#oops we summoned a demon au
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 10 months ago
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average-hyperfixator · 7 months ago
OHHH??? Wait Ellen exorcism? Requests of drawings of what that looks like and how that works? What happened to her ;0 (Maybe also drawing of regular Ellen being happy... Please I beg... /lh)
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So basically my general idea is basically AM summoned a demon, found out it wouldn’t be able to help it, and set it loose on the town and it found Ellen
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The demon is still Alu because I don’t have the energy to find a new demon and draw a new possession concept. Plus the was Alu’s victims look already pairs well with what I was planning- AM harvesting blood flesh and bone from innocent people to build itself a body, using demons and their magic to not only help kill people, but to also use their magic to eventually give the body life. Alu was not cooperating with this plan and so AM just let it go
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Now, since it mutilates it’s possessed victims, Ellen gets a tad fucked up. Most if not all of it is reversed once Alu is exorcised out of her though (if Ted doesn’t decide to kill her)
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Average exorcism
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Two endings 💥 (That is the blunt top end of Ted’s cane. Smashed her in a bit oops)
And full images below as always
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I wanna mention as a side note Ted and Ellen are actually mutuals in this universe, they’ve known each other for some years. Ellen actually writes some letters to Ted when she first suspects a demon might be stalking her, as Ted is the only priest she knows, and since letters take a while, Ted only manages to get to her once she’s already been possessed.
I may draw a possessed version of Ted, because I do like how in faith Alu can possess John. We shall see
Boom lore dump for this AU 💥💥💥
I have a mutual who really likes Ellen and I’m hoping they like this ☝️
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year ago
infodumps abt a new au idea (the demon-familiars au, or the un-familiars au)
TL,DR: Reader is a witch/wizard hired by a town to handle a poltergeist/demon problem (Vanny has a cult and is trying to summon demons lol), but they aren't very good at being a witch/wizard and after a bunch of 'throwing things at the wall to see if anything sticks' and absolutely nothing working, they, in a panic, kind of accidentally summon Sun and Moon, who are equally shocked to see them and after a bunch of staring at each other like ?????????? reader ropes Sun and Moon into helping them and hides them in plain sight as their 'familiars' until they've taken care of the demonic cult problem, promising to send them home as soon as things are ok again. PLOT TWIST THEY GET ATTACHED TO EACH OTHER AND KISS PROBABLY HAHAHAAAAAA
(the long initial ramblings/brainstorming i did w the space aces in discord is copy-pasted below, if anyone wants only vaguely coherent ideas n concepts abt this au and ur willing to torture urself, go nuts w it ig lol)
taken directly from the space aces discord, i present: the reason all of my aus are barely coherent and somehow overly thought through and barebones all at once, as shown by the following example (unfamiliars au edition)
weird silly demons/familiars Sun Moon au where Reader is a (less than talented) amateur witch/wizard trying to lie themselves into a position of relative security (bc theyve had to move three different times bc towns shun n drive away witches/wizards that proves to be unhelpful) and they werent actually trying to summon sun n moon so they end up getting them involved in their scheme but oops there is some kind of other demonic threat that is actually a big problem and oops oops now we have to seriously work together to not get killed by the other eviller demon or the cult summoning it while also fooling the townsfolk into thinking that u r competent and have everything under control
Sun and Moon, a couple of demons just chilling when suddenly summoned to the material world: what in the heck Reader, having just performed a spell/ritual they've never read the instructions for backwards and facing the wrong cardinal direction: SHUT UP AND PRETEND TO BE MY FAMILIAR FOR A MINUTE OR WE ARE BOTH GONNA GET KILLED, BURNING-ON-A-CROSS STYLE
hhhgj i just had. a rlly sappy idea for the 'familiars' part
basically like. witches n wizards naturally end up casting their own 'summoning' spell for their familiar at some point, most of th time when they are really starting to understand and control their magic? so to see a witch or wizard without one it's like 'wow they're a beginner' or 'something is wrong with them, why dont they have a familiar??'
so Reader asks Sun n Moon to pretend to be their familiars partly bc 'uh oh i summoned two whole entire demons without even meaning to i have to make this look intentional' and 'if i have a familiar the people will assume im a Real Witch/Wizard and respect me more'
and at one point when they r getting to be like, actual friends instead of 'weird roommates', Sun gets curious bc ofc he does
Sun: Soooo,, we're your pretend-familiars? Reader: Yea Sun: Sooooooooo,, do u not have a familiar? I've never heard of a wizard with no familiar Reader, visibly upset/disappointed (in themselves): Yeah, well, it turns out it's only the witches and wizards with actual skills that can summon familiars. So. Couldn't tell you if I've got one or not, I've never managed a proper summoning spell. Sun, foot in his mouth: oh,, Reader: Yep.
and then later. It turns out. There are ways to make a demon into a familiar! Turns out in the distant past some wizards used to make demons they frequently summoned for spell/magic services into familiars bc it was way easier than just doing the entire summoning ritual every single time
but at this point, Reader and Sun n Moon are close enough to be good friends, and Reader doesnt want to force that kind of permanent connection on them, they probably just want to go home, theyre probably sick of being here and being around u, and,,, u get the idea
and Sun n Moon dont wanna force that kind of permanent connection on YOU bc what if ur sick of them, or ur tired of feeding and housing them or putting up with their jokes n bickering, or maybe after everything u really dont want anything to do with demons!!!
so there's a lot of sad pining that none of them know abt
bc ofc they r all idiots in this au sorry thems the rules
and then at some point there is some big threat/place they have to go to, or maybe Reader gets injured in a fight, idk take ur pick, anyway in a heat of the moment panic Moon is like 'HEY U WANT US TO BE UR FAMILIARS RIGHT??' and reader like barely conscious is like 'w??? yea??????' thinkin he means the pretend thing theyve had going on
anyway spur of the moment/'im doing this to save ur life bc i love u' familiar binding spell/ritual performed BAM now ur stuck together
and when everything is calm again n the fighting is over reader looks at Moon and is like 'so ur like,, my actual familiar now,,' and Moon, sweating bullets, unsure if this is rlly what u wanted or if u went with it out of fear of dying, is like 'yyyyyyyyyes?'
and reader starts bawling their eyes out and kisses him bc this is like. th dream scenario to u
anyway reader n sun n moon are th worlds least likely wizard/familiars combo but somehow they r absolutely unstoppable together thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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t0kidal · 2 years ago
Oops I summoned a Demon
After going through several ideas, (celestial reader/Kalego’s Lilith reader, a Celestial reader just chilling, talking to Narnia or Baal because the desire to deliver a beat down on em is SO strong.) 
(we don’t talk about the “turn man into dogboy”/nyan koi au)  
I know this was done before... but what if someone summons a demon? ehhh? ehh? 
Initially this was gonna be something about Balam accidentally summoning a Human (sassy and bold) to the netherworld BUT then I realized that this might’ve flowed... better-ish? If he was human summoning a demon. 
A very devilish demon...
The Human world was fully aware of the celestials high above them and the demon world down below. But while all the planes were aware of the other, very rarely did they interact. With the exception of celestials blessing humanity or devil-kind coming to fuck around up top. Humans, were not able to transcend the borders of their realities... at least not without “help”. 
Was the ability to summon demons particularly frowned upon? Not really? But all knowledge regarding such is held under lock and key, you’d need to report your intentions and such before performing such rituals. 
You can imagine how much of a pain immigration is.
You take a look at your surroundings, had this situation been different you would’ve thought it was quite homely. Vibrant greenery just outside the window, a floor plan that looked as though it was built to compensate the small green house in it (a serious plethora of plants and succulents)... Obviously the masked man in front of you was a big soft nerd but you only got that last bit from the various pickled... things... And freshly cleaned beakers and vials.
The man in question took the opportunity to scoot... away from you? Was he scared of you? 
You couldn’t help the downright malicious chuckle escaping your throat. 
Boldly stepping out of the summoning circle, ignoring the brief pain of the barrier runes screaming at you, you approach the man. Your heels, shoeless but stone cold, striking the wooden floor beneath you with sharp clacks, tail curling and coiling in vexatious glee. 
Pretty soon... you towered over the man as he failed to take the opportunity to rise off the ground. 
You take note that, while prone, he was still pretty big, but you weren’t exactly a lightweight either. 
You’re now standing over him. Feet on either side of his waist, you grab his tie and pull him up as you bend forward from the hips to come nose to nose with a wicked grin. 
���Pfft, You don’t know anything about me... do you?” Surely no normal human would be dumb enough to summon a demon still...
You let him go, turning away and popping up on his desk, crossing one leg over the other.
“Now then. How can I help you?”
You liked your fun but business is as business does. 
“A-ah... uhmm... To be honest, I wasn’t sure I’d get this far....” As he stands your notes were correct.... was he human? He was built like a bear. “Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”
The moment this man spoke you had to shake your head and make sure you weren’t charmed by some kind of spell... does he hear himself? That voice...
‘Oh no. He’s cute.’
“No no... no? thank you? Uh... just... tell me what you summoned me for and we can... strike a deal.” Everyone summoned you or some other demon when they needed something.. more or less moral... what profound and not so innocent desire does this-
“I was wondering if... I could study... You...”
See? There we go, why would you think he was any di-
“What I mean is that, humans or we as humans don’t have much knowledge on demonic features. And I was hoping if, over the course of... I think a year? Maybe longer... that you’d let me study you?”
Ah.. “You do realize that, as it stands right now, Humans are celestial pets and demons toys right? Our kind gets along but make no mistake... should humans prove irksome... Anyways why exactly should I grant you this information?”
He’s a tool... a fool... a pawn in the political scheme across the masses of humanity’s lack of humanity. Woe be to that unfulfilled romance, shot down before it could start. 
“Actually, I work in a hospital... If it helps the case - don’t look at me like that. And we cater to Celestials, Humans, and Demons alike -- though the former most and latter most are extremely rare... but recently we had a patient come in..." his already deep dulcets drop with a grave and solemn tone... “He’s a young demon boy now living with a human host family... but his body...”
“How old?”
He sighs and closes his eyes, bracing himself before opening them again. 
“He’s 14.”
Balam, as you later learned, was right to have gotten clearance to summon you. While the demon population in the human world was an extremely low percent... you don’t exactly need to be a citizen to commit a crime. Humans, Demons, Celestials, are all a danger to each other as much as assets for their selfish goals. (The celestials don’t like to phrase their meddling blessings as such)
Unauthorized movement between worlds, the transfer of goods from humans to parts of them, demons to parts of demons, even celestials (though much rarer than the aforementioned)... it was hard to finish it once someone started it.
It’s organized, with a long confusing trail. Full of deceitful selfish people.
You feel a fire engulf your countenance at ‘14′.
“I’m sorry?”
You wanted to know, course he probably doesn’t but... You were about to commit a murder. You just need to know, “Where are those BASTARDS” 
To you, two parties are at fault for ruining this child’s life. If he’s here in critical conditions with a host family and all alone there are two reasons. Reason number one, the child’s demonic parents; in the netherworld life is precious. If they were neglectful enough to have allowed something this severe to happen it could also be said that they had a direct hand in it. Reason number two, whoever it was on the other side that they were dealing with, probably some sicko human who wanted to use his demon parts for some kind of unfounded ritua-
Your thoughts are cut off as a TSHHH and a white foam fills your vision.
You wipe it out of your face and realize your mana caused a small fire...
The human in front of you quickly dropped the fire extinguisher, and if not for his next words you would’ve thought you pissed him off...
“Excuse me.. I’m sorry about that. But I’d like to reaffirm a few things, the reason you were called here is to gain more knowledge for that boy’s treatment, his host family has already grown fond of him and called for me to be his personal physician and to help him recover. I think that both through the study of your demonic traits and your presence during examinations, it’d work wonders for him. I promise you that no additional harm will come to either of you and that you will be cared for during your time here.”
He says this all so earnestly. He had almost knelt down to maintain eye level with you and there was no where to look but into his dark eyes. A human with a passion...
But would you let this sway you? No... at least not by too much.
“Then, let’s get on with this.” You conjure a pen and parchment, the contract.
“You, uhh whatever your name is,”
“Shichiro, er Balam Shichiro.” 
“Alright then, Shichiro, will sign this contract under the following terms. One, you enter this contract willingly and your intents are nothing more than to learn about the demonic body for medical/scientific research. Two, you will not cause me harm and will protect me from harm should it come our way for the duration of our contract. Three, should you fail to fulfil these terms I reserve the right to eat you.”
