Woof woof I'mma turtle
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
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Ok so I read a headcanon that Ranmaru wears a hello kitty hoodie 24/7 and I just HAD TO
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
Yooooo sorry for not being active I've been dealing with personal problems lately and whatever other damn issues I have ;-; buuuuttt here's a small headcanon of the Ikerev guys and having kids because my dad is absolute shit so enjoy! (Marina and Xenia istg you better not send me my own fanfics and make me cry at my writing) also I'll write a seperate one for the residents later lolol
I can see him having around 3 kids. Of course all of them are boys. I don't know why, but I just see it. He seems like the type of guy to have all boys, but of course if he ever had a daughter(s) he'd spoil her/them rotten. He'd be the type of dad to show affection in head pats and tease his kids just to let them know they're loved. Also he would definitely make sure they know exactly how to annoy Sirius (obviously). He secretly lives for them falling asleep with him on his bed after
"Enjoy your youth and don't sweat about the mistakes. Hm? No I'm not old-"
Since he has little siblings and has to deal with the black army which is basically a bunch of children, he'd be really good with kids. I can definitely see him having around 4 if he really wanted but he'd be just fine with any amount, but it's best to keep a small number because of his already loss of sanity with the black army. Even if he's tired and done with life, he makes sure to be included in his kid's lives.
"I'm exhausted sigh.... Huh? Of course I'd love to read you a bed time story."
Baby boy would definitely have around 2 kids, if not one. He'd also definitely have daughters. He's hurt happy that he has a family to care for, but doesn't like when Jonah gets really happy to see his daughter(s). He would be the awkward dad in showing affection, but would enjoy teaching his daughter(s) how to cook in the kitchen. Would be happy when he sees her/them be happy with their creation.
"You finished? Good, see? You did really well, better than last time at least."
Definitely would love having kids. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) He gets along with them pretty well so he's like the perfect dad. I can see him having around 5 kids (if he really gets into it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) BANSJJAJA but I'm all reality he'd have around 3 or even one. Definitely has a daughter if he has one kid, but he'd have more girls than boys. He just thinks they're superior uwu but would definitely reach his sons how to respect women.
"Now remember: do your best and make sure you always feel proud of yourself kay?"
HE. NEVER. GETS. OLD. He's the pretty dad and stays young forever like wtf??? DEFINITELY has a daughter. He would enjoy teaching her about skin care and hair care, or beauty things just in general. Teaches her self defense and how to fight with style and grace JUST to make boys stay away. Definitely the overprotective dad and will send his daughter with 10000+ self defense weapons or weapons in general. 
"Okay sweetie so this is how you break his ribcage-"
Definitely the "exhausted but makes time for his family always dad." Sometimes forgets how long he works until his child tugs on his sleeve and gives puppy dog eyes. He'd definitely have one son. His son is his exact look alike. Gets unsure of himself when trying to show affection, but definitely does it with spending time together and teaching his son new things. Does his best to be a good dad and be involved even if he has a lot of work.
"What is it I'm busy- you want me to spend time with you? I suppose I could leave it for later..."
Clingy asf dad. ALWAYS prepared for any situation. I can see him having twin sons and a younger daughter. He makes sure that his twin sons know EXACTLY how to protect and defend their younger sister. He always shows his affection by taking them out to down and going into the bakery/restaurants or shopping. Literally doesn't care about anyone else. Makes sure he teaches his kids proper beauty care as well and how to sleep pretty. Also always makes sure his kids are dependant, loyal, and makes sure they don't give up no matter what.
"Now we must always respect king Lancelot and his son- what is it? TISSUE? OKAY HERE YOU GO I HAVE COUGH MEDICINE TOO AND-"
Sketchy dad, obviously. Always thought he would just have his family of ducks instead of kids. Definitely has a son (who's double the sketchy). Always teases him but gives some jellybeans or whatever other heart attack threatening candy he has on hand to apologize. Loves to annoy Jonah with his son because you know, for fun. Has a hard time not teasing when giving affection instead of straightforward, but that's just his way of showing his love. Definitely teaches his son how to deal with certain problems and makes sure he keeps up with his studies no matter what.
"Hmmm? Are you attempting to sneak out? You can't get past me you know. Okay okay, just make sure you're home before Jonah throws a fit."
