#para genders
homestuckpissmug · 1 year
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uroboy/pissboy and urogirl/pissgirl
uroboy: a gender related to being a boy and a urophile a pissboy if u will
urogirl: a gender related to being a girl and a urophile a pissgirl if u will
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achingroses · 7 months
Something that baffles me every single International Women's Day, is how different it seems to be in other countries.
I see joke posts on twitter and here, I see the way a lot of people take it lightly, it amazes me how different things are, how here in Mexico I don't see a single joke. I see angry women, brave women, tired women. I myself am all of those.
I'm so tired of not being able to live a normal life. On top of the everyday violence that occurs, I have to live with the fear of being killed for being a woman, for being femme presenting. I have to deal with men looking at me when I wear skirts or dresses, of men telling me to shut up, of men not trusting my knowledge, of men following me home, cat-calling me on the streets, following me all the way through different trains. I had to live through a manipulative and abusive relationship when I was just 15 years old. I have to live with an eating disorder due to societal expectations. I have to check my mirrors when I'm driving in case someone is following me. I have to tell my friends that I got home safe and I'm always waiting for them to text back. I have to deal with the impotence of being helpess when other women I know are going through similar stuff.
I'm tired of our government and authorities calling us hysterical, whores, telling us that we asked for it, that it was our fault for deciding to live a life. That it was out fault for being born in a country that doesn't have the minimum respect for our lives.
On this International Women's Day I'm angry, I'm furious and overall, I'm here if anyone feels the same way I do, know that I share your feelings and I will try my hardest to understand.
And for my final message, I just want to say:
¡Libertad para todas las morras de México hasta Palestina!
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 11 months
Dedicating this page of doodles lovingly to @dian-skywavecounty because their fic És només quan ets tu, Somni, que hi veig clar. Sóc foll d'una dolça metzina lives rent free on my mind lately 🖤
( as does gender fluid dream of the endless )
Amigue creo que en ningún momento específico dijiste que Dream usaba un chal de encaje negro pero en mi mente así sucede 😆 perdona las libertades artísticas! Quise dibujar a Dream en las diferentes expresiones de género que describiste, no sé si lo logré! pero me divertí mucho tratando de dibujarlo sutilmente diferente cada vez!!
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nomapsupport · 4 months
pedophile ≠ child molester
cw for sa, csa, & abuse mentions
also, disclaimer, im writing this on no sleep so this may be phrased poorly. anyway!
🪷 what's the difference?
a pedophile is someone who experiences sexual attraction to children. that's it. pedophilia is not an action. it is not a crime. it is not deliberate, it is not a choice.
a child molester/child rapist is someone who sexually abuses a child. it is not an indication of attraction. it's a deliberate act of violence. it's a heinous crime that should never be excused, defended, or blamed on attraction.
🪷 rape & attraction
you don't have to be attracted to someone to rape them. many rapists do not rape out of attraction but to cause trauma. they want to overpower, injure, violate, & demean the victim in a way that goes beyond something like a beating. children are especially vulnerable to abusers because they cant physically fight back, can be groomed into thinking the abuse is normal, & may not have the words to describe what's happening to them. if someone wants to rape someone, they may choose a child because it's the "safest" or most convenient option. that doesn't make them a pedophile, it makes them an opportunistic child rapist.
similarly, having an attraction does not cause someone to rape others. if that were the case, then everyone but asexuals would be rapists. anyone of any gender or sexuality is capable of being a rapist. the attraction isnt the problem, the individual who chooses to rape others is.
🪷 why this matters
by conflating pedophiles & child rapists, we attribute incorrect motives to devastating crimes. this makes it more difficult for people to recognize the signs of a child rapist & contributes to child sexual abuse. to stop & prevent csa you MUST learn the difference between a pedophile & a child rapist.
🪷 so why the confusion?
pedophiles are disproportionately represented by child rapists. when studies are done on pedophiles, the subjects are almost always convicted felons. even when researchers try to study nomaps, the volunteer pool is miniscule & the poor sample size skews results yet again. inaccurate & harmful information about how "dangerous" pedophiles are makes it impossible for nomaps to reveal their attraction without jeopardizing their family, career, reputation, housing, physical safety, mental well-being, & more. this means nomaps can't safely contribute to studies & reduce stigma. it's a vicious cycle.
knowing the difference between pedophiles & child rapists benefits nomaps & csa victims alike. it's in everyone's best interest to talk about csa as accurately as possible. it's a matter of safety for all.
