#one thing about me. it WILL be tagged klance art even if its just one of them because the keith is implied
vldlance · 4 months
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wait, hunk told me i had to take a picture--
hurry up! i wanna swim!
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
this is a genuine question. i am fully in favor of ao3 and the discourse around it makes my head hurt. but the argument that ao3 should add a warning for racism always felt like a good one to me. as much as i love the site and think antis are stupid thats the one point they have that I've never found a single good argument against, i feel like we should agree with them on that one honestly 😭
Part of the disagreement has to do with how warnings actually work vs. how people imagine they work.
How AO3 "archive warnings" are often seen:
Top most important warnings that we absolutely have to have for trigger reasons. These are the things we think are most serious.
What AO3 archive warnings actually are:
A short list of things that are very common, yes, but more important, that are highly enforceable. That's why 'dubcon', which is almost as requested as 'noncon' is not an archive warning but only an additional tag.
Archive warning = the abuse committee fields cases involving this tag, not "this is the most important warning".
However, I do agree that site structure shows our values. I have mixed feelings about adding this warning as a PR thing.
What the warning is supposed to do:
Racists often don't know they're racist and/or are malicious, so they won't add it themselves, but other fans can report a racist fic, and the Abuse committee will add the warning.
What will actually happen:
A lot of people will grudge-report each other's fics. The Abuse committee, which has been chronically understaffed for the entirety of AO3's history will get so backed up they take a year to rule on cases. Either a bunch of POC are forced to look at racism all day for no pay, or a bunch of white people are ruling on cases, also for no pay.
Most cases will be Klance fans reporting Sheith fics for existing, or the equivalent.
Many cases will be reporting POC who are exploring issues highly personal to them and either disagree with the reporter on the uses of art or who just aren't very good writers and failed at what they were attempting to convey. Nonwhite fans and fics centering nonwhite characters will be held to a higher standard, while fics about two white guys that ignore that nonwhite people even exist will get a pass unless they use slurs or something.
Now, I'm sure people will assume that's a strawman, but as someone who many years ago helmed the Abuse committee and who has lived through decades of fandom wank, I can tell you that any rule where you can report people to site management will be misused constantly, egregiously, and viciously.
AO3 has enough trouble handling harassment cases right now. Adding a whole other set of content policing, especially content policing that is relatively more ambiguous and that requires more cultural knowledge than "Does this story contain major character death" is a mess from a logistical standpoint. If and when OTW can pay its Abuse staffers and have like 10x the number they have now, I may feel differently. We are not close to that day.
The other problem is that unless this warning functions radically differently from how AO3 does now, people will just use CNTW as an ass-covering measure. If it is exempted from CNTW, that creates a whole other set of issues in terms of confidence in the archive living up to its mission.
Basically, in the form this warning is likely to take, it won't actually serve to label racist fic or make it more avoidable, so adding it would be a PR move.
Pros to adding it as a PR thing:
It would mean OTW taking a public anti-racist stance.
Cons to adding it as a PR thing:
Did you actually appreciate all those corporations with their hollow BLM emails and tweets? It was a bunch of hot air with zero useful action. One fear I've seen expressed is that OTW could add this warning and decide they'd done their part and stop there.
There are some fears that adding this tag would have a chilling effect on the participation of non-US fans, nonnative speakers of English, and fans writing nonwhite characters in general. How valid these fears are is debatable.
Regardless, there are tangible anti-racist actions OTW can take that will be far more useful, and they are taking them. These consist of building blocking features so that fans can avoid content or people they don't want to interact with.
Many people would like OTW to keep focusing on those features and not waste time on this largely symbolic gesture.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
For the ask meme <333
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omg aww @lauwrite1225 @fleurdufeu ty all for the asks!!! also @faeratil bold of you to assume you can retract your challenge just like that, watch me do all of them anyway
A: Ships/platonic pairings that you currently like a lot ok so thanks to @potatoesforsamoo i am simping on main for steven stone and flannery from pokemon which is such an obscure ship but she writes amazing fic for them!! i also love twiyor from spy x family rn! as for platonic pairings i'm obsessed with literally everyone in major. the father-son relationships in that show are EVERYTHING and i love the friendship dynamics so much. in my head i've written over 1 million words of meta about them
B: A pairing that you initially didn't consider, but someone changed your mind franky/nightfall from spy x family... i was a yuri/nightfall shipper for a while bc i thought it would be comedic and hilarious but i saw some art of franky and fiona and honestly it would be the FUNNIEST thing if he had a crush on her. they would be like fix-it felix and sergeant calhoun from wreck-it ralph if they were a couple i think. and i love it
C: A ship you have never liked and probably never will sheith i guess?? i'm trying to think of ships from fandoms im actively in but not sure. anyway yeah whenever i see sheith i'm like ew. not even bc of their familial dynamic, like i don't care who ppl ship or anything go ahead and ship them all you like i just cant see them together. it makes my blood boil for no reason at all. it might be bc i ship klance or smth idk i'm gross
D: A pairing you wish you liked but just can't i guess all the thomas ships in downton abbey but i just don't Like thomas that much and im not very interested in his subplots sorry... it seems like everyone who stans thomas is having a genuinely good time tho and i wish i could be one of them bc im starved for good fic in the dabbey fandom :(
E: Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? how easily you forget all the memes i made for tlk lmao... as for my current fandom i made this thread summarizing the entire plot of major through memes bc watching the anime made me so mentally ill. if u actually click on the second link tho don't read the tags i beg you... i thirstposted in there and it was bad
F: What's the longest you've ever been in a fandom? i've been in the fullmetal alchemist fandom for going on 8 years now and it's been pretty good. after that i was in the man from uncle fandom for 3 years or so
G: Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? gee it was so long ago but i believe the first ships i ever actually shipped were like kimron and drakkgo from kim possible. the first ship i actually consumed content for was either shirogane and ichigo from tokyo mew mew or yullen from d-gray man i think. if we're talking actual brainrot otps tho then it was stony jdkfsjskfds
H: What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff? oh anime 100%! i watch so much anime its a wonder i haven't magically turned into an anime character already
I: Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? h*zbin h*tel bc the fandom was toxic as fuck and the show is actually so, so evil...
J: Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr duh it's the gay pirate show and the vampire book club... i'm not in them but they ARE all over tumblr so i have to think about them obviously
L: Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves ugh... ok aethelwold WAS admittedly really funny sometimes. i hated him but he made me laugh and sometimes i miss the levity he brought to a scene with just his overall existence
M: Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend alice from major!!! she's just so cute and i think we would get along super well i love her <3
N: Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom content, content, and more content. the major fandom is a barren wasteland i hate it here
O: Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? the first song to come on was if u seek amy by britney spears... idk why but it reminds me of junior from major bc i think he would have the trashiest white girl taste in music i just know he would be belting out an impeccable falsetto in his fancy jag while bumping his hand on the steering wheel. i know it
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas) courtesy of ro i am still thinking about a major au where gibson adopts goro and raises him and junior together with momoko after shigeharu's death to atone for his mistakes. i just want gibson to be a father figure is that so wrong
Q: A fandom you’ve abandoned and why there are a lot of them so i can't really give one answer but like i said, the h*zbin h*tel fandom is so toxic i will never go back
R: Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? GIBSON AND GORO ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME!!!! despite their history there was never any lingering hostility or anything between them. they respected each other so much and took so much inspiration from one another and grew as people because of it. like gibson had been so arrogant and almost selfish in his debut eps but he transformed thanks to goro's influence and became such a humble and selfless person like even when he was dying he never put himself first. it was all about keeping his promise to goro, and making up for lost time with junior, and upholding the pride of his country, even if it meant putting his life on the line to do so. and in the last arc of season 5 we saw how he touched the hearts of fans all around the world with his resolve and i think it's so so beautiful
S: Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged) major au where no one dies and everyone is happy that's my personal headcanon right there. bc if shigeharu had lived i actually think he and gibson had such potential for a rivals to besties dynamic like it was all there. in my heart shigeharu lived and he and gibson became reluctant carpool buddies during the little league arc. i just really wish they had been friends that's it. nothing else to see here
T: Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? toshi is so in love with goro it's not even up for debate he is in LOVE with goro!!!! also i think goro and alice dated for a little bit. i just need it to be true
U: Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites roy mustang from fma/b, jaime lannister from game of thrones, and joe gibson from major. they're all war criminals (only emotionally in gibson's case) who are traumatized by the sins of their pasts but later redeemed themselves through their actions thanks to an excellently-written character development arc (in the case of jaime, this was all erased at the last minute. thank you d&d for your service)
V: Which character do you relate to most? KAORU MY BELOVED!!! i too am a spaz who loves sports but can't be normal if her life depended on it and i for one would LOVE to be goro's girlfriend so if she would just hand him over please <3
W: A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom i hate breakup+makeup/divorce+get back together aus i just can't stand the relationship drama smh
X: A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom slow burn mutual pining gets me every time its so basic. but if we are being oddly specific here then it's when a character who's the last person you would imagine to be competent in this type of situation is actually terrifyingly competent and you are So Confused and a little turned on right now like who is this and what have they done with [insert character here]
Y: What are your secondhand fandoms? succession, yuri on ice, she-ra reboot, attack on titan, mdzs and tgcf, and riverdale
Z: Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! uhhhhhh i guess with the new pjo adaptation i'm a bit concerned with alleged racism in fandom spaces now?? so many people are up in arms about annabeth's casting like "you're racist if you don't support this casting!!" like it's not that we don't support it? i love that annabeth will be black in the show! it's great! but... in the books and the movie... she is still... a white character... and maybe... it's not so bad... if people PREFER the books and the movie... so they continue to think of annabeth as a white character as a result... like, it's not erasing black annabeth at all! it's just they will continue to think of annabeth as white bc it's the annabeth they know and love! either way, the character is still annabeth! same source material and everything! anyway that's it, people will probably come after me for this but i just wanted to say it :/
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paunchsalazar · 5 years
What are your top 5 favorite ships? (from any fandom)
oh man... i guess I post a lot of shippy art bc it’s easier for me to come up w interactions?? i but I don’t really feel like I ship things that often? or at least not seriously. there are a lot of ships where i’m like ‘yeah that’s cool, i’m down for that’ but i don’t think about all the time... but the ones that i do i suppose I ship them quite thoroughly?? often the marker is if i make a folder and on one particular occasion a powerpoint..
it’s hard to say because some of them I’ve shipped forever, like as long as I can remember (mostly the DC ones) and some are more recent but they came in a big flood of content
I don’t know if I could put them in any particular order but my top 5 would probably be...