The chill dad. Really doesn't give a fuck as long as his kids stay out of trouble and keep up with their work. I can see him having two kids, a son and daughter since he doesn't want too much trouble. Enjoys teaching them knowledge about medicine and other doctor things he knows. Lets them take a sip out of his beer sometimes as we've all done a couple times. Don't lie. Sometimes forgets they're not the right age. He shows his affection by ruffling his kid's hair with a goofy smile.
"Why are you looking at me alcahol like that? Want some? Oh yeah, you're underage..... One day you'll be old enough. It's all mine though."
I can see him having one son or daughter. He would be the awkwardly silent dad, but try his best to communicate. Whichever gender kid he has, he'll do his best to train them to be a red army officer. Whenever they cried or were upset, he'd pull up a lolipop or whatever candy he had on hand to cheer them up. Best dad 10/10, would reccomend. To spend time with his kid, he'd train with them since it's the only thing he's not awkward at. Zero literally hates it whenever Edgar's like "omg what do we have here? Zero you're such a good parent (*❛‿❛)". Always tells his kid to not trust Edgar because he's a weirdo.
"Come on, training time is now. Huh? You want to beat me? Okay, give it your all then."
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
So I kinda but not really kinda managed to shift again and this time I smelled Fenrir, Loki, Oliver, a bit of Edgar, Kyle, and slightly Lancelot.
Fenrir smelled like his hair was just washed, gunpowder, and a bit of sweat (not the gross kind where you haven't showered in days) because obviously he exercises a lot.
Loki smelled like cats/cat fur and some strange cologne I think? I have to smell him again but it was unusual and I think it might have been from a bakery or something.
Oliver smelled like tea but idk which kind. Obviously.
I couldn't really make out what Lancelot smelled like because the red army was all there but he smelled a bit like cologne?
Same with Edgar but only because Jonah was there and his perfume/cologne hurt my nose. There was a verrryyy faint smell to Edgar and it was Candy.
Kyle smelled cold, and like alcahol mixed with medicine..... It was gross to me.
Cradle smelled the same: like a bakery and really good and perfumes and flowers and stuff. It made me hungry lolol
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
Ikerev School HC
2nd year
He's usually the good student.... Except when him and Fenrir are together.
Somehow gets girls to like him without trying.
Gets in fights with Fenrir against other kids.
Spends time in the library.
Likes to feed cats.
Calm normally, but absolutely CHAOTIC with his bestie
Enjoys rainy days at home
Rainy days at school are HELL
Mutuals with almost everyone
Is in the book club
3rd year
Is in charge of class when teacher is out.
Packs his own lunch.
Keeps everyone from burning the school down.
How the fuck does he have sanity left?
Often drags Fenrir and Ray back to class.
Brings flower seeds with him to school to plant.
Everyone feels safe with him
Tall bitch
Organized asf
Walks his little siblings to and from school
In the gardening club.
2nd year
Makes his own lunch.
Skips class with Edgar and feeds the pigeons on the roof top.
Gets decent grades.
Everyone calls him cute.
Stays by Sirius or Edgar mainly.
Definition of cute but deadly
Kinda clueless but that's okay because he's bby (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Enjoys alone time
Awkwardly stands when teacher says pick a partner
Shops at hot topic sometimes with Loki.
In the cooking club.
3rd year
Wakes up early to do his makeup.
Often argues with Jonah over who's prettier.
Fenrir and him get into small arguments. Mainly about properness.
Taste tests Luka's cooking.
All the girls are jelous of him.
Never gives his beauty secrets.
The hot cheeto girl. Periodt.
In drama club.
2nd year
Bff's with Ray (obviously) and gets in fights with him against other kids.
Probably has some failing classes (math).
Gets a lot of punches on the head by Sirius.
Girls love him.
Teacher's enemy.
Seriously wonders how Seth is so bright and cheery every single early morning.
Clueless about wtf is going on in class.
Makes paper airplanes instead. You know, as we all do.
In the sports club.
3rd year
Straight A student (obviously).
Spends time sitting on bench in the middle of campus while reading or listening to friends talk.
One of the popular kids.
Teacher's favorite along with Edgar.
