#painting it will unstain it
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00l6 · 9 months ago
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Painting a dream I had that stains my mind till this day. Being out in the open ocean at night 🌟
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easy-there-leftovers · 1 year ago
I See You, Darling
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[Astarion x reader] The idea never left my mind, and I so very badly need this right now. Heavily inspired by this cutscene where Tav chooses a dialogue option and Astarion's eyes just deviate-- (gif above, just wait for his eyes to look at you WKDKWKDK) |Word count: 2k.| Based off of this post I made.
Part 2 here!!
Also, this is more heavy on the world building rather than dialogue. If I end up making this a series, I might write with more dialogue in mind but it was just necessary to do this first afhjaqfbnjkafbnebn--
A story in which an overworked art student longs for a fictional character that they've devoted so much of their time to.
Alternatively; Astarion realizes there's someone else watching him. And he can't wait to get acquainted with them.
It takes you three seconds to comprehend what just happened. Three seconds for you to try and save the progress you’ve already made so far. Three seconds for you to feel the chill of dread run up your spine. 
You’ll admit, perhaps you were simply tired. Attending a prestigious school for the arts doesn’t exactly leave you with much free time to indulge in more calming forms of recreation. Your course requires you to consume a wide array of media to expand your library of creativity, after all. All in the name of generating more interesting media to entrance and enthrall your audience with your original work. 
Maybe all the moving pictures and swimming texts have caused you to greatly misunderstand what you are seeing. Surely, your favorite character isn’t looking directly at you, right?
But before that, let’s review what might have happened earlier to explain just what exactly in gods name is happening.
Shall we?
You purchased the game a few months back. “Baldur’s Gate 3.” A game that took the players and immersed them in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, introducing them to the mechanics of tabletop RPG as they did. It seemed interesting enough. And if the concept of character creation and storytelling didn’t sell you on the idea of it, the pretty faces on the cover certainly did.
So, with the little money you could spare from your part time job at your own institution’s library, and with what little sanity you had left to argue with, you impulsively bought said game. And it was fun. Exhilarating. Electrifying. 
Until you ran into a problem.
Astarion. The rogue, elven vampire that you have chosen to romance after careful deliberation. You scoffed to yourself. He was one of the biggest reasons why you purchased the blasted game at all. You’ve carefully studied the character in all his glory, from his striking carmine eyes and delicate unstained curls, to his aptitude for bloodshed and all manners of gore. He was such an interesting character, giving you more and more reason to pursue him as the story progressed. Yet the same can’t be said about your relationship with him. Or at least your “Tav’s” relationship with him. 
You’ve had some difficulty in deepening your relationship with the ex-magistrate. It seemed as if no matter what options you chose, no matter what manner of advances you made, he’d be quick to dismiss you. Painting you as a desperate little pup as he did. Denying you the opportunity of further knowing him. You’ve created and overwritten more save slots than you'd like to admit, perusing each one to select different lines of dialogue only to be rejected time and time again.
You thought it strange. But perhaps this was simply the way his route was meant to unfold. He was such an incredibly complex character after all. Perhaps this was meant to prove the party’s loyalty. 
But that didn’t stop you from being frustrated with other aspects of the gameplay. You've spent countless nights hunched on your work chair, back curving like a dead bug as you analyzed each and every possible outcome in combat. Eyes, bloodshot from cutting your sleeping hours short, just to endure the story until you were at an appropriate place to log out. And hair, flicking and curling out in different directions due to you weaving your hands through them in exasperation. 
You saw your reflection on your screen as it darkened to load the next scene and you couldn't help but stare at your character in slight envy. You know full well that however you designed them, it wouldn’t affect how the others perceived you, and yet you couldn’t help but pretty them up for your own interest. You designed it with yourself in mind, but making them far more attractive than you would ever be. Effortlessly beautiful as they stirred to wake up in the forest you settled in for camp.
How could Astarion ever turn this beautiful being away? If not for their heroism, then surely their looks would be enough to draw him in, no?
And speak of the devil. Once you could control your character again, you readied them to interact with your sharply dressed companion. Wanting to try your luck once more as the bright sun shone upon your character like a promise of a new day. Unfortunately, you’re greeted with a look of boredom, oh so familiar, that you sigh. “I hope you’re not here to beg—” Mocking him, echoing the words you’ve come to expect with faux mirth in your voice. But you cut yourself short when you realize he has yet to say anything. 
 What’s even stranger is that he's just staring at you. Well,--- he’s staring at Tav. Your character.
“What the fuck…?” You move your mouse around, clicking to try and toggle the dialogue options to no avail, screen stuck in a cinematic close up of his face. Much like how the camera always pans when awaiting your response. 
However, unlike the common script of his actions that you’re used to, the one that you’ve memorized like a well practiced dance, his eyes smoothly glide off of your character and onto you. 
You freeze, but your heart doesn’t. The beating of your chest growing stronger the longer he looks at you. Eyes, blood red like rubies, boring into your own. He regards you, blinks, and then smiles that deviously charming smile of his before your screen turns dark. Your computer turns off, and you stare in shock of what just happened.
‘No fucking way, no fucking way, no fucking way—‘ You’re not delusional, right? Sure, you’re tired, but no fucking way did you just imagine one of the hottest characters you’ve seen in a while break the fourth wall just to fuck with you.
You laugh to yourself.
Yes, you’re just tired. Nothing like a good four hours of sleep can’t remedy. Although, as you get up from your chair, foolish as it may seem, you grab a used shirt from your floor, and hang it on your computer in the case that those piercing eyes come to life once again while you sleep.
You stir awake after your short slumber. Your body, heavy like lead, though not at all a feeling foreign to you. You think about what happened last night, wondering if it was all a dream. Yet as you get ready for the day, you notice your dirtied clothing still on your computer. Covering it as if it were a petrifying doll from a horror movie. You feel childish for doing so, reasoning that you were simply stressed from the events that taken place prior and removed the cloth.
As you did, your screen was brought back to life. Showing you the next night as if your little "tryst" with Astarion never happened. An entire thirty minutes or so of progress seemingly gone. Thankfully, you saved just before your game went haywire and you attempted to load up your last slot. 
Zzzt Zzzzt!
Alas, your game was not cooperating once again. You tried the save just before that and the same error screen presented itself to you. ‘Maybe this is a sign that I should just fucking work instead.’ Irritated at the thought, you moved to log out of the game but a familiar voice convinces you otherwise as the screen returns to normal. 
“Why, hello pup. How was your awfully short slumber?” 
‘Is this— a romance scene?!’ Astarion had never initiated an interaction before! Perhaps the game gods were granting you mercy. Or maybe, something you did last night might have given way for this line of dialogue to open up. Regardless, you happily took the opportunity and began reading your choices.
“Why, hello pup. How was your awfully short slumber?” ━─━────༺༻────━─━
Well. Thank you.
It’s none of your concern, fangs.
Better now that you’re here.
What happened last night?
What…did happen last night? You don’t recall anything past the blackening of your screen, but it looks like you did something after that which caused this dialogue.
You don’t want to squander this opportunity, who knows when this will happen again, but your curiosity gets the best of you. So you save, and choose option 4. 
“Oh, you poor thing. Spooked you, did I?” He laughs, seemingly taking in the look of confusion that graces both yours and Tav’s face.
“What do you think happened last night?”
“My fucking game crashed.” You answer automatically.
Tav moves to open their mouth but is silenced with a tut. “Not you, spawn.” His eyes crinkle at the corners in amusement, but the way his mouth is pulled in a tightly-lipped smile offers you further insight otherwise. 
“I need your answer.” His eyes are on you yet again, and you feel the world begin to spin.
You stir awake after your short slumber. Your body, heavy like lead, though not at all a feeling foreign to you. You think about what happened last night, wondering if it was all a dream. Yet as you plan to get ready for the day, you notice you’re not exactly in a state to do so. You expected to wake at dawn, the dark and cool air to greet you as it fills your room and envelops your walls. Instead, you wake to see an endless amount of evergreen and the smell of the dark and damp grass beneath you filling your senses.
And if spending hours, weeks, months, of playing this damned game has taught you anything, you know that you now reside in the heart of the forest that you usually set up camp in. But this time, you're far from your bedroll and the fire that your party created.
It takes you three seconds to comprehend what just happened. Three seconds for you to try and save the progress you’ve already made so far to no avail. Three seconds for you to feel the chill of dread run up your spine. 
And this chill so does love playing games.
You clamber away on your knees when you hear that deep chuckle of his emanate from right beside your ear. Creating as much distance to inspect this figure you’ve yet to face.
You see Astarion in all his vampiric glory. ‘Well, for a vampire spawn, I guess.’ You comment to yourself. Crimson eyes, darker than you imagined, with full, dark lashes contrasting his pallid skin and pure hair that glow under the moonlight. An unsettling, and cursedly attractive, smirk curls onto his lips. His ivory fangs on full display as he does.
