#or write job applications
oooohno · 8 months
Whenever I get really stressed about work & assignments &&&& I put on my Haganezuka cardigan that has his haori design on it to channel my inner 'letsgetshitdone' rage
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viperwhispered · 6 months
Too Much
So this would be the little thing I teased earlier that had the working title of "Jamil's oh shit moment". Whoever the anon was who was curious to see this come to fruition, well, here it is. Hope y'all enjoy this little trip inside Jamil's head.
It all started with an off-hand comment from Kalim.
Well, truth be told, it started well before that.
For a while now, Jamil had found himself strangely fretful whenever you were around.
It was not the sort of irritation he felt with Kalim’s constantly chafing presence, nor the constant worries of what trouble Kalim might find himself in next. Not really like the frustration he got from suffering with Floyd and Ace’s antics during basketball practice. It wasn't even just another of the usual pins and needles of all the small things of his everyday life that kept on needling on his patience.
No, if anything, you were quite…inoffensive.
But he couldn’t help being on edge, on alert even more than usual.
So much so that the other day, when you turned up in Scarabia and your voice suddenly rang clear in the lounge, Jamil nearly spilled the tea he was just pouring into Kalim’s cup.
Or when you’d joined him and Kalim for lunch in the cafeteria, Jamil could feel his shoulders inching up to his ears with the tension that crept into his body. Even holding his utensils and bringing his food to his mouth somehow felt awkward and clumsy.
Most bothersome indeed.
Besides, he already had enough on his plate without you adding to it all, threatening to tear down the precarious control he barely maintained over his life.
And yesterday, you had come to talk with him after the basketball game, saying such things about his performance on court that his cheeks still threatened to redden just remembering it.
You really were just too much.
And the way you had looked at him, like-
“Jamil! What are you thinking about?”
Kalim’s voice startled Jamil out of his thoughts.
What was he thinking about? Why were you on his mind like this?
Jamil’s hands kept working, chopping the vegetables with practiced ease. Yet his mind was barely in what he was doing, busy with trying to tease open the budding thought.
No way.
Surely he was not that stupid. After all, there was no way-
“Oh, you just seemed so happy, but guess it was nothing then,” Kalim said brightly.
The rest of Kalim's words faded out of Jamil's ears.
The steady rhythm of the knife turned more erratic and forceful, sure to leave deep marks on the cutting board. The urge to pull his hood tighter over his face was almost irresistible, Jamil’s hand slightly twitching even as he forced himself to continue with his task as if nothing had happened.
Why had he been thinking about you? About the way you smiled at him the other day?
ETA: there's now a part 2! And a part 3. Part 4. And finally, part 5. I originally had more written for this but ngl this seemed like the perfect point to cut it. But who knows, maybe there'll be a part 2 at some point. They played this song in my dance class and it got me thinking of that moment when Jamil realizes just how down bad he is for you. How screwed he is when it comes to you. Jamil certainly wouldn’t be as all in as the narrator in the song is (at least with his NRC circumstances), but the lyrics still sure worked as inspiration. Tagging @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist @twstgo If you'd like to be tagged for future works, let me know!
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jouxlskaard · 4 months
I hate applying for jobs bc what do you mean I need experience and references and a driver's license and proof that I'm allowed to work. why can't I rock up to your place of business with my heart on my sleeve and a desire to make a difference in the world
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beaft · 5 months
if i think about job hunting too much i get so angry that my face blows up and goes bright red like a person in a cartoon. so i try not to
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phoebeejeebies · 5 months
thinking about phoebe exploring ray's apartment when she moves to new york city, a few days after her family move into the firehouse. thinking hard about how ray's occult books has remnants of egon everywhere, if you look hard enough. if you squint, there's a memory here and there. amongst all of ray's other memorabilia that means a lot to him. thinking about how ray sees him in her SO much. how her mannerisms are so similar, and yet distinctly phoebe. and when phoebe steps foot into his apartment, it's so distinctly Ray. and there's elements of ghostbusting, mostly memories, everywhere. and if you squint, there's a photo of these young ghostbusters, faded but youthful nonetheless. and if you squint, there's a pile of letters, dated letters with egon's handwriting on it. and she recognises this handwriting, of course she does. she's seen it before when she was in summerville!!! at her grandfathers place !!!!!!!! and im thinking about the cogs turning in her head as she slowly pieces together the closeness her grandfather had with this Mr. Ray she looks up to so dearly.
oh boy i am thinking . . .