🪷 more questions?
this is part of a (highly unstructured) series about common misconceptions people have about pedophilia. here's a masterlist of the topics i've covered so far & the topics i want to write about in the future.
please reblog so more people can be educated about this highly misunderstood topic ♡
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yo-soy-la-justicia · 5 months
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So... she si now a man?? (Or rather: was he always a boy? My question is not intended to question OX's gender, its know how to refer to OldXian)
I mean i'm pretty sure Old Xian was a girl, but recently someone told "she" was a boy... i'm not sure anymore
I'm going give context because saying like that can sound rude:
Cuando yo entré al fandom, 2016 más o menos, creí que era un chico por su avatar, pero entonces se dijo que en realidad era una chica, así que desde ahí muchos la empezamos a llamar como tal y nunca pensé demasiado en si su avatar representaba algo más que Old Xian queriendo mantener su identidad secreta y disfrutando de dibujar chicos, porque yo también uso avatares de chicos que me parecen cool pero no me identifico como uno
Entonces, siempre fue 'él" pero por alguna razón la tratamos como "ella" todo este tiempo? (why??) o sigue siendo "ella" y solo es es "él" cuando se trata de escribir bajo el nombre de Old Xian? o realmente hubo una transición aquí y su avatar masculino reflejaba algo más personal?
Nunca considere esto último así que entiendo que mi pregunta pueda sonar grosera por eso mismo, pero la pregunta era mera curiosidad para saber si en mi cabeza la seguía llamando como una chica o debería empezar a pensar en OX como "él"
Y cuando digo que no puedo verle como un chico me refiero a que llevo tantos años con la seguridad de que es una chica que de pronto se sintió como si no conociera a mi artista favorito , o sea un dato tan básico, pero no me estoy negando a verlo como chico ahora, es solo que necesitaría acostumbrarme
Básicamente es eso, no quería sonar grosera o como si estuviera cuestionando a Old
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nian-7 · 5 months
hello i hope you are currently and continuously well! for the sfw alphabet can i have A, G, O, R, and Y for *drumroll* Ryoga?
hello!! hope you are just as well, enjoy!
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Ryoga Tosa x gn!reader
✧sfw alphabet (a, g, o, r, y)
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Affection (pda? how do they like physical affection?)
-He is very indifferent about pda. Ryoga doesn't mind it all the much so if you enjoy it, he'll comply. If you're shy and you don't prefer a lot of pda then he won't force it. Physical touch isn't his love language but he really does enjoy being able to touch you.
Gentle (how gentle are they with you?)
-As much as his size is intimidating to many, he's actually pretty gentle with you. There's still a roughness to his actions but you can tell that he puts care into every action that involves you.
Open (how open are they with you?)
-Ryoga is a very 'actions over words' type of guy so he isn't open per se. It's hard for him to form the words he wants to and he ends up getting frustrated with words essentially... He's okay with telling you things but he just struggles to find the words for it.
Romance (are they romantic?)
-Not really. There's not much romance coming from him in general. Even out of prison, he's still not very romantic. He does try his best to make things special like your birthday or anniversary but that all depends on what sort of situation he's in at the moment.
Yearn (how easily do they miss their partner?)
-I don't think Ryoga is the type of person to excessively miss you, especially because he can rarely even see you while in jail. As long as he knows you're coming back, that's enough for him. He knows he'll be able to see you again even if he doesn't exactly know when.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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Violentsexual flag!
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A person who is generally attracted to violence or violent things!
A Violentsexual person can be any gender or be any sexuality!
Emoji code : ❤️🩷🩶🤍🖤
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thingwithclaws · 3 months
*grabs uterus fat* mmmmmmmmmmm primordial pouch
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paradoxolotl · 3 months
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Somehow I forget every time I get a haircut
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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Caramel.. we're working on OC/para designs.. we love a top having no genitalia OC/para to cope with nonbinaryness.. genderless... struggles...