“It seems as if those useless artifacts were worth something.” He marvels at his handiwork, his prize, and approaches it with confidence. 
“Well, your character certainly is more ‘prettied up.’” He circles you, carefully appraising his newest asset, and grins. “But you are far more intriguing.”
A simple, “What the fuck?” is all you can muster.
“Although, you are very cute. Cheeky little pup, aren’t you?” He jests.
A simple, “What the fuck?” is all you can muster which earns you a click of his tongue in response.
“You’re not broken, are you? Or am I to anticipate your little ‘what the fuck?’s as your only contribution?” Long, and incredibly masculine, fingers crawl and curl to grasp your chin like a spider. 
“I’ve waited months to have you. And now here you are, finally within my grasp.” The statement causes something to stir within you.
“What do you mean, ‘months?” 
He narrows his eyes, possibly trying to comprehend your stupidity.
“I’ve been watching you. Waiting, for the right moment. Interacting with this– caricature of yourself until you could deny yourself of me no more.” Blood rushes to your head. Your cheeks burning in embarrassment for seeming overly eager. And in panic as his intentions have yet to be cleared.
“And now that I’m here? Do you want to kill me?” You feel your heartbeat in your ears, awaiting his response. Your eyes wide in fear, yet trying to fake heroic bravado in the attempts to gain the upperhand.
And in this moment, he thinks you absolutely invigorating.
“Oh no, sweet pet. I’ve waited far too long for that. I’m going to make you mine.”
Should I make this into a series? "The adventures of a misplaced artist in Baldur's Gate!!" Or something like that. Let me know, lol
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 8 months ago
Benedict Bridgerton x pregnant wife!reader
A/N: I have received the following prompt: “Benedict Bridgerton with wife pregnant!reader. If any of Bridgerton's siblings had any problems, she was the first one they came to ask for advice even the oldest. All this attention was making Ben jealous as he was having less time with her. She told him that he would have to share her for the rest of his life before letting him know age was pregnant. You decide how it goes. Thanks!! :))” And I have tried to write it. It must be my first reader!insert romance story and it was so much fun. I hope you like what I have made of it. (~ 4650 words)
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Benedict was grinning like a cheshire cat and you found it increasingly hard to refrain from tackling him to the ground to pepper his face with kisses. Expertly you were decorating his chestnut hair with flowers from the Bridgerton country home garden, the large rose bushes on either side of the alley leading up to the house shielding you from the sun. You were sitting in front of him cross-legged, the flowers gathered up in your lap. Benedict was facing you, his long legs stretched out in a way that his shins touched your hips. His hands were propped up in the grass behind his back and the sun was painting shimmering golden flecks on his head when the wind rustled through the leaves of the bushes.
Your husband looked deliciously delighted and nothing made you happier than seeing him that way. After one year of marital bliss, you’d decided to go to the country side with the rest of the Bridgerton family to spend the days in their presence and to enjoy the fresh air outside of London. A week before departing you had realized with heart-wrenching joy that your cycle was interrupted – you hadn’t bled when the time was due and had the very strong suspicion that a small version of yourself and Benedict was growing inside your belly. As nature sometimes tended to have its cruel way with humans, you had not yet mentioned it to your husband, fearing that the regular bleeding would merely commence one or two weeks late. But since your arrival, nothing had changed. The sheets remained unstained and your suspicion  transformed itself into something of a certainty. You tended to wake in the night and almost instinctively moved your hands to your belly, greeting the tiny human sprout with the warmth radiating from your palms. “Hello,” you’d started to whisper, “I hope it’s not too dark in there. Don’t worry, you are not alone.”
Now, as your husband was enjoying your melodic humming and the sweet smell of the flowers that caressed his hair, you felt inside of you a bubbling wish to lean forward and whisper the good news into his ear. The good news you’d barely managed to fully apprehend on your own. It was scary to reveal such a tender, fragile and unpredictable thing as a pregnancy. There was too much that could still go wrong, too much that still stood between you and the day of birth. Yet, looking at Benedict all calm and relaxed made you wish to comment on how you hoped your child’s eyes would be like his or how you could imagine him holding the small bundle to his chest, a little nose peeking out from white cloth.
You leaned over, closer towards him and moved your hand to the side of his face. His half-closed lids blinked open and his smile deepened when his gaze landed on your tender face.
“Am I positively in bloom now?”
You snickered and carefully brushed your fingertips over the petals behind his ear, making Benedict shiver ever so slightly. “Any young lady would envy you for such an exquisite coiffure!”
Narrowing his eyes, Benedict snarled at you, shaking his head and sending a few petals flying off onto the grass. “You’re lucky I had four younger sisters with a similar taste for dressing me up or I would have long taken off over the meadows!”
Biting your bottom lip to keep from grinning too widely, you got on your knees in one swift motion to wrap your arms around your husband’s shoulders, bringing you faces closer together. “You wouldn’t even have taken off if I had brought a pair of scissors with me to experiment on your hair!”
He chuckled gently and moved an arm over the small of your back to pull you even closer. “It can’t possibly be a good thing that you are correct about this!”
His lips found yours and you melted into the kiss as if the sun had suddenly gotten strong enough to evaporate you. Smoothly you moved your chest over his torso, your hands following the outlines of his shoulders. He hummed into your mouth, his voice vibrating through your skin as your fingers found his face, where your thumbs started caressing the slightest hint of a stubble.
“Benedict,” you sighed, your smile mirrored on his lips, “I have something to-“
“(Y/N)!!” A shrill voice shouted from the front steps of the big country house. You were so surprised, you almost choked, your forehead knocking against your husband’s. Benedict grabbed your elbows to keep you from falling over, one eye closed against the pain of head-to-head contact.
“Oww,” he groaned, looking over his shoulder with faint annoyance. Hyacinth’ voice was easily discernible and lately, she’d managed to interrupt quite a few of your… get togethers.
“(Y/N), are you in the garden?!”  
Raising one hand to your forehead, you couldn’t keep from letting out a breathless laugh. “Ten minutes of peace were quite the luxury, I daresay.”
Benedict let out a sigh, but pulled the corners of his lips up in a little smile, when he saw the humour in your eyes. “Sooner or later, I am going to grab her and lock her in the closet!”
Comfortingly, you patted his chest, before moving your hand to his hair to straighten one crooked daisy. “She’d probably find that rather amusing.”
“Are you sure? She is so very … fourteen now!” Benedict said, an overly accentuated speck of fear concerning teenage-girlhood glinting in his eyes. “When the day comes that we have a fourteen year old daughter, you must help me make sure I never become the object of her wrath!”
Holding your breath, you turned to look at him in awe. Did he know? Had he already figured it out all by himself that you were pregnant? But no, his eyes merely showed signs of good-tempered amusement. He had not yet a clue, which made his comment all the more valuable to you. “I love you,” you stated with feeling and crashed your lips to his in such a surprising manner, that he almost fell over, which laced your kiss with his sweetest chuckles. Moving your face away, you hesitated for a second, gazing in his shining blue eyes, unsure whether you should tell him immediately.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his eyes twitching curiously. You bit down on your lip, enchanted by the way he could almost read your mind. The good news about possible upcoming parenthood would have to wait though. You wanted to tell him, when it was only the two of you.
“Perfectly so,” you therefore exclaimed, before bringing your hands to his chest to push him over for good. Quickly you rose to your feet to answer to Hyacinth’ incessant shouting, laughing at Benedict’s attempts to grab for your heels in retaliation.
“I am here!!” You sang, taking your skirts in your hands to take a few running steps in her direction. She did the same, meeting you halfway and wrapping her arms around your middle, asking to be coddled, while she was going on and on about how she needed your help with this one French book she was reading. You walked back to the house with her, a smile on your features and your arms around her smaller body, as you indulged in the fantasy of her being your daughter and of you being the mother she’d asked for counsel. You looked over your shoulder and saw that Benedict was watching you two. You couldn’t help but wonder whether he was imagining the exact same thing as you.
After two hours of translations and musings about the difficult French language, Benedict came barging into the study, looking at Hyacinth with a quarrelsome expression.
“Sister,” he growled in a rather menacing tone, “are you kidnapping my wife?”
Holding both your hands on the pages of the big book, you tilted your head in his direction with a meaningful grin. “Oh, you!”
But Hyacinth wasn’t the youngest Bridgerton for nothing. Defiantly she stood up from her chair and walked towards him in the middle of the room. “How dare you!! You didn’t even knock!!”
Benedict almost flinched, when she drilled an authoritative finger into his chest. With seven older siblings, there really wasn’t much that seemed to scare her. He opened his mouth to speak, but was immediately interrupted.
“I am in the midst of a very important lesson and I am fairly certain you still remember how to breathe without (Y/N)!! So!! Fare thee well!!”
It was incredibly hard for you not to burst into a small laughing fit with Benedict looking positively puzzled and his youngest sister intonating every single word as if there was an exclamation mark behind it. Yet, you managed to hide your smile behind your hand as you feigned a cough, which, judging by the way your husband looked at you, Benedict easily identified as an act. He narrowed his eyes and looked from you back to his sister who was still planted before him with a vigour unlike her size and age.