-Nightwing/Robin and Starfire/Dick Grayson and Koriand’r ... i’ve loved them since July 26, 2003 when the Sisters episode of Teen Titans aired and continued to love them in every bit of media since
-Kirishima and Bakugou - newer in comparison but... they make so much sense to me!! and they’re so darn cute, romantic or otherwise they’re so special to one another and it makes me happy! i actually didn’t think anything of it when i was reading the manga and then I got around chapter 90 and it was my favorite part and the ship was kinda in the back of my head but I was like am I just reaching?? i was so excited i was looking through tumblr just in general and i saw the tag and I was like oh??? people ship this? huh. and then i looked back through the manga and started watching the show and i was like shit... i see it 
- Leorio and Kurapika - i distinctly remember texting my friend a few episode into HxH and being like “i get such a married couple feel from these two, am i insane? Am I completely reaching?” and they were like oh honey... let me tell you
- Viktor/Victor and Yuuri/Yuri!! even though its been forever Yuri on Ice was the first anime I ever watched (though there was definitely toonami stuff and films in my youth but I didn’t know that it was ‘anime’ which I think is a stupid distinction anyway, but Yuri on Ice was the first one I ever sought out on my own and like... watched with subtitles I think???)
-HA I actually forgot for a sec bc I don’t know if this still holds but... I really really like(d)  Klance and still think they have a sweet and interesting dynamic and a lot of potential but that one’s kinda got this bummer vibe surrounding it now.. i still love them though.. they have crazy chemistry
I also want to say
- Batman and Catwoman/Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle it’s strange bc aside from Dickkory these ships aren’t technically canon?? even if there’s a lot to speak to. Batcat is such a given I don’t always think about it??? if that makes any sense? but when I do it’s familiar and feels right
 then there are a bunch that kinda flare up (like an infection???) if I rewatch something or see old art or just think about things again, even if it’s been forever! they will always have a place in my heart
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blayzez · 6 years
So I recently rewatched Voltron s1e01 - The Rise of Voltron to compile screenshots of my favorite Lances of that episode, as I believe that episode animated him BEAUTIFULLY while the rest of the series tends to make him more off-model than any other character (don't deny it, you know it in your heart it's true).
Anyway, while doing that, I made a few... observations. As per the usual with pilot episodes, a lot was packed into this episode. Some of it probably seemed pretty throw-away, early season stuff that won't really make reappearances in the future. However, I am seeing some stuff that actually DID reappear -- sometimes late in the series. I am referring to these as planted seeds; these seeds were planted in the very first episode, but some of them are just late bloomers.
So I have decided to make a meta about this. I want to point out the different seeds that were planted in this episode and when they actually bloom later in the series. Keep in mind that some of these are very obvious and stuff that everyone knows, but I feel they should be here for reasons I'll explain later (and just to have these seeds in a nice compilation).
I have nothing against ANY ship. While I don't ship many things myself in this show, I'm not against the ships people have for this show, regardless of what those ships are. That said, my confidence in the endgame ship is Klance, and as such, other Lance- and Keith-related ships may not be shown in the best light in this post as one of the points I make in this meta is WHY I believe Klance will be endgame. I will not use the full ship names other than Klance so that this post will stay out of the tags of those ships. THAT said, know that I do not find the ships I'm trying to disprove unhealthy, wrong, or bad in any way, I just don't believe they'll be endgame. Please go into this with an open mind.
All that said, let's get this show on the road!
I am starting with the most obvious and well-known seed:
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Okay, we all know about this one. Pidge being iffy about the Kerberos mission, eventually revealing to Shiro that the two people who accompanied him on the Kerberos mission were her father and brother, showing us that she desires ro find them in space. We all know this, the show has beaten us over the head with her arc repeatedly. Still, this seed was planted in this first episode and so it warrants mentioning. It's also noteworthy that this seed did not fully bloom until season 7 -- one season away from the finale season. This is important, but I will get to it later.
Onto the next one!
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Another obvious seed. Allura's insecurities as well as her expectations of herself and the Voltron crew to carry her father's legacy. This seed is still growing and got a lot of focus in seasons 5 and 6, where it bloomed the most. This is a seed that I don't think CAN blossom until the series is complete, though, as bringing peace to the universe is how Allura and Voltron can fulfill her father's legacy. Not much to say here, just posting it for prosperity's sake and to show that, like most of the seeds on this list, this seed did not/will not fully blossom until the very end as well as the fact that it's something we see throughout the show and does not get ignored.
As for this next one:
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I hesitated to add this one because it is a bit of a reach. After deliberating, I decided it was worth adding in.
So Allura was integral in Pidge's season 1 arc regarding Pidge's identity. I've noticed that Pidge seems to be reciprocating come season 7 -- Allura helped Pidge by trying to get her to admit to her true self but also keeping it a secret and letting Pidge be to one to reveal it, and now Pidge is Allura's MVP in getting back the castleship.
Allura is impressed by Pidge in this scene. This is actually Allura's first impression of Pidge, as Pidge didn't say much before now. And her first impression of her is that Pidge is extremely intelligent and has a mind that can be relied on. I think it's possible this is a seed that is sprouting now in season 7, when Allura is relying on the intellect of Pidge and Pidge's family get back a piece of Alfor's legacy -- the Castle of Lions. Allura even eluded to this in The Feud, when she chose Pidge to leave the game show and said it was because Pidge and her family have the best chance of finishing what Alfor started. And that started right here in this scene, I think.
So, next seed:
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This is a small seed, and an unexpected one. I've always viewed Iverson as a jerk and thought this scene no different. Fresh off the heels of season 7, I rewatch this scene and realize how... honestly concerned Iverson sounds. He doesn't sound angry or too business-like or gruff, he sounds concerned and confused and seems to actually have Shiro's well-being in mind when he requests they put Shiro under. His voice, especially when compared to how he spoke to the Garrison Trio, is softer and hints that he really isn't as bad a guy as we've all pegged him to be. Come season 7 and we see how right that actually is. He ISN'T a bad guy; he's a strict guy, yes, but he has everyone's best interests at heart and honestly feels gutted when that entire crew is wiped out.
I know that was a small seed, but it still counts. Next seed, ahoy:
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This explains a lot regarding Allura's connections to the lions, but we don't really see the fruits of this until season 6. In season 6, Allura was able to use her powers from Oriande to take Shiro's soul from the Black Lion's consciousness and place it into Clone Shiro's body. Yes, she has powers from Oriande -- that's how she was able to mess with Shiro's soul like that -- but it was her connection to the lions that allowed her to connect to Black Lion's consciousness in the first place. Oriande didn't do that -- Alfor did, and this scene proves it.
This next seed is... wow:
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This one caught me by surprise because holy crap how did I miss this???
Okay, so I made a post talking about that Lauren Montgomery art and how it's playing into the show in unexpected ways. Please go read that to understand this to the fullest extent.
This scene? This scene foreshadows Lance's inclusion in Shiro's arc. Shiro offers a hand -- his Galra hand -- to Lance for shaking (Lance being the only person in the room aside from Keith whose name he knew). Lance looks at the arm trepidatiously for a split second before smiling and reciprocating the handshake.
This moment is focused on for a reason and I can't believe I missed it. Because isn't it interesting that Shiro offers his GALRA arm despite it being a symbol of his trauma and not something he'd be eager to flaunt? Isn't it interesting that the episode puts so much focus on his handshake with LANCE, but his handshake with Pidge is barely given any thought?
It IS interesting, and here's why.
Lance was much more important to Shiro's arc than we thought. While Keith brought Clone Shiro to an end, and Allura brought the real Shiro back to life, Lance was the support he needed. Clone Shiro wasn't doing so well. I mean, he's a Galra-created clone being controled by Haggar, of course he's not doing well. The ones who suffered the most from this were Allura and Lance. Allura stood up for herself and refused to be pushed around and sometimes managed to get her way. Lance, however, respected Shiro too much to do more than try and keep the peace. He didn't stand up for himself, didn't call Shiro out on his bullcrap, just tried to keep him calm and keep the peace among the team. It's no wonder that Lance is the one Clone Shiro goes to about how he's actually feeling. And what does Lance do? He supports him. Comforts him. Promises him they'll figure it out together. He's worried at first, much like how he showed worry before accepting Shiro's hand in s1e01, but he ultimately puts that aside and accepts Shiro.
This scene was the planted seed. It was subtle, so subtle I completely missed it, but here it is. And it took a while to bloom, BOY did it take a while! Took until season 5 before we got to see it blossom. But it did and Lance was the support Clone Shiro needed to stay sane until Keith could come in and fix the situation.
Speaking of Lance:
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This seed came to fruition in season 3 -- it was definitely foreshadowing. Most of the other paladins get are shown alone when shown their lions. There are two exceptions to that (one of which I will get to later).
This seed is the first exception. Lance and Keith are both shown with the Red Lion here, rather than Keith alone. Come season 3, Lance becomes the Red Lion's new pilot.
With this next seed:
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This was planted in this first episode and didn't really see the light for day for AGES. We were told from the very beginning that Hunk is the one who is meant to help keep the team together, but we don't actually see that happen.
Until season 7.
Hunk's arc in season 7 seems like it came out of nowhere (his family arc kinda did), but it was foreshadowed from the very beginning. There was always going to come a time when the team seemed like it was falling apart and it'd be up to Hunk to keep them together. And in season 7, that's EXACTLY what happened. This seed actually sprouted in season 6, when Hunk got their Galra allies to stop arguing during a crucial moment. It stagnated then, until season 7 came along and this seed finally bloomed in full.
I love this next seed:
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This seed is one of my favorites, because the principle of its existence helps prove a point I will make later in this post.
It's Leifsdotter! This is a seed that didn't begin blooming until season 7. I know, the showrunners could have just needed a design for an mfe pilot and pulled hers out of the episode, but there are two things that make me disagree with that notion:
1. Her design is so much more... detailed and not standard-background-character-ish than the rest of the students in that scene. She's not the focus of the scene and doesn't even speak, yet her design makes her stand out. The showrunners WANT us to see her.
2. Hers is the only mfe pilot design pulled from that episode. That group had multiple different character designs and all of them could have easily suited the mfe pilots. But the showrunners didn't do that, which makes me think this was very deliberate and planned out.
I will be getting to these points soon.
Now for the seeds that have been growing throughout the series but have not reached full bloom. First off, we have...
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Okay, this one is super subtle. Shiro actually has had a hand in Lance's romance arc since this first episode. We have a very tiny hint of Shiro's sexuality with this shot:
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Color theory is often used in media to portray subtle clues to the audience about something happening in the background or as foreshadowing. This scene is the latter; it foreshadows Shiro's arc by using a rainbow in the background, right above his head, and the lemur-sloth-thing that's guiding them blocks the rainbow off from extending to Pidge as well, keeping the rainbow strictly to Shiro. So we had a subtle hint in this very first episode about Shiro's sexuality.
And I think that alludes to the expectation we all have of Shiro helping Lance with a sexuality arc. It makes sense, and it's interesting seeing that Shiro has kinda of been involved in Lance's romantic arc this whole time! Right from the first episode!