(heavily inspired from THIS!!!! fic !!!!)
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abroaddream · 1 year
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crowfromfoggyforest · 7 months
It's time for some Random Ramblings!
I love "Loser, Baby". The first time i heard it, it almost made me cry. And i've already seen several people talk about how wholesome the "you're not alone" thing is. But that wasn't even the part that touched me the most.
For me, it was "it's okay to be fucked up." Of course, i'm not saying that Angel (or people in general) shouldn't change, neither is Husk. But often, accepting your situation is the first step towards a better life.
And not only accepting in the sense of acknowledging - because Angel already knows that his life is shitty. But what Husk does is telling Angel he doesn't have to constantly beat himself up about it. Right now, Angel's life is hard, but he's probably making it even harder by thinking stuff like: "God, why did i mess up my life so badly? It's all my fault. I'm such a useless idiot. I got myself into this, and now i can't even get out. I really should be able to get out. I should at least try. But i'm not strong enough, that's so pathetic." And so on. And that's completely normal in his situation. But now, Husk offers him to stop thinking about how different his life should be and why it isn't like that, and just accept his current situation. Saying "i'm not judging you for being a loser, and neither should you."
And then (after that great moment where Husk sings "Baby, that's fine by me", and Angel smiles and it's so sweet)... i think it's also about self-esteem. Because when Angel starts singing, he sounds like he's almost proud of being a loser. Which, again, has nothing to do with not wanting to change or glorifying a horrible life. It's just that in his current job, Angel constantly has to put up a show pretending he feels like the sexiest person in the world. And to protect himself, even in his free time, he pretends he loves his life - when in reality, he has started hating all of it more and more. Not just his life, but also himself. This ties back to the beating himself up thing i talked about before, but it goes so much deeper. When Husk encourages him to sing in "Loser, Baby", he offers Angel to be proud of who he is, for the first time in decades. As messed up as his life is, it must be so liberating to allow yourself to say: "Hell yeah, that's me, i'm like this, so what?" This allows him to reconnect to who he is, realize that his life is worth living, so it's also worth changing.
And another little thing: I think the "i've got an appetite for..." part is also important. Because a healthy changing process also includes accepting what you can't change about yourself. Yes, Angel has always wanted certain things, he will never turn into a chaste nun. That's okay. He doesn't have to become a completely different person in order to have a better life, he can live with his "sinful" traits and still get better.
And lastly, i wanted to point out that "Loser, Baby" is a great title/ main chorus line because it symbolises taking the words you use to beat yourself up and turn them into something positive - because others and yourself can love you even for your bad parts.
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What do the DS9 crew call each other?
>View the raw data >Season 2 Observations post
Season One Observations
Is most likely to introduce himself as "Commander Benjamin Sisko" (7 times), or as "Benjamin Sisko" (5 times).
Is more likely to be called "Commander" than "Sir" by Kira (35:8), Odo (15:2) and Quark (9:0).
>> Kira does not call him Sir until e13; Odo only in e16 (when harassed by Lwxana)
Is more likely to be called "Sir" than "Commander" by Miles (66:20)
>> Even more likely E1-9 (35:5), only twice as likely e10-19 (31:15)
Is just as likely to be called "Sir" as Commander by Julian (22:20)
Dax exclusively calls and refers to him as Benjamin.
Otherwise is referred to as Sisko (esp. by Odo) or Commander Sisko.
Sisko talks to everyone the most.
Is most likely to introduce herself as "Major Kira Nerys" (3 times).
Is most likely to be called Major by everyone. In the first half, O'Brien also calls her "Sir" in a few episodes; Bashir and Dax call her "sir" once.
Is most likely to be referred to be others as "Major Kira".
Is occasionally called or referred to as "Kira", but not often.
Is most likely to introduce himself by mentioning he is "Chief of Security" (2 times).