“Very well.” He eventually said; but it wasn’t without a lightness at the end of his phrase – one that was giving him away. Not only to you who had only known him for a short time compared to Hyacinth who had grown up with him. She gasped out “NO!” and wanted to take a step back, but Benedict had already grabbed her and thrown her over his shoulder.
“BENEDICT!!” She screeched, still sounding very childlike, despite wishing to appear much more adult at her tender age. “LET ME DOWN!!”
You looked on with a smile, chuckling at the way Benedict was trying to avoid kicking feet from hitting him in the face. “Do you really think you intimidate me, sister?”
Hyacinth’ squeals mixed with hysterical giggles, when Benedict managed to pin down the swinging legs and started tickling the backs of her knees and calves, her fists drumming against his back. “Dohohoohn’t!!” She giggled, all vigour gone from her sweet voice that sounded much more like the one of a child again.
“Will you release (Y/N) and continue your ‘very important lesson’ some other time?” He asked teasingly, a wide grin appearing on his features when Hyacinth’ mirthful sounds started resonating through the study.
“I WILL I WILL!!” She conceded hastily, her hands trying to grab the fabric of his waistcoat. “Don’t tickle!!”
With an approving noise, Benedict stilled his hands and bent over to plant his sister back on the floor. Groaning from the effort, he shook out his arms when he’d finally managed it. “You are getting too tall for this, aren’t you?” The seriousness in his voice combined with the way he cocked his head to the side in wonder had you throw your head back with a laugh.
Hyacinth put her hands on her hips and looked up at her brother with a pout. “I do definitely hope so!!” She sneered, before planting a fist in the crook of his stomach and quickly making her way to the door. A small smile was grazing her features, when she turned around again in the doorframe, directing her question to you. “We will continue our lessons, tomorrow, yes?”
“Of course, Hyacinth! We will make time for it!” You responded with a smile of your own, closing the book about French history and getting up from your chair to join your husband who was over-dramatically enacting an on-the-brink-of-death scene in the middle of the room, coughing and wrapping his arms around his middle.
“Internal bleeding! Internal bleeding!” He repeated hoarsely, making it impossible for Hyacinth not to break out into a laugh. “You’re so annoying!” She giggled, quickly bustling away, when he took a menacing step in her direction.
When the door fell close behind her, he dropped the act immediately and turned towards you with a sigh of relief. “Finally!”
You made a very undignified noise, when his hands grabbed for the fabric of your dress and pulled you towards him, your bodies colliding in an inelegant way, full of hunger and devotion. Giggling, you turned your head to the side, when his lips found your neck, kisses and nibbles sending ticklish jolts into your hairline. “Stop it! What are you doing?”
“It appears, I am overcome,” he mumbled into your skin, taking a deep breath from the sensitive skin under your ear, “by a very strong need to spend some… quality time alone with you!”
“Quality time?” Moving your hands up his back, you allowed him to lead you backwards into the study, your steps mirroring his own until you reached the table with the big French history book. Your eyelids fluttered shut at the warm touch of his lips to your cheeks.
“Mhhh,” he agreed, his nose circling your own and his lips grazing your mouth as he spoke, “the rare, special occasion is one I am very ambitious for!”
Smoothly, Benedict’s hands moved under your behind to lift you ever so slightly and place you on the table, the book shifting backwards, giving room to you. You moved your hands from his back to his cheeks, your hands cupping the face in front of you and holding it steady for the kiss you planted on its lips. Benedict smiled peacefully, his blue eyes sinking into yours. “I love my family dearly, dearly, dearly… but I need to have these moments with you alone, truly alone!”
The heart within your chest contracted for one beat, sending a slightly painful sting through your body. It was only a short moment, only one small hint of fear, but it sufficed to make you realize that you were scared Benedict might not actually be as thrilled as you were about the child blossoming in your belly. What if it was too early? What if Benedict still required, perhaps even hoped for some time without a family? What if he would be overwhelmed by a family that grew and grew and never seemed to allow you two any more time alone? You gulped and suddenly moved your hands back to his shoulders, holding on tightly.
Benedict seemed to notice that something was off, moving his head away from the side of your face to look you in the eyes. His gaze was soft and sweet and you wanted to drown in it, wanted to get lost in it as he moved his hands all over your body. But for now there was no more movement aside from his nose brushing against yours, a movement equal to a question.
“Are you alright?”
You realized you’d been holding your breath and took a deep one, before pushing your face into his as affectionately as you could. “I just want you,” you whispered, meaning it in every way possible, from head to toes, from now on to the end of your days, from his soul to his heart to every memory you’d make together. You wanted him. And every single part of him that grew through you. You could only hope that it would be the same way for him. “I want you so badly,” you continued, your voice almost hoarse from raw emotion which made his eyes flicker with a suddenly burning fire. Devotion radiated from his kiss adjoined to something that went deeper, something that was inexplicable and yet so strangely clear.
“You have me!” He growled into your neck, breathing your scent another time and kissing the vein running up your skin with an urgence. “You will have me! Entirely!”
You smiled against his cheek and moved your lips to his mouth to steal a kiss from its corner. That made him smile your favourite smile and suddenly you were lifted off of the table and carried towards the door. Moving your arms around his neck, you held on to him, running your eyes up and down his face to not miss a single sign of his happiness. You didn’t have to ask where he’d take you, knowing full well that he would tug you into the sheets of his bed, caressing your skin with his own and joining your bodies to become one. You wanted to be as close to him as possible, and afterwards you would tell him, afterwards you would try to find the right words and hope for a reaction that wouldn’t scare you. Right now, he was right, it would be just the two of you.
He opened the door… and ran into Anthony.
“Anthony!” He exclaimed in surprise, not yet considering to drop you which you found at the same time embarrassing and sweet. Trying to turn around in his embrace, you looked at Anthony over your shoulder, greeting him with a quite awkward “Hello!”
“Where have you two been, I was looking all over for you… wait, don’t answer that!” He waved his hand around in front of his chest, the corners of his lips twitching ever so slightly. “Though I do have to say, I’d like to know if the study should be er… cleaned!”
“Brother!!” Benedict groaned, his head dropping on your shoulder, the warmth from his reddened cheeks burning your skin.
Chuckling, you patted Benedict’s shoulder to signal you’d like to be let down. The muscles in his arms clenched from unwillingness, but he did indulge you and let you slide to a standing position.
You decided not to answer the last comment and simply tilted your head to the side expectantly, your unashamed smile making Anthony’s own grow. “What was it you needed from us?”
“Not I,” Anthony responded, his amusement at his brother’s unmistakable frustration quite obvious. “But our dear mother. She needs your opinions for the upcoming summer ball. Apparently Daphne and Kate would like you to join in on the preparations.”
Benedict groaned loudly. You tried not to send him a sympathetic glance and merely nodded at Anthony’s request, asking in return where you could find the other ladies.
“Don’t worry, brother!” Anthony consoled your husband, when you took his hand in a silent goodbye. “I’ll make sure no one bothers you after dinner. I know how hard it can be to find… some time alone.”
Benedict actually felt compelled to smile at his brother in gratitude, before sending you one more longing gaze. “I can’t wait.”
Then Anthony wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him in one direction and the preparations for the ball pulled you in the other. During the time it took to walk to the ladies of the house, you couldn’t stop worrying about what Benedict’s reaction would be once you told him of the pregnancy after dinner.
Being at the table with the entire family always put Benedict into good spirits, no matter how much he’d longed for a moment alone with you throughout the day. He made faces at Daphne, poked Eloise into the side until she almost choked on a piece of bread, laughed at Colin’s jokes and exchanged warm glances with his mother. You were having lovely conversations with Kate and spoke some more to Hyacinth about her French. Everyone at the table tried to outdo Colin and his funny remarks, but no one quite was as good at it as he was and he seemed to be taking great pride in it.
Seeing Benedict interact with his family reassured you in a way you had not entirely realized you’d needed. Yes, you were both in great need of being close to each other in private. Yes, you were both enjoying it immensely, when no one interrupted your time together. But being at the table with everyone, conversing, joking, teasing and simply enjoying each other’s company was something Benedict would never have to ‘suffer’ through. Time spent with his family was time well spent and you could see in his face that he was more than content. e
It took away so much of the fear you’d felt throughout the day, the fear that he might not be happy about the news that you were with child. This was his world and he would be, you were very certain, delighted to have such a world of his own.
Kate and Anthony were the first to leave the table – in the dim candle light you couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked like he was waggling his eyebrows at you – and after a while, you, Benedict, Daphne and Simon all decided to do the same, bidding your adieus from the family for the day and retiring to your chambers.