Doesn't raise hand in class because he doesn't want to.
Student council president.
3rd year
ALWAYS with Lancelot.
Gets into arguments with Edgar and Seth.
Enemies with Sirius.
Hugs Luka whenever he sees him.
Forces Kyle to do class work.
Has the best outfits. Always.
Brushes his hair every 30 minutes, a lot after pe.
Always smells like strawberries.
Part of student council for Lancelot.
2nd year
The teacher's favorite #2.
Friends with Luka.
Annoys Jonah for fun.
Never found when he's actually needed.
Straight A perfect student.
Likes to feed pigeons at the roof top while skipping class with Luka.
Annoys Zero for fun too.
People are scared of him.
Nobody knows where he gets all that candy.
Part of martial arts club because he thinks it's funny to annoy everyone and then kick their asses.
1st year.
Always tired.
So done with everyone's shit.
Mainly just wants to sleep.
Somehow has good grades.
Teachers call on him when they think he's not paying attention and gets them mad when he answers correctly.
Always forced to come along with Jonah and everyone else.
Nobody knows why he's always tired.
Hates being put in group projects.
Kyle's not in a club.
1st year
Somehow always has lolipops in his pocket.
Usually off alone doing something.
Edgar bothers him for fun.
Not very social but he's nice.
Intimidating, but actually really nice.
Helps animals.
Learned how to put up with Jonah.
Always takes attendance up to the office.
For some reason he's always paired up with Kyle.
In the martial arts club.
3rd year
Teacher's favorite
Always gets good grades
Nobody wants his lunch because it's always carrots or healthy ew
Everyone trusts him
Hangs around Oliver
Book worm #2
Ton of secrets
Somehow popular with girls
Never sweats in P.E.
Everyone wants his gloves
In the literature club
1st year
Everyone makes fun of his height
The kid who everyone is scared who's gonna snap one day
Gets perfect grades as well
Bullies fear HIM
Nobody knows why he's so salty
Probabaly because of his height
Lectures the teachers instead
Hates everyone
Helps Fenrir get better at sports
Doesn't want to be involved with anyone's shit
Feeds the birds sometimes on the roof top
Not in any club. He already knows everything.
3rd year
Has the patience of a god
Adopted Loki
Does work on time like a weirdo
Besties with Sirius and Lancelot
Blends in with the crowd
Teachers forget about him
Scary at first but is actually a soft awk boi
Just wants to get in with school and LEAVE without drama or issues
In photography club
First year
Adopted by Harr
Sketchy asf
Cats follow him
Was caught smuggling cats in his hoodie and backpack into school more than 100+ times
The very DEFINITION of a hot topic kid
Always with Harr
Oliver's arch nemesis
Teacher's enemy
Probabaly knows EVERYONE'S biggest secret along with Edgar
Taunts bullied for fun
Probabaly the bite/hissing kid
In the music club
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
Ok so Blanc smelled like tea and a bit of paper, Sirius smelled like axe body spray or cologne that was kinda faint but you could smell it, Jonah smelled like cologne or perfume (that hurt my nose) and I couldn't even smell Edgar over him, Zero smelled like lolipops kinda, and Seth smelled like flowers.
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
Ok so I tried the raven method of shifting and I was finally almost asleep after a while and I kept hearing parts of music that would just randomly come up which happens to me sometimes and then I heard this weird scary laughing and when I tried to move I couldn't I literally couldn't but somehow I did and I like got so creeped out. Basically I went into a sleep paralysis because I was laying on my back or something.
The good part is that I could literally SMELL cradle and Ray when I started to shift. Cradle smelled kind of like a bakery with all the cakes and fresh bread and hint of perfumes and stuff. Ray smelled like faint tea and had a tint faint smell of cologne.
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
~Raint Days~
Genre: fluff
Characters: Loki, Harr, and y/n
      It was cold. Cold, boring, and gray. There wasn't anything to do other than just staying inside and hope that the sound of water droplets hitting the ground would stop eventually and the sun would shine as brightly as it did just as before the dreadful gray clouds covered the sky and filled the land with nothing but bland colors. 
     Loki was sitting by the window with his arms on the  table a he snuggled his head into them while looking outside as the water hit the ground and sighed. "When is the rain ever going to stop?!" It sounded more like complaining as he continued to look outside as Harr came and placed a blanket over his shoulders to keep him warm. 