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whistle-nouveau-bah · 2 months
Name: up to you!
Pronouns: she/he and assign xenos please!
Age(s): permaadult, agenull
Species: up to you!
Gender(s): boygirl, feel free to assign more!
Orientation(s): up to you!
CisIDs: psychology student, autistic, empathetic, caring
TransIDs: up to you!
Paraphilias: up to you!
Source (if applicable): either none or choose ^^
Roles: internal helper, system psychologist (in training)
Personality: up to you!
Appearance (can be a picrew, description, or a source image!): up to you! we&i have no idea other than doctor vibes :c
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Name: Ainsley, Cameron, Dylan, Robin, Blake, Aster, Dandelion
Pronouns: She/Her, He/Him, Cure/Cures, Sew/Sewn, Heart/Hearts, Vin/Vignette, So/Soft, Fa/Fade, Fai/Fairy, Mend/Mends
Age(s): PermaAdult, Agenull
Species: CisFae
Gender(s): Boygirl, Saturnian, Femache
Orientation(s): Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay man, Gaybian
CisIDs: Psychology student, Autistic, empathetic, caring, Glasgow smile, Black, Fae, cane user, brown eyes, glasses
TransIDs: TransItalian, TransMixed (Black/Italian), TransGoldEyes, Dandelionscentic, Vanillascentic, TransHeight (Short to Tall)
Paraphilias: Raptophilia, Autoraptophilia, Haemotophilia, Peiramaphilia, Agonophilia, Mechanophilia
Source (if applicable): None, brainmade!
Roles: Internal helper, system psychologist in training
Personality: Soft, sweet, and caring. Strives to be helpful. Smart. Fond of shiny things, especially gold. Loves to read, especially medical materials such as textbooks, journals, or MUD databases. Empathetic and kind.
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(Second img is closer for what I was picturing with skintone!)
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Thank you for the request!!! I really hope you like him!!!
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imparoferre · 6 months
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What is Imparoferre? Imparoferre is a term coined to represent atypical and non-linear dysphoria, this encoumpases anything outside of typical gender! This can include, but is not limited to: species, physical features, and voice!
Impar = odd Ferre = to bear or to carry Imparoferre roughly means an odd thing to carry, which is what the distress caused by dysphoria often feels like!
Why would someone use this term? Atypical dysphoria can occur for many reasons, here are a few examples. Imparorace: someone might feel dysphoric for not being born a certain race due to the culture/people they grew up around, this is more commonly seen in those who are adopted by parents of a different race, or children who were taken overseas because of adoption. Imparoage: this dysphoria could be due to someone being mentally stunted, or undertaking trauma during a developmental period, causing them feel 'stuck' at another age- on the opposite end, someone who was forced to mature fast as a child might feel as if they should be physically older to match that! These can also be affected by DID/OSDD where alters feel dysphoric that their body does not match the appearance they have internally.
An important aspect about Imparoferre, and atypical dysphoria in general, is that it is NOT a choice nor aesthetic based identity. Atypical dysphoria is recognized in both the medical and psychological fields, and some people undergo treatment because of it!
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READ : Anyone can use this term regardless of their, or my, stances. I am coining this purley for my own comfort, but I do ask if you do not have genuine dysphoria about aspects of yourself that you use an alternative term to describe your experiences ✮⋆˙
Imparoferre is not radqueer, or radqueer adjacent in nature, if you identity with the term then I'm super happy for you please use it, just please don't conflate Imparoferre with being TransID- and please do not send me any hate
This is a safe term for anyone and everyone to use, I do not want any discourse
my tags are for reach, they do not equate to
my views or supports, please respect this!
