#or quotes about love that drive me crazy
asoftepiloguemylove · 6 months
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Richard Siken Crush // unknown // Richard Siken Anyway // Leah Horlick For Your Own Good // Mitski I'm Your Man // Sean Glatch Caffeine, Pt. 1 // unknown // Dani Ran in an article for VICE with Ethel Cain // Katherine Philips Friendship's Mystery, To my Dearest Lucasia
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rubberbandgirlme · 18 days
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another interesting piece of exchange between mhin and leander that caught my eye 👁
indeed, it seems baffling that leander, our reliable man, our nice guy, the nicest of the nicest, just forgets to warn mc about such a tiny little detail, easily forgettable for sure — that eridia's streets are unsafe at night 💀
he quickly covers it up by flirting — and boy, can i wait (can't, need this game right now) to see more of such instances, because he seems to master this craft, and it is working on most people, — hinting at mc's beauty and/or the intimate (and it is intimate for mc, whether you like leander or not) moment they shared.
but do you know the most important, tasty nuanced thing this tiny, blink-and-you-miss-it dialogue reveals? leander doesn't care about mc, about their life and safety; he's niceys, it's all just an act. sure, cap, you might say, we already know leander is a manipulative titty shit, what's new? but look at it another way: we know this because rss kindly backed us up with all this additional info and content so we don't starve to death while waiting for the release (rss, i would have gone through content drought anyway. this is not a shade, take your time, i love you). now imagine playing this game for the first time without a pile of lore stacked at the back of your mind and seeing these discrepancies in his behaviour (check out my previous post on this), foreshadowing that he's not as good as he seems and his path might be dark and gritty as hell.
and now, my fellow leander girls/gays/whoever else is there, imagine how it would feel when leander cares (faints).
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clary-jace · 1 year
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DAWSON’S CREEK | 6x24 - “...Must Come to an End” 
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d3l3t3d-deactivated · 2 months
#realized/had an epiphany today that so many of the traits my abusers have condemned me for are the same traits that my friends and family#love about me#im weird and funny and slightly insane#i will threaten to reanimate steve jobs so that i can kill him again and yell at cars driving in the bus lane#i will burn my breakfast and give a dollar to a person on the street and yell PENIS PENIS GOD FUCKING DAMNIT when i stub my toe#i will cover myself in fake blood from target and pretend to be a serial killer to and EDM song because i think it’s funny#i will quote webshows me and 5 other people have seen and i don’t care that you don’t wanna watch it with me#i will interupt people by mistake because im excited to talk to them and you won’t be there to yell at me#i will buy the expensive treat for myself because you aren’t there to steal it from me#i will watch that horror movie and play thay horror game because you arent there to say im gross and depressing for liking it#i will make a fucked up meal with microwave rice and canned beans because you arent there to tell me im a terrible cook#i will fuck around with my makeup because you arent there to tell me i’m bad at makeup#i will thrift for crazy costumes and style crazy wigs because you arent around to steal them from me#i will make new friends because you arent there to tell me you don’t like them so i shouldn’t hang around them#i will keep leading with kindness and not shit talk people i don’t even know just because they give you ‘a vibe’#don’y you dare ever take away my claws and clip my wings again im a weird monsterman and i like it that way
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ilikeyoshi · 9 months
another day another annoying modern greek goddess per3phone girlboss take
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blackxhope · 2 years
„I would like to have your pretty face between my legs now.“
She. Drives. Me. Crazy.
- @blackxhope
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euesworld · 2 years
"I am balls to the wall in love with you, just slapping nuts all over the wall in love with you.."
I go nuts over your smile - eUë
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 4 months
TF141 getting a boudoir photo album as a wedding gift ♡
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A/N: THIS WAS SO FUN!!! Great, absolutely phenomal idea, dear anon. Simon's part is very sappy (I cried) which might be ooc for him?? Idk, that's how I write him/interpret his character! :) let me know who's your favorite 👀
~Fi 🐝
《Warnings》: NSFW content. proceed with caution. PiV, creampie, cunnilingus, Johnny's oral fixation (yes, that is a warning.)
It's still very sweet and lovey dovey with all of them bc I'm a certified sap <3
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John would be grinning and smirking like a proper idiot when he lays his eyes on those delectable photos of you.
I imagine you had a date night at home, sipping wine on the couch and talking about your wedding that's supposed to take place in only 3 days. He's telling you how he can't wait to see you in your wedding dress and slip that ring onto your finger.
Sneaky bastard.
Be prepared to he called Mrs. Price the days leading up to the big day. John excuses it with:
"Need to practice, love. Don't wanna mess it up in front of anyone, eh?"
He knows what he's doing, you know what he's doing, all is well because if he only knew what that did to you. You're just talking, trying to get the nerves out now so you can go into your wedding with a clear mind and have a good time. When you tell him you have a gift for him, his eyebrows almost overshoot his forehead. Yeah, he knew that was a thing some people did, but he never gave it another thought.
In all honesty, marrying you was the best gift he could ever get. Which is why he feels slightly guilty that he doesn't have one for you (at least that's what you see, internally he's crushed) but that all goes out the window when you sit back down with a sleek beige photo album that has a little romantic quote on the front.
What he doesn't expect, however, is the angelic image of your plush body on full display, draped over a velvet chaise lounge with layered pearl necklaces hanging from your neck. This man is shell-shocked. If he wasn't frozen in place, he would've snapped the book shut.
"And what's this, doll, hm?"
His heart feels warm and fuzzy, thinking these are some lovely pictures of you together on holidays you went on, casual trips to the local pub or just some domestic shots you managed to sneak during his leave.
You can basically see the connections to his brain frying. His jaw slacks, and only after what feels like 10 minutes he regains his ability to think and close his mouth. John is sweating and his cock is rock hard as he flips through the remaining pages.
He shoots you the occasional glance while he's trying not to hyperventilate. You just sit back and savor your wine, trying to hide your laugh behind the rim of your glass. You'd expected a reaction, of course, but you didn't think you'd render the John Price speechless just from a few suggestive photographs of you.
But what absolutely breaks the camels back (or John's, in this case) is the last picture of you. You're kneeling, slightly leaned back and supported by your arms, with one of his Flannels covering your soft tits. That alone would've been enough to drive him crazy, but the sight of his old dogtags sitting against your sternum has him groaning out loud.
The only other thing covering you is a simple pair of lace panties, cupping the soft curve and rolls of your tummy so beautifully, John was ready to take a bit out of that damn page.
He nearly misses the inscription underneath the photo;
To my John; the love of my life, the man of my dreams,
I love you.
You hold my heart and you will forever.
May I be so lucky to find my place in the stars by your side when the time comes, so we'll never have to be apart.
With all my love,
Mrs. Price
And that does it. The album snaps shut and you barely have time to put down your wine glass before John is all over you, taking handfuls of you, whatever he can reach. With how fast he smashes his lips on yours, he nearly gives you whiplash.
He's tugging and pulling at your clothes as well as his own, not saying a thing, just hungrily swallowing every one of your sounds and giggled objections before he decides the couch is uncomfortable and he moves you to the bedroom. You're hoisted up without a warning and you cling to his neck. Immediately, worried words start spilling from your lips, remembering how he'd complained about a sore back just today;
"John, baby, your back-"
"I don't give a flying fuck about my back, love."
He's heaving and grunting like a fucking animal, he's downright feral. Despite all of that, you're still laid down gently on the bed, John would never, ever be reckless with you. But he needs to be inside you now, he'll actually lose his mind.
Usually, he'd spent hours between your thighs first, but he just can't wait. He's pounding you into another dimension but with such gentleness in his gestures, it makes your head spin.
He's holding your hand, breathing sweet praises into your ear despite him filling you to the brim. His urge to claim you goes haywire and he fills you with his cum multiple times before he's sane enough again.
He's covered in sweat and his beard is wet from your spit from all the sloppy kisses he gave you. John will definitely make it up to you and eat you out for as long as you want after.
He'll make a copy of one of the photos and take it with him when he's on deployment, just for the nights he's feeling lonely.
His wedding gift to you are the hickeys on your thighs and tummy and new sheets because you two tore the other ones to absolute shreds.
Johnny would probably have a boudoir album for you, too. You get at least one shirtless pic a day, so a whole album of his body on display or in suggestive poses basically screams Johnny. He's already drooling the second he spots that book because he knows what it is and that he's in for a treat.
He's buzzing with excitment.
You never really send nudes for privacy reasons, and then for you to do something like this hit him like a truck in the best way possible. You're standing opposite from him behind the kitchen counter, and you look so nervous to him.
Cue his signature shit-eating grin. You tap your fingers on the dark blue album before having enough of your nerves and just sliding it over to him with a few mumbled words of what it is.
"Awe, for me, mo leannan?" He's a teasing bastard, and he chuckles when you huff and turn your head, obviously flustered. Johnny is legit licking his lips, but when he opens the book, his grin fades so fast.
He knew it would be good, but holy shit, this was so much better than he expected. His pupils dilate as he takes in each of the pictures of you, all of you, all your curves and bumps.
