#of the new version - it's very weird lol I can't think of a better word for it
misc-obeyme · 1 year
So uh... Lesson 18 huh??
I'd just like to say that the juxtaposition of Lesson 18 being all sad and serious with the new event being all ridiculous was both weird and kinda nice? Like I needed that event to cheer me up after Lesson 18 almost made me cry.
Anyway, let's talk about it! Lesson 18 spoilers below!
Okay. I've seen some speculation that perhaps Lesson 20 won't be the end of season one. However, I don't think that's going to happen.
I think they're gonna pull some time travel shenanigans on us again. Or Nightbringer is gonna show up and deus ex machina this mess. Or the solution to everything is for MC to just make a pact with all seven brothers at the same time. Solomon did say that he thought they could do that in a past lesson. And if they do it all at once, it wouldn't take that long? Hmmm.
Anyway, I could speculate all day, but there were some really interesting things that happened in this lesson that I'd rather talk about.
First of all, Diavolo pulling out the Prince Voice on Raphael had me going OHHHHH lol.
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I honestly love Diavolo's different sides. It makes him feel so real, you know?
SPOILERS FOR HARD LESSON 18 (just skip this paragraph in case you haven't gotten to it yet!)
And I feel like that really is even more evident in the hard lesson where he talks to Barbatos about the difference between his head and his heart. And how all he really wants is for the brothers to be happy. Which was so dang sweet. And Barbatos just gives him that whole speech about what a great king he's gonna be. I was like I can't with these two.
Anyway, the fact that Diavolo can just step into this Prince persona and be a leader when he needs to, but then he's just a silly guy when he's not needing to do that is very realistic to me. A lot of people have different versions of themselves that they only show at certain times or to certain people. Gives his character a lot of dimension, in my opinion!
And oh... can we talk about Mammon?
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My precious baby. I wanted to hug him so bad. I wanted him to continue to chew out Raphael. I mean, I know Raph is kinda just the messenger here, but I felt like Mammon was actually saying what everyone was feeling, but was too restrained to say. For some reason, everyone was just kind of letting Diavolo take the lead (and I guess that makes sense, he is the Prince after all and Raphael is basically saying they'll go to war over this). But Mammon was like oh hell no.
I agreed with him entirely. The Celestial Realm can go fuck off. I was NOT expecting this to be about the fact that the brothers have power in the Devildom now. Like are you kidding me? THAT is your big concern? Should've thought about that before you threw them out, GOD.
And when Raphael was like are you questioning Father's word to Lucifer and Luci just kinda got sad looking, I was like YES QUESTION HIM because Lucifer and his brothers deserve better than this bullshit.
It really feels like the Celestial Realm booted them out because the bros did something they didn't like, but now they've realized they made a mistake. So to get them back, they're gonna go down to the Devildom and threaten them.
Are they trying to get us to hate the Celestial Realm? Is that the goal here? I don't, obviously, but I think this was a pretty shitty move considering all that these guys have been through.
when I tell you I was crying... it was Belphie's fault.
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Pretty sure this was the line that made me tear up, but then we get the same sentiment from Beel and Asmo about not leaving Satan behind and I was just like that was MY HEART you guys just shattered.
Now let's talk about Solomon and Barbatos in 18-A, shall we?
Please refer to this collection of screenshots featuring my true love dishing out some real insults.
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WOW. Let him have it, Barb.
I don't know what Solomon did, but I do find this exchange incredibly interesting. Note that Solomon is wearing his human world outfit here. I kind of think human-world-outfit-wearing-Solomon is the imposter. He's the one who talked about the pact with Asmo first, where it didn't fit with his later version of the story. He was also the one who pushed all the brothers into Asmo's tub and therefore also the one who then made a pact with Asmo. He was also the one who commanded Barb to make a portal when he didn't want to and who had the discussion with Nightbringer.
I'm just sayin... maybe he doesn't know why Barb is mad at him 'cause we got more than one Solomon running around...
Buuut I could be completely off base here. We'll see, I guess!
This could all be resolved by the end of Lesson 20, you never know with this game lol.
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Any *SHNIFFFFF* helluva and/or hazbin headcanons??? o-o
pls dont flop i spent way too many hours on this lol only doing 6 (six) from the main casts!!! And, sadly, no, Fizzarolli is not included, though I do love him dearly.
Helluva Headcanons:
frickin loves spirit
(saw this somewhere else not sure where) huge-ass horns scratch up his couch, hence the shitty tears
Makes sure to cherish Loona as much as possible on her bday bc of trauma from his childhood
Wants to be the parent possible to her also due to trauma (daddy issues :\)
Insecure about his scars :(
Lost Verosika because he adopted Loona in a last-ditch effort to save their relationship, but refused to get rid of her when V wasn't a fan
Eats anything and everything Brandon Rogers does (canon??) (such as cheese and hotsauce)
Told Barbie about his crush on Fizz before trying to tell Fizz himself
never grew out of bands he liked as a teen
Undiagnosed learning disabilites (dyslexia? he tries his best)
Poor education
(TW, S.A.) Stolas:
Also enjoys musicals and constantly sings soundtracks while alone (projecting a bit)
Genuinely wants Via and Loona to hang out; wants some sort of father-daughter bond? with Loona, but isn't sure how to approach her
was verbally, physically, and sexually abused by Stella in their "relationship"
I think we all know this by now... Eyeliner.
Black sheep (canon?)
plays some sort of classical instrument idk (piano?)
PAINTS (happy little trees)
Big fan of Cruel Prince series yk
Big fan of fantasy in general
Nerds abt astronomy to Via
Adelle. No other words.
Wattpad user u can't convince me otherwise
Definitely neurodivergent
Dyed Sallie Mae's hair when she transitioned, was a makeshift hairdresser for a little while (till Sal figured out how to do it herself)
Had a lot of pets as a child
Tries to stay in contact with all her siblings. Emphasis on tries.
Used to get homesick A LOT
Ik it's a common one now, but babysat Loona while Blitz was in prison, leading to her and Moxxie meeting
Best homemade recipes by far
Has and will not hesitate to eat a bug once more
Very organized
Likes to write
MUSICALS (canon) he loves phantom, les mis, and a gentleman's guide to love and murder (ahahhaem Bryce pinkham)
Has many hyperfixations! AUDHD
Loves kids, but gets overstimulated/overwhelmed when taking care of them
In severe need of validation due to trauma
Cat person
Out on a limb here but likes pottery
Bouncy leg stim yk
Panic! At the Disco led to his bi realization
Violinist just trust me
Loves mice for some odd reason
Gullible? Is that canon?
Can sketch pretty good!
Overwhelmed by loud noises and crowded spaces
Watches movies with blitz late at night as a tradition
Taught Blitz makeup tips for when he does his weird drag human disguise thing
follows 666 News on the hotel's strange journey
percussionistcore idk how else to say that
Knows EXACTLY how to deal with a hangover (ty blitz)
Social anxiety (might break this down in a seperate post cuz im in a ranty mood)
Has seen the show daria (or at least the hell version) (yall better kno wut im talking about)
Tries not to spend too much / is gentle with Blitz's bank account
Deep down, a sanrio girl is born
Nightcore bitches u already know
Very polarized when it comes to her relationship with stolas (canon?)
Has attempted to bring Stolas into her world - definitely shares her special interests with him, he tries his best to support
Plays at least ONE classical instrument bc she wanted to make Stolas proud :,) (never said she was good at it)
Very sheltered when it comes to Stolas and Stella's actual relationship toward each other
avid collector of taxidermy and other creepy things
She definitely knows those OG goth dances
Dr Martens do i have to say more
Hazbin Headcanons:
TW for Angel Dust and Niffty's (of all people), S.A. mentions.
YA sapphic romances!!!
Webtoon freak
Pinterest whore
Listens to Katy Perry + Hayley Kiyoko
Sanrio again!! Aggretsuko or Chococat r her favs
Can genuinely help people through tough times
Autism spectrum? a little out on a limb here, but she seems to have a hard time breaking down the psychology of sinning/sinners
Paints Vaggie's nails all the time
Vaggie was so her bi awakening; Seviathan and Vaggie were her only two relationships
LOVES Pixy Stix yk they're just straight up sugar
has a diary lol
feels so indebted to Charlie because of how much she took care of her after Falling
girl in red kind of sapphic
Struggles with self-worth
Definitely best exorcist girl on Adam's team
Lute was searching for a reason to get rid of her
brushes Charlie's hair idk
Candles. I don't know why
Doesn't have the heart to tell Charlie when she's not fully correct on something
Wakes up at ungodly hours due to nightmares and anxiety, lock checks the hotel ALL THE TIME
honestly, tumblr user, silent reblogs
Alastor (sorry, most deal with his time alive):
Genuinely beginning to care for the hotel-- it scares him.
Follow up: traumatic childhood
Mauled by dogs (is this still canon? Was this ever canon? DOES ANYBODY REMEMBER THAT???)
