#origins or cussing
ausetkmt · 1 month
Fuck: An Irreverent History of the F-Word by Rufus Lodge
Download by clicking the title link to get it from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Fuck: An Irreverent History of the F-Word by Rufus Lodge
Where did this word come from ?
Why is it used the same Globally?
Who Popularized This as a Swear Word?
Download by clicking the title link to get it from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Download by clicking the title link to get it from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Y/N: "Ohana means family! And family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten!"
Kol: *sniffs* "That's sappy."
@her-violent-delights @witchcraftandgeekness
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temeyes · 3 months
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[OC] Logan said modern era!Maria would be a Gamer Mom, and i couldn't agree more……..
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Good grief, what is with the recent crosstagging posts in the PRO JEDI tag??? I blocked them, but STILL...
It’s horrible sometimes. 😭😒💔 The Acolyte has only made it worse… but while I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not glad it’s canceled… I’m also not gonna rub fans’s faces in it. Especially because of the lost representation they all probably felt. The show just wasn’t for me. I was never going to enjoy it after the Order 66 genocide apologia line. 🥶😒
But it is ABHORRENT how the actors have been treated by the alt right/dudebro members of the fandom who hate it for “wOkEnEsS 🤪”. 🤢 The people who harassed the actors from the beginning before even learning what the STORY would be like are just… horrible, HORRIBLE little people. And the way the actress for Osha has been treated is the worst of it all.
But anyway, I kinda went off on a tangent. 😅😂❤️ The point is that I feel you about anti Jedi SW fans posting in the pro jedi/Jedi tags. It sucks, but the best thing you can do is just block them for your piece of mind.
I’m just glad that The Acolyte won’t be around to continue to spread such anti Jedi resentment in the fandom. There’s already so much of it, and it’s always stomach turning to read people’s “hot takes 😒” on how the Jedi got what was coming to them or that they were “corrupted” or that Order 66 gave them the chance to “start anew” with Luke. 🤢🫠💔
People don’t even be realizing how they sound sometimes.
So sorry for the late response! ❤️❤️ I hope this long reply is worth the wait.
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
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Two Days Of Art Later
Guess Who Got Clangen!
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Honestly yknow what I really want out of rwby?
I want Oz realizing that he deserves better than what he's gotten.
It's already implied that he full on HATES Salem, and it's possible he holds at least some contempt for the Gods (why else would he give up on his god-given task? If he were so devoted, why would he do something that's so blasphemous?). I want teams RWBY and JNR to help him (and Oscar, really) to realize that he deserves far better than this.
I want him to actually show his anger and hate towards Salem at LEAST. I want Salem to try villainizing Oz, only for him to start SCREAMING at her, throwing facts back in her face, tearing her down effortlessly every time she tries defending herself.
I want Oz to show the pent up rage he's held onto and bottled up for LIFETIMES.
I dont care what the fandom says, he deserves it.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 2 years
the ep 4 transition from "haha lol! pinocchio doesnt doesnt really act like a child" > "dear god pinocchio doesnt act like a child"
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incorrectstarvs · 9 months
[last day of school]
Meteora: Whoo, school is out! No more learning!
(puts books through a paper shredder)
Meteora: Die, books! DIEE!!
Mariposa: You do know we have to return those, right?
Meteora: Crap.
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sirensea14 · 5 months
Tryna recover from artblock (even tho there's one more week left to worry about academics and shit)
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Im soooooooo productive in the morning (12 am)
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aquilamage · 1 year
thinkin about bug fables where the characters are allowed to say real swears, specifically in the context of Neo’s “Oh, crud. Ah heck. Splinters.” line
It’d be funny and arguably in-character if it still stayed the same even if he could swear, but I think it’d be even funnier if he actually cussed up a storm there
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aquarisma-arts · 2 years
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Well, hello! - Sir Cuss (he/they)
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fluffyfairyzz · 11 months
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cool art dump!!! working on worldbuilding shit
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button-woods · 4 months
My pfp isn't an oc BTW. They're a doodle. She needs a character, so please do tell me fun facts about her.
