" You looked at him and let out a relaxed sigh, smiling softly
"Oel ngati kameie." He said, with vulnerable sincerity in his eyes
It seemed like he was gazing inside your very soul. Like his golden eyes could see something in you nobody else could. Like he saw who you truly were. Like Neteyam saw the good and bad and the ugly and the greatness and the doubts and the fears and the uniqueness and the ordinary parts of you, like he saw all of you, and it did not scare him off to see your dark side. You could feel he was staying for both your virtues and your vices. And maybe that's what "Oel ngati kameie" meant, when said to the one you're choosing to be your mate. Means connecting to someone in a raw, deep way, a way that nobody else is able to. A way that allows you to see the other person's flaws but not be afraid of them and try to find a way out. A way that allows you to see the grace in every little detail that that other soul has, to see the beauty in them that they themselves could never see.
"Oel ngati kameie…" You finally said, smiling, still not believing he had said those words to you
Neteyam smiled brightly while gazing into your eyes. He always looked deep inside your eyes… It felt almost too much but it still had just the right amount of intensity for it to be deliciously alluring instead of overwhelming.
Neteyam took your hand and intertwined your fingers on his. You felt the touch of his warm hand burning your skin in a pleasant way. After a few seconds, he kissed the back of your hand tenderly. You kept staring at both your hands glued together for a while.
"I wanna cuddle with you, oeyä muntxate." His voice brought your attention back to his face.
You could hear nervousness and need in his tone.
"Sure, yawne."
You were starting to really like calling Neteyam by na'vi pet names. The na'vi language was incredibly pleasing to the ears, in your opinion.
Neteyam started moving your body carefully, so you could lay on your side and when you obeyed, laying in said position, he himself laid on his side and pulled you in, making your body be as close to his as he could, your ass against his clothed member. 
Your lungs started to do a poor job at helping you breathe now that the both of you were so close. You got nervous as you two had, yes, cuddled before, when you were in your human body, but he was never behind you like that, his body glued to yours. You knew he could feel your ass on his cock. Your heart was beating at the speed of light.
It did not take long for you to start to feel Neteyam was now fully erect, his cock pressed against your ass. You felt the inner walls of your pussy start to twitch and you got all wet, your juices spreading over your panties. Neteyam was so big and thick and your body responded like crazy to him.
It was a violent, invincible desire that made Neteyam cling so much to you, all the time. It would burn his insides, making him yearn for you, for your touch, for your warmth. There was no rational explanation inside his head for it. Neteyam could not understand it, he could only feel it covering all his being, exuding from his eyes whenever he looked at you, touched you, kissed you… He knew you could tell how much he was thirsty for you almost all the time. But Neteyam did not care about being so vulnerable. He wanted you to know what you did to him. Maybe like that you would surrender sooner and give yourself to him completely already. He felt so impatient. Everyday it was getting harder and harder for him to not take you in his arms and mate with you. This wait was killing him, day by day. It was like a slow and agonizing death. And now that he could smell your sweet juices so vividly, he felt like he could no longer hold back.
Neteyam pushed you even closer to him. You whimpered softly, the feeling of his huge, girthy cock pressed against your butt was divine.
Neteyam got you crazily wet just so quickly that it never failed to surprise you. He was like quicksand to you; you could try and run as much as you wanted but you would always end up being swallowed by his love.
"I need you so much, muntxate…" He cried out softly in your ear while rubbing his hard cock on your ass. "You're all wet for me. You smell so good, it's intoxicating." He sniffed the air, savoring your natural scent just like it was the most mouthwatering thing he had ever felt filling his sensitive nostrils "Please, lemme make you mine completely, my sweet yawne. Please…"
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🧡🐱🍊
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🧡 Libra Chiron and Chiron in the 7th house native can often attract a partner with a “man child” behaviour. They might go that far to give nickname to their partner, such as “mamma”, “daddy”, “mamacita” etc.
🍊 Saturn in the 7th house people can divorce around the same age as their parents age were when they got a divorce. This native can disconnect emotionally from their partner around the age their parents divorced.
🐱 Why Sun in the 12th house often comes across as a victim is often, because they change the narrative. They present one story and later they change it or present another aspect of it, which people don’t end up accepting and would often accuse the person of trying to portray themselves as a victim.
🧡 Gemini IC or Gemini over the 4th house native: some of your family members tend to have allergies
🍊Libra Moon men inherently have a knack for what women like in partnerships and how they enjoy being seduced. They just have this natural knowing and instinct. They also think that they seem to prefer big romantic gestures (such as picnic) over gifts.
🐱 Saturn over the 2nd house transit: in the middle of the transit you might realize that money and financial stability doesn’t buy you happiness, emotional stability, confidence, optimistic outlook or status.
🧡 Cancer Venus loves the idea of marrying their first crush. Or someone they have known since teenage years or their whole life.
🍊 Capricorn Jupiter ends up marrying someone older than them. Or a bit younger, but often older. Similar Aquarius Jupiter, either someone a lot older or someone younger. Meanwhile, Libra Jupiter often marries someone with the same age, their peer, because they like an equal partner. Gemini Jupiter ends up marrying someone with whom they have 2-3 years age difference.
🐱 Pisces Venus really enjoys reviewing red carpet looks, fashion choices and outfits. They also really like to discuss fashion and they sometimes idealize it. They share this with Taurus Venus as well.
🧡Aries Moons love dance soo much. Even if they just broke up with someone, failed an exam, broke off an engagement, they are like... at least I can still have dance and have fun. They really express their emotion through dancing.
🍊Celebrities who have Libra MC are often known for their perfume. Such as Gabrielle Coco Chanel and perfume Chanel No. 5, which remains one of the best known perfumes of all time around the world.
🐱Taurus Venus women often face remarks of other people about their body, I would say even more so if the woman also has Taurus, Libra or Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising or Rising at a Scorpio degree. Much like in the case of Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez.
🧡 People who have Gemini Moon or Gemini IC: your parents might often criticize your partner.
🍊Virgo MC often perfects their craft to the last detail. Their clothes are really carefully chosen and curated when younger just to have nurture this image of being flawless. But with age, they tend to dress down, show themselves just as their are. Often they grow to understand that what their identity is and who they are (Pisces IC) is already enough on its own. That they don't need to be perfectly dress or put on a performance without any mistakes. Celebrity examples would be Kim Kardashian, who dresses down with age and likes to present herself in a more "natural" light. Also Justin Bieber, who used to plan out all of his performances with perfect dances and clothing. All was well curated for the audience and the public.
🐱Also, when you have Virgo Midheaven you are more likely to SELL something. Like your own perfumes, bracelets, tarot readings, astrology chart readings, your own music, clothing etc. Even if you are working as a waiter since Virgo is related to service, you are selling drinks and food in the end.
🧡 People with Libra MC or Libra over the 10th house might get accused of having a job or a career only because of their spouse or partner. Like "Kanye made Kim" who has Libra over the 10th house. These people can also end up working for their spouse's business.