Benedict was in high spirits which was most likely due to the lovely evening and the prospect of finally being alone with you without fear of interruption. You suppressed a squeal, when he decided to chase you up the stairs, scooping you into his arms at the far end of the hallway that followed and banging open the door to your shared room with his shoulder. You giggled uncontrollably, when he kicked the door closed with his foot and practically ran towards the bed to throw you on the covers.
“I am going to jump out of the window if anyone dares interrupt us here and now!” He hissed humorously, taking off his waistcoat as quickly as he could and starting to work on his breeches.
Laughing cheerfully, you moved your hands in his direction, demanding him to get into the bed this instant. “Must you seriously be standing over there while getting undressed?”
“Where are my manners?” He gasped out in fake shock and all but dove into the sheets next to you, grabbing your waist and pulling you underneath him, drawing more silly laughter out from you when he pushed his face into the silk covering your belly. “Taking off clothes is almost as intrusive as my siblings! We will simply ignore them!!”
It was hard to speak through your laughter, but somehow you managed to grab a hold of his head and pulled it up towards you. “Ben, please, I must breathe! I must breathe!”
Grinning widely, he pushed his face against yours. “You should have to quit laughing for that first!”
It took a moment, but you did manage to calm your breathing, your arms wrapped around your husband who had his head propped up on one hand and was looking at you with a lazy smile. “Better?”
That almost made you burst out laughing again, but you managed to control yourself and instead grabbed him by the shoulders and changed positions, ending up on top of him. He huffed out in surprise, but his smile was big enough to light up the room, when he grabbed your thighs on either side of his hips.
“I feel deliciously trapped!”
“I have something to tell you!” You mused, searching for his hands with your own to interlock your fingers. Apparently you were in need of holding on to him while telling him what would come next. The pressure of his palms against your own quieted your mind and helped you focus on the matter at hand.
“Something you have to pin me down for?” He joked, his eyes widening with amusement. For you, his question brought back a small amount of dread and your smile fell ever so slightly.
“I… I hope not!” With hesitation you looked away, running your thumbs over his hands to calm yourself, while you were in search of what exactly to say. It would appear easy enough, declaring that one was pregnant, but, in truth, uttering the words was quite powerful and made the reality of the phrase stand out quite drastically.
“What is it?” Benedict asked, sitting up slightly and observing with a portion of concern the way you were biting the inside of your cheek. “(Y/N), is everything alright?”
You moved your eyes up, locking your gaze with his and taking a deep breath. It was all there, in his eyes: the love, the devotion, the care. He would be delighted. Yes, there was no other way…
“Ben, I know that sometimes it feels like we do not have a lot of time to ourselves.” He snorted in response to your words, underlining them with his reaction.
“The time I get to spend alone with you is a most cherished treasure.” You continued and slightly bucked your hips against his, making him chuckle softly. “Now, it is simply so…” You gulped and looked from left to right, before deciding to bring both of his hands to your belly. “It is so that… I am almost one hundred percent sure that I am…”
“YOU’RE PREGNANT!!!” Benedict shouted over your poor attempts of uttering the words you found so hard to actually say out loud and before you had a chance to asses the situation, you were pushed on your back, with your head by the foot of the bed and your husband fussing over you. His big hands were moving from your cheek to your belly to his head and back to your belly, all while he made noises of the purest and most natural delight you’d ever seen in a man.
“You’re pregnant!! You’re pregnant!!” He kept on repeating, his joy reverberating through every single nerve end on his body and conjoining with your own. All the insecurities of the day fell off your shoulders and the light weight that remained made your eyes water.
“Oh, my love,” you almost sobbed out, “I am so happy to see you react this way!”
“How could I not?” Benedict laughed with joy, cupping your face and kissing you and kissing you some more, small wet drops falling on your cheeks, when his emotions got the better of him. “We will be parents!” He choked out, before kissing you again and moving his hands to your belly again. “You are having a baby!” He uttered with teary eyes, sinking down on the level of your middle to place a thousand kisses on your gown. “A baby!!” He repeated again, before laughing incredulously.
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him up and towards you. You needed to have him close as you buried your face in his shoulder and allowed tears of your own to run down your cheeks. “I love you!” You whispered with all your affection. “I love you and I love you and I love you!!”
More of Benedict’s tears fell on your face, when he moved himself up slightly, the salty traces mingling with your own. “My love,” he hummed softly, “you were worried, weren’t you? You were worried, it would make me fear for our alone time! Oh, (Y/N), I don’t fear that! I don’t fear a single thing when it comes to us!”
He buried his face in your neck to breathe you in, before looking at your belly again – it would become a recurrent thing in the following nine months, as your belly grew, he would look and look and look with all the adoration he was capable of. “I am beyond happy!”
“As am I!” You placed your hand over his own on your belly, as you were starting to realize the truth of this situation together, as you started to talk about names and traits, as you started to exchange assumptions and plans. It was exactly the way you’d hoped it would be.
A new chapter in your life began.
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Unawakened Dream really awoke the plot bunnies! Enjoy!
The very fabric of Teyvat is unraveling — shattering into unseemly pieces; leaving gaping holes for the Primordial Sea to flood in. Mondstadt has long fallen — Dvalin and Andrius with it — and Venti thought he had no more tears to cry.
And yet…
“Zhong– Zhongli please! You can't leave me too!”
The geo archon lays at his feet, slowly crumbling to dust as erosion dared to claim him in the worst possible moment. The leaking of the geo archon's power destabilizes Teyvat even further. It brings Venti to his knees — threatens to turn him to stone alongside his last and oldest friend…
But Venti can't bring himself to care, as he grips onto Zhongli's crumbling hand and cries into his chest.
Zhongli does not remember Venti's face. He does not remember their shared battles, nor their hopeful songs or idle conversations. Venti is a stranger. And despite that, he gazes upon the image of their melting, shattering, dying reality, and dismisses it: deeming the sobbing archon above him more important.
Despite everything, Zhongli offers a calming smile, laying a half decayed hand upon Venti's unstained white feathers — a speck of soft and clean perfection in a disastrous painting. His voice is quiet and weak, missing his authority and wisdom, but it is still Zhongli.
“You… are important to me. Do not cry; one needn't waste tears over the inevitable and irreversible.”
‘Inevitable and irreversible.’ The thought stills him.
Because nothing is irreversible. Not to that spark split in three. Not to the power long abandoned. Not to the Shade of Time.
It has been millenia since the use of such power. Centuries since he'd thought of it…
Mondstadt would live.
Zhongli would live.
The tears don't stop at this realization, but Venti's grin isn't dampened as he looks into the clouded eyes of the only one left, “Nothing's irreversible Zhongli — not to me! I can fix this! I will fix this! I'll fix Teyvat– I'll save you!”
His words seem to send Zhongli into deep thought, but he speaks before Venti can even begin to draw upon those dimmed sparks, “Is that a promise?”
‘A contract?’ And Venti pauses. Because Zhongli does not know what power those words hold. Does not know that he is the God of Contracts, does not know that a promise bound by him is one impossible to break without severe consequence.
Venti has never entered a proper contract. Though he has always protected Mondstadt (he failed them), if he really felt like it, he could walk away without consequence. He has always retained the freedom of choice, even if the choices are mere illusions.
But what freedom is there if everyone is dead?
So Venti smiles — face marred only by tears, he is a picture of clean perfection amongst muddled destruction, untouched even in the final hour of Teyvat's demise. Untouchable, for even Teyvat's destruction is no guarantee of his own. He draws upon those faded remnants of Istaroth's power — of the power of the First Descender — and his voice is clear, echoing through the remnants of Teyvat and through the Primordial Sea, touching even the realities beyond their dream,
“I'll fix Teyvat, or die trying. May this contract be bound in stone.”
So yeah, may or may not make an actual fic, and did NOT intend this to be as ZhongVen as it was, but that image of Venti using Istaroth's power (of BEING Istaroth) really refused to leave me alone lol. I think it's mostly because I ADORE writing time loops, so even if I do already headcanon Venti as a time manipulator, seeing it in animated form... the temptation was too strong lol
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ghostinyrmachine · 2 months ago
what fresh hells: part two
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second chapter of my new fic i posted, part 3 will be up soon!
Raphael x F!Tav
word count: 1477
sfw (for now👀)
Narrowly surviving the final showdown at the House of Hope, Tav finds herself on the wrong side of the portal back to Baldur's Gate. While her companions escaped with the Orphic Hammer, Tav is left behind in Avernus with the devil she knows all too well.
Unfortunately, whatever magic or shock that had made time slow vanished when you materialized in Raphael’s bedroom. Seconds and minutes passing fast yet slow, you stood with your wrists outstretched for who knows how long. When you finally composed yourself enough to untense the muscles still prickling with adrenaline, you reoriented to your new surroundings.
The massive portraits of Raphael stared down at you as you surveyed the disheveled chamber. Chests left open, desks overturned, the ashes of what was once Haarlep crackling with dying embers. This last image brought a small, somewhat defeated smile to your face as you recalled how swiftly you’d cut down the incubus after it made its advances. As if you’d let it survive following its lazy attempt at seduction. Raphael’s simulacrum may have been tempting at first, but its smugness ensured its quick demise.