“W-Eat me?!”
Oh that’s so unfair, even surprised he’s cute.
“Yes. According to legend, human flesh does wonders for a demon. And it should be easy enough to avoid. Now about your conditions?”
He only briefly hesitates.
“One, you enter this contract willingly and will allow me to study your b-body for mecial or scientific research.. Two, I will not cause you any harm.. Three, should you fail to be of help to me or this research I reserve the right... t-to...”
“I- Hmm... I.. reserve the right to... have you stay here... in the human world... until further notice...?”
How sweet, he’s not comfortable with the idea of controlling someone’s fate.
“Alright, and now... I know the mood for this is awful but I’m gonna need a little kiss.”
“Huh?” Balam, despite the tense and uncomfortable atmosphere could feel a carmine hue spread across his face from ear to ear. Much to his chagrin, it seems to lighten the demoness’s mood a bit.
You only nod at him, affirming his fears.
“Listen, I know you might not like the prospect... but it’s what’s needed to seal the deal. I’m sure you’ve heard of succubus before hmm?”
Now hyper aware of his position before you, he stands upright and takes a step back flushing down to his neck. 
You sigh, an easy going smile lighting on your face as you tap your lips. “C’mon a quick peck will work just as well.” 
He looks like he’s just getting even more red so you opt to hop off the desk and stand before him. Asking,
“May I?”
And finally receiving a nod in response. 
He leans down, and just as you said. 
A quick peck is all it took.
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missowo · 2 years ago
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I kinda practice on the pose
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and i finally finished my au "mikey's from different world" reference 1/?
Miguel and Michelangelo (ofc the main character in my story)
I like hc mikey have something connection on 12 kraang also hc (him stuck there on dimension x 1-2 years *cough* i take that as the angst. and comfort) and miguel can summoning a fire demon, grow plants, control space, time travel, dimension and alot of thing he can DO (i just have alot hc) (he just to powerful)
edit also: it's funny all mikeys stuck in 12 world and all his brother looking for their mikeys like yikes where is our little bro, we keep pizza slice for him :'(,,, (except for miguel he the only one can go back to his world with his power and choose not to, he just wanted explorer on 12 world and accidentally meet 12 mikey like oops.)
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usoking · 3 years ago
made a silly little au that's been on my brain for a while
nami, usopp, and zoro are all college students with their friend chopper, who's the kid of one of the professors, and nami one day finds a book in some thrift store with demonic rituals in them. she thinks "oh this'll be fun to do for funsies, if we summon a demon we can take down the piece of shit headmaster, and if we don't then it'll still be fun" and ropes in usopp and chopper to help. zoro's here to chaperone for them jkhdgfkjhdkfjh
so they actually manage to summon 2 demons, aka luffy and sanji, who they now have living in . somewhere jkdfhgkjdfhg i haven't decided if they're in a dorm or someone's house or whatever but they're here now
oh also along with luffy and sanji comes enma, who has no body after being recently defeated and kinda hides out in zoro bc he saw this beefcake of a man and went "hm. i'm going to teach him to sword fight" and shoop in he went [warning i just started wano 3 no spoilers plz]
also chopper's a demon hiding out in the human world lol so he watches these idiots summon two whole demons with no fear or prep work jdhfgkjhjdfg
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more stuff under the cut bc i did many doodles last night
luffy and sanji are two of the most powerful demons in hell rn. luffy's just Like That, and sanji's part of the vinsmokes, so he has notoriety despite trying to separate himself from them. also luffy is a little dragon boy because i said so :)
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sanji is an incubus i wanna say but i'm still iffy on that one but he Is fun to draw :)
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zoro's Really Fun in this au bc i get to play with two of my favorite tropes >:) specifically possession and transformation
what happens is that after enma possesses him, they strike up an unofficial deal, where enma can chill in his body until he regains his strength, and in turn he teaches zoro how to use swords. unfortunately enma likes to take zoro's body out on joyrides to hell and just to cause crimes
the side effect of enma being so weak and being stuck in zoro's body is that he and zoro start merging. zoro starts getting enma's memories and mannerisms
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his sense of self starts blurring to the point where he doesn't really know whether he's more zoro or enma at this point, but at the point when people start to notice it's too late. fun for the whole family.
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my friend and i had a banger set of lines about this
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i do not take criticism.
(but also luffy/sanji/zoro/usopp are dating, as well as nami/vivi plus sanji when she's a woman bc genderfluid sanji lives in my brain rent free)
chopper is a demon like i mentioned before, and he's currently living with dr kureha, local witch, in order to better himself and get good at being a doctor
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he's simply a little guy
vivi's also here as an angel sent down to check up on the suspicious demon activity going on in the human realm but oops she accidentally starts dating nami jkfhgkjdfg don't have much for her yet lol
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honeysukel · 3 years ago
What's ur demon au about
Thanks for the ask! sorry i didnt get to this sooner i kind of let this blog rot for a while bc other hyperfixations were filling my brain oops
Essentially, in this au chloe is a literal demon
she has some fun sneaky powers as a result, one of which being the ability to control bees (she has to stay on brand ofc). she also fases through walls and can do some fun visual effects kind of like dnd thaumatergy, amongst other things
As her backstory goes Andre and Audrey Bourgeois summoned her for a general deal with the devil type of thing, greed for political power on Andre's part as the main chip being wavered. And so she takes the form of their child and lives life as such for 14/15 years by being a menace to society to sustain her powers until she can finally get their souls in return for their wishes.
unfortunately for her, she's dismissed somewhere around that 14/15 year mark without the souls she should have procured. Havent nailed down how or why this happens yet, just know that it does. its not like, life altering for her or anything (luckily) just mildy annoying.
But the bourgeois couldnt just casually play off their entire child going missing so they fake her death. she gets a full funeral service and everything which was weirdly amusing to her. But because the Bourgeois needed to get rid of her things (couldnt risk her managing to connect to an item she owned and coming back to steal their souls an/or haunt them) they gave away all her stuff to various classmates.
flash forward a few years and we see none other than marinette doing some spring cleaning in her lovely little apartment as she prepares for fashion uni (or the France equivalent) while chatting with tikki about something (i forgot to mention in this au the whole miraculous stuff is still a thing, as well as a few other supernatural beings but thats not relevant right now)
one way or another, mari ends up knocking over some salt, and *oh*, whats this? chloes bracelet from that one episode?? next to some very much lit candles
with a puff of smoke and some vaguely maniacal chuckling, marinette now has a very annoying companion whos hellbent on getting her due diligence (but unfortunately cannot directly disobey marinette as she was the soul kind enough to release her back in the mortal realm to finish her buisnes)(and marinette says no evil sorry chloe)
shenanigans ensue : )
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bananasofthorns · 3 years ago
Banana’s mcyt god AU: Empires SMP
DISCLAIMER: some of this has been changed but I can’t be bothered to edit it or make a new post rn lol. it’s canon enough, I think just small things changed
I am back and this time I am here to talk about the Empires SMP in my god AU. Before we start, I’d like to say that I am picking and choosing from canon and I have also not seen everyone’s POVs. some of this is based purely on vibes
This post includes: Overview (how Empires fits into the AU) fWhip Sausage Xornoth Pixl Scott Everyone else (they aren’t less important, I just don’t have as much stuff for them)
Overview: Empires is not anyone’s home world, nor anyone’s main pantheon. It was created by fWhip for him and his friends to play at being mortals and kings, so even if they take conflicts seriously, they also know it isn’t personal (basically, I made the “it’s roleplay” disclaimer canon). While on Empires, everyone’s domains shift to encompass the biome their empire is in. In some, but not all, cases, their domains also shift to be specific to who they are on Empires. The gods of Empires are worshipped as a pantheon by the mortals living on Empires and in their kingdoms.
fWhip: god of destruction, corruption, and the plains
admin god (created the world)
as the admin, it’s his duty to protect his players and his world from outside threats
the whole point of Empires is to play at being mortal, and this includes mortal conflicts, so his admin duty is Not stopping him from being just the worst person
the deepslate redstone “corruption” is a glitch that happened when he created the world; it’s basically his divinity manifested into the world itself
out of respect to the others, he keeps it contained in his empire
however he can shape, spread, and summon it at will basically wherever he wants on the world, since it’s his world and his divinity
because of this, when he’s not holding back, he’s one of if not The Most powerful god(s) on the server
the rest of his corruption/destruction domain is stuff like TNT, fire, rot, blight, etc.
he does Not like Xornoth
he and Sausage are/were allies so he kind of just Looks Away when Sausage summons a demon (aka an outside threat)
and then Xornoth keeps corrupting shit - unnatural, otherwordly corruption, unlike fWhip’s - and so fWhip starts to get more and more on-edge
once the dragon is dead and Xornoth is released to its full power, fWhip is no longer taking or allowing any shit. he and Sausage were friends, they still are, but Xornoth is a threat and must be dealt with as such
at first, his elytra just look like dragon wings. after he falls into the corruption pit (from his episode 19), his divinity in the world (the deepslate redstone) kills him to cleanse him of Xornoth’s corruption. afterward, his wings are made of deepslate redstone, which also keeps him from getting contaminated, for lack of a better word. they do not look or sound (when they move against each other it sounds like stone scraping together) like they should be able to fly but! they can
Sausage: god of dark oak forests, blood, and ambition
fucked around and found out
aka he summoned a demon for shits and giggles and then realized that actions have consequences. such as:
Xornoth started corrupting the world
a shit ton of evil energy just seeps into his kingdom, especially around the ritual area, and Sausage ends up getting affected/swayed as a result
kills the dragon. starts the apocalypse. oops!
kind of the patron god of jacks-of-all-trades
Xornoth: demon summoned by Sausage
unlike fWhip’s corruption, its corruption is unnatural. it is Not Of The World and also probably Should Not Be Here but now it is
to the people (fWhip and Pixl, to an extent) who can.....sense the world, for lack of a better term, Xornoth’s corruption feels like. a Lack of something. if you will
Pixl: god of life, prosperity, and the desert
can sense Xornoth’s corruption, if he focuses, because he’s the god of life and wherever Xornoth’s corruption is on the world there is a very distinct Absence of life
outside of Empires he’s closer to a demigod than a god (no specific god domain, basically, though he does still have some sort of connection to life/living)
he is also a prophet! see here for an explanation/reasoning on this headcanon (I will also probably talk about it more when I make a post for Hermitcraft in this AU, so that will be linked here at some point)
just because he’s a prophet doesn’t necessarily mean he can change anything about the future. he just knows.
Scott: god of mountains and loneliness
I am ignoring the canon Rivendell god lore. sorry Scott Smajor <3
usually he’s one of the two gods of MCC (the other is Noxite, will talk more about MCC in another post) and he doesn’t really have a Specific domain but he’s the one in charge of gathering and making all the teams
his Empires domain, you may have noticed, is pretty much the opposite of that!
this is because Empires came very closely after 3rd Life and now he is a wee bit traumatized even though he knows both 3rd Life and Empires are games. so he lowkey isolates on Empires (especially from Jimmy). and then, well. the world shifts his domain to accommodate
Lizzie: god of power and the ocean
Joel: god of death, chaos, and the mesa (he is still the god of death and chaos outside Empires)
Jimmy: god of goodness, cod, and the swamp (he is still the god of goodness outside Empires)
Pearl: god of forests and growth, patron god of farmers
Gem: god of cliffs, crystals, and magic
Joey: god of rebirth and the jungle
Katherine: god of flowers and ambiguity
Shubble/Shrub: god of mushrooms and forest hills
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years ago
Be Alright
This is part of my Four Years AU
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luz was never known to be overly cautious.
She was reckless, impulsive, and an overall disaster of a human.
Titan, Amity loved her.
It was almost routine at this point, how it would go. Luz would jump into oncoming danger, others would (sometimes) follow, and she’d limp out with a big grin and a cheer about how she’d shown them, whether or not she’d actually won. It was no surprise that Amity had taken up healing as a secret secondary track.
It was always a gamble how things would go. Sometimes Luz would only have a few scratches, other times she’d be clinging to consciousness by a thread, moments away from breaking Eda’s house rule of nobody jeopardizing the rebellion by going to a public hospital.
But they usually had it handled. Luz would bounce back with twice the enthusiasm, even if her scars told a different story.