🍊Composite Pisces Mars or Mars at a Pisces degree (12, 24) can often cause delays in who one person sees things and when the other learns about them. You might write them a love letter or decide to tell them your feelings months in advance. But they don't really know about your intentions and might hear things for the first time much later than you. Or you might plan a birthday surprise months in advance, but your person might only learn about it much later. Or they mention something they like that you have already bought them or plan to give them.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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thelovelylolly · 11 months
Hobie gotta beat a mf up cause they stared being a misogynistic asshole to his girl🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Summary: You start your dream job as a journalist, only to have a sexist co-worker and your boyfriend won't let that slide. Warnings: a misogynistic man (icky icky), fem! reader (she/her pronouns used), not proof read bc im tired, let me know if i missed anything :) Notes: hobie would NOT let that behavior slide period
You loved your job. It was your dream since middle school to be a journalist at one of the top news companies. It was everything you wanted, and more. You had the freedom to investigate what you wanted, when you wanted. You had control over how your stories looked in the paper and online, and you weren't as censored as other places were. It was perfect, except one thing.
Your co-worker, James, wasn't the most...welcoming to you or your ideas. You preferred stories about everyday people doing good things in your community, or focusing on local and small businesses. He thought that your stories weren't as gripping or enticing as they needed, and told you to try harder.
At first, you thought it was just because you were a new employee. But when his targeted critiques didn't stop, you realized it was something else. He wouldn't say the same things to your male counterparts. He also didn't respect your assistant, a sweet girl who needed a job during college. He treated her like garbage, which pissed you off even more.
You had a meeting with all the journalists to get updated on what everyone was investigating and reporting on. When you stood up and explained what you were doing, a simple piece about a bakery owned by a sweet lady and her girlfriend, James rolled his eyes and leaned over to his buddy to whisper something.
"I'm sorry, James, but I'm talking right now. You whispering is distracting me and getting me off track, I'd appreciate if you'd stop," you said calmly, trying to call him out as well.
He sighed dramatically. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to hurt your precious feelings."
You wanted to slap him, but you took a deep breath and went back to what you were talking about.
You kicked your door shut behind you and dropped your things next to it. "Hobie, I'm home!"
You walked into your living room where Hobie was on the couch, tuning his guitar. He looked up and smiled, immediately setting his guitar aside and going over to you.
"Hey, love, how was work?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek and giving you a hug.
You grumbled and hid your face in his neck.
"That bad, huh?"
You pulled away from him, pacing up and down the room. "It's my god damn co-worker! He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut! All he does is criticize me and belittle me, along with the other women in the office, but not with the guys! That sexist piece of shit! It's just...I hate it and I can't do anything with causing a HR nightmare, and I don't wanna lose this job, Hobie. It means so much to me and I…I just can’t lose it.”
You stop and wipe the frustrated tears that had slipped down your cheeks. You look at Hobie and give him a wobbly smile. “‘M sorry, didn’t mean to explode on you like that.”
“Don’t apologize, babe. You’re frustrated, I get it,” he replied, walking over to you and running his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “How ‘bout we order your favorite take out, yeah?”
“And we can watch my favorite movie?”
“Anything you want, love.”
On his patrol as Spider-Man, Hobie kept his eye out for your…problematic co-worker. He didn’t know what the guy looked like, but he could figure it out. He swung by your office and took a look inside.
There was only two people left, a man and a woman. He was at his desk, sipping some drink and yelling at the poor woman who was just trying to organize some files. He eyed her like a piece of candy and yelled at her for putting the papers in the wrong place. Then, he stood up and grabbed his things before heading to the door.
Hobie swung down to the front doors of the building and waited for the man to walk out. A few minutes later, the man strolled out on the phone.
“Exactly, Tim. I don’t get why she got hired. She just does some stories with zero…what’s the word, content to them? I don’t know, it’s just a matter of time until she gets hit with reality. She even had the nerve to stand up to me-“
“Pardon me, mate,” Hobie said, catching the man’s attention.
The man froze at the sight of Spider-Man, hanging up the phone. Hobie glanced at his badge and saw his name.
“James, is it? Well, I heard you were giving the women you work with some grief.”
“W-what do you want?” James stuttered.
Hobie started to back him into a corner. “You know how Spider-Man believes in…fairness and what not?”
“Well, I believe your attitude isn’t very fair to your co-workers.”
“Listen, man, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I-“
Hobie didn’t let him finish, giving him a shove back to cut him off.
“Consider this your warning, James,” Hobie said in a low tone. “Stay away from my girl, and you won’t see me again.”
With that, he swung away, leaving James shaking like a leaf.
The next day, when you got home from work, you immediately went to Hobie. He was in the kitchen, fixing some dinner for the two of you.
“Hey, babe, how was work?” He asked, putting his spoon down and going to you to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“It was…good. James didn’t bother me at all, or any of the girls, actually. It was weird, but I’m not complaining.”
Hobie hummed and went back to his cooking. You tilted your head to the side, confused at his reaction. You hopped up onto the counter next to where he was working.
“Hobie…did you do something?” You asked.
“What? Nah, I don’t even know this guy,” he answered.
"Hm, okay," you said. You hopped off the counter, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and went to get changed.
Hobie smiled to himself, knowing that James wouldn't mess with you anymore.
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dark-angel-of-muses · 7 months
Ravioli Good Omens AU
Been losing my kind over this with @breannasfluff haha
Legend is a tired, bitter angel who really doesn't want to give ungrateful people blessings
Ravio is a nervous, lonely demon that is supposed to sell cursed objects at a Needful Things type curio shop but keeps all his cursed merch off the shelves and runs a normal shop. Bad for customer retention when they're cursed whenever they buy from your shop, you know.
Ravio and Legend fudge their respective reports blaming each other for whenever their work doesn't get done. Oh, Ravio wanted to sell that cursed doll to someone, but the curse was removed by that Angel! Oh, Legend tried to hand out blessings, but they were siphoned away by that terrible demon!
Meanwhile they actually just live normal lives and ignore their divine/demonic ordained duties. Legend tends a small apple orchard. Ravio has a key to his his house and if either is asked how that happened they will dodge the question.
Ravio also has a "demonic familiar" bird that's actually just a normal bird he adopted. Hi Sheerow.
Ficlet under the cut!
"Um, Mr. Hero Angel sir? Excuse me? May I come in? I'd knock but, ah, your halo is right there on the door. I'm afraid I'd rather not be horribly burned?"
Link rolled his eyes. This demon. Link never even locked the doors anymore. He was being polite by asking to come in. But he was a demon! He didn't have to be polite! Besides, Link hadn't worn his halo in years, preferring to keep it as a door knocker. The remaining angelic power scared people, which meant he could reduce the number of visitors knocking at his door asking for blessings.
Link opened the door, fixing Ravio with a critical look. "I see you've brought a friend today."
Sheerow stared unblinking back at the angel. Ravio had taken him on as a pet after the little bird made a nest on his windowsill and refused to leave.
