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arc-misadventures · 8 hours ago
Son of a Queen
: HACCCK! Tuuh!
: Did you really have to do that?
: I'm sorry... But, my mouth is full of blood from getting the shit beaten out of me! Do you have a better place for me to cough up blood other than on your interrogation table, Headmaster Ozpin?
Ozpin: No... no I do not...
: Ozpin, enough with this civility, we need to deal with this traitor!
Ozpin: In due time, James. We need to allow him time to gather his senses. Your Specialists as well as, Qrow's apprehension of him was rather... rough...
: Rough my ass you bastards...
Qrow: To be fair this brat has a large aura supply... we had to be rough with him to bring him into custody.
Ironwood: Well it doesn't matter, he have captured a member of her inner circle.
Ozpin: No, gentleman we caught someone much more than just a member of, Salem's inner circle. We've captured the son of, Salem, Jaune Luna Arc.
Jaune: Tuuh!
Jaune: Really... what makes you say that?
Ozpin: We captured your sister... Cinder Fall. We found evidence of her direct involvement with, Salem after we accessed her scroll. And, while we were looking though her scroll we also found you in her contact information, along with information on your relationship with, Ms. Fall.
Ironwood: So tell us... What precisely is your relationship with, Salem, and Cinder Fall... Son of Salem...
Jaune: ...
Qrow: Wait?! He's, Salem son?!
Ironwood: Yes he is, and you would have known that if you weren't busy getting drunk again!
Qrow: Hey, I was in pain! This kid throws a mean right hook!
Jaune: Hehe...
Ozpin: Regardless, tell us about your relationship with your mother, your sister, and her plans.
Ironwood: Or, else...
Jaune: Or, else what? Bring forth the wrath of the, Grimm upon all of, Vale, and Atlas. You should know, Ozma that after what happened last time, Salem is very protective of her kids... Very protective. So if you do anything to me, or my sister, Cinder. Then I will assure you, that by the time my mother, Salem is done with her rampage! That there will be nothing left for you to protect!
Qrow: Ozma...?
Ironwood: So, Cinder Fall is your sister?
Ozpin: I see she told you much me, she says she would burn me to ash if I so much as touched a single hair upon your golden head.
Jaune: You best listen to her, my sister is almost as vengeful as my mother.
Ozpin: Very well then... Tell me, who is your father, Salem's husband? I am curious to hear who was mad enough to marry that woman.
Jaune: He didn't. My father was, Acheius Arc, and my mother was, Juniper Arc.
Ironwood: Was? Salem's not your real mother, she adopted with you?
Jaune: Yes. My home town was attacked by a swarm of, Grimm, Salem showed up after the attack, and found my dying mother who begged her to look after me. Salem agreed, and she raised me as her own.
Ironwood: So, your adopted mother murdered your parents, and you just accepted that!
Jaune: I was only a child, I know not who my mother, or my father was. So I always saw, Salem as my mother. And, when I was older, and I asked her who my father was, she told me who my real parents were, and how they died. After her story she asked for my forgiveness, and I accepted it. Salem may control the, Grimm, but she doesn't send them out into the wild to kill people. You know full well, and who, or what their true master is, Ozma...
Ozpin: I see...
Ironwood: Tell me, what were you doing here. Why were you, and Cinder Fall doing here at, Beacon Academy?
Jaune: Well, I was training to be a huntsman, and as for my sister. She was just watching over me.
Ozpin: You just came here to become a huntsman? Bullshit.
Jaune: It's always been a childhood dream of mine to become a huntsman. Mom accepted this idea, wanting me to be who I want to be. So, that's why I'm here. Not to spy on you, any of you. I don't care for... whatever you're doing.
Ozpin: I see...
Qrow: I still call bullshit...
Ozpin: And, as for why your sister, Cinder Fall is here?
Jaune: Sis is a brocon... a massive brocon. Wherever I go she inevitable follows. Its as simple as that.
OQI: ...
Ironwood: Considering how she acted when we arrested her... I'm incline to believe him...
Jaune: Tell me, how did you two find us. You said you found us through my sister, so what did she do to earn your attention?
Ozpin: She hacked into our systems to try to make sure you two were partnered up. We've been keeping an eye on her ever since.
Jaune: Bloody brocon...