Despite all of this, Amity knew she’d never get used to seeing a scar in the making. 
“Who brought fireworks?”
“Worth it!”
Explosions rung out, painting the emptying Night Market in scattered debris and bright flashes. Amity ducked under a broken roof, cursing as another explosion sounded off further away, accompanied with whoops and cheers.
“It’s a miracle none of them are dead yet,” Came a hiss from beside her.
She whirled around, relaxing when she saw it was just Willow appearing by her hiding place, vines wrapped all along her arms. Out of everyone, Amity was sure she would come out the most unscathed.
“I’m convinced Eda’s already died a few times,” Amity said, tilting her head to the sounds of explosions. “But she keeps coming back. My bet’s that she’s on life seven now.”
“That would explain a lot,” Willow agreed, peering out of their hiding place. “Dawns breaking, we should get out of here.” She added, raising her head.
“Already?” Amity lifted her head as well, seeing that, indeed, there was light seeping around the Market.
“Think you can wrangle Luz without setting more things on fire?” Willow asked, glancing at her with a smirk.
“If anyone is going to set things on fire, it’s Luz.” Amity said matter-of-factly, wincing as she heard shouts and a crash from elsewhere in the Market. “I can promise my best,” She said simply.
“That’s the best I could ask for,” Willow chuckled, stepping out of their hiding place. “Good luck.”
“I’ll need it,” Amity muttered, peering around the debris as she heard another explosion sound off. “Titan knows who she's going to piss off this time.”
Amity felt like she shouldn’t have been surprised.
And yet, she still felt a wave of exhaustion just finding situations like these.
Luz stood atop a pile of debris, swinging her staff like a club and knocking it against the heads of those in the Night Market who had stayed to attempt to fight her and the rest of the Owl House residents. Aside from a few scrapes and cuts to her hands and cloak, she wasn’t any worse for wear. Even her owl mask was relatively intact.
Eda was somewhere at the bottom of the pile with King, also giving their attackers a hard time. Amity was almost about to be surprised at how tame Luz was being...before she combined a firework and ice glyph and shot it towards an attacker, flinging them back with an explosion and into a busted stand with a gleeful cheer.
Amity sighed and calmly summoned a regular sized abomination, sending it off behind her towards other assailants that had assumed she couldn’t hear them approaching. In boots covered in metal. Honestly, she wondered how nobody had caught them yet.
Luz swung her staff at a different demon, grinning as she turned and scanned the area. Near instantly, her eyes landed on Amity, who was a good few meters away from her trash pile.
“Hey, Ams!” Luz shouted across the battleground, frantically waving her hand, her smile somehow growing.
Amity couldn’t help but return a smile of her own, her ears flicking back as her features softened. 
There was a bark behind her and she snapped out of it, glancing back as Barcus ran by, giving her a tired look.
“Oh don’t you start,” Amity warned, flashing a fang.
Barcus rolled his eyes and rushed off around a broken stand vanishing from sight. Though the sounds of yelling from those of the Night Market confirmed he was still as much in the fight as everyone else.
Amity yelped at the sudden noise by her ear and spun around, almost falling over before an arm holding a staff hooked around her back and stopped her falling.
“Oops,” Luz smiled sheepishly, her head hovering over Amity’s as her shoulders hunched. While the top half of her face was hidden by her mask, the eyes were very expressive. “Sorry, wrong time for surprises?”
“That’s not going to stop you,” Amity grumbled, getting to her feet as Luz pulled her staff back and thumped the blunt end against the ground. “I was just with Willow, we need to--”
Luz’s head tilted away from Amity’s face for barely a moment before she withdrew a fire glyph from her sleeve and activated it. She chucked it right by Amity’s head, almost grazing her ear.
Amity turned barely half a second later, watching as the fire glyph made contact with a demon trying to sneak up on them. This one hadn’t worn metal boots and Amity hadn’t heard them approaching. Smart. She’d see if she could get the Emperor's Coven to help her arrest that one.
“Sorry about that, you were saying?” Luz said, looking right back down at Amity. She assumed so, at least. The eyes of her mask were more like pale circles than actual eyeholes. 
“The Coven, Luz.” Amity said, also unphased. “It’s dawn, the Coven will be here soon. You know how they like to come early to catch people trying to flee the Night Market.”
“Aren’t you also in the Emperor’s Coven?” Luz reminded, unconcerned. “Can’t you make them leave or something?”
“I’m the leader of my small, and remarkably passive,” Amity enunciated, ignoring explosions sounding off. “Group of the Emperor’s Coven. They don’t come here. Other guards do. I have absolutely no power here.”
“I wouldn’t call Archie breaking Jerbo’s nose passive,”
“Oh you have not seen the kind of guards they have by the Toes.”
“Shame,” Luz leaned against her staff. “Perhaps you could show me sometime?” She asked, the eyes of her mask moving in a sort of eyebrow wiggle.
“Luz,” Amity sighed, clasping the palms of her hands together and pressing it against her nose as she mentally reeled herself in to keep her composure. “Asking me on a date in the middle of a battle is bordering on impressively bold and tacky, which is a line I didn’t know even existed.”
“What can I say? I like making new lines.” Luz beamed widely. “Does this mean I can keep kicking in teeth?” She asked hopefully.
“Absolutely not,” Amity crossed her arms. “I just said the Coven is going to arrive. Do you want to explain to the rebellion you need another prison breakout because nearly everyone here got captured for not leaving?”
“Tell you what,” Luz said, passing her staff to her other hand. “You can grab everyone who’d rather not be here when the Coven arrive while Eda and I finish up here.” She suggested casually.
“Luz you're going to get captu--”
“Oi, there she is!”
Luz and Amity calmly turned their heads, spotting that over the crest of the fallen stands, with the sunrise behind them, was a small band of demons and witches. A little less than a dozen or so. They all looked a little beat up, but many still sported a decent amount of weapons and, likely, magic.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” Amity groaned, leaning her head back.
“Well, since we’re already here…” Luz said, nudging her shoulder. “I mean, it's pretty bad form to back down from a challenge…”
Amity, ignoring the gang approaching them (who clearly thought they had the high-ground at were taking their sweet time, the idiots), gave Luz a half-hearted glare. Luz was still giving her a hopeful look, giddy with excitement. And Amity had to admit, it had been a while since they’d fought an enemy on the same side. Publicly, at least.
“Fine,” Amity relented, sagging as Luz perked up. “But as soon as they’re gone we are leaving.”
“As you wish, Miss Blight.” Luz said with a low, dramatic bow, mocking the title Amity’s Coven would give her.
“Only you could get away with that,” Amity muttered, finally turning her gaze back to the group of demons and witches, who had spent the last few minutes pulling up weapons from the debris and scattering to ‘hide,’ if you could call it that.
Snowy finally decided to show up, flying around Luz before landing on the end of her staff. Luz stood from her bow and gripped her staff with two hands. Amity summoned her own, already determining where to place three different abominations in the area.
“Shall we?” Luz said, giving Amity a coy look and gesturing broadly to the approaching witches.
“Try not to get your head blown off,” Amity said casually, offering the tiniest of smiles. Luz’s staff began to glow as she took a step back and braced herself, a springboard moments away from uncoiling.
“No promises!”
It was hardly a fight.
But Luz didn’t seem to mind. She never did. She was just thrilled to be part of one.
Amity would’ve been bored were Luz not there. One could count on her to make things interesting. Granted you had no say on if it was for better or for worse.
Amity swung her staff, her abomination following and lumbering right into a cluster of demons. She had multiple up and running around, and she’d admit, it was a little tiring. But she’d done worse before, and their assailants were almost gone.
Dawn was well upon them now, the light casting long shadows. Amity had lost track of who was or wasn’t around them anymore. She figured Willow had already left, and likely dragged a few others with her. She’d get yelled at later, she knew it.
There was a holler to her left and she turned towards it, flicking her wrist to move an abomination out of the way.
A spire of ice shot up from the ground, sending three witches flying off to who-knows-where. Luz’s head popped around from behind it, laughing as Snowy flew at another witch trying to run at her. In the same movement, Luz drew a plant and lightning glyph. She threw the plant glyph at one of the larger demons around the ice spire, wrapping his arm in vines. She ran by and slapped the lightning glyph on the vines, causing them to erupt and explode as the demon yelled and bolted.
Amity shook her head, glancing at her own palisman, Fang, sitting on her staff and giving her a bored expression that could rival Willow’s.
“Hey, at least she's effective.” Amity shrugged. Fang only huffed and clung tighter to the top of her staff, melding into it until he looked like nothing more than a fancy wooden carving.
There was a crack and a shout, and Amity looked back just in time to see a demon stumble away from getting Luz’s staff whacked right into their face. Amity quickly moved an abomination towards them to get them stuck, should they try to retaliate. She did a double check on the rest of her abominations, which were thankfully beginning to drive away the remainders of their attackers and beginning to melt into the ground when they were done doing so.
“And you better stay out!” Luz shouted after a demon behind her, waving her fist in the air. 
Amity was about to call out to her, but sounds of rapid footsteps grabbed her attention. She whirled around, summoning a small abomination as a shield before a witch crashed right into it. It took all of two seconds for Amity to recognize their white cloak and gray mask before she recoiled and cursed under her breath.
“Titan I hope you weren’t paying attention,” She mumbled before drawing a circle in the air. One of her other abominations turned into goo and quickly fused with the abomination in front of her, caging in the guard as they yelped and thrashed about.
Amity flicked her wrist and her abomination lumbered off, taking the guard with them.
They had run out of time.
“Luz, we gotta go!” Amity yelled, her shoulders tense as she searched for her human.
Luz had ended up a good few meters away on a slope, hollering after a few running demons. She glanced back at Amity’s shout, and seeing the worry on her face, wasn’t about to argue with her.
“Well, it was fun while it lasted.” Luz shrugged regretfully. “I suppose this is where I bid you adieu” She said, giving Amity a cheeky bow. In the same movement of her bow, she had hooked her hand into her mask and easily took it off and held it out in a hand. It was mainly for show, anyway.
Amity huffed and raised a brow, despite her amused smile. Luz lifted her head slightly and gave a teasing wink before standing back to her feet.
The witch, who hadn’t paid attention to anything else going on, saw a sudden movement from behind Luz. She could only process the mild annoyance at having to patch up another bruise on Luz before she spoke.
“Behind y--”
In barely a second, the demon behind Luz wrapped an arm in front of her and tugged her back, startling the human. In the same moment, before any of them could react, they brought up their other talon. There was the flash of a blade between their fingers before said blade was jabbed straight into Luz’s throat.
Amity froze. Luz froze. Everything seemed to go still. The blade was dug high up on Luz’s neck, blood already coating the object and beginning to leak around the demon's claws. Blood trickled down Luz’s neck and began to stain the collar of her shirt.
And, just as fast as it froze, time snapped back at a jolting speed.
There was a shriek overhead and a dash of white. Snowy reappeared and slammed her body into the demon's face, flashing her talons and screeching. The demon threw the blade to the side, yelping and stumbling back to try and throw off the palisman.
Blood gushed from Luz’s neck, and upon finally being released, the human gasped as her hand flew up to her wound. She stumbled, having nothing holding her up. Her knees shook and buckled, sending her tumbling to the ground, still grasping at her neck.
Amity could only stare, her eyes wide and pupils so narrowed they practically vanished. She visibly flinched and broke out of her state when Luz’s body hit the ground.
“Luz!” She screamed. A scratchy, shrill sound that even Amity didn’t know she was capable of.
She was running before the name was out of her mouth. She suddenly knew what tunnel vision was like. Her focus was solely on Luz, collapsed on the ground. Her feet seemed to hook and stumble against every little pebble as she rushed up the slope, her heart in her ears. Everything else was fuzzy and irrelevant, and they faded into background noise.
Amity was at Luz’s side far too soon and still too late for her liking. She stared down at her, her throat going dry.
Luz was gasping and pressing both hands to her throat, whether it was due to the pain or some part of her conscious enough to try and stop the blood flow, she couldn't tell. Blood pooled out, creating almost a sort of halo around her head. 
But her eyes, oh Titan her eyes.
They were blown wide, and were so white it looked almost unnatural. Her pupils had shrunk to sizes that she’d learned from Luz should not be physically possible for humans. A constant side-effect of shots she had gotten years ago.