Everything he loves about you. God, you're such a woman, he thinks to himself. Some with lingerie, some without. He's full on drooling at this point, and the only reason why he roughly wipes it away with the back of his hand is to not get it on these sacred images.
He smirks at the picture of you in a tub, all soapy, with pebbled nipples. An obvious dig at his nickname, but, god, does your ass look amazing when it's covered in a thin layer of bubbles. He loves lathering you up in the shower and feeling you up while you're all wet and slippery.
"Good thing I can hold my breath, aye, hen? Might even try to set a new personal record." He's grinning and chuckling meanwhile you give him a sharp glare. You can't deny that the idea intrigues you, though.
But this, oh, this one was him swallowing thickly. It's you in very sheer panties (they're barely even underwear) and his name patch is sewn onto the front. Your hair looks so nice, so do your thighs, he doesn't know whether to look at your eyes or your tits. The button on his jeans is about to pop off from his throbbing boner.
He can't take his eyes off that 'MacTavish' patch that sits right on your lower belly, with the slight curve it has to it from your soft tummy.
Johnny has to hold himself back from gripping the book too hard. He wouldn't want to ruin it.
"Steamin' bloody Jesus, bonnie..."
The album is shut and tucked under his arm, and Johnny jumps over the counter to get his hands on you. Or his mouth, more like. He has a huge oral fixation, so he loves sucking and biting on every inch of your skin. You're pushed back into the bedroom, even though you end up on the floor, and the book is thrown onto the bed.
He rips your shirt up and sucks at your tits and nipples, groaning and moaning at the taste of your skin, all while he's rubbing his clothes cock against your leg. You end up on your hands and knees with one of Johnny's hands on your lowerback while his face is buried in your cunt.
He's eating you out like he's been starved for years, and his stubble is already starting to irritate the skin of your thighs and ass.
You'll have the worst case of beard burn in the morning, but how could you care about that when his tongue is so deep inside of you?
Remember when I said he'd have a boudoir album too? Yeah, now you're in between his legs, your back pressed to his chest with Johnny's album in your shaky hands. And the way your engagement ring catches the dim light of the room has your eyes rolling back.
And Jesus christ, Johnny looks fucking phenomal. You clench around his fingers hard, and he doesn't even have to pull his head from your neck to know what photo you're looking at.
He's smirking and grinning like the ceshire cat, knowing that the image of him in a kilt with no shirt one is gracing your field of vision right about now.
"Ah knew ye'd like tha' one, bonnie..."
Johnny's cooing in your ear, telling you to keep looking at the pictures while he's knuckle deep in your pussy. His bare dick is pressed against your ass and you can feel him rocking his hips to get off.
He's mumbling all kinds of gibberish into your ear, but one of the few things you can make out is "mo bhean"* which pushes you over the edge. You won't be leaving that bed anytime soon.
*(My wife)
Kyle is such a sweetheart. I've said it before, and I will say it again, he's such a cutie pie!!! But that doesn't mean he can't or won't get nasty.
He'd offered to make lunch, which was delicious as always, and now you're chatting casually about your day at your dining table. Your fingers are laced together, and he's wearing the biggest smile because all he can think of is how he gets to marry you in just a few days.
He's over the moon. He can't wait to see you walk down the aisle, say your vows to each other, and overall have a great time with all your friends and family.
But the thing Kyle is looking forward the most is the honeymoon. He'll have you to himself for 2 whole weeks and he's stoked. He can't wait to treat you to nice things, love on you, but he's the most excited to fuck you as your husband.
He may look sweet and 'innocent' but this man can fuck, okay. And he fucks well. He knows every little spot that has you mewling and he's so good at using them for his gain.
Kyle will fuck you into the mattress in the Hotel you booked, he's already made up his mind about that, but he wants to absolutely melt your brain by being so loving whole doing it that you can't help but cry out for him.
He has heart eyes at this point, watching you talk about all that happened today and he only snaps out of his dream world when you present the deep red album to him with a sweet smile.
He's got a hunch of what it is so there's a hint of a smirk on his lips. Still, he almost gets whiplash when he opens it.
There's no easing into it, just straight up tits, ass and tummy. And let me tell you, Kyle is loving every second of it. It's no secret that he loves your chub, and that fact that it's extenuated so beautifully in every shot makes his heart and his cock happy. He's a very balanced man after all.
He comments on every single photo because he think it's endearing how you get all flustered and giggly from his compliments.
One picture that has him taking a second, though, is one where you have a lacy band tied around your thigh, with a little golden 'Kyle' charm hanging from it. He's all smiley and giddy, but he does try to discreet adjust his trousers because, holy shit, that's hot.
"Have you still got that, dove? Would love to see it tied around your pretty neck."
All you answer is that he'll have to be patient and wait till the wedding night to find out. He's laughing and teasing now, but just what till you get to the last page, Gazy.
And the way his smile just melts off his face is priceless. His gaze is flitting between you on the page and you sitting across from him with a shot eating grin. All the blood that drained from his face went straight to his dick.
Not only are you wearing a set of lingerie in his favorite color, but you've got his iconic pair of sunglasses hooked on the center of your bra. And that's not all either, his eyes travel upwards and his base cap is sat on your head and you've got that beautiful smile of yours on your face.
He makes an audible noise, one that indicates you took his breath away, when he takes in the whole picture.
"How in hell did you manage to snatch my hat and my glasses from right under my nose?!"
"Skilled hands, babe."
He's laughing at you breathlessly because he's still enarmoured by the sight of you.
And Kyle will absolutely whisk you away and fuck you stupid in front of your bedroom mirror while you're wearing his hat.
It makes him feral, seeing you like that. He's got both of his arms wrapped around your middle and he's panting into your shoulder. He does look up from time to time to see your blissed out face all while still wearing his cap.
He lets out a strained moan everytime he looks at you in the mirror and his hips stutter ever so slightly.
Kyle is just spewing jumbled words of love because he's genuinely so happy. You make him so happy.
He honestly can't wait to give you your wedding gift. It's a little booklet filled with poems or quotes that reminded him of you, or of how you make him feel. And it will make you cry when he reads them to you.
Definitely not because he'll be ballsdeep inside of you while doing so...
Simon, Simon, Simon.... first of all, he's completely blindsided by this. And he hasn't got a fucking clue what's in that black book you hand him one night when you're cuddling in bed.
There's just a giant question mark above his head. When you tell him it's a wedding gift, he goes silent and just looks at that album in his hands.
He never really got gifts, which obviously changed since he's been with you, but he's still not used to it. You're so thoughtful. And sweet. And kind, and perfect and-
he turns his head to you when you softly call his name and if you notice the slight sheen of tears in his big brown eyes, you don't mention it. You just encourage him to open the book. And when he does, a small huff and gentle smile leave him because how are you so perfect?
Yes, all of the pictures are all filthy, but they're all radiating of love and softness, and he can't get over it. How are you so soft? Simon can't get enough of you. You mess up his emotions in ways he never thought possible, and he can't help that his heart starts beating twice as fast.
That you did this for him means more than you could ever fathom, and he'll treasure this album until his end. He absent mindedly reaches for your hand as he flips through the pages, trying to tell you thank you when his words fail him, like they did so many times before with you.
He comes across a shot of your neck, a black leather collared fasten around it with a little silver skull charm. It makes him smile just a bit. He knows just how much meaning is behind it.
That you love him. All of him, which includes the Ghost. In cursive, 'Riley' is written right above your heart, and he gives your hand a squeeze.
Although you love the Ghost because it's a part of him, you've shown him that it's not all he is. That Simon is enough. That he should give Simon a chance and that he's not incapable anymore, like he was as a little boy. Ghost is sort of a protector of Simon, something not many people know, that's why he wears the mask outside of duty too. To shield himself.
But as much as the Ghost's service is appreciated, Simon can handle himself now. The Ghost will forever be with him, but so will you, and you'll wipe his bloody hands with a smile. You've shown him that you accept Ghost just as much as you accept Simon, and that means the world to him.
He sniffles ever so quietly, and you lean your head against his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He moves on, gently turning the pages, and as much as his heart is touched by your kind gesture of this album, that doesn't stop his cock from stirring. It's pictures of your naked form, after all.
He loves every single inch of you and he's told you and shown you so many times, kissed all your insecurities away and took your mind off any bad thoughts about yourself by fucking you so well and lovingly to the point of tears.
Never, in a million years, had he expected you to return these efforts. You kissed all his scars and held him softly when reassuring any doubts he had. That's when he truly and fully fell in love with you.
He can feel himself getting hotter with every passing image of your soft body bent in different positions and clad in delicate garments, if any.
The best for last, as always, and it's a picture of you kneeling in front of a mirror, completely nude. A picture of Simon in full military regalia is tapped to the mirror and it's surrounded by a bunch of hearts drawn on with lipstick.
His name is written under the picture in your handwriting, and he can see you holding a lipstick, in the middle of finishing another heart. His breath hitches just for a split second.
He swears he'll burn this photo into the back of his eyelids.
It shows him just how great and raw your love for him is, and it makes him all fuzzy on the inside. The text at the bottom finishes it all off, and he's actively holding back tears, overwhelmed by so many feelings for you.