We see it continue throughout the series; the people that are most annoyed with Lance's flirtations are Shiro, Keith (who isn't really verbal about it but almost always looks disgruntled), and Allura (who is often on the receiving end of said flirtations). Shiro interrupts flirtations on multiple occasions and has shown a lot of annoyance with it.
This... kind of continues in season 7 with the reveal of Shiro being gay. He doesn't have much interaction with Lance, but I think his sexuality being revealed here (however... too subtle it may have been) is paving the way for the climax of Lance's romance arc in season 8.
The next seed is not nearly as subtle:
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Black Paladin Lance! This is the second exception to the paladins + their lions scene I mentioned earlier.
I know a lot of people lost hope in this, but not me. There has been way too much set up for this, and as I will talk about soon, almost everything that has been set up has come to fruition.
So let’s look at this scene.
The Green and Yellow Lions have scenes with their paladins alone -- no other paladin is in the shot. For the Red Lion, both Keith and Lance are in the shot, which foreshadowed Lance eventually taking over the Red Lion -- which happened in season 3. Then we have the Black Lion. Three people are in that shot -- Shiro, Keith, and Lance. Shiro is, of course, the original Black Paladin. Keith took the helm in season 3 and then again in season 6 - present. So this shot foreshadows that. This leaves Lance.
I want to point out how this shot is set up. Shiro is the largest, which makes sense as he was the Black Paladin for the longest -- seasons 1, 2, 4, 5, and half of 6. Keith is the second largest. Again, this makes sense as he's been the Black Lion's pilot for seasons 3, half of 6, and all of 7. So he has been the pilot for the second longest. Lance being the smallest makes sense if he's only to be the Black Lion's pilot for a short while. So theory time!
I believe something will happen to Keith in season 8 -- he'll be captured or perhaps Honerva mind-controls him. The Black Lion then enlists Lance to be its pilot long enough to get Keith back, who will then take over as the Black Lion's pilot and Lance goes back to Red.
And it makes sense, considering how this shot is set up, for it to have taken this long for Lance to be the Black Lion's pilot. He's the smallest in the shot, smaller than Keith, and Keith had only just gotten back to piloting the Black Lion. With the way the series is set up, it wouldn't have made sense for Lance to pilot the Black Lion sooner; seasons 4 and 5 (keeping in mind that seasons 3 and 4 and seasons 5 and 6 were meant to be single seasons each and were split up last minute), while not featuring Lance -- although Lance has always been developing in the background, it's just slowly done and not at the forefront -- do show the changes he goes through in losing Keith to the Blade of Marmora. We see him become isolated, ignored, and any confidence he had built up being Keith's right-hand was shot. Season 6 was about resolving the overall problem of which Lance's issues were a side effect. Season 7, meanwhile, allows us to see Keith coming back into action with a clearer mind while also showing us how much he relies on Lance despite being a much better leader. You can see the difference in Lance's actions in the show between seasons 4 and 5 and seasons 6 and 7; in season 7 especially, he's much more in-action, plays a much bigger part, and shows how necessary he really is. This was all needed for Lance's arc -- getting rid of this flow (even if season 4 was not the best by any stretch of the means) would have weakened Lance's arc and made him less able to be the Black Lion's pilot.
Another point I want to bring up is the "following in his [Keith's] footsteps" thing. This is something that has also been a constant in the show -- not the phrase, but the action. Because Lance is ALWAYS following in Keith's footsteps. ALWAYS. He literally followed Keith's footsteps in this episode to save Shiro. The series shows how often he follows Keith -- they're constantly next to each other, Lance often wants Keith's glory, and in more serious points, he takes over Keith's lion, takes Keith's role as right-hand man to Shiro, gets a sword like Keith gets.
Quick diversion, on the subject of the sword, Lance has yet to use it despite having it for three seasons. In my opinion, this was to show us how alike he is to Keith and serves little purpose beyond that (perhaps will have a plot point sometime in season 8).
Back to the point, Lance has always followed Keith. "Don't follow in his footsteps," was something that was a focal point of the scene it was said in. It was that scene's finale line, a line that we were supposed to pay attention to and remember, and then the episode shows Lance disobeying that repeatedly and constantly following Keith's footsteps. This seed was planted -- a whole scene gave us focus of it being planted -- and it has slowly grown and blossomed over the course of the series. It hasn't fully bloomed yet, but season 7 did not ignore it like some might think. There was a bump in the road, but we saw him really slide into the role of right-hand man to Keith, showing himself reliable and actually being better as a right-hand than Keith was. He's followed in Keith's footsteps and, in some ways, has surpassed him. We also saw his relationship with the Red Lion and how similar it is to the relationship the Red Lion had with Keith. He's been following Keith's footsteps throughout the show and that hasn't stopped -- season 7 made sure to showcase that.
One last point I want to make is Lance's progression. His main issue in leading the team in this episode was his ego. Season 7 is such a huge jump because Keith leaves the team in Lance's hands and we see how responsible and logical Lance is in doing so, making keeping the team safe his number one priority and not even caring about the glory. When Keith put his, Pidge's, and Kosmo's lives in Lance's sniping hands, Lance had a chance to brag to his sister and the mfe sniper that was with them. He didn't. He explained what his gun does in a no-nonsense manner and left it at that. There was no ego, not talk of the glory he'd get for his skills, no showboating. He stayed on the task and his only concern was getting his job done right and keeping his teammates alive and safe. That seed was planted in the first episode -- that was his starting point, and much like his leadership seed, he has grown and bloomed into something much bigger and better than what he started out as.
And there's my point here: His leadership skills have grown. This seed is the seed of his leadership, and it has slowly grown as the show has gone on. It sprouted in season 3 and now season 7 is showing how beautifully it's blossoming. A seed planted in this episode didn't really start to blossom until the second-to-last season! As mentioned before, yes I will come back to that particular point soon (we're almost to the culmination of these "soons" and "laters", I promise).
I swear this next seed is important please bear with me:
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I know the A//urance in season 7 scared a lot of people off, but PLEASE bear with me, I swear I have a point. Also, I promised Klance would be a big part of this meta and I was not lying so just... be patient. This is important.
Lance's arc has always been romance and that became the most obvious here. I want to say that out of all the un-bloomed seeds on this list, this is the one that is nearest to completion because his arc with Allura will conclude -- I predict -- early on in season 8.
Allura is important to Lance's arc, we can't deny that. His crush on her is superficial at first. This is proven later in the season; when Allura sacrifices herself so Shiro can escape the Galra ship, Lance is no more worried about her than the other paladins. Honestly, Coran and Shiro are more worried about Allura than Lance is. And that's saying something considering how much he worries about her later in the series.
The A//urance seed -- which I believe is mostly platonic and only dips into romance a little bit but will go right back to platonic -- was planted in this episode. It doesn't really grow much until season 5. That's not to say Lance's thing for Allura is not mentioned or focused on until then. No, what I mean is it is not DEVELOPED until season 5.
In the first two seasons, it's basically a running gag, there's not real seriousness behind it. Season 3, after Lance supports Keith's leadership, shows a turn in their relationship from running gag to actual friendship. However, season 3 doesn't show us much of this -- we only get focus on it in episode 2. After that, their relationship is sidelined for Lance and Keith's development.
We got a scene or two in season 4 of their friendship, but relationships aside from Pidge's and Matt's are not really explored or focused on in this season.
That's where season 5 comes in, because that's when we see them have serious scenes together that are akin to their scenes in s3e02. It's also where we see that Lance's crush on her is no longer a gag. In fact, until season 6, it's practically non-existent. Season 5 instead focuses on their friendship. Season 6 focuses on his one-sided crush.
And season 7...
Here's the thing: Season 7 isn't as A//urance-friendly as is believed. Sure, they get two nice scenes together, one including mutual blushing, and both including teasing from Lance's sister. However, there's something much, much different about their interactions here than in the previous seasons, and that is Lance's attitude.
Because Lance doesn't seem that terribly happy that Allura might be reciprocating his crush. He smiles, yes, but he only really blushes because of his sister's teasing, and he denies that Allura could possibly have any feelings for him. While, yes, that could be due to his insecurities, but if season 7 showed us anything about Lance, it's that his insecurities are finally lifting and he's finally gaining confidence in himself and his abilities.
If season 7 showed us anything about their relationship, it's that Allura initiated both of their scenes. Aside from that? Lance... actually kinda of ignored Allura for most of the season. His attention was more focused on his family and, well, Keith.
And that's something I've noticed has been consistent throughout the series since season 3.
In season 3, once Lance became Keith's right-hand man, his flirtations stopped COMPLETELY. He not only stopped flirting with girls in general, he even stopped flirting with ALLURA. And this stuck throughout the rest of season 3.
Season 4 had Keith leaving the team, yet Lance's flirting didn't pick back up. I believe this was because he really missed Keith and wasn't quite ready to fall back into his old habits. Season 5 is much the same.
Now his sudden flirtations with Allura (he only flirts with her on two occasions, I must point out) in season 6 seem out of nowhere. However, there was some build-up to it, what with his development with her in the previous season and the fact that he was jealous of Lotor's closeness with Allura. Not a lot of build-up and was still kind of sudden, but there was some.
However, I want to point something out: He started flirting again in the same season that has Keith's return. I believe this was deliberate and will play an important role later on.
Season 6 is also when we find out the depth of Lance's feelings -- it's not love, but it's a much deeper crush than he used to have.
This seed was planted in the first episode and was focused on quite a lot throughout its introductory episode and the episodes through the rest of the season. It took a while to grow, but it finally is and it is nearing it's blossoming. Like I said, I believe this seed will reach its full bloom early in season 8.
The last seed, however, will not reach its own full bloom until the end of season 8.
And the very last seed is-- oh come on, you know exactly what it is.
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Yes, it's Klance. Of course it is.
Okay, so Lance's and Keith's relationship was one of the focal points of the episode. The seed that is their relationship was planted here and it's been growing this entire series. We've watched it grow and bloom, its growth being a focal point of the series, and season 7 did not ignore this. Actually, season 7 showcased their growth. It showed how much their relationship, which was once built on jabs and competition, is now built completely on mutual trust and respect and devotion. For God's sake, Lance called Keith the future! Compare that to how he interacted with Keith in the first episode and you see how much their seed has bloomed and how much season 7 did not only NOT ignore this growth, but actually made it one of the season's main themes.
I want to bring up these screenshots:
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This might be a reach, but I find it interesting that Lance is standing in between Allura and Keith in this shot. Like, right smack dab in between them. Meanwhile, he isn't even looking at them. He's looking at Coran's pod, his face being in neutral territory. To me, this screams a subtle hint of Lance and his two love interests.
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His front is facing Allura, his back to Keith. This seems like a visual to Lauren Montgomery's "He knows what he wants but not what he needs" thing. He wants Allura, is facing her, and he has his back to what he actually needs because what he wants and what he needs to not align. His face is in looking in neutral grounds, showing that while he prefers one side to the other, both sides are options.
