#yoshi talks
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hello! i am here asking you to please consider supporting this forum thread regarding the new to-be-added 7.1 hairstyle, which is most likely from a specific winning entry of the 2023 hairstyle contest where the winner's entry CLEARLY intended for this to be a textured/non-white style that squeenix botched pretty badly. pictures in the first post compare the submitted, winning entry to the in-game screenshots provided in the 7.1 preliminary patch notes, and other posters have pointed out how past hairstyles have proven the intended texturing for this winning entry are completely within squeenix's ability.
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bsky's greatest hits: super bowl 2025 halftime show edition 💖 kendrick lamar the man that you are!!!
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Super excited for the Vil as an omega piece !!
I am trying to write his for days and made many notes and even chose songs that I think would fit the concept I wanted, I literally had most of his things even before I started to write for leona, but I still have no idea how to even start the introduction😭😭, I disappeared for a few days because I was thinking too hard about it, decided to write another thing that I had in mind just so this blog don’t become a cemetery and return to him later, but I will see if I can put everything in order until the end of the week!!
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Extending Hiatus
Hello, Yoshi here. I’ll have to extend my hiatus. I know I have said before that I’ll get back to work on the game when I’m on winter break however, before my fall semester was over. My grandma, who was diagnosed with cancer and is at stage 4, on November, we’re using hospice, or comfort care, for my grandma. So I’m helping my mom taking care for my grandma. And I’m not going to lie, it has taking a toll on my mental health. It’s a struggle seeing my grandma like this. Especially recently, her mind is deteriorating. And I don’t think I have the mental strength to work on my VN as of right now. I’ll be extending my hiatus. I’m not sure when I’ll be back on working on it.
All I want to say is thank you for your support. I’ll let you guys know once I’m ready to continue the development of Would You Stay? Once again I’m sorry if the development has been pretty long lot of stuff happened and I really wanted to make the demo. So hopefully on somewhere on 2024, I hope I get the demo done.
Take care and please cherish your love ones.
Yoshi out.
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thinking about the ametrine post again
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My grandmother passed away this morning at 5:55 am. She look so peaceful in her sleep. I’m glad she’s not suffering. Life will never be the same without her. I’m going to miss her so much. May she rest peacefully.
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do you do art commissions?
Hello! I do, yeah!
If you'd like to know more, you can contact me either here or on discord :]
My username is yoshis_island !
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final fantasy and the immense acceptance of oc/npc ships has completely rewired my brain. and while sapphron will ALWAYS be kaliri's wife, i am not immune to the au timeline in which she's basically tyrande whisperwind's knight-turned-lover. do you see my vision here.
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"#yes yes yes!!!! #and ngl it makes me want to read or engage with it more too!"
i hope it's ok to point out these tags bc this is SUCH a huge mood i think deserves a little more explanation!!!! (at least from my perspective as both a creator (writer) and fan (of artists))
i used to have a ton of anxiety when creating and especially sharing my works, and my impulse was always to talk down on it, because a) i* (*my anxiety) believed it to be bad, and b) because i had this idea in my head that if i lowered people's expectations, they wouldn't be as disappointed when reading it.
i want to tell you what i've learned in my years of both being a writer and being a fan of artists, and it's that this is a terrible, terrible anxiety fallacy (like so many ideas/misconceptions borne of anxiety are) that ONLY hurts you, your work, and your potential readers(/fans/etc). it SOUNDS like a good idea when you have really bad anxiety, i know, i used to DEPEND upon this idea just to have the courage to SHARE my writing—and i want to emphasize that it's OKAY if you've done this before, it's an easy, easy trap to fall into, but i also want you to try and stop doing it because there are a lot of reasons you would feel better and do better for doing so.