Dear Husband,
We're flawed; but that's how I like us. You're you, and I'm me, and I wouldn't change it for the world. You've made me a better version of myself, and that makes me love you so much more. I'm so proud of you, Simmy.
Your wife
"Thank you, my love. Thank you for this, and for loving me and for everything you've done for me. I love you"
His words are soft and painfully honest as he gently sets the album aside. You've made him a better man. A better Simon. A happier Simon. A Simon that's slowly starting to heal.
It starts off with a soft kiss that slowly turns more desperate and needy to the point you're gently being pushed back onto the bed, your clothes are discarded, and Simon absolutely worships you. He kisses every inch he can reach and touching you in all the ways he knows you like.
And, yeah, Simon can be rough and fuck you stupid for hours, but tonight, he just wants to feel close to you, and make you feel as good as you make him feel by simply loving him. He's talking you through it, holding you while he makes sure you take every inch of his cock.
His strokes are slow and deep, just like his love for you, and he revels in the way your eyes roll back each time he slides into you to the hilt. The drag of his dick against your walls has you moaning and whining, and when he presses down on your pudgy lower belly to intensify the sensation, you're putty.
You two fuck the whole night like this, no matter how sensitive you are, you need to be close to each other.
And in the morning, he'll wake you up with his face buried in your pussy because he's out of his sappy mood and his only goal now is to absolutely ruin you.
Bonus: I can totally see Simon giving his dad the biggest middle finger known to man all the way in hell when he's standing by the altar on your wedding day. It just screams: 'fuck you, stupidly bastard. Despite all you've done to me and my family, despite all that's happened, I've persevered. I've overcome it all. Look at me now.'
Right after he's smiling up at the sky, knowing that his mum and brother are watching and that they would've loved you just as much as he does <3
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I hope you enjoyed!! I love all my boys <3
(If you find any typos, it's 2.am. give me a break pls)
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nor-4 · 1 month
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader
F1IQ - Part Two
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Y/n: You have issues Charles: Omg you noticed🥹❤️
Max: How tall are you? Yuki: Extremely. Thank you for asking
Lando, apologizing: . . .—-. - / … —.-. .-. -.- Y/n: What’s that? Lando: remorse code Y/n: I’m even angrier now
Lance: So girl what that mouth do Y/n: complain
Christian: Nice ass, sorry about the mental illness Toto: Thank you king
Y/n in drive to survive: If you’re ever losing an argument hit them with the “you just want me.” Max: I’m just saying you are in the wrong and you are yet still stubborn Y/n: you just want me Max: I do and now i need you to listen to me
Carlos: *wearing a turtle neck* Y/n: I heard in the internet that men who wear turtle neck are most likely to be a whore.
Y/n: Wtf people actually tell their crushes they like them???? Fernando: What the hell do you do? Y/n: i die? Lmao what kinda question…
Lewis: Bro. I am on my way
Lewis: Sorry for calling you bro you are my girlfriend and i love you
Y/n: I love you too brah
Daniel comforting max: Always here for you bro 🌹🌹🌹
Daniel: Those were flowers btw
Daniel: For our bromance
Y/n: Anyways see you in court
Lance: I get to see youu😍
Oscar: You're a reoccurring guest in my sleep
Y/n: are you in love with me
Oscar: i just see you when i sleep often
Y/n: because you are in love with me
Y/n: i am not normal about this man
Sebastian: You are not normal in general
Y/n: I need a relationship advice
Kimi: break up
Y/n: listen to me first
Y/n: You know you can open up to me anytime
Charles: Okay fine
Charles: Idrk how to explain it it's just i wish i was dead *Y/n liked this message*
Charles: Why the fuck did you like the message
Sebastian: Dinner is ready. Come down and eat.
Sebastian: bring down your lady friend
Y/n: ?? It's my friend charles. He's a boy
Sebastian: Gay. Christian thought it was a chick.
Y/n: well he has pretty face
Sebastian: Gay
Sebastian: Both of you come eat.
Lando: You heard a joke about gas lighter?
Carlos: no
Landos: yes you have
Carlos: No i haven't
Lando: You've literally heard it already
Lando: You're crazy
Y/n in drive to survive: Playing among us with a gay is really hard
Charles: Give me the code bitch
Y/n: Waitt
George: Omg what happened
Logan: You are really cute
Y/n: Thank youu, you too
Logan: So what do you like?
Y/n: murder
Y/n: Wait you like me??
Y/n: for my personality??
Yuki: i know I'm surprised too
Oscar: You are so annoying
Y/n: But you like me
Oscar: Doesn't make you less annoying
Y/n: So can we talk?
Lando: talk about what?
Y/n: about us
Lando: Why would you want to talk about United State
Lewis: that's it?
Lewis: You done bitching?
Y/n: That was just a warm up
George: Like hot guys
Lance: How come you are abnormally nice to me lately
Y/n: what do you mean
Lance: You seem nicer than usual
Y/n: I'll punch you in the face if you want
Logan: What's up?
Y/n: about to have mental breakdown hbu?
Logan: in the middle of mental break down
Y/n: Why do we fight over stupid shit
Max: cause you say stupid shit
Y/n: baby are you flirting with me?
Logan: yes I'm trying
Logan: i dont even have an idea on what am i doing
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inkdragon1900 · 5 months
The way each pov in the locked tomb series is from the view point of an unreliable narrator drives me crazy in the best way.
Gideon is an unreliable narrator because it’s so dependent on her first impression of a person. For instance Ianthe, Coronabeth, Palamedes and Camilla compared to everything we learn later. Even her viewing of Harrowhark feels so jarring compared to Harrow’s view of herself in htn. She also knows very little about necromancy so everything feels less like science and more like something out of her magazines.
Then we have Harrow. Who literally has gaslit herself and trying damn hard to gaslight the audience that the last book never happened. Everything is a lot less black and white compared to GTN but her shades of grey still feel muddy. her depression seeps through every interaction she has that by the time it switches back to Gideon’s pov I literally felt like I had whiplash.
in NTN we have the John chapters and Nona.
Nona for her part seems like she see’s everything in black and white but as we see her mentally mature instead of seeing just shades of grey she see’s everything in vivid color. She loves everyone the good and the bad. She’s an unreliable narrator in the sense that because she loves Cam, Pal, Phyrra and Corona in a black and white fashion in the beginning she does not acknowledge their flaws in their choices. It’s only when she’s emotionally matured that she can see everyone she loves for the three dimensional people they are.
John for his part is so unwilling to forgive that we see that it doesn’t stop at B.O.E or the trillionares it extends to the unwillingness to forgive himself for a situation that I genuinely think no one could have handled. He refuses to look at himself for what he is and what he was in that moment, a scared man with to much power. (Unlike the Lyctors who were quite on quote “playing with the reflection of stars in a puddle and thinking it’s space.” He’s thrown into space and rapid fire has to learn how to tread or die drowning.) He lies because he doesn’t want to appear insane or weak or horrible not realizing that by doing that he’s removing the sympathetic parts of himself. Like Mercy and Augustine said they most likely would have forgiven him if he had just told them he fucked up. His point of view is so similar to Gideons black and white thinking that it works so well contrasted with Nona’s pov.
I can’t freaking wait for Alecto
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
ughhhh peter always being so oblivious. can’t even listen to his girlfriend when she’s right in front of him, practically begging him 😡 loved your most recent story 🩷🩷 (still can’t believe there’s finally a pink heart emoji)
was this supposed to be angsty? too bad, it's smutty.
*suggestive behavior and words, no real depictions of sex, sorry kiddos.
‘How do you tell someone you want them?’ No, no, wait… ‘How do you tell your boyfriend you want him?’ 
Wiki-how says to flirt with them, been there done that, message not received. 
Teen Vogue just wants to give you ways to say ‘I love you,’ you’ve tried that too, you just get a declaration back. 
Cosmopolitan says to be bold, ‘I want you inside of me,’ is a direct quote. Bold, sure. But with Peter? You’d think he’d collapse. 
On Quora someone took the bullet, ‘how do I let my boyfriend know I want him to touch me?’ Ah, there it was, someone had to have a good answer. A man in his forties says dirty talk, your nose wrinkles. A young mom says, ‘just like that!’ An anonymous reply said to initiate fist, touch them where you want to be touched, but you can’t exactly squeeze Peter’s boobs. 
You wonder if you told Ned he’d tell Peter, you can imagine that conversation. 
‘Bro, Y/N just told me she wants you to like… use her body as a wonderland.” 
“A what?” 
Yeah, not a good idea either. 
Even with a boyfriend, a super hot, charming, smart boyfriend, you were going to die a virgin. 
Every attempt has fallen short, no matter how close you think you are from him finally getting the hint. Last week you had him between your legs, wrapped tight around his hips as you grinded up towards him, mouths refusing to break. And then, right when he finally, finally, moved his hips with yours and you moaned he pulled away and rolled off of you. That quick too, talk about a cold shower. 
“Do you want me to show you how to do that thing now?” He was panting still, he looked over you flushed out and almost pulled himself back in, too dangerous, he had to use self control. Peter uses what strength he had to get off the bed, he’s already going to his computer, you didn’t get a choice, he chose for you, if he had asked you would’ve asked to ride his thigh. 