Is called "Odo" more than "Constable" by Kira (9:6) and Quark (15:1)
Is called "Constable" more than "Odo" by Sisko (16:11)
Is usually referred to as Odo
Is called "Doctor" most by Sisko (43:7 "Dr Bashir"), and exclusively so by Kira (5x), Odo (5x) and Quark (1x).
Is exclusively called and referred to as "Julian" by Dax.
Is most often referred to as "Dr Bashir". Sisko also refers to him as "our doctor" and "my doctor", and Sisko, Kira, Odo and O'Brien all refer to him as "Bashir" on occasion.
Miles calls him "Doctor" once, "Julian" four times (all in Episode 13, after Julian has asked for this), and "Sir" three times (again, all in E13).
Most frequently refers to self as "Dax".
Sisko is most likely to call her "Dax", but also "Lieutenant" in very formal situations. He calls her "Old Man" 4 times, in e1, 7, 9 and 10.
Julian will call her "Jadzia" (4x) or "Dax" (4x), depending on how casual the situation is.
Miles calls her "Lieutenant" exclusively (3x), as does Kira (1x).
She is usually referred to as "Dax" (9x) or "Lieutenant Dax" (10x) by everyone, or by Julian as "Jadzia" (2x).
Most likely to call himself "O'Brien".
Miles is most often called "Chief" by everyone, although it takes a while for that to start. (Kira and Sisko begin calling him "Chief" in E4.)
In first half, is almost just as likely to be called "Mister O'Brien" as "Chief" by Sisko (10:16) and Kira (7:7); from episode 10 that changes to 3:10 for Sisko and 0:1 for Kira.
Is most likely referred to as "O'Brien".
Wow, that took less time than I thought it would when I began this - I'm definitely looking forward to seeing if any trends continue or change going forwards!
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bitchesgetriches · 5 months
Hi Bitches! My resume needs an update, which I've been working on, and I've seen a couple people on tiktok recommending resumeworded.com for doing that. Have you heard of the website, and do you have any thoughts on it? I don't really trust any modern ai, but surviving the job market is becoming more and more difficult, and I think we could all use all the help we can get
Haven't tried it, and uh... we don't really trust AI for that stuff either! Not just because we don't think it does a good job, but because once you input your information in an AI generator, it just... has it.
It's a lot more work, and it's hard, but updating your resume yourself or with another human is the safer road. Here's our resume how-to guide:
How to Write a Resume so You Actually Have a Prayer of Getting Hired 
We could be wrong, though! Anyone have experience with resumeworded.com?
Did we just help you out? Tip us!
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ilynpilled · 6 days
idk what yall r doing now apparently but ranking character writing quality at a certain point like u r powerscaling is so fucking embarrassing to me. as someone who has been into berserkbro tier shit nothing on earth is as obnoxious than this obsession with ranking even shit like this. writing quality isnt something u can objectively quantify the way u ppl keep trying to do so. i genuinely pray for the downfall of ranker merchants every fucking day i hate u watchmojo mfs
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Taste (NSFW)
Lmao basically using all 5 senses for Hux!
Anyways, here we have a fic that I am rushing to post because I want to write more lmao. I don't promise that this is my best considering how I did not revise(I need to stop being so lazy) and this is just me testing something about with Hux...I'm obviously still getting the hang of writing robophilia smut too so please bear with me ^^
Warnings/Notes: SMUT! AFAB Reader, Robophilia, Cunninlingus, Hux being Hux, Weird stuff, Slight tentacles???(Please tell me if you guys think I should add anything else)
Words: 3,250
“I have made a discovery.” 
The times when such a phrase came out from Hux’s voice box were not always the prettiest moments. Although he had started off as an android, he proved to be just as eccentric as the typical “mad scientist” trope entailed.
Afraid wasn’t the word to describe what you felt before asking “What is it you discovered, Hux?”, but perhaps it was uncertainty. An apprehensive feeling that would have never expected what would happen after Hux demonstrated his “latest physical development”. 
His theory was that the organic parts of himself had grown accustomed to the crystal displayed on his body, evolving him further than he believed possible. Rather than affect him conscious-wise, Hux instead…grew an extension of some sort. Extensions in fact. Miniature, snake-like extensions that protruded from within his face’s orifice. 
It had started with a simple demonstration that had quickly led to indecent thoughts on your part, and after all this time Hux knew how to read your mind perfectly. 