Knows the basics of technology, refuses to acknowledge it
Constantly playing jazz music from his radio in his room
Has a very vivid memory of his past, will not let himself forget it
Needs fucking glasses but that monocle don't do shit
Tea > coffee
Was convinced his asexuality was a flaw after being told so
Held onto Mimzy for the sake of nostalgia and memories of time alive
Nerd for jazz
Spoke some French as a child, though he isn't fluent
Husk's and Angel's get a bit detailed... I'm a slut for characters with such a vast possibility of headcanons
Husk (yeah I realize this won't make as much sense if you don't know all of his lore because of my obsession with him, I'll clarify what's already canon):
BLEEDS INTO ALASTOR, ALSO STRANGELY DETAILED: While alive, Husk played the saxophone professionally (canon). In his afterlife, as an overlord, he had one and continued to play bc us musicians r weird fucks who love to torture ourselves. Alastor knew he could play, and, being a jazz lover, LOVES that aspect of Husk. Just about the only thing he likes about him. Now, at the hotel, while he no longer plays, Alastor still brought his saxophone, which rots in Husk's closet.
Niffty's in his room ALL THE FUCKING TIME, it can't possibly get dirty
Doesn't make a mess to begin with--- husk hasn't personalized his room at all since he arrived, he doesn't know when Alastor will pull him out
Is used to that kind of travel anyways, since he did so much when he was alive (canon!!)
Never was that close to his parents-- they were busy with the (canon->) casino
Is (surprisingly) educated on LGBTQIA+ terms, labels, and knows about the most important landmark events in the community's history, he just prefers not to use labels for himself
Close to Niffty, has had conversations with her in Japanese (canonically speaks it) to prevent Alastor from understanding
Always wanted kids, knew he didn't have a stable enough life to have them and didn't want them to have a repeat of his own parents' absence in his childhood
MIXED RACE!! A bit of everything, I'd like to say
Had glasses when he was alive, where the fuck did they go in the afterlife
ACE SPECTRUM (previous post)!!! Demisexual & demiromantic (can u tell I'm projecting a lil???)
Hates KeeKee
Hates large crowds + loud noises, idk it speaks to me, especially with those big ass ears
I don't fully lean towards him being neurodivergent, though I do believe that Husk likes to have something to do with his hands as a form of stimming, if that makes sense
Alone most of his life
(TW, S.A.) Angel Dust (a lot of when he was alive):
Lived with Molly while alive
Was disowned when he got the courage to come out to his dad, fell out of the mafia and had to make a living for the first time ever
Wanted to be an actor, never got casted (while alive) due to being queer
Valentino romanticized his career, making him believe that he wouldn't always be the actor that he is
Career was also romanticized by the fact that he was finally accepted as gay
Performed in drag at gay bars
Borrowed dresses, makeup, other "feminine" things/accesories from Molly, who had a similar style
Isn't as up-to-date with technology and modern things as he seems to be
Tries to cover up both (slight) italian and New York(er?) accent, fails miserably
Had fish while alive (canonically loves fish lol)
Brother + father didn't attend his funeral
Met Cherri very close to when she arrived in Hell
learns more about media and pop culture from Cherri
Originally was in something like a relationship with Val, but it was more of S.A. than consenting sex after a while. When he began to disagree, this showed more prominently.
I don't have anything for Niffty except for one thing, so trigger warning once more. I believe that Niffty came from an immigrant family from Japan—half white. In the 50s, housewives got a bit stir-crazy from all the work they did, leading to hysteria, anxiety, depression, and other issues. In some situation where leaving the house was necessary, I believe one or multiple guys, possibly older, attempted to sexually assault Niffty. Asian girls, such as myself, that look like that "stereotypical" East Asian, young, small, etc., are fetishized. Niffty must've been little, judging by her form, and she was also an immigrant, and also a WOMAN—seen as lesser. In self-defense, she killed him (or all of them? I'm leaning toward it being multiple), having had enough. She was soon diagnosed with the housewife syndrome and lobotomized, meaning they gave her SEVERE brain damage, hence her twisted mind in the afterlife.
Overall, Niffty is a character that we don't know much about yet. Of course I'll write my own story over that. Playing with fandoms is just what I do. :) While I do genuinely believe the part about her being lobotomized will become canon, the rest is, again, just something that's been brewing in my head for a while. Maybe I'll incorporate it in my own writing, who knows?
I wanna see other headcanons in the reblogs and replies :D If this does well, I always have more!
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recurring-polynya · 5 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
I spent a really long time thinking about this because I feel like I'm always shilling the same handful of fics from 2019. So maybe this list isn't my all-time favorites, but it's five fics that I am feeling fondly towards at the moment, and would put forward if people are looking for samples of my work to read. I think I came up with a pretty good sampling of old and new, and also length and genre. They're basically all Renruki tho. I write about other characters sometimes, but the only fics I actually care about are the ones about Renruki.
(recs below the cut, because it got long)
go places. [2023. 28k words. Rated T.] Young Rukia and Renji leave Inuzuri and spend three weeks at the South Rukongai District 70 Consolidated Shinigami Recruitment Station, waiting to find out if their applications have been accepted, and learning what it means to be a shinigami.
Boy, this was such an agonizing fic to write. I simply couldn't make it come together. In the time since I've finished it, I've grown more and more affectionate toward it. I think the prose is better than my usual, it hits a lot of the notes I always want my fanfic to hit, and I just really really love dreadful teen Rukia and Renji. It's definite a weird fic, and it's melancholy and goes down a hundred bizarre world-building tangents and R U K I A, but I'm just inordinately proud of it.
Damage History. [2024. 109k words. Rated T. Some violence, medical stuff.] Long ago in Inuzuri, Abarai Renji broke his arm. It healed. At least the bones did. His kidou ducts have never been the same. Now that Renji's finally having the surgery to get them corrected, Rukia is determined to make sure he gets the love and care he deserves during his recovery-- whether he wants it or not.
I go around and around about which chapter of my long slow-burn series, The Heart is a Muscle, is my favorite. I think that in the long run, this one isn't going to be it, but it is the most recent one I wrote, and I actually just re-read it, and I think it's pretty good, actually. It brings together a lot of the threads I've been weaving into all the stories that came before it, and I think the resulting story is both well-crafted and has a lot of heart to it.
Rukia's Birthday. [2023. 2.5k. Rated T.] Short-n-sweet lil contrast story between the only birthday Rukia celebrated at the Academy, and one in more recent times.
Ha ha, I wish this one had a better title, but that was the name of the prompt for one of the days of Renruki Week. Even though it's just a shorty, it really hits all the notes I want in a romantic Renruki story. (It's not like...romantic romantic, but it's romantic to me). Anyway, I very frequently find myself re-reading this one. Very, very rarely I manage to write a thing that is exactly what I want to read, and this is it.
Portions for Foxes. [2019. 28k. Rated E. Graphic sex, graphic violence, major character death. There's an M version with less sex, but it still has the rest] After his captain's death at the hands of As Nodt, Renji just wants to sink into the shattered wreckage that used to be his life. But Byakuya has left him with a few things to take care of, and Renji is nothing, if not loyal.
lol I said I didn't want to pull out the same 5 fics I always rec, and here it is. I can't help it if it's a banger! Anyway, the thing I like about Foxes is that it's got an actually intriguing premise, unlike the other 98% of what I write, which is like "why is the food bad in Soul Society?" or "what if paperwork," and then I actually think I did a good job with it. I keep hoping that with the Blood War getting animated, that people will rediscover this fic, which is the real reason I put it on the list. I think it's safe to say that this is one of my fics that I have re-read the most times.
Squad 10 Day. [2022. 4k. Rated T.] It's October 10, Squad 10 Day, but Hitsugaya and Matsumoto are in the World of the Living, so they do the obvious: declare the rest of the Advance Team (and Chad) members of Squad 10 and eat soup about it. (It's actually titled "Time to Celebrate" but in my heart, it's just "Squad 10 Day")
The Advance Team arc is, in my opinion, the best time to write Bleach fanfic, and I think this is my best Advance Team fanfic. If you don't want to read 4k of Chad thinking about shinigami and how much he loves his precious friends, I don't know what to tell you. This is the least Renruki fanfic on this list, but that insane B-cipher letter Rukia sends Renji is something that it so important to me and I think of it often.
Bonus!! I allowed myself (1) smut, so here it is:
Rukia and Renji Flagrantly Misuse Valuable Gotei-13 Field Equipment (for Science!) [2020. 8.6k. Rated E for VERY graphic sex.] Squad 12 has developed a new hot-swappable gigai, an amazing innovation that could save lives, reduce mission costs, and provide new scientific insights into the nature of the soul. Rukia and Renji, asked to test out the prototypes, immediately use them for 🐒🐍🕶️🍑🍆❄️🐰 purposes.
This was the first smut I ever wrote (not counting Portions for Foxes, which was at least plot-related sex) and I have not improved with practice. The reason this fanfic is important to me is because anytime someone makes a raunchy joke about the omake to Episode 335, I want someone else to say "hey, someone wrote a smut of that" and now that is possible, because of me. If I have but one contribution to the fandom, I hope it's that.