The Base of their character is:
She uses she/they pronouns
She cries alot
She's crying in the photo because someone just told her that dinosaurs are extinct
Any ideas for their character are appreciated. They can be absolutely batshit, to you just projecting yourself onto this blank slate (or both), I don't really care!
Also, name. Tell me ideas for her name, and I will make a poll (I believe in democracy).
Ps; please no terf/homophobe/racist shit please and thank you
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lost-sunset-canine · 1 year
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12th attack uwu !! https://artfight.net/attack/4537698.allistor-smoking-in-a-smoke-free-park go check it out and the creator of the character uwu !! https://artfight.net/~Pina-Gelada she even has a tumblr :D !! @pina-gelada
demon boi who cusses, coudlnt hodl back and do a little scene uwu -dairiem
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ichirothehallow · 8 months
Why G.U.N Doesn’t Appear In Sonic Media Anymore
Shadow destroyed the place, he’s had enough of their Bullshit, besides he’s still angry about them killing Maria, and Eclipse coming into his life and making it more difficult, So he just snapped one day because the commander decided to talk about the ARK, and Decided ‘If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself’ and slaughtered everyone inside.
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fallen-angel-92 · 8 months
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Chapter 4
Summary: She was not where she was supposed to be. Birthed from the womb of a goddess and raised as a Spartan. She must try and learn what it means to be a parent all the while trying to navigate this new world she is in.
“I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.” - Luis Miguel
Rhea could hear the little bell of the door chime as they walked through. Upon first glance Rhea was not too impressed by it, she was used to pubs back in Svartalfheim when she was an apprentice under Veijo Vorhoc. A well known dwarven blacksmith that had agreed to teach her after witnessing her stick her hand into a large pit of lava to try and get some metal ore to make her mother a gift. Her burned flesh on her right arm throbbed slightly at the memory, but quickly shook the memory away as she and Jaked walked toward the bar. Out of the corner of her eyes she could make out two distinct figures.
One of them was a large bald man, she could tell that he had been through a lot just by the alert way he was looking her way. The other was obviously a police officer, though she couldn't really make out what station he worked for. Rhea returned her attention forward toward the bartender, who was looking at her with an uneasy expression, however, he still greeted her with a kind voice,
“Hello ma'am. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Forgive me for intruding and disrupting your patrons evening, but my nephew and I are new to the city. We are wondering if you could give us directions to the Raccoon City Police Department.” Rhea replied back with a calm tone, she could feel Jake grip her hand a bit and tighten his hold slightly.
Just as she finished speaking, she could hear a male voice chime in with curiosity,” Mind if I ask what you need at the RPD?”
Turning her head to face the one that spoke, she was greeted to the sight of a rugged male with short brown hair that seemed to frame his face, his hazel colored eyes glittering with interest. Just as she was about to answer the other man she saw chimed in gruffly after taking a bite of food,” Kevin left the woman to her business. Just because you work there doesn't mean everyone wants you in their business.”
The man that was known as Kevin chimed in with a laid back tone,” Jeez Mark. I just asked her a question. Don't need to start acting like I am hitting on her.”
She watched the dark skinned male, give Kevin a glare, however, it was instantly stopped when the sound of a bell rang again causing everyone to turn to face the man who suddenly entered the bar. Rhea could sense death coming from him in thick waves, it was similar to the thick fogs of Helheim, however her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed that the bartender that she was originally talking to walked over to the new person. Rhea slowly pulled Jake closer to her, glancing down at him as he looked up at her with a hint of uncertainty before looking back over.
However, just then the sound of a ‘thud’ caused Rhea to quickly turn back over to Mark's direction just in time to see Mark leap out of his seat to his fallen companion. She then noticed that not only Mark ran over to him, but the female waitress ran over to the fallen man as well, another man. Rhea did not have a chance to get a good look at him as the sound of a scream drew her attention away from them and back back to the bartender, who seemed to have been bitten by the man. She reacted on instinct, letting go of Jake's hand as she rushed forward slamming her fist into his face sending him flying backwards back out of the door.