Her eyes stared off into nothing, glazed but still so full of pure, unbridled terror. Luz was not someone who was scared easily, and seeing such an unmasked horror from her was nothing short of unsettling. Her eyes darted about as she wheezed for air, and she looked as though she couldn’t tell where she was.
Then those eyes landed on Amity.
Her face barely changed, although her eyes did. Her pupils dilated, ever so slightly. She locked those eyes with Amity as she gurgled through the blood bubbling in her throat. Amity could see her own petrified, still expression reflected back at her in those eyes. She was like a deer in the headlights, and she could feel her hands going numb.
One of Luz’s hands left her wound and she reached out, coated and dripping with blood as her fingers grazed Amity’s pant leg, weakly trying to grab at her.
Finally, though now that she looks back, the entire experience probably only lasted a few seconds, Amity snapped out of her trance.
“Luz,” Amity’s voice cracked, startlingly quiet as she dropped to her knees.
She panicked, and she knew she was. She looked over Luz rapidly as she wracked her brain for what to do. She knew healing magic, for Titan’s sake!
Instead, all she could think of to do was to press down on Luz’s throat, taking over as her girlfriends own hands started to shake and fall. Her eyelids drooped slightly and Amity felt a violent spike of fear at the sight.
“Viney,” Amity croaked, shaking her head as she wrapped an arm around Luz and pulled her closer, placing her head on her lap in some feeble attempt to elevate the wound, even though that wouldn’t do anything for a neck wound because of course it wouldn’t.
“Viney, Viney!” Amity cried, raising her head and frantically looking around the debris and dying--wrong word--chaos around her. “Where’s Viney?” She yelled pitifully, tightening her hold on Luz.
Yes, Viney could help. She was a far better healer than Amity. She’d healed bad injuries all the time. She just needed Viney and everything would be fine.
“Where are you?” Amity wailed, her panic rising to near hysteria as she searched the area with blurry, tear-filled eyes. She wasn’t sure who specifically she was calling for now. “Please, please she…”
Amity risked a glance down at Luz. She was now breathing through laboured breaths, raspy and shaking like a building that was about to collapse. Her eyelids were droopy, but she was stubbornly keeping them open as she lightly tried to hold her hands against her neck.
“There you guys are! What--”
Amity jerked her head up, pulling Luz closer to her chest as her ears dipped low.
It was Eda. She was going to be okay. They were going to be okay.
Eda faltered, her confused, but still cocky, grin falling as she looked over Amity. Sitting on her knees, covered in blood that wasn’t her own, holding Luz like she was going to slip away from her at any moment.
“Kid!” Eda exclaimed, rushing forward and skidding to her knees so fast she likely cut them up as she grabbed Luz.
Amity was too numb to stop her, letting Eda take her as she stared off. Eda turned Luz over, sharply inhaling at the sight and her pupils narrowing and ears flicking back. Amity felt selfish for being glad that Eda had to see this, too. Because now Eda could take Luz, and she’d be fine, and tomorrow this day would be a funny story they’d tell the rebellion on a slow day.
Snowy had shown up again, though Amity couldn’t remember when. She had landed beside Eda, chirping and flapping her wings frantically as Eda scooped up Luz in her arms. She stood, momentarily forgetting about Amity as she yelled words the younger witch could no longer make out.
Her vision became splotchy and her ears felt fuzzy. Everything felt like a blur, and she was barely aware of being lifted off the ground. But she could still acutely hear the frantic beating of her heart and feel the stickiness of the blood drying on her clothes and hands.
When Amity finally came to, she was in the Owl House.
It wasn’t a consciousness she eased into, but rather was jerked out of by nothing in particular. She simply suddenly snapped up, her eyes shiny with emotion again as she looked around.
She was sitting on the couch, and Lilith was beside her, obviously lost in thought. Willow, Barcus and Gus were the only ones in the room, all of them sitting on the floor around the table in front of the couch.
She felt something warm in her hands and looked down, realizing she was holding a cup of tea. Lilith must’ve made it, considering how obsessed she was. Likely one of the kinds that helped keep her calm, she used those a lot.
She stared at her hands in fascination, seeing that they were no longer covered in blood. And for a moment, she thought she’d imagined it all.
But if she looked closely, she could still see the small bits and splatters of dried red liquid on the back of her hands. And when she looked down at herself, she saw that while her cloak and extra layers had been removed, her pant legs were still covered in dried blood and her shirt had specks of it that had soaked through.
Amity felt like she was going to be sick.
“Are you back?”
She blinked, forcing her eyes away from herself as she looked to the coffee table in front of her. Gus was sitting next to it, leaning his arms on it. He was looking at her now, face full of concern.
“Come--” Amity stopped and cleared her throat, hating how strained it sounded. “Come again?”
“You, um,” Gus gestured to his face with his hand. “Had a bit of a...gone look, for a while. You just, I dunno, you were…” He shook his head and swallowed. “H-how are you doing?”
He was nervous, clearly so. And seeing Gus as such did little to ease her own nerves. At least it was only nervousness, Amity wasn’t sure how she’d react if he was full-blown freaking out.
“I…” Amity blinked a few times, trying to get her mind in order. She was aware of everyone else in the room looking up towards her. “I’m--I’m fine.” She said, looking down at her hands again before sharply turning away. Right, the blood.
“Where, where’s Luz?” She asked, looking around the room. She tried to push down the growing feeling of unease, she didn’t trust herself not to hurl if she thought about it too much.
“She’s upstairs,” Lilith said, frowning slightly. “You saw Eda carry her up there with Viney.”
“I-I did?” Amity said, staring at her mentor.
“Yeah, you wanted to go with them.” Gus nodded, looking increasingly worried. “You don’t remember? You were freaking out and Willow had to calm you down.”
Amity turned to Willow at that, like just looking at her would suddenly explain everything. Willow was sitting at the other end of the coffee table, looking tired. That was nothing new, but her looking ready to fall asleep where she sat wasn’t. She met Amity’s gaze with exhaustion, cringing slightly and glancing away.
“Oh,” Amity said, gripping her cup of tea a little tighter. “I...I don’t remember that.” She said, shrinking in on herself. “Is Luz okay?” She asked, her voice wavering slightly.
Nobody met her gaze. Aside from Barcus, who lay underneath the table, for some reason. He met her gaze for a moment before his ears flicked back and he growled something under his breath.
“I’m going to check on her,” Amity said, pushing back the way it felt like her heart dropped as she sharply put her cup down on the table and stood up.
Her head felt dizzy as she did so, and it didn’t help that everyone started talking over each other as soon as Amity spoke. She stumbled for a moment before Lilith grabbed her shoulder and awkwardly pushed her back onto the couch.
“Absolutely not,” She said sternly. “We barely got you cleaned up, and still need to get you out of that.” She said, gesturing to the stained clothes Amity still bore. “Eda only took her up there a few minutes ago, we were simply catching our breath before you came to, it's why not everyone is here yet.”
“I know healing magic!” Amity protested, shrugging off Lilith’s hand. “I can help Viney.” She said, getting up again.
“You are in no condition to help Luz right now,” Lilith insisted, getting up just as quickly and lightly touching Amity’s arm as she stood in front of her. “Not after all that.” She said, her voice softening.
“What would you know?” Amity growled, more harshly than she meant. “You weren’t there. Nobody here was!” She hissed, resisting the urge to throw her hands in the air.
“No, we weren’t.” Lilith agreed, and the fact Lilith had done so with no argument had Amity shutting her mouth instantly. “But Eda told us where she found you, and judging from how you reacted and looked when they brought you back, I highly doubt seeing Luz in her current state is going to help anyone.”
Amity wanted to protest, she really did. She wanted to shove Lilith aside and storm up to wherever Luz was and do all she can to make her look up at her with eyes that didn’t get burned into her mind like a nightmare and a smile that didn’t have blood gushing out of it. But she knew she’d never make it far. Lilith was stubborn, and Willow would surely help keep Amity downstairs. There was no fighting Willow.
And, if she were honest with herself, she doubted she’d be able to do anything, anyway. Eda was probably already panicking, and the mere thought of seeing Luz laying on a cot with bandages around her neck and curled into a ball made her knees feel close to giving out.
“Luz will be okay,” Lilith continued, moving her hand up from Amity’s arm to the shoulder. “Viney said the blade entered too high,” She explained. “It didn’t hit any main arteries. She’s made it through a lot, this’ll be barely any different.” She assured, giving a tense smile.
If Amity had the energy, she’d argue that the fact everyone was anxiously waiting around didn’t exactly give any good signs. But right now, she wanted to do anything but dwell on today.
“Come on,” Willow said, pushing herself to her feet. “I have spare clothes here, we should get you out of that mess,” She said, offering a hand for Amity to take.
Amity stared down at it for a moment before her shoulders slumped and she took it, letting Willow guide her out of the living room. Gus and Barcus gave her pitying looks as they left through the door by the stairs.
“I’m sorry,” Amity mumbled, bringing her free hand close to her chest, where it was currently fisted. “I didn’t get her out of there in time, I humored her and now--”
“Hey,” Willow said sharply, turning around and narrowing her eyes. “I know how Luz is, this isn’t your fault.” She said, lowering her head so she could keep eye contact with Amity. “Something like this was bound to happen, anyway.” She mumbled bitterly.
“But I…” Amity trailed off, her throat feeling dry as she broke away from Willow’s gaze and glue her gaze to the ground, her hands trembling.
“It’s alright,” Willow said, gently squeezing her hand. “Luz will be fine, and so will you. Knowing her, she’d probably fight the Bat Queen herself if you so much as said you vaguely missed her.” She added, trying to joke.
“I know,” Amity said, looking up as her ears flicked down. “And that's what scares me.”
Amity was on her fifth cup of tea when the door to the Owl House had opened.
Barely an hour had passed, with no word from anyone upstairs. Barcus insisted that if Eda wasn’t worrying about having to risk a hospital visit, Luz was bound to be fine.
Nobody had left the house since Luz had been whisked away, leaving none of them able to tell the others they hadn’t picked up on the way back about the situation.
So the laughing and jeering that greeted them when the door opened was a bit jarring.
“Ey, there they are!” Edric grinned, walking in as he shoulder-bumped Jerbo. “I can’t believe you guys left us!”
“Ed almost got caught by the Coven,” King said, sitting up on Jerbo’s shoulders. “I rescued him.” He added proudly, a paw on his chest.
“You did not,” Jerbo shook his head with a smile. “What was the rush? We thought you’d all been carted off to prison again.” He asked, looking around the room.
Exhausted, stricken faces greeted them. You could see the joy die from their eyes, replaced with bone-chilling worry.
“What happened?” Emira demanded, stepping in and closing the door.
“Luz got hurt,” Lilith said calmly. “Badly.” She glanced to Amity beside her, who was staring at her tea. “Amity witnessed it.” She added, quieter and full of pity.
The twins looked to each other with similar faces of fear before they rushed in, moving to crouch beside their sister. Lilith silently moved to the furthest side of the couch so Emira could sit next to Amity. Jerbo and King glanced to each other before hurrying to the others on the floor, talking in hushed tones.
“She’ll be okay,” Amity said, her eyes flickering between her siblings. “I’ve learned from you two that things often look a lot worse than they actually are.” She added with an obviously forced lighter tone, giving a small smile.
“Oh, Amity…” Edric trailed off, his ears pressing back. “What...is…”
“Wasn’t fun,” Amity said, continuing her fake tone. “I can tell you that. I think I washed my hands raw.” She said, looking down at where said rubbed-red hands were shaking as they held her cup. “She’s--” She broke off, swallowing thickly and refusing to let her voice break. “She’s with Viney and Eda.” 
“If you start using humor to cope I’m going to punch you.” Emira warned, a growl forming before dying out. 
“Hypocrite,” Amity rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her tea.
“Well hey, if Viney’s with Luz, then she’s going to be up and running in barely a day.” Edric said, quickly changing the topic away from them. “She's dealt with all kinds of ridiculous injuries, especially from Em.”
“Oh your one to talk,” Emira snapped. “If Jerbo was a healer--”
“Behave,” Lilith called sharply, giving the twins a warning glare from the other side of the couch.
“Yes, mom.” Edric mumbled under his breath so she couldn’t hear.
“Hey, Luz is tough.” Emira said, wrapping an arm around Amity’s shoulders and pulling her against her side. “A little scrap will barely graze her. It’ll be a joke within hours, just you wait.”
