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felassan · 5 months ago
I do not know if you have posted anything about this yet but can we talk about Harding turning darkspawn into stone like Bodan did in DA2???
hello! ◕‿◕ [Sandal DA2 frozen darkspawn scene] yess. 👁️ it's interesting that Bodan had a theory that maybe Sandal is lyrium-addled due to his exposure to lyrium (blood of Titans) in the Deep Roads, as the other thing that Harding's new powers bring to mind is Valta's new magical powers to shape stone at the end of Descent, after she was hit with raw lyrium during the battle with the Guardian in the Wellspring. I can't wait to find out more about the reason for Harding's new powers and what it might mean for the dwarves going forward, and/or in terms of Titan lore reveals etc.. (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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blighted-elf · 8 months ago
If I wanted to get into making gifs, how does one start? WHERE does one start?
Sorry for the late response! I feel like I might not be the best person to ask, just because I don't make my gifs in the most typical way. There are a bunch of ways to make gifs, and none of them are wrong per se, but most other gifmakers go frame by frame, whereas I like to import the video files directly onto the Photoshop timeline. My way was easier to learn, but can be a little limiting in what I can do with them. I'll include an updated tutorial on how I make mine under the cut below, but if you'd like to go the more typical route, then I recommend checking out one of the popular gif making tutorials, such as this one, as a base tutorial and then playing around with it.
How I Make My Gifs
- Adobe Photoshop (I currently use 2023) - Any video editing program (I currently use Adobe Premiere Pro 2020) - A screen recording program (I use OBS)
How to:
1 - Record your game footage using OBS (or any screen recording program). Always make sure your game is running the highest settings. 2 - In Premiere Pro (or any video editing program), import your captured footage and create short, identical length clips that are under 2 seconds each. I recommend exporting in 1080p, no less than 30fps, using the best quality. Export as .avi or .mp4, something Photoshop accepts. 3 - In Photoshop, create a new 1920×1080 file. 4 - Click the Windows tab and make sure you have Timeline ticked. 5 - On the Timeline, click Create Video Timeline. 6 - Click the down arrow to the left of the video layer, and add as many New Video Groups as you have clips. 7 - Click the down arrow on each of those video layers and Add Media (your clips). One video per layer. 8 - Right click on one of the videos in the timeline and change the speed (I usually go 70% but if you like slower gifs, go with 60% or 65%). Then bump the Duration slider all the way up. Do this for all the video clips. 9 - In the layers tab to the bottom right, convert each video clip to a Smart Object. 10 - Resize and crop depending on which size is needed for the set. Here are the dimensions to use for Tumblr. The height can be whatever you want, but the width is very important. 11 - Now for colouring. If you're unfamiliar with editing in Photoshop, it might be helpful to look through the #psd coloring tag and finding something you like. I personally make mine from scratch because game lighting is so unpredictable and varied. It's up to you! 12 - I really recommend some Smart Blur and Smart Sharpen on each of the video layers. How much or little you use will personal preference. At the moment I'm typically doing 0.3-0.5 Smart Blur radius and 0.4-0.5 Smart Sharpen radius. 13 - If you're looking to use subtitles, check this tutorial out. 14 - Click on File > Save for Web, and save each clip this way. Play around with the settings. Just make sure each gif comes out under 10mb, because that's what Tumblr's current limit is. That's it! Hope that was easy enough to follow. If you do make/post some, please feel free to tag me in them. I'd love to see! :)
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storybookhawke · 8 months ago
Omg it's your birthday? Happy frickin birthday!
Thank you so much!!
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child-of-hurin · 9 months ago
Mr dreadwolf tear down this veil
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lizzybeeee · 1 month ago
Eluvians, Pre-DATV ->
A mystical relic of the past, inaccessible unless if you have the 'key' to it - knowledge or power. A device that allows you to enter the Crossroads, a place between the Fade and the physical world, allowing you to travel between these spaces that breadth the length of the ancient elven empire. So few people actually knowing it's name or purpose. The few working mirrors surviving in the most desolate locations of Thedas, the Deep Roads or Ancient Elven Ruins, long since claimed by the ravages of time and cut off from present day Thedas.
Merrill, spending a near decade pushing her knowledge of her people's craftsmanship and magic to the brink - seeking out the aid of a powerful demon, Audacity, bound to the Sundermount, to help her cleanse and reforge her small part of history. Giving up her home and position within her clan in the hopes of restoring some small part of their past. Turning to magic perceived as 'forbidden', earning the scorn of her own clan and the rest of the world, being branded as a 'monster' by the people she loved so dearly. Assembling the shattered shards and forging them together, using her clans Arulin'Holm that has been passed through the ages and guarded by them.