“I’d rather you show me what your hands could do,” you mumble under your breath, you want to scream into his pillow and then hump it, does he not feel how frustrated you are? Peter hears you, he gives a chuckle, “they can help you is what, come watch,” he pats his arm rest on the chair. 
You follow his instructions, still grumpy. “I’d rather they help me in a different way,” Peter flashes you a nervous smile, you make him lose his grip on reality. He makes sure you're watching as he clicks around, he’s giving you instruction but all you can think about is his hard thigh underneath you, his grip is tight around your waist, his palm that rests over your shirt radiates heat to the skin underneath. He’s driving you crazy. 
You can’t help it anymore, you have to be blunt, it will be awkward for a second but so, so worth it in the end. “Peter, I want to-” A squeeze, an apology when his phone rings. Only three people call him, Ned, May and you, seeing as you’re on his lap that leaves two options. 
“Hey, May. Oh yeah, no I don’t think so. Um, sure. Well, he didn’t say much but he did want, no, go ahead.” You look at the ceiling and curse, Peter’s thumb brushes your hip, he’s giving teasing touches and doesn’t even know it. “I dunno, hold on let me ask,” he pulls the phone from his ear, “baby?” You look at him, “staying for dinner?” You nod, he grins, “yeah she will… okay, yes ma’am, no problem. Okay, okay, okay, alright, okay, love you too, bye.” 
“Is she at the store?” 
“Yeah, think of anything you need?” 
He clicks at the screen, “yeah, condoms.” 
You jolt at his laugh, his chest pressed tight against your back, Peter snorts, “why would you need those?” 
You stay silent and instead look at the screen and wait for him to continue his lesson, the bubble of want simmering.
“Are you okay?” 
Peter has to literally hold you back by your shoulders, he’s gasping for air, his curls frizzy and pulled around, his shirt unbuttoned three down from the top. You attacked him the second you got into his room, nearly throwing him onto the bed before straddling him and marking your territory. 
You had been at it for a half hour, everytime he tried to stop you’d follow his movements and continue, he had no idea how you were keeping your breath. The only time he remembers you pulling away was to tug your shirt over your head before you immediately unbuttoned his collar and kissed down his neck. 
“‘M great, are you?” you’re just as breathless as him. 
He nods, “‘M good.” 
You smile, “great!” Then go to meet his mouth, Peter turns his head at the last second, you connect with his jaw, you frown but accept any skin, you trail sideways and down, sucking at a spot near his collarbone. One hand grips your hip, one settles on your ribcage. He grunts and you skim your lips back to his mouth, he’s slower this time, like he’s trying to edge you down carefully, you don’t accept the change of rules and open into his mouth, he wont talk the bait. 
You try again, you swipe at his bottom lip, he stays closed. Frustrated you grind down on him, he buckles but refuses to open his own mouth, last resort you bite down on his lip. 
Peter pushes you off, “fuck, you’re insatiable.” 
You look down on him, “why won’t you make out with me?” 
His cheeks are pink, his lips are red and swollen, his pupils are blown out. 
“You’re killin me, smalls.” Peter’s hands come to a rest on his stomach, they rise and fall with his breaths, “no matter what I do you want more.” 
You nod enthusiastically, he’s starting to understand. 
“Yes, so yes. What can you give me?” 
His eyebrows furrow, he doesn’t know what you want. 
“I don’t… what do you want?” 
You grind down on his belt line, his hands shoot to your hips, this was new territory. You’ve just started to grind on him the past week and he still can’t fully process it, he’s never had a feeling like it before and he knows that he’s gonna get a hard on if you keep doing that, and that’s really new territory. 
“Baby,” he groans the word but it’s a warning. 
“This, can I have this?” You try to move again but his hold stops you, he’s using too much strength. 
Peter doesn’t want to rush you, not at all. But these last few weeks have been hard, you’ve been much more open with your words and touches and god it kills him. He’s been thinking about sex, how could he not with you all over him, but he needs to hold out strength for the both of you, and god damn if you don’t make that difficult. 
“If you keep doing that do you know what will happen?” 
Are you okay with this, is what he means, because if you go down this path there’s no coming back, it’s a whole new step, he’s okay with that but are you? 
You tilt your head at him, “I’ll cum?” 
Peter exhales through his nose harshly, his voice pinchy, “jesus christ.” 
“Is it okay if I take my bra off?” Your fingers were already behind your back, he’s been lucky enough to see them a few times but not in a situation like this one where he could get to inspect them and enjoy it. “If you want, but you don’t-” he stops speaking when you toss your bra to the ground. 
“Wanna take your pants off?” 
He looks at you, he’s fully clothed almost while you’re now sitting on top of him with only panties on, how did he get here? No pants means no more barriers, you wanted to feel him, all of him, when you dry humped him. 
“Do you want my pants off?” 
How does he not get it? You’re more than half naked on his lap begging for his touch, what did he think you wanted, a milkshake? 
“Peter, where’s your mind at?” 
“With what?” 
You rub your eyes, frustration would do no good here. “I need to know where you’re at with this, cause i’ve tried everything to make it known you make me really fucking horny.” His eyes widened, it was like he had a revelation of ‘girls can be horny too?’ and yeah, he did know that they could but he never imagined he could make someone horny, even if it was his girlfriend. And maybe he did understand a little of what you wanted but he also thought you were joking, that you were hinting at a hookup teasingly but, no you were serious. 
“I do?” 
Well that didn’t sound good, did he not share the same feelings? 
“I… Peter, do I even turn you on?”
The room spins, you’re on your back in a second, Peter holds your forearms to the bed. You couldn’t even take a breath in, that’s how quick he pinned you. He didn’t want you to think, for even a second, you didn’t turn him on. 
“Don’t ever ask that again, you turn me on more than you could even begin to imagine.” 
You giggle, “oh, do I? How much?” 
He kisses your cheek, “cold shower every time you leave.” 
“Then how come I never feel you get hard?” 
Peter takes his turn kissing down your neck, he nibbles a matching mark to his on your collarbone. “Threw you off before you could.” 
You hum when he nuzzles into your neck, he places a kiss to your cheek, you look at him over you. 
“Does that mean you’ll take off your pants?” 
He laughs, “yeah, baby. I’ll take off my pants.” 
Peter sits back to pull his shirt off, you take a moment to appreciate his body. You always feel like you don’t compliment him enough, “you’re pretty,” the words fall from your lips and he grins shyly, his hands working at pants button, he’s about to shimmy them off but you stop him. 
Peter’s hands freeze, you nod at his hands, “can I do it?” 
His hands fall away and you reach forward, tension thick the second you start to undress him. You never knew how heavy a moment could be until you had your hands in your boyfriend's waistline tugging them down, knowing it was so you could sit pretty on top of him and rock on his lap. 
You rope a leg over his waist and take mount, already pressing into him further than you’ve ever been, you give a teasing roll of your hips, your eyes shoot open and Peter throws his head back with a groan. 
You whisper at the same time, minds blown. “Woah.” 
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enha-doodles · 1 month
I saw some shorts in yt where the girl stalk her crush, spikes his drink, and kidnap him. But turns out he's been stalked her back as well and getting kidnapped was actually in his plan to get close to her (they're both just as freak)
I could imagine this scenario with Jay but its up to you anyway (my english suck lmao im so sorry)
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Pairing : yandere!Jay x yandere!reader
Notes : it's finally doneee , tysm for requesting and waiting for it so long 😭😭😭
Warnings : yandere stuff , obsession , intoxication , spiking drink , kidnapping
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Our school bell rung signalling the most awaited time , the lunch break . The teacher was in the middle of speaking as the bell rung and as soon as the students heard the ringing there was alot of scrapping of chairs , chit chatting , laughing and overall a very annoying commotion. I stood up as yunjin made her way to my desk whinning "common girl you take so long to pack up , I'm hungryyyy" okay I love my bestfriend but I do not take that long and this bitch has no absolute patience . I rolled my eyes at her as we walked towards our regular seat with our food .
We were in the middle of gossiping along with eating as heeseung came with Jay and sat with us . I blushed a bit as I saw them and i could hear yunjin holding her laugh . I elbowed her as heeseung spoke up "hello guys , what's up" yunjin stopped laughing as she answered "we were just gossiping, talk of gossip I heard one guy of your group started dating is it one of you guys?" She wriggked her eyebrows teasingly as the three of them laughed meanwhile i couldn't help but tense at her words . It can't be him , I know it since I've been following him from 1 week continuously. Heeseung saw my expression as he cleared it out "no no it's just a rumour, none of us are dating anyone"
Yunjin smiled as she saw heeseung reassuring me . I could tell- honestly scratch that everyone could tell that heeseung liked me and according to him as well as a few other people, I like him back . Yunjin was one of the 'other people' and she alwyas tries to do something to get us together , giggling over a simple interaction we having that she quotes as 'absolutely romantic ' . I don't know where they get this ridiculous idea.