Thank you for the tag on this, I think this was good for my ego. I get very self-conscious whenever I am supposed to tag people, but if anyone reading this got even the slightest urge to toot their own horn, please consider yourself tagged (and I would love to read it, I love to read people talk about their own work)
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Adam Gets World's No.1 Worst Peepaw Shirt (2024)
[Note: Please Click On The Drawing To Make It Bigger In Order To Read The Purple Words Better On Peepaw Adam's Shirt, and the speech bubbles from those who are speaking.
and incase it might still be a bit hard to read what Peepaw-Adam is saying here is what he is saying in the drawing: "What does this shirt say..? I can't read it Upside-Down. it was a Gift from a "Earth Angel Princess" who calls herself "The Eveningstar Princess" Whatever that means. but she is my Alternate Counterpart's Descendant-Granddaughter, who is also a Descendant of both Cain & Seth, as well as King David and King Solomon as well as King Solomon's Son, Rehoboam. man, sucks to be her, how unlucky is she to be the descendant of King Solomon! but at least she can be thankful to be My descendant! well, that OTHER me's own descendant anyway. man, the words on this shirt is VERY long, it must talk about how AWESOME I am."....despite what he might think, it doesn't talk about how Awesome he is. XD lol ]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano & SpindleHorse
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & TakaraTomy
Credit for Transformers: Prime Series goes to Jeff Kline, Alex Kurtzman, Duane Capizzi & Roberto Orci
Credit Transformers Animated Series goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
Credit for Steven Universe Series goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Cuphead goes to Studio-MDHR
Credit for Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt goes to Gainax
Credit for Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts goes to Radford Sechrist & Bill Wolkoff
I regret nothing...
and I think Ficto-Peepaw Adam deserves that shirt.
Cuphead is trying not to laugh, and Steven knows how bad it will be if Adam finds out what that shirt says, possibly thanks to Garnet's future vision.
also, I like idea of Knockout being Steven's Cybertronian Guardian and Knockout could of started out as Steven's Guardian when Steven was just a baby, and it being Rose who was the first out of the Crystal Gems and Other Humans besides Greg in Beach City that saw the good in Knockout, and Garnet was the second to see the good in him and Amethyst was the third but it took Pearl a lot longer to fully trust Knockout.
also Kipo in this, is a future version who still has part of her new hair style from the epilogue but this version of Kipo grew her hair longer and might be around her mid-20s and is married to a unknown spouse.
Sari in this drawing is 23 years old but close to becoming 24 years.
or she could already be 24 years old.
and yes, I am the "Eveningstar Princess" and "Earth Angel Princess" who gave that Adam the shirt. XD
I am Cain & Seth's Weird Descendant Granddaughter, Long Live The Divine Feminine Revolution and for it's Healing and Recovery!
we should put a protective barrier around the Earth to stop the Negative and Toxic energy from the Toxic-Masculine energy through, and only allow the positive Masculine energy through.
it might be able to help both Omni-Mom and the Divine Feminine heal even more if all Earth Angels worked together to form a protective barrier so that the Feminine part of the Earth can heal properly...and the whole two certain Masculine sides crossing the line with their fight is not helping in the recovery process.
Lucifer and Samael still ain't the boss of me, no matter which one of them is Cain's Dad...
also even if not everyone has to agree to it but respect my new view of belief...
but I'm still going to believe in both God/Heavenly-Father & Goddess/Earthly-Mother...
and I rather not have some Toxic-Religious jerk from before, make me feel really bad and cry and throw those misused words they threw me before...I'm still gonna hope I don't run into that Toxic-Religious Jerk again...that still might count as religious trauma, which could be second to any past life Toxic-Religious Trauma...
I guess it was a little surprised that fans were right about that Adam from Hazbin Hotel, being THE Adam...which means he is like a Alternate Counterpart of the one that was from here...
which still makes that Adam from Hazbin Hotel, "The First Peepaw"
don't know if Cain will appear in that series or what he would be like.
but no matter the Multiverse, he is still Grunkle-Grandpa, along with Seth being Grunkle-Grandpa...at least the descendants they had married each other many generations later...is that correct...?
they don't need to be marrying too close to the tree...
the descendants of the early generations that were descended from Seth and Cain, would have to have different DNA from another Paternal and Maternal source and they would have to still marry into different bloodlines to different humans in order for the descendants of both Seth and Cain back then, were to marry each other...because it would mean they would be hardly be closely related so there will be no possible problems with the future offspring.
which I'm glad to be a "Purple Blood" rather than a "Blue Blood", yeah being a "Blue Blood" is like another word for Royalty but given that is true, but I'm glad that some of my Ancestors are both Royal and Non-Royals, and I don't want to be called a blue blood, but instead a purple blood. :)
also even if ya can look to the situation with Cain and who his bio-dad is, either it be Samael or Lucifer, and it being like the same situation in a Hazbin Hotel AU's Fanon Timeline....with Adam being the Step-Dad of Cain...
it would still make for a good Jerry Springer comedy, but instead of Jerry, it's some guy named Perry who has to talk to both Eve and the possible fathers of Cain, and even have the Step-Dad Adam there as well...
I wouldn't be surprised if Adam and Eve from Hazbin Hotel are divorced, like for all we know, Eve could of left him like around early 202X.
Adam could act like it never happen and could be in denial that both of his two ex-wives Lilith and Eve left him...
which would serve that Peepaw Adam right, that's what you get for being a selfish, egoistical, toxic-masculine jerk.
I think it could be interesting if it turn out Cain and Charlie were half-siblings, which would mean that Lucifer from that series was with Eve first before he and Lilith fell in love...
like Eve and Lucifer had to have a mutual break-up, because they knew they couldn't truly be together because one of the reasons being Adam...and at some point Lucifer meets Lilith, falls in love again, but for all we know Lucifer could still have feelings for Eve as well.
and yeah, like the shirt that Adam is wearing points out...
Abel should not be around Fluffy-Babies, and if ever tried that "offering" stuff with my first or second cats (my first cat is no longer with us and had passed away a few years ago, and I was lucky to get my second cat when they were still a little kitten.) I would go Feral Earth Angel on him.
and like I said before, if those at the vet did anything wrong with my second cat or like if they weren't taken there on time...
if I had the power to, I would start Omnigeddon...
like in theory it is like Armageddon but FAR and way worse...
lucky it might not be thing...but yeah the thoughts of wanting to start Omnigeddon did come to my mind if anything bad happen to my second cat when they had to go to the vet and they had to have surgery.
also there could be better ways to spiritually offer food even if it is meat to like both the Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother...
like having to cook it, and serve it with fruits and vegetables and eating it with friends and family...
and also spiritually sharing it with both the Heavenly-Father and Earthly-Mother...
and yeah, I'm still going to view both Abel and Cain being in the wrong, but Cain only got far worse because of bad parenting and his depression getting far worse and reaching a very dangerous breaking point...
and if anyone needs to be redeem at Charlie's Hotel, it's both Cain and Abel.
oh, and yes Steven is holding a cellphone to talk to Knockout and one could view that Steven is whispering so Adam doesn't hear him.
anyway hope some like this Crossover Fanart.
and once again, when it comes to giving Ficto-Peepaw Adam that shirt, I still regret nothing. XD
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lucky-draws · 3 months
assorted dr who thoughts after finishing the latest series:
- the 9 episode format is definitely a mistake..... it's the whole death of the filler episode thing innit. ive seen people saying that one of the downfalls of the new series was that you never really felt like ruby and the doctor actually became "best friends", because we're just told they are and not shown, and i agree with that. like i wouldn't say they didn't have chemistry or anything but it was all too rushed, there weren't enough casual/low-stakes/trivial little moments. and with dot and bubble for instance even tho it was a good episode overall i did find it weird the way they kind of just, abruptly plonked the doctor and ruby into the situation without even a minute-long tardis scene showing them actually Going to that planet and exchanging the usual doctor-companion console room banter?? like as if they were already this well established Best Friends Team Who Solve Problems? because that's the format™? idk.. a lot of this series just felt a bit off and a bit clumsy.
- i've started watching the 11th doctor recently (out of the new who doctors he's the only one i skipped until now lol), and i was watching The Lodger yesterday aka the james corden episode and like. the general silliness of that episode and the way that a lot of it was just playing around with the fact that the doctor is a Funny Alien etc and can't pretend to be human to save his life is kind of an essential ingredient to the series.....and having less episodes mean you're more likely to lose that stuff.
And while I get that 15 is supposedly a more healed version of themself thanks to 14 just um. chilling and processing their trauma, I also feel like we didn't see enough in the new series of the doctor's darkness, like the Godlike Alien Being side of them. because that's what makes them an interesting character. Like their loneliness was there and of course specifically the "timeless child" flavour of loneliness, and that does give dimension to the character but idk..... i just felt like it was all a bit too "haha we're singing and dancing and changing our outfits every episode and bringing back old companions and it's all hugs and kisses" . idk?
- having said that i did think ep 8/the first part of the finale was really strong, and id say doom and rogue were good as well.
- i don't mind ruby's mother being just a normal woman, the everyone is important/championing of Normal People philosophy is a crucial part of the show, but again i think it was all just kind of poorly executed/poorly written. if you only have 9 episodes to introduce a new doctor, new companion, and introduce and resolve a Mysterious Mystery running though the series, then the writing needs to be Very Good in order to pull it all off ........
- overall tho i did in fairness enjoy this series more than i anticipated. (the singing goblins christmas special did not fill me with high expectations lol.) ncuti is a brilliant actor and he understands the assignment, i really like him as doctor. it's just, unfortunately, as with 13, he deserves far better in terms of the writing ...