"Ah, well. You see, I needed to bring him along. I ask for a favor. Just a tiny one!"
Link groaned, swinging the door wide and letting the demon in. If it had been a human, he would have shut the door in their face, but Ravio was.... special. They'd been in each other's orbit since creation. Link was supposed to give blessings, Ravio was supposed to place curses. For a while, they did their jobs, occasionally getting in each other's way. Link would break some curses, Ravio would steal away some blessings.
Eventually, they made an agreement to stop interfering entirely. Link was tired of handing out blessings while his Bosses were thanked, and Ravio didn't much like giving curses. Made one a bit lonely when everyone they met encountered a horrible fate. If anyone asked, they were doing the same work they'd always done, since their output was about the same.
"You want tea?" Link walked to the kitchen to start the kettle.
"Ah, it's not holy water if _you_ boil it, right?" Ravio shuffled nervously, black wings fluttering.
"No. If all I had to do to bless something was touch it, I wouldn't hate blessing so much. Besides, it's not like when you boil pasta, the spaghetti becomes demonic." Link rolled his eyes at the thought. Ravio was so nervous about cavorting with an Angel. Link knew their superiors didn't care. As long as the status quo was maintained, a little rule breaking wasn't noted by either side.
"It's not like I'm cooking for anyone else, I wouldn't know," Ravio protested.
Link dropped the black tea bags into the kettle and left it to set as he flopped into his favorite armchair. "Alright, demon. What's the favor?"
"Could you perform a blessing for me?"
Link blinked. Was he being pranked? "Excuse me?"
"It's just, I've grown fond of this little guy," Ravio scooped Sheerow into his palm, holding the bird up with one hand and covering him with the other, "And I read that birds only live 30 years, and Sheerow was an adult when I found him! If you could bless him with longevity, I would be so grateful!" Ravio bit his lip, buck teeth showing as his nose twitched.
"You do realize if your people downstairs heard that question, they would smite you?"
Ravio blushed. "Look, if it's a no, we can pretend this conversation never happened. I just thought, since we already had a deal and all, you might help me out? I do promise to pay you back! Uh, if this conversation happened. Did it happen?" Ravio's primary feathers twitched and puffed.
Link rolled his eyes. "Pay me back? What, can you curse the mealworms rotting my apples?"
"Done! They'll be cursed with an affliction so they never desire to eat again! Starvation from apathy. Lots of suffering, I promise!"
Link stared. Was he serious? He had meant it as a joke, but Ravio's face was fully earnest. He... really wanted this. Wanted to get a blessing and fully willing to pay back in a way only he could.
"Well. alright. I'll bless your bird. After all, I can't just leave him in the hands of a demon unarmed, can I? If he lives long, maybe he can tempt you into good."
"Thank you so much! I'll make sure the curse lingers, no pest will ever touch your apples without suffering again!"
He was too good to be a demon. Then again, Link was pretty bad for an angel. Maybe they fit neatly together.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Sorry, long rant incoming.
Someone in the replies said it, but I think it needs to be said again where everyone can see it: I think a lot of the attitude that anon is somehow secretly pro-censorship because they think certain preferences are skeevy, and strenuously insisting that bad attitudes can NEVER be media's fault.... idk, maybe take it out of the context of debates about sexually explicit/pornographic media for a moment?
There are works of media that had pretty direct effects on activist and political movements, good and bad. Uncle Tom's Cabin inspired a lot of people to fight against slavery. The movie Birth of a Nation, which showed a history of the U.S. with the KKK as heroic, is considered by most historians to be a major contributor to the revival of the KKK in the 1920s. The Nazis used films, books, music, art, and so on in their propaganda, knowing it would help their ideas go down more easily. The Soviets did too. Every dictatorship did. Even democratic countries have done it as well, usually but not always in more subtle ways.
Do none of those count, because "oh, people who were going to be convinced by Birth of a Nation would be racist anyway"? "Good, non-racist people wouldn't be convinced by it"? I mean, the latter is true: there were plenty of people, especially black Americans but plenty of white allies too, who boycotted the film at the time. The NAACP led a boycott. But do you really think NO ONE was convinced? (What about people who previously didn't feel any way about it one way or the other? Were they just innately more evil, even if it might've just been that they weren't aware? Do supposedly progressive people in fandom realize how much this sounds like Christian original sin rhetoric...) And does it matter purely about media fully changing minds, or also how it galvanizes people who already think one way? If it gives them new talking points, new ways of thinking about it and convincing others? If it helps them believe their cause is more important and worth fighting for?
So why does this all suddenly change when we're talking about sex? Is porn really this special class of media where somehow all the rules about how we can both like things and also be critical of how media (fiction, news media, whatever) influences us - "be critical of the media you love," as a tote bag sold by Feminist Frequency said - just stop applying for some reason? Or maybe if something is bypassing your rational brain entirely and going directly for the pleasure centers, there's all the more reason to think critically about what it's saying? Propaganda is designed to bypass all that, too.
Also, if media really has NOTHING to do with it, that just wouldn't explain why it's disproportionately anime that feature these specific elements that seem to attract more people arguing for why it's wrong to be upset by rape or child exploitation in real life. I don't believe that everyone who watches slavery isekai or lolicon approves of those things irl - I think for the vast majority of people, it IS a fantasy and that's the point - but I have noticed that in places like the Anime News Network or Crunchyroll forums, the comments become a cesspool of creepy people arguing for why ages of consent should be lowered and mean feminists who don't like watching media with rape in it just need to get over themselves, in a way they just don't when you're talking about Attack on Titan or My Hero Academia or Shoujo Romance #4891 or whatever.
As another person in the notes said, abusers ARE opportunistic. They'll use something like Twilight as easily as they'll use the most uwu, soft, "non problematic" ship to argue for why they're allowed to abuse you. But I don't think that means we can't be critical (not calling for censorship, of course! but like, writing op-eds and stuff) of media that makes their arguments a little easier, maybe even directly makes their arguments for them.
You can believe both that everyone has the opportunity to read, watch, listen to, play what they want and make up their own minds about it, and that it's wrong for the government to ever decide what media is and isn't "acceptable," and also believe that media often is saying things that aren't apparent on the surface and that you should be critical of those messages, *especially* with the stuff you like.
The point is just that porn isn't like, fundamentally different from other fictional media in this way. (Or, hell, I would argue that fictional media isn't functionally different from other mass media in this way. If anything, fiction's politics are often more insidious in a way that makes it easier for them to reach people who might not otherwise be open to those messages in the form of, say, blatantly right-wing news media.)
It's particularly strange to me when people jump all over someone for expressing how something can be insidiously creepy in a more mundane way. The line people are upset about that used the word "unpack" was just making the point that even if we can agree lolicon isn't outright advocating pedophilia, even if we agree the point is that it's a fantasy and they're not like real children at all and that's what people like, it's still working within an idealization/fetishization of helplessness, innocence, and dependence, and that still has a lot that you can critique from a feminist perspective. It's still a thing that plays into some crappy societal ideas about who women are supposed to be, and is selling that to men as a romantic ideal. There's still a lot we can talk about there! And it's still totally fair for women to be wary of men where that seems to be all they're into - because for some (and I believe this was what anon was initially trying to say was their experience), it does impact how they treat real women. It doesn't have to be everyone for it to have an impact.