Qrow: How is she your sister; Did someone actually have the balls to sleep with that thing?
Jaune: Cinder was an abused orphan, she ran away from 'home.'
Ozpin: And, her... affection...
Jaune: Obsession...
Ozpin: Your sister's obsession with you; where does this stem from.
Jaune: Genuine familial love, and brotherly affection... Simple as that. Something I doubt any of you could ever understand.
OQI: ...
Qrow: Go fuck yourself kid...
Jaune: Hehehe...
Ozpin: So, you are the adopted son of a monster, Salem.
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Qrow: And, you're the... little brother of that brocon.
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Jaune: And, your point...?
Qrow: The hell is wrong with you? Having that bitch as your mother!
Jaune: Watch your mouth you whoreson! You live alone for thousands of years, only to have the love of your life come back, and betray you!
Ozpin: So, you do love that monster?
Jaune: Do I love her?!
Salem: Mmmmmhhh~!
Jaune: Fuck! Salem you're so tight!
Salem: It's been ages since I lasted bedded a man~! Time has tightened me up~!
Jaune: No, you were always this tight! Ozma was just a limp dick fuck!
Salem: It's not a fair comparison om the slightest~! Mmm~! So deep~! It's like comparing a shrimp to a thorough bred stallion~!
Jaune: 'Bred,' huh?
Salem: Jaune? What is... Fuuuck~! You're so deep~! What is it, Jaune~?
Jaune: This may have been my sixteen birthday present, but this isn't the last time we're doing this.
Salem: Hell no we aren't~!
Jaune: Well, Salem we're going this a lot! Want to know why? Fuck your insides are so warm!
Salem: Ahh~! Why? Mhhh, right there, Jauney~! Keep pounding me~!
Jaune: You had four with that man, let's try for six~!
Salem: I've lost track of...?! Ohhhh~! How.. how many times you've made me cum... You've certainly done better than him~!
Jaune: Wrong tally, my Queen~!
Salem: ...?
Salem: Oh.
Salem Ohh~!
Salem: Well, let's get started then shall we~?
Jaune: Lets~!
Jaune: She's the woman who saved my life! The woman who raised me from a child! Unlike you, you bastard, Salem can actually show love to her family, and her children unlike you, you murder!
Ozpin: I am not a murderer.
Jaune: You, and Salem are to blame for the death of your children. And, unlike you she does not believe she was blameless.
Ozpin: ...
Qrow: So, to get back at, Ozpin she adopted you, and that flaming bitch?
Jaune: My sister is protective of me, something that you couldn't possibly understand with your sister.
Qrow: Well, what about her being a brocon! How do you defend that you bastard!
Cinder: Please, Jaune?
Jaune: No.
Cinder: Come on, it'll be fun~1
Jaune: Finals are coming up, we need to study for them, Cin.
Cinder: But, we all need a chance to unwind~!
Jaune: We can unwind after finals.
Cinder: But, I don't want to wait that long little brother~!
Jaune: No.
Cinder: But... But, what if we invite some other people to join us?
Jaune: Other... people...?
Cinder: Yeah~! My partner, Neo has been giving you the look~! And, I know you partner, Pyrrha is also giving you the looks~! So, what do you say~? Why don't the four of get together, and have some fun~?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Okay...
Cinder: YES!
Jaune: After finals are finished.
Cinder: FUCK!
Blake: Hey, quiet. This is the library.
Cinder: Hey, Blake we're going to have a foursome, want to join us, and make it a fivesome~?
Blake: ...
Blake: Yes...
Cinder: See, Jaune! Four people want top have an orgy with you! Let's do it!
Jaune: Haa... gods dammit...
Jaune: So, what my sister is a brocon. Everyone in, Beacon knows she is.
Ironwood: Do they now?
Ozpin: Yes they do. The amount of complaints we have received because of her is quite... substantial...
Qrow: Good gods...
Ozpin: Well it matters not, we have captured, Salem's children, and we will prevent them from doing anything that threatens the stability of, Vale.
Ironwood: I will prepare a prison transport to take these two away immediately. I will ensure that they will be locked away in a place forever.
Qrow: Well, looks like you will will never be seeing your sister again.
Jaune: It may be true you have me, and my older sister, but you haven't found my eldest sister.
Ozpin: Eldest sister?