Thin tendrils that seemed to have bloomed from his organic flesh, sprouting from his mouth to fully exhibit to your curious eyes. Thin tendrils that snaked and toyed with your fingers that you had brought up to Hux’s features to better examine them. Thin tendrils that you quickly found slithering over your cheek before they came close to your lips.
Could you really blame yourself for having your mind be flooded with obscene thoughts?
Things had quickly progressed from you strolling through the tranquil land of Dvarka Deepwood to you gripping onto Hux’s body, face practically melding with his own as he stood as still as possible. But even with Hux’s stoic mannerisms, he himself could not remain in a single location as you fought against him. The robot stumbled backwards when you pinned your body against his, and he was soon able to catch himself when your lips away from him. 
“What the hell am I doing?” you breathed out once a sense of clarity hit you, mind pondering at how you basically threw yourself onto Hux once a fervor struck you so suddenly. Kissing Hux was a rather simple task, especially when considering that he frequently demanded that your affections befell him. But Hux kissing you…now that was a task that was impossible to challenge when taking into account that he did not possess such an ability due to his lack of lips and muscle movement. And now that he presented himself with a tool he could use for a form of kissing...you just couldn’t help yourself. 
“You are indulging yourself in what appears to be an attempt at the human act of ‘kissing’.” Hux replied to your rhetorical question which only caused you to release him to cover your face. Attempt.
“I know Hux.” you mumbled behind your hands before showing your face again, looking at him while his unemotional lights stared back at you. “I think I just got a little carried away with your…tentacle-tongue-whatever-it-is. Think I got excited at the thought of…”
“Reciprocation.” Hux chipped in with a twitch of his body, craning his head sideways as you realized his miniature tendrils were still out and about. Practically teasing you.  “It felt satisfactory.”
“Your attempts…exceeded typical human limits.”
A chuckle escaped you at the sound of Hux’s attempted compliment, you at least hope that’s what it was. You could honestly say it made your heart skip a beat hearing a robot say your kissing skills weren’t disappointing. 
“So…what exactly does that entail?” You tilted your head before Hux moved forwards, just enough to lower his head that was buried into the crook of your neck. It was seriously getting harder to push certain thoughts away…
“This body requires more.” He announced which prompted you to widen your eyes, though it wouldn’t be the first time he’d ever insisted on something like that. Your own hormones were probably getting the best of you. “It lacks the perception of flavor.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and prepared yourself to pull away from Hux to look at him, but you were startled the second you felt his tendrils hit your exposed skin. Your hands shot up and grabbed onto his body, clawing into his figure once the realization hit. 
Everything was coming back to you, you couldn’t hold back the excitement that prompted you to take Hux’s head into your hands to resume your actions from before. Your own tongue slithered out from in between your lips before entangling itself with the many tendrils Hux provided. 
While you were able to taste the fleshy bits of his skin on the tendrils, you were sure Hux was savoring the desperation that dripped from your tongue. Hell even your body reacted with such an intensity, beginning to sweat while your chest rose both quick and without any rhythm. If anybody had advised you that you would experience such venereal instances with a murderous robot, you probably wouldn’t have believed them. 
But here you were with legs feeling weak despite no other physical pleasure being inflicted on you. Though perhaps that statement was wrong in its own way, and this was yet another thing Hux could sense. 
His left arm came around your body to press itself against the lower part of your back, caging you against him like every other time. 
You whined at the feeling as though you had been deprived of physical touch for too long. And you could admit that it was also so damn rewarding when Hux provided you with whatever form of intimacy his robotic self allowed. So damn gratifying like right now as his miniature tentacles toyed with your tongue before wriggling themselves in between your lips to explore your wetness. 
And you knew the feeling to be mutual with how Hux used his second arm to hold you, folding his scythe-like claw in an angle that prevented it from ruining the mood. While he pushed you further against him as if you were bound to leave him, his mouth pushed you back as he deepened the reach of his tentacles.
To your misfortune however, your body’s limitations were beginning to show when your lungs begged for some oxygen. Your hands removed themselves from Hux’s head to place a hand on the metallic parts of his right shoulder with your other hand placed flat against his chest. 
“Why have you stopped?”