(and like i KNOW doctor who has been fucking silly and goofy forever, and every series has had its stupidity and its bad writing and its cringe moments but from the 13th doctor onwards it's just felt bad in like. a bad way lol. sometimes it's because they're trying too hard and it becomes contrived and convoluted, or sometimes it's just lazy and a lack of show don't tell . like it's all too spelled out or for want of a better word, "dumbed down". (or its just chris chibnall being chris chibnall etc.)
plus. idk. like i realise watching doctor who as an adult is different to watching it when you're younger, and watching the current series as it airs is different to rewatching series from 2 decades ago, but... idk. is 13 saying "fam" every 5 seconds objectively more cringe than 11 and his "bowties are cool" ? some may say no but.. i sort of feel like it is. there's levels and nuances to that sort of thing. tasteful cringe and annoying cringe. good cringe vs cringeworthy cringe. never be cringeworthy cringe or cowardly or whatever 12 said.
anyway. despite its flaws, this series was still fun and had enough of the Essence of dr who to not turn me off it completely, and i am looking forward to seeing more of ncuti next season. love and light
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startreatment · 1 year
literally no one asked, but i'm listening to midnights in full (again) to see if my opinion's changed so! a little track by track review!
lavender haze - i got it the first time. nothing bad to say about this track tbh! really like the melodies, it's catchy and feels fresh and new. well, it kinda reminds me of false god in a sense? maybe it's just the sultry nature of the track. 8/10
maroon - this fuck ass song. the metaphors are giving "high schooler trying to write poetry" at times, the chorus is just. . . no, thank you! earlier on twitter i said that it feels like too much and not enough at the same time? her vocals are clearly the focus, but i don't particularly enjoy the melodies on this one, so. . . don't like the production either actually! it's kinda like afterglow but worse in every way to me. the outro's nice though, i love her voice! still i skip it every time it comes on shuffle and roll my eyes every time i see maroon praise on the tl. 4/10
anti-hero - actually a lot better than i remember! that sexy baby line still catches me off guard every time tho. the bridge is very funny TO ME! i kinda see the vision now i think. maybe! idk. the verses are kinda there, don't really do anything for me (which is actually a problem with most track on this record, now that i think about it). nonetheless it's like a 7/10
snow on the beach - genuinely a great track, even though i never get the urge to listen to it. love how dream-like and hazy and Cold it sounds! like a particularly frosty night in the middle of december. it's a very purple track as well, if you know what i mean. i like it! some of the lyrics are questionable ("life is emotionally abusive" is just not it for me SORRY).
ALSO the "weird but fucking beautiful" part is incredibly annoying to me . . .something about it is so lana that i just can't stomach it, it makes me physically cringe. when i do listen to the song, it's always the clean version lol. also i just couldn't give less of a shit about lana and i'm glad she didn't get a verse! 8.5/10 tho, a beautiful track.
you're on your own, kid - i get what she was going for, and if it weren't for jack i would've loved this one a lot more bc lyrically and vocally it's very very nice! unfortunately they both hate me. oh well! 8/10
midnight rain - love the concept, but the execution could've been wayyyy better tbh. lyrically it's a bit corny at times and production-wise it's nothing to write home about, but it's not outrageously horrible, so i guess a 6/10?
question...? - i have the bad taylor swift songs enjoyer gene so TO ME this isn't half as bad as everyone makes it out to be. the bridge is meh, but the melodies are very fun! lyrically, it's kinda all over the place, but i still get it . 7/10
vigilante shit - look. didn't i just say i have the bad ts songs enjoyer gene? it could've been in my top 5 if the production was even a tiny bit interesting. lyrically? it's atrocious. unbelievably corny, this weird mixture of edgy and awkward only taylor can achieve. in other words, PERFECT !!! it kind of reminds me of lwymmd, if lwymmd was like 3 times less cunty and camp, and like 10 times less interesting production-wise. vocally, she delivers though! very sexy, playful and fun!!! we could've had it all!! jack had other plans, i guess. 6/10
bejeweled - really fun. one of my favs since day one, actually! loooove the production on this one! the synth (? i don't know shit about instruments btw) makes me think of those 3-in-a-row games and it's just Perfect! love those "nice!" moments, love the chorus, love the bridge. in the famous words of Taylor Nation, let's reclaim the land, uk swifties! 8/10
labyrinth - too boring, sorry. i've seen someone say that if this song were on folklore, swifties would "give it the attention it deserves", and i couldn't disagree more. it's just not It lyrically, sorry. 5/10. SORRY. genuinely don't understand why she put this on the record instead of something like would've, could've, should've, or the great war or even glitch (which would make the bejeweled -> karma transition seamless. do you guys think we'll ever get a solid ts album tracklist that makes sense? i doubt it.)
karma - again, i got it the first time. verses are boring and if i could, i'd only listen to the chorus+the bridge, but it's still soooooo FUNNNN!!! like. karma is a cat purring in my lap cause it loves me. that chorus melody is Insane and her vocal delivery is top notch. she's a pop mastermind. 8/10 only because the verses suck otherwise this would've been a 10 and i mean it. i like pop music a lot btw.
sweet nothing - really sweet. doesn't make me feel like i'm slipping into a coma, unlike labyrinth. beautiful piano, beautiful melodies! like a 7/10 maybe. should've been a tad shorter i think.
mastermind - i wish it didn't suck this bad production-wise. i think the concept's really fun - a song about being a mastermind from a woman known to leave easter eggs everywhere she goes. the idea of working hard behind the scenes trying to construct a perfect love story for you and your lover... i get it. unfortunately, it's also . . . boring. 5/10.
not gonna do the 3am tracks and hits different because they're all great and i don't feel like writing out "this has great lyrics!" 7 times in a row. i do have to say that dear reader is the worst thing ever because JACK ANTONOFF. like it just makes me want to throw up how much i like the lyrics and how shitty the song sounds. goddamit.
it's a 6.7, according to my calculator!
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numetaljackdog · 6 months
what i'm listening to 3/2024
Limp Bizkit - Pollution: got this played on my local radio station bc i got connections
DC Talk - Jesus Freak: i have become OBSESSED with this christian rap rock (kind of) band. couldn't explain it very well myself but i think they're really fun and super silly. i've been listening to this particular song for quite some time now but it's only recently that my full obsession has developed and i've been getting other people roped into it too..... i'm just spreading the good word 😁
Whitechapel - The Saw Is the Law: had this one stuck in my head something FIERCE these past few weeks. just that crusher chorus line is so fucking good, I never was a huge whitechapel fan but they go hard when the mood is right. played it at work and everything
The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again: cumming all over myself i love the riff and the melodies and there are some real good lines despite very few lyrics overall... admittedly that squeaky chipmunk harmony is pretty goofy but when the rest of it is so good who even care.
Faith No More - Midlife Crisis: i like this one more and more every time i hear it. a friend of mine introduced me to this and it's been stuck in my head relentlessly ever since. also definitely goofy as fuck but i love the kinda hardcore-type vocals mike patton throws into the verses, especially in the live version and the big swelling bridge. a song like this makes me get why people talk about faith no more as "proto-nu metal" or whatever..... fred durst would do some shit like this <3 also got this played on the radio station
Butthole Surfers - Cough Syrup: i don't like this band as much as i wish i did, though i've certainly got plenty more listening to do. def some stupid lyrics here bc it's the butthole surfers but i actually really really like "i can't talk so i guess i got nothing to say." something about that one
Third Eye Blind - Jumper: it's back! i think i've expended all the words i have about this already but man what a good little pop song
Breaking Benjamin - Skin: great example of how enjoying breaking benjamin is more about hearing the loud guitars and the unique syllabic experience of ben's weird as hell enunciation than it is about anything original or lyrical. what the hell is this song about i don't know. but it bangeth mightily. this also stands to represent that i and mine have been listening to a fuckton of bb lately
Elliott Smith - Cupids Trick: a dear friend of mine has put me on that elliott smith shit fairly recently and i think this is my fav from either/or... the riff so good and it's catchy and has a really dark punchy sound compared to the rest of the record (which is also real good! but just different)
Gorillaz - Cracker Island: heard this on the radio a ways back and instantly came all over myself and said "omg who is this is this the new sound of the summer????" and then looked it up and saw that it was a band i already know that's been around for decades ^_^ but it's just a banger and they found one good hook and punched it up to 11!!
Kittie - Eyes Wide Open: KITTIE BACK???? and with a rager O_O <me when my eyes are wide open. lol. not much further commentary here i'm just excited for the new record and i hope it's good and not bad
Enon - Window Display: my experience continues of getting into this band at the pace of a tortoise or perhaps a snail. p sure this is like the biggest song from them and. it good! they just have a tastey sound and i like the vocalist's delivery
Lamb Of God - Redneck: been on some metalcore shit too and like groove metal and shit and it hardly gets better than lamb of god. i feel like i haven't often properly appreciated them but what a consistently banger band. and this one just has some cool catchy parts that have been in my head since like high school. JUST! ONE! TIME!!!!!
Insane Clown Posse - Halls Of Illusions: my friends and i have been indulging in what we're calling "fucked up friday" which sometimes includes icp as a soundtrack. still want to listen to the full album with people at some point. but anyway i never took too too much notice of this track until a friend put it on and i realized how good it is. and frankly kind of saw-coded w it
Drowning Pool - Tear Away: kind of not great but the chorus glued itself to me. sort of the death toll of nu metal giving in to the way of the post-grunge ballad but man this vocalist was damn solid!