Jaune: "Cough cough!"
Jaune: Damn. You blew the door right off it's hinges right on top of them. Talk about a brutal takedown,
: It was. They attacked, and arrested my little brother. Those bastards deserved it.
Jaune: Really, cause it felt a little personal.
: You deal with their bullshit for years; Ozpin's delusional paranoia, Ironwood's rigid stick up the ass attitude, and Qrow's drunkenness, and tell me you don't want to beat the fuck out of them.
Jaune: Fair enough. Do you think they're dead?
: Maybe, Ironwood is more machine then man, so they could make him more of a cyborg now. Ozpin can just reincarnate so fuck him. And as for, Qrow... well, its his lucky day~!
Jaune: Low blow sis, low blow. So, should I take this as you cutting your ties with, Beacon, and Vale?
: I am.
Jaune: I thought you liked it here.
: I do, but I love my family more. Now come on, let's go break out the brocon pyromaniac.
Jaune: Alright, but before we go; Thanks for rescuing me, Glynda.
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Glynda: Of course, Jaune. Anything for my little brother~!
Jaune: Alright, but I owe you one, Sis.
Glynda: In that case I know a way you can pay me back.
Jaune: Oh?
Glynda: Mom may get the first one, but I'm getting the second one~!
Jaune: The second...? Oh... Yeah... Yeah, I can do that~!
Glynda: Wonderful~!
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akaifujiruma15 · 2 days ago
Damn I love the way @yoomschoocs drew qrow in this ❤️❤️❤️
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Smiley boye Drew this when I was in a good mood, I just think he should smile more <3
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rachetmath · 3 days ago
Long skit. Read at your own time.
Ruby: Hey Jaune.
Jaune: Sup Rubes?
Ruby: Let's say you were in charge. How would you have handled the Robyn and Ironwood situation?
Jaune: … … … Fourth wall break.
Me: What?
Jaune: You are still on this? come on man.
Me: Fine. Just one more time.
Jaune: For real?
Me: For real.
Ruby: What the-?
Jaune: Okay. Ruby you… weren't entirely wrong not to trust James but… it felt out of pocket.
Ruby: Jaune, Leon tried to kill us. Ozpin lied to us.
Jaune: Yeah… but Ironwood was different. He bailed your team out multiple times. I can't trust him because he hasn't done crap for me. Plus he knew about Pyrrha. Remember Qrow told us first about Salem. And Ironwood implied it by knowing the information before we even told him anything. I trust you though so I did not have a choice.
Ruby: But you-
Jaune: Yeah I got smug with him, but, I stepped down because I didn't want to go too far. However, nothing I said was false considering the circumstances. Especially with Mantle.
Ren: Jaune, the things that were going on in Mantle were temporary and things would get better once we were done with Amity.
Jaune: … Are you a f- Fiona!
Fiona: Hm.
Jaune: Fiona you are a better candidate for Mantle so please tell me was Mantle any better before all of this happened?
Fiona: No, no, it wasn't. We were already struggling financially. People were still poor but at least had steady jobs—until they got laid off. Grimm attacks were common but got worse due to the negativity, and we barely had defenses.
Ren: Which Mantle destroyed!
Jaune: Which were completely useless to begin with. The only one who defended Mantle better than all of us was Penny.
Nora: So basically it wouldn't have mattered if Amity was launched or not, nothing would have changed?
Fiona: Nope. At least not in a short amount of time.
Jaune: Wow then, um, hey.
Me: what?
Jaune: Think you can… you know…
Me: Sure.
Ironwood: *appears* What the?
Jaune: Ironwood, question.
Ironwood: Um, what?
Jaune: Let's say Amity Arena was no longer an option. What would have been your plan if that were to happen?
Ironwood: … … …
Jaune: That was your only plan wasn't it?
Ironwood: But it was a good one. It's worth fighting for.
Jaune: So instead of preparing Mantle for a fight. Trying to calm them down. Catching Tyrian, who we knew was there. And instead figuring shit out. Making compromises. We have been playing cat and mouse. so none of us had our priorities were f**** straight?
Ruby: I mean-
Jaune: You gave the relic to Oscar knowing full damn well he wasn’t up to speed in combat yet. Which he lost to Neo. Then his dumbass went to talk to Ironwood knowing damn well he was willing to even put him on a wanted poster. Even though Oscar was the most honest with him.