Eluvians in DATV ->
Two for one sale - in working condition - some minor scratching on the frame.
Come down to your local dock / semi-abandoned forest / emo underpass / temu crestwood / BEACH / fight club / assassins creed 2 hidden level for more information.
Our handy Veil Jumpers can fix your faulty eluvians in 30 minutes or less.
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umbershift-art · 6 months ago
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Petra seeing her ex turn into a giant six-eyed wolf monster like
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krems-chair · 1 month ago
Skipping and throwing flower petals because the tension we get between Davrin and Solas in what, four lines of dialogue (?) was like taking seventy volts of electricity directly into the old bloodstream, and I'm still not over it and I'll probably just be chewing on it forever actually because we didn't need the dagger switcheroo or the Mythal seance we just needed Davrin taking the Dread Wolf for a walk in the forest and making him touch grass and cry
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kissingagrumpygiant · 27 days ago
I'm of the belief solas wouldn't fuck with emmrich actually
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mrs-gauche · 3 months ago
I beat Veilguard.
It's 4am. I'm a mess. I'm in tears.
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amburuthings · 20 days ago
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– It seems you hold the key to our salvation.
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A scene i couldn't integrate into my Solavellan retrospective animation
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minrathous · 26 days ago
it's so frustrating they don't take the necropolis as an opportunity to explore spirits with more depth in veilguard. or even Manfred's whole thing. Manfred being able to learn to speak implies that any wisp is capable of it with time. they have preferences and emotions and comprehend speech but you still shouldn't be concerned that they are used for slave labour in the necropolis. you're supposed to be horrified that Hezenkoss is abusing spirits but not at that. engaging with spirits as people introduces too much nuance to the situation and veilguard is absolutely incapable of dealing with it. otherwise they'd have to engage with why Solas wants to tear the veil down
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felassan · 5 months ago
Hype meme!!! Which aspect of fandom are you most looking forward to? (e.g. reading/writing fic, the bounty of gorgeous art, getting to know new people, etc.)
various answers to some askmeme-related messages under the cut. :)
(hello everyone!! ◕‿◕)
^ I love seeing the abundance of beautiful art, and I'm also just really happy to see the community so active, creating, hyped and filled with people and chatter once again :')
a-tear-in-the-veil asked: "Dragon Age Hype Questions 1-4 (those are like the r questions I want to ask everyone who plays, sorry 😂)"
no worries hh :D
1. the first Dragon Age game I ever played was Dragon Age: Origins! 2. my favorite DA game so far is a rly tough question!! probably DA:O or DA:I, though an answer with two games in it is kind of a cop-out ik hh. (I do also really love DAII) 3. in games like these my go-to is usually warrior or another fighter-type class ^^ my Inquisitor is a warrior, and my Warden began life as a warrior (I only changed them in the runup to DA:I's release to create a bit more differentiation between my PCs). in DA:TV I think Spellblade especially sounds super fun 4. my worldstate is that the Inquisitor romanced Solas, disbanded the Inquisition, and then vowed to stop Solas at all costs.. ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ )
celinou asked: "For the datv q&a ask game: 6, 10 and 16. Thank you for all the news and info you share with us 🤍"
(tysm for the lovely ask 🥺)
6. I have them planned to a degree yea!! I think it would be fun to play them as a Spellblade 10. 'Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?'. most excited out of the confirmed/for sure locations - Arlathan Forest!! I've been wanting to explore Arlathan Forest since forever, since DA:O. I'm so curious about all the ancient elven history, lore and secrets it might hold. runner-ups are Weisshaupt (another place I've been wanting to see since DA:O) and the Crossroads again (since it seems that it also holds lots of cool lore and secrets to find out, again). hoping to explore - speculation aside, I'm really hoping we will visit Kal-Sharok in this game. it's so intriguing and mysterious-sounding. (btw, if Kal-Sharok has now been confirmed beyond speculation like in a preview video or something somewhere, I'm not aware of it as I'm dwelling in a spoiler bunker rn - so if you're reading this and know, pls don't tell me if it is or not, or any other spoilers hh). 16. that Felassan lives. my fav crack theory is my theory that Ghilan'nain has something to do with the Executors.. I put it out there in ~March 2020. it's based on the fact that the Ghil monster pools in Horror of Hormak were said to smell of brine/salt/the sea, and the fact that the Executor in Dread Wolf Take You was said to smell of the ocean under their robes.
sophiasartandgaming asked: "16 for the Veilguard Ask Game"
for 16 pls see above ^^
ellstersmash asked: "hi! 3 & 10 for that ask game? 🙏"
for 3 and 10 pls see above ^^
sky-fire-forever asked: "7, 9, 16, and 19 for the Veilguard meme!"
