#pan exclusionist
Transmedicalism is the idea that being transgender is primarily a medical issue related to the incongruence between an individual's assigned sex at birth and their gender identity, characterized by gender dysphori.Many transmedicalists believe individuals who identify as transgender without experiencing gender dysphoria or desiring to undergo a medical transition through methods such as hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery are not genuinely transgender.They may also exclude those who identify themselves as non-binary from the trans label.
Exclusionist is someone who attempts to gatekeep the LGBT+ community by claiming that certain groups aren't "really" LGBT+ based on their own definition.
Example, asexual people are not lgbt for being asexual, they must be either trans or homo/bi-romantic. A cis het ace is not welcomed into the community. They also usually believe pansexual is a transphobic version of bisexual.
These are shortened definitions.
If this poll causes too much trouble, I’ll delete it.
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genderstarbucks · 17 days
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[ID: 2 images that are a drawing of a white hand with the middle finger up with a lesboy bracelet and an mspec lesbian ring on the middle finger. They both have a white background. They both say "FUCK OFF!" on the left side of the image. The image on the left has "FUCK OFF!" in a black text and the image on the right has "FUCK OFF!" in a red text.
I'm tired of the exclusionsinism within the queer community. Lesboys and mspec lesbians have been here for decades (since AT LEAST the 70's) Read up on your queer history. We're not leaving this community.
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Nah fr though, don't reblog my shit if you're hateful towards any queer identity!!
If you don't like pan, ply, or omni people, fuck off.
Hate MOGAI? Get bent.
If you don't like acespecs and/or arospecs, fuck off.
Hate mspec lesbians? Leave right tf now.
If you don't like enbies, fuck off.
Hate cultural identities? Turn tf around.
If you're hateful towards any of these identities and/or lesbians, bi people, gay people, trans people, or any other part of this community, get the literal and actual fuck out of here.
This is a safe space for queer people, especially the ones who get spoken over and shit on all the time, NOT hateful and bigoted people. And when I say hateful and bigoted people, I'm including queer people who feel the need to hurt and harm and harass and shit-talk other queers. Go anywhere else if you wanna be a jerk!! Hope this helps 🫶🏾🫶🏾
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januscorner · 5 months
Anti Mspec Lesbian and Lesboy Blocklist
@prismcollective (anti Lesboy)
@locketfemme / @femmptaion / @potion0fhealing (Anti m-spec lesbian)
@violottie (Anti M-spec lesbians and lesboys, transandrophobic)
@meanbitchydyke (anti mspec lesbian, panphobic, and transandrophobic)
@princessefemmelesbian (anti mspec lesbians and lesboys)
@butchismo (anti mspec lesbian)
@cronaz-diary (anti lesboy)
@yourfavehatesmspeclesbians (Anti mspec lesbian)
@stepfordmaxxing (anti mspec lesbian)
@g00byg00b3rz (anti lesboy)
@itsdismay (anti lesboy)
@redhairbigshoes (added by kaut-nites)
@heartsanddarts (anti mspec lesbian)
@yearning-butch (anti mspec lesbian)
@stitchmyluvvingbones (anti mspec lesbian and lesboy)
@catgirlies (anti mspec lesbian)
@ocd--culture--is (anti mspec lesbian)
@fuchial (anti mspec lesbian)
@thecanadianweeb (anti lesboy)
@moxx-n-angel (anti lesboy)
@luvcalico (anti lesboy and mspec lesbian)
@myusernamesyes2 (anti lesboy)
@kno-user-name (anti lesboy and mspec lesbian)
@pinkyfl4k (anti mspec lesbian)
@sailorsenshisweetheart (anti mspec lesbian)
@ewperttheartist (anti lesboy)
@that-rabid-lemur (anti lesboy)
@sevikasenby (anti mspec lesbian and lesboy)
@bpdpaimon (anti mspec lesbian)
@troobie (Just fucked up generally)
@artinvain (anti mspec lesbian)
@blessing-18 (anti mspec lesbian and lesboy)
Update: dykeishfreak, thatspep, and perennialkarmaofficial are no longer exclusionists
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lilacs-stash · 7 months
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Bow and Pepper are bi lesbians trust me my cat works at AE
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satyrradio · 1 month
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Snakes may eat themselves due to stress, confusion, or hunger. Scientists speculate that a snake may mistake itself for prey or another snake, especially when living in captivity.