There's a lot of anime that presents women that way, even way outside of lolicon. A lot of it's anime I like! I'm still critical of that aspect of it. I still wish that particular part of it were different.
I still don't see how this makes me "pro censorship" unless I believe some kind of institution should mandate that that not be included. And whether that's the government, or the industry itself (people do kind of narrowly focus on "the government" in a way that would make a lot of industry-run censorship that was still very harmful, e.g. the Hollywood Hays Code, not "count"), or anyone, I very much disagree with that. Creators should be able to create what they want. A lot of what creators are doing with this is unconscious, is reflecting societal biases they learned but haven't thought deeply about.... which is precisely the point of critiquing how those show up in a work.
People love to talk about "secretly 'anti' attitudes" but at the end of the day, support or opposition to censorship is pretty straightforward. You believe someone should be stopped from making a particular kind of media, or you don't. If you don't, you're not pro-censorship, no matter how much you personally may not like that that media or a particular aspect of it exists. Most people who care about media have some media they wish didn't exist. It's about what they do about it that makes them pro or anti censorship. Talk to people who donate to or even work for the ACLU or other anti censorship groups; most of them don't like racist or sexist stuff, but they also don't believe it should be banned and that's the point.
Bringing it back to the discussion at hand, I think the point was just that you can't be blind to how power dynamics influence this stuff. I wouldn't even say specifically cishet men are at fault here, since some people who read this blog seem to think that anyone saying that is automatically talking about bioessentialism as opposed to like, societal stuff (don't ask me why, this has been explained on here enough times in enough different discourses over the years, I think). I'd just say anyone with power in that particular context. There's a reason why it's specifically mainstream media, aimed at groups in power, that tends to draw in creeps excusing the real thing... in a way that just similarly is not true of people in fanfiction fandom, who are usually a member of one or more oppressed categories, exploring that in their own marginal work. Fans of rape fanfiction just don't act the way that fans of slavery rape isekai do. It's because there is fundamentally a difference both when you're someone whom society tells you are entitled to everything you want in this particular arena, and also when a work is mainstream, broadening its reach, and speaking a particular message from the lens of people with economic and social power (who are making these mainstream works) and given approval by publishers/media studios/etc. in a way that is not the case with amateur work with tiny audiences. And, frankly, there's a difference between something that eroticizes rape from the point of view of the perpetrator vs. the victim.
Not a difference in terms of how legal it should be. Not a difference in whether every single person who watches it or likes it is bad. But a difference in terms of what it's saying, how it's saying that, and often the effects they have as a result. That, too, is true with every topic, not just sex.
I feel like a lot of people getting mad at these do fundamentally agree with this, but just have a weird blind spot when it's put in any sort of terminology that reminds them of certain bad arguments they've seen in fandom, uses any words that can be dismissed as "radfem" or "anti" or whatever, and so just refuse to engage with the actual meat of what is being said.
If you do actually believe though that it's wrong to EVER think media can have a negative effect on what people believe about irl issues, because there was always something "already there" that was going to "come out anyway" if it affects you that way (again, people: this is "original sin" rhetoric), and if you ever privately judge people for the media they like you're secretly pro-censorship. You do have to recognzie that both you personally come up short and also most peopel doing real concrete real world things to fight censorship would also come up short!
I think sometimes of an editorial that said "if you love Return of the Jedi but hated the Ewoks you understand feminist criticism" in terms of how you can be bothered by the sexism of a piece of media in a way you'd be bothered by any one individual element of it, and still overall like the whole. And also, you can be offended by something, even wish it didn't exist (don't we as nerds all have entries in some franchise we like or another that we wish didn't exist for fannish reasons?), without believing that it should be officially made to stop existing or have never existed in the first place. That last part does actaully matter as like, its own thing. It is in fact separable from just being able to have personal judgey feelings about media and about the people who liked it.
And opposing it does not mean in any way that we have to just stop thinking critically about the media we love, or that we have to act like media can never have any influence on people. We on the left tend to talk about sexism, racism, homophoia and so on as being influenced by culture and society. Well, guess what is part of society and culture? Fictional (and other kinds of) media. That's part of that societal programming we get. It's why you'll see some of it even from people whose parents very much tried to resist teaching them certain things, because they get it from media anyway. I was raised by strenuously feminist parents: it was the media that taught me what gender roles were and how I was expected to adhere to them.
Look, I realize it's a bit rich of me to say this, but people are not going to engage with your actual points if you cannot be more succinct.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🌉Life Events🌉
🧩At the age of 21, you start having aspects with Uranus. The Uranus aspect shows how your individuality begins to develop, you become rebellious, you begin to perceive the world differently than you have until now. Many people then start looking for themselves and what they are. You start to see how you are different from others and in what way. Who are you and what do you want to be? Here you can find many things about you (appearance, personality, society, view, friends, humanity, the world).
🤎Saturn is like a glimpse into a truth you haven't noticed until now. Saturn shows you what you can be aware of and take care of yourself, so that your life can then be better. For example: you have a problem with alcohol and you constantly hurt the people around you. But when the time comes, Saturn shows you ,your life and what you have done with it. That's when you start to realize the cruel truth that can arise if you don't change yourself.
❤️‍🔥People with fire and water signs strong may be inclined to live in their imaginations much of the time. Fire focused on vision and water on feelings.
🎉The transits of jupiter and uranus often brings unexpected opportunities. Pluto aspect with mercury transit it usually brings shocking news, the truth that you did not expect to happen. Usually, this aspect can bring something that changes your outlook and vision on life.
🧚🏼‍♀️Neptune transit -can represent finding a lost love, re-feeling past emotions, meeting our great love. Memories of the past.
❤️‍🩹Chrion transit might show you that compassion and forgiveness can be just as powerful as winning. Let's say a chiron transit in the 4th house can mean that you are healing from things that were related to your family. And to forgive for everything that happened in that time. Chiron in 7th house- maybe you are healing from a relationship that was toxic.
💔People often break up under tranaits to the descendant or its ruler, to planets in the 7th or 8th house , or to venus or the moon; transits from pluto, uranus or neptune. Relationships can then go through a critical period.
🧸Neptune transit in 7th house can cloud your view of the connections and relationships you have. This period can be very confusing and strange. You may feel like you can't find the right person for you or you don't even know what you really want. You can also attract a lot of people who give you the impression that they are good, but turn out to be something else. But it can also be people who need help.
🌅Sun in 1st house you might need time alone in order to recoup your energies - the presence of others can drain you. Sun in the 6th, maybe you like to spend spare time working in the garden or catching up on DIY. Sun in Sagittarius might mean you like to explore far afield; Sun in Scorpio maybe you prefer to spend your time researching psychological things.