Ruby: …. …..
Jaune: Now, if I started questioning James earlier, then I would have been questioning you and your authority because I was following your lead. Believe me, you would not want me to do that because I will treat you like Qrow and Ozpin. As an adult. And if I found out you didn’t have a plan either, I probably would have gone rogue and kept secrets from you.
Fionna: Wow.
Yang: Jaune I already-
Jaune: I mean if I have to kill someone if it means that plan would work, I would. And though I advocated for Robyn, that doesn’t mean I trust her.
Robyn: Wait what?
Jaune: Hell yeah, you were just lesser evil. You were stranger to me. But then you became a problem. Shit, I should have at least captured May or Fionna. Probably because they haven’t shown any combative skills.
Nora: Okay then-
Jaune: Where are you coming from?
Nora: Not important. Let's say I suggest we reason with them. How would you do that?
Jaune: Again, that would be Fionna.
Robyn: Excuse me.
Jaune: Again Fionna is a better representative for Mantle, not just for being born there but also is Faunus. She’s basically the gray area between Marrow and Blake philosophies, who both would give a biased answer with no solutions to the problem.
Blake: Hey-
Jaune: You shut up. You don’t do shit for your people. I hope your dad plows your mom later on because they need another kid. After all, you were a mistake.
Blake: … … …
Jaune: Bellabooty ass hoe. And Robyn is just a discount Yang with an Ironwood personality. Stubborn as hell with a stick up their asses.
Robyn: *gasp*
Yang: Hey-
Jaune: *slaps Yang*
Yang: *shocked*
Jaune: Get the f*** out of here you bastard child.
Yang: *leaves*
Jaune: Anyways. If Fionna told me what we could have done to help Mantle more than what Atlas ‘recommended’ we do, she probably wouldn’t need the supplies anymore and return them. But before I would do any of that, again, I would have needed Penny back on duty. Meaning I would’ve forced Robyn to say Penny is innocent by using her semblance on Penny. Which is the semblance everyone in Mantle knows about.
Weiss: Okay but what about my-
Jaune: Almost everything Mantle uses is from the SDC. From the voting poles and heat vents. If we had put those together the puzzle would have fallen in place.
Ruby: Wait so basically why didn’t we just divide and conquer?
Jaune: Exactly. Anyway, Weiss, your father would have been under suspicion so his role as a council member would not be official yet. So that would have given us more time. I may not be able to stop Ironwood but at least give Mantle a fighting chance. And not only that none of us have been bouncing information to one another. I mean we could have taken the city with us. Or maybe put the people in Mistral or Argus.
Weiss: Wow.
Jaune: Honestly I really should have done more. Like I don't blame Ren for being mad at me. I could have done more. I should have been questioning you especially after Heaven and Argus.
Ruby: Jaune -
Jaune: Not just you but Ironwood too. Watts wasn't smart, we were just so stupid and stubborn that we didn't bother seeing our enemy was right in front of us.
Ruby: Jaune-
Jaune: Like Mantle had so many things wrong with it. From the cameras, the androids, the robots and its defense. The treatment of its civilians. Like seriously, if we had just put Amity on hold we could have done better.
Ren Jaune -
Jaune: And let's say we could have prepared Mantle, still lost and had to evacuate them. We brought them to the most dangerous kingdom in all of Remnant. How foolish.
Ironwood: And that's why-
Jaune: Shut up. Cause James, Atlas had it coming. Its-
Me: No, let me. Ironwood, your military, even the Kingdom deserved what it got. You treat Faunuses like slaves. You never keep your people in check and make me question you all the time. Like Argus. Yeah we can blame the kids for the majority but the woman who decided to flex a giant mech over a plane hijack. What the hell?
Ironwood: … …
Me: Then your soldiers have to look like the very machines you created. It's no wonder no one trusts them and it was easy to frame you. It's almost like they were trained to be the same and work as a union meanwhile keeping their individual personalities away. Probably because they were in Atlas for too long and they forgot what home or having a spine looked like. Crazy.
Ironwood: … … …
Me: Face it. Atlas was already ready to start another war. You flex your power, trying to show the world that Atlas is its biggest factor yet still refuse to humble yourselves when it comes to the rest of the world. Watts was right about you. You want control. Nothing else.