Whatever pheromones the incubus secreted must have had some resounding effect, though, as you suddenly felt the heat of the Nine Hells much more intensely than before. Sweat poured down your temples, your armor trapping what felt like pools of moisture against your skin. The urge to disrobe became overwhelming, though you powered through it, unwilling to let your guard down even if Raphael had disappeared indefinitely.
At any moment, he may pop back in, you thought. He might even be scrying on me right now. Probably is, the bastard.
The painted eyes beating down on you felt heavier as you paced the room, wiping your brow and planning your next move.
Yes, that’s right. What next? This could be good for us, for all of us. Better, even, than me absconding with them. Perhaps we failed to find some clues to reforging the Crown that Raphael was holding onto. Squirreled away with his other little toys.
Your investigation into any potential resources Raphael’s boudoir might hold was paramount to your survival, or so you’d convinced yourself. Flipping over furniture, leafing through the books scattered across the marble floor, even sifting through what was left of Haarlep just in case it had held some key or trinket of any use.
With each dead end, a mounting panic spasmed in your chest. Your cries of frustration filled the lofty chamber, echoing your own vicious and pained voice back to you.
After tearing the pages out of a particularly boring lyric tome in frustration, your feverish energy deserted you. Exhausted, you collapsed into a chaise you thought looked relatively unstained. Pervert. Probably not an inch of this place he hasn’t defiled.
Even your contempt and disgust couldn’t ward off the aftereffects of a ruthless battle, let alone a vain search for an escape route you knew didn’t exist. Holding your pounding head in your hands, you wept. How long had it been already? Moments? Hours? Still, you were here: tired, afraid, and alone.
Abandoned, you thought. Where was everyone? Every fucking leg of this journey, we’ve been on rescue missions. Halsin, Lae’zel, even Volo, that fool. We saved them all.
You tore at your armor’s thick laces, ripping each piece from yourself with the last of your strength.
Why hadn’t they reopened the portal as soon as they realized I wasn’t with them? The diabolist could have helped, they’d had the gloves for her. Fuck, where were they?
Just the thought of the party betraying you, even unintentionally, was too much to bear. Wiping away the hot tears pouring down your cheeks, you took in a sharp inhale of breath. No, they wouldn’t leave me. They’re probably just reconvening. Retreat, rest, then strike Raphael twice as hard.
Rest. The mere thought of some respite from the day’s horrors drew your attention to the restorative pool in the center of the room. Now stripped down to your sweat-drenched underclothes, you listened as the gentle waves of the bath lapped against its sides, the sound just subtle enough to notice now that you’d run out of steam yourself.
Damn it, why not?
Up until this moment, the bath had faded into the background, no clues to be found within its restorative waters you’d figured. Now, nearing exhaustion, the reflective pool seemed like a shimmering boon. As much as you’d like to think this salvation was another trick or devil’s snare to fall into, it seemed wiser to take the risk. Tugging your damp hair from its loose braids, you brought yourself to the tub’s edge. No harm in being well-rested before whatever comes next.
Good sense hadn’t abandoned you completely, and you waded into the teal waters fully clothed. Can’t imagine I’d have much will to survive should Raphael pop in unannounced. You chuckled to yourself, sinking deeper into the cool bath. Last thing I need is to be nude in a cambion’s boudoir.
Wonder if he’d be more embarrassed that I almost killed him or that I’d gone for a nice little nude swim while he was out. Heh, the look on his face would be priceless, though. Bet he’d turn a new shade of red, the infernal fuck.
Closing your eyes and plunging beneath the placid surface, you indulged in the dark comedy of it all. The image downright cartoonish, you facing certain death and dismemberment while stark naked. That’d be a story for Karlach, you thought, releasing your held breath, the tension in your body disappearing as the healing magic washed over you.
If I ever see her again.
The unhappy thought disrupted your brief moment of tranquility. Even the fountain’s powers couldn’t rescue you from the grim reality that you’d found yourself in.
Coming up for air, you smoothed your hair as you emerged, hanging on to the last morsel of bliss you could salvage. You laid back, floating on the pool’s surface, quieting your mind once more.
What will be, will be. What comes next will pass. They won’t give up and neither should I.
“Making yourself at home already? How predictably rude you’ve become, little mouse.”
Your eyes snapped open in shock as you flailed to right yourself. Coming into view, at the edge of the fountain stood Raphael. Still in his fiendish form and covered in blood—some his, some most likely your own—he peered down at you disapprovingly.
That smug grin returning, he cooed, “What else could I expect, though? Scurrying through my house, pilfering my artifacts, so far you have displayed such lacking decorum. Why wouldn’t you tear apart my own bedroom and draw yourself a nice, cleansing bath in your final slight against me? And dare I say, it will be your final act of insolence on this day and all that follow it.”
Your temporary shock departed from you at these last words. All that follow? He means to let me live?
His amused silence suggested this hint was, as always, cleverly laid out for you to catch, desperate as you both knew you were.
Any urge you had to fight your way out subsided. If he’d wanted you dead, he would have done it by now. Regaining your resolve, you replied with as much conviction as you could muster.
“In that case, I may as well enjoy this indiscretion, savor the moment. Wouldn’t want to tarnish this insolent new reputation I’ve earned.”
Raphael’s bemused expression remained unshaken by your obviously ungraceful recovery. Still, as you waded towards the steps, you made a show of wringing out your hair, closing your eyes as you leisurely took in the aromatic oils wafting through the air. Plucking a grape from a silver platter and grabbing the glass of wine next to it, you glanced at the disheveled cambion. “But perhaps you need the bath more than I do anyway. Lots of wounds to nurse it looks like.”
You held his eyes as you popped the fruit into your mouth, savoring its unexpected freshness. His brows furrowed as you sipped the wine, no doubt some vintage more expensive than your soul.
Downing the glass, you sighed in exaggerated indulgence. “Here, I’ll be courteous and make my leave. You have lovely taste, by the way. That lavender scent is so relaxing after a victorious scrap.”
He guffawed, glaring at you as you ascended the marble steps. “Victorious? It seems you are unaware of how truly dire the circumstances you have found yourself in.”
Standing before him, defiant yet dripping, you were never more aware of how fucked you were. Never mind the thin undershirt clinging to your wet frame, leaving you feeling somehow more exposed than ever, you could feel an aura of fury emanating from Raphael that you’d never experienced, even in battle.
“Oh? Then please do enlighten me. I’d love to know why you’ve kept me waiting.”
His momentary annoyance dissipating, he smiled wider, baring his fangs proudly. “I would be delighted. While you have been languishing about in your defeat, I have made the most fortuitous deal with your band of miscreants. There is much to discuss.”
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conkreetmonkey · 1 month ago
Ok but John Marston's house would have been full of mold and fallen apart in like 50 years tops, dude put untreated lumber floor joists directly on top of a closed brick foundation with no moisture barrier between them, and seemingly no ventilation to the entirely closed-off crawlspace, in a region stated by Uncle to have a rainy season. In fact, it seems his whole house was made out of untreated, unstained, unsealed wood. He never even painted it. There was no tar paper or anything between the wooden shingles and the wooden subroof, either. It was just 100% brick, mortar, nails and untreated wood. That shit was NOT gonna last, his ass either did not follow the instructions or got SCAMMED.
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mossy-thing · 6 months ago
What is in unpopular silm headcannon that you have?
Well, since hair ties and elastics weren't invented yet in the silm, all the elves must have had some way of tying back their lustrous locks, right?
I believe that most Avari, and also some of the sindar and silvans would have either used some kind of fat/promenade to keep their braids in place (if they had a hair type that easily slipped out of braids), or used strings of some sort or another, either by braiding them in or simply tying them, similarly to how we would use an elastic.
In Valinor, I think things were different. It must have started out the same, but I bet simple leather or bast strings turned into linen and then silken ribbons very quickly. Also, there must have been a bunch of Noldor who made clasps to keep the braids in, and I bet there was an artform of braiding hair in ways that made it difficult for even the slipperiest hair types to escape their confines without any help at all.
Also, I know Fingon is the only one we really hear is wearing ribbons in his hair, but since they were historically speaking quite an important way of binding one's hair in our world, I think a lot of people must have had to do so, especially in Valinor, where fine fabrics were still easily available (no one in Tirion would want to debase themselves by wearing rough wool in their hair, after all) although I think most people eventually switched to clasps or even back to ways the Avari used once the rebels reached Beleriand, since those were both tools that were less wasteful. Fabric can easily rip, especially when it gets old, and there are far better purposes for it than vanity (like bandages) but a carved stone clasp takes quite some time to wear out. There were definitely simpler styles used as well, since people simply did not have the time to spent hours of their morning braiding their hair. They had far more important things to do! Like getting ready to die in the Nirnaeth-- I mean preparing themselves to win in their last glorious battle against Morgoth!