Okay to be honest I do know where they get the idea from but they are getting it all wrong . Yes I blush when he's around , yes my eyes always searches for his group , yes I fix my hair when I see him coming but it's not because of him . It's because of the guy he's always around with - It's because of Jay . They are bestfriends and are practically attached to the hip with the amount of time they spend together.
I first saw him at the guitar class in our school , then at the committee meeting , then at the cafeteria and then it was everyday. Slowly i was starting to realise that I liked him but it was just a mere attraction. Though the reality quickly changed when my mere attraction turned into obsession. My occasional glances turned into staring , i came to guitar classes not for the guitar but for him , and the worst of all I started following him . I just couldn't get enough of his smile , his scent just him in general and it was driving me crazy!! I wanted him to be mine and mine only .
Snapping back at the cafeteria I heard heeseung speak , "sooo Jake's having a party tonight at our dorm , you guys coming right?" I was about to politely decline but yunjin spoke before me eagerly accepting his invitation "oh offcourse, we need a break . The assignments are killinngg me" All the while I was just staring at jay and suddenly our eyes met but he didn't look away , his eyes were so intense and so deep that i could litteraly drown in them . Heeseung broke our eye contact as he stood up "okay greatt!! Meet you guys tonight at 8 " and with that they left . Yunjin looked at me as she squealed "he's sooo in love with you and you just can't stop blushing, just date already ohmygod!!!" I scoffed as I shook my head and stood up holding my tray "common you know I don't like him let's go we're getting late" . She followed me as she continued speaking "oh yeah sureee" making sure to exaggerate the sure .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
In the bustling chaos of a crowded party, amidst the pulsating rhythm of music and the cacophony of laughter, there was one figure who stood out to me like a beacon in the night: Jay. He was the epitome of effortless charm, his smile lighting up the room as he effortlessly commanded the attention of everyone around him.
We had reached to the party a bit late but the night was still young . I stared at jay as yunjin went to dance with some guy . He was the only one in mind , my every waking moment filled with fantasies of us together. But I knew that in reality, we inhabited two separate worlds, destined never to intersect.
On this particular night, fueled by a cocktail of desire and desperation, I made a decision that would change the course of both our lives forever. As I watched Jay mingle with the crowd, his laughter ringing out like music to my ears, I knew that I had to make him mine, by any means necessary.
The plan unfolded with chilling precision, each step calculated to perfection. I approached Jay with a coy smile, my heart pounding in anticipation as I engaged him in conversation. He was charming and attentive, his words weaving a spell around me as I struggled to maintain my composure.
As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, I seized my opportunity, discreetly slipping a potent sedative into Jay's drink when he wasn't looking. A rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I watched him take a sip, my pulse quickening with every passing moment.
With bated breath, I waited for the drug to take effect, my nerves fraying at the edges as I grappled with the enormity of what I had done. But as Jay's eyes began to droop and his movements grew sluggish, a sense of exhilaration washed over me, drowning out the whispers of doubt that threatened to consume me whole.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
When Jay finally succumbed to the effects of the sedative, I wasted no time in carrying out the next phase of my plan. With trembling hands, I guided him out of the crowded party and into the cool night air, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement , lying effortlessly to anyone that asked what happened to him - "oh he just drank too much"
As I navigated the deserted streets, Jay's limp form slung over my shoulder, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was on the precipice of something extraordinary. This was my chance to finally possess the object of my desires, to make him mine in every sense of the word. But damn was i a fool , i should've known . It was too good to be true , too easy .
When Jay finally regained consciousness, his reaction was not what I had expected. Instead of fear , confusion , screaming or thrashing there was a glint of something else in his eyes, something that sent a shiver down my spine. He was too calm for my liking .
"Nice place , though I do prefer a fancy bed but this works just fine I guess ?" Jay's voice was calm, almost eerily so, as he gazed at me with an intensity that made my blood run cold. "You know these ropes are cheap for a reason right ?" He said as he pulled his hands from behind his back and rubbed the spot where the bruise was forming
I recoiled in shock, my mind racing as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. Why is he so calm ? Does he think i actually got him here because he was drunk ? Or does he think we had sex ? But that doesn't explain the rop- "calm down sweetheart, I can tell you're thinking too much" he interrupted my thoughts sweetly with his honey like voice flowing through my mind . He stood up and gently tugged at my wrist as he pulled me closer and leaned down a bit inhaling the scent of my perfume which I bought because it was his favourite "hmmm my favourite perfume, got it correct sweetheart . How could you not you litteraly were behind me when I was shopping" he chuckled at the last part .
How could Jay possibly know about my obsession with him? And more importantly, why was he so unnervingly calm in the face of danger?
"It was all part of my plan," Jay continued, his words sending a chill down my spine. "I knew you were obsessed with me, so I decided to play along. But now that the tables have turned, it's time for you to realize who's really in control." He sighed as he sat me down on the bed , holding my hands in his own "we are meant to be darling , psychos like us are destined to be with each other for eternity and it's about time you accept it - not like you have a choice"
As Jay spoke, a sense of dread washed over me, the realization dawning that I had vastly underestimated him. He was not the helpless victim I had imagined him to be; he was a predator, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when least expected. He was the danger and i was the victim but did I seem to oppose the idea ? Fuck no , how can I when even as fear coursed through my veins, there was a part of me that couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of exhilaration. Jay's admission of his own obsession with me sent a thrill coursing through my body, igniting a fire within me that burned brighter than any fear or doubt.
In that moment, I knew that I had a choice to make: to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume me, or to embrace it fully and revel in the intoxicating power it offered. And as I gazed into Jay's eyes, his gaze burning with an intensity that mirrored my own, I made my decision to fall in the darkness afterall was there any kind of experience that could make you complete other than knowing that the one you're in madly love with is also in love with you but just more insanely.
As we gazed at each other , there was a loud voice heard "CUT !! YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING" we both smiled as we heard the director . This was our 3rd music video shooting together after one of the first ones went viral . This was a new concept to us though it did not at. all. mean the love we showed , we presented was fake . We've been in a relationship for the past 7 years and been married for 2 now and it was the bestest decison of my life , he's made me the happiest I've ever been and I would not have it any other way . As the director was done talking to him , Jay approached me as he embraced me in an affectionate hug , our bodies fitting each other like a puzzle . He whispered "We really are meant to be , aren't we darling?" In my opinion we are not so different from the characters we just played and that's the thrill in our life .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
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tonyboneysblog · 2 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: talks of abuse/ trauma!
notes: yall I cooked on this angst chapter (there’s comfort after I swear)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It’s been maybe a week or two since Fumikage, your precious angel, has spread his wings and joined U.A.
and today is currently your off day! Which isn’t completely rare but you still enjoy them.
Most the time you clean and tidy up the house, checking the fridge to see if you need to get groceries- which is your favorite because you love going to the grocery store and-…it’s full?
inside has a small note in Fumikages hand writing…
“Decide to go shopping for you so you could rest, Love Fumikage & Dark Shadow.”
darn your amazing son.
so now, you don’t have anything to do because your son decided he wanted to helpful.
So what do you do?
watch the news of course.
Nothing interesting is happening today really, maybe today is just a slow day!
those are your least favorite.
but then, your savior came, that one bird guy you saw at the restaurant!
apparently he was doing an interview today on channel 58, and you were only slightly interested in him.
So you switch to the channel obviously, seeing his amazing wings that were much bigger than yours…
you really don’t know how long you watched that interview- then decided to watch a few videos on his quote, “epic saves”.
Maybe it was the wings, they were bright and shiny- maybe it’s just a bird thing.
what’s not a bird thing though is going onto G-bay to find overpriced merch of him.
It’s like starting a really good show and hyper-fixating on the side character instead of the main one.
After about 20 minutes of scrolling, you finally found your holy grail.
a 15 inch hawks plush with metallic wings, now you really liked shiny things- which is why it caught your eye.
Probably just a bird thing.
It was 30 dollars though…well whatever you’ll regret this later.
now all you have to do is wait for your new shiny edition to your nest! and while waiting you don’t mind watching more-
your phone vibrates, it’s a call from the school?
Fumikage did warn you it would get kind of crazy up at U.A.- did he get hurt?
“Is this Ms.Tokoyami?”
you hesitate, “uhm yes, is something wrong with Fumikage at the school? did he get in a fight?”
Now it was the principals turn to hesitate, “ah, no ma’am, we just need to inform you that the school was attacked by villains-“
“I-is my son okay?!”
“Ma’am, please calm down-“
You immediately snap, “don’t you tell me to fucking calm down- your supposed to be the top hero school and you somehow get infiltrated by some thugs?!”
“Ma’am, please-“
You hang up, you know where Fumikage is.
So you get into your car and drive as fast as the law will let you.
You reach the school and immediately get out of your car looking for Fumikage.
You can see a group of students standing by multiple cops, and you finally spot Fumikage.
You sigh out of relief, he’s safe, he’s here, you’re here.
You start to run towards him, “Fumi!”
He instantly looks around for who called him, seeing you.
you can here his class gasp, repeating what he said.
You reach Fumikage, your beautiful boy, and hug him tightly.
“M-mother, what are you doing here?” He says with confusion.