Amity raised a hand to her neck, lightly rubbing it as she glanced to her sister, grimacing before looking away.
“It was here,” She said quietly, almost inaudible. “They got her here.”
The twins tensed. Edric squeezed Amity’s arm and she slumped, letting Emira keep her upright.
Neither of them spoke after that.
It was late afternoon when they heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Everyone's heads were up in a flash, waiting in bated breath.
It was Eda.
She looked drained, a hand running down her face. She paused at the doorway, looking out into the living room with anxious faces staring back at her.
“She’s okay,” Eda said, and it was like the weight of the sky had been lifted off their shoulders.
Amity almost fell off the couch by how fast and heavily she sagged in relief. Emira’s arm around her was the only thing keeping her stable.
“She’ll need rest for a few days, but Luz will be back to normal in no time.” Eda said, walking into the room. “Viney’s doing a final once over,” She added, catching Emira’s eye.
“Can we see her?” Gus asked, standing up.
“Kids exhausted, you can’t all see her at once.” Eda deadpanned. “Viney already almost bit my head off for staying that long,” She mumbled under her breath. “One at a time, and honestly, Viney might yell at you to leave her alone within the hour.”
Amity was on her feet in seconds, her cup forgotten on the table. She took a step towards the stairs before pausing and turning back to Gus.
Sure, Amity had seen what happened to Luz but...he was Luz’s friend, too. He and Willow were still her closest. And...well, she couldn’t help but feel guilty as she met his eyes.
Gus seemed to understand and smiled, sitting back down on the floor beside Willow.
“Go ahead,” He said, and Amity once again wondered how his emotions could almost flip on a dimel. “But I call seeing Luz next.” He said, looking back to the others with a joking glare that couldn’t frighten a squirrel.
“Yeah, good luck fighting for that.” Willow taunted, punching his arm as he yelped and gave a sheepish smile.
“Don’t break anything,” Amity warned, but smiled back as she nodded to her siblings and made her way to the stairs.
As she passed Eda, the witch reached out for her. Amity paused, watching her. Eda seemed to hesitate for a moment before patting her shoulder and moving away, towards where the rest of their family began to discuss who-knows-what, all the tension having left them.
Feeling a bit lighter, Amity made her way up the stairs.
She hung outside of Luz’s room for a moment, scuffing at the floor with her feet. She could hear shuffling and muffled voices through the door, and wondered the consequences of busting in when Viney was still packing up.
The door opened and Amity jumped. Viney stepped out, looking surprised for a moment before relaxing with a smile.
“You know, she was just asking to see you and the others.” She chuckled, re-situating her medical bag under her arm. “Try not to--never mind.”
Viney only shook her head as Amity pushe right by her, rushing into Luz’s room. Viney couldn’t blame her, and only shrugged and shut the door behind her.
Amity paused for a moment to take in the scene, suddenly remembering she probably should’ve mentally prepared herself better.
Luz was laying on her mattress Eda had upgraded her too, under a single sheet. She was laying on her back with one hand hanging off and brushing the floor. The other was situated on her stomach. She was still wearing her outfit from earlier, but her purple cloak had been discarded on the other side of the room, and Luz had been changed out of her surely bloodsoaked shirt. She wore one of her gray tank tops instead, and her eyes were partially closed.
For a brief, horrifying second, Amity was reminded of a corpse in an open casket.
That was, until Luz saw who had entered the room.
“Ami--” Luz’s gleeful cry was cut off by her hacking loudly, coughing as she sat up and pressed a hand to her throat.
“Are you okay?” Amity worried, rushing over and standing over Luz, reaching out a hand.
“Fine,” Luz wheezed, lifting her free hand to reassure Amity. “Voice is just gonna be off for a little while.” She said, her voice scratchy as she rubbed at her neck once before dropping her hand.
And once it moved away, Amity finally got to see the bandages wrapped tightly around her. True to Lilith’s word, they were much higher up than a typical throat-slit. On Luz, it was just below her chin, right where her neck met her head. Though it still didn’t stop Amity from wincing at the sight of the gauzes.
Luz noticed and deflated slightly. She attempted to shake it off and grabbed Amity’s hand, pulling it closer and encasing both of her hands over it. Which was an easy feat, considering they were noticeably bigger.
“I’m glad you're okay,” She said in her strained voice, looking up at Amity with a smile that the witch lingered on a moment too long to be natural.
“I’m not the one you should be worrying about,” Amity said, a little sternly as she pressed her ears back. “If anything, I should be saying that I’m glad you're okay.”
“Aw, you care.” Luz teased, sticking out her tongue. Amity gave her a half-hearted glare and she faltered, her smile falling along with her eyes.
“I just,” Luz swallowed, biting the inside of her cheek as she noticed Amity’s unease. “I’m--I remember what you looked like when I,” Luz hesitated, clearing her hoarse voice as a hole opened in Amity’s gut. “I...I was worried about you.” She mumbled, lowering her head.
Amity stared at Luz’s hunched form for a few moments. Then, tentatively, like she was expecting Luz to bolt, she lifted her other hand and stepped right to the edge of the bed. Luz spared a glimpse up as Amity wrapped her hand around Luz’s back and pulled her closer.
Luz drooped into her hold, thumping her head against Amity’s chest and squeezing her hand tighter. Amity lightly ran her hand through the hair at the base of Luz’s head, which she also rested her chin on and rocked subtly to the side, shutting her eyes.
They stayed like that for a while, letting the memories of the day roll over them before forcing it back, all in silence. Amity was sure Luz could tell she was fighting back crying again, and she knew Luz wasn’t as alright as she acted. Not from how her hands left her own and clutched tightly at the girls sides, pulling at her baggy shirt and pressing her face close.
“I was scared for you,” Luz finally broke the silence, her raspy, painful-sounding voice almost inaudible. “You looked like you’d seen the end of the world.”
“Well, I was certainly scared for you.” Amity said matter-of-factly, trying to cover up her disturbance at Luz having remembered more than she thought. “Don’t worry about it, I’m alright now.”
“That’s the worst lie I’ve ever heard in my life.”
“Oh, and you're a master at figuring out liars now?” Amity snarked, looking down at Luz and meeting Luz’s eyes, which were wonderfully normal and not full of panic.
“I’m good with you,” Luz said cheerfully in her stupid scratchy voice that Amity hated she kind of liked. “Your right ear moves when you lie, when you forget about it.”
Damnit. Edric and Emira had always remembered that tick of hers and Amity had learned to stop herself from flicking said ear whenever she was lying. But every now and again, she forgot.
“That proves nothing,” Amity said stiffly, turning her head away. “I move my ear when I’m annoyed all the time.” 
“That's your left ear,” Luz said with gleeful factuality. “I noticed.” She said proudly, giving Amity an expression like she’d solved a puzzle and was looking for praise.
“That you did,” Amity mumbled, ruffling Luz’s hair so it’d fall into her eyes. She needed to cut that sometime. “You're very annoying like that.”
“Too bad I’m your annoyance,” Luz teased, giving Amity a smug wink.
“Woe is me,” Amity said in a bleak voice, laying her head on Luz’s to hide the blush creeping up her face. “I’m going to be suffering for the rest of my days.”
“C’mon, I do that all on my own--” Luz broke off in a fit of coughs, doubling over and releasing Amity.
The witch stepped back, eyes flashing with fear as got to her knees beside the bed and laid her hand on Luz’s leg. She shoved down the helpless feeling she thought would’ve been gone by now as Luz coughed and rubbed at her bandaged neck.
“Sorry,” Luz wheezed, her fit finally calming down.
“It’s alright,” Amity said, her voice quiet as well. “You should rest your voice.”
“No, I-” Luz flinched, rubbing at her neck more before shaking her head. “I’m sorry for scaring you,” She rasped. “You said we had to leave, and I didn’t, and--”
“Hey, hey,” Amity chided softly, lifting to hold Luz’s free hand. “It was an accident, I don’t blame you. Nobody does.” 
“I know, but…” Luz sighed, her shoulders slumping. She leaned forward, lightly knocking her forehead against Amity’s as she closed her eyes for a second before opening them. She kept her eyes locked on where Amity was still holding her hand.
“I’m a mess,” Luz mumbled, stroking her thumb over the back of Amity’s hand. “And I should’ve...I dunno...I just…” She groaned and finally met Amity’s gaze. “I’m sorry. For a lot of things. And I wish that it,” She gestured around them with her other hand. “Didn’t end up like this. You know? This is a rebellion, I thought it’d be fun. They always make rebellions sound so cool and how you’d always escape them okay and be heroes.”
“So, Azura, then?” Amity lifted a brow.
“Don’t patronize me,” Luz huffed good-naturedly. “Look, I’m just...sorry. That I got hurt, that someone else could’ve gotten hurt, that you're stuck in this mess, that…” Luz muttered and blinked her eyes rapidly, like Amity somehow couldn’t see they were beginning to water. “God, I think I’m still high off those pain medications.” She groaned, covering her face with her hand.
Amity blinked before giving a small smile. She moved her head back slightly and raised her other hand, reaching out for Luz and cupping her cheek. Luz immediately leaned into it and slipped her hand off her face to hold Amity’s in its place.
“I’ve been stuck before,” She said, pointedly keeping her gaze away from Luz’s bandages. “And if this is your idea of stuck, then you better believe I’m not leaving.”
Luz gave a small half-smile, leaning further into her hand. Amity brushed her thump behind Luz’s eye, looking over her with mixed feelings. Luz wasn’t one to admit her fears so openly, and even Amity could tell how she tried to cover up her awkwardness at being open. Perhaps taking a page out of Luz’s book wasn’t a good idea, but she couldn't be bothered to worry about herself right then.
Amity leaned forward, catching Luz’s minor surprise for only a second before she placed a kiss on the side of Luz’s mouth, where a small scar went right over it. She remembered when Luz had gotten that scar, and she recalled how at the time it seemed like nothing more than an inconvenient cut. 
Amity pulled back only a moment later, almost snickering at the sight of Luz. She was flushed and looked like a deer in the--nope. Wrong analogy.
Amity hoped her quick cover-up smile was enough to make up for her sudden shift. 
Luz eventually reeled herself in and her expression shifted to that of a pout, letting her hand fall from Amity’s as she thumped her head on her girlfriends shoulder.
“Cheater,” She whined, her voice muffled.
Amity giggled, relaxing as she wrapped an arm around Luz and held her close. It was an awkward position, but she couldn’t find it in her to care.
She remained there for a moment, laying her cheek against Luz’s shoulder. She glanced to the side, looking over the bandages around her throat. And for a moment she saw just how deep that blade dug into the human’s skin.
“It’s going to scar over,” She found herself saying, feeling Luz stiffen in her arms. “Isn’t it?”
Luz was silent for a few moments, and in those moments Amity feared she shouldn’t have spoken. Luz had never been one to dislike her scars until...well, she’d gotten a rather nasty one from Eda she’d rather forget. But then Luz exhaled, sounding far more tired than she had been before.
“Yeah,” She croaked. “Viney said it would.”
“I’m sorry,” Amity murmured.
“It’s okay,” Luz said, resting her chin on Amity’s shoulder so she could be heard better. “This isn’t my first and it won’t be my last.”
Amity felt a chill at that line. She knew it wasn’t meant to be foreboding, only a small joke so she wouldn’t worry. Yet, it made her uneasy at how Luz brushed it off. And it was a small reminder that, even if Luz felt regret, she was still a naturally reckless person. And one day she’d be right back in her bed, covered in bandages and possibly in a worse condition than a hoarse voice.
“Luz,” Amity said, tightening her arms around the human. “I…”
Titan, what even was there to say? Don’t say that? You deserve better? I love you?
She wouldn’t get anywhere with any of those. And especially not the latter. There was too much going on already, and this was neither the time nor the place.
Amity squeezed her eyes shut and sighed before leaving her eyes half-lidded.
“Be careful,” She said instead. “If not for yourself, then for the others. You have no idea how scared we were.” She flicked her ears further down. “Don’t do anything overly stupid, okay?” She said, her voice hitching as she tried to cover it with a more teasing tone.
She could feel Luz swallow against her shoulder, shifting in her hold slightly.
“I’ll try,” She murmured.
And Amity supposed that was the best she could ask for.