Victoria Monét - On My Mama: proof that i haven't completely exited the pop listening sphere. i still got todd. go watch the top ten of 2023 for a review
Rai Panesar - I Don't Give a Shet (IDGAS): okay this is a stupid joke song. i think. but i like to imagine it's sincere. like i like to imagine the dude that made this thought it was actually pretty cool and had fun making it. i'm scared to find anything else out about him bc it might ruin this hope that i have
Theory of a Deadman - Rx (Medicate): SUCKS. but kind of fascinating. how the fuck did theory have a hit in like 2017 or whenever this came out. by making a hip hop country rock song about doing drugs. oh okay
The Revivalists - Wish I Knew You: adding this alongside cigarette daydream in the canon of "indie band has relentlessly catchy pop hit that i listen to a bunch and attach memories to but actually think kind of sucks ass." i heard this in a restaurant a while back and went omg it's crazy by gnarls barkley i love crazy by gnarls barkley despite not really having very strong feelings about crazy by gnarls barkley but well these are the things we think to ourselves. so i kept waiting for the part where he goes does that make me craaaaazayyyyyy.... but it never came!!!! every chorus would just end on nothing and then move on to the next verse. i got edged by this song until almost the very end where i finally figured out what song it actually was and then got that stuck in my head but i'm still bitter! motherfucker! and also i don't like their band name. what exactly are you reviving 🤨
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Also, I dunno if you've done much about Eomer and Eowyn, but I'd love to see 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 12. This game is so much fun! ^_^
Heck yeah, sibling time, let's go! I'll try to keep these answers short, since there's so many of them, but we'll see how well that works, LOL
2. "My favorite scene of them"
It's kinda weird, but I actually really like that moment when he finds out she isn't actually dead and he's immediately like "NO TIME TO TALK GOTTA GO FAST" and just power-walks to the Houses of Healing without another word. You'd think I'd like the reunion better, when Eowyn actually wakes up, but there's just something so compelling about the anxiety beforehand; the sudden surge of "hope unlooked-for", as Tolkien put it, "and with it the bite of fear and care renewed". That odd mingling of love and fear and hope and despair and relief and dread and "maybe I haven't lost everything yet, but I still could", and the raw, instinctual, almost primal impulse of "no matter in what state I find her, I need to be where she is RIGHT HECKING NOW."
Someone else on this site has pointed out that the purest expression of love in LotR is following. I think Eomer running to Eowyn's side is a pretty good example.
3. "A random headcanon I have of them"
Eowyn is notoriously ticklish. Eomer knows all of her best tickle spots and will not hesitate to weaponize them for nefarious purposes whenever she gets too broody.
4. "My favorite thing about their friendship"
~Siblings~ :-D That's it, really, LOL
We don't get a lot of sibling relationships in LotR! Most of the important hobbits—excluding Sam—are all related in some shape or form, but you don't exactly get the same energy of "I grew up with you and have known you all my life and I can't stand your face but also I would commit murder for you" that you get with siblings. It's just a fun relationship dynamic to explore, and a rare one in this book.
(We probably would've seen that energy portrayed EVEN STRONGER with Boromir and Faramir, but by the time we meet Faramir, his big bro is...hm. Yeah. So that's a lot less fun. You kinda need both siblings to be alive to really see how the dynamics play out.)
5. "A scene I wish we had of them"
Just either one of them travelling to the other kingdom to meet their niblings. Bonus points if said niblings had just been born, and are now tiny little wrinkled potato versions of their respective parents. You just know that Eowyn would be the Cool Aunt with all the neat stories, and that Eomer would absolutely melt on the spot every time Eowyn put a newborn child of hers into his arms. T'would be heckin' adorable. I'd love to see it.
(Eomer always threatens to take his new niece or nephew with him, tucked into his coat as he rides, when it's time to go back to Rohan. "This is mine now, I'm keeping it." "NO.")
8. "Who I think is the crazier one"
Eesh, that's a toughie. Eowyn is "will secretly plan to go to war even though everyone else tells me not to" crazy, and Eomer is "will launch a furious assault on the enemy to avenge my sister's death without even checking that she's for sure dead first" crazy. Deciding which of those is the more bat-crap insane comes down, I think, to subjective personal opinion.
I'm gonna take the boring answer and say I have no idea, but in any case it's clear that crazy runs in that family. It's a wonder that Theoden isn't more off his rocker than he already is.
10. "A song that reminds me of them"
Let's go with "Hey Brother" by Avicii! It's one of my favorite songs in general anyway, and even though the lyrics aren't all that complex, it does make me think of their bond and their individual struggles.
(Plus it's just generally a bop LOL)
12. "A word to describe them"
Valiant, adj: “Very brave or bravely determined, especially when things are difficult or the situation gives no cause for hope.”
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samthepotterhead · 7 months
I thought I was only gonna make a review at the end, as this is a standalone, and I wasn't super into it at first, but this chapter has been the most thrilling so far. which is a pity since it's only a flashback chapter. but even in this chapter, it feels like I'm reading an introduction still. there is so much worldbuilding still going on and I'm still a little lost and every sentence has five lore words, so I have to look into the glossary every 2 secs. I do have to admit that might also be bc I know zero south-east asian languages. but I'm also having a bit of a hard time with the world itself. I thought this was gonna be high fantasy but it's kind of sci fi too?
on a positive note though, I do like this chapter for its action scenes. it's giving auror/order duty and crows mission/heist. I generally have this weird thing where I have to imagine a fantasy magic story is set in a world that I already know well but like an au or future version /in this case), in order to motivate me lol. I imagine the theonite world as a modern grishaverse, it also makes sense bc of the "races" and the elemental magic for the most part. it's essentially about tidemakers and misaki is a corporalnik too (more heartrender than healer) and there are two inferni in this scene including robin, and elleen (who is kaelish "coded") is something akin to a sun summoner (the holographic thing she can do is really cool) and koli is a materialnik etc. to me it fits even more than it did with the grishaverse as a wizarding world au. also, they call misaki shadow, like hello wraith. but at the same time they are basically superheroes, especially with the firebird symbol printed on robins back. (I also just realized the misaki flashback plot is basically the plot of miraculous ladybug?)
to summarize, I'm a nerd (and autistic) and just like to know the ins and outs of a magic world and dislike stepping into a new one. so, interesting that I chose to read a fantasy standalone this time... I guess I just wanted to try it out. I feel like its gonna leave me unsatisfied though. but we'll see.
also very interesting to me is that this is called adult fantasy, since I can't see much of a difference to YA yet. I do see how GOT and e.g. the grishaverse are different, but that's also bc one is high fantasy and the other one is idk, something else. so far in this book there is as much gore as in the grisha books (think soc and oomen's eye), and even as in hp if I recall correctly. I think it's generally funny that hp is considered a middle grade series bc by dh it's at least YA. also, in this book the protagonist (or one of the two) is literally a 14 year old. and misaki is an angsty teenager in this chapter, they even have a romance trope. it also makes me kinda angry bc I recently saw a post about how YA writers are just too bad to write adult fiction and it's so untrue?? of course there are badly written YA books, but so are adult fantasy ones? and not to mention those two series again, but hp and the soc and kos duologies are objectively well written? ok, not objectively maybe, but a lot of people would agree. and I am well out of the main YA target group, I'm in my mid 20s and I honestly still love those books (even if I haven't read any new good series in a while). I mean reading YA at that age does say something about me, but still... ok, rant over.
anyway, I'm starting to enjoy this book even though the writing style is not teribbly great imo (not bad but it could be better), but I hope the main story gets a bit more exciting in a bit. I personally would've put this chapter right at the beginning. btw, I really can't tell how far I am in this book bc I'm reading it as an ebook (as it seems not to be available in europe in english, only off of amazon u.s. with really long delivery), but I feel like I've been reading this quite a bit.
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paimonial-rage · 2 years
Lollll you're so right about smart ≠ common sense. Because that's like *cough* me *cough*.
> "or if he'd be paranoid and think reader is trying to one up him in some way." - LOLLLL. I could see that happening too!!! It's giving me an idea that I might save for later (if you don't mind of course)
Now that I know more about what you like to write, I'll send you an actual prompt request a bit later that you can freely run with (or ignore lol). I kind of had a feeling my Kaveh idea wouldn't really work out 😅 But you're "opposite version" sounds hilarious!!! If you ever write something like that, I'd love to read it!!
- @mimi-cee-genshin
I used to be the exact same way, but eventually over the years I got better. I still make so many dumb mistakes/decisions though, so idk how far my efforts have gotten me aaaaaaa....
While your Kaveh idea hasn't worked out for me due to my weird writing quirks, honestly your Kaveh idea has so much potential as it is. I was thinking about it last night? Because the purpose of the story is for Kaveh to receive some encouragement, I think what would be perfect is to have a juxtaposition between Kaveh being generous and it never going well for him and reader's knowing it never goes well, but being generous anyway. What I mean by this is maybe writing a story of a week of Kaveh's misfortunes. Nothing is going well. With Alhaitham's mean words, his self-esteem kinda in the gutter. He's losing confidence in himself and wondering if there really is any point to being giving. Somehow him and reader are standing in front of a bulletin board at the same time and both read a warning about scams going on in the city. Despite the warning, he can't stop himself from giving to a needy person, and right after, he sees reader giving to them too. Still discouraged, he asks why reader would even do that with all the warnings going around. And reader says that it's because of him that they do. Whenever they see him giving, it reminds them to stop being so self-absorbed and to care more. They find him very admirable and whenever they see him, they always feel encouraged to do better, to be like him.