“Principal called to notify me, so I came straight away.”
You pull back and cup his face, “are you a okay, Fumi?”
“M-mother not infront of the class…” he whispers with embarrassment.
“Fumi, you worried me sick! Are we able to leave now? I want you home.”
“Yes mother, I just gave my statement to-“
You grab Fumikages hand and drag him to the car, “good, let’s go then.”
Fumikage hops into the car, still with his hero costume on.
“Best hero school my ass…” you whisper angrily.
“It was the villains quirk, mama.”
“Yea well I expect better from U.A.- you better have not even been near those villains!”
Fumikage looks away.
“Fumi, please tell me they kept you away from the villains.”
“Well we got separated and-“
that’s definitely a fucking email.
You put your head onto the steering wheel.
“Do you not have any hope in my ability’s?!”Fumikage angrily bursts out.
“Excuse me- you shouldn’t have even been near those villains.” You say angrily.
“I can handle myself.”
“You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I’m training to be a hero, mother!- I can get beaten up if I have to.”
“You shouldn’t have to!”
“Well dad did didn’t he? Is that why he left?!”
Then the car goes quiet.
You don’t like talking about Tokoyamis father, you always argued with him about how hard you worked and how hard he worked- training to become a hero.
He told you he didn’t need a “loose end” on his record, he didn’t need Fumikage.
you don’t like talking about him at all.
“Fumikage, I don’t like talking about him.”
“He was a hero, he worked for that didn’t he?”
You don’t understand why Fumikage wants to put him in a good light.
“He was barely a hero, he left you Fumikage.”
Fumikage whispers, “Maybe that was the right thing to do.”
You smack the steering wheel, “You needed a father Fumi, I couldn’t do all of that by myself- I…”
He raises his voice, “Is that why you let Ryuji do that to me, because you thought I needed a father?!”
“Fumikage, I didn’t know he was like that!” You plead with him.
“You were barely even home, you barely know me!”
“watch your tone, boy.”
Fumikage immediately stops, he always hated when you were angry with him.
So angry to the point you stopped using his name, the one you gave him.
You take the car out of park, and start the drive home.
it’s quiet, you like it like that anyways.
Ryuji was nice to Fumikage when you were home.
Sometimes you wish you could be at home all the time for Fumikage.
You wish that you could know him more, you just want him to live a good life.
It was four years ago, you decided to come home early, Fumikage and Ryuji were arguing about something stupid- you forgot what it was about.
You saw Ryuji pin Fumikage against the wall and then he started screaming at him, Fumikage was terrified.
You called the police while you tried to get Ryuji off of Fumikage, they ended up tasering him.
Fumikage slept in you bed for 2 months after that.
He said the nightmares would stop when he was with you.
You try your best to avoid that hallway now.
You eventually pull into your driveway, Fumikage goes inside first, you stay in the car for a moment.
You can’t protect Fumikage from everything, no matter how hard you try.
Walking into the house, you try to open Fumikages door to apologize to him, it’s locked.
So instead you go out to the balcony in your room, you’re able to see a lake peeking out from the trees.
And it’s quiet.
You like the quiet though.
Ryuji hated it so he always talked to fill up the space.
So now when it got quiet, you could faintly hear Ryuji talking about something that was never that important.
you hate the quiet now.
You can feel the tears falling down onto the dark wood below you, your curled into yourself on the lounge chair that’s outside
you haven’t really cried in awhile, never had the time.
you feel a weight sit next to you on the chair, you assume it’s Fumikage.
“F-Fumi, m’sorry baby- ma-“
“Fumi?” An energetic voices says playfully.
that’s not Fumikage…
You look up, only to see hawks…
“What’re you doing here…” you say hesitantly, confused on why the number three hero was here.
“I was on patrol..?”
“Why’re you here…?”
“I saw that my favorite nurse was upset!” He replies happily.
You nod and wipe your face.
“So, why’re you crying?” He cocks his head to the side with curiosity.
You sigh, “it’s nothing…”
“Clearly it isn’t.”
you rub your temples, “It’s just- everything’s been piling up.”
“Yea, I understand.” He rubs your back softly.
“M’sorry, you should go back to patrol-“
“No, the world doesn’t need me for a couple minutes, but you do.” He says with a carefree smile.
You sigh, trying to control you breathing so you don’t make even more of a fool out of yourself.
“You want a hug?” He opens his arms awkwardly, almost as if he’s never actually gave someone a genuine hug.
You open your arms as well, leaning into him and taking comfort in his warmth, he smells good too.
“Man, your wings are small…” he whispers softly.
“rude.” You scoff.
“N-not in a bad way! It’s uhm…cute!”
“Don’t say a woman is cute when she’s older than you.” You say while chuckling softly.
“What if I like older women?”
“I thought you were supposed to comfort me, not flirt.” You push yourself out of the warm hug.
“Sorry- second nature for me.” He stretches, his wing go with him, almost knocking over a plant.
“Your wings are too big…” you say in a retort to his earlier comment.
“I can make them smaller for you.”
“I bet mine are way softer.��� You tease.
He laughs, “wanna bet?”
“No need too.”
You turn around, your back facing him, “go on and get a feel- might be your only time to.”
Hawks laughs and shakes his head, hesitantly he takes off his gloves and brushes his fingers through your wing span.
“You’re right, they’re soft..” he says softly.
“Told ya.”
“Mine are better though!” He says with a teasing tone.
You giggle softly, hawks has already made you forget a small bit about the days events.
“Y’know when I was younger, I thought if you touched a birds wings they’d get turned on.”
“Nah, not with mutant quirks usually” hawks says while putting back on his glove, “kids are always tugging on em so…I got used to it.”
“I used to let kids touch them if they were at the hospital for a while.” You stand up from the chair.
“Are you gonna touch mine?” Hawks says with a slight jitter in his movements.
You chuckle softly and pet his wings, “yknow, you’re much cooler on TV.”
You notice his wings puff up, “You watch me on TV?”
“Yea sometimes, very cool in my opinion.”
you can see his ears turn red, his wings twitch softly, and you hear a soft high pitched sound as well..? Almost similar to a bird chirping, weird.
“I’m glad you think that.”
Then it’s silent, you try to distract yourself with your thoughts but hawks continues to talk, reminds you of Ryuji.
“Was today your off day?” He asks curiously.
“Yea, ended up being a lot more stressful than they usual are.”
Maybe you could tell him the truth.
“I heard about the U.A. situation…is your son okay?”
“He’s fine, he had to fight apparently…I don’t want that for him.” you feel the tears coming back up.
“I understand that can be stressful for you.” He pats your back, his face still sporting a soft smile, it feels like he’s still in hero mode.
“Then in the car we fought- about his dad, about some of my…untasteful choices when he was younger.”
Your rambling, hawks probably doesn’t want to hear about this anyways.
“Untastful choices?” He chuckles.
“I used to date this guy when Fumikage was about 11, His name was Ryuji…he uhm.”
Hawks waits patiently for you to continue, he’s still smiling.
“He pinned him against the wall a-and he wouldn’t stop screaming.”
You can feel the tears going down your face.
“A-and i tried to get him off of Fumikage but he just threw me against the wall t-then he went back to him.”
Hawks isn’t smiling anymore.
“I-I had to call the cops and Fumikage just…wasn’t the same obviously, we wouldn’t sleep in his own bed, he became so quiet.”
Hawks is holding your forearms, his thumbs circle your skin in a smoothing manner.
why isn’t he smiling anymore?
“oh god- I’m a terrible mother.”
“Don’t say that.”
You fall into his chest and cry, what else could you do? you can’t change what Ryuji did to your son, your baby.
“Your amazing y/n, you…your a good mom I know you are.” He says quickly.
You don’t even know hawks real name, yet here you are crying to him about what you think is your own incompetence as a parent.
“I wish I knew how to make you feel better.” He says softly, he holds you.
“You should be on patrol..”
“My job is to help, and I want to help you.”
he holds you a little tighter, he smells good.
you can hear the soft static coming from his head gear, sounds like someone’s speaking.
You don’t want him to go yet.
“Mama?” You hear Fumikage call from your door way, luckily at this angle he can’t see you snug as a bug in a pros arms.
oh god- what are you doing??
You immediately jump out of hawks embrace, he looks incredibly confused by your sudden movements.
You look around quickly, Fumikage can’t see you like this, Not with some man!
You spot a weighted blanket, you got it for Fumikage when he was struggling to sleep without you- though he said it was too heavy and cold.
You immediately push hawks down into the chair and throw the blanket over him just in time for Fumikage to walk out into your balcony.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Fumikage says confused.
You sit down onto the lounge chair, mind you hawks is right under you being smothered by a blanket.
“J-just enjoying the view!”
The two of you just stare at each-other for a moment.
“So what did you need?”
Fumikage sighs and says something under his breath.
“Y’know I don’t have super hearing Fumikage.” You try to joke with him.
“I said that I was sorry..” he looks down at his feet, he looks ashamed.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, your already stressed enough from work and-“
“And you’re always trying your best all the time and-and I’m so sorry I wasn’t appreciative of that!” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, it breaks your heart.