🌠A transit of saturn through your 2nd house you might visit a financial advisor , or finally get out that spreadsheet and calculator. At the end of it, the idea is to feel more in control.
🌁Earth signs are most attuned to the material world and anyone with personal planets in earth signs usually has the knack to make, save, and invest money. If you have several planets in fire on the other hand, perhaps you work more on trust. Whilst earth patiently saves, fire speculates or lives on credit. Air signs prefer something rational or related to writing. But they can quickly waste money. Water signs are not so interested in money, they may have a more emotional view of it, but still they are not so connected to material things.
🌉Jupiter transit in the 9th house can mean you take a year off from everything and travel. The second saturn return usually means retirement, you look back on life and how it was.
🎨Neptune & Pluto can correspond to experiences of loss. Neptune in our chart shows our spiritual relationships. It shows what remains beyond death such as love, memory and soulful connection. Pluto by contrast where we can undergo an” underworld journey”. Where we can recreate a part of our lives. Pluto is also one of the two significators which suggest "death" in some format - Saturn being the other one. Pluto suggests an experience of death as transformation, Saturn an experience of death as the final boundary of life.
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thearchercore · 7 months
I came across these 2 thoughts which really interested me on the blog@tsarinablogs and I found her responses very interesting. (I always like his answers which are very relevant and interesting)
I would also like to know your opinion on this subject because I really like your way of perceiving and analyzing. (if that doesn't bother you of course, it's not at all an obligation)
after having an anon's thought, i realized something. (a personal impression) max is someone who is very easy to read, I have the impression that we know straight away what state of mind he is in, he is very open about his emotions, he is easy to read.
Charles, on the other hand, is very paradoxical. He has a very expressive face, you see everything on his face. But at the same time and despite this I find that he remains someone difficult to read. He is expressive but he still maintains a certain control over his emotions. I think sometimes it's hard to really say what he thinks. I don't know if I'm expressing my thoughts well, sorry 😂 I just find that Charles is much more complex than he seems. People like to call him nice, naive and handsome //
It's fascinating how similar and different Charles and Max are at the same time. In terms of racing, they are identical (even in the way they drive there are similarities). They talk about running as something vital, a need, as if the only time they feel comfortable and at peace is in a car. I have no doubt that it is a passion for all drivers but for them it seems like it is different. It seems like they need things to go well. They compare their car to a member of their body. Their way of talking about racing is different and I have the impression that what binds them is that they are the only ones who understand each other. They find themselves in this way of thinking, in this obsession and this vital need; there is an agreement.
another similarity is their humor and their perception of life; I have the impression that they are similar in this respect.
Their difference mainly lies in the way they act and interact with others. Max is very direct and more awkward, he has less self-confidence and needs some approval (like when he makes jokes). He is a very affectionate and spontaneous person. Charles is more socially comfortable and has more confidence. he has more control over his emotions than Max but at the same time he is a very open person.
thank you for mentioning @tsarinablogs! we're friends, and not to sound like i lack any critical thinking whatsover, but we do have a lot of joint opinions
THAT BEING SAID, what i find most interesting about them is how max generally never pretends, he's extremely straightforward and unless RB pr holds him at gunpoint, he will say what he thinks. charles, on the other hand, knows how to use the public opinion to his advantage and knows how to manipulate the narrative extremely well.
when you put these things together, you end up with what max and charles have going on - max who never cares about pretending to be anything he's not being interested in charles and charles, who's really great at keeping his PR persona up, tends to lose some of his cool around max and just becomes more of a private version of himself, let's say. so it's definitely fun to watch them interact vs other people on the grid just in terms of their persona preference of how they present themselves to the world.
when it comes to racing, i think they are extremely similar in both their mindset, approach, and driving styles. someone recently dug out an instance when drivers on track were complaining about their back in the cars and only him and max didn't mind “I am not here to be comfortable, I am here to drive a fast car” so it definitely helps to find someone who has similar mindset in the industry you work in, no matter what sort of industry it is.
finally, you can just tell both max and charles are there to race and win. it's their hyperfixation basically, and so them talking about racing probably fires up those little insane neurons in their brains and they can't physically shut up. i think we've all been here (when you find joint interest and realise the other person shares the same opinions AND you can nerd out together).
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picturejasper20 · 9 months
If Danny Phantom came out today, what themes and topics do you think the show would tackle?
I think it would be quite a lot like The Ghost and Molly Mcgee and the direction A Glitch in Time is trying to take.
In character i think Danny would be pretty similar, but there would be a lot more emphasis in how he doesn't know to which world he belongs- to the human, ghost or both. There would be more exploration about how he doesn't feel like he fits in, if already had trouble with being unpopular in school, he now feels like a complete freak being a human/ghost hybrid. In some episodes he sides more with humans and in other episodes he sides more with ghosts.
I think there would be themes from the original show like self acceptance, responsibility and learning to rely on others when you need help but we would get to see more of why x character acts this way and the reasons behind it.
One character i believe he would have a quite different take would be Vlad Masters. He would have a lot more development and we would get flashbacks of his relationship with Jack and Maddie before and after the accident. Think of something like King Andrias from Amphibia except with more screentime. Another thing that would be different is his relationship with Danny. I think he would have episodes he has to work together with him and Danny gets to know him better. He would have moments he shows to care about Danny and protects/saves him. He would be less..extreme in some way but he would still be terrible.
I know i like to talk about Danny and Vlad's relationship a lot, but, honestly? If there was a reboot nowadays, their relationship would be one of the most interesting things in the show or one of the main things that drives it.
The series could explore things like dying a leaving things behind with more freedom. Ghosts that didn't take the opportunity to do x thing when they were alive and/ or find themselves stuck in the past. Maybe Danny starts hating ghosts at the start of the show and over time starts to see there are good and bad ghosts, a lot more balanced than is in the original series.
If Dan were to become canon in the series, i think Danny would have a sort of corruption arc that bit by bit you see him taking a darker path and closing off from people that care about him. It would be something gradual until it gets revealed that Dan is what he could become in the future.
That itself is a lot more interesting than just having Dan show up in one episode and barely being used again after that. It adds potential for character conflict and development.
Characters like Sam and Tucker would have their own episodes that develop and change. Maybe we would get to see more of their families and what goals they have outside of helping Danny. They are fun characters but in the series they usually struggle be to be their own people.
Jack and Maddie would be... better handling things than they do in the series. I believe they would pay more attention to Danny coming back late and getting injured. They wouldn't be leave lying ghosthunter machinery around. It's possible the narrative would be a lot more critical of them hating ghosts and talking about dissecting ghosts in front of their kids. Hell, it wouldn't be out of place if Danny had an arc he started to live with someone else until his parents realize their mistakes and Danny feels comfortable enough to go back to them. Here is another thing for interesting potential relationships conflict.