It's also interesting to note that Allura is above him because of the pod. Later in the series, we find out he believes that Allura is above him, that he is beneath her, inferior to her.
Keith is below him but is stepping up to reach Lance's spot. He stays on the steps for a bit, but...
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He obviously makes those final steps and a few minutes into the scene, he is standing beside Lance (something that happens a lot throughout the series). This is interesting because while Lance always secretly viewed Keith as being above him (i.e. better than him), him and Keith have always been on level ground with neither of them being superior to the other -- they just have different strengths and weaknesses and it takes Lance time to realize that just because he and Keith don't have the same strengths doesn't mean Keith is better than him because there are things that Lance is better at Keith in (shooting, being stealthy, strategies, etc.). They were always on level ground. Lance and Keith, neck-and-neck.
We have this shot:
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In this one, everyone is looking at Shiro, and everyone's faces has the expression of excitement (and trepidation for Hunk because he's concerned about the bodysuit's size in proportion to him). Everyone is looking at Shi- no wait, Lance is definitely looking at Keith.
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See? His line of sight is pointed directly at Keith. Someone pointed out that he supposed to be looking at Shiro, that his line of sight, if continued, points to Shiro. This is what I had to say to that:
"See I thought that, too, which is why I didn’t catch it until now. Lance’s line of sight COULD be leading to Shiro, but instead of looking at his face like everyone else, he’d be looking at Shiro’s man-titties. And while they are very nice, I doubt Lance was actually looking at them. If he was supposed to be looking at Shiro like the rest of the team, his irises would have to be right in between the top and bottom lines of his eye outlines. That’s how everyone elses shes are animated – even Keith’s irises are positioned upward to properly look at Shiro. Hunks irises are more down, yes, but that’s because hes taller than Shiro. But Shiro is slightly taller than Lance, so the position of Lance’s irises if hes looking at Shiro doesnt make sense as his irises would have to right in between the top and bottom lines of his eye outlines. Instead, they’re pointed down, at Keith."
Here's a quick edit I did to show where Lance's irises would have to be to be pointing to Shiro:
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NOW he's looking directly at Shiro. But that's not the official animation we got. No, what we got was this:
While this could boil down to Lance having small irises, making it difficult to animate exactly where they need to be, I don't buy that. Hunk's irises are small in this shot and were animated fine, and s1e01 has some of the best animation the series has seen (I'd say only The Black Paladins tops it). The animators knew what they were doing. This was deliberate.
Then there's this screenshot:
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I just think this one is pretty.
I also want to show just how often Lance and Keith end up standing next to each other. Here's a link to a compilation someone made of all the times Lance and Keith stood next to each other in just the first episode.
This? All deliberate. There is no way this was done accidentally, considering how often it happened in just this one episode and how often it happens in the series henceforth. One post would not be enough to showcase all the times they stood next to each other throughout the series. They're next to each other more often than any other character -- they always gravitate to each other, are constantly and consistently animated next to each other, even in season 7.
A lot of people assumed that A//urance and Ka/cxa was now set up for the endgame ships, but I think those people are jumping to conclusions waaaaaay too quickly.
You see, here's the thing about endgame ships.
They happen at the end.
Any ships being set up in season 7 are going to be rushed because they are not endgame. Josh Keaton keeps repeating that this is being written as a slow burn -- he wants us to remember that, so he's constantly saying it. Only Klance fits that term.
I want to bring in the Legend of Korra for just a second to prove my point.
LoK did not start off with Korrasami. One of the creators (Bryan, I think) really liked the idea of Korra and Asami being together, but they were operating under the assumption that they only had one season and Makorra was considered the easier relationship to develop. So Korra and Asami started out somewhat as rivals -- what with both girls liking the same guy, and Korra being suspicious of Asami's father and allies. Then they got greenlit for more seasons. What's the first thing they do? Season 2 dismantles Makorra and the season finale makes sure we know that these two are NOT getting back together and will not be endgame. Seasons 3 and 4 then go on to develop Korra's and Asami's relationship, but it was done subtly, to the point where there were many fans that thought the romance in their relationship came out of nowhere. They were wrong -- the friendship between these two was probably the most developed one of the series. Asami ended up back with Mako in season 2 after he and Korra broke up, but their relationship was shown to have ended season 2-3, where Asami began developing with Korra more. Both Asami and Korra had romantic relationships before ending up as each others endgame, and their relationship didn't take its real dramatic turn until season 4 -- the series' finale season.
Keith and Lance's relationship share a LOT of similarities -- which makes sense considering how many of Voltron's showrunners worked on Avatar and LoK. Klance is practically genderbended Korrasami IN S P A C E. A lot of what I mentioned up above about Korrasami fits Klance a lot -- both relationships started out rocky, turned into a friendship of mutual trust and respect, and are the most developed relationships of their respective series. The difference is that Voltron's showrunners knew how much time they had and didn't have to divert the relationship's endgame like LoK had to do with Makorra/Asamako/Korrasami. Klance's relationship development ended up much slower but much smoother because of it.
I actually regret judging season 7 as harshly as I had, because there was a lot of goodness in there and it really didn't kill Klance (a conclusion everyone, myself included, jumped to). A//urance and Ka/cxa? Yeah, it's there. But they're so tacked on that they're practically afterthoughts. The relationship that actually got focus this season? Klance. We saw the inherent trust Keith has in Lance in almost every episode, and we saw the high opinion Lance has of Keith as well as how much Keith leaving hurt Lance more than anybody else. Their relationship was a focus in season 7, one that I feel a lot of people overlooked because of a few tacked-on scenes featuring the other aforementioned ships. Honestly? I'd say that while this season isn't as Klance-centric as season 3, it probably fits in the number two spot. Don't believe me? Go watch it again, like, REALLY watch it and see how much Klance meat is in this season. Because there's a LOT.
Their relationship has always been a focal point of the series, and while some seasons didn't focus on it as much as others (compare seasons 1, 3, and 7 with 2, 4, 5, and 6 -- keeping in mind that seasons 4 and 5 hardly had Keith in it and seasons 2, 4, and 6 still had some noteworthy Klance moments), it has still been the most focused-on and developed relationship.
And that started with the very first episode.
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The very first episode planted their seed and that seed's growth has not been ignored, contrary to popular belief. And that's where the "laters" and "soons" come in.
Because see the finished seeds list? All of those seeds were planted in the very first episode. And how long did it take for them to blossom? A LONG TIME. The earliest one we got was the Lance and Shiro seed, and that took until SEASON 3 to bloom. Another took until SEASON 5 to even SPROUT. The rest? Took until season 7. SEASON 7. That, to me, is proof that the showrunners have not thrown out the seeds they've planted in the beginning; it's just taking a long while for them to sprout and blossom. The fact that most of them took until the second-to-last season to fully come to fruition is absolute proof that early-planted seeds are not suddenly being ignored. We just need to be patient. Just because these seeds aren't blooming fast enough for our liking doesn't mean they're not blooming at all. It's not over until it's over. We still have another season for those seeds to blossom, so let's look to the future with hope and confidence!
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reader115 · 6 years
Speaking of fic recommendations, what are yours? Sorry if you've already answered this like a million times 😊
Hi, @shiverslightly! So, honestly, I’ve not answered this a million times. But I thought I’d give this a real shot this time. Let me preface this by saying these are in no way all my fic recs (my bookmarks on AO3 is probably the best place for that - I’ve definitely been known to dig around in other people’s bookmarks for fic recs!)
Here is a not-at-all-inclusive list of some Klance-specific stories that I’ve read somewhat recently and really enjoyed. I tried to tag all the authors, but Tumblr isn’t really cooperating on that front. Also, these are all completed stories with two very special exceptions:
First, you all know how much I adore stories from @thisgirlhastales, so it wouldn’t be a true fic rec list from me if I didn’t include Mytay’s stuff (not just those amazing space cowboys, either - EVERYTHING is fantastic). If you want creative ideas and true characterization - Here’s a quick link to her stuff
“You should date me” by petalloso - friends-to-lovers college setting AU with a really sweet Lance (I’m a sucker for ‘caretaker Lance’) and I’m fairly certain he falls for Keith on first sight in this one.
“All the Way Down” by speaks - I’m positive I’ve recc’d this one before, but it bears repeating. This one is canon-divergent and focuses on an entire day of Lance and Keith just flat out flirting with each other (even if the other doesn’t realize it) at a space fair. 
“can’t buy me love” by @jilliancares - an adorably funny story that follows hopeless romantic Lance (who drives a dilapidated ice cream truck) when he meets sneaky mechanic Keith
“Chewbacca” by @ambitiousskychild - I remember not being able to put this one down once I began reading. College setting with another ‘caretaker Lance’ as the entire crew drags Keith out to the woods to try to force him to relax for a weekend. (Also includes post-get-together moments that I don’t often find in stories)
“Sparks Beneath The Water” by @bleusarcelle - an AU that includes magic, tattoo artist Keith, and soulmate-seeking Lance. It’s smart, includes really fun snark from Shiro, and, of course, some giddy soulmates by the end.
“it might not be that bad” by @katranga - the humor is just a real thing when it comes to this writer and this story is no exception. Canon-divergent with ‘classic’ Lance and Keith miscommunication (before they figure it out) plus hilarious lines one second before you’re melting at the fluff in the next.
“there, nestled against his pulse” by @hiuythn - I know I’ve recc’d this one somewhat recently as well. Its not only a soulmate AU, but includes a really sweet, natural relationship that develops between Keith and Lance before the soulmate aspect even comes into play.
“One Plus One” by @luddlestons - single dad Keith turns down the guy who flirts with him at a bar one night, only to have to face him again when Lance turns out to be his son’s elementary school art teacher. This is actually a series - the first story is Keith’s POV, the second is the original story but in Lance’s POV, and the third focuses on their first year together (its still a WIP but the chapters dont leave you on a cliffhanger!)
“Somewhere a Clock is Ticking” by @emphasis-all-mine [(seven league boots (memphis)] - this story just followed me around for days after I read it, and I’ll honestly never look at James Griffin the same way again. Post S7 canon-divergent with time travel, Voltron family, and Lance and Keith as dads who are written as real people who are also going to do whatever it takes for their family
“fit the crown to my head” by @apvrrish (aknightley) - even though this one was posted fairly recently, it hardly needs me to rave about it in order to recommend it. But - just in case - Prince Keith meets newcomer, stable boy Lance combined with elements of magic, family sadness, hints of mystery around Lance (who also has moments of ‘caretaker Lance’), and amazing world-building
This was harder than I expected since I have so many other favorites, and I forced myself to basically pick just one favorite story from the above authors - definitely go check out their other works (and leave some love in their comment sections!) Thank you for asking, shiverslightly!