“Also,” Luz started nervously. “Uh, not to rapidly change the subject,” Luz said, lifting her head slightly, her voice a bit more strained than before. “But your claws are kind of digging into my back…”
“Oh, right!” Amity squeaked and jerked back, sharply tugging her hands off of Luz and wincing when she felt her claws slide out of Luz’s shirt and skin. “Sorry, sorry,”
“I’ve had worse.” Luz chuckled, pulling away and giving Amity a mildly pained smile. “And as much as I love having you here,” Her eyes trailed somewhere behind Amity. “I think Gus is about to break something if this doesn’t hurry up.”
Amity turned around, confused. Sure enough, the door to the room was just barely cracked, and Gus could be seen pacing outside it. And Amity was willing to bet Willow was there, too.
“Seriously, guys?” Amity rolled her eyes, exasperated.
“We weren’t listening, I swear!” Gus insisted, pulling the door open further and poking his head in. “We weren’t even here that long!”
“Next time, you can just knock.” Amity grumbled, flicking her ear at Luz’s snickers behind her. 
“Eh, figured you’d tear our heads off if we did,” Willow said, pulling the door open further. “So, can we come in then?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Amity sighed, getting to her feet and brushing herself off. “Eda’s going to kill you if she finds out both of you were sneaking in at the same time.”
“Eh, I’ll probably be fine.” Luz shrugged, her voice scratching more as she clearly tried to hold back another cough.
“Get it out of your system,” Amity told her simply, deciding to push back her earlier turmoil as she turned back to the door. “You want me to cover for you two?”
“You and I both know it's going to take ages for you to finally go downstairs instead of hovering by the door.” Willow deadpanned. 
“This is bullying,” Amity complained as Gus and Willow walked in, with Gus instantly springing to Luz’s bedside and going off about some topic Amity was tuning out.
“Yeah, hurts, doesn’t it?” Willow said with a smirk, raising a brow as she passed Amity.
“...Touché,” Amity mumbled with an acknowledging nod.
Willow only shook her head and came up by the head of Luz’s bed, calmly watching as Gus talked a mile a minute, so much livelier than how he was mere hours ago. Amity stood back and watched, fiddling her hands together as Luz coughed and assured her friends she was fine and letting Gus continue his rambling.
Amity unconsciously rubbed her hand at her own throat before quickly dropping it again. She fiddled her hands together, feeling that her claws were still unsheathed. She pressed along her fingers, trying to coax her claws to sheath. It only somewhat worked, and she relented that her claws weren’t going to go away for a while.
Willow glanced over at her with a questioning look. Amity cringed at seeing her concern and gave a forced smile and nodded her head. She knew it didn’t convince Willow, but she didn’t push and turned back to Gus and Luz without further comment.
She’d always be worried about Luz, she decided as she watched said human listen to Gus and pointedly ignore the warning glances Willow gave her as she messed with her bandages. Luz would always be a handful, no matter how much she changed, she’d still be the human who had to learn as much magic as she could and the one who wouldn’t stand for an emperor like Belos. If nobody would do it, Luz sure as hell would.
And, as scared as she was to blink and suddenly see that blood on her hands again, she decided it was worth it. She’d never get used to it, not completely.
Amity could almost hear Willow calling her a hypocrite, because the more she thought about it, the more Amity began to realize that she’d likely do anything of Luz’s request to make her safer. Hell, she didn’t doubt she’d fight her own parents one-on-two if Luz asked nicely.
And while the thought of that terrified her, she couldn’t find the common sense to find a reason to stop herself, should it happen.
Perhaps that's just the impact Luz had on people.
Or maybe it was just Amity.
She couldn’t find it in her to care anymore.
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an-echos-thoughts · 4 years ago
Master post of all my aus so you and I can easily find them. If you want to see more about a specific one feel free to send an ask otherwise I probably will forget about them until a sporadic stroke of inspiration comes along.
#Watchers Three au
Joe hills, Zedaph, and Grian are all Watchers. Each of them are a different type of watcher and through reasons end up acting as rulers of hermitcraft and its previous worlds.
#Techno Raises Fundy au
Wilbur in grief after Sally died/left gives Fundy to Techno to raise as he has a stable income and he himself is a shapeshifter like Fundy.
#Two Birds of a Feather au
Grian was chosen by the Watchers to replace their third, who happens to be philza. After ending up in hermitcraft he heals, but ends up meeting philza later who never even knew he existed. A version exists where where TBoaF is the prequel to Bodyswap.
#The Bodyswap au
Grian and Techno swap bodies. Each has to deal with the other's life and the fallout if their previous actions. Two versions currently exist, the soulmate body swap and the angst oops my powers acted up and now I think I stole your son's body and killed him in the process.
#Hermit Eret au
Eret becomes a hermit and is adopted by mama Stress. A chill au cause Eret deserves some love and free hermit therapy.
#Demi-god Ranboo au
Ranboo ends up in Hermitcraft, the home of runners and exiles, and Xisuma and their fiance Etho ends up adopting them. Angst and the hermits taking care of their new merchants and child.
#Zedeath's Angel au
Zedaph is Death and adopts little ghostinnit as his new son and future angle of death. Philza panics on the background because he is a workaholic that just got forcefully retired after a couple millennia.
#Hermit Mom au
Ghostbur remembers his adventurer mom that promised to always come back to him. Only oneday she left and never came back. Too bad amnesia after death runs in the family and ZombieCleo has no interest in prying into the life of AliveCleo.
#Demon Dadpulse au
Impluse was Sapnap's demon dad after his moms died. Sadly both think the other is dead after an unfortunately timed summoning ritual.
#Bdubs Bloodvines au
The vines in the jungle in s5 of hc was an young Egg. Bdubs managed to break free from its control and it could never grow strong. Now Bdubs is trapped in Dsmp and has to survive until he can find away back home or doc gets him back. The hermits better hurry up though, the whispers of the bloody vines are getting louder.
#Cursed Princes au
Greek inspired fundywasfound. Both Fundy and George are princes cursed by the gods. Fundy starts to get jealous when his husband starts too spend too much time around George after he brought him home, his insecurities kick in. I want a happy ending goddammit so it will end with the blind hero, bless by the gods, and his two monster husbands, that was cursed by the gods, living out the cottagecore dream.
#Imortal Friends au
Etho and Phil are best friends and immortals who have very different ways of deal with their immortality.
#Ghost Hunter Techno au
Modernish au where Techno and the dream team plus Skeppy and Badboyhalo investigate haunted places on weekends. Techno can see and interacts with ghosts as his twin, Wilbur is one, but plays the skeptic. He is best friends with Skeppy. Both are dating Bad.
Some other potential aus
NPG in DSMP au
Slow and Unapologetic Redemption au
Gecko Tommy au
Changeling Fundy au
Unnamed mumbo adopts ranboo au
Watcher fundy
Hermitcraft is where herobrine goes to retire
Insomnia buddies gritho
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emptymasks · 4 years ago
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Not me realising that I’ve been posting all my art on Instagram and barely remembered to share any of it here. Because these drawings are all from November. Oops.
So what we have here is another Phantom of the Opera AU. Because that’s all I can make anymore. Inspired by the music video Peek-a-boo by Red Velvet and an idea given to me by @fallenidolandfalsefriend who suggested Raoul in a dress from that video which then grew into a whole AU with my sweet terrible Demon! Erik. His clothing is inspired by several BUCK-TICK costumes from the late 80s and early 90s as well as his hair, because why not let Erik be the blonde one this time. I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to writing out or drawing the entire story, but I do want to at least draw this Erik more because he’s fun. 
But basic tiny story snippet Raoul is brought in as a sacrifice for a group to summon Erik but whoops Erik quite likes this little human and doesn’t want to kill him nor does he appreciate Raoul being abducted and hurt and that the humans summoning Erik want to basically use him like a slave. So he escapes with Raoul, who reluctantly suggests his friend Christine’s apartment as a place to hide.
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dead-inside-cx · 5 years ago
Continuing my Villain Hawks au this takes place after the league meeting (I did my best to edit this but I wrote this on my phone and I'm not wearing my glasses so oops?) : So Dabi is hella confused as to why Hawks left him a feather but he doesnt burn no.
He keeps it and tels no one. He wants to know what the villain bird is planning, plus seeing his childhood friend again set off a lot of emotions.
He was surprised to know he had become a villain. He was the one person who he believed was a hero through and tbrough. A true hero.
One night he grabs the feather out and hes just twirling it in his fingers. He gently strokes the feather, he had forgotten how soft his feathers were.
He wasnt expecting Hawks to land minutes later at his window. "What the fuck!!?" Is all he says. Hawks is grinning. "You called?"
Dabi burns the feafher right then and there just to he a little shit. "I did not call you. Now piss off." Hawks pout but he leaves but of course he leaves another feather.
Dabi is thankful. While he didn't know what had happened to Hawks he was still the same goofball he always was.
A few days go by and Dabi kills another potential recruit. Turns out the guy was gonna betray Hawks group and that didnt sit right with Dabi.
He debated telling Hawks and just leaving it but he grabs the feather. "Can you hear me idiot? If so come here." Is all he says.
Hawks arrives a few minutes late "you summoned me?" Dabi looked at him unamused. "Are you a fucking demon or something? Or is this going to he stupid thing everything we meet?" Dabi asked. He ignored the way his heart skipped a beat when Hawks eyes lit up with pure excitement and joy.
"I can be whatever you want." Hawks winked. "And i was trying something new." Hawks shrugged. Dabi chooses to ignore that and tells him what happened.
He watches as Hawks goes from happy to insanely pissed. It was terrifying to Dabi, but also kinda hot? He expected Hawks to leave but instead he kicks thhe pile of ash that was once his own member.
"Hes ash, not gonna do much birdie." Dabi tells him and Hawks stares at him. Before he takes flight and goes to leave before stopping. It looks like he was going to calm down first.
Dabi isnt sure what to do so he walks up to Hawks and just grabs his hand giving it a squeeze. Being a soft boy. "Look dont make this a thing or whatever but I can take your mind off of it?" Dabi offered. "Eh he was piece of shit anyways but knowing my members could be spilling information to others. Its terrifying. I have UA students with me if they get found out before we finish what we need to. Well were fucked." Dabi was shocked.
He didnt expect any of that. Instead he just kisses Hawks. He didnt know why but he does and then they fuck. (I cant write smut sorry! But when I do it suckssss)
Anyways in the end Deku steals Bakugos gauntlets and gets chased around campus screaming. And Hawks finds it entertaining cause it got filmed by Shoto who instead of helping filmed the whole thing.
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ohcoolnice · 4 years ago
(For the fic title thingy)
Dangerously close to Hell
i’m gonna do tlh:D okay here it is: 
- an au fic where they’re not shadowhunters. but literally everything else is the same, down to the demon grandfather. let’s say it’s the early 1940s cause i’ve been doing a lot of research for my novel so it’s stuck in my head rn
- basically lucie gets this book on summoning demons and they’re all idiots so they laugh and they’re like “ha let’s try it out” 
- turns out, bad idea
- christopher (precious boy) gets super excited and starts setting it up and then he helps lucie do through with it and then  suddenly bursts into flames and they’re all screaming but christopher is like “IT WORKEEEEDDDD!!!!”
- they summon a demon, yes, (it’s jesse!) but they also accidentally summon a LOT of demons. 
- and basically the whole world is going into chaos now because they were dumb and they’re all like...oh. oh no. 
- turns out, this probably wouldn’t have worked if any one of them that wasn’t lucie or james had tried to summon the demons.
- a mess of a fic tbh i’d probably write something like this and waste all my time figuring out bits as i went (which is totally not how i do it anyways)
- Alastair walks in the minute everything goes to shit and he’s like wHaT tHe fUcK 
- he then immediatley stabs a demon with a fire poker and procedes to lecture all of them
- wait i want to write this
- stop wait i have so many ideas.
- brb gonna write a short
- wait i’ll write it later i’m gonna continue:
- so as Alistair is lecturing them basically the book is on the floor burning and the whole scene is like that gif where the guy walks in with the pizza and everything is on fire
- so AS he’s lecturing them someone says “hello?” and they’re all screaming and freaking out and Jesse is standing on the burning book and they’re all like....what. 
- and lucie freaks out and then Jesse freaks out cause they know eachtoher and she’s like...wait wtf. but he’s like...wait wtf. 
- and everyone’s like...wait. wtf. 