“Hol…hold up…I need to-” You let out a stammer after inhaling as deeply as you could, your breath of air immediately cut short when Hux’s tendrils attacked your mouth again. You were definitely NOT getting out of this one. Or perhaps…
Hux took back his actions and pulled himself away from you much to your surprise, finally giving you the time to catch your breaths with weary pants. 
“This is not enough.”
At this point, you weren’t sure if that was a good or bad statement. 
“This body requires more.” he repeated his phrase from before a mechanical whirring followed soon after, and Hux forced you to stand erect before removing his claws from you. Speaking of erect… “I sense your body is also in need of additional fulfillment.”
“Yeah…you could say that.” You panted before wiping your own saliva from your lips, staring intently at Hux who stepped forwards. You in turn stepped back, not to keep away from him but instead to find the stone structure you had been previously studying amongst the plantlife. 
“My sensors detect an increase in heat in your lower body.” Hux followed you until your bottom and legs clashed with the stone ramp that was meant to be a jumping location during trials, and you made sure to slightly lean back on it as comfortably as possible. He towered over you like every other time,visor looking straight at you before you peered down at the practically non-existent space between your and his lower halves. “Your form requires fulfillment.”
You could see that his self-made phallic apparatus had revealed itself, no doubt a while ago with how it stood and leaned against the cozy coveralls you wore. A jumpsuit you graciously borrowed from a locker in the colony ship, and a jumpsuit that was beginning to stain with whatever fluid was dripping from Hux’s appendage. With how it twitched against you, you were convinced it could sense the excitement radiating from your groin.
Fuck, if Dvarka’s humid nature wasn’t getting to you then clearly it was the hotness between you and Hux. A warmth bothersome enough that you unzipped the coveralls to reveal your tank top that had been clinging to your dampened skin. And your skin only proved to humidify further when Hux brought his head back to your neck, gliding his tendrils down to your collarbone  and eventually near your chest.
Fuck, it was hot. Too damn hot. Hot enough to have your hands scrambling on the zipper of your suit, desperately trying to take it off to cool yourself while also exposing yourself to the robot. 
However, Hux wasn’t having any of that. He didn’t have time to wait, he needed more now. And the twitching his body gave when he pulled away from your body was telling enough.
His left claw took you by surprise when he took hold of your jumpsuit with it, particularly the crotch area, before he ripped a portion of the material with complete ease. Hux’s head craned down to study your shocked self, your gasp signaling that he had revealed more than enough. 
“This body lacks a sense of taste,” his voice box rang out once he positioned himself, phallus placed against your wet sex. “I have studied the worms enough to know your flavor can be enhanced with enough pleasurable stimulation.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You what?” You weren’t surprised that he of course had been stalking your fellow survivors to learn-
“Ah-!” your thoughts were interrupted when you felt him easily fill you up without warning, and you threw your head back while gripping onto the structure beneath you. “Fuck, Hux!”
You removed your left hand from the stone to hold onto Hux’s metal arm once more as he continued to insert himself, your wetness allowing him to smoothly slide back out as you threw your head back. It was then that you parted your legs to both ground yourself a bit more and give Hux easier access, and he took this opportunity to step forwards so that he could plunge himself even deeper into you. 
The whirring of his mechanical parts sounded as he pulled out almost excitedly, robotic member in full view and drenched in your juices as he lay it against your hole again. After so many heated sessions with you, and the occasional “observing” of the survivors’ and killers’ sexual acts, the machine really had been learning. 
He knew the sudden emptiness would elicit a whimper out of you, that it would have you crying for more before he blithely obliged. He knew it would have you humping yourself against him, holding his hips in a desperate attempt to have him inside you again. 
It felt almost poignant, rubbing yourself against him before you reached out to his phallic device with a hand. It was crazy how crazy this robot made you feel, head dizzy at the thought of his sex and how it felt as though it was made for you. 
“You succumb so easily.” The robot announced as he felt you pump him, and he finally moved his hips so that you could slide him right back into you. 
“So do you.” You gave out a breathy chuckle as you returned your hand to Hux’s side, pushing his body toward you so that he could completely bury himself inside you. A sigh of relief escaped you before Hux resumed his movements, sloppy thrusting resulting in Hux’s left claw moving up to take hold of your hip. 