As soon as the man was out, the bartender that was attacked then quickly closed the door, locking it before sliding down the door onto his rear end.
“What the hell is going on!?” Another man screamed as the sound of something thudding on the window drew their attention to the glass next to the door. 
Rhea quickly turned to see a thin man with blonde colored hair, however, she didn’t bother to examine the man further as she turned to see that there were hundreds of people that seemed to be rotting trying to get in. Rhea quickly turned to Jake, rushing back over to him, picking him and placing him onto her back before turning to the other people that were still in the main area.
“We need to leave. Now,” She growled out causing most of the people that were still within the building to come alive once more. 
“Auntie! Over there,” Jake said softly to her as he pointed toward the door that was near the back.
Rhea quickly rushed to the door just in time to hear a female let out a fearful scream, running on autopilot, she rushed to the female bathroom and flung it open. Inside she could see a black haired female being dragged toward an open ventilation that was near the bottom of the wall.
“Boy,” Rhea says as she darts forward grabbing the woman's hand just as Jake quickly says,
Jake had managed to use the backpack to help him get a perch to allow him to shoot off an arrow at the arm. This allowed Rhea to pull the woman free, and push her out the door and back into the main area where the others were. After the door closed behind them, Rhea instantly noticed that the blonde haired waitress from before opening up the door.
“This way!” She called out standing to the side to allow the others to go through. Rhea noticed that the man Mark and the brown haired man were helping who she assumed was his partner.
The man, Kevin, rushed over to her, gently taking the young woman that she saved in the bathroom and asked with worry,” You okay, Yoko?”
The petite woman nodded her head not speaking much, before Rhea quickly cut in,” Let us go. We need to leave now.”
Kevin looked at her, nodding his head before leading the woman, Yoko, toward the door that blonde haired waitress opened. Rhea turned to look just in time to see the front door being broken open and the undead poured into the building. Rhea did not want Jake to see the end of the bartender so she quickly rushed into the door herself, closing it behind her, reaching for the dresser and pushed in front of the door. Taking two steps at a time she quickly got to the second floor where there were a total of nine people on the second floor. She scanned the survivors, noticing that there were three women and six men, Jake gently poked her in the cheek causing her to look back at him. She lifted her hand up and gently tapped him on the head.
It was something her and Jake had developed to ensure the other was alright and didn’t stay in their head too long. As soon as she put her hand back down to her side she heard a female voice huff out,” What now? I don't know what the hell is going on, but we obviously can't stay here.``
Rhea glanced over at the woman, she had short strawberry blonde hair and she wore a red suit which was strange to her. However, another voice chimed in, a smooth male voice replied,” While I agree with you, Alyssa, please be mindful of the young man in our midst.”
This caused the woman to pause as she looked over at Rhea and Jake before grumbling under her breath just as Rhea was about to say something when Kevin quickly spoke,” Look I agree that we need to get out of here. George, do you think Bob is okay to continue onward?”
Rhea watched as the brunette looked over at the elderly man, frowning as he turned to look at Kevin and replied back,” I am unsure. I don't know what is ailing him. I have a feeling that it has something to do with what is going on here.”
While the others were speaking, Rhea began to look around, she could feel Jake let go of her and land upon his feet and went to stand next to her. It was then a soft gruff voice softly asked,” Are you two alright? You just came into town right?”
She turned to her right to see a man with dark brown hair almost black in color. She could tell from his tool set that he was some type of maintenance worker. Rhea nodded her head as she replied, “We are fine. Yes we traveled a great distance to get here.”
However, before more could be said as everyone went quiet at the sudden sound of banging down the stairs. And in that moment they knew that time was now not on their side and they needed to get out of the bar as quickly as they could. Rhea had no plans on dying nor was she going to fail Jake. She would make it out of here one way or another.
(Hope you enjoy chapter 4!)
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