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corrie-zodori · 1 year
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Be free to be your best you!
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plague-and-creatures · 5 months
People who try to define lesbian solely by the exclusion on men and men aligned people are weird and come off as kinda immature to me
And I'm not just talking about the "nmlnm" people, I'm also talking about the people that will question a lesbian's sexuality if she idolizes a male celebrity, because no lesbian could ever like a man enough to put pictures of him all over her wall unless she wasn't really a lesbian
It's the people who make it a point that they have a distaste for or hatred of men, and they've tied that into their sexual orientation
Then they go "can we have something that's not all about men for once?", not realizing that by using the exclusion of men to define a certain identity they still are making it all about men
And talking about bi-lesbians with people like this always comes down to what is basically "well bisexuality can include attraction to men and I don't want boy cooties on my sexuality!"
Literally grow up
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spinobsessed · 2 months
I think that “bi/pan lesbian” is based on an outdated idea of lesbianism and is no longer necessary since being bisexual or omnisexual with a preference for girls is now an option, but I still respect it. I get that y’all wanna connect to our history and even if I find it a lil unnecessary, it’s still awesome, I support it, and I love breaking rules
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
exclusionists be like "wOrDs HaVe DeFiNiTiOnS!!" like. seriously? youre going to pull the "definition" card when language is so fluid and made up that there literally exists contronyms, aka words that have developed to have two opposite meanings.
but things only have One Universal Definition and are totally static when it comes to identities for some reason???? 🙄
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Do you have a favorite shark breed :)
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lets see uhh great wvhite shark.... the hammer one uhhh oh wvhale shark wvhale sharks are cool
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genderstarbucks · 14 days
Can y'all stop centering the definition of lesbian around hating men and start centering the definition of lesbian around our love for women?
Like if gay was centered around the definition of hating women you'd call that misogynistic right? So why is it okay to do that with lesbian
Lesbian will never have a clear cut definition that fits everybody, but centering it around hating men feels icky
What about the lesbians that DO love men? What about us?
Being surrounded by people who think that lesbianism is just about hating men is getting tiring
Lesbianism is defined by our queer love for women, it shouldn't be defined about hating men
Also while I'm at it, the non men loving non men definition of lesbian is icky too
Nmlnm isn't as inclusive as you think it is, plus the word non men (and non women) was used to dehumanize black people
You can use the nmlnm definition of lesbian for yourself, but don't force it on others
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ridibulous · 6 months
whart is a boy lesbian ?1
a lesbian who is also a boy! right on the tin
TO CLARIFY: this label is often used by various queer folk, such as transmascs who ID with the term lesbian, multigender people, and lesbians who simply feel happiest calling themselves boys, men, or male! to name only a few examples (because I couldn't possibly list them all)
I think contradictory labels are cool and awesome and swag and allows queer people to describe and label their various gender & orientation experiences in a way that makes them most comfortable.
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januscorner · 6 months
The weird thing about m-spec lesbian hate is that like, they’re still gay. Like people accuse others of not being queer all the time but this isn’t even that. You’re saying someone should kill themselves because you don’t like the word they’re using. What the hell
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everyponie · 9 months
I think its very strange and weird that people will put so much anger and effort into hating bisexual lesbians and lesboys but will be completely silent on the genocide in Palestine. Why are people attacking innocent queer people when they could be putting this effort and anger into advocating for change? Redirect your anger to the right places. There are much bigger issues in the world right now. Innocent people are being slaughtered. Stop focusing on useless queer discourse and actually do something useful.
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”mspec lesbians and lesboys DNI” BOOOOO!! 🍅 BOOOO!!!! 🍅 🍅 🍅
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