Or well, that's how I'd go about it. Honestly there are so many routes to writing your idea it's fun to think about =u=
S-Sorry, you asked for my thoughts, but like I'm not sure if this is what you were looking forffofwaeijfjewi Long story short, if you were to write something with either your original idea or a new one you come up with, I'd genuinely love to read it! While I'm bad at writing cute things, I adore reading them. And maybe when he comes out, I'll try writing a version of my own. o3o
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vargaslovinghours · 3 years
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Desires? You should know better than that
#💟#Doodles#Art#Scriabin#Edgar#Nny#Technically that's still Scriabin but y'know#Blood#Ladyverse#Ch. 13#A very very paraphrased Ch. 13 but the important part is Scriabin looking like Nny#I went so extra on this - I typeset it with my own handwriting lol#Which means I scribbled down the text and then cleaned it and then re-wrote it with my tablet lol#It is considerably more legible now even if it's still in my hand lol#It is strange the framing of the text was very messy and hard to follow originally but the new positioning changes the? temperature?#of the new version - it's very weird lol I can't think of a better word for it#Anyway!#This is probably the least scribbly minicomic idea yet lol#More than half toned! What a feat#Edgar's shirt remains white tho which actually made editing much easier who would've guessed lol#I actually forgot what Nny's hair looked like before the reset but I was too all-in on the idea to go check so that's what I've got lol#It's funny to draw him looking like himself when that's a) Scriabin and b) she's a lady lol#The one where she morphs back and Nny's shirt has the female symbol makes me laugh lol#I really like Edgar's face in that one good angle :D#And Scriabin switches hands for one panel I- pfbbfbtbltblt maybe she's hand-over-handing to get closer to Edgar I don't know#Edgar doesn't even get a word in ah#I'm not fully happy with that kiss :\ I'm averaging about a 50/50 happy with/not happy with which is improvement but still a long way to go#I ran out of room anyway but I definitely couldn't get the bite to look right lol more practice more practice#And then I just wanted to draw Scriabin again#No matter the circumstances Scriabin is pretty and fun to draw
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I had been watching a certain show and I was already frustrated by it but I recently found all the leaks and I decided to stop because there was no saving it.
I was still bitter and angry over it so I went back to reread your fic during the weekend and it brought me so much comfort. I love your story and your writing itself is amazing. It was actually because of you that I ended up reading Fire & Blood few months ago - which led me back fully into the asoiaf brainrot.
Anyways I just want to say a huge thank you for dedicating your time and love into continuing your story. I always admire authors who write such long fics and are able to even maintain the characterizion.
Your story was a rollercoaster of emotion; you've made me laugh, you made me angry, you made me tear up and jump from joy even with my second reread, and I can't wait to see what else you have planned ♥
Hi there!
First, let me give you, your eyes, and your brain my sincere condolences for having been subjected to that. And yes there's no saving it. I read everything before it came out, still managed to actually be worse than the leaks were saying so kudos?
To me everything that made the Dance and these characters interesting was completely erased and now we have these weird parodies of the actual story and characters walking around. I don't recognise anyone. Not one character. They have just been stripped of what made them be X and what made them compelling. Which to a point is good, because with this sh:t for plot it would hurt me more if I actually saw the characters. Because I don't, and because it has been made very clear we have two canons, I will stick to the asoiaf canon which is much better and does not need to erase femininity to make women "strong" nor does it need to turn men into simps and emasculate them in order to push for women to be the extra version of show"Arya" (lol sorry book Arya). If people like it though, whatever. Just as long as they don't mistake this for actual canon, go off queens and be happy. And sorry for being such a hater.
Man can't wait for my birthday! 🥳
I'm very happy my story brought you comfort, and Fire and Blood should bring it as well. It does me. It feels so good to just open the books read the passages and to just see all the sh_t that was absolutely ignored. Never thought I would say this but Mushroom, come back here you! Let me hug you and kiss you, you are forgiven 😌
I'm also very happy that it made you read Fire and Blood! Jokes and issues aside I love the book, and I love it even more now <3
Awww it's an absolute pleasure and if I have been doing it for so long is because I really have a lot of fun! Lot of work as well, but also a lot of fun! It's people like you that make all the hours I put into this worth it and knowing I make you feel all those things (especially making you laugh!) is really amazing to hear!
I actually have a bit of a confession to make. Recently someone reached out to me because they wanted to translate my fic to Portuguese. And because that's my native language I was like "of course! I'll help you with that!". Pretty much the person translates it and then I review it (and continue to spot embarrassing mistakes in my fic like *taking deep breath* why are you such an IDIOT sandwich?!). We are done with the first two chapters and it was very weird because I felt like I was reading something I didn't write. It was "new" to me in a way and it made sense because she did the translation not I.
When I am writing I am thinking in English, I never translate things in my head, I just switch languages on and off. And it has been shown we are more emotional in our native languages and boy that must be true because I was reading the first Daemon chapter and thinking "Oh dear lord was this what people felt?!" And if it was XD I am pleased.
Or maybe it's just that the PT words for wh0re are very funny 😂 My favourite line so far:
"Agora chega dessa conversa tediosa. Passei muitos anos f_dendo vadias estrangeiras. Vamos para a Rua da Seda para que possamos relembrar os velhos tempos, e para que seu príncipe possa praticar para o Prazer do Reino. Afinal, a mulher mais bonita dos Sete Reinos merece que eu seja capaz de atuar com toda a minha habilidade."
fkatherinep you the MVP for knowing how much the word "vadia" makes me laugh! Yes, I am 5 sue me.
Thank you so much for your words <3
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mfpeace · 3 years
@justbeingedgy @weird-colombian-gurl You asked me to elaborate on the "Ches already has a kid" theory in the notes of that one mf analysis post (which I really liked, go check it out!!), so that's why I'm making this one, cuz notes are a bit too restricting for what I want to talk about!
Though next time think twice before asking me to talk about something I'm interested in, because you never know when you're gonna wake up lovecraftian horrors!! :DDD you'll see what i mean when you press read more :))
So, I'll say it right now - this post is largely inspired by the second story highlight of this Instagram user (sorry, I don't know their name, only that their Instagram handle is dee_girl_metalfamilyfan), it's in Russian though, so keep that in mind
Alright, so I'll break this theory into two parts: the first one will be all about Ches, and the second will be about his potential child (spoiler: you might've seen her!)
Without any further ado, let's get to the Ches part:
1. The creators said that they're gonna explore Ches' character in the second season. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything on it's own, but just wait.
Dima: Let's talk about the second season a little. Of course, the seconds season will show development of the old characters, as well as new ones. That's in short. As you see, Ches looks a bit different here.
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Alina: Yeah, we'll show a bit more about Ches at the ages of 18 to 20. His past. We'll reveal a bit more about his complex character, as much as it's possible.
(The source of the translation) Also I think they also said at one point that adult Ches will get some character development too? But that's probably a given, considering that we wouldn't see his youth if it wouldn't have affected him in the present, flashbacks without any relevance to the overall story don't sound so good
2. Not sure about this one (we don't know how much in character it was) but I can't not mention it.
Alina: Actually there was this one fanfic that I really liked. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about Ches having a daughter, which is a cool topic. It was relatively in character and truly interesting. It’s great when people focus not just on sexual relationships of the characters, but also try to look at their development. That was a really interesting one. That’s it.
(UnityCon '19)
3. This one's a pretty big one, in my opinion. So, this is what they said on ArtWave '19:
Dima: Ches also has flaws.
Alina: [to Dima] Don’t spoil stuff.
Dima: His flaw is that he's very... irresponsible, let’s say.
So, maybe, just maybe, Ches does have a child but he, you know... left them? As the Instagram highlight from the beginning say: "he might be irresponsible enough to leave his child, and he's probably irresponsible enough not to use any contraception" (rephrased, not the exact quote)
4. Alright, so, the only mention of this one I can think of right now is the aforementioned Instagram highlight. The Metalfamilyfan says:
I contacted Korg/Корж, (admin of @ metal_yama [and I believe one of the organizers of the Metal Family Meetup in Moscow]) and she asked Alina on one of the meetups: "if Ches were to be a father, what kind of father would he be?"
And she said: "The kind of that would say "kid, look at that birdie over there!" an then he would run away"
Someone's words are not the perfect source, but they did tag Metal Yama and from what I know they didn't disagree with what the author of the page said. if anyone has anything to say about this (disprove or definitely prove what I said) feel free to do so in a reblog, notes, DMs, send me an anonymous ask, or in any other way you feel comfortable with
5. Ches has literally been through the same thing, and we know how important the theme of the cycle of abuse is in Metal Family (or, in this case, the cycle of neglect? Abandonment? Idk)
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You managed to hide your PREGNANCY from me! AND you've been hiding the child from me for a whole year!
YES, because you would've insisted on aborting him!
6. Here we can see Ches with a blonde girl. Nothing too special, probably just a one time hook up. He doesn't seem to be interested in her, and she seems to be annoyed with him.
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But wait...
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What is this?
Like, it doesn't even matter if there's actually a punk/rock/whatever band named MOM or not, I just think it's pretty weird to put it in this particular drawing of Ches and this random woman who is implied to have slept with him. It's not integral to Ches' character as, for example, Korol i Shut is. It's just... there. For some reason.
Alright, now, finally let's get to the second part of the theory: who is, exactly, his child?