you are what you practice! if you only ever focus on or speak about the flaws in your art, you WILL feel negatively about your art. my very first therapist explained it in a way that still really resonates with me: you have created a well-beaten, highly trafficked "road" in your brain. it is very easy to take this road because even though it's longer to your destination, it winds and bends, it's walked on so much it's flat and easy to traverse. when you try to build a NEW path—in this case, a path where you focus on what you like about your art—you're starting with no path at all. it's all undergrowth and vines and thorns and it hurts and it's tiring and you feel like this will NEVER be easier or feel better than the old path. but you have to keep taking the new one. you have to beat down the undergrowth until it recedes, cut down the low-hanging branches until you can walk with your back straight, and if you keep at it, if you keep at this thing that feels so pointless and stupid and hard, eventually, the path will be clear, and easy to walk, and you'll make great time getting to your destination because it cuts straight through; no winding or bending. and the old path? it will overgrow, and it will become hard and stupid to take. you have to beat the new path because once it's beaten, it'll be the far superior path in every way, including ways the old path was never superior even when it WAS the one you were always taking.
further—as these tags point out, and as i agree with wholeheartedly—by disparaging your art, you DO lower people's expectations. people don't want to be sad, frustrated, disappointed when they look at art—at least, not unless the art itself is trying to tell a story about that. you get what i mean, i hope—they don't want to go INTO something they already HAVE negative reviews on—your reviews! you, the creator, have already told this person the story/art/whatever is going to be bad, and i know, i KNOW it's not your intention, you're hoping someone will see through what you can't and tell you no, no, this is good, i liked this! and some people do! but you make it a lot harder for them TO do that when you tell them right at the beginning, "this is going to be bad, i don't like it," because what you're unintentionally telling them is, "and you probably won't like it either." the first way i learned this was in people always saying in their fanfic summaries, before you even open the fic, "the summary is bad, i'm bad at writing summaries, the story is better trust me bro." because what this does—again, so unintentionally, i KNOW what you're trying to do because i've been you—is you're telling the reader, "here's my pitch, here's the hook to my entire story, it's the worst part, it's bad, but the rest will be better," and what they KNOW is they've already put the time in reading the summary, and it's hard to commit MORE time to something when you've already told them it's bad, even if you promise the rest is better. it's like biting into a fruit and you hate the taste of the skin; it's harder to try the rest of the fruit when, so far, it's been bad (or you've been made to believe it's bad).
so what's the solution? how do you begin beating that new path? well, it depends on you. everyone's a little different in how they navigate stuff like this. but what worked for me, and what might be a good place to start (and by all means adapt as you figure out what works and what doesn't), is start by just NOT saying anything negative. no, "i don't like this," or "the summary's bad, sorry," or anything. write your artist's comment, author's note, whatever as normal, and REMOVE anything that depicts your art/writing/etc in a bad light. just don't give people any opinion whatsoever on what experiencing your creation is going to be like. this, for me, was easier than jumping straight to, "i'm pretty proud of this," or "i enjoyed working on this," because it wasn't withholding AND replacing, it was JUST withholding. going back to the roads and paths metaphor, i think of this part as the "taking a breather before i get to work on this monumental task of beating this new path" stage.
then, overtime, i started "stretching" my positive comments about my works. if i liked, say, TWO LINES out of a whole piece of writing, i'd say, "i'm really proud of this work!" because i AM proud of ANYTHING AT ALL, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, within the work. it's not a LIE, to anyone including yourself, but it is, perhaps, an EXAGGERATION. that's OKAY. we're trying to teach our brain to look on the bright side, to take the new path, and i've found that treating it a little bit like a dog—giving it a treat for ANY TINY BIT OF PROGRESS, was a good way to encourage myself to start making MORE progress. ESPECIALLY because the tags i reposted above are RIGHT: LOTS of people are MORE interested in a work when their very first impression (YOUR impression!!!) is positive. 'the artist/writer/etc is proud of this? oh, i'm so glad they had a good time creating, let's take a look!" it probably sounds too easy if you're still taking that anxiety-beaten road, i know, but try to think of how you've felt when someone disparages their creations versus uplifts them. were you put off by the negativity? were you sad that your friend worked so hard on something and didn't even like it? conversely, doesn't it make you a little excited when an artist says they really feel good about something they made, especially in a world where so many artists ARE feeling inadequate? i hope you see what i mean.