“Fumi you don’t need to apologize…”
“But I do-“
“Shh, just come here okay?” You open up your arms.
Fumikage goes into your warm embrace, putting his weight onto you.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, we both made mistakes…I’ve made more than you though.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled-“
“I still love you Fumi…I love you so, so much- and I just want you to be safe, and happy, and I want you to be better than me.”
You ramble, Fumikage listens.
You and Fumikage never really understood eachother, sometimes it was like you were both ghosts haunting the same house.
But you tried so hard to understand eachother and the only thing you both understood is the love you had for the other.
Fumikage loved you so much, and Fumikage is the reason you’re still here in the world.
Fumikage sniffles, “mama..”
You rub his back, “what is it baby?”
“Why is this blanket so bulky…”
Ah yes, you totally forgot about hawks.
“I-I uhm, no reason…” you look away.
“Is someone under-“
“How about we go get something to eat?!” You quickly change the topic.
Fumikage stops his little investigation, and nods.
“Go on downstairs, I would like to change into some comfier clothes before we go out or eat!”
Fumikage smiles softly and pitter patters down stairs.
“Y’know, the blanket isn’t half bad” you hear hawks muffle out.
“Sorry…” you peel back the blanket to see a red faced hawks, most likely from the lack of air circulation under a thick weighted blanket.
“It’s fine, glad I got to hear you both make your amends” he shoots up a thumb.
“Well, have to go get some food..we haven’t had dinner yet.” You say sheepishly, tapping your fingers together.
“You wishing I could come, mama bird?” He teases.
“No, I’m telling you to leave and never come back, bird brain.” You say sarcastically.
Hawks chuckles, his laugh is nice.
Hawks is nice.
“You need to go back on patrol, I’ve kept you long enough…”
Hawks looks away for a moment, thinking.
“Can I keep the blanket?” He says almost too quickly.
“...can I keep the blanket? You can say no!” He quickly adds the last part.
“No, no, Fumikage doesn’t use it so- go ahead!”
“I’ll see you soon?” He says hesitantly.
You smile, “Course..”
“I’ll see you then.” He takes off into the sky, weighted blanket in hand.
You quickly run down the stairs to meet up with Fumikage, only to find him waiting outside in the already cranked car.
You hop in, “where to?”
Fumikage continues to stare at the house.
“Fumi?” You say hesitantly
“Why did I just see the number three hero fly away from our house…”
Well shit, how are you supposed to explain this one to Fumikage.
On the other side of town, hawks is at his own perch patrolling whilst holding on tightly to the weighted blanket.
The only thing on his mind is that it smells like you.
And when his patrol finally ends he flies home, hawks never really had blankets on his bed, always too stuffy for his wings to be comfortable.
This blanket would probably be even more stuffy since it was heavy and thick but…
He still slept with it.
He would never tell anyone that he slept like a baby that night, and the night after that, and the night after that one.
Maybe his little interest in you is worse than he originally thought…
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audhd-nightwing · 9 months
batfam as new girl quotes
steph: where are you, tim? this place is fancy and i don’t know which fork to kill myself with.
dick (16 y/o): i’ll take you through the whole thing. i’ll be like your guide.
jason (13 y/o): like gandalf through middle-earth?
dick: ok, first of all, let’s take the Lord of the Rings references and put them in a deep, dark cave where no one will ever find them.
jason: except smeagol. he lives in a cave.
tim: you text me “happy monday.” what am i supposed to do with that?
damian: oh, i don’t know. maybe have a happy monday?
(he’s trying to be nice)
jason: would you consider us adorable?
dick: no! we’re adult men.
dick: we’re cute.
cass: you always see the worst in people.
damian: yeah, because people are the worst!
steph: i mean, bruce, we love you, but…
steph: but you’re not a man of the people.
bruce: of course i’m not a man of the people. i’m above the people.
cass: we’re a family. families talk about things.
jason: no, families ignore things until they go away.
new parent bruce: dick, do you want to go to sleep?
9 y/o dick: no way.
bruce: if you do, i’ll write you a check for $6,000.
duke: what are you doing in here?
tim: eating cookies and avoiding confrontation.
(in the bathroom at a gala)
steph: jason, come on, that’s like the president and the vice president not being best friends.
jason: they’re not best friends.
steph: come on. everybody knows they’re best friends.
dick: i’m in love!
damian: titus, clear my schedule. i need a word with our brother.
steph: duke, those shoes are not brown! they’re green!
duke: you guys are idiots! they’re as brown as money.
cass: what color is kermit the frog?
duke: brown! he’s a brown frog.
tim: duke! you’re color blind, dude.
bruce: darn it! has anyone seen my croquet cleats?
tim: hey guys, do you think i’m a good person?
steph: you’re a terrible person. it’s hilarious.
dick: i’m very quick on my… uh…
jason: did you just forget the word ‘feet’?
dick: feet, yeah.
(he’s been awake for 72 hours without sleep)
duke: i can’t believe i didn’t notice this before but damian, you are legitimately crazy.
damian: i think we’re all a little bit crazy, don’t you, thomas?
duke: no, i mean, you’re like aging ballerina, child chess prodigy, professional magician crazy.
damian: it’s my grandfather’s fault.
duke: yeah okay fair enough
tim: if i was doing something stupid, you definitely would be involved.
dick: yeah, you’re damn right i would be. and i would probably be there to make it even stupider.
bruce: has anyone seen my good pea coat?
steph: i brake for birds. i rock a lot of polka dots. i have touched glitter in the last 24 hours!
steph: and that doesn’t mean i’m not smart and tough and strong.
jason: are you insane, bruce? we’re not ready.
jason: that’s like taking a musical from rehearsals straight to broadway. you got to workshop it first.
(pushing the theatre kid jason agenda)
dick: you realize i say goodnight to you every night and you never say goodnight back?
dick: what is the problem, jason? do you not want me to have a good night?
jason: oh my god you’re so overdramatic
tim: please don’t mistake my measured blank tone for calmness, as i am filled with waters of rage.
(he’s at a gala)
bruce: damn it! i can’t find my driving moccasins anywhere!
duke: what a dumb idea.
duke: do it.
(he is an enabler)
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heliosundercover · 2 months
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Oblivious dick Grayson
Dick, "Am I missing something?" Grayson. A great leader, brother, and friend. But he's horrible at picking up signals, even though he’s a flirt himself.
Dick had constantly fumbled the bag. He had a tendency to completely miss signals; it became a joke between his friends.
"Wait, you’re telling me she was giving me “fuck me eyes.” Ha, you’re hilarious,” Dick says in air quotes after being told some girl on the street was flirting with him, as if it were unbelievable that he gets female attention. 
But with you, he was suddenly hyper-aware, hoping that he wasn't missing something with you. 
"Was she flirting or being nice?" He sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Today he bumped into you at the supermarket, and you complimented his hair, saying that it looked soft. You even leaned in super close, like you wanted to touch it.
"Dick I don't know. How'd you get that from what do you want on your pizza, dude?" Jason replies, rubbing his temples. 
Everyone thought this crush on a random civilian was getting a bit ridiculous, especially since she was clearly interested. But in his mind, he couldn't fumble this one. You were different, like you were too good for Gotham when you first met; he knew almost instantly but somehow missed the blatant attraction you had for him.
Dick wasn't the type to believe in love at first sight. 
But that night, he started wondering if it was real. When he first saw you, you were sitting in a bar drinking with a group of friends when he walked in, and he couldn't take his eyes off of you, and neither could you. At some point, you said fuck it and went up to him, chatting it up; it was an instant connection. But of course he missed your signals, thinking you weren't interested at first. It wasn't until you wrote your number on his hand and hearts around it that he realized you were attracted to him, but somehow he still felt like the guest could be friendly. The simple gesture has him thinking the entire night.
It took so long for him to ask you out officially; he had been too afraid to ask you out, afraid that he had misinterpreted your feelings. But when you agreed, his face lit up. Weeks of torment were finally over. You agreed to go to a small cafe for something casual.
Dick was on mission today. He was on a mission to not miss a single thing about you. Over the past few weeks, he has been meticulously honing his observation skills, pouring over self-help books, and practicing mindfulness. He's been so deep in this self-imposed mission that he has ended up ironically missing the most important thing: your clear, no longer subtle, signals of affection. 
You look up from your phone, and your lips curl into a smile that could make any man's heart flutter uncontrollably. You tilt your head gently, and he swears your eyes shimmer with a playful glint. That's your signal. It's always been your signal. But Dick, bless his soul, misses it entirely. He's too engrossed in everything, down to the intricate details, missing the big picture in the process. 
It was driving you crazy. Weeks of flirting felt like it was going nowhere, then suddenly he asked you on a date. It was so confusing. It had you thinking you were the issue. 
"Do you want to order anything?" Dick asks, his eyes glued to the menu. You giggle softly. He was cute, all focused like that, like the menu was the most interesting thing in the world. Gently shaking your head, suddenly it clicked. He was just nervous, overthinking, or both. After you've been trying to get him to notice the signals for weeks now, Dick was just being a bit awkward.