As for final antagonist, it could either be Dan or The Guys in White. However, i would prefer that Vlad stayed as main antagonist for a good part of the show until someone else could take that role.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
so if Viv is liking those tweets, isn't it basically an admission that her critics have a point?
like without skipping a beat the argument has gone from
"SA survivors have found the Poison sequence empowering/honest/etc and anyone criticizing me who is also an SA survivor doesn't count / is just wrong" (implying the depiction is not fetishizing SA)
liking tweets about how trauma is irrelevant in what preferences people have and "no one should have to disclose trauma to be valid" (implying the depiction not only totally is fetishizing SA, but that there's nothing wrong with that)
this is a pretty classic Motte-and-Bailey style argument
the controversial position is that using SA as a means to titillate the audience is acceptable (or having someone working on a scene about SA who treats it that way is acceptable)
the non-controversial position is that no one should have to disclose whether they've been SA'd or not to work on storylines about it
People have criticized Viv & Raph for doing the former - treating SA like something edgy and sexy - but Viv knows it's not acceptable to defend that position, so she either uses SA survivors who thought the sequence was OK as a shield to say "no it doesn't sexualize SA" or she retreats back to the non controversial position that's much easier to defend to try and force her detractors to argue on her terms.
it's why her defense is so all over the place - it's simultaneously trying to avoid engaging with the actual problems people are having & putting words in people's mouths that she can rebut more easily.
it's fair that people get emotional when they're defensive & some can't argue their case well - but it's why stepping back to make one simple, thoughtful statement that actually engages with the criticism (where a creator feels a response is warranted, saying nothing is an option if she really thinks this is bad faith) would be a wiser move, instead of engaging several different people in debate while trying to move the conversation past what they're actually saying. (look at how LD handled the refund and Zebirdbrain situation - one simple statement, then they moved on. they didn't have multiple staffers getting into three day twitter fights)
the issue is not "people expect staffers to disclose sexual traumas to be allowed to work on scenes involving sexual trauma"
the issue is "if your storyboard artist has a history of treating SA as sexy and treating Angel in particular as an object to be used and abused, then either they shouldn't storyboard sequences like this or extra oversight is needed to depict the topic with care. And if you're going to blatantly rip off both an animatic and a fancomic they made, don't be surprised when people connect the dots and get annoyed about it or think it's disgusting when you use other SA survivors as a means to tell them to shut up about it & then lie that the storyboard artist in question is a victim of SA after they contradict you twice (or out them as a survivor, if that's the case)"
(side note, didn't Viv say she would welcome criticism after the ep was realized? that attitude seems to have vanished)
Thank you for laying it out and putting it into words. She's zig-zagging all over the place...don't let her.
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el-tur-el · 6 months
Somethin filthy with Harper Geraldus?
Decided to do something a little different for this once since I have a few bigger projects I've done/am doing with Geraldus!
Harper Geraldus NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man clings. He has to be touching his partner constantly, and this is even more intense after intimacy. Lots of cuddling, lots of his face buried in his partner's neck. If they need cleaned up at all, he would insist on a bath together. Overall just a very sweet little thing.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think that Geraldus holds a certain amount of pride for his hands; he's a Harper, he uses them to save people. To expertly wield a bow. To heal, to help. I think that's significant to him.
As for his partner, I don't think Geraldus falls into the camp of lusting over typically sexually-charged features. I think his favorite thing would probably be his partner's eyes - the intensity of a gaze, the way they soften around the edges when they look at him, the way so much possibility is held within such a small thing.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
If you were expecting this man to be adventurous in this camp, I'm sorry to say he is not. He's something of a traditionalist; if his partner isn't on some form of contraceptive, he's using condoms. If they are, he'll finish inside. He isn't fond of finishing on his partner - he thinks the whole thing is a little degrading, honestly.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Is it really a secret if it's kind of obvious just from looking at him? This man is a massive sub, and on the rare occasion that he does top, he's a service top. He really enjoys his partner having their way with him and using him for their own pleasure.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Inexperienced, but makes up for it with enthusiasm. He's had maybe one partner in the past, and he doesn't really know what he's doing, but by the Gods is he eager to learn. Tell him what to do, how you like it, and he'll do his damnedest.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. I sincerely believe that sex is something monolithic and sacred for this man; he likes the romance, the ritual of the thing. He wants to hold hands and make eye contact. He's also not opposed to his partner being on top.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He tries to be serious, but he's so shy and there's more than a few blunders during the act, and that lends itself to some giggling. It takes him a while to relax and realize that sex isn't some intense, strict thing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think he trims, but doesn't shave completely.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Intensely romantic. As I said in the favorite position section, sex is about much more than the physical to him; it's about the union, it's about showing his partner how much he loves them. Lots of breathy 'I love you's.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I really don't think he masturbates often. When is there time for that, really, with how busy he is with Harper business? When he has a partner, too, I feel that he prefers to get off with them instead of alone. On the rare occasion that he does, it's a quick affair that's done mostly out of necessity - usually ends with him biting down on the heel of his palm to stifle his sounds, thinking of his partner as he spills onto his fingers.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This man would go insane if his partner edged him. He just would. Edging and overstimulation, 100%, I will not be taking criticisms at this time.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He's not really the... adventurous type? I feel like he'd really prefer to be in the bedroom, to have a specific place set aside for an act that he puts so much importance on. He's not opposed to bath or shower sex, though.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The little things. A lingering touch, a stolen glance, the bead of sweat on his partner's brow after a long day. It really doesn't take a lot; he's got a fairly high libido (covered more in the Yearning section).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He does not ever, ever want to hurt his partner. Sorry to all the hard!dom Geraldus girlies (gn) out there, but have you seen this man? He looks like he's going to cry constantly. I think he would genuinely be distraught if his partner ever asked him to indulge in sadism. Or masochism, for that matter; sex isn't meant to be painful, in his eyes.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
GIVING!!!! I'm not saying he would be good at it at first, but dear god does this man have enthusiasm. The sloppiest head his partner has ever received in their entire life; so much fucking spit.
If his partner returned the favor, though? I think he'd short circuit. Give this man a blowjob.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual, always. Sometimes he gets a little over-enthusiastic or desperate, but even then I wouldn't call him rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He would really, really prefer to take his time with his partner, but he isn't opposed to the occasional quickie if they both really need it. He'd still be soft and sweet during the whole thing, and would probably forget that a quickie is, in fact, supposed to be quick.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's open to experimentation in some aspects - softer kinks, mostly. Nothing hard. As for risks... no. He's really not the voyeurism or exhibitionist type, he's not going to hurt his partner, and he doesn't think sex should be associated with danger.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
One, and he finishes relatively quickly unless he's being edged. You can get more than one orgasm out of him if you're dabbling in overstim. But even if he finishes before his partner, he's more than happy to make it up to them by settling his mouth between their legs or using his fingers.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think he's really the toy type, though if his partner wanted to introduce them, I don't think he'd be opposed. Give this man whatever the Faerun-equivalent of a Hitachi is? It's over for his partner.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't like teasing, I don't think; but he enjoys being teased.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This! Man! Whines! So! Loud! Part of the reason why he really prefers to have sex in the privacy of his own home is it means he doesn't have to hold himself back. He's a whiny little thing, probably whimpers when he comes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's hesitant the first time his partner brings up pegging, but when he actually goes through with it? He's a changed man. Eyes rolled back, literally drooling, practically sobbing. Moral of the story - please peg this man.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Average, in my honest opinion; 5 inches with the usual amount of girth.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. Very high. He doesn't act on it all the time, but he is constantly down bad for his partner - he's inexperienced, and he's needy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I don't think he falls asleep all that quickly, really; I think he likes to take his time drinking in the closeness with his partner after the fact. Will probably wait for his partner to fall asleep first.