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ickypea · 5 years
Regarding The Moomin Renaissance - an essay
Hi guys, general disclaimer: I’m not trying to attack people or denounce anyone for what they’re doing. This is only my opinion and my feelings and I'm just putting it out here, so please be respectful of my beliefs. Im always open to conversation so you’re welcome to tell me what you’re thinking. But if you wanna be mean, try and keep it to yourself.
As someone who has had the moomin books read to me since I was very small, passed down from my dad who also read them as a child, the books and their characters are extremely important to me and very close to my heart. Im ecstatic about the resurgence and new popularity of Moomintroll, it makes me very happy that people appreciate the things I love very much. Even though I’m happy, I feel that most of the general hype (moominxsnufkin) is a disservice to the books, the characters, and the author.
To clarify, I don't *hate* the ship, but it definitely irks me when the only thing on the instagram #moomin tag is moominxsnufkin art. I know that it's a popular thing to make queer ships (like klance and catradora) but the difference between those shows and Moomintroll is that Moomintroll was created by a single person, not a company or group like the other shows. Those remakes were only ‘based’ on the original story and the creators weren’t required to make the reboot 100% accurate to the original, change is actually encouraged. This feeds into the people that watch it as well. The reinvention of the story opens a door for individuals to create their own versions and headcanons. But unfortunately Tove Jansson, the creator of moomin, died and we only have the books she wrote. I guess the reason Im upset is because instead of people shipping moomin and snufkin in a post apocalyptic future biking gang remake show, its from the original books and stories. These stories are my childhood and the fact that people are changing the characters and interpreting them in ways they aren’t originally meant to be interpreted in feels so wrong and gives me a sick gut feeling. You’re absolutely welcome to create stories about the original characters or make your own moomin oc, it's not up to me to decide what others do. But if you change the fundamental emotions of the characters, how they act or feel or who they are deep inside, I can only see it as irreverent and disrespectful to the original stories and Tove herself. To me, its similar to the situation with J.K. Rowling, of her inserting new things into the canon of the HP books. Lots of people hate it or got angry because it seems like she's changing the characters to force more inclusivity into the story. It's not the same situation, but for me it's the same feeling.
I know lots of people are just now discovering the moomins because of the new show and might not really empathize with where I’m coming from. People see the cute ship and don’t know any better than to hop onboard, I know first hand. But the one thing that upsets me is that the internet is doing the moomins dirty by only focusing on two characters and one fabricated relationship. I want to clarify something, and I hate to be this person, but moomin and snufkin are in no way romantically involved. Moomin is not a coded gay character, and in no way is it implied in the original books. Sure, maybe people interpret the tv show as implying a relationship, but it's not the original story. It frustrates me greatly when people try very hard to pull some small, out-of-context symbolism from scenes and then apply it to their ship, because it creates a broken, skewed representation of the characters. Sure! you can still ship moomin and snufkin, BUT IT IS NOT CANON. And it hurts me that the only thing people see when looking in at moomin is this ship, and not the story or the other characters. The posts that are like ‘i don't know what moomin is all i know is the white hippo and the small witch guy are in love’ really frustrate me because it clearly shows what we’re reflecting out onto the world from inside our fandom, and it's the moominxsnufkin ship and hardly anything else. If the ship is the first thing you see, and you get into moomin BECAUSE of the ship, that's all you expect from the stories. You interpret everything from the viewpoint of ‘this ship is what I want to see’ and in turn, that all you see. It strips away the adventures and the lessons and every other great thing about the story and when you’re done you go back to posting a screencap from the show captioned “the way snufkin looks at moomintroll just screams ‘i love you’ uwu”.
When people hop on the bandwagon without knowing much about the show, it's important to introduce them to the best of the fandom. There are so many other wonderful, funny, and weird characters hardly anyone is talking about. There are so many stories and adventures of moomin and friends that hardly anyone is talking about. Read the original books! Watch the old tv show! Educate yourself so you can show people what’s wonderful about moomin other than a ship.
We all know the internet is very capable of ruining good things, it happens all the time. This is just one thing I really don’t want it to kill.
If you read all of this, thank you. I have a discord server with links to PDFs of a few of the moomin books, anyone is welcome to join.
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sugar--pie · 6 years
I’ve come to some like... weird peace with Voltron ships
Like okay, yeah before, I had my reasons for not shipping certain things - mainly the logical side of my brain coming into play. (Like actual reasons, not the bullshit ones haters use.)
But its like 3 am and for some reason I’m oddly calm about what will become canon and won’t now.
Like, if Allura and Lance happen: sweet. The creators will probably make a fantastic lean up to it. My only reason for not shipping it before was just a post series question I had. You can read it here if you feel like it.
But then I had an urge to go to the tag for art and honestly... no wonder most ships don’t like the klance fandom. There was hardly any art or whatever. Just posts to include all ships or klance theories that (annoyingly was tagged Allurance and had the tag in it. Even seeing that annoyed me. )
Whatever I did find though was beautiful and deserves more notes.
(I’ve also always found Pidgance cute. Like damn, if Keith didn’t fit Lance’s endgame description Pidge definitely does.)
This goes for a Sheith too tbh, before I had my reasons for not really shipping it. Their relationship reminds me of me and my bro. But all in all people see things differently, and thinking it over Sheith shippers are right. Shiro and Keith have had a good bond since the beginning and would have each other’s backs and take care of each other. There’s a lot of wholesome traits to the characters that, yeah, if it happened in canon, would be a healthy and wholesome endgame.
Plus considering Keith and the whole “you’re my brother” thing, technically it could be Keith having actual feelings but not really understanding them as he’s never felt affection before. So, to anyone trying to use the “you’re my brother” thing to shoot down the Sheith Shippers, you just digging yourself into a hole.
But also Adashi, sign me tfu! (We haven’t even met Adam yet but ooooh, potential.)
Then this got me thinking about other characters. People jumped on the AlluraxRomelle ship. That’d be cool.
Or even the HunkxRomelle.
Damn Hunk is a playa. Lol I can’t decide who I like him better with. Shay, Pidge, or Romelle. Haha
Don’t get me wrong, my heart will always be out there for Klance. I love my red and blue bois, and I’ll always have my reasons for shipping them too.
But I’ve found myself oddly content with the other ships. Maybe cause it’s 3 am idk, but like... I’m not opposed to Sheith or Allurance anymore?
So this being said, I might actually scroll through the other ships and reblog stuff (already have tbh) so if any of the ships make you uncomfortable or you don’t ship other ships besides Klance, I suggest blacklisting the tag, cause I might be going on a little shipping spree, Might leave some compliments and comments on things, so yeah. (Blacklist only if they’re you’re NoTP, I swear if you’re an anti, unfollow me tbh, you’re literally waste of oxygen if you can use it to threaten people or send hate.)
Thanks y’all, let’s just do some shipping appreciation. 🙏
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maternalcube · 6 years
i did an art summary so now im doing a fic summary. i was tagged by @jamthedingus also!! ive never done one of these before!! lets go!!!
Rest (13106)
Keith & Lance's Island Adventure (20631)
Atlantis (10014 words)
The Way to a Man’s Heart (6858 words)
nobody's business (2096 words)
leave, and take (557 words)
dead girl walking (1661 words)
the course of fate (1039 words)
who ya gonna call (465 words)
come here often? (806 words)
til kingdom come (1950 words)
stars in the sky (pt 2) (5404 words)
a song of falling (630 words)
Eyes to the Sky (3683 words)
Feet on the Ground (4050 words)
Divergence (6669 words)
homecoming (1426 words)
Window of Opportunity (11144 words)
along that wilderness of glass (3801 words)
string theory (2327 words)
Katt Week (1062 words)
The Pining-Plant (3860 words)
at the end of many worlds (21684 words)
you're my home (19646 words)
Believe Me (3177 words)
Starchild (3568 words)
Summer Heat (2285 words)
third time's the charm (5349 words)
Blackbird (59546 words)
The Sixth Planet (9444 words)
all the infinite realities (1197 words)
Total Fics: 31! (plus one i posted anonymously lmao) Total Words: 229999! (except parts of string theory and the sixth planet were actually posted last year... but still, what a number)
more under the cut!
Ship/character breakdown: i didnt filter out my prompt collection or abandoned wips here so /shrug Ship breakdown:
klance - 6 sheith - 5 shance - 5 katt - 4 heith - 3 pallura - 2 and one each of plance, kallura, allurance, shatt, shkatt, kidge, kidgance, and shunk. and keiths parents lol. let it never be said i am not a multishipper.
and i know gen isnt a ship but it tied with klance at 6 (plus whatevers in the prompt collection) which was a surprise
Character breakdown: man if theres a way to get ao3 to show me ALL the stats, i dont know it. but.
keith - 25 (shocker) shiro - 23 lance - 21 pidge - 17 hunk - 16 allura - 12 matt - 12 and then coran and sam are at 4, and zarkon ats 3 and presumably many others are at 3 or less
Characters that had the main focus: well ~9 were from keiths pov, and ~5 each from shiro and lances povs. i think i also had ~5 from multiple points of view. its safe to say that keith has my heart tho lol
Best/worst title? Best title: i still like “at the end of many worlds.” i weirdly still like “Blackbird” too even if it has nothing to do with anything... Worst title: “Rest.” :/ also like all of the abandoned wips bc i didnt care. and “Keith & Lance's Island Adventure.″ some of my zine fic titles were also... bad. im bad at titles.
Best/worst first line?
Best: Keith & Lance's Island Adventure. ok the title is bad but this line? this really sets the tone for whole fic. you know what youre getting yourself into here.
When Pidge invited Keith to a fully-funded graduation party aboard the Holt family boat (“the smaller one, anyway,” she’d said), this is not exactly what he'd pictured: three of them standing on a wobbly dock, packed bags at their feet, sky cloudy and gray, while the Holt siblings stand on a little ledge off the back of the boat and deny entry.
Worst: ive got two for this lol
at the end of many worlds: even i have to read this a couple times to figure out what i was trying to say. at least you know youre in for pain...
Keith’s mother shows up to interrupt movie night often enough that, this time, Keith almost doesn’t realize anything’s wrong. Almost, because she’s silhouetted by the movie, but she’s clutching her arm and panting for breath, and in the thin edge of light around her he sees a wet and vibrant red.
Divergence: because all your friends being dead is EXACTLY like losing at dodgeball. yeah, theres a reason i abandoned this one.
Hunk always hated playing dodgeball. Not because he was bad at it--though he was--but because he always ended up the last one standing, and therefore the only target for the entire other team. It was due to a tendency to hang unnoticed in the back, he knew, but that didn't change the sickening, empty feeling of looking around and realizing there's no one left but him, and there's no way he can win. Only wait for the inevitable.
This, Hunk decides, is a lot like that, only, like, a billion times worse.
Best/worst last line?
Best: The Pining-Plant. there are a few others that were cute too but this one is also good out of context so
And then the pod swishes open and he's scrambling to catch Pidge as she stumbles out. She clings to his arms to steady herself and his heart swells.