"Hey, Dick," you murmur softly, extending her hand across the table to gently touch his, causing him to finally look up. You meet eyes; you can see him searching your face for anything, and you giggle again.
"Im going to be honest here, Dick," you squeeze his hand softly. 
"I've been flirting with you for weeks, and I can't tell if you're not interested or what, but it's driving me mad."
His eyes go wide, and the irony of the situation kicks in almost immediately. This whole time, he was so focused on not missing something that he missed weeks of flirting that he wanted to kick himself. 
"No, no, it's just," he laughs, like the weight of the world is off his shoulders. 
"I like you too; I like you a lot, actually, but I was so afraid of reading the situation wrong that I ended up doing just that."
He laughs again. His laugh sends relief down your spine, so you weren't crazy; he was just overthinking it. It was kind of cute knowing that you made him flustered. 
The date pretty much flies by after you get over that not-so-small hurdle. The connection had been there for weeks, so it was easy for you two to talk. And when the date ended, neither of you wanted it to end, so he walked you home.
"I really liked spending time with you. Do you want to see me again?" 
He asks when you get to your apartment door. The question makes you roll your eyes. 
"No, I don't want to see you again," you say jokingly, but you see the panic on his face.
"Of course I want to see you again, Dick. I really, really like you."
You step closer to him, and suddenly the hallway is fifty degrees hotter. Dick looks down at you, and his breath hitches.
You stand in the hallway for what feels like eternity, just looking at each other. 
"Do you want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss you right now?" Dick breaks the silence. 
"I thought you'd never ask."
His hand cups your cheek, and his eyes look so beautiful that even in the horrible lighting of your apartment building's hallway, they never leave yours. You suddenly realize how close you are standing—close enough to see your reflection in his gaze. You see anticipation, desire, mirrored in your own eyes, and something else. Something deeper, something that makes your heart flutter. It was a really intimate moment. 
But Dick just had to make a joke.
"Just making sure I'm not missing something, and you like me, right?"
You can't help but giggle, playfully pushing him away.
"Yeah, this means I like you."
Laughing softly, you place one more kiss on his cheek before going into your apartment.
Dick couldn't help but celebrate silently when your door was fully shut. When he got back to the manor, he had a noticeable smile on his face.
Damian looks at Jason with a raised eyebrow when they see him happily skipping by. 
“So do we think that girl is real? Orrr…”
“For his sake, yes.” 
Jason looks back at what he was doing, and the room is back in a comfortable silence. 
So i just wanted to say thank you sm for loving my Jason fic! I started on wattpad and stuff on wattpad takes forever to get noticed/ popular i look forward to writing more but i genuinely expected it to not take off how it did:)
Im working on a thank you piece with more dc characters called “how they talk about you”
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calisources · 8 months
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CHILDREN   OF   THE   NIGHT.   a   collection   of   quotes   and   scenarios   about   vampires.   change   pronouns/names   as   you   see   fit.   These   were   all   taken   from   different   sources   of   fiction,   both   in   literature   and   audiovisual   media.   all   known   triggers   for   vampire   media   apply   (blood,   death,   murder,   gothic   horror, obsessive love   and   more).
SENTENCES AND QUOTES. change pronouns and names, locations as you see fit.
"I took mythology a lot more seriously since I’d become a vampire."
“None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.”
"A vampire, like a lady, never reveals his true age."
"How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical?”
"The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him."
"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"
"The blood is the life!"
"Loving the monsters always ends badly for the humans. It's a rule."
“When people see good, they expect good. I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations.”
“Love is a vampire’s greatest weakness. And we are not weak.”
“You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.”
“For a hundred years I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart.”
"I'm not human. And I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world. That is my secret."
“I'm in love with a woman I can never have. The point is I'm in love with her and it's driving me crazy. I'm not in control.”
"Your life is pathetic. Your after-life doesn't have to be."
"Life sucks either way, Jeremy. At least if you're a vampire, you don't have to feel bad about it if you don't want to."
"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger."
"Sometimes the world turns good people into bad people."
"People have been after me for a thousand years, but I'm always one step ahead."
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves."
"Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century. You'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it."
"You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be okay again."
“When you feel the blood rush in, you tell yourself that you’re gonna get through it; that you’re strong enough.”
“You’d be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.”
“I wanna rip into your skin. And I wanna feed on your blood. Under your skin.”
“I just want one taste. That''s all I need. I just want one taste.”
“There’s the briefest of moments before we kill, where we literally hold their life in our hands and then rip it away, and we’re left with nothing.”
“Do you know the secret to immortality?”
“The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent.”
“He was my mentor, my murderer, my maker.”
“When was the last time you drank blood?”
“Left you with a bit of a craving, didn’t it? One day that craving is gonna grow.”
“That's cause you took my life! I got nothing. I lost everything. I lost my brother. I lost my family. About to lose the last fucking thing I care about.”
“And then I watched you pull over and drain a dog. And run down an alleyway for two more rats. This is not a life!”
“Hunting is an art. You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon.”
“What does this taste like to you?”
“There is one thing about being a vampire that I must fear above all else, and that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness. The void.”
“Vampires are killers. Apex predators whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment. The ability to see a human life in its entirety.”
“Don’t underestimate the allure of the darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it.”
“End of the day, human life is just a means to an end. Our means to our end.”
“A mutual law of nature is the strong always take from the weak.”
“It’s better to have a flawed life lived than wasted rotting away in clay.”
“Hatred, a pure and perfect hatred that’s greater now than the day I first took your life.”
“A thousand years of history isn’t going to write itself.”
“I can’t be killed.”
“I’m the monster lesser monsters fear.”
"I have crossed oceans of time to find you."
"You don't know what you are asking of me. To drink from you."
"You need blood, take it."
"To walk with me you must die to your breathing life, and be reborn to mine."
"I love you, Stefan. We will be together again. I promise."
"You loved me once, you will love me again."
"I made him. Did you know that?"
"I never compelled your love. It was real, and so was mine."
"What did you think was gonna happen? She would look at you, see your real face and give you a kiss?"
"I could swap this life of shame. Swap it out for a dark gift. You just have to ask me for it."
"Vampyrism is, by definition, an afterlife."
"I'm not the one who was sleeping with one vampire while half in love with another. Your morality is a moving target. Mine is not."
"A man damaged by his demons and those demons are not dormant, they are hell-bent on killing me and everything I find beautiful. And you, you are beautiful."
"You are stronger now. Meaner. Sexier."
"They are like vampire royalty. The oldest among us."
"He is the original hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf."
"We both know I could snap your neck and do my nails at the same time."
 “Viktor. The oldest and strongest of us. That night, he made me a Vampire. "
"Stop fighting who you are."
"I'll tell you what I know about death, Camille. Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, and she doesn't give a damn."
"Turns out, I have complicated feelings for a monster."
ACTIONS AND SCENARIOS. Add a +reverse for the inverse action. Change names as you see fit.
[YOU ARE NOT HUMAN]: sender figured out receiver is a vampire and confronts them.
[FEEDING HOUR]: receiver finds sender feeding on someone's blood.
[WHEN IS A MONSTER NOT A MONSTER]: sender touches receiver's vampire face, showing they are not afraid.
[YOU NEED TO]: sender offers their blood to receiver.
[ECHOES OF THE PAST]: receiver is a doppelganger/looks like a person the sender knew in the past.
[DEATH AND THE MAIDEN]: receiver and sender can't be together as one is immortal and the other is a vampire.
[MY MAKER, MY LOVER]: sender is receiver's sire and they reunite after centuries after.
[BOND]: receiver is senders fledgling and sender can feel them.
[ELIXIR]: receiver is hurt and sender, a vampire, feeds them their blood.
[SHARING]: sender tempts receiver to share a meal of blood.
[HUNTING THE HUNTER]: sender is a vampire hunter, and they found receiver.
[THE INVITATION]: receiver receives an INVITATION to stay at sender's gothic/ancient manor.
[DRACULA'S BRIDE]: sender wants receiver to be one of their wives/lovers.
[BLOOD FAMILIAR]: sender is a vampire familiar, a human bloodbag under receiver protection. receiver finds out another vampire had bitten them.
[CRAVING]: sender tasted receiver once and craved them again.
[INVITED]: after bring invited inside, sender shows up at receiver's home.
[LICK]: sender licks receiver's blood remains from their mouth.
[LAST RESORT]: receiver has to turn sender into vampire because they are dying. sender wakes up in transition.
[ANCHOR]: sender calms receiver down after receiver went on a bloodlust spree. sender reminds them their humanity.
[RIVAL COVENS]: sender and receiver are from rival vampire covens and they talk in neutral ground.
[HUMANITY]: sender is human and because of them, receiver is starting to feel humanity again.
[I'LL BE YOUR GUIDE]: receiver is guiding sender through the early stages of vampirism.
[RIVAL SPECIES]: sender is a werewolf/witch and receiver is a vampire. they fall in love/ally with each other.
[DHAMPIR]: sender is a half human, half vampire who just had their first taste of human blood. receiver finds them.
[REFLECTION]: sender looks in the mirror and finds out that receiver has no reflection.
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