This would then make the few people still wearing ribbons appear as a symbol of what the Noldor lost, over time. Fingon wearing his golden, untainted and unstained ribbons to every feast, every battle, every political meeting, would certainly act as a sign of hope.
Outside of the silm and in our world, the colour gold was used to symbolize the presence of the Christian god in European medieval paintings, and since Manwë heard and answered Fingon's prayer at Thangorodrim, my sleep deprived brain cannot but connect those two dots and argue that to the few Noldor who were still pious towards the Valar (though probably in secret) Fingon was like a connection to them, like a reassurance that actually, the Valar had not left them, that actually, there was still hope.
And then the Nirnaeth Arnoediad happened and Fingon was crushed, and to those who sometimes saw a glint of tattered gold in Maedhros' hair the remaining ribbon meant nothing but that they had truly and utterly been forsaken.
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mirroringdust · 3 days ago
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For @haladrielsweek 😊
There are some things you want to forget. You have buried them deep in your mind until, at selected moments, unexpectedly, they return.
When they do, it feels like a flash of floating images streaming through your mind, filling everything with consciousness where there was only a covered veil over your mind. As if someone has lifted the curtain on a lost piece of your mind. It had been swept away like dirt under a stone, brushed away like a feeling you didn’t need, until you do.
And then you realise it was never dirt. When the long-forgotten dust flies into the air and it glimmers, you realise it was sparks all along. And you missed them, you need them.
Galadriel needs them.
He must have erased that memory from her mind. She is sure he has. But as his strength seems to fade, to fall into the abyss of trying and never achieving, he has released a shackle from her feelings. And now, suddenly, she sees it again.
It takes her back centuries. She can't quite make out the exact time because everything is still a blur. Clouds surround her and she seems to be drifting somewhere with no direction other than her desperate hope for change. She feels her own presence in this place she has also left long ago, not forgotten but abandoned in her constant quest for resurrection.
She held her head high, trying to take in the full view of her surroundings. She knows that she was grown up then, but still young, not yet marked by the ache she would be cursed with in the centuries to come. A spell so everlasting that it could never be lifted. But would these memories give new meaning to the endless sequences of stumbling blocks? Would it turn her soul around? She can't suppress the constant uneasiness that plagues her, but somehow she can feel something now that was permeated with threads of gold. Unstained, unshattered.
Her hands tremble as the memory becomes clearer and the realisation, slowly, seeped into her mind.
Galadriel made a few steps forward. She marvels and frowns at his power over her mind. She can still sense the marble under her delicate shoes, making her feel every unevenness of the ground, and the light white dress, gently falling over her silhouette.
She knew who was waiting for her. It was not the first time they had met. Here in this distant temple, it was perhaps the fourth time he had seen him waiting for her, and all those memories had simply turned into ruins of old, forgotten palaces.
Now, as the images are reappearing in her mind, she can fill them with all the colours and outlines she knew. This place is so familiar to her that it doesn’t take much to flesh out the pictures. She knows that above her, light had floated through wide and enormous, triangular windows, the delicate glass separated by patterns of tree branches. The brightness was invited into the hall below, rather than held back by the dividing transparent substance in those grand frames. Fumellar bloomed beneath her feet, their little heads lifted to the skies and the scent still delights her heart, even after all these years.The walls were painted in magnificent, luminous amber and ivory tones and the pillars were wrapped in glowing ivy, ever growing in the light of the trees.
(Continue on AO3)
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trashyrockstar · 28 days ago
being weird is hot. being weird is authentic. fuck them highschool girls with the same smiles and the same laughs who wear identical unstained outfits; the kind of girls that watch you in algebra class when you're two seats down and they bat their thick mascara caked eyelashes at you, whispering your name through their pearly whites and passing down your presence to the next; they're all copy and pastes of unoriginality. fuck them highschool boys who snicker at you at your locker, their shocked faces when you walk through the freshman hallway in clothes that don't match their dead haired girlfriend's; their next bitch to rate on a scale from 1 to 10 on their fuckability, isn't going to be you, for your name is crossed out in red and your school picture is spray painted with "ugly". fuck them parents in the grocery store that corner their kids and point at you, saying how they'd sacrifice everything they own just for them to not turn out like you. fuck everyone but you and your niche interests and your funky outfits and your loud personality and everything about you that is just a bit unraveled and silly. being weird is hot. being weird is authentic. being weird is real.
i talked to my guidance counselor about that and she gave me a look of approval. needless to say, be all over the place, be weird, be funky, be messy, be wild, enlighten the crazy parts of yourself that everybody thinks is gross or out of place. be honest. fuck everyone but you.
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i-cant-stop-fandoming-help · 10 months ago
Random dra headcanons GO!!! I am half awake
Ayame with scratches on her knees from falling during practice. Ayame with scraped-up hands from trying to break her fall.
Ayame with messy and uneven hair because she cuts it herself when it gets too long.
Kizuna with ironed out and unstained clothing because she needs to appear as perfect.
Kizuna with painted fingernails that go in a pink-yellow-baby blue order
Kizuna with brown hair roots because her hair is dyed.
Rei with teddy bear earrings that are just barely hidden by strands of her long hair.
Rei with a small purse or satchel that she carries around a notepad, a pencil, an eraser, and a pencil sharpener in, all so she can take notes wherever she goes. (Theres also a teddy bear keychain on it!)
Also, she uses hairclips because hair is constantly getting in her eyes and she hates it.
Teruya has no idea who hatsune miku is.
He also doesnt know who julius caesar is.
Satsuki has extremely messy bedhead. It takes her SO LONG to brush it out. (Just like me omg)
She also has star shaped pupils.
Mikako... is a cat. She has slitted pupils (that become round time to time), she has really soft hair, she has sharp nails, and she will often sit down like a kitty.
She also has three pet cats; Diablo(black cat with a bobbed tail and yellow eyes), Lillith(calico with green eyes), and Esther(Lillith's kitten. Calico with blue eyes-- she is mostly orange.)
She adopted all three cats off the street, although shes had Diablo longer than the other two.
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maegalkarven · 1 year ago
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AU where Dark Urge didn't loose memories and the events in Moonrise Towers in act 2 went a tag differently. Or very differently.
Fucking everything up in a new, interesting way.
Characters: m!Dark Urge, Enver Gortash, Orin the Red, Ketheric Thorm, Isobel Thorm, Dame Aylin, Wyll Ravengard, Ulder Ravengard (mentioned), Karlach.
m!Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
It was a stupid fucking plan from the very beginning of it.
To go to the Moonrise Towers to – what, confront Ketheric? Confront the Chosen of the God of the Dead?
Nemo knew better than the others what an idiotic idea it was.
But Nightsong already took a flight, and harpers moved to attack – and what was Nemo supposed to do?
He was a wreck, a shadow of his former self, weak as a kitten, clumsy as a newborn owlcub. He was the failed Chosen of Bhaal going to a place what was his demise.
Swooped by the currents of events unfolding, he had no plan.
But again, Nemo was never the plan guy; it was Gortash’s forte, it was his work. He was the brain of their plan, the brain of all of their operations. He thought things through as Nemo sliced around, creating chaos, bringing havoc, painting world in blood.
But it was before. Before Orin took her swing, before Nemo’s once great abilities were reduced to dust, before he became weak. So weak he had to depend on others, so weak he required, no, needed allies.
The voice of Father dull in his head; illithid parasite had to do something with it, had to change the rules the same way it changed them for Astarion.
Funny, before that whole mess Nemo would never put himself and a vampire spawn on the same page. But now? Oh, how alike they were, the spawns of unrelenting cruel force commanding their will, puppets of someone else’s play.
Waking up on nautiloid was akin to waking up from a fewer dream. The Urge...subsided. It was pushed back, held at bay. He was almost alone in his own head, more alone when he ever was with Father’s constant will moving his hands.
But what good did this free will do if he was about to die anyway, probably in the same damn place he died the first time? Would Orin be the one to slice through him one final time?
Nemo was never the one for plans, as clever as he was. Gortash always claimed it drove him mad, for Nemo had all the intellect, but rarely put it to good use.
“You have to exercise your mind the same way you train your body,” his unexpected ally would say. “Otherwise what use is it to you? You, my dear murderer, is capable of much greater things than your father foresees for you.”
These thoughts were atrocious, they were heretical, they were...compelling. Flattering, warming some deep corners of the soul Nemo didn’t know he had.
No wonder lordling ended up luring Nemo into his bed.
No wonder Orin saw her brother’s newfound weakness and used it against him.
Clever little thing, his slaughter-kin, to shift into Gortash to approach him. He was a fool to lower his defenses, of course he was.
He paid for it greatly.
“We’re moving down,” Isobel acknowledged. She, a daughter of a man who turned his back to two gods for her sake. She, the priestess of a goddess Ketheric Thorm forsaken. She, a child brave enough to confront her father.
Nemo hated her before he knew her.
He hated her for the way Ketheric turned the world upside down for her to live; he hated her for how ridiculously loved she was.
