#rise of the titans spoilers
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tnt308 · 2 years ago
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I don't know where these ideas come from... it wasn't from a strange audio from ig... but I think it was from Pinterest.
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beastenraged · 1 year ago
For the past few days, I've been wrestling with the information that apparently, the movie they made for Tales of Arcadia (Trollhunters, 3Below, Wizards) has a built in restart the timeline at the end of it.
What am I supposed to do with that? That apparently all three shows are just the "bad timeline"? HOW.
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theslayerbrother · 2 years ago
@bluheaven-adw Come here
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“We’ve said goodbye before, so it stands to reason, we’ll say hello again”
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felassan · 4 months ago
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so... not to be too random in your inbox but this image of the titan reeeeeally reminded me of something. And I knew I'd seen it on your blog too. Took me a minute but I figured it out. Do with this information as you will.
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hello! ◕‿◕ hhhhhhh ok this took me out
[original post of the cat DA scarf meme]
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I love it when the protags get slapped across the face with the fact that they're committing horrific acts upon the undeserving and gotta take a step back to gauge whether or not their goals and their means are actually worth it or not.
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plentyelegant · 7 months ago
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I'm so tired
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hellothereimaloser · 1 year ago
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Baby boy, baby... Ngl Jim is my fave, he's adorable and extremely traumatized which is the best character traits combination ✨
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notsosmug87 · 10 months ago
Jordana might have an arc That’s very similar to Terra from teen titans now that I’m thinking about it.
Working under and being trained by an incredibly notorious evil figure and essentially becoming a husk of her former self while having extreme power.
Falling under his control (or the forbidden five that’s possessing her theory) and having to be saved by those she despises; ie Sora.
(Minus the being taken in by the main characters and becoming a semi permanent team member which happens at the start)
Whether this ends in Jordana having to make the ultimate sacrifice and taking out Ras in the process, joining the ninja, going off to do her own thing or some secret 4th option is what I’m wondering about however.
Maybe Jay could become a mentor to her and becomes important for her character?
Maybe she finally breaks free from her delusions about having to be better or die trying?
She’s genuinely one of the new characters I really want to see more of and are very interested in where her story goes.
What do you guys think?
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nerdsandqueens · 2 months ago
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Caption: "Early sketches of Ghilan'nain and her experiments emerging from the sea."
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insignificant457 · 2 years ago
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viewlumia · 3 months ago
The Dreamzzz S2 finale be like:
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disney15ish · 2 years ago
Manifest Finale
SPOILERS For Manifest Series Finale
“If I had a nickel for every time a OUAT actor has been a part of a Netflix franchise that the final installment ends with a pregnancy  and a reset button, ‘i’ld have two nickels...”
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Despite the similar ending, I enjoyed the Manifest version of it, because it didn’t come out of nowhere and was done, IMO, much better.
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the-blue-sandglass · 7 months ago
I know I mostly just post icons but this shit stuck out to me SO BAD. See I didn't watch TT when I was a kid, but I watched it once I found a place to check it out and this guy is fucking s c a r y from that perspective, he's like...every gaslighting manipulative parent compiled into one. The mystery about what the fuck he's even after isn't any better, but the gaslighting and the manipulation is the worst of it all.
Like if you look up the signs of a gaslighter, he pretty much checks like?? Every box?? Apologies for the ramble beneath the line!
He tells blatant lies - pretty much most of what he says to Terra, really, but the stuff he says about the Titans stands out as we see they aren't upset about Terra struggling with her powers, if anything they approach it at worst in a 'we'll try and help you sort it but you gotta keep it in mind' way, which is pretty reasonable.
Using what you love against you - this...this is literally what he did to Robin throughout all of the Apprentice arc. Like, exactly what he did. He literally said do this or they die and specifically that he'd make him watch. I'd argue he did it to Raven too during that whole situation, especially with stuff like the "now they're afraid of YOU" spiel during the Prophecy.