He gripped onto you as if trying to steady himself, every thrust making his legs tremble just as your body began to slightly quiver. To steady himself even more, he threw his scythe beside you and over the vault, this being enough to scare some sense into you.
But even then you didn’t give a damn, instead shutting your eyes with an elated smile. The pleasure was beginning to take over you, mind becoming hazy the more Hux pushed his hips into yours. And in between all his thrusts you let him go with your dominant hand, now bringing your fingers to your wet clit. You began with some careful rubbing, making circular patterns that were quickly building up a sensitivity. And as that new feeling grew in your bud, you increased your pace before your back began to arch into Hux.
But the moment Hux caught sight of this, he removed his claw from your side before forcefully grabbing your fingers, bringing up your hand to his visor as he scanned the new fluids that coated it. Never once did he cease his pumping into you, in fact you were pretty sure his humping had sped up and increased in some force.
And when you opened your eyes to look at him, you were now certain of how eagerly he wanted to experience taste.  Once he took a proper look at your fingers, he brought them to his mouth where his tendrils immediately wriggled back out to lap up everything he could. 
You weren’t certain if the desperate licks were because he was trying so damn hard to taste something, anything…or if he finally acquired a new sense and was completely reveling in it. 
“Huxlee…” You lifted your head slightly higher to better watch him, soon enough feeling as his movements slowed down before coming to an easy stop. “No, no, no. Don’t do this to me aga-”
“This is not sufficient.”
Then what fucking was!? 
With your mouth agape, you watched in horror as Hux removed himself from you once he released your wrist and removed his scythe from behind the ramp. After how many times he had pulled such a stunt, you were almost sure it was now done on purpose. 
“Where are you going?” you questioned him with a fully flushed face, seeing as he took a step back to overlook your entire body. “Hux!”
“Get comfortable. Fast. Please.”
“Comfortable?” you made a face before his fingered claw placed itself on your chest, gingerly pushing you backwards so that your entire body lay on the stone ramp. Something told you it was best to bring your body as high on the ramp as possible, and thank the Entity you did. 
Despite Hux’s hunched stance, he proved to be too tall to reach his goal. Having you get up made it easier for him to bow his head down to the area between your legs, visor fixated on the wetness you continued to provide for his inquisitive self. 
“Something great is about to happen.” Of course he always had to bring in his damn lines like this was some damn video game. But as it seemed, something great was indeed happening. 
Before you were able to question Hux any further, you quickly found one of the robot’s tendrils lapping up the entirety of your slit, eliciting a sudden upwards jerk from your hips. Holy shit he had no mercy with the way those tendrils attacked your sex; it was almost as though each individual one had a mind of its own with how they parted your lips to pace their way inside you. 
You couldn’t help but writhe under Hux, whimpering, whining, nearly crying at this new sensation. Never in your entire life would you have imagined a makeout session with a robot that would eventually lead to him eating you out in this way.
The tendrils, despite being an extension of his damaged flesh, had their own kind of texture that proved to be softer and exceedingly nice against your flesh. And they were feeling up every inch they could find, every bit they could reach, letting you feel each and every one of them at all times. 
“Aah….Hux-” you managed to choke out before a gasp escaped your lips when one and then two tendrils found themselves deep inside you, your hands shooting out to hold his head that remained motionless unlike his new tongues. “Shit! Please…!”
“Your blabbering is satisfactory.” Hux voiced before his left claw held onto your waist, holding you in place after you jerked into him once more. “As is your squirming. Climax levels are swiftly rising.” 
And he was so right, because that usual knot in the pit of your stomach had been forming for a good minute now, tightening the longer Hux licked and toyed with you. More of his tendrils inserted themselves inside you, squirming inside your walls as if exploring some new cavern. Guess in a way that’s what it was to Hux. 
“Huxlee, I’m…” you panted with one more arch of your back, gripping onto his head with quick breathing that was as hot as your body felt. The heat only furthered your incoming orgasm while the cold feel of Hux’s claw brought a tingling. Oh fuck…it was becoming too much to handle on top of the feeling of Hux pulling you towards him as if it were even possible, spreading your walls ever so slightly. “I’m…I’m-”
Hux’s tendrils slid out from your hole to all collectively rub themselves against your clit, almost furiously to make your coming arrive even faster than you anticipated. And the robot was successful, catching you off guard by playing with your sensitivity that almost immediately made you cry out and throw your head further back. 