-outside there are demons just....everywhere
- so basically Jesse is like “y’all stupid or stmthn WHY would you summon demons why can’t you just spend your friday nights being NORMAL” and matthew just laughs like “HA normal? We really wish.” 
- and everyone just stares at him and he goes oops and sips from his flask and hides behind james.
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florafey · 5 years ago
Thoughts While Reading Crescent City - Part 1
I’m telling everyone right now that this is THE best book I have ever read. And I’ve read quite a few books in my menial lifespan. 
This will be multiple parts because the book is 800 pages and for the majority of that I was loosing my mind. Spoilers under the cut, of course. 
- Danika’s hair is dope as shit. I want it. Give it to me. 
- Thank the Lord Sarah finally decided to write an adult book, it’s about time her characters dropped the f-bomb
- Okay so Sabine can suck my ass, good to know
- This is...a lot of information for only thirty pages for I’m so soooo here for the worldbuilding
- The Pack of Devils is the toughest squad name ever and that’s a fact
- I don’t know how to feel about Connor...he seems a little basic...and I know enough to know that he isn’t in the book a lot...
- Sarah said Bryce has a fat ass lmaooo good for her
- Okay Bryce dumping her asshole boyfriend then stealing a bottle of win from the restaurant they were in on her way out is ICON STATUS
- oh shit
- oh no, Bryce, sweetie, oh no, oh no, oh no
- wait fuck okay uhhhhhh they dead well that’s where Connor goes I guess
- Okay Bryce knows how to kick ass in a party dress, no shoes and high out of her mind. I repeat my icon status statement 
- I got goosebumps when I was reading her scream the angel’s phone number because she didn’t know where they were
- I thought there was one bad bitch in this house(Bryce). It’s two (Bryce and Hunt). 
- The interaction between Hunt and Ruhn was hysterical despite everything going on around them. Can’t wait to see more of them
- Oh man, the trauma the traaaaaumaaaaaaaa
- Bryce being sassy to the two most powerful individuals in the city is a whole mood. She doesn’t give a shit and she’ll tell them to their faces
- Oh MICAH helloooooooooo heheheheheh
- Oh we love a good murder mystery, I just know Sarah is gonna catch my neck with this one. I mean it’s 800 pages long and they think they know who murdered Danika on page 131? Come on
- hm alright so both Bryce and Hunt’s bosses are a little assholey okay something to bond over, it’s a start
- Also, Hunt’s true name being Orion? Power move. I love it. Give it to me. 
- AHAAHAHHHAHAHAHAH waaaaaaaiiitttt how did Hunt Athalar break Ruhn Danaan’s nose? And Naomi calls it The Incident? I’m in tears, stupid fucking males
- ew okay FUCK the Autumn King. fuck him. in the ass
- This whole situation with Hunt watching over Bryce is going to be everything I ever needed in life. You know he’s going to end up living with her. We all know that. 
- “Bondage. Nice.” 
“Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.”
Hunt, baby she doesn’t care lmaoooo 
- awwwww Lehabah is the cutest I adore her. And Syrinx. He’s the cat I’ve always wanted
- Okay I kinda dig Declan and Flynn lol they’re definitely Older Brother’s Friends but I can tell their hearts are in the right place Sarah don’t do me dirty with them
- So Ruhn got his nose broken because Hunt was running his mouth at a fucking party and he managed to break a few of Hunt’s ribs but still got the shit rocked out of him, got it, got it, good to knowwww ahahahahahhahaha
- “Did you figure out what kind of demon did it?”
“Something that eats little princes for breakfast.”
“Blow me, Athalar.”
Boys, please 
- Oh, Bryce is good. Her fucking plan, I shoulda known
- The whole scene where she forces the satyr to sell her obsidian salt? I fell in love with her so Hunt doesn’t have to now
- I would like to make it clear that I have no clue if Bryce and Hunt are endgame, I’m currently only 210 pages in, but they fucking better beeeee
- Pleasantly surprised by the Viper Queen. Kind of a bad bitch, not gonna lie. Clearly a fashion icon. 
- Lehabah and I both have massive crushes on Hunt Athalar 
- AWWWWWWWW and Hunt flirts with Lehabah stop it you’re gonna kill her 
- Jesus 85 MILLION ?????? Hunt cost 85 MILLION gold marks ?????
- Hunt watches reality TV: confirmed 
- Good, they’re kinda friends now. We’re getting somewhere, this is good. Bryce realized she was super into Hunt’s voice and I quite honestly feel that 
- Sarah is really doing an excellent job highlighting the juxtaposition of Bryce and Hunt when they’re together. I’m a fan
- Oh sure, yes let’s summon a demon. Fuckin idiots
- It just hit me how little support Bryce has in her life right now. Like, in terms of friends. Danika is dead, the Pack of Devils are dead, she and her brother don’t get along. That’s heartbreaking
- Ah, I knew that angel Bryce saved would turn out to be important. She needs to throw that in Micah’s face the next time he’s being an asshole to Hunt
- Micah is still gorgeous though, oops
Read part 2 here
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rie · 5 years ago
Royed Soulmate AU’s
So I really don’t like what I drew for tofay and while I try to fix it/do something different I started thinking about a bunch of soulmate/soulbond AU’s! I am really hoping that it might encourage you guys to participate in Royed Month even if you don’t do art/fic writting or maybe you don’t have time for doing it rn. Any kind of submissions are accepted! Edits, AMV’s or even simple posts filled with headcanons/ideas! Let’s celebrate like a community and have fun together!
(Also all ideas are free to take if the somehow manage to inspire you)
1. Soulmate AU in which only after you meet you soulmate, reflective surfaces might show them instead of yourself for as long as both of you are being reflected in a surface. It also tends to happen more frequently the longer you are appart from each other. 
Maybe Ed wakes up one day and sees Mustang back on his bathroom mirror and everybody but Roy can see former Fullmetal Alchemist in freaking out in dragon pajamas.
Maybe it’s a CoS AU and they are both in two completely different universes when they learn they are soulmates!
Maybe Ed is about to marry Winry and he sees Mustang inebriated on his bathroom floor.
2. That one string of fate AU I already made art for. It’s just...destiny super aggresively trying to get them together. It starts when they meet but they both decide to ignore it and it’s okay at first because the string goes through walls and solid objects...but it keeps getting shorter and shorter as your feelings for each other grow and you can only be as far from each other as the string is long. (until you are honest about your feelings oops)
3. NOT A SOULMATE AU BUT. AU where Ed is a warlock?? wizard? magic person with summoning powers? And he holds Roy is the demon he is bonded to. LIKE HE PROMISED HIS SOUL TO ROY IN EXCHANGE FOR SOMETHING. Might be Al, might be power to defend his family. I just... want the extremely cheesy “You belong to me” line in thee middle of a fight I AM SCREAMING I SHOULD HAVE DRAWN THIS ONE.
4. It’s not a properly fleshed out one but, it should be mentioned: We need sentinel/guide AUs in this fandom. WE ARE STARVING. this is a friendly reminder to everybody that this trope exist and is great and also worderful and you should do something with it.
5. Guide Animal AU but Roy is, like, a cat. And Ed is a xerxian prince with a lion as his animal. The irony in this is that Ed is still super short.
6. Name in your wrist AU but is the regency era and they are both intending to marry somebody else.
7. Soulmate AU in which you stay as a ghost untill your soulmate dies so you can move on together. Your soulmate can and will 100% haunt you..
8. Modern AU + First words tatooed on your body AU. But Riza and/or Al and/or Winry are getting married and they meet in the bachellor(ette?) party and are just *really* drunk. So they spent the night together, get even more drunk and wake up married and going to the same wedding.
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general-mahamatra · 5 years ago
So I am the DM of what was initially a joke and is now a seriously fun AU that is
Newsies in an Infinite IKEA.
I felt like sharing them with y’all, but I’ll go ahead and toss everything under the line to keep this from being much clutter. But first, here are the characters (and their play-by!)
Davey: Cleric -- @musicals-and-zazz​ Race: Thief (Rogue) -- @alltherays​ Smalls: Bard -- @albert-eats-cookie-cake​ Specs: Cleric -- @snakeyboimusical​ Spot: Barbarian -- @sweeps-of-london​
Jed: Guard ?????: ?? ???????: ??
<Trust Levels>
?????: 65% (Medium) ???????: 32% (Low)
<Session One>
Welcome to the Infinite Ikea. As everyone knows, Ikea is massive and full of insane furniture and items with such weird names that if you tried to pronounce them, you’d summon a demon. But sometimes… sometimes it’s a bit too big. On the outside, it’s not that bad. It’s the size of a normal Ikea but with some exceptions. It is surrounded by a massive chain link fence and there is only one entrance: the main entrance. There are no garages for deliveries or side entrances for emergencies. There is only the massive door in the front of the building. Two men clad in black and holding guns stand on either side of the doors. You are huddled in the bushes outside of the fence. What will you do?
Spot, Smalls, and Specs try to enter IKEA through the front gate.
Spot and Specs insist upon needing to use the bathroom
Race is hella annoyed
Spot gets shot and killed by a guard
Return to the Beginning
Spot, Smalls, and Specs try to enter IKEA through the front gate
Smalls is on Spot’s shoulders it’s kinda cute
Spot asks if IKEA is open
Jed says “No”
They keep pressing that it’s open and Jed keeps saying no
With Jed distracted, Race climbs the fence and manages to sneak around behind the guards
Of course, Race was extra when he climbed the fence and flipped off of it. Style points.
Spot puts down Smalls and tries to go pee in a bush but he just kinda... he doesn’t pee
Race sneaks up behind Guard 2 and elbows him in the back of the head
Guard 2 falls pretty hard and hits his head on the cement, knocking him out
Race tries to do it again to Jed but just ends up tapping him on the back
Jed turns around and stares at Race, asking "How the fuck did you get in here?", trailing off when he sees his unconscious buddy. When he notices, he takes the defensive and swings his gun, hitting Race in the head. 
Race took 5 damage
Race tries to lie and say he works at the IKEA
Smalls tries to play their kazoo to distract Jed
The kazoo distracts Jed and he doesn’t notice Spot climbing over the fence
Specs tries to climb the fence as well but gets caught on the chain link. His shirt starts to rip but he pulls himself free and gets over
Spot tries to go after Jed and take him out
Spot barely missed Jed, his attack just swiping by the guard
Smalls keeps trying to distract the guard
Jed is still pretty distracted but is just aware enough to swing at Spot. Only Jed fails miserably and ends up shooting himself in the leg
Race gets back to his feet but is whining like a little bitch in pain. He swings for Jed, as does Spot
Neither land hits and Jed swings for Spot again but his attempt was feeble and he missed by at least two feet
Smalls pulls out their Otamatone to distract Jed even more
It works and Jed gains disadvantage
Specs swings for Jed and lands a hit
Jed took 2 damage
Spot tries to disarm Jed and take his gun
Jed, some how holy mother of God, dodges out of the was of Spot and keeps his gun
it’s really important to me that i just share this with you guys. these were the two rolls for jed with disadvantage in order to keep his gun. (spot rolled an 18)
Tumblr media
okay let’s continue
Race tries to swing at Jed with a knife
Race fuckin’ missed like RIP dude
Specs tries to disarm Jed since Spot failed
Specs is successful and the gun goes flying
Race tries to punch Jed in the head but misses like the little bitch he is
Specs also tries to punch Jed in the head but his punch misses so badly and it had so much force behind it that it sent Specs flying with his own momentum
Smalls tries to politely ask to get through to avoid the violence: "can i please go through pretty please with a cherry on top of a banana sundae" 
Jed says “No, you cannot”
Spot tries to put Jed in a chokehold and it works
Specs tries to kick Jed in the gut and the hit lands
Jed took 3 damage
Smalls politely asks to get through again: "if you let me through you will be the literal best-"
It works perfectly. "I mean, sure, why not. It's not going to be my fault when you guys die."
The group questions why they would die, Jed simply says "No one comes back out. Go before I change my mind."
Spot grabs the discarded gun (AK - 103) and somehow puts it in his backpack. Magic backpack
The group enters the IKEA
When the group goes inside, they are greeted by a pitch black IKEA. The only light source they have is the doors behind them casting the bright LED light onto the cash registers before them. Everything was completely empty and eerie.