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
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nomapsupport · 4 months
i'm in your dni but i have a question, how do you believe that MAPS shouldn't seek to get rid of their attraction, because i'm sorry they should?! think about how terrifying it is for parents or just people who (not sexually) care about children to think anyone in public could be genuinely attracted to a child. how scary it is to think someone might look at your child and think "man that's sexy." that's terrifying and sickening! i literally only got help for my ed because i started looking at skinny kids and wishing i could be like them, then i realized it was sick and twisted to use children for thinspo. i thought how terrified mothers of children who failed to thrive or have growth hormone deficiences etc. would feel about me looking at their child and going "god im a fat fuck why don't i look like that 9 year old." so i got better, not for me i still hate my fucking body and i rather be skinny and dead than fat and alive but because i didn't want my feelings to affect my interactions with literal children.
tldr; if it involves children in anyway you better work your butt off to get rid of it
thought crimes aren't real. what happens in the confines of one's mind is nobody else's business & harms absolutely no one except maybe the person having the thoughts, like in your example. but guess what? you didn't actually hurt the feelings of those kids or parents because you didn't share those thoughts with anyone. good for you that it helped with your eating disorder but not everyone has to guilt-trip themselves just because you do.
paraphilias cannot be gotten rid of. you can either chemically castrate us to reduce our overall sex drive — which we've already established is cruel & inhumane, & it doesn't even get rid of the attraction — or you can try orgasmic reorientation, aka conversion therapy, which we already know causes significant distress, & yet again doesn't actually get rid of someone's attraction. i can't believe you're actually suggesting this shit during pride month. do you know nothing at all about queer history?? i know that the big three dont work as comparisons for queer sexualities due to consent (or lack thereof), but we're still human beings with human brains & this kind of shit won't work on us either.
the best thing for the safety of maps & children is for maps to accept themselves as they are, find victimless ways to satiate themselves, work on ways to cope with/combat harmful urges, & avoid situations that could end badly. repressing one's feelings never ends well, it's one of the unhealthiest coping mechanisms there is. & that's the closest thing to your suggestion because "getting rid of" a paraphilia is impossible. so just. no.
ps: try getting some actual treatment for your eating disorder instead of excessively guilt-tripping yourself & using it as an excuse to tell paraphiles they need conversion therapy.
sorry im being so rude but jesus christ, the asks i get are so demoralizing & i am running out of patience for people who refuse to do the most basic research before acting like certain types of people are inherently bad & dont deserve to just exist
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fictionfreedom · 1 year
GUys where are the all the beetle and the uh the mantis genders :( guys r u hiding them from me cmon pls they cant there has to be more :( I've only found like Two cmon guys :(
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flagsnpinspride · 1 year
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Autorotophonophilia - The paraphilic fantasies of being murdered, In immediate life danger or severely indured, or when your sexual arousal is triggered when you are in risk of being killed.
Blue = Male
Yellow = Non-Binary/Gender Neutral
Pink = Female
Red = Blood, Sexual passion.
Black = Death
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This has been me lately
#I usually don't care about the murders because it's a story and it's fun#But the waist this time...#And I've become someone who cares about ample chests now apparently. I never cared about those in any form of gender presentation#I did like small waists before. I find them very pleasant especially in male presenting people. They remind me of a poem by Lorca too#But I didn't like them exactly like I'm liking them now I think#I think I understand that Lorca poem better now#I could lick blood off his face as if icecream or a lollipop#Anyway...#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Wait I'll go look for the poem#It's one of the gacelas#'Nadie comprendía el perfume /de la oscura magnolia de tu vientre. / Nadie sabía que martirizabas / un colibrí de amor entre los dientes.//#Mil caballitos persas se dormían / en la plaza con luna de tu frente‚ / mientras que yo enlazaba cuatro noches /#tu cintura‚ enemiga de la nieve. //#Entre yeso y jazmines‚ tu mirada / era un pálido ramo de simientes. / Yo busqué‚ para darte‚ por mi pecho /#las letras de marfil que dicen siempre. //#Siempre‚ siempre: jardín de mi agonía‚ / tu cuerpo fugitivo para siempre‚ / la sangre de tus venas en mi boca‚ /#tu boca ya sin luz para mi muerte'#Sometimes I read Lorca and so many things I love and how I love them are in the imagery and symbols he uses and it's a bit... humiliating?#He's was my favourite poet when I was four#He was my favourite before but I also wonder how much he's influenced my tastes without me realising it#That verse about his lover's blood on his mouth is so ugh
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