She hated her because even after being corrupted by Myrkul’s unholy powers, she still dared to stay unstained. Holy. Good.
He hated her so much his whole body hurt.
She who denied her father’s love, she who had love so selfless, so unconditional-
Father’s love was always conditional. Father’s love was always a leash and never a caress.
Father’s love hurt no matter how much Nemo craved it.
Oh, how he wished he could stifle the light of her life; oh how he wanted to see Ketheric’s face as he would tell him, in every gruesome detail, how his precious daughter died the second time.
How everything Ketheric did, everything he betrayed was for naught.
But Nemo was not what he used to be: he was weak, and Isobel was his advantage in a fight against her father. Her and Nightsong, but Nemo wasn’t even sure if aasimar was alive; the last he saw of her was when Elder Brain dragged the woman down.
Down, down, down-
Down they went.
Nemo didn’t want to go down there. He didn’t want to confront anyone, he wasn’t ready, he wasn’t strong, he-
He wanted to go home.
Home, such a strange concept it is.
Bhaal’s temple was never his home, even if it was the only shelter he has ever known.
No, home was...
Home was a mechanical clicking of devices operating in Gortash’s workshop. Home was the dim light and the huge table covered in papers; the smell of hot iron and smoke, and the man with fingers stained in ink.
The bitter bile rose up his throat at the thought of it.
The Chosen of Bane was never supposed to be his home.
The Chosen of Bane was his enemy.
Nemo has failed his life’s purpose in more ways than he could count.
And yet he wanted to go back; to the security of that place, to the delighted glint in the other man’s eyes, the mad plans, the notes on the table, the open books, the diagrams, the warmth of his skin as Nemo dragged Enver away from his work:
"Rest, you need to rest. It’s unbecoming of you to run yourself ragged like that. Sleep, your machines will not disappear overnight."
The way he struggled, tried to argue as exhaustion overtook his body. The way Lord Enver Gortash, the tyrant in the making, looked vulnerable in front of him in a way, Nemo suspected, he never looked in front of anyone else.
The way Nemo went to bed with him and expected to wake up in a pool of blood, but never did.
Because some part of him resisted Father even then. Some part of him claimed Enver Gortash for himself.
And it cost him greatly.
Nemo wondered if returning to Moonrise Towers could be classified as ‘coming home’.
He wondered if his home would meet him with windows shut and new lock on the door. He wondered how quickly he would be discarded by a man having no use for him anymore.
Turned out, Nemo was a fucking idiot.
It happens faster than it has any right to be; Ketheric spots Isobel, Wyll sees his father, Karlach lurches at Gortash, and Orin...
Orin steps away from the Elder Brain and smiles.
“My poor slaughter-kin,” she coos. “Came back so I could finish what I’ve started, did you not?”
And then the moves.
And fuck, Nemo forgot how fast she is, and he is so out of it, he is but a shell of his former self; his body is weak, feeble, damaged-
Orin knows it. Orin was the one who damaged it in the first place.
Nemo is vaguely aware of Isobel reaching out to Nightsong and freeing her from the bonds, he thinks he hears Gortash trying to reel Orin and Ketheric back in:
“Orin, we haven’t finished, the Brain didn’t receive command yet, come back here- Ketheric, two stones can’t hold it down, we need the third, Ketheric, forget about your daughter, come right here and make yourself useful for a change-“
But Ketheric doesn’t listen. Orin doesn’t listen. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own issues, their own grudges, their own fights. Karlach slices through the undead servant and knocks Gortash into the ground, only to be pushed back by a force of small explosive detonating right into her face. It doesn’t damage her much, but pushes back a significant amount.
“My poor brother,” Orin taints as Nemo tries to dodge one of her slices and comes out short. Blood oozes from the new cut and his murder-kin giggles. “So out of it, so pathetically weak. I did a good job on you, brother dear. But,” another smile, another attack. Nemo barely parries it in time. “I can do better. Father knows I can do better, Father knows you have failed him. He loves you no more, my failure of a brother. He has left you.”
Nemo would love to argue what Father went nowhere, what he still haunts Nemo’s every waking and dreaming moment, what the only thing stopping the God of Murder from consuming his wayward son is the illithid parasite in the bhaalspawn’s brain. But he doesn’t have the time, he doesn’t have the strength, he is failing, and-
The next strike to come is fatal.
Or it would be, if not for a huge tentacle of the brain to come flying out of nowhere.
Sending Orin flying right into the Morphic pool.
To the Brain.
With her stone.
Nemo turns around and meets a bewildered stare of Enver fucking Gortash, the man who just successfully compromised his own plan - their plan - beyond any recovery.
A fool.
Nemo’s blood is so loud in his ears he can barely hear; his heart is throwing itself against the cage of his ribs with a force unbeknown to him before.
He feels elevated, he feels scared, but most of all he feels-
“What the fuck did you do?” he snarls and everything, miraculously, stills. Everyone freezes, staring between them in a mix of surprise and dread.
Everyone feels what something just went very wrong.
“I-“ Enver starts, but Nemo gives him no chance to continue.
“You just threw the Netherstone to the Brain! The Netherstone we use to control the Brain! And you just threw it right at it,” there’s indignation burning in him but also...confusion?
Why? Why would Enver do something like that? Why would he compromise everything? Why would he-
“She was about to kill you,” Gortash seethes. “I saved your life.”
“By dooming everyone and everything in the process,” Nemo shouts back. “By dooming yourself. By the gods, Ketheric, did you see that? How he just- Ruined everything?”
“I did in fact see that,” Ketheric, who is pretty much being held down at the fire point, states. The only thing stopping Nightsong from murdering him here and now is Isobel’s hand on her shoulder. “It was a very stupid thing to do.”
Gortash looks appalled at that.
“I just saved his life!” he repeats like this fixes everything. Like it explains anything. There’s a mad look in his eyes, of a man who just realized what he has done. Then he turns to Nemo. “I saved your life, you ungrateful little-“
“Why?” comes out so quietly it’s barely a whisper.
At first Nemo thinks he asked that, the question was definitely on the tip of his tongue. But no, the voice belongs to Karlach. She rises from the ground, shaken but unhurt.
“I know you; you’re an awful fucking person who only cares for his own well-being. Why would you do something like that,” she gestures at Nemo and Nemo makes a face at her. He knows how he looks, thank you very much. “For him?”
Gortash opens his mouth, hesitates. His eyes dart to Nemo and Nemo meets his gaze with just as inquisitive expression as the one on Karlach’s face.
“Yes, Enver,” he agrees. “Why?”
But Enver never gets to answer, for in that precise moment the waters of the Morphic pool part and a figure crawls out.
A figure of a pale woman with even paler eyes, dressed in red.
She takes a step, then another.
And something is wrong.
Her movements are unsteady; her head dangles as if she’s held up the strings and her eyes-
They’re vacant, her eyes, almost empty. They’re...peaceful, and Orin has never been peaceful in her entire damn life.
Nemo makes the involuntary step forward and is immediately held back by Wyll, who, gods only know how, managed to not only teleport his father right next to Karlach, but also come back to Nemo, and is now holding him firmly by the forearm.
“Don’t,” he whispers into Nemo’s ear. “This is not your sister.”
“Orin?” Nemo calls out regardless, because this is his sister. It has to be.
Orin raises her head and looks straight at him. Then she opens her mouth and speaks:
“Praise the Absolute.”
“By the Nine Hells,” Karlach curses. “She got tadpolled.”
“And she has the stone,” Ketheric is the first one to move, ripping himself out of Nightsong’s grip and stepping forward.
“Well, shit.”
An overwhelming, overbearing horror embraces Nemo.
Orin, his little sister. Orin, his murderer, his torturer.
Orin, the perfect slayer. The puppet of the Absolute.
“Maybe I can use the prism,” he starts. “I can bring her back to her senses.”
“And then what?” Wyll argues and it takes Nemo an embarrassingly long time to realize his friend has already started to pull him away. “She’ll try to kill us on her own volition and not the Brain’s? No.”
“We need to go,” Gortash speaks up. “Quickly, now.”
“There’s no ‘we,’”, Karlach argues. “And ‘we’ are not going anywhere with you.”
“Karlach, now is not the time to argue-“
“You sold me to Zariel-“
“Father?” Isobel calls out. “Father, what are you doing?”
Ketheric unsheathes his sword.
“Atoning,” he speaks. The moves to rip the Netherstone from his armor and throw it at Nemo. Nemo, surprisingly, manages to catch it. “Keep it safe,” the man orders and oh, is this his general voice now? “Keep her safe.”
Nemo doesn’t need to ask who he means by that. Instead he argues.
“I am a murderer, you know that, right?” as if any sane argument would work right now. “A murder incarnate. I do not keep people safe.”
“This time you will,” and this is why Ketheric was so feared and respected; a single hard stare pins Nemo to the ground. “Or I will come back and hunt you down to the end of Toriel. To the end of every known realm, if I have to.”