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adiluv-moved · 1 year
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💭୧・꒰word count꒱ 1055.
💰୧・꒰warnings꒱ possibly ooc.
🕊️୧・꒰adi moment꒱ request here! this was a really cute prompt, though i realized i was kinda drifting from it halfway, haha... they both dote on each other! this was also the first time i've written anything for frederick, so i apologize if i mischaracterized him—constructive criticism is always welcomed! hope you enjoy! ꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱
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꒰🎹꒱・Similarly to Joseph, Frederick is also a fairly closed-off and introverted aristocrat. His struggles with family and fame often lead him to unconsciously push people away, a rather curt persona in place to protect him from pain or disappointment. While I imagine that he’d struggle to show his appreciation for a more doting partner, I do think that he’d still be deeply grateful for the concern you show him.
꒰🎹꒱・Due to the nature of his fame, Frederick also faces struggles with his confidence and self-esteem, and takes some time to fully warm up to the idea of actually dating another person. Out of everybody else, you’d really choose him..? It’s just… Forgive him for being so blunt about it—difficult to believe. Surely, there would be somebody better suited. Such thoughts lead him to becoming slightly colder once you become official, but he quickly opens up again if you continue to show interest in being with him.
꒰🎹꒱・Leading into the next point, I imagine that Frederick’s preferred way of receiving affection would easily be words of affirmation. Reminding him that you care for him, that you love him and won’t abandon him—that you genuinely believe he possesses musical talent—it all serves as a ꒰much needed꒱ boost to his confidence. If you also express your preference to receive words of affirmation, he’ll do his best to reciprocate them, though his awkwardness can lead to some relatively comedic moments. He’s… trying his best.
꒰🎹꒱・One of his favorite ways to express affection, however, is undeniably through music. This becomes the main way that he’ll show his care for you during the beginning stages of your relationship, too—as he takes some time to become comfortable with being physical and doing things like cuddling. He takes great pleasure in being the one you come to when you’d like to hear a particular song, and you’re the very first to hear any and all of his new compositions. He’ll practically memorize your favorite songs as well—even if you don’t ask him to play them that often—as he’d like to make sure he can play them perfectly for you.
꒰🎹꒱・He’s also a shockingly good cook. After being disowned by his family and before he’d simply resigned himself to playing for the upper-class, Frederick had to provide entirely for himself, and he’d been quick in picking up such essential skills. If you’re feeling down, or—Yidhra forbid—injured after a match, he’ll sneak into the manor’s kitchen and make you something in the attempt to cheer you up. You try to do the same for him, though his skills seem to surpass your own.
꒰🎹꒱・His psychasthenia has turned him into quite the hopeless insomniac, though his arrival in the manor has only exacerbated the issue. The halls tend to become eerily quiet at night, most other inhabitants tending to fall asleep rather quickly due to the exhaustion of matches. Without any music—or sound, even—it’s terribly difficult for him to block out the noises in his mind. There’s been many times where you’ve invited him to sleepover only to wake up during the night and find him watching you with a dead tired expression on his face. You nearly even screamed the first time it happened.
꒰🎹꒱・Although it doesn’t always fully block out those noises, humming along to the tune of one of his piano pieces does do quite a lot for him, and he greatly appreciates it whenever you do so. While the thought of doing so seems rather cruel to you, he knows that it would be far easier for you to just… drift back off to sleep and leave him to his own misery—and he regards those late-nights as some of the most peaceful moments within the manor.
꒰🎹꒱・Once he ꒰eventually꒱ warms up to the idea of cuddling, expect to find Frederick unconsciously tapping your skin as though he’s playing the piano. Whether it be your arm, back, or leg, it’s a rather uncontrollable habit of his—and he tends to get incredibly embarrassed if you tease him for it. This habit of his will also grant you sneak-peeks into any new compositions he’s been working on, and there have been times when he’s shot up from his spot after getting an idea for another chord or melody.
꒰🎹꒱・His room can only really be described as an organized mess. Filled with various types of sheet music and instrumental equipment, Frederick knows the location of absolutely every one of his things—even if they all seem to have been thrown around haphazardly. Before realizing just how attuned he was to the trainwreck within, you’d attempted to help him out by cleaning his room for him—though your efforts were rewarded with the sight of Frederick doing his very best to keep from yelling. Truly, he did appreciate the sentiment, but… How about you just leave it to him, next time? 
꒰🎹꒱・He will, at least, try to make his room slightly more presentable whenever you decide to visit it. Even still, he usually only remembers to do this when you’re already standing right outside his door. Watching him open it with an annoyed look on his face, realize that it’s you, and then quickly close the door once again so he can rush to try and clean is incredibly hilarious—and you often have to force down your laughs until he’s out of sight again.
꒰🎹꒱・Frederick is highly prone to migraines due to his habit of overworking himself. You find yourself having to physically drag him away from his piano whenever this happens, as he’s seemingly far more willing to endure the unnecessary pain than to simply take a break and allow himself the time to recover. Even so, offers to massage his scalp are almost immediately accepted, and it’ll occasionally allow him to fall into a much needed slumber. Despite the occasional twitch of his brow, he looks quite peaceful, especially so with his hair down and spread out.
꒰🎹꒱・Has the tendency to bite the skin on his lips whenever he’s working on composing a new piece. They’re incredibly chapped because of this, his immense focus often leading him to neglect things like drinking enough water. You do bring him glasses, but they usually just pile up around his desk. A slight scolding, and he’ll make sure to clear that queue of water before getting right back to work.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 8 months
Hello! So I have this request. Imagine Tommy has a daughter who's very cocky and isn't afraid to argue with anyone. It doesn't matter if you're 2 or 50, and she's her to be a teenager. ( preferably 13 ) If you can, and want to, of course. ( this is my first time asking for a request, and I'm so nervous, Idek why )
Hey Love,
This request is awesome! Thanks for trusting me with it! Hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: Kidnapping / peaky themes
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Tommy felt his vision start to swim and the words on the phone became inaudible. The man hung up the phone and he knew he needed to move. These feelings uncovered old wounds. That time he had to rescue Charlie when he was just a small boy. He got one kid back and he could do it again. 
He pulled himself together and immediately without thought sought out Arthur who was sitting at his desk reading the paper. 