"Falling for me again, huh?" he asks, and she groans loudly.
"Let me go, I'm getting back in the pod," she says, and he laughs. He doesn't let go, and neither does she.
Worst: if im bad at titles, im worse at endings. most are bad. i suspect the ending to “Rest” is terrible but i cant bring myself to even open that shit again so: Believe Me. if weather were a recurring theme in this fic, itd be fine, but as is its just... a weird note to end the fic on lmao
Hunk rocks back on his heels. "We aren't counting this as our official first date, right?"
"I dunno," Keith says, and now he smiles at the rain instead of frowning. It shows no sign of easing up, but whatever—they're soaked anyway. "This seems pretty good to me."
“...All right.” If nothing else, it’ll make a good story. And, Hunk had to admit—he’s pretty happy with how it’s turned out, rain and all.
But next time, he's double-checking the forecast, just in case.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
more than i expected! considering ive been in grad school all year!! i wrote about the same amount wordcount-wise in 2017 which i spent only half in school so. idk how i managed it.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
the anonymous fic was a surprise but im not gonna talk about that lol. otherwise... nah, its all been my usual stuff.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
blackbird, probably. i like working on that one. summer heat was also fun, id sort of forgotten about it bc it was a zine fic but coming back to it, i really liked it. likewise with third time’s the charm. and i like t6p a lot even if i kinda hate drawing for it :’)
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
depends on your metric. window of opportunity has the most kudos, keith and lance’s island adventure has the most hits, and t6p has the most comments and subscriptions. 
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
AT THE END OF MANY WORLDS. oh man i killed myself over that fic. it was important to me. but i think the mcd scared everyone off :’)
Story that could have been better?
i realize “all of them” is kind of a cop out answer but like
Sexiest story?
i have written nothing sexy, ever, in my whole life
Saddest story?
i mean, ateomw. considering all the death. blackbird def has its moments too.
Most fun?
i feel like i answered this in the favorite story q lmao. you’re my home also gets a shoutout, that thing was,, super self-indulgent lmao. and id be lying if i said i didnt have fun with parts of ateomw, even if its mostly sad.
Story with single sweetest moment?
man i write a lot of fluff but so much of you’re my home is just tooth-rotting. heres part of the proposal scene lmao
"Lance!" Keith yelps, barely rescuing the ring from falling into the sand with them. Lance pushes himself up on his arms, silhouetted by the sun and glowing with it.
"Really?" he asks breathlessly.
"Yeah," Keith says, and maybe he should've prepared something to say, that's a thing people do, right? Hell, he's winging it. "I know we can't stay here on Earth forever, 'cause we're paladins, and there's still stuff out there we gotta do. And I know you probably want to stay because this is your home—but you're my home, and if we gotta go, at least you'll have me, good or bad." He grins crookedly. "Or rocket science. Whatever happens, I'll be there."
Hardest story to write?
well t6p gets a shoutout, but its not the writing thats the hard part for that. uhhh ive struggled with parts of blackbird. i remember k&l’s island adventure giving me a LOT of trouble, i think i posted late lol
Easiest/most fun story to write?
anything short uhhh for all the infinite realities, i kind of just sat down the other day (actually i was in bed but) and was like “im gonna write this” and then in the morning i just sat down and wrote it in one go. i dunno if id call it fun, but it was easy. t6p is super fun to write but, as mentioned, drawing it sucks.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
no... my perceptions probably have shifted but not due to anything i wrote in particular. i did talk myself into liking allurance with a prompt fill, though, but im not sure that was 2018...
Most overdue story?
all the infinite realities lmao. at the end of many worlds needed that happy ending. and another shoutout to t6p, because thats been going on over a year and im still nowhere.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
does posting my abandoned wips count? ive still got some of those hanging around... blackbird was a bit of a risk bc my last longfic was written while i was unemployed and out of school, so like i had the time for it, and now i kinda dont. still chugging tho. ateomw b/c of all the death but it turns out i really like writing whump woops. and writing any sort of kissing always feels like a risk bc i suck at it but im getting better lol... i hope...
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
write more! finish things! do more sheith! i really want to work on this sheith longfic i came up with the other day... but i want to get blackbird over with first.
Tagging: eh! do it if you want to!
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
95. Who’s excited for tonight’s Fair Game HC? Everyone? That’s awesome! So let’s pian-GO!
This (VERY LONG) HC comes as a request from @atlas-heartthrob! They sent me this lovely vision of Clover getting his hands on a piano during a date with Qrow and just playing his heart out for the man he loves, and Qrow joining him as they sing a love song! 
Now, I’m not going to do exactly that -- not tonight, in any event. BUT the idea of Clover at a piano fascinates me, so I decided to...PLAY around with that idea ( @whipped4qrow, you must hate me at this point) for a bit!
Let’s get to it! (Trying out a new catchphrase. Thoughts?)
Atlas Academy doesn’t exactly have much of an arts program, but they do have assemblies, and so in their auditorium, they do have a piano. 
The academy is also on the bigger side of things, and because of that, it’s not hard to get lost. 
Qrow's walking through the academy, and happens to find himself in such a situation. 
Why couldn’t the transport he took back from Mantle just drop him off in the usual spot?
Qrow looks for a sign to point him in the direction of the nearest elevator, but his search is abandoned as the elegant sounds of a piano tempt his senses to search for its source instead. 
When the sound of the piano is at its loudest, Qrow enters the top of the dimly lit auditorium. Below the rows and rows of dark, empty chairs is the bright stage, and in the center of that stage, a piano.
And in the chair of that piano in that unfamiliar auditorium is a face Qrow is now incredibly familiar with.
Clover’s about 3/4 of the way done with the arrangement he’s playing when he realizes he’s not alone. He smiles as Qrow as Qrow descends the steps and approaches the stage. 
The song ends just as Qrow steps onto the stage. Qrow gives him three soft claps.
“Accomplished Huntsman, lucky semblance, and can play the piano,” he says, smirking at Clover. “What next -- you can see the future? Because if so, I have some questions about tomorrow’s lottery numbers.”
Clover chuckles. “Well, I can’t say I can do that, but I can say that I’m a man of many talents nonetheless.”
“Clearly. So, why the piano?”
There’s a pause and Clover muses over Qrow’s question. He purses his lips, and Qrow’s just a bit more excited than he expects to be at the prospect of learning more about Clover. It’s especially enticing because this subject appears to be more than just some random fact about him. 
After all, why else would he come to this lonely auditorium to play it alone? If Clover loves one thing, it’s an audience, and to call him a bit of a show off would be like calling Salem a jerk.
(More...a LOT more under the cut)
“There are a lot of ways you can get lucky as a Huntsmen. Grimm can fall off their paths and hit your weapons at just the right angle. One can twist their body in the right way to avoid attacks. Even test scores can be explained away with luck under the right circumstances.”
“But a piano’s different,” Qrow finishes.
“No amount of good luck can make sense of performing a perfect arrangement. And every piece is different, so each one requires a new bout of hard work. It’s rewarding in its own right, and it all sounds nice on top of it. Seemed like a good idea.”
Qrow nods, understanding. “Makes sense, but it doesn’t explain why you’re performing here alone. Not in the mood to share?”
Clover shrugs his shoulders, but unlike most of the times that he does it, this one is on the glummer side of things. “More like no one to share with.”
“What about your team? Can’t use your leader powers to force them to listen to a song or two?”
Turning to Qrow, Clover raises an unimpressed eyebrow. 
“Do the other Ace Ops seem like they’re interested in piano music?”
“Maybe Vine?” Qrow suggests. Clover bites his cheek, thinking about it.
“Maybe,” he relents, only half seriously as he returns his gaze to the piano’s ivory keys, “but it’s not the easy to have a conversation with the guy, let alone invite him to a private concert. But honestly, it’s fine. I learned to play for my own sake, no one else’s.” Despite his best efforts, Clover’s tone betrays him. It’s odd hearing Clover act this way. It’s as if Qrow’s seeing a whole different side of him, a side that Qrow wants to alleviate and at the same time explore.”
“So, does anyone know you play?”
Once more, Clover shrugs. 
“My old teacher, but she’s long retired by now.”
“Oh.” It’s all Qrow can think to say.
“And now,” Clover continues, looking at Qrow once more, “you.”
A few quiet beats pass as they reflect on that.
It’s Qrow who breaks the silence.
“Is that okay with you?” he asks. There’s an unspoken promise that if it’s not, Qrow won’t mention this moment again.
But Clover doesn’t do that. 
In fact, he smiles. 
“It is,” he says. Clover flexes his fingers. There’s a hunger all throughout him -- in his fingers, in his shoulders, in his eyes -- but it’s not for food. “So, as my first real fan, any requests?”
Qrow smirks. 
“Who said anything about being a fan?” However, before Clover can do anything more than burst out in laughter, Qrow continues. “Well, if I’m allowed to give you a request, I may as well give you a good one, so get ready.” 
He doesn’t know a lot of mainstream piano songs, so he requests something simple that he figures Clover will know. Clover plays it, and then talks about some of his favorites. And for well past the setting of the sun, that’s how it goes between them, as the world of music proceeds to open doors about each other that they didn’t know exists, but that they now cherish as much as the tunes themselves that open them in the first place.
Tagging @homokinetic @skybird13 @whipped4qrow @mooksie01 @luck-of-the-caw @xwildangel @solitude-of-stars @magneto-is-neato @o0nashipear0o @unfairgamey @doctorrwby @clover-and-co @megan-atthedisco @wash-my-brain @bisexualdisasterqrow @baelonthebrave @doubledexterity @rwby-things-i-guess @atlas-heartthrob @the-answer-was-bi-klance @compoterie @thuskindlyiboop @oceansquid @transdemion @deltastream21 @mimiori @xya-hunter @delta-altair @genderfluidturtle @roman-torchtwink @subatomictealeaves
Want to be tagged in future Fair Game HC’s? Of course, you do! So send me a reply, PM, or ask to be added, and I’ll grant your greatest wish! XD
Also, if you reblog this post, PLEASE tag it as “fair game!” While I’m not sure if it will impact our number in the Fandometrics rankings, it never hurts, so please do so!Thank you very much!
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silverineontherun · 6 years
I was tagged by the sweetheart @kunfetti and since I’m currently working IT’S THE BEST TIME FOR THIS <3 yey procrastination!
How did you discover the show?
I follow an user that’s a fan of 19 days like me, then at the beginning of last year they started reblogging klance content, and since I recently had started paying for netflix, I decided to check what the fuss was about lol. Dare I say now I’m trapped and they aren’t anymore, a classic.
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
The fanarts caught my attention immediately. Since I remembered having heard of Voltron in my first years of life I was curious, but never expected that much. It caught me AT ONCE, I binge-watched the first 3 seasons in one or two days... and here I am, lol.
Do you have a favorite episode?