“Not to interrupt this fine and lovely conversation, but general,” Gortash looks just as puzzled as Nemo feels. “What are you doing again?”
The man has some strength enough to smirk.
“What I should have done long time ago,” he sends Isobel a long, sickeningly loving gaze. “The right thing. Isobel.”
“Father,” the girl’s chin trembles. “Father, I don’t-“
“I love you more than any god could understand,” the old general speaks. “And I will never regret bringing you back, never. But now,” he turns his gaze back and manages to parry the quick, efficient and entirely deadly strike of Bhaal’s unloved daughter. “You have to live. And I...I have to take a stand. Go,” he says. “Go,” he commands. “I will hold her back for as long as I can.”
“The undying against the slayer,” Gortash murmurs as he already sprints towards the elevated platform.
The ground shakes as the Brain breaks out of its bonds, bit by bit, slowly but surely. The wave of psionic energy what comes their way almost knocks them all down.
“Go,” Nemo shouts as he and Wyll teleport closer to the exit. Thank fuck for the teleportation spells. Thank fuck for Wyll.
Karlach all but carries dazed Ravengard away as Dame Aylin takes Isobel in her arms and takes flight.
“Go, go, go!” he repeats as a familiar hand grabs him by the shoulder. Nemo doesn’t have time to think, doesn’t have time to act as he is dragged the remaining way to the platform by no-one but the tyrant himself.
The moment Karlach reaches the platform Wyll hits the control panel and they start to rise. Nemo is afraid it is not fast enough.
From the height of their ascend he sees the undying general fight off the slayer. Two Chosen of Gods against each other.
Even from that far away it is clear Ketheric will fall.
He sacrificed himself. He brought them time.
Down below the illithid colony, amidst the Hell of his own creation, general Ketheric Thorm receives one last, final blow.
Blood oozes out of his wounds, painting the floor red. Above him a woman dressed in red stands; eyes vacant, empty, soulless.
But it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore.
Isobel is safe. And Ketheric...
“Melodia,” he whispers as the last breath leaves his body. “I am coming.”
Somehow he knows she is waiting for him; what she has always waited for him, no matter how far he strayed.
Ketheric Thorm dies peacefully. It feels like falling asleep.
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iknewiwouldregretthis · 9 months ago
imagine you go to an art show for a single artist and every piece is the same black and white picture. but then you start to look closer and it's in every medium possible. there's drawing in pencil and crayon and pastels and paintings in watercolor and oil and acrylic. there's found object versions done out of bottle caps, of food wrappers, of papers. natural found object ones out of pebbles, out of sand. there's one made of unstained wood that the artist chose to be the correct colors. one is quilted and one is woven. there's ones that a embroidered, crocheted, felted, knitted. one made of metal. one that's stained glass and another that's a single piece of hand blown glass. a version sculpted from marble. you're just looking around this place and realizing that the artist spent the time and the effort to become a master of every one of these art forms before creating the piece for the show
that's what i would do if i had vampire time
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graff1980 · 3 months ago
It hurts to love so much, and watch my loves play in poisonous mud, to see them dancing in the toxic sludge till they are completely stuck, while by some dumb luck I manage to remain unstained by the taint of the bloody colors they use to paint the world with death.
I am brought to tears, by my loss of hope, so despair reigns here because my human kin seems to yearn for their own destruction, while my intellect stands above them watching men play out past patterns of collective self-sabotage again.
Change is unlikely because in spite of me telling the truth liars run the table, regular people keep playing one-sided Russian roulette getting lost in the red because they haven’t checked their own biases yet.
Instead, they double down on a whiny demented clown, so the house dividends go to him and his already wealthy friends.
I am no great orator, just a piss poor poet who’s seen the downfall coming but knows it’s not a certainty even though it certainly feels inevitable.
Almost every time we have the chance to rise and be better off, the other shoe drops, vaccines stop, a sick man coughs, and spits in our face, spews bubonic levels of bigotry and rage, so the rhetoric of hate spreads like a plague running the table right over our legs cracking our spines with the weight of society’s ignorance.
Making it painfully obvious that I will not be able to pull humanity back off the ledge it keeps trying to jump to its death from.
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Wolfstars hands
Sirius Black has an artists hands. 
When he was younger, just a boy, he always had unusually bony hands. His mothers hands. And as he got older, was made to meet new people, his mother always reminded him that his reputation and his handshake were his first impressions on people- so he kept his hands as neat and soft as his reputation, for the longest time. His mother always had an expensive moisturizing cream shipped in from Sweden every month and a half- he was made to use it. When he got older, it was replaced with Lilys rose scented lotion. He never dropped the habit.
His hands had always been smaller- long, thin fingers, but small for a male member of the Black family, and bony. An artists hands. 
Remus Lupin has a workers hands. 
He always helped around the house, fixing loose floorboards or replacing shingles. His parents also helped fix up a lot of old buildings that were being turned into shops, and he was right there with them, nailing in floorboards, and ripping out door frames to be replaced. He even started chopping wood for the older people around town. At Hogwarts, he never stopped- he was always moving fallen branches from the courtyard to the forest, fixing up things around the dorms, getting firewood for the professors in fall and winter. He never dropped the habit.
His hands had always been large- not abnormally, but hands meant for working, meant to be used. Calloused, rough, scarred. A workers hands. 
When they hold hands, it’s not just holding hands. It’s not just a show of love or affection. 
It’s slow, careful strokes of a brush dipped in obsidian black on a stark white canvas. 
It’s focused and swift thunks of an ax through wood, digging into the stump underneath. 
It’s the scratching of a quill on paper, creating an entire world with just a word, just a whisper of a name on a silver tongue. 
It’s the rhythmic sound of a hammer coming down on nails, building up a house, a home with nothing more than a single person's hands.
Paint stains the wood that is used to build their home, after Hogwarts. Ink spills on a toolbag, stains the red a deep blue. Neither of them mind.
Paint rubs off Sirius’s hands only after minutes of rough scrubbing, rough enough that his hands are red from more than just the paint. Remus is standing at the counter, pressing a rag to where he caught his hand with the back of his hammer- the rag is stained red with blood, but they both know the injury will be nothing more than a scar in two weeks, and sirius’s hands will be completely unstained by the next day.
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inkisionary · 6 months ago
Alain contemplates the Art of Hwei around him, amazed, then turns back to him, with a shy expression. -- Sir, I love your paintings, please tell me, What happenned in your life that made your art look like this?--
Golden eyes shifted to a hue of purple and blues, swirling like water draining into the dark abyss of his pupils as his rather tired eyes turned to the voice. Pale lips curling into a rather polite smile – how was one to know what Hwei had gone through with such an innocent question?
The paintings in question were brilliantly done, he didn’t remember much of the process. Just the feeling of drowning in a thick liquid. His lungs feeling choked, — his hands moved on their own sculpting with blots of ink the vision which plagued his memories with its disgusting visage. The dream becoming reality on canvas.
Eyes turned toward the piece the man stood in front of. — It was tall, mixed with dark black and red. The backround was a cascade of red, a waterfall which ended with a deeper darker shade stained with black. As if the fresh flow had coagulated itself at the botom of the frame into pearls of gelatinous fluid. The main focus of the piece … was a lotus, its petals pristine white. Like a fine ivory which reflected with an iridescence of vibrant welcoming colors. Unstained by the horrors which is floated in. Despite its delicate appearance, the stem and roots which grew from its stalk was twisted and rotten. Black, writhing thorned roots choking the life out from underneath its delicate petals. Mixing its thorned tentacles into the blood and pearls as if it were greedily feasting itself on the gore which it settled so comfortably in.
… There was no recollection of emotion that Hwei was feeling. Despite its visage, the petals of this lotus were painted with care. No matter how assaulting the background was, Hwei took great consideration to keep its petals free of any corruption. It was not stained pink, it never was blotted with black ink. Yet the horrors which it was encompassed was kept at a seperate entity. Never touching its beauty. Pristine. Perfect.
“I have taken accounts of many during my travels in Ionia. Their troubles are recollection of the past. Regardless of what they have suffered, grown from the pain they were left with. From the bleak tar – the mud, they remained beautiful.”
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kissagii · 6 months ago
user kissagii you sent me that painting date request all those weeks ago and paint has been on the brain ever since so i picked up my paintbrush and chose a canvas and decided on my colors and everything went black and now i have seven complete canvases taking up my family's mantel and four more to go you have ruined me my father will never forgive me for the procrastination i am now going through just because i am in love with painting once again how long will this infatuation last i wonder as i stare at yet another half-finished canvas what has my life come to i will never finish another school project again painting is my life now i am a slave to the little man in my brain telling me i must keep painting i will never have unstained hands again my fingers will always be vibrant hues of blue and pink all thanks to tumblr user kissagii
(tl;dr: thank you user kissagii for reintroducing my one true love)
- 🍂
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY painting is sososososo fun i'm glad you're getting back into it!!
you shoud do your schoolwork though. it's kinda important.
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