Confusion weakens people - another thing that I can't narrow down to just one example because I'd argue that's like...his whole preferred method. He does it with Robin with all the mysterious leads he sets up, he does it with Terra regarding her friends and he does it to Beast Boy regarding Terra to make her look worse to him and thus sever her connection to him.
Loss of sense of self - I noticed while reading over the transcripts for Apprentice and Aftershock respectively (and from TV Tropes) that Slade doesn't tend to call his apprentices by name. With Robin he uses his name comparatively more often, but he very specifically always says 'my apprentice' which is...disturbing. Post-Terra swearing loyalty he tends to just call her 'apprentice', but he doesn't use her name very often from that point onward. He also tries to imply a sense of enjoyment from Robin's thefts specifically that isn't there, and a sense of closeness that isn't there (most people comment on the 'I already have a father' thing specifically for the Batman allusion, but I find it pretty fucking freaky that he'd have the audacity to imply he'd be a similar role to Batman given all the shit he'd put Robin through by then, never mind in the potential future), along with the 'you'll learn to like it'.
Actions will not reflect words - Poor Terra got this the worst I think, given that she got hit specifically with the 'I can help you, child', 'I can teach you to shine'. There's probably examples of this too for Robin and Raven though, but Terra gets it most I think because of us seeing the whole twisted process of him trying to get his claws into her. Eep. Him seemingly praising Terra or respecting her is very similar. I'd argue too the 'all my knowledge, all for you' and 'it's always been about you' to Robin also fall under this.
Projection - ROBIN. ROBIN. Robin and Terra both get this I'd argue, but the former especially; admittedly there are some legs to the comparison, as there are traits that Robin has in common with him, but Slade mentions it a lot I think because he knows it eats at him. He says that 'they think alike', but Robin really doesn't. He can be a bit ruthless to reach his ends but he's not?? A fucking gaslighter?? I'd also say he does it to Terra, given the whole 'who else would take you?' thing later, to me that kinda implies she's as bad as he is and that there's no going back for her, when there still is.
Everyone else is a liar - Slade does this to Terra way too much, it's unsettling. From the first conversation he has with her he plants that doubt, the 'they'll abandon you', '(Beast Boy) lied', etc. The 'how can you lose something you never had?' also counts because Terra might have struggled with her powers but she didn't deal with an earthquake every second. We never see one in the show, not to the level he mentions, so she clearly has some semblance of it. Robin gets a hint of it too with the 'they're not your friends anymore' as if saying that invalides literally everything Robin's went through with the Titans so far?? TLDR: Slade's a creepy bastard and I will DIE on this hill. And like, he TRAUMATISED these kids. Haunted is pretty much Robin trying to deal with that trauma, and honestly I don't understand the Terra hate in full because that girl was abused and manipulated by this fucker. The way Slade speaks about her in places (what the FUCK was that 'I saw her first' shit) is so wrong, everything about him is just wrong.
rewatching episodes of teen titans as an older individual who knows his fair share of shit about gaslighting and manipulation, slade is a dick. rewatching terra’s arc made me sick to the stomach. everything slade says to her; “nobody understands you,” “i’m the only one who can help you control your powers,” “beast boy never liked you. you have no friends.” “when they figure out your secret they’ll kick you out,” the list goes ON. that’s the TEXTBOOK DEFINITION of manipulation! saying that you’re the only one who can help someone, isolating someone from their friends, planting the seeds of lies in their head- this is all present. and we can see how terra is reacting to it! she’s nervous. she’s scared. she doesn’t know what to believe. she was a girl that had no home, no control over her powers, and slade took advantage of that. she didn’t know any better and that bastard of a man knew that. when you’re older than 9 it becomes so much easier to hate slade, because you know why he’s hatable now. you can see it. you understand it. he’s not just the bad guy, he’s a bad guy.
and don’t even get me STARTED on raven’s birthday arc. slade is SUCH A CREEP!!