But although Hux knew you had finished against his mouth, fluids glazed over his orifice and tongues, he never stopped his licking. You squeezed your eyes shut while your sex had you twitching and squirming intensely, Hux taking full advantage of your current vulnerability. 
“Hux, please!” you whined as you continued to ride out your high, never able to catch a break or even a damn breath. “Hux…oh my god…please, I don’t have anymore…”
As your chest rose and went back down rapidly, your lips agape to try and catch your breath before you finally felt Hux removed himself. Quite hesitantly, but he managed to break himself away from you to give you your moment of recovery. 
You reopened your eyes to peer at the robot, vision almost blurry as the lustful fog remained in your mind. And looking into his visor’s lights, something told you he had the same sentiment.
“Did…did you get a taste?” you cleared your throat, ultimately shutting your mouth to ease your breaths. 
Your eyes widened at Hux’s reply, shock coursing through you enough to make you instantly forget about your exhaustion. Meanwhile, Hux twitched his head before glancing down at your wet crotch in what you considered a predator-like stare.
“You’re joking.” You rubbed your eyes, not being able to contain a chuckle before you also took notice of his member that had not yet reached its satisfaction. 
“We must make another attempt.” Hux stepped close enough to rub said member against your still sensitive clit, making your legs wince before you looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Perhaps more stimulation involving insertion is required.”
“That just might be it.” you gave a breathy smile as you took hold of him, ready for the machine who was already gripping onto you. 
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autistichrlady · 5 months
The Cover Letter Toolbox
Or, how to write cover letters while autistic.
One of the autistic traits I have is difficulties with what's called "expressive language" - I don't think in words, and putting my thoughts into words takes a lot of time and effort. For me, going straight from a blank page to a full sentence that makes sense is difficult, and making that sentence sound professional is even harder. So I came up with a way to avoid starting from a blank page. This is what I do instead.
When I've read a job posting and decided I want to apply, I start by making a list of qualifications and things from the job posting that I have or can do, just a list of words or short phrases like
Customer service experience Scheduling Microsoft Office
Then I go under each of those list items and make it into a full sentence.
Customer service experience: I have five years of experience in customer service.
Once I have the most basic version of that sentence, I think about details that I can add to it. The point of a cover letter is two things-
to summarize the things from your resume that are relevant to this job, so the person doing the hiring doesn't have to read the whole thing and connect the dots themselves.
to add details and explain things that might not be in your resume.
So some details that I want to add here are that I didn't just talk to customers myself for five years, for part of that time I was a manager responsible for training other people to give good customer service. And I was good at that- we always got good results on our customer surveys, and we also always hit our goals for stuff like signing people up for the loyalty program. So now I've got a second sentence:
As the [job title] with [company], I trained our entire team on how to best serve our customers and helped ensure that my location had the best results in the region for customer loyalty.
Another thing from the job posting that I want to address with this bit is that the job I'm applying for involves helping people over the phone a lot. So I want them to know that even though my experience is in a different environment (retail instead of an office front desk) I did still have to answer phone calls and help people over the phone. This is the type of detail that's not in my resume and that someone wouldn't necessarily guess, but I really did answer a lot of phone calls working in retail.
I also added a little bit of Flavor, so it's not just assisting customers, it's "welcoming, respectful assistance". Yes, I did try like five different words there before picking these ones. Usually I look back to the job posting and pick something that relates to what they've said they want. But I find it a lot easier to figure out details like this after I have the basic structure.
This is what I ended up with for my Bit About Customer Service:
I have five years of experience in customer service, providing welcoming, respectful assistance to customers over the phone and in person. As the [job title] with [company], I trained our entire team on how to best serve our customers and helped ensure that my location had the best results in the region for customer loyalty.
If I really wanted to add a lot of detail, I'd put numbers in here- how big "our entire team" was, what the "best results" were and how we were measuring it. But the position I'm applying for is with a small organization, and probably doesn't involve measuring sales in the same way, so I decided not to add that. If I was applying for another retail job, I'd include those things.