     "I'm not sure, but it seems like it'll take a little while. We'll just have to wait it out for a while longer and hopefully the rain will stop by tomorrow." Loki's eyes widened as Harr sat down with tea and stretched his arms out as he groaned while putting his face down on the table. "Tomorrow? But it's so boorrrriinnnggg and I wanna go see Y/N!" 
   Harr just stared at Loki from across the table as he took a sip of his tea while nodding. "Yes, unfortunately you just might have to wait until tomorrow. But don't you want to take one of those "cat naps" as you say?" 
  "I can't. I'm too much in despair to..... Should I just go out in the rain to see Y/N instead of waiting?" He looked up at Harr with a questionable look just before the black haired man shook his head as he spoke up. "I don't think that would be wise. It is raining pretty hard and you might get sick if you go out in this weather. Also, I don't think it would be good if she/he/they had to worry that you were out in this weather. She/he/they might be spending time with the black army now, so- and he's gone....." 
   Before poor Harr could even finish, Loki was already gone and out the door as he sighed and set his cup down. "He didn't even let me finish...."
    Meanwhile Loki basically flew while running through the rain that came down and wet his clothing already. It seemed as if he was a cheetah that stopped for nothing. When he finally got to the Black Army headquarters, he somehow snuck his way in and up to y/n's room without getting caught by anyone (specifically Seth).
  After I was done eating with everyone, I said my goodbye's as I walked back to my room. I was kind of full from dinner, so I took my time to walk back this time. It was raining, so I didn't really mind being slow as a snail this time since the water hitting the ground felt soothing and calm somehow. Actually it's weird how calm I feel, considering Loki isn't here. It feels lonely without him even if everyone is here, but I'll see him soon hopefully, right-
    "WAIT WHAT THE FU-" I widened my eyes in surprise as I saw the man I was JUST thinking of seated on the side of my bed while drying his curly pink hair.
    "It's not exactly the kind of welcome I thought you'd give, but it'll have to work I guess." He gave his usual slight smirk and he looked over at me in my surprise while I was still trying to process how tf he got in here without getting caught.
   "How did you- why- wha-"
   The cat-like man just chuckled as his hair was damp and curly while you were still confused on how he even got IN your room without being caught by the ENTIRE army.
   "Am I not aloud to visit my significant other even when it's raining? I thought you knew me better than that." He gave a teasing smile as he walked right up to you.
    "Don't get me wrong I'm glad you're here but how did you even get in here? And without being caught might I add." You finally managed to speak as he hugged you while you had a questionable expression on.
     "That's a secret only a cat is able to know~ but I will tell you the reason I came, do you wanna hear?"
      You just sighed and nodded as he broke apart and kissed your forehead with a smile. "Because I missed you."
     OBVIOUSLY that made you blush, but a happy blush, as you hugged him and smiled back. "I missed you too Loki." Cat boi enjoyed the warmth you gave in thw hug after being out in the rain for so long as he nuzzled his face in your hair (or against you if you're tall owo).
  "OH! By the way aren't you cold and tired? You did come in the rain after all." The (color) eyed (gender) looked at Loki with concern as he smiled and tilted his head a little. It was adorable to him to see her/he/them/etc concerned for him as he leaned in to kiss her/he/them/etc on the lips sweetly.
    "A little, so I'd rather spend the rest of the time with you. Otherwise my efforts will go to vain you know." And without another word, he pulled y/n down into the bed with him as his clothes were dry (thanks to hood or ✨anime logic✨) and held her/he/them/etc close to him.
   "Huh?" Y/n's eyes went wide as he pulled her/he/them/etc down with him but didn't mind as they cuddled close to him with a smile for the rest of the night since it was getting pretty late after all.
Hiiii guys I know it was short but like I did my best to write my first fanfic! Requests are appreciated but PLEASE be patient 😩✨✌️
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
Hey guys if you want please request Ikesen, Ikerev, Ikevamp, MysticMessenger, or MLQC fanfics! Request are open!
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
The girls are fighting again 🙄
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woofwoofimmaturtle · 4 years ago
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a ripple affect that would destroy the entire red army
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