Watts: Ratchet even though you hate me I am still the smartest character in the show!
Me: No the fuck you are not!
Watts: What?
Me: Dude, remember, you were handed the win. Again, if our characters had figured shit out. Had their priorities in order. What would have been your back up plan?
Watts: Um.
Me: Not to mention, you didn't survive Atlas. You died.
Watts: Um.
Me: Then the fight with Ironwood. Bullshit. How does a scientist manage to keep up with a soldier especially in hand to hand combat? Plot.
Watts: Well Penny -
Me: Man don't get me started on how you messed up with Penny.
Watts: … ….
Me: Matter of fact. I'm going in today.*snap 🫰*
Characters from Rwby I needed to appear.
Me: Neo. Baby. I love you. But you - oo. Oo. You beat Yang in a 1v1. You held your own against Cinder, I don't care what anyone said you could have killed the bitch. You fought team Jnpr in a 4v1. Which I will say the writers sabotaged them because they should have given you more trouble. But you struggled against Maria. Maria who hasn't been a huntress or in combat situations for years. How?!
Neo: 🥺.
Me: Jaune you did good but… you should have been fighting more. I'll explain more in a few. Oscar, you did well, I mean you still dumb as hell but you did your best.
Oscar: Okay.
Me: Now you two I can't excuse. Well one of you. Nora, you could have done better. You should have been more screen time. But Ren-
Ren: *turn away*
Me: Nah-Nah, don't turn away from me Ren. Ren. Ren, look at me. Look at me! Where were hands? Where were your hands Ren? Cause so far you been spamming the same fucking move! Like god- I can't believe I'm saying this but Jaune can beat you.
Ren: … …
Ruby: Um Rat-
Me: Shh. Now you and your team. You all managed to beat the Ace ops in a fight. A 4v4 fight.
Ruby: Yep.
Weiss: We were excellent.
Blake: We did.
Yang: No problem.
Me: So tell me why could none of you manage to fight Cinder. Let only touch her. Matter of fact, when the Ace-ops pulled up on you again, what happened?
Blake: I mean we did land a hit on Cinder.
Me: Understood but… y'all have the biggest cheat code and that's Ruby. But then Neo knocked Yang off in one move to save Ruby then proceeded to whoop all of you. No effort.
Blake: Wow. Excuse us for going through emotions. We just watched our team mate theoretically die.
Weiss: Plus, she had to put in a little effort.
Cinder: Like hell. I was disrespecting you girls completely. The only one who managed to be on par with me was Penny.
Me: Who all of you nerfed to hell by making her human. Once again the villains are handed the win. Y'all played yourselves. But let’s get on topic on why I summoned you all here. What I notice in this show is not just horrible character development for most of you but in combat for all of you, I notice a heavy amount of skill issues.
RWBY characters: what?!
Me: Like you Ren. Bro your weapon works. It helps you close the distance to engage with enemies. You can throw them like boomerangs. And they have grappling hook functions. But you lack the skill to use them for some reason. Again what happened to your martial arts training? Like you could have been on Vine and Emeralds level but no you are a waste. Instead of spending training time on meditating you should have been training on how to use them and corporate them into your fighting style. If you had one.
Ren: *silent*
Nora: Hey don't be too hard on him.
Me: The man was talking loud at the wrong people instead of the bitch who caused the problem. And he barely amounted to shit in the volumes. And his semblance evolving is trash. Fuck his feelings. He should have died along with his parents.
Nora: Shit.
Me: Ruby, your weapon upgrade is impractical. In fact I barely noticed it until someone pointed it out.
Ruby: Um.
Me: Like you showed skill in wielding a scythe. It’s unnecessary. And you have dust in your bullets. Use them. At this point I'm questioning if you had any training. Weiss.
Weiss: … …
Me: Bitch you cannot be that rusty that you don't remember how to use your weapon along with your semblance. Like you have the best semblance in the show and it’s versatile. There is no excuse for you losing half the time. Quit trying to summon your henchman and fight. Blake.
Blake: …. ..
Me: They should have given you katana in my opinion but if it ain't broke don't fix it. Still girl… …. what happened to that one move you used back when you were fighting Roman? Like you could have taught Jaune that move.