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felassan · 5 months ago
I do not know if you have posted anything about this yet but can we talk about Harding turning darkspawn into stone like Bodan did in DA2???
hello! ◕‿◕ [Sandal DA2 frozen darkspawn scene] yess. 👁️ it's interesting that Bodan had a theory that maybe Sandal is lyrium-addled due to his exposure to lyrium (blood of Titans) in the Deep Roads, as the other thing that Harding's new powers bring to mind is Valta's new magical powers to shape stone at the end of Descent, after she was hit with raw lyrium during the battle with the Guardian in the Wellspring. I can't wait to find out more about the reason for Harding's new powers and what it might mean for the dwarves going forward, and/or in terms of Titan lore reveals etc.. (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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plentyelegant · 7 months ago
holy shit this. this actually sounds quite possibly worse than rise of the titans I fear
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written-and-readen · 8 days ago
you know what. time for me to be a whore (3.1 spoilers)
thinking of non-relationship reader coming over to anaxa's new temporary place in okhema to drop off some stuff only to hear strange noises. they move to check it out before cerces shows up and is like "i wouldn't do that if i were you. anaxagoras is simply... preoccupied."
but reader is still a dumbass and wants to check on him (cerces tried, alright) only to walk in on him "relieving some stress" from everything that's happened.
...ofc maybe a talk about respecting privacy and boundaries is in order later but ooh boy
Knock Before You Enter
Anaxa x reader
Summary: You go to visit Anaxa after the incident at the Grove of Epiphany and accidentally interrupt him while he’s busy.
Warnings: nsfw (18+), male masturbation
a/n: The way my jaw DROPPED while reading this
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You readjust the box of scrolls in your hand as you climb the stairs to where Anaxa's supposed to be staying. Aglaea had directed you to a house at the edge of Okhema, one further from the city's noise, after giving a brief rundown of what had happened. You're sure the professor would be irked that you'd had to speak even a word to Aglaea, but that's something that could be omitted easily enough without raising suspicion. Honestly, you're just relieved he's alive. Hopefully, seeing how you'd salvaged some of the Grove's resources would lift his mood a little.
As you approach the door, you hear something coming from the other side. It sounds like heavy breathing. You set your box down next to the door to check it out, but before you can lean your ear closer, a voice speaks from behind you.
"I suggest not going in there." You jump and turn to face a woman with branches entwined in her long hair and a faint golden glow surrounding her.
"You're Cerces, aren't you?" You ask in awe, and she nods in reply. As amazing as it is to finally see the Titan of Reason in person, you have to curb your excitement for now. "I didn't know you could separate from Anaxa. Is he in there?"
"He's a little preoccupied right now. I do not wish to be around him, and I'm certain he feels the same." That tracks. Anaxa wasn't really known for his agreeable personality, especially concerning the Titans.
"You too should probably not interrupt him," Cerces advises.
"We're friends though. I want to make sure he's alright." Anaxa may dislike the Titans, but you're no Titan. Before the incident at the Grove, you’d drop by his office when possible. Although he often scolded you for interrupting his work, especially when you didn't knock, he’d let you keep him company. You're sure he wouldn't mind a visitor, and you made a promise to yourself to keep it short so he could get some rest.
You push open the door, and your hand hasn't even left the doorknob before you see Anaxa. His eye meets yours, slightly hazy compared to their usual sharpness, and his turquoise hair has strands falling in front of his face. His jacket is draped over the back of the chair he's sitting in, exposing his shoulders and making their rise and fall clearer as he breathes heavily, mouth slightly agape.
His right hand, unadorned by his rings, is wrapped around his leaking cock. You hadn’t noticed how long his fingers were until you now saw them curled so prettily around its length. That's the best word you can come up with in the moment: pretty. He looks so pretty like this—
In an instant, you pull the door shut again. You’ve never seen the Sage so….uncomposed, and it has you losing your composure as well. Your heart has gone from normal to max speed, your cheeks are aflame, and for the life of you, you cannot forget the image you just witnessed. Anaxa's recurring reminders of how you should knock before entering ring in your head before Cerces' voice breaks through them.
"I did warn you, didn't I?"
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