The short answer is, according to this theory, her:
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First, let me list every single instance of her appearing in canon (and by canon I mean everything made by the creators. Even with this definition of canon it's not much, I promise): The screenshot you can see above on the left (it's a screenshot from the second season and it appeared here), an instagram story posted by Alina (above, right), and two drawing with a lot of characters where you can spot the girl which I'm gonna call her PinkHair or PH for short, I'll mention them later I feel like I should mention this, comparing the sources of the images and the dates when they were posted, it's safe to assume that the screenshot in the classroom has the latest and final version of her design. The red hair most likely doesn't mean anything
1. Alright. So. we've seen Dee and PinkHair in a classroom together, so they're most likely related in some way, or at least they know each other. Their exact relationship doesn't matter here, because all that matters here is that they're related story-wise
Let's look at the first image. This is the banner of the main Metal Family channel. Ches is near Heavy (they get along quite well and I'm sure Heavy aspires to be like Ches in many ways), Dee (we can see his classmates/friends near him, they're all about his age), and we can see people related to Glam on the left side of the image (including Ches!), and Vicky's - on the right side (notice how the hell sign is also there)
Now, I'm not absolutely sure about this one, but it's still kind of weird - look at the image on the right (it's from ArtWave 2021 btw) - wouldn't it make more sense to put PinkHair near Dee? Also, Curiously enough, not only is she not close to Dee on this image, but she's also standing next to Ches.
Though this whole thing could be explained by art theory (too many small things in one corner of your drawing isn't great composition wise lol sorry PH) but I still can't quite skip this point
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2. Remember the "MOM" lady? Fun fact, she has the exact same pearl earring that PinkHair has on the screenshot.
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3. I'll put all similarities with her supposed parents in this point: Mother: * She's also pretty uh.. glam? for the lack of a better word? Or feminine in a traditional sense, yeah I think that's a better way to put it. Like colors they prefer to wear for example, and jewelry. Characters like that aren't common in Metal Family * She's gotta be a blonde. I can't imagine her being anything but blonde. If she manages to maintain that hair color as a brunette I'm just straight up assuming her character arc is gonna be killing God because these kind of people are capable of anything. I fear them with every fiber of my being. * I can't say for sure because of the shading, but it seems like they both have gray eyes, and she also has darker skin compared to most MF characters. Though, it's likely that Mom just applied a lot of fake tan Ches: * We know that Ches for sure has darker skin * AND grey eyes * There's also some possible personality similarities but I'm not sure if you can compare a child to a parent they've never really known in this way
That's about it, I suppose, I hope there isn't that many grammar mistakes and logically unfinished parts and whatnot in this post I forgot to edit lol x) I'm not sure how to end this post other than to remind you guys that almost all the points in this posts are inspired by the "тупая теория" highlight on the dee_girl_metalfamilyfan's Instagram page, so go check them out and subscribe, they post Dee x The Quest Girl fanart and and always credit the artists. Without them this post would be much, much shorter.
Thanks for reading this post, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this post <3
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sarahlevys · 3 years
For your clueless au!
1-15 thanks love u❤️❤️
you're so extra 🤪❤️
Rollin' With the Homies
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
it just happened! haha. i knew the movie had a first person narration and i expected to just do that for the very beginning and end, and then it felt weird to stop and suddenly switch to third... so i kept with it!
i also did some backwards math, assuming that alexis is 30 in 2018, and decided to set the fic in the 2000s instead of the 1990s, like the movie, because that's when the characters would've been this age.
2: What scene did you first put down?
i outlined and wrote everything in the order of the fic, so the beginning's the first!
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Between you and me, a lot of people like to treat me like I'm stupid. And I don't know why, since I'm perfectly smart! I just don't care to, like, worry about stuff that doesn't matter. But Twyla looks at me like the things I have to say actually are important, and that they aren't dumb. It just means a lot.
i thought a lot about how alexis would describe her relationship with twyla, since the fic was written in first person. i didn't want the narration to feel forced, like something she wouldn't say, and i also wanted it to ring true with the theme of 'being clueless' from the movie. i really like how this turned out.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
"The truth is that I have been in love with you since that first weekend we spent together, when Mutt came into the picture but then you came home with me. I am so crazy about you, Twy, I swear I can't stop thinking about you. You make me feel like – like I'm not totally clueless, you know? Like I could be better. Like I could be the way you see me."
in the movie, cher doesn't really have a big romantic declaration to josh, but twyla's the tai character in this AU and part of alexis' journey in SC is how she learns to be brave with her emotions. so i always knew i wanted to write something like this. i like how it ties into the snippet from #3.
5: What part was hardest to write?
honestly, i wrote this fic super fast and it flowed really easily... it's probably the fastest i've ever written a fic. i think basing it off of a movie i knew really well and having a pretty detailed outline helped. i was writing 700+ words in 15 minute sprints 😅 that said, it was also exhausting to write so quickly, so i'd say deciding to take on a new fic and writing almost 10K in one week, while the fest was going on, was the hardest part.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
the first person narration! i don't think i'm going to do it again, but i'm really happy with how it ended up.
7: Where did the title come from?
the classic brittany murphy scene from the movie, of course! given that twyla's tai, it was a no-brainer.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
i based a lot of miscellaneous details about this fic on being in high school during the early 2000s, just like alexis and the gang.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
why not?! haha. @schittposting requested this au a long time ago and it always stuck in my mind. and i'm a sucker for a happily ever after with a/t, d/p, and s/r, so it had to happen.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
i think it's fun to read! i wanted to write something fluffy and light and hopefully this delivered on that.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
i wish it was shorter, because i was busting my butt to finish it, lol, but i'm glad it turned out the way it is. i also wish i had more alexis and david moments in it.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
anything from the early 2000s!
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
that alexis and twyla are meant to be? 😌
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
movie aus are fun!
(ask me questions about any of my fics!)
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gayhokage · 3 years
spoiler free thoughts on mugen train movie: it was great!! stunning animation, great new soundtrack, great voice performances (i watched subbed) paced the story really well. i went in with high expectations and wasn't let down! 10/10 can't wait for everyone to get the chance to watch it :D
spoilers (and more in depth) under the cut:
wanna say that i am being Incredibly nit-picky in some of this. the movie was truly amazing and i enjoyed every second of it. i'm just gonna graze through the manga chapters the movie covered to help myself remember / point out what i liked / disliked
the second demon rengoku killed on the train i didn’t really think was necessary? i think maybe they were just trying to fill up more time, have it make more sense why tanjiro & crew liked / thought rengoku was so cool (it did give rengoku a better chance to show off his power and skill to them for the first time)
the animation used to rengoku’s flames was GORGEOUS (of course) it looked so beautiful
the dream sequences were done so well!! honestly zenitsu’s dream was super cute and boss inosuke’s and his minions.. inosuke you are so important to me i hope he knows that. THANK GOD for shiny acorns!!! genuinely one of my fav parts in the manga it’s so cute and silly i love seeing inosuke being friends with nezuko
senjurou sounded Nothing like how i’ve been imagining his voice up to this point. i’ve always read his voice as very soft like a younger child since he’s so young and has a kinder nature, so i’m not gonna lie i was a little thrown off by that lol
tanjiro pulling himself into the water in his dream was so beautifully done honestly that was one of my fav scenes just bc it was so pretty
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i was pretty upset that the detail about rengoku's spiritual core being brittle was left out, i feel like that's such a Huge detail about his character (since we only get to know him for such a short amount of time) maybe it was mentioned in the film and im just forgetting
nezuko's flames burning around tanjiro during his dream looked So Beautiful i was truly just awed throughout the whole film by how beautiful the animation was
tanjiro’s youngest brother crying when he was trying to leave the dream crushed me honestly that got the water works going lol i know the big moment of that scene was nezuko but; someone in the theater gasped Really loud when nezuko showed up in tanjiro's dream and it added so much drama lol so thank u to that person for upping the emotion
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this whole part was the Real tear jerker of the movie^
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i wish this scene had more been More? idk i was really looking forward to how this scene would end up in the movie and it was really just tanjiro screaming and then showed blood on the snow. i know it was shown multiple times later during the fight with enmu but. was hoping for something more i guess! esp i think the first time showing it should've been a Big Deal idk
during this scene tho i Loved that there was like a piano version of kamado tanjiro no uta and also a piano / softer version of gurenge; idk which played during these scene but i heard and picked up on both and really loved that
on another soundtrack note: the clarinet (or maybe bass clarinet) that played for what im guessing was enmu's theme was sooo good congrats to any composer that can get me to enjoy the clarinet lol
tanjiro's dream subconsciousness was sooo beautiful and so were the little fire spirits that lived there i think it continued to perfectly capture tanjiro's kindheartedness
tanjiro's nightmare was also so well done. i thought that was one of the best part of the movie tbh
actually my biggest complaint about the movie was how awkward and out of place the 3D / CGI looked compared to season 1 of the anime. the "guts" inside the train just looked really gross and poorly done
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[anime vs manga comparison] (also my friend said that enmu made him think of orochimaru LOL)
another thing was the train being covered with enmu's flesh or guts after their head was cut off just looked so gross and weird, i wish that hadn't been changed / added in the movie
and with the weird / gross looking 3D it made tanjiro and inosuke's fight together to find enmu's neck just a little rough to watch. i think it would've been better if there wasn't so much of enmu's flesh all over the train
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i wish this had been shown in the movie since it didn't make it into the story of the manga. the movie just showed nezuko burning inosuke and zenitsu with her fire (which is how she woke tanjiro up, so i guess it makes sense that it would work for those two as well)
after enmu was defeated i thought it was insane how clear of an image of kokushibo we got!!! we've only (barely) seen silhouettes of him up to this point in the anime, and since we also got such a clear picture of daki (with season 2 on the way) it makes me excited to think that we will see him in season 2 as well (along with the other upper moons; and hopefully get the whole series animated lol)
the fight against akaza was outstanding and amazing. truly have no words lol. unfortunately i missed a small part of the fight bc i had to go use the bathroom (my friend said i missed the coolest part of their fight) but akaza looked SO GOOD and the fight was so well animated and i Loved akaza's voice - not how i had been imaging his voice but it still fit him so well (wasn't such a major difference like with senjurou lol) and the music that played during their fight was great. the purposeful silence in some parts of their fight was perfectly placed to make it more tense and emotional (also rengoku blocking akaza's punches with his sword. king shit)
i really liked this detail, both with enmu and akaza, that their screams are apparently So Loud, i guess that's something you dont really pick up when you're reading
when rengoku's mother showed up and inosuke started crying that's what really did it in for me lol i tried to keep myself from crying too hard / loud in the theater but i know once i watch it alone im gonna be bawling
where the movie chose to end was really interesting to me. i thought for sure the movie was going to include tanjiro's visit to senjurou so im a little surprised that that's being held off until season 2. it really will make it mandatory for anime viewers to watch the movie before starting season 2
anyways if you read all of this ily and i am kissing you <3
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First Reactions To Logan’s Playlist
K first song let’s do this
White and Nerdy-Weird Al Yankovic
Wtf this song was definitely Joan’s idea I mean who else would think of ‘White and Nerdy’ for Logan
Is this like canon he listens to this stuff or like songs about him???