Blake: I mean-
Me: And what happened to your counter game? Do you remember how your semblance works? And again you have dust. Use the shit!
Blake: … … …
Me: Yang.
Yang: …. ….
Me: In the volume seven open credits, why never you used that move once?
Yang: … … …
Me: I could say more like you being able to launch yourself in the air. Or how you could have saved Oscar by placing your bombs around the grim and using it as a smokescreen to grab him. But I digress. Still you never use that move once, I almost thought I was seeing a dragon fist. It was beautiful. Why have you never used that?
Yang: … … Um.
Me: I really hate you. Now for you three. Jaune my boy.
Jaune: … …
Me: what happened to your grandsword mode?
Jaune: I don't know. Pietro must have removed it.
Me: Cause you really could have done some serious damage. Like you should have been doing way more. Like I understand you're the healer, but… healers are supposed to be protected, and I don't recall anyone but Ruby protecting you. Plus just because you're a healer you know how to fight. Basically you're not a healer, you're a Druid. Plus rarely anyone in this show needs healing, beside Weiss, Ren and Oscar sorry butts. You're not just a Druid but basically a Red mage.
Jaune: Well-
Me: like bro if Vine had taught you well which he didn't. Or if you actually took the time to learn how to do that. Or if the writers gave a damn and the fan base doesn't have this beef with you. You would have been doing shit like this.
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Jaune: Aw man, b-but my grandsword mode only provides me with more offensive options but no defense.
Me: You had a magnetic hard light dust mini grenade shield.
Jaune: Oh my God!
Me: To clarify, unlike these five with skill issues while having enough, you and Nora should have way more options in your bag now. Like Nora, why don't you carry lighting dust on deck or wear an electric collar or something so you can use your semblance whenever you want?
Nora: That… does make sense.
Me: If not that then you really should have been a maiden. Mainly because of the theory of Fria being your grandmother.
Nora: Are you serious?!
Me: Hinse why I hate both Ren and Oscar. You two should have been the main focus of the Atlas arc, along with Yang, Ruby and Weiss. Especially if you two together counter Atlas technology. Like Nora you didn't need to be passed out for most of the volume if Jaune was with you.
Oscar: Woah man I -
Me: *slaps Oscar*
Oscar: … … …
Me: Look Oscar. I hate you. I-I wish… I wish Hazel killed you. You are a waste of f***** air. You are just the solution of cry baby fans who hated Jaune so much that they would settle for a new character. You get all this power and still get whooped. Leave my site. Now.
Oscar: *walks off*
Me: Dumbass kid gets all that power meanwhile everyone else stays stagnant.
Cinder: Well-
Me: Jaune is always ready to fight you. Ruby can beat you with a glance. Penny could have killed you. Neo could have killed you. Shit Raven should have killed you. You even lost to Winter who just got the maiden powers by a few seconds after Jaune killed Penny. Remember you have to gang up on Amber to get those powers. Humble yourself. And remember you are Salem's weakest link so far. At this point, Cinder, I really think Pyrrha died because of the plot and her just being stupid.
Pyrrha: Hey.
Summer: What-
Me: F you Summer. We still don’t know jack about you. It’s been nine volumes and we still have no clue on what happened to you. Like I said y’all be selling the win.
Rwby characters: … … …
Me: I should end this here but- I think I should explain. Jaune, Weiss, Yang and Nora. You four should have gone to Atlas. Again Jane and Nora counter Atlas technology with their weapons. Nora didn't need to be knocked out.
JWNY: … …
Me: Nora, out of all people you could’ve asked for advice on anything, you chose Blake. The girl who has a record of not steady relationships. Really?
Nora: I mean-
Me: I say Jaune would be a better person to ask considering he wanted a relationship with Pyrrha. Plus, he has a different perspective of Ren. He may know something about him that you don’t. Plus you two barely talk to each other, so a moment between you two would have been good, at least so we can see you as a team.
Rwby fan: Damn he’s right.
Me: Believe me I think Jaune and Hazel should have fought each other, but Jaune vs Ironwood is three times better. Fights don't always have to be psychical. They can be a game of chess. Jaune vs Ironwood is a battle between two leaders with different ideals and leadership methods. Ironwood doesn’t care how you feel, when you barks an order, he expects you to do it. Jaune on the other hand doesn’t just bark orders. He explains the order but is welcome to input. Really James is Jaune.