it's not an overnight thing, of course, this took me YEARS. this took a miracle that doesn't happen to most people: i wrote something i felt SO TERRIFIED people wouldn't like, even though i was secretly very proud of it (but too scared to dare suggest i was proud of it), so i indicated all kinds of things like "i hope you like it, i dunno if it's any good, it's just a little thing i'm chipping away at in my spare time" (it was not, it was a full-blown passion project) and, against the odds, a LOT OF PEOPLE told me they really really really liked it. a couple of friends who were decently popular in the fandom it was for liked and shared it and i got A LOT of encouragement. i basically got to beat my new path with a HORDE of helpers, and it was more like THEY beat the path for me and i chased along like, "what is happening, oh my god, what are you doing???"
i got really lucky. that doesn't always, or even usually happen. in most other areas of my life, i've had to beat the path myself. and it takes a long time if you're doing it on your own. but you should anyway, because it's so fucking worth it dude. yeah, it was awesome to get so much help with my writing confidence specifically, but it's been just as worth it every time i've had to do it alone too. and i have good news! there ARE ways to tell people you're on this journey of making yourself a new path. here are some suggestions:
"i'm new/rusty at this, so please let me know what you think!" - informs potential readers/viewers/etc you are learning and gives them an opportunity to HELP you learn. this is a positive interaction! this allows people to find a GOOD experience EVEN if they didn't enjoy the story much, because they can help, and people DO, MOSTLY, like to help.
"i want to improve at [dialogue]" or "i'd appreciate advice on [lighting]." - similar to the first example, but does 2 things: gives viewers specific instructions that can be really helpful for those that aren't sure how/what to critique (surprisingly common thing; the more specific you are about what you want advice on, the more likely you are to GET advice), AND allows you to, neutrally and non-disparagingly, ask for help in areas you don't feel confident about.
"leave a comment if you liked it!" or "let me know what you liked best!" - listen. i don't think 'fishing for compliments' is bad as long as you're not being manipulative about it. these examples are very clear in what they're asking for, which is compliments, positive reviews, etc. and that's okay!!! first of all, lots of people LOVE praising works they like, i promise, and asking them to DOES make them feel like they have "permission" to (i know that sounds silly but i also know if you have anxiety about creating, you have anxiety about commenting, i see you, i was you). secondly, i have gotten the MOST encouraging, confidence-boosting comments this way, especially with the latter example. there is NOTHING more immediately anxiety-curing than a comment that says "i liked [scene/dialogue/character/etc] specifically." it's AMAZING. (also, if you're looking for advice on commenting, this is a GREAT thing to do. imo, this and "speculating/interpreting the work" are the two coolest comments i get they make me feel AWESOME.)
remind yourself, as many times as you have to, CONSTANTLY if you have to: likes/kudos mean someone enjoyed your work enough to press a button. views mean someone liked your work enough to click through for more. these are POSITIVE interactions, they are not "less positive" than comments or reblogs/reshares. i know those last two things are more obviously gratifying, and depending on if you NEED your work to spread (for exposure/commision prospects/etc), very good, awesome ways to support you, and i don't mean to say you shouldn't WANT comments and reblogs/reshares. but for me, it's helped me a lot to recognize that any bit of effort whatsoever means someone LIKED my work. it's also helped me to think of all the times i've shared a link to an artwork in a discord or something, and know that there is an entire, untangible metric i can't and will never see that, sure, i can choose to believe doesn't exist or isn't very high, but i can ALSO choose to believe it happens quite a lot, and the latter makes me FEEL better about my work and makes me want to create MORE, so i think that's the more productive mindset personally. it doesn't matter what the truth is, you know? we'll never know it and it doesn't harm us to never know it. but it DOES harm us to assume no one quietly, unseen by us, likes our work, and it DOES ENCOURAGE US to assume lots of people do.
here's the thing: anxiety disorders fuck you up by making you believe extremely negative, scary, depressing things. the disorder gets worse the more you allow it to make you believe these things, and the only way out, as stupid and hard and at times impossible as it feels, is to say, "no, i don't like that interpretation, i'm going to replace it with a positive one." anxiety is making paths all throughout your brain, and you have to just, make paths too. anxiety needs YOU to make paths, but YOU don't need anxiety to make paths. your paths WILL be better, safer, easier and happier. you just—and i know that is the biggest "just" ever—have to make them.