“He’s taken her hostage.” The words barely made it out of Tommy's mouth. 
“Told you that would happen,” Arthur grumbled but Tommy could see the pain and fear in his eyes. “JOHNNY!” Arthur called out over his shoulder into the back room.
“Again!” John said running his hand through his hair. “Fuck.” 
You were not very comfortable in the trunk of the car. Something you felt your capture needed to understand. They had not taken your criticism and had begun to ignore you. 
You weren't entirely sure they could hear you up front with the engine turned on and everything. If there was a small chance they could hear you, you were going to take it. 
You started singing God Save the King at an ungodly volume. Why that song? You didn't know. But you were sure it would annoy the piss out of anyone in earshot. 
You mentally counted every turn the car took. Trying to make a map of how to get back to school, back to safety. You sang so loud your lungs and throat burned. 
Eventually, the car came to an abrupt stop. Clearly done so your body would roll around in the trunk. You let out a little scream then lay still. 
Somewhere in your mind, you realized they could have driven to the river. Maybe they would open the trunk and shoot you immediately then dump your body. 
Jesus and the last song you would have been singing was God Save the King. Fuck, that’s not how you wanted things to end. 
The trunk opened and thankfully no one had any weapons drawn. The men looked weathered though you were happy to see they were enjoying your company. 
“Who the fuck taught you to drive.” You looked at the man with the keys in his hand. “Jesus Christ you suck.” 
“Look here you little twerp. Shut your mouth.” He grabbed your arm shaking your whole frame. “And keep it shut. Tight.” 
You felt that lovely sense of rage cloud all of your senses and leaned into the man's face. Your eyes were wide and you knew that he knew just where those icy blue orbs came from. 
“Make me.” You said softly. You could feel the discomfort run through the man. He didn’t want to be here, he was holding you for ransom no doubt. The reluctance to follow through with any violence was clear in his features. He gave the man next to him a look. 
“Get her in the fucking building.” The other man ordered avoiding your gaze. They moved you into the abandoned warehouse and sat you on a chair.
“Look at the two of you!” You said as they bound your body with rope. “Real classy people. I’m sure your mothers are very proud.” 
The man rolled his eyes. 
“Stuck with a couple of real winners.” You could see the man's jaw tick and you decided to simmer down a little. You needed to think up a plan. 
“So do you believe in God then?” You asked and he sat down in the chair across from you. A bright light turned on overhead and you realized with a spark in your eye that they were going to interrogate you. 
“I’ll be asking the questions here.” The man said in a sturdy voice. 
“That hardly seems like fun. I’ll trade you a question for a question. How bout that?” The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Told you we should have taken the boy instead.” The man standing in the shadows said. 
“Charlie. Great man. Great brother. You want to know why he is such an excellent -” 
“No. What I want to know is why your dad stole from Mr. Crowe.” 
“Mr. Crowe, he sounds ominous. If I were writing a book I’d definitely make him the villain.” You tried to look around at all the exits. “What did my dad steal?” 
“Money and a shipment of drugs headed for New York.” 
“Doesn't sound like my dad. He’s a politician, a man of the government.” You explained. “Have you ever been to New York?” 
The man slapped his hand down on the table next to him. You wanted to avoid listening to more boring threats so you plowed on. 
“I have thought about going to New York, but America seems so dull. Their art is sooo boring. Do you like art?” You asked him honestly. 
“Really? You strike me as a man of higher education.” You smiled like a cat. “Surely there must be an artist or era you like. Everyone likes art.” 
“Shut up.” He growled. “Just shut up.” 
“Well, I don't know if you know this, but I just turned 13. You know what that means?” You looked at both men. “Means dating, and while I’m here I might as well practice small talk.” 
Both men let out a groan and one of them came over and landed a blow across your cheek. You could feel the fear radiating off of him as if God himself had told him what the cost of hitting one of Thomas Shelby’s kids was.
“My aunt hits harder.” You sneered. “Now you're not art people, that’s fine. How do you feel about sports then? You gamble?” You prattled on. Even if they did kill you, you wanted the satisfaction of annoying them.
Tommy negotiated with the man, sending him to an empty shipping yard. He didn't steal any drugs or money. Stuff like that was so far behind him that it was almost laughable. His daughter being held captive was not laughable. 
Alfie came up from London to storm the building with him. Alfie’s extra men went with Arthur and John to ambush the men going to the shipping yard. The whole thing was unbelievably stupid on Mr. Crowe’s part but he would meet the consequences nonetheless. 
As they parked outside the warehouse Tommy painfully waited until the rest of the men had the building surrounded. He knew better than to run head-first into traps these days. 
“No, see that’s where you're wrong. The issue is far more complicated than workers' rights. The aspect of the government being heavily involved in the lives of the people -” 
He followed the sound of your voice and found you tied to a chair with a large white light shining down on you. Two men looked possibly exhausted and frustrated. She prattled on about her views on Communism and shot down their defenses easily. 
“Not to late to leave her here mate.” Alfie joked and Tommy gave him an icy glare. He watched your eyes dart towards where they stood in the shadows. He saw the bruise forming on your cheek. 
Alfie wasn't in a joking mood anymore. 
“Boys I hate to change the subject as we were getting close to some interesting ideas. But we should move this back to religion. If you have one, I think you should make your peace.” They gave her a confused look. 
Tommy watched as Alfie went to untie you letting him start to have his way with the two men. 
“Put me down.” You growled. Alfie placed you down on the wet concrete in front of the building. 
“Not exactly a warm welcome.” He said looking at your cheek with anger in his eyes. 
“You suggested leaving me there!” 
“I just put 100 men on this mission to get you back, love. Leaving you there wasnt an option.” He answered easily 
“Then why did you say it.” Your eyes narrowed at him. He was your favorite person to argue with other than your dad. 
“I just thought it was funny that even when kidnapped you don't shut up.” 
“Do you want me to shut up?” A slight bit of hurt washed into your tone. 
“You wouldn't be my favorite niece if you did.” He ruffled the hair on your head and you were grateful he helped your dad.
“So I started a re-read of the old testament.”
He let out a groan. 
Lizzie cried and threw her arms around you when you walked into the front door. You fought back your own tears as the reality of the situation hit you. Her embrace melted away all the anger that held you together. 
It was just you and her as your dad had to make phone calls to sort out the rest of the conflict. The tears started and she helped you upstairs to your room. 
“I just argued the whole time. I don't know why I’m crying now.” You tried to wipe your tears on the back of your hand. 
“Because you're still a girl at the end of the day.” Lizzie shrugged and helped you get into the bath. 
“Well, it’s stupid and I am not stupid.” You said trying again to stop the tears. 
“Darling, there is nothing stupid about your ability to feel. It’s what makes you exceptional.” She placed your robe and pajamas on the counter before leaving to give you some space. 
You got yourself sorted and were happy that the house was mostly empty. You stuffed yourself between your parents on the couch in the study. 
Your dad’s arm wrapped around you and you felt him hold on to you tightly.
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