Rwby fan: Damn.
Me: Yang and Weiss could have been arguing over Ruby’s actions with Weiss defending her and calling Yang out on her bull crap. Then when it comes to Whitely Yang calls Weiss out on her attitude with her family. The show has so far shown us multiple times that these girls talk to each other more than they talk to their partners. Why is Atlas any different?
Rwby fan: Damn.
FreezerBurn fan: DAMN IT!
Me: Ruby, Oscar, Ren and Blake. Beside the three having the physical training, powers and tools to navigate the city. In fact, if Blake has White Fang experience shouldn’t she know how to drive. In fact, if Jaune and Ren are capable of riding hover bikes I don’t see how you two, Ruby and Blake, can’t ride one as well.
Ren: But without Jaune-
Me: *irritated* What has that training been for?
Ren: … … …
Me: Struggle Sasuke- man you are worse than Megumi. Anyways everything happens the same. Except when the hound appeared Ruby tried to use her silver eyes but they didn’t work. Which is a bigger shock than it being capable of speech. And even if you guys could retrieve Oscar who to say the hound couldn’t make the Grimm surround all of you and force you to give Oscar back or just take all of you to Salem. Again, Salem wanted Ruby from the start.
Salem: Yeah he’s not wrong.
Me: The only alternative is instead of everyone on Ruby’s team being captured, Ren and Blake escape while Ruby along with Oscar are captured.
Ren: But then we’ll be trapped in the snow.
Me: You both have training and experience, I’m sure you both are capable of surviving. Also if the Amity started working you could have just called Fiona and she would track your call and find you. Or May could have found you considering she had a plane. Or if you still got captured by the Ace ops and still went into battle with them, you could have, I don’t know, called your friends and let them know what happened.
Ruby: But if I’m imprisoned then Neo and Cinder will find out and try to kill me.
Salem: Cinder would but I have her on a leash.
Me: Plus, Neo has a habit of toying with her enemies. Torturing someone is not far for her. Plus Salem gave Neo what she wanted more than Cinder did. Neo is basically repaying Salem by interrogating you for the password.
Neo: * “True” face*
Me: Now Penny, I would have kept her experience the same. The difference is Jaune could actually save her along with her father. Pietro should have had a way to come back and save his daughter.
Penny: How so? I fell from the sky!
Me: I know it's a stretch but if Jaune was training using his semblance to recharge his aura faster than normal he could jump after you and try to catch you.
Jaune fan: Son of a -!
Me: And Penny with your last bit of consciousness of yourself, you in turn save Jaune from certain death. Sadly, when you were found by Weiss-
Weiss: Wait I was with Jaune? Then where were-
Me: Jaune if the Ace-ops stole Penny’s sword instead of trying to capture her would that not be suspicious?
Jaune: Yeah… I mean though Penny could stand her ground the Ace-ops has the upper hand. Plus with how stubborn they are especially Harriet and Elm they wouldn't settle for less. Unless they were ordered.
Me: So with that in mind would you have gone to Pietro?
Ruby: Ratchet just because I was willing to send Penny to Amity to lay low doesn't mean -
Jaune: WHAT?!
Ruby: … …
Jaune: You planned to leave our most valuable friend on Amity, alone.
Ruby: It was to keep her safe.
Jaune: Okay. Again. Why did you let her go alone?
Ruby: Um.
Me: Jaune did she tell you Cinder was in Atlas?
Jaune: … … How long?
Me: A while. She also saw her in the maiden’s room.
Jaune: … …. *Eyes twitching*
Ruby: Jaune-
Jaune: Don't. Say. Anything. To me.
Me: Yeah y'all need to start relaying information to one another. Anyways Weiss you along with Jaune helped get a message out about Salem. Though it still wouldn't have made a difference for Atlas and Mantle. But then Nora calls Jaune from where her and Yang, under Jaune's orders, continue to defend Until you heard Ruby's team went away. I would explain more but I know I'm not going to get likes or repost on this so I'll end this here. Still the fact that none of you have a role, know how to use your abilities to their fullest and having little to no brain cells proves Atlas was screwed from the start.