My favs used to be the ones dedicated to the Balmera, but now? After s6? I’m not even sure. D&D (M&M actually) has my heart, as a role player, but The Black Paladins is just... oof.
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
You can see him in all my profile pics. My Beef Keef, my adopted son. But let me tell you, it’s only because I have a thing for loners, but having a fav here is IMPOSSIBLE, I love them all. One reason this show caught me so fast was because there’s not a single character I dislike, and that’s a FEAT, I swear. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?)
Uhhh same rule, I like my rebelious son (daughter? I still don’t know) Red. I like how this Lion just says... “Oh you need me right now? Yeah... take a seat, I’m napping.” But when it’s set to something, BOOM. (Lowkey I wish for a “The Red Paladins” episode too :P)
Do you have a favorite villain?
Ok I was always convinced that the real final boss would be Haggar, but even though I love her, my fav is Lotor. The purple goblin has my undying love, even though I knew his betrayal was coming, I think the show went a bit overboard with his sins. BUT A MOTHER ALWAYS FORGIVES, COME BACK SON! <3
Do you have a favorite Alien Race (Recurring and/or minor)
The Olkari are my favs! They are just so smart and their entire civilization is based in such a cool philosophy.
Favorite side/other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
Matthew Holt can steal my lunch and eat it in front of me and I would thank him. Coran is my sweetheart and also I find him 10/10 would smash, you can judge me all you want.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
I was living a very stressful period when I was introduced to Voltron and I think that made me embrace it so much, it was a relief. Honestly, I’ve been in many fandoms in my life, but I have NEVER been this invested in them. This one just blew me over, so much gorgeous art, and fics! I wasn’t even a fic reader before... And then this is the fandom that made me start writing too. I don’t even know “how” I joined, but somehow I made it my home haha.
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Oh geez, I have a lot, and most of them I’ve put them in my fics. This one has to do with ships but here it goes anyway: one of my favs is that Shiro used to be a popular, jokester kind of guy at the Garrison, and no one ever imagined that he carried a torch for Matt, who was so nerdy, but enthusiast and pure. Of course, Shiro being our lawful good paladin would never say such a thing when they had a mission ahead (and with his dad on board, yikes). Ok another one, crack this time: I like to imagine that they ALL wear the Lion slippers and sometimes they make them “fight” under the table and then deny it lol. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The characters. They are so... alive, their dynamics feel so real. That’s why the fandom is so passionate, I guess. Besides that, the art is just gorgeous, the storyline perfect and that feeling of being in space is conveyed so well, it opens your head. I’m sure that’s the reason this fandom is so prosperous in the fanfic department, it opens the door to imagine ANYTHING. Anything can happen in space.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
My god if you know me you know I have a lot. I’m still on the klance train and I’m not leaving any time soon lol, but I could stand good allurance too. Also high hopes for shatt. Aside from ships, I wish to see Honerva’s arc, we don’t know what she pretends, why was she accepted by Oriande. My guess? She may try to change the course of everything from the PAST, and that’s why we were introduced to time skipping in the Quantum Abyss. DUN DUN DUUUUN... (that’s the premise for Ouroboros, my fic btw. Spoiler alert lol).
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
Hell yeah, I’m following this mess until its bitter end. Live with honor or die in glory!
Well I’m supposed to tag people, but I see that the few I speak to already did it, so I’m tagging a few followers that I know are NOT leaving the fandom lol. Hope you don’t mind guys, don’t feel forced to do this if you don’t want! @hook-737 @procrastinating-through-life, @gayromanticsubplots and any follower who wants to, feel invited by me and tag me! :D En español también vale chiquillos jeje!
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 1/∞
VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
  **Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku (fairydens on tumblr)
Word count:  80,000 (32/?)
Summary:  All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He’d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That’s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He’d never been good at following the rules anyway.
Comments: Klance featuring merlance! and human!keith. Also there is so  much  good art based off of this fic. I love the world building in this story, the details make this fic seem so real you almost forget it is fantasy. The progression of their coming together is very natural and not forced (I’m a sucker for slow burn). A song that always makes me think of this fic is called Oceans Away by A R I Z O N A.
  In All The Stars by Tea Party on Ice (A_Conscious_Dreamer)
Word count:  5,568 (1/1)
Summary:  Shiro liked to downplay his memory loss for the other members of the team, but Keith knew better. He knew because there was one significant thing Shiro had forgotten—his soulmate bond with Keith.
Keith could live through that (maybe) but the Hanahaki Disease, however (the rare result of a neglected soul bond) would be a little more difficult.
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU bc its kinda my thing. Also I really liked this scene:  “A large hand on his shoulder as Hunk leaned closer. ‘You alright, man? It wasn’t the food, was it?’
He went to respond—I’m fine—but found himself coughing instead, large dry heaves that irritated his throat further and made his breathing stutter and gasp. Swallowing heavily as they died down, he opened his eyes to reassure everyone but froze in horror instead.
Scattered on his lap, on the table, the floor, and gathered on top of his meal like garnish were petals of a deep, deep red—Keith’s favourite colour, the colour of passion…and of death.
His death.”
  **The Quintessential Bond by avidbeader
Word count:  40,637 (14/?)
Summary:  Quintessence is the source of life for all things in the universe. Its harmonics vary with each individual. But Terrans have a unique feature where the quintessences of two people can blend so thoroughly that the two are connected in body and spirit. So far there has been no provable weakening of the bond due to distance once it is awakened. But now, two soulmates are about to be separated by an entire solar system for over a year.
Or, my take on a Sheith soulmates AU.
Comments:  Soulmate AU bc this is me. Also, definitely one of my favorite voltron fics of all time. Honestly don’t understand how this doesn’t have more views? The amount of thought that went into the plot and the characterizations and the science stuff is phenomenal. Also Keith+Pidge broship is my thing. Song recommendations to set the mood... Moondust and Cosmic Love.
   Lifeline by spicygenou
Word count:  1,751 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith has always had an approximate idea of when his Soulmate and he would meet, the words revealing more than just their flirtatious personality. Likewise, Lance knew that his words would be something corny, based on how his Soulmate reacted. This is the story of how they finally met.
Comments:  Klance. Soulmate AUs are my thing ok? And this one is especially adorable and fluffy. Also coffeeshop AU in a way.
   **Ignorance is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp
Word count:  172,675 (30/30)
Summary:  As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?
Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he’s the less-evil one, too, so that’s always a plus.
Comments:  Klance with Ghost!Keith and Human!Lance. I LOVE THIS FIC. I got so attached to all the Voltron characters all over again in all new ways, even the minor ones. Like, these characters in this story had such depth, and were so multidimensional that I will never see them the same again. All of them were so completely brought to life and for me, reading this was a life-altering experience. Also, there is a bunch of fan art based of this fic, and its all linked in chapter descriptions so don’t forget to check those out too. I really loved this amazing animated video from my favorite scene in the entire story.
Might want to read the warnings for this fic before reading just in case.
   Don’t Fret by Qpenguin98
Word count:  5,643 (1/1)
Summary:  It starts with a headache. Keith gets sick.
Comments:  Klance sickfic with lots of cuddling. Serious, but fluffy.
  i toss and turn by knightly
Word count:  6,749 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith is sick, and someone comes to check in on him.
He’s just about to try to smother himself again when his door whooshes open. His eyes dart automatically towards the door, and he squints at the figure. It’s tall and skinny and dark, which leaves only one person it could be. Lance.
His heart does a tiny little kick in his chest, and he has to redouble his efforts not to cover his face again. Of all of the people who would come to check on him, it would be Lance.
Comments:  Another Klance sickfic because Lance taking care of Kieth while he’s sick. Lots of fluff and cuddles.
   Shared Stars by Kitsune_Moonstar
Word count:  2,313 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s had the little cluster of stars on the inside of his wrist for as long as he can remember. He didn’t know if it was a human thing or just a him thing, but it was one more thing that made him different from the rest of the Blades.
Comments:  Another Sheith Soulmate AU featuring a BOM raised Keith. Found this one through the Dads of Marmara tag. Interesting take on an alternate first-meeting where Keith meets Matt and Sam before Shiro. Matt & Keith bros are always welcome. (if you find more Matt & Keith friendshipfics pls gimme thnx)
  My Constellation by Kalira
Word count:  5,862 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s heart leaps when his mark changes to show Shiro’s name - and sinks with the fear that Shiro’s will never show his. But is a mark really necessary to fall in love?
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU. A little heartbreaking, but the fluff overpowers it in the end.
   Soulmarks and Skidmarks by FallingNarwhals
Word count:  9,753 (7/?)
Summary:  Keith didn’t want much. A steady job, a place to call home, and maybe figure out the soulmark on his ankle that kept him emotionally tied to a stranger.
Hunk is fresh off of a bigoted and terror ridden Earth all but clutching his degree by his fingertips, and decides that the small outpost town is perfect to live.
And neither of them can deny the small throbbing of happiness though their marks.
Comments:  Heith Soulmate AU with lots of world building. Also Mechanic!&Racer!Keith and Mechanic!Hunk. I was getting some slight SW:TPF vibes while reading this, but maybe thats just me.
    The Man in the Mask by kitausu
Word count:  1,076 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith finds himself at a party he doesn’t want to be at but with a man in a mask he maybe wouldn’t mind getting to know better
Comments:  NSFW. Also Heith bc Heith is life.
  Mirage by LavenderWife
Word count:  18,307 (5/5)
Summary:  Keith and Lance crash on an alien planet. With nothing but desert for miles and their lions broken, the two must learn to work together if they have any chance of surviving the planet’s mysterious inhabitants and getting back home.
Comments:  Some good fluffy and action-packed Klance bonding. Includes some whump and flexible!Keith. These two standoffish and competitive goofballs are forced to rely on each other a lot in this fic and in turn start to open up about their fears and insecurities. The amount of desperation and vulnerability Keith and Lance are forced to show the other while on the run is physically tangible here and I love it.
  Kiss From a Rose by BossToaster(ChaoticReactions)
Word count:  14,176 (6/6)
Summary:  5 times Shiro got kisses from the team, and one time he returned them
Comments:  SHIRO KISSES AHHH but seriously he’s so adorable and the team giving Shiro (platonic) kisses is my kink.
 **A Long Time Ago (We Used To Be Friends) by Mikiri
Word count:  32,580 (1/1)
Summary:  Originally Keith was supposed to have been Shiro’s copilot for the Kerberos Mission. They bonded over the thought of being on a mission together. But that all fell down the drain when something was found wrong with his blood. The fall out of the mission failure changed Keith forever.
Comments:  Gen with lots of Holt family + Shiro + Keith bonding bc both these goofballs need more love and the Holts agree so they are basically adopted now. The original Garrison Trio woo! This is part of the Haven’t Thought Of You Lately At All Series which is waiting on its next installment and I am so excited for bc this may be my favorite voltron fic out there. What can I say I am a sucker for the Holts/Keith bonding storyline. Some tone setting songs are One Minute More, I Lived, and my fav, Brother by Kodaline.
  VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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queenofbraces · 7 years
WIP Meme (Super long post)
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, fanwork, or original work!
Okay, so since @the-ghost-of-keith-kogane tagged me for the WIP meme (First of all: how dare u call me out like this D:< ) let me tell you about all my 2 dozen WIPs. (Almst none of which have any real writing *sob*)
-Initial Exposure: Keith gets exposed to some funky Druid magic and gets turned into a shapeshifter of the body horror kind. Klance, maaaaybe Klunk depending on my mood. Angsty but also a happy ending planned
-Real!Shiro AU. Pretty much another story dealing with the fact that the Shiro we're seeing isn't the real Shiro. Gotta fix it so it’s not just another rehash. Kinda whumpy. Shatt probably. Angsty
-Steven Universe Crossover: What it says on the tin. A wormhole leads the Castle and its crew to the Steven Universe world. They all chat and relax. Silly and without much plot. Just wanted to see the two half-alien boys with a sword and a lion meet.
-Eyes of the Arcadia: Harlock gets badly injured  and Tochiro/The Arcadia takes over his body until Harlock can be healed. Tochiro gets to interact with the crew properly for the first time in years.
-Eldritch Abomination Harlock: CWZ. Short Zero/Harlock story where Harlock wants to date Zero and decides to give Zero a quick peek of what he looks like.
-Too Many Harlocks: Started out as a semi-serious idea, but I like the OOC/cracky direction it's headed in instead. An accident with the nearly-complete Arcadia sends CWZ!Zero and CWZ!Harlock to the Gun Frontier where they meet that universe's Harlock and Tochiro, as well as Shinunora. Then they go to the Endless Odyssey universe slightly post-series. CWZ!Harlock hates everyone and pretty much complains the whole time. (Let the man just shoot his other selves, please.) Having a lot of fun imagining this one. Not really familiar enough with any other Harlock series to include them, and those I am vaguely familiar with aren't distinctive enough to include
-Two-toned Demon: Magic AU where Black Jack is thought to be some demon or other monster. Not sure yet if it's more Medieval or Modern fantasy. KuroKei. Started because Pinoko would pretty much be a homunculus of some kind and it kind of spiraled off from there. Still also have to work up a full magic system. Will include some of Black Jack's family.
-Autistic!KuroKei fics: What it says on the tin. I was in need of autistic interpretations of these two so I'm working on some. Pretty self-indulgent and yeah, their being autistic is the main point of the stories but sometimes you just want that. (Message me and I will talk for hours about this topic no joke)
-From One Surgeon to Another: Crossover with Franken Fran. Black Jack and Pinoko run into one of Fran's creatures she made for a client. Pinoko's fine but Black Jack is injured badly enough to require emergency treatment. Fran includes some free "upgrades" and Black Jack must deal with the emotional consequences of them. Maaaaybe KuroKei, dunno yet.
-Story where Yabu, Okamoto, and Kei decide to catch up with Black Jack. Okamoto brings Konomi (because apparently I ship them now???). Yabu got clean, got married, and has two kids. Okamoto and Konomi are engaged. Kei is still single and Okamoto tries to set him up with Black Jack in part because Okamoto knew Kei in school and knows how much he still likes Black Jack. It works. Kind of a 'California Café' type of fic but eh. Can't all be exciting. :P (though in one version Black Jack gets shot because 'Black Jack gets injured' is a favorite trope of Tezuka's and quite frankly mine too)
-Story where Black Jack is unknowingly sent to treat Kei's mother. Kei comes after his father finally sends for him (Kei's parents didn't want to worry him) and finds out Black Jack is treating his mother. Black Jack and Kei reveal their relationship, much to the surprise and delight of Kei’s parents. Kei's mother is cured. Black Jack and Kei get engaged. Possible sequel where Black Jack saves Shoren's newborn, and the two start to reconcile. (This would be a fix-it of sorts of BJ21.)
-Eldritch Abomination Doctor/Doctor Nyarlathotep stories: I have a bunch of different ideas for this, so I'm not sure which direction it's going currently. Definitely includes one where Jenny is half-meatsuit/lower plane being, half Eldritch Abomination.
-The adventures of Spoonie!Doctor and Spoonie!Clara. Fairly self-indulgent fic where the Doctor has arthritis and Clara has fibromyalgia. Pretty much for getting out my frustrations and feelings about being Chronically Ill.
-Dead Sonic!AU. Sonic Forces AU where Sonic dies at Eggmkan's hands and effectively becomes a Phantom Ruby- and Chaos Emerald-powered ghost. One version involves him being aware he's dead but he keeps it a secret until Infinite is defeated and he destoys his Phantom Ruby shard. The second version involves Sonic finding out he's dead much later. Overall angsty and sad.
-Mephiles!Infinite AU. Sonic Forces AU where Mephiles has broken away from one universe where Iblis was destroyed, and into the Forces universe, where he wasn't. Infinite the Jackal is actually Finn, a normal Jackal and head of the Jackal Squad, a band of mercenaries. Finn is friends with Gadget. Mephiles takes on Shadow's form and fights Infinite, later taking on Finn's form and bonding with the Phantom Ruby to become Infinite. Possible Infidget once I figure out their relationship better lol.
-Sonic Unleashed/Sonic X crossover. Sonic attempts a Chaos Control at night using a drained Chaos Emerald. He ends up in the Sonic X universe amd tries to get home. Ultimately silly and light-hearted. Seriously tempted to place this a tad before the Shadow Saga. SU!Sonic takes one look at the TV where footage of Shadow is being shown, and says, "Hey guys, I'm gonna be back in a bit. Gonna save Sonic some jail time and the rest of you like 2 weeks of time and effort." And then he just solves the entire damn thing by talking to Shadow lol.
-Silent Chronos: Started life as a Sonic '06/Silent Hill crossover, hece the working title which hasn't chaged in like...10 years. Pretty much, when Shadow and Silver go to the past and encounter Mephiles and Iblis' birth, Mephiles' power alters and corrupts the Soleannan labratory. Most everyone is turned into monster, with the exclusion of Shadow and Silver. The monsters started out largely symbolic,  but all need to be redesigned something awful. Still haven't figured out much of the plot which is why it's been on the backburner for forever.
-Farron Base: If John Campbell's 'The Thing' were nice. A group of scientists go to explore an abandoned military base and research how the flora and fauna have settled in. They find the base in remarkable condition, with a huge variety of mutated, monstrous creatures. Most are fairly friendly and some are even intelligent. The base's protectors are Nigel and Jay-Myalia (names changed later), who are intelligent, benevolent shapeshifters of the body horror kind. Again, see John Campbell's 'The Thing'. Features actual scientists (!), none of whom are cishet, and one of whom is explicitly autistic. Still not much of a plot yet :///
-Shalkrei: This started back in middle school, so at least 14 years ago, as a Sonic AU. It was my SpIn for a while, and it got huge and complex. Currently doing some pruning. It involved 'demons', magic, ancient civilizations, and furries. Also had at least one parallel universe with different species and rules.
Holy shit this got long, sorry
Tagging @Elumish, @chocolatcoffees, @Sonic-the-tumblog,  and anybody else who wants to do it since I don’t follow that many writers
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fujoshi-kanojo · 7 years
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Not all Klance shippers are bad but most of them are horrible and are giving bad names to other Klance shippers. Stop whining to me about tags, honestly I don't even read them because they're just a waste of my time. I see "tags" I ignore. If you people don't like it, ignore it. Scroll over. Don't read, don't reply/comment. Don't waste your time. Grow up. If you're hating on shaladins because you want to "defend" the sexualized minors, in a bigger scope, since Keith and Lance are minors (according to you), and you Klance shippers are constantly fantasizing on their relationship and them doing sexual acts i.e fanfics and nsfw arts, aren't you also sexualizing minors? Isn't it worse when you're an adult yourself? Also yeah, it is not Shiro's job to fuck Keith. It is not even Lance's job or anyone really. Stop making eveything about sex, you sickos. Nevertheless, in regards of matt. Most of you are saying that matt and shiro are the same age. But they wear different uniforms. This can easily means that Shiro, being the genius that he is, jumped a few grades and got promoted to an officer (making Shiro actually a teen himself). Still, if you wanna say that Matt is indeed younger than Shiro, that means Shatt is an adult/minor relationship. Yet, I don't really see you antis attacking Shatt like Sheith is being attacked? If you really want to defend your title as a defender of sexualizing minors, attack all the ships that might be doing the same thing as Sheith. Yet you are just anti-shaladin. So one last time, in regards to the law. Since we're gonna take the sdcc video as canon, k/l/h are confirmed as late teens. Which is 17-19. 18 and 19 are not adults. That is late teen. If your country states that being 18 means that you're legal, fine. But don't talk in behalf of all the other countries that have different laws. They're not gonna stay teens forever, one day they'll be adults. And like I said, in some countries, 16 is considered as a legal/consenting age. In my country, girls can get married once they turned 16. If we're gonna take the video as canon its impossible for them to be less than 16. So enough is enough. Stop talking about laws when you know nothing about it. Me saying not to cling on Keith's line about Shiro being like his brother is not me denying his wanting to have a family. Shiro (Keith's hallucination in BoM) said, and I quote, "We're all the family you need." This means that subconsciously, Keith thinks all the paladins, coran and allura as his family too as the hallucination Shiro comes from Keith's own mind. So yeah, Keith saying that to Shiro is just him wanting to validate Shiro. And also yeah, that means Lance is also like a brother to Keith. I have honest to god been keeping silent over these hates Shaladin shippers get in a daily basis. I just got tired of seeing how childish and narrow minded you are and proving that fact to me seeing that you went out your way to attack me for my old url that I didn't change since I was 12/13. Though I'm not gonna change it anymore cause I'm gonna abandon this account again anyway. I don't really go through tumblr anymore since a long time ago, I just logged into this account to tell people my point. Honestly, you guys are wasting so much energy and time being so negative over something that does not even exist in the real world it makes me kinda sad. You guys are so blinded that you can't see the line between what's real and not real anymore when there are real life situations you guys could be talking about. By the end of the day, voltron is fiction, it is not real. By the end of the day you and me have absolute no power in changing what dreamworks can easily change. Stop attacking dreamworks and the voice actors just because you got offended. There are hundreds and hundreds of fandoms out there with minor/adult ships and incest ships (some even actually canon). Yet they don't get as much hate as shaladin does? You guys just don't dare to start something because the amount of other fandoms that supports these ships are larger than those that ship shaladin right? Or maybe, it's really just you guys being insecure about your preferred ship so you attack other potential ships? I honestly don't care which ships become canon, I just want people to stop attacking other people for what they personally enjoy. I have made my point, and done my part. All pro-shaladin are welcome to use my posts as arguments against anti-shaladins. Thank you and have nice day.
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