I repeat this same process with each of the qualifications from my list, copy-paste each of those bits in order of how important they are, and then I need an opening and a closing. For the opening, I start by stating the obvious.
Dear hiring manager, I am applying for/interested in/etc. [this position]
and then I apply my school-essay-writing techniques and do a one-sentence preview of the qualifications I just got done writing about.
I am confident I have the customer service skills, computer expertise and organized mindset to excel in this position.
For the closing, this job posting specifically mentioned putting your contact information in your cover letter, so I did that, and then I like to thank them for looking at my application because that's a nice polite note to end on.
I can be reached at [contact info]. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing from you. [signature]
Extra Bonus Brownie Points:
Go to their company website and add something that shows you have looked at their company website. Like yes, the main reason you're applying for this job is it's available and you need money, but besides that, there's gotta be something at least a little interesting about this company that might be cool if you get to work for them. In this case they had a whole big section about charities they donate to and how they get involved in their local community, so I added this right before my closing:
[this company's] contributions to charities such as [things from their website] are truly admirable. I've grown to love [this city] since moving here, and I would be honored to be part of an organization that does so much to contribute to the community.
Now wait before you go here's the important part:
I don't delete any of this stuff.
I copy/paste out the finished bits into a new document to send to the recruiter, but I keep that list of qualifications with sentences under each one.
Now I have a document with a list of qualifications I have and nice professional-sounding descriptions of those qualifications, and for the next cover letter I write, I can reuse them if they're relevant, so I don't have to redo all this work of making words make sense. If I decide to change them a little bit for the next job, I'll keep the new version next to the old one under the same heading. I also keep my openings and closings.
I used to have a big file like this but I apparently didn't back it up before my old computer died, so I'm having to re-create it, but you guys this saves me so much time I would otherwise spend staring at a blinking cursor. And it's easier than saving the full finished cover letter and trying to pull sentences out of it, because all the Bits are already organized by topic. (And it lowers the risk of accidentally copy-pasting the wrong company's name.)
I <3 my cover letter workbox.
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protocolseben · 10 months
a silly website made with duct tape and too many cups of coffee and milk tea :v
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mariocki · 5 months
got my first job interview in like 10+ years tomorrow, frantically cramming and writing down questions to ask etc wish me luckkkkk
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knifekris · 1 month
every day i struggle to make choices
#i should invest into some kind of education but cant make up my mind#mostly because options suck#i cant do trades unless my body sucks less which is sad because id love to be an electrician#cant even think about getting a pilots license cuz im not passing the med cert#i think id rather die than be a med assistant actually#working clinics at all makes me nervous tbh but probably where im headed in the short term#surgical tech would be cool but i cant do a Real program while working full-time#which is what limits most of my choices#i need to find more paid training programs i guess#if i had to pick a miserable but fulfilling job id go into education itself#but the teaching profession has always been in a downward spiral esp as of late#i dont want healthcare because i hate seeing dysfunctional glorified murder machines grinding around and around endlessly#acute care sucks id rather be in an icu for function but then im depressed because our patients are always dying#it was better as a phleb but this hospital doesnt have phleb and like i said im nervous about clinics#but i need to fucking commit to outpatient phlebotomy i think :/#the most fun ive had at a job ever#i wish i had more widely applicable skills but i cant be an emt/para even just for the training#because half of it is unpaid and the other half you pay for#and again#a job NOTORIOUS for being exhausting dangerous and traumatizing#if i was 17 again and wasnt escaping the tar pit of my mother id go for an english degree and i wouldnt even regret it#thinking about school in terms of a job i have to have forever vs for the sake of learning is so different#id like to know everything. i wanna read and write forever. and do research and have real technical skills that help people#im still riding off of the high of getting 5 ccs off of an oncology patient who desperately needed a port#they were able to run like seven tests off of it#i had to use a couple ped tubes#she only had to get poked Once and barely noticed it bc the doc team came in and im so happy i made her admission that muvh easier#labs are so miserable#checking back on the blood and seeing all of the results came through made me more pleased than anything else in the world
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drankeverysky · 1 year
just finished disco elysium for the first time so I guess I have a new personality now
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