Not Perfect-Tim Minchin
Bo Burnham better be on Logan's playlist
Is this about the mindpalace/inside of Thomas’ head??? Cause like???? Ouch???? I think????
Lol nvm it’s not sad lmao
I take back my take back it is sad
So this could be literally “in his mind” or it could be figurative and it’s really messing with my funky flow
Cool instrumental
Love the voice sounds a little like MARINA and Regina Spektor
Oh no I’m two lines in and I can tell it’s gonna be sad
Wow Logan is just out here being relatable isn’t he smh 😔👊
"Cause you're a smart kid, but you're still a kid" LOGAN REALLY BE OUT HERE BEING RELATABLE ON MAIN
The Elements-Tom Lehrer
Sounds like what piano class would sound like if I took piano class
Something you would listen to in science class
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out vibes
Lmao nvm
Gonna go look up the lyrics rn brb
A sad bop
Philosophy cool
Human-Tank And The Bangas
Logan playing this to comfort himself because this singer is the only person who has ever told him this
Last???? Relationship???
Okay I'm not a shipper BUT my theorist analysis obsessed brain is just SCREAMING about Roman and Patton
Observation: Logan is probably atheistic and this song covers God a lot. I don't have a conclusion or anything just pointing that out
This woman do be calming tho like yes I'm beautiful yes I'm special thank you
Okay so I already knew Logan wasn't okay but he 100% isn't okay
Fittet Happier-Radiohead
K two words in and I can tell this is gonna be sad here we go
Employees? Or maybe…other sides?
Minor key ok
So I heard of a good therapist just downtown-
The Watchtower-The Dø
I paused it cause I need a second after the last one
Guys as someone who dissosiates a lot I think Logan might be dissosiating
Dissosiating to protect himself from his emotions
Y'all just trust me in this one
Coming for the TØP brand I see
K ready to start again here we go
Fire beat I'm vibing with it
Is he trying to distance himself from his emotions to try and perform his tasks better like watching from a Watchtower???
This is the first character I've seen that might dissosiate which only means one thing
I'm gonna be projecting an unholy amount in my fanfiction
"No one in particular" hon who hurt you
City Lights=Emotions (which he considers distractions)??? Maybe??
I'm a William Finn fan come on this isn't my first rodeo
Art Is Dead-Bo Burnham
We all love some good Imposter Syndrome (tm)! :D
This gives Learning New Things About Ourselves' a whole new meaning
Ngl this is the first time I heard the degrading of the piano at the end and I'm here for it
In My Mind-Amanda Palmer
Oop we LOVE setting up impossible expectations for yourself to the point you have a cripplingly horrid self esteem! :D
Logan I've done this before and trust me it isn't worth it the mental breakdowns are too taxing
I'll do it when I'm older=I'm never gonna get around to it
I don't wanna be the person I wanna be either
Why do I perfectly understand every lyric am I ok
Live!!! While you!!!! Can!!!!
At least there's a happy ending
Okay so I've decided that once I'm done I'm gonna make a list of songs I think would fit in the playlist
Algorythym-Childish Gambino
K its spelled incorrectly get ready for some metaphors my dudes
Intro is cool definitely very very Logan WOAH OKAY CHAIN SMOKER
Gonna go look up lyrics I don't understand shit
The chorus sounds like Thanksgiving at my Aunt's house where like 100+ African American relatives blast house music and dance until their feet falls off
Nvm no it doesn't
Adlibs are everything
Letter C-Zach Sherwin
This gives off the same vibes as that one pickle video by Charlie Puth
Roman vs Logan rap battle but it's this
I don't really see why this is related but sure
Time Adventure-The Marcus Hedgehog
Okay Logan has too many songs talking about one (1) person who is it
I have a gut feeling that it's about Thomas and how Logan used to be enough "back then" but now he thinks he's not cause like let's be honest when was the last time someone gave Logan a strong sincere thank you for all that he does????Excluding DWIT (which doesn't really count in my opinion cause they said he was cool, not like an integral and arguably the most important and powerful side) nobody really appreciates Logan???? Hugs???
Anyway plz ignore this is just how my brain works
K next song
The Breach-clipping.
Is this Daveed Diggs???? I haven't listened to Hamilton in like forever is this Daveed Diggs???
Sound effects
Really just gonna fry my eardrums like that huh
What I Do For U-Ra Ra Riot
Okay scrap anything and everything I said about it being the sides Logan is 100% talking about Character!Thomas
Erase Me-Ben Folds Five
Ooh this intro reminds me of this one particular musical songs but I don't remember which one
Wait have I listened to this before????
I've listened to this before!
Okay I need to stop being distracted
NOOOOOO don't Erase Yourself!!!!
Logan really just do be having no Self Esteem don't he
Okay so theory: Logan didn't pop up in person in the last video because his eyes were too red from crying
I have 0 evidence so it's not a very good theory but…
Just throwing it out there
One More Time with Feeling-Regina Spektor
Oh no it's Regina Spektor
Oh no I'm gonna cry
Okay so Logan doesnt wanna block of all emotion, only permit some to show???? But most of the time block everything????
Did I get that???
Nobody!!!! Thanks!!!! Logan!!!!
Awww he just wants love and recognition
Tbh this sounds a lot like Roman they have so much in common despite their constant arguing
Galaxy Song-Monty Python
Ooh Monty Python
I haven't listened to Monty Python so I sadly don't know the context
Really just dissing all of the other sides aren't we
Can't really blame him tho
Very scientific
Sweet with dark undertones. Love it.
Equation-Hans Zimmer
Later I'm gonna check the equations if they're correct XD
Sunrise-In The Heights
K to this is one of my favorite love songs ever it's just so sweet and as someone who's bilingual the concept is just amazingly wonderful so yeah I may be freaking out
Also because WHO??!!
Okay I said I wasn't a shipper but let's be honest this is probably about Roman not romantically but like
But Logan is definitely Nina in this situation it just fits so well with her character for the same reasons I really wanna play her (but never will cause I'm exactly 0% Latin American smh) yeah the pressures to be the smartest and then it backfiring horribly and oh God what if Inùtil is also in the playlist ahhhh
Okay moving on
Bohemian Groove-Will Connolly
Okay I'm still not recovered from the last song but I need to continue or else I'm never gonna finish this playlist
Your friends haven't surpassed you Logan you belong with them okay????
Emptiness despite success??? Millennial who???
Vibing with it but also are you okay
Nvm I know the answer already
Hug All Ur Friends-Cavetown
Okay so Logan is a Cavetown gay noted
Self validation??? Who's she???
Lies. You care so much about what other people *sides* think about you
Maybe Logan listens to this song to remind himself to not care too much
But it doesn't work and it's getting to him more and more
That took a turn
Breathin'-Thomas Sanders
Good move
Don't really have much to say on this
The Bidding
New idea for us fan writers
The pronunciation of beurgoise
Okay I'm like pretty certain at this point that all of the songs that mention a someone else is about Character!Thomas
A Better Version
But also since I know the song in terrified cause the feels are gonna come in I just know it
Wait so is Jayce supposed to be Thomas???
I am suddenly feeling much more uncertain about my certainty
Okay let me unpause and just listen to it (even though I already know all of the lyrics)
Okay so I'm a dumbass and apparently this song isn't even part of the playlist
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Okay so I'm an idiot and the last few songs have all been "related to playlist" and not in the actual playlist I'm big dumb.
Anyway here's my list of songs I think would fit. (BTW, I only went off of lyrics for these ones. I realize that there’s a general sound and vibe for the playlist, but I decided not to follow it.)
Hug All Ur Friends ~ Cavetown
Bohemian Groove ~ Will Connolly
Guiltless ~ Dodie Clark
Lifeboat ~ Laurens O’Keefe
The Bidding ~ *idk who*
I Am Not A Robot ~ MARINA
Inútil - Lin Manuel Miranda
Through The Eyes Of A Child ~ AURORA
Community Gardens ~ The Scary Jokes
Let me know if I should do this with the other playlists as well! :)
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