service pokemon tomorrow yayyyyyyg
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making pokemon ocs is so fun because, yeah, i can allow this 14 yr old to have several magic beasts at once
meanwhile i, an adult, am fighting for my life trying to get our new kitten to stop eating the wires all the while the dog is trying to shove her tennis ball into my hand and the other cat is having a sneezing fit because his allergies (? we dont know what they are yet tbh) are acting up
there are many reasons why my main oc, esper, is going to be receiving help from the academy and a few more sources later on /silly
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okay trying to do research for my ryme city character is actually so difficult because nothing i can find has ANY information on any of the locations from the second detective pikachu game, hell bulbapedia doesnt even have any info on the pokemon carnival from the first game
so im genuinely considering replaying the second game and seeing if i can possibly get the first one just so i can learn as much about ryme city as possible
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done 👍
itll be posted on espers blog in a couple of days, i dunno when though cause i havent decided what day she is getting harley
oh i should probably draw the reveal art for the service pkmn soon since espers getting it in a few days
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oh i should probably draw the reveal art for the service pkmn soon since espers getting it in a few days
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hehehe kicks my feets
i cant wait to introduce espers service pkmn theyre so silly i love them
i currently have the entirety of espers team planned out and i know exactly how shes going to get nearly every single one and when :]
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yo! i'm sofia! i'm a 15 year old girl from ryme city and i plan on becoming the greatest detective this city has ever seen alongside my partner, max the zigzagoon!
we try to take on any and all cases that we come across within the city! there isn't a case we can't handle!
[ OOC: Please read below the cut! ]
Other PKMN IRL Blogs can be found here: @grims-local-pkmn-irl-hub
This is meant to be a bit more of a silly slice of life blog, similar to those book series that star a kid solving silly mysteries like "the case of the missing lunchbox" and stuff like that! I don't know how active this blog will be but we will see!
Blog Guidelines
IN CHARACTER hate is allowed!
Any kind of Pokemon IRL account is welcomed to interact! Sentient Pokemon, fallers, eeby deebies, evil teams, ect!
Pelipper Mail | Malice | Un-mail is OFF.
Musharna Mail | Malice are OFF.
Magic Anons are OFF.
#sofia rambles -> posts made by sofia
#sofia rbs -> sofia reblogging smth
#asked n answered -> sofia answering asks
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I can help brainstorm!
maybe!! i do already have a vague silly concept that i wanna think more about before settling on it
just a silly blog of possibly a young teen and their partner pkmn trying to be the next tim goodman
so its more of a silly slice of life blog kinda like those book series with a kid main character that goes around solving mysteries like “the case of the missing lunchbox” and stuff like that!
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im also an instigator. do it
im being attacked from all sides /j
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Do it.
this ask fucking jumpscared me holy shit— /silly
but i am super tempted, i wanna sit down and see if i can iron out a concept first before going ahead and making the blog
just some basic stuff to work off of before doing it yknow
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hand on window
i really wanna make a blog for a character who lives in ryme city,,,, and/or lental,,,,,,,
itd be so good for me,,,,,,,,,,,, and those places are barley utilized in pkmn irl,,,,,, itd be so fun,,,,
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What's something you're really excited to do for one or more of your Pokemon IRL blogs?
oh there is so so much, especially with esper
tbh im just really excited to get to redo espers story, when i first started rping her i had no idea what her backstory was or anything like that which was all figured out as i rped her over the year
which is all well and good! its fun to come up with shit on the fly! but due to the backstory i landed on for her it made A LOT of plot-holes pop up or caused me to miss a lot of opportunities that i couldve done during previous arcs and not be able to properly explore certain things about her
which is why im so happy about the redux and having reset her blog, i have so many plans along with so many changes and tweaks thatve been made to her backstory that is going to maker her so much More Something to me and im really excited for all of it
currently though im most excited about the storm thats going to happen today because thats going to be leading into something else in the next coming days!!
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anyways yayyy today is a little esper event :3
✨ rain ✨
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meet fauna
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the silly
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while fauna and i were out today we ran into another student (one of my classmates actually) with two stunky, we talked for a bit cause they missed class friday and was asking if we had any homework or anything while fauna and the stunky hung out
i managed to snap a photo of the three of them before we parted ways
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// reference image
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