The group tries to find a light switch but do not find one
Smalls lights a piece of paper on fire and they are able to see a little bit more
Specs does a cartwheel for no reason and falls halfway through, hitting his head on the floor
Specs took 2 damage
The group bickers while Spot tries to search for useful stuff
Spot finds half a roll of one-ply toilet paper and an IKEA hat
Specs follows suit and does the same
Specs finds half a roll of one-ply toilet paper and a little party hat
Race is a bit more suspicious but explores as well
Race finds a children's book titled ‘Good Night Moon’ and a pile of small bones
Race questions the group on who they are, they start to bicker some more
Race is recognized as a popular TikTok creator by Specs and Smalls. Davey and Spot have no idea who he is
They all introduce themselves
Davey takes the lead so the group can explore
When the group begins to wander away from the front door, the IKEA seems to grow darker. Soon enough the light source fades away and all they have is the quickly dwindling flame from Smalls. Spot gets the urge to try and go back.
Spot tries to go back and find an exit despite the protests of the group (Smalls is back on Spot’s shoulders by this time)
When Spot rounds the corner they just came from, instead of finding the front doors he comes face to face with more pitch black. But, because he had Smalls with him, he could see it was just isles of pots and pans. The front doors were gone.
Davey joins the two
Spot panics because the front entrance is now gone
Specs tries to stay behind but gets yelled at by Race and joins them
The group bickers about where the exit is supposed to be and how Spot must’ve taken a wrong turn
Everyone hears the faint voice of someone though they can't understand what they're saying. Davey, though, hears something along the lines of "The store -- exit  -- building"
Everyone stops to listen to the faint voices 
Race asks what it said and Davey repeats the chopped up dialogue
Spot shouts at the voice for it to speak up
"The store -- exit  -- building" It was a bit louder this time.
The group starts to be iffy, commenting about how they’re being stalked
"The store -- closed, please exit  -- building"
Race gets angry and shouts back at the voice
"The store -- closed, please exit  -- building"
Specs comments about it possibly being a labyrinth
Checkpoint 1
The group agrees to try and find and exit
Spot thinks the voice is friendly
Race hears a voice that tells him to “Run” and he grows anxious, insisting that the group needs to run
The voice keeps repeating itself over and over, growing louder as the group stands around and argues about what to do. Some want to run while others want to stay.
Race’s panic and insistence on running starts to freak out the other group members
"The store is currently closed, please exit the building"
Davey yells at it to shut up
Davey hears the voice that Race did telling him to “Shut up, it hears you”
Davey is now freaked out and tries to silence the other group members
Race keeps trying to convince the rest of the group to run because he’s a scared little bitch
"The store is currently closed, please exit the building" The voice is much closer now, almost as if it's around the corner.
Davey keeps telling people to shut up because goddamn, Spot doesn’t know how to be quiet
Race hears the voice telling him to run again he screams and books it into the darkness
Davey and Spot chase after Race (after Spot set Smalls down)
Spot tells Davey to stay with Smalls
Davey goes back
Race is terrified and insists that they need to leave and Spot just kinda picks him up
Oh yeah they basically switched heights in this lol
"The store is currently closed, please exit the building"
The rest of the group joins Spot and Race
"The store is currently closed, please exit the building"  "Please exit the building, we are now closed." There's two voices now.
Spot sets Race down but Race panics more and grabs Spot
"The store is currently closed, please exit the building" "Please exit the building, we are now closed."
Everyone books it
When the group takes off, two figures round the corner, the voices coming directly from them. One was tall...at least, its torso was. It had to be seven feet tall, its hands stretching all the way down to its knees. Of all of its height, his legs were only two feet. Its hands were the size of melons and its skin was white. And its face? There was nothing. It was flat and voice of all features. The other one was just as tall but more legs than torso. It looked vaguely more human than the other but with hands just as big and a bit wider. Both of them were dressed like IKEA workers. "The store is currently closed, please exit the building" "Please exit the building, we are now closed."
The group stops running and Race continues to panic like wtf he’s such scaredy cat. Smalls is literally just playing on Spot’s switch right now in Specs’ arms while everything is happening.
The voice Davey and Race could hear is loud enough for everyone to hear now. It whisper-yells, "RUN!"
The group listens and runs again
The humanoid figures faded behind the corner but one of them snapped their head in the direction of the group. "The store is currently closed, please exit the building" "Please exit the building, we are now closed."
Davey tells everyone to shut up again as if that’s gonna be any help
Race runs into a shelf
Specs makes fun of him
Davey forces Race to keep moving
The sounds of pounding footsteps came up behind them: the humanoids were running.
Spot stops running and instead charges at the humanoid workers, screaming at the top of his lungs with a frying pan. Who knows where he got it cause I don’t 
Race screams so much he's literally like a little girl but he manages to muffle it and grabs onto Davey for dear life
Specs grabs a castiron skillet
Another large figure jumped down from one of the shelves, landing squarely on the mostly torso humanoid on all fours. No one could make out what creature it was, but one of the humanoids were down. The other kept charging the group. "Please exit the building, we are now closed."
Spot and Davey each try to attack the IKEAN but miss
The IKEAN misses its attack on Spot as well
Specs and Race both try to attack as well, both of them missing
Spot was close with his next attack but the IKEAN dodged out of the way just in time
Davey misses
The IKEAN misses Spot again
Specs aims for the IKEAN’s head with his skillet
Specs hits
IKEAN took 1 damage
Race misses
Spot misses
Davey finds a pan lying around and tries to hit the IKEAN with the pan
Davey hits
IKEAN took 3 damage
The IKEAN turns on Davey and swings at him
It hits
Davey took 4 damage
Specs lands another hit with a different pan
IKEAN took 3 damage
Race tries to swipe at the humanoid’s throat with his knife
Race completely misses and the humanoid actually swats him away, sending him sailing back towards where the creature is tearing into the other humanoid
Spot attacks the IKEAN again
Spot hits
IKEAN took 5 damage
Davey lands another hit
IKEAN took 6 damage
Specs successfully hits the IKEAN again
IKEAN took 3 damage
Spot missed again, just barely missing the humanoid
Davey missed again
The IKEAN misses Spot again
Whatever was mauling the other humanoid seemed to be barely paying attention. In fact, it barely registered that one of the humanoids arms got flung at Race who was now only a couple feet away.
Race is SHOOK TM and stares at the creature
The creature looked up, green, cat-like eyes somehow barely reflecting the light from Smalls' fire. When it made eye contact with Race, it darted away, disappearing in the dark and leaving the dead humanoid.
Race tries to communicate with the creature but it’s gone by the time he talks
Spot is running around the IKEAN making it dizzy and look stupid
The voice comes back to Race. It says: “Run. Run while you can.”
The voice is then with Spot. “Aim for the neck.”
Spot gains advantage for the rest of the battle
Spot honestly just sucks and still can’t hit the IKEAN
Race is about to run
A pair of hands press against Race’s back and whispers to him, “Not yet.”
Spot jumps on the IKEAN’s back
Spot grabs it by the collar of it's shirt, riding it like a beautiful fucking horse, and hitting it with reckless abandon
Spot is basically just playing the drums though and the IKEAN throws him off
Davey throws another pan and it hits
IKEAN took 1 damage
From somewhere in the shelves, an arrow comes flying and lodges itself directly in the skull of the humanoid. It stops flailing around and stops talking in that kind voice before falling to the ground with a thud.
Checkpoint 2
Spot is on the ground just dying like damn son
Davey is running around asking if anyone needs healing
No, there is no Genji
Spot makes some clever comments and breaks the fourth wall
Race is all “What the fuck is that thing?” About the dead IKEAN
The arrow appears to be made out of some sort of stainless steel attached to some sort of wooden dowel. The feathers on the end weren't even feathers, instead crude pieces of paper somehow attached to the wood. It was clear through the thing's head.
Davey take the arrow
A weird goopy residue covers the entire arrow. It's also sticky and white have fun.
Spot kicks the IKEAN’s body
Race begins to wonder if it means someone is on their side. “But this means someone else is on our side, right?”
Davey questions who else could possibly be there. "Who would come in this hellhole? Other than us, because you're all idiots."
An arrow thunked into a box on a shelf right next to Smalls who probably didn't react.
Spot immediately grabs Smalls and protects them
Davey and Race are really suspicious about the arrows
As Race glanced towards the arrow, the same set of green cat eyes appears behind Smalls.
Spot pulls Smalls away and stares at the eyes
The eyes turn towards Spot, staring for a few seconds before closing and disappearing.
Davey and Race try to figure out what to do when the voice returns and says “Hide.”
Davey suggests they climb and they do
First, Spot tries to grab the arrow and follow the eyes but the arrow is gone and the eyes too
The group brushes it off and climbs higher into the shelves
Race is short and gets a boost from Davey and Spot pulls him up
Another arrow lands near them, this time nearly hitting Spot and jamming into another box.
Davey grabs the arrow and examines it
In the metal arrow tip, there was an engraving: J.K.
They make it to the top and sit around using the small flame for a light as well as Spot’s switch
Davey brings this to the attention of the group
Spot thinks it’s J.K. Rowling
It’s not
Davey hands Race the arrow
The eyes appear behind Race, almost as if looking at the arrow.
The group reacts quickly, Spot grabbing Race, Race squeaking and panicking, and Davey being confused because he’s blind or something
They talk to the eyes, learning that the voice belongs to them
The group learns that whoever the eyes belong to knows one of the members 
Davey tries to ask for its name but gets no straight answer
“You don’t know me.” It was a statement of fact, not a question. “You never did.”
Davey asks if it knows who J.K. is
“A friend.”
Davey questions if the eyes want the arrow. It does.
Davey: "I don't mean to be rude, but why are you talking to us? We're not exactly useful."
The eyes narrowed but no more questions came. A hand reached out from behind Race to grab the arrow but they missed because Race happened to move it. It didn't answer Davey.
The group notices and Race squeaks like a little mouse again
The very human-like hand quickly pulled back, retreating into the darkness.
Spot is weirdly entranced in the cat eyes it’s pretty funny
Race asks what the eyes want and they reply with “Nothing.”
Davey figures out it’s lying
The eyes don’t tell the truth
Race: “We were being shot at ten seconds ago! I think we deserve some answers!” 
Another arrow landed in the box next to Race, all while the eyes stared at him. It had the same carving as the arrow Davey had.
Davey tries to make a deal with the eyes where they keep one arrow and give the other to the eyes
It fails
The eyes need them both
They come up with another deal
The two arrows for help and trust
The eyes ask how old everyone is and quickly starts to grow confused
Davey is 19
Race is 16 (Lied about being 18 but the eyes knew it was a lie)
Specs is 19
Smalls and Spot don’t answer
The eyes glanced around at the group, narrowing slightly. The voice seemed to have soften, a more human voice with confusion poking through. “That can’t be right.”
The group was confused
“You should be younger...” The hand took the arrow from Race without any hesitation and then the arrow from Davey.
Davey asks for the voice’s pronouns. They eyes don’t care.
The eyes disappeared
The group bickers some more
Spot tries to climb back down into the store
A hand grabs spot by the back of the shirt, reaching out from the darkness. “Don’t go down.”
Spot complains and asks why
“Be quiet and listen.” If they're quiet, the members can hear another faint voice of a worker.
The group goes quiet and listens and Race is a whiny little child and wants to go home
The slow thud of heavy footsteps passed below them. If they looked, they would see another white humanoid in an IKEA uniform.
The group is :o
The hand let go of Spot once the humanoid was gone. “Never go down in the dark.”
The group learns about the day and night cycle
"You stop telling time when you've been here this long."
Specs: "Is there anything we can use to tell how much time has passed, like if those things walk by on an hourly basis?"
"There is no rhyme or reason."
A small cat darts into the light illuminating the group. Green eyes gaze up at Davey. “You.” Yes, its mouth moved.
Davey: "Me?"
"What is your name."
Davey tells the cat his name.
The cat turned towards Race, its tail flicking. Its ginger fur seemed to stand out in the light of the flickering flame; an orange tabby. “And you?”
The cat makes its way around the group, its large green eyes illuminated by the light, just as piercing as the ones that followed the group around.
When the cat gets to Spot, Spot has a counter
Spot refuses to tell the cat his name unless he gets a name from the cat
The cat slithered back into the darkness, returning to a pair of eyes that were definitely far to high up to be right. “Why should I tell you?”
Spot: "Well, if you want my name so bad, I'd only be fair if I knew yours."  
The voice went silent for a bit before finally saying, “Talon.”
<End of Session One>
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