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merethessc · 1 day ago
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some rwby au ramblings.
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I have actually SOOOOO much to talk about!! and have sooo many more doodles!!! But, you know, i dont wanna bother anyone.
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howlingday · 3 days ago
Summer: Ambulance, please? ...Mhm, yeah, it's the same old story; first day of spring, he got too drunk, stumbled headfirst into a trash can, waddled about with it on his head shouting "EXTERMINATE~!", fell over, and got his dick stuck in a deck chair.
Taiyang: Even by your standards, Raven, it's pretty lazy. At least BURY Ichi before Yang got home!
Qrow: (Sobbing) We never found her head, Oz...
Ozpin: You have my condolences, Qrow, but I'm not sure the "smiling face on the balloon" is the right way forward for Summer's funeral.
Yang: I'm sorry, Blake... I don't know how they make sharing a bath together look so romantic in the movies...
Blake: Y-Yang! Your big toe is still up my
Ruby: I see the Belladonnas are trying to have sex against the wall again. Brothers, how sweet... I see Mr. Belladonna is going for the "pushing the sofa up the stairs" technique. Oum, his legs are shaking like a shitting dog...
Jaune: But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Weiss is the sun~!
Cardin: Wow... Coming off a little desperate today, aren't' we?
Jaune: Fuck off, Cardin!
Weiss: How annoying... My pen's leaking everywhere...
Pyrrha: Brothers, Weiss! You look like you gave an octopus Grimm a sloppy handjob!
Goodwitch: Stick to the facts, Ms. Rose. Explosions were heard from the top of Beacon tower, and frame 313 clearly shows Pyrrha lurching FORWARD when she was shot.
Adrian: What are they doing?
Terra: Keep walking, Adrian. It's just two people showing their love for each other.
Adrian: I think she has a bit of love in her eye~.
Roman: It's got hand-stitched Valian leather, purrs like a pussycat, and just look at those curves~! This little minx is a real, little go-er!
Winter: Relax, buddy. I'm planning to drive it to the grocery store twice a month, not buying it dinner and fucking it.
May: Holy fuck, she's up to the elbow...
May: Poor Jaune Arc...
May: Honestly, May, she's treating his bowels like a bag of oranges.
Ren: ...Nora, where's the picnic?
Nora: I can't be expected to remember everything, REN!
Saphron: I'd give it five minutes before going in there. I just saw a different kind of crowning, and let me tell you, it was NOT very majestic.
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Robyn: Fuck me, this incessant reign is depressing...
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purrgiri · 2 days ago
Qrow:now they won't be alcoholics
Taiyang:.... That's surprisingly thoughtful of you
Qrow:your right I'm to sober time to fix it *starts chugging*
Qrow: Ruby, Yang, you’ve grown into powerful huntresses, and you’ve made your uncle proud!
Qrow: I brought you both something: a bottle of wine from my family’s ancestral homeland! 🍷
Ruby/Yang: Thanks, uncle Qrow!! *run out of the room* 😲
Taiyang: Qrow, what are you doing?!You just gave a bottle of wine to my underage daughters!
Qrow: Don’t worry about it. Branwen wine is swill. It’s practically undrinkable!
Ruby/Yang: *simultaneous spitting sounds from the kitchen* 🤮
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hiru3152 · 2 months ago
ruby rose who just developed evil thoughts
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Uncle Qrow stopped her
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hadesisqueer · 1 month ago
Underrated moment for real, I start laughing every fucking time
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"Is that a bird-- WHAT THE FUCK"
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pilot-boi · 8 months ago
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A bird and his babies
Any guy can be a babygirl, but it takes a man to be a single mother
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cannedpeachlover · 20 days ago
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rwby posting …………… more doodles under the cut
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chantaldraw · 2 years ago
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"...because you did start something."
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galdrgobrrr · 2 months ago
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Ruby of rwby fame
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amelia-yap · 22 days ago
Qrow comes back to Patch after months and sees Tayang and Summer trying to give an angry winged and horned fire-breathing child a bath while Ruby tries to stop her sister from killing the child because she accidentally burnt her hair.
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sasasafeier · 4 months ago
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monod1cot · 20 days ago
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a continuation of this
Family Teasing
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thecraftyninjacat · 5 months ago
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in your gaze where i'm seen, consume me
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