but i believe in you. i don't need to know you or your circumstances to believe in you. i believe in the sheer amount of control you have over how you face the world. and it's so much more than anxiety would lead you to believe.
i looooove seeing artists & writers proud of their work!!!!! i looooove captions & authors notes that say things like “i’m quite happy with this” “i love how this turned out” “i had so much fun making this”!!!!!! i loooooove when the act of creation is joyful & we take pride in what we make!!!!!!!!!!
#yoshi talks#this is so important to me and those tags really resonated with me and reminded me of my own journey into getting to that point a lot#most of all: keep creating. and keep beating paths.#<3
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ppl like "i have to use ay-eye bc i can't drawwwww :(" ok whose fault is that. i can't draw either u know who's fault that is?? mine!!!! it isn't a bad thing but if i am unwilling to learn to draw that is Exclusively My Fault buddy!!!! if u refuse to practice that is, in fact, a you problem!!!! that's fine!!!! but u dont get to pretend u HAVE to use ay-eye bc an Uncontrollable Force prevents u from learning to draw!!!! u could just Go Learn!!!!
#it's also your fault if you can't kill the perfectionist in ur head. ALSO fine; there's nothing wrong with never overcoming that issue#but like. it IS a you problem. you are the only one who can fix it and acting like it's uncontrollable is frankly crybaby behavior#sorry!!!!! no one else has any power whatsoever to make you a good artist! it's ALL you!!!#yoshi talks#sry this was about ay-eye at first but now it's about everyone who whines about wishing they could draw like. who do u think is#responsible for that. whining about a thing you refuse to do and can only be done BY you is! frustrating and annoying!#i am sorry if this is the first ur hearing about it but nobody wants to hear u disparrage smth you refuse to make better when u are#in fact the only one who CAN make it better. whining will not fix it and it will not make you feel any better#if u want to learn to draw u have to learn to draw. that's it!!! it's fine if you don't want to put in that effort!!!#it's NOT fine if you then whine about the choice U made!!!!#and it IS a choice to not work on it bc it's hard/frustrating/confusing#it's that for everyone. the only difference between u and artists is artists chose to do it anyway.
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I think it shows through my posts that I love assertive omegas with clueless alphas
“I can’t wait to mate, I believe I found the perfect partner already” *very pointed glare*
“oh yes you are very nice and pretty and perfect any alpha would be lucky to have you” *didn’t get the signs*
I can’t characterize all of them that way (I fear the moment I will have to write omega!idia, though he is very forward when pushed)
but some characters that I believe would be very assertive omegas: leona, vil, floyd, rook, malleus, kalim, childe, kazuha, tighnari, ayato, somehow dan heng but I still don’t know how to explain, argenti, luka
there are other I have in mind but I think are different levels of assertive or that I think it would need a bit more explanation on how
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hiiii guess who remade the raelin babies hiiiiiii
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This is some type of gamer loser shit behavior /silly
Anyways not me explaining the twst gacha system to my friend who doesn’t play Twst because I wanted Malleus card 💀

Anyways I’m so ready for Malleus’ bday card and his dorm card (hopefully I get his bday card during before 100 pulls) ✨🙏✨. So I can save more for his dorm card-
I’m just so down bad for him
#yoshi talks#yoshi’s at it again#yoshi’s random talk#hahah look at the loser#she’s so down bad for malleus that she became math smart
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i finally put him in the fuckin glamour i said weeks ago i was gonna make his 7.1+ glamour. featuring the same thing i do to every viera i touch i'm SORRY
#he has a tail too but i might have to throw this mashup into blender and kill the butt bag#i love it but it eats his tail. let it..... be free#yoshi talks#erenville
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had a tank doing every single mechanic in qarn and right at the end the annoying bard who kept pulling was like "you dont have to open all those doors" and the tank just went "i know :)" and honestly. iconic
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