7. Felassan fr 🧎🧎🧎 even if this is only in the form of some kind of Fade dream or flashback/memory sequence 9. I'm stuck between Davrin, Neve, Lucanis, Taash and Bellara :D 16. for 16 pls see above ^^ 19. I'm currently doing a re-read of Tevinter Nights to brush up on it before release! I think re-reading the other DA:TV-era/DA:TV-promo materials (DA: The Missing, the shorts) and replaying Trespasser will also be a good idea for me before release.
ruushes asked: "for the datv hype asks, 3, 6, 9? :)c"
for 3, 6 and 9 pls see above ^^
mewsly asked: "8 and 19 for the Hype Q&A? :D Also thank you so much for all that you do to keep us all in the know! <3"
(thanku sm for the lovely msg.. 🥺)
8. I think I'm most excited to learn more about the Shadow Dragons (like who leads the Shadow Dragons? do they have ties to the Lucerni, and therefore Dorian and Mae? is the Viper associated with them?) and the Veil Jumpers. I'm also excited for more Crow lore. 19. for 19 pls see above ^^
kirkwallsquad asked: "4, 13, 14, and 20 for the hype q&a please :D"
4. for 4 pls see above ^^ 13. I think the CC looks fantastic and is really cool! 14. I will miss having three companions with me. 20. 'Post a picture or gif that conveys your current level of excitement for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!' - here is a picture -
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and here is a bonus moodboard -
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thanku sm everyone for the asks and questions, this was fun to do!!
[Dragon Age: The Veilguard Q&A hype meme]
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blighted-elf · 1 year ago
If Ry'on WAS a bhaalspawn (or if you have/had a durge oc) what would their relationship with Telvesh be? If you answer for Ry'on, how would her life be different/would she have followed the same path during the events of bg3?
Ooh this is a very interesting question, thank you!
A bit of a nonsensical tangent here first. I initially planned on playing as my evil Pathfinder cleric in BG3 for my Durge run, but lately I've been considering making a whole new character and just having them exist but not be my canon BG3 protagonist. I believe if you play as Tav, Orin just kills default Durge prior to you entering the temple, right? That's the Dragonborn corpse lying in her room? So I may as well make them a custom character, flesh out their backstory before they meet that ending in Ry'on's timeline.
But to finally answer your questions - It seems like Bhaal favours Durge above the rest of the Bhaalspawn that have come before them. The Bhaalspawn that has had the most potential since Gorion's Ward. So, my Durge will follow the same path as Telvesh once did before ascending by giving in to the urges of their blood. They'll embrace this life and path as something inevitable. I will have them become Bhaal/Telvesh's chosen and do the bloodline (and Telvesh especially) very proud.
Alternatively, if Ry'on was a Bhaalspawn, she would be nothing but a great disappointment to Bhaal. She would deny the urges of her blood, she would reject all offerings of power. She would still seek the path of redemption, even if it would be a fruitless one. I imagine a Seldarine Drow Bhaalspawn would be a really fun roleplaying experience. Lolth would absolutely destroy Bhaal because he's only a weak little Quasi-deity now, but hypothetically, I want to see those two fight for the title of Worst God Parent Ever. There's one or two parallels between them for sure.
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durgeapologist · 24 days ago
your guys' reblogs on my dreadrook gdl cameo audio are making me giggle SO FUCKING HARD!!! if you're new to my blog (there's a lot of you hi i love you all sooooooo bad) THEN JUST WAIT ANOTHER WEEK. i'm not saying i did it again...
but that's exactly what i'm saying.
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rookanisstuff · 2 months ago
So there was clearly a team meeting whilst Rooks in the Regret Prison to decide to make a SECOND dagger and lord I would kill to know how that conversation went down
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child-of-hurin · 2 years ago
Part of what charms and compels me in Jeyne Poole's arc is her reaction to her predicament. All the female POVs in this book are dealing with a lot of gendered violence, and they all deal in different but dignified forms... Jeyne is not a POV character and she is absolutely not dignified lol. She cries and begs, she is utterly helpless. But unlike most women in this book who are utterly helpless, she survives. It's frustrating how fans refuse to celebrate that